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Short Story, Poetry and Book

Project Presentation

You will give an oral presentation on three works we studied in this unit. You must
include one poem that we covered, a short story we covered, and Long Way Down. You
must show how structure creates meaning in all three of your chosen works. Also
include how culture/society influences each work and expand on the impact of
that. Lastly, make note of the author’s style/tone in each work and explain the

Due: Monday, March 13

You will submit your slides on schoology by 8:00am the day your presentation is
due. There will be grade deductions for any lateness. All must be prepared to
present on the due date.

Length: Your oral presentation should be around 2-3 minutes in length.

Slides: (each bullet point should be 1 slide–your slides should be grammatically correct,
free from errors, and be pleasing to the eye)
● Title slide including names/authors of the three works, with appropriately
formatted titles (book in italics; short story/poem in quotation marks–all with
correct capitalization)
● Structure in short story
● Structure in poem
● Structure in Long Way Down
● Cultural or societal influence in short story
● Cultural or societal influence in poem
● Cultural or societal influence in Long Way Down
● Style/tone in short story
● Style/tone in poem
● Style/tone in Long Way Down

Each content slide should contain a textual example of the big idea from the
work, cited correctly. You will explain the examples in your presentation–your
explanation should not be on the slides. To cite Long Way Down: (Reynolds 34).
Stories and poems should be the author's last name in parentheses.
This presentation will be graded using the 9th grade oral presentation rubric, which will
focus on both your speaking skills and content.

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