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People living in the 21st century have a better quality of life than those living in previous
centuries. Do you agree or disagree? (page 39)
- better (adj) = superior (k dùng “more”, từ này = better), more advanced, more enhanced, improved
(adj = V3)
- quality of life (n) = living standards, standards of living, life quality
- people living in the 21st century = citizens of the contemporary society,

 The past few decades have witnessed inexorable (adj, k ngừng)/unparalleled (adj, k sánh
bằng)/unprecedented (adj, chưa từng có) transformations in……… While a multitude of
people opine that s+v… (worsen, lower….) due to ….., I strongly refute such a view and
advocate that ….(my view) – superior (adj, C1).
 The 21st century has witnessed unprecedented transformations in every aspect of life, leading
to a widely held perception that current living standards have been drastically/tremendously
enhanced. Personally, I would side with such a view for numerous justifications.
Body 1. Technological advances/breakthroughs  minimize manual work + the emergence of
state-of-the-art (hiện đại) devices/cutting – edge (hiện đại) devices  tăng work productivity.
Example: thay vì handwritten letters  Emails ……Another salient example là dùng robotic
technology trong agricultural sector (ngành nông nghiệp) để spray fertilisers (tưới phân bón) thay
thế humans  eliminate human errors + tăng năng suất cho ng nông dân
Body 2. Transportation: government investments  enhance infrastructure quality  giúp con
người đi lại thuận tiện hơn. Example: advent of express train, underground and skytrain 
transport (v) commuters to their final destination (lấy ví dụ cụ thể ở Japan, US…)
Body 3. Better healthcare, resulted from discoveries in medical science. Reason: government
subsidies (funds)  scientific research to cure diseases and invent vaccines + medical
equipment in hospitals and clinics  result: longer life expectancy (tuổi thọ)
 HW 14/9/21
Đề 10, page 43
10. Many people think modern communication technology is having some negative effects on
social relationships. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
- means/mode of communication
- technological breakthroughs/advances
- adverse (adj) = negative, detrimental, devastating  adversely (adv)
- impact (v) / influence/ affect (v)
- relationships = social circles, social experience, friendships, camaraderie (n, C2: 8.5-9.0)…
 In this contemporary epoch (era, thời đại), inexorable technological breakthroughs have
revolutionized (cách mạng hóa) ……………..While S+V, it is my concrete belief that ……

1. convenience, regardless of geographical distances

2. expand social circles with like-minded people
3. on the other hand, social relationships bị ảnh hưởng tiêu cực - the scarcity of face-to-face
However, it is such a largely exaggerated viewpoint....... vì online communication, particularly
video calling function vẫn cho phép : eye contact, intonation, body language .... Mặc dù nó có
ảnh hưởng lên face-to-face communication, sự thuận tiện 24/7 của nó OUTWEIGH the minimal
impacts of.....

21. Some people spend a lot of money attending cultural or sports events. Is it a good or a bad thing?
(page 39)
Intro: There are widely different/divergent schools of thought on the issue of whether a large sum of
money should be allocated for partaking in cultural and athletic events or not. While a number of
people opine that such participation is detrimental, I firmly advocate that merely/solely beneficial
impacts are reaped.
1. …expand horizons of participants’ knowledge of a wide diversity of cultures, traditions and customs 
foster their relationships/widen their social circles trong những events đó eliminate cultural differences.
Ex: Hue Festivals or Hoi An Memory – đc tổ chức thu hút travellers nationwide and worldwide  boost
hình ảnh quốc gia và giới thiệu…. tới foreign friends.
2. … feel a sense of relaxation  spectators’ stress levels can be radically/drastically minimized =
screaming, shouting out to support favorite teams or players. Example: World Cup or Champion
League…..Simultaneously (cùng lúc đó), fairplay spirits and sportsmanship (tinh thần thượng võ) can
be instilled into people.

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