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Some people argue that we should do research into their family

history. Others, agree with the view that we should focus on the present
and future generations. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
page 36
- family history= family tree= genealogy (n, C2) = pedigree (n,c2, +)=
ancestry (n, C1) = lineage (n, C1) = genealogical tree (n) (ancestors +
descendants (C1)  familial (adj, B2): connected to family  familial

- forebear (n, C2) = forefather (n, C2) = ancestor (n)

- genetic (adj)  gene (n) inherit (v) thừa kế 
inheritance (n): sự thừa kế  heir (n): ng thừa kế
- heredity (n)  hereditary (adj, C2) di truyền 
hereditary disorder/disease
- trace (v) = track down: find out, tìm hiểu, discover,

 Intro: People have been divided/polarized (C2: 8.5-9.0) over the

question whether S+V. While a number of people opine that ……, I am
strongly/firmly convinced that …………..
…has garnered/drawn immense public interests in recent years.
While a number of people opine that ……, I am strongly/firmly
convinced that …………..
 People have been polarized on/over the question whether one’s
lineage/ancestry/pedigree should be unearthed or not. While a
number/multitude of people opine that the current or upcoming
generations should be the main focus, I am of concrete belief that
conducting/performing/implementing studies on genealogical trees
brings about colossal benefits.

On the one hand, …focus on On the other hand, it is my

present and future generations. concrete belief that …… trace
genealogical tree…..
1. digging deep into the family 1. origins  motivation to uphold
history - time-consuming (adj)  values, traditions of families
the past cannot be altered  passed down from older
concentrate on the present  generations. for eg: patriotic
strive (v, C1) = endeavor (v, C1) ancestors  sacrifice (n,v)
for ……. through blood, sweat and tears 
peace. Young generation: đc
inspired to sustain familial virtues
including integrity, dignity,
2. ….might provoke/trigger a 2. topics in family
sense of inferiority complex (C2) gatherings/reunions
among descendants, particularly
 foster family bonds  a sense
when embarrassing facts about
of connections + belonging
ancestors are revealed in the
genealogical tree (criminal
records, the working class in the
society, treason (n, C2) 
demotivated (adj)
3. …. track down/identify
hereditary disorders/inherited
diseases from great-grandparents
and grandparents to take
precautionary measures.
inferiority complex (n,C2, mặc cảm tự ti) >< superiority complex (C2,
sự tự cao, ưu việt)
13. Some people think that the best way to reduce crime is to give
longer prison sentences. Others, however, believe there are better
alternative ways of reducing crime. Discuss both views and give
your opinion. (page 44, 2017)
Khung discussion (page 14 sách task 2)
- crime (n, uncountable) = wrongdoings, offence,
wicked/malicious/nefarious/malevolent activities
 commit a crime (v)  the commission (n, C2: 8.5-9) of a crime
- criminal (n, kẻ phạm tội) = wrongdoer, law breaker, offender (N đếm
đc thì nên để dạng plural số nhiều thêm “s” để chỉ ĐA SỐ)
- put a curb on sth (v) = reduce  curb sth (v), mitigate (v), alleviate,
ease, eradicate (v) ….
- imprisonment (n) – incarceration (n, C2) lengthened
imprisonment (n)  imprison (v) = put sb into jail/put sb behind the
The past few decades have witnessed an escalating rate of wrongdoings,
wreaking havoc on social stability and security. While a number of
people opine that ………., I firmly advocate that ………optimal
alternatives …………….

Body 1: On the one hand, there are sufficient grounds to laud (=support)
lengthened imprisonment.

 reflect on their heinous actions + receive sufficient (=enough)

rehabilitation (sự cải tạo ) = moral lessons, community services 
transform them into law-obedient/law-abiding (adj) citizens 
successfully re-integrate into the society.
 People charged of felonies (murder, drug trafficking and so on) –
(felonies: k phải chỉ người, từ này chỉ crime) có thể đc isolated
from the society
 act as a deterrent (sự răn đe) – future offenders (deprived of
Body 2: On the other hand, it is my concrete belief that …..other
superior measures ….

 vocational schools  decent income (poverty is considered as

breeding grounds for heinous acts) + save national coffers/budgets
allocated for prison maintenance.
 education – Ethics & Laws  school curriculums.  explain,
result: consciousness of adhering to the law

41. Some people say that it is possible for a country to be both

economically successful and have a clean environment. Others
disagree. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
page 46
view 1: 1 đất nc vừa economically successful vừa có clean environment
view 2: 2 mục tiêu đó k thể tồn tại cùng nhau
- economy (n): nền kinh tế, economics (n): môn kinh tế, economist (n) nhà
kinh tế học, economic (adj): thuộc về kte, economical (adj) tiết kiệm, =
money-saving, economically (adv)
- prosperity (n): sự thịnh vượng  prosperous (adj) = thriving, flourishing 
prosper (v) = thrive, flourish (nội động từ, k chia passive, k + object)
- sustainability (n): sự bền vững  sustainable development (n): phát triển
bền vững (3 yếu tố chính trong PT bền vững: customers (business, $),
community, environment)
- mutually exclusive (adj) cannot both exist, be chosen or be true at the same time

 People have been divided over the question whether S+V. While a
number of people opine that these priorities…., it is my concrete belief

Body 1: On the one hand, there are sufficient grounds (đủ cơ sở) to laud
(support) that these two aforementioned priorities cannot be
harmonized, particularly among third-world nations.
1. industrialization, urbanization  lấy land để construct nhà máy,
industrial zones để tạo employment và revenues to GDP (successful
economy)  thải gas emissions + effluents (c2, liquid waste) – ô nhiễm
môi trường
2. developed economy = higher standards of living  higher demand for
products  rampant consumerism  waste disposal (single-use
items, non-biodegradable materials_  earth = a giant landfill (bãi rác)
(developing/ underdeveloped/ impoverished/underprivileged/poverty-
stricken/third-world countries: ng ngèo
developed/affluent/wealthy/well-off/first-world countries)

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