Comparison Practice

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Đề thi IELTS chính thức ngày 30/5/2020:

 Task 1: The chart below gives information about levels of education by age range
in Glasgow in 2010. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the
main features and make comparisons where relevant.

- people aged 0-14 = teenagers, adolescents, young generation, the 0 to 14- year -olds
- people aged 25-37= the young working professionals, the 25 to 37-year-olds
- people aged 65 and above = the elderly, the oldest generation, senior citizens, the
retirees …..
- age group = age bracket, age category
- demographics (n) = data of population  demographic (adj) ~ structure/ pattern (n)
difference (n) = disparity (n) sự khác biệt
- bachelors (n) cử nhân = university graduates: ng tố t nghiệp đạ i họ c --> obtain (v)
university degrees
- complete (v) tertiary education = hoàn thành giáo dụ c đạ i họ c
- high school graduates (n) = ng tố t nghiệp cấ p 3
- unqualified people = underqualified people, people who failed to obtain any
***striking: the majority of the elderly là ng .....k có bằ ng cấ p +
a hefty (nhiều, đáng kể) percentage of trong 3 nhóm độ tuổ i ....... graduated
from/completed ....
1. body 1:
regarding three youngest age brackets,....... S+V, respectively (lầ n lượ t, đứ ng cuố i câ u).
identical pattern/structure (n) 1 chi tiết giố ng nhau
2-3 sentences (use linking words “as opposed to/compared to noun”, “while”)
2. body 2
in terms of people aged 50 to 75, ...... (1-2 câu)
3. body 3
with regard to the senior citizens, ....... (1-2 câu)  range from …(data) to …(data)
- account for/ make up for/ constitute/occupy + tỉ lệ: chiếm bn %
- a major percentage/ a hefty percentage/a lion's share: chiếm tỉ lệ lớn
- a marginal (c1)/modest/negligible (c2) /mere (c1) percentage: chiếm tỉ lệ nhỏ

 Intro: The bar chart depicts disparities in educational levels among five distinct
age categories in Glasgow in 2010. Strikingly, the majority of the oldest bracket were
unqualified while a hefty percentage of people aged 16 to 50 graduated from
 Body 1: Regarding three youngest age brackets, the proportions of university
graduates aged 24 to 35, 16 to 24 and 35 to 50 accounted for more than three quarters
(76%), 71% and 71%, respectively. While the data of high school graduates made up for
less significant proportions of 20% (in 16 to 24 and 35 to 50 age groups) and 15% in the
remaining one, figures recorded for underqualified people were strikingly identical
with 9%.
 Body 2: In terms of people aged 50 to 75, a half of them successfully completed tertiary
education, compared with 30% remaining underqualified and 20% high school graduates.
 Body 3: With regard to the senior citizens, the data of those who failed to obtain any
degrees constituted a lion’s share (72%), far overshadowing figures of other groups. While
a quarter of the elderly were bachelor’s degree holders, a mere 3% graduated from high
so sánh: - so sánh nhấ t, so sáng bằ ng, so sánh hơn
- S+V, as opposed to N.
- S+V, in comparison with/to N.
- S+V while S+V.
- sử dụng in turn, respectively, sequentially để gộp số liệu
Đề thi IELTS chính thức ngày 23/7/2020:
 Task 1: The table and pie chart give information about the population in
Australia according to different nationalities and areas in 2010. Summarize the
information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons
where relevant.

- demographics = số liệu về dâ n số
- nationalities ~ origins ~ country of origin areas =
regions  rural (adj) vs urban (adj)
- striking: the majority of residents in Australia were native
while population residing in urban areas chiếm …..
 The table and pie chart depict demographics
based on inhabitants’ origins and distribution in
Australia in 2010. Strikingly, the majority of
Australian residents were native while the data of
population residing in urban areas constituted a
lion’s share.
 Body 1: Regarding the pie chart, approximately three
quarters (73%) of population in Australia were
indigenous/native, as opposed to/in comparison with
negligible(adj, nhỏ ) data of 7%, 3%, 2% and 1% of British,
New Zealand, Chinese and Dutch, respectively. 14%
remaining citizens came from unknown origins.
 Body 2: In terms of the table, …
- Respectively = in turn = sequentially
- A relatively (= quite) significant percentage/proportion
of Dutch and Australians resided/dwelled/were located
in ….., compared to ….
- Meanwhile, a dominant/overwhelming figure of British
and New Zealanders opted for…/chose to live….
- A striking data of 99% of Chinese people preferred ….,
in comparison with a mere/insignificant 1% of those
living in….
 Đề thi IELTS Writing Task 1 số 2

- expenditure = expense (n), cost, the money spent on/expended on /allocated

for…, spending…
- advertising = advertisements (n), adverts, commercials (n, dùng cho QC trên TV)
- type = kind, sort, category….
Intro: 2 câu, 1 câu paraphrase + 1 câu striking feature.
 The provided table illustrates/depicts/reveals/highlights…Strikingly/ The most
striking feature of the graph is….TV commercials – the most heavily
invested/most preferred category, whose data/figure outstripped (vượt
xa)/exceeded expenses of others.

TV + press viết trước

Meanwhile, spending of four companies on
cinema and outdoor adverts was relatively
negligible, with all data lower than $7 million.
Another interesting feature is that all car
manufacturers spent/allocated (C1, phân
bổ)/invested $15 million on radio

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