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In every mind lies the ability to become something more…

Recognized startup by the Department for Promotion Of Industry & Internal Trade, Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India (DPIIT# DIPP97882 issued 29th March, 2022)
The World we live in…
Mental health support and counselling is sought as a reactive solution today!
We live in a world where most of us are after autonomy!
The fast-paced world we live in today takes a demanding toll on one’s mental health / mental
state of well-being
Be it in Studies, Career, Personal life, Relationships etc., everyone goes through some amount
of stressors in their day to-day life.
One don’t seek professional help to guide them to manage their daily stressors which festers
over time
People seek help only when there is a significant degradation in their overall quality of life
affecting their professional responsibilities, relationships and self worth.
We have normalised these everyday stressors to such an extent that we don’t think about
them till they significantly degrafe our overall quality of Life.

Copyright © 2021 DeStress Holistic Health Private Limited

Problem Statement
Mental health support and counselling is sought as a reactive solution today!
Platforms that allow cathartic release, bring about a sense of
relief allowing people to process difficult thoughts & feelings
with professional support are limited in India. The concept of
preventive mental health care & the benefits of it is well
established but not commonly seen.

Current psychological support offerings in India are either

too pricy, or too abstract or AI based conversational bots.
There is a gap for users who cannot afford to pay too much
on a regular basis but still want to be able to consult with a
professional on a regular basis.

Very little focus on life stories & experiences

of people with mental health issues. Community
learning & sharing programs are limited.

Very little focus and attention to ever increasing mental

issues within the youth of India. Too many instances of
suicides and a reactive approach to youth counselling
The Problem Statement - Quantified
Pan-India market research amongst the youth (conducted November 2021 - January 2022)

With fear of being judged, stigma & cost of counselling being highlighted as key concerns, it is
obvious that there needs to be a medium of counselling that is anonymous, affordable &
available to users at any time – The Able Mind Care Enablers, based on a super-affordable
subscription model, will address this need.
The Able Mind
Established in 2017 at Bangalore, India, The Able Mind [TAM] is a platform that facilitates and
supports clients across the globe, with proactive & positive mental health support services
Recognized startup by the Department for Promotion Of Industry & Internal Trade, Ministry of
Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India (DPIIT# DIPP97882 issued 29th March, 2022)
Driving Mental Health Services and Wellness workshops for corporates (Pratilipi, eMids, Wildlife
Conservation Society, HackerEarth, AMURA, CII etc.) & educational institutes (Inventure Academy,
Clarence High School, DPS East, MOP Vaishnav, Bishop Heber and R A R I, Jammu, Ministry of Ayush,
Govt. of India etc.)
Supporting hundreds of clients all over the world with a core team of - Core team of 30+ qualified
mental health professionals and advocates [Counselling Psychologists, Psychiatric Social Workers,
Wellness Coaches, Training Consultants etc.,

Copyright © 2021 DeStress Holistic Health Private Limited


To change the social narrative

around mental health in India, by
making professional mental
healthcare more Accessible and
Affordable while protecting the
Anonymity of our clients
Our Leadership Team - Founders
Rohini Kesavan Rajeev
❑ 20+ years as a Psychotherapist, Marriage Counsellor & Mental Wellness Coach
❑ PhD Scholar, TISS Mumbai(2016-22)
❑ Karnataka Employers Association trained POSH (Prevention of Workplace Sexual Harassment) &
POCSO(Protection of Children from Sexual Offences) Compliance Consultant.
❑ First in-house Social Counsellor for Robert Bosch Engineering & Business Solutions Ltd., responsible for
employee mental health services (policy, procedure, training & counselling support) (2005-2013)
❑ Trained & Certified by NIMHANS & Rotary Bangalore East in Telephonic Suicide Prevention & Active
volunteer for SAHAI (Bangalore's first telephonic suicide prevention helpline), awarded by Rotary for the
effectiveness of her services.

Rajeev Vijayan
❑ 24+ years experience in IT working at Fortune-10 companies
❑ 10+ years as Global Technology and Consulting Leader running global operations
❑ Former Managing Director, Technology at Accenture;
❑ Former SVP, Global Technology, Business and Platform Services, ATOS
❑ Former Country Managing Director at Qualitest India
Our Leadership Team …

Isabel Paul iCEAP Rajesh Perumal Mathew

(Head - Operations & Training) (Head – Marketing)

• 20 years experience and India’s first Internationally • 25+ years in Advertising & Marketing, developing highly
Certified EAP professional. successful marketing programs and award-winning advertising
• Significant experience designing, implementation, and campaigns
management of Employee Assistance Programs (EAP), • Senior Mgmt. & Leadership roles with P&L responsibilities for
including Crisis Management and Learning & renowned International Advertising Agency Network Offices in
Development for Fortune-500 companies. India and abroad. Saatchi & Saatchi, Ogilvy, Mullen Lowe Lintas,
• Chief Practice Office and Acting MD (India) at Human Rediffusion DY&R, Contract Advertising [JWT], Dentsu
Dynamic • Led the Marketing & Communication functions for large
• M.Phil, Clinical Psychology, NIMHANS conglomerates like Muthoot Pappachan Group & MAS Holdings,
Sri Lanka with South Asia responsibilities

Copyright © 2021 DeStress Holistic Health Private Limited

The Able Mind Approach
To encourage proactive seeking out of mental health support and turn it into a habit!

We believe
In the transformational potential of technology to reduce the gap between
mental health professionals and those with a need.

In an integrative, collaborative approach to enable self-help among people to

ensure that …One does not let problems fester

That… learning to let go is critical and can be learnt

That… small, but consistent habits of lightening one’s load empowers a person to
be a more engaged professional and a more self-compassionate individual

That… we should solve for the molehills and not just the mountains
Copyright © 2021 DeStress Holistic Health Private Limited
The Collaborative Care Enablers

Video / Audio / Chat Feel Better in 15 / Leave it with Us Here With a’ Ear Troopers Together
Learning Corner
Counselling • 1-on-1 Chat sessions • Trained Volunteers • Moderated peer support
• Share your personal
• Pre-scheduled with qualified mental listen to someone with groups for anyone who
stories (anonymized)
counselling health professionals in a concern. wishes to join for instant
• All content
Sessions 15-minute slots from • Listen actively and problem sharing and
• Posts, Podcasts, Images
• Experienced your mobile device. enable catharsis immediate stress relief.
• Learn from the
Therapists • Categorized Queues and without sharing their • Benefit from being heard
experiences / journeys
• All mediums dynamic counsellor opinion or counsel. without judgement, by
of others.
allocation • Encouraging people to qualified group
• Connect with similar • Rejoin as many times as vent. psychotherapists and those
minded individuals
you wish and continue • Vernacular Support who also share a concern
the chat from where you • Free with you.
left off.
The Able Mind Well-being Programs
From Existing Mental Health Programs t The Able Mind Wellbeing Programs
Focus on how the problem arises and the entire
Problem Focused (eg. stress, anxiety)

Proactive Care - Mental Health Policy, Preventive

Reactive Approach (counselling/ training to
Training & Support (aligned with Company HR
address it)

Curated Programs (Emotional Health, POSH,

Generic Approach (one-size fits all)
Employee Wellness, Coaching/Training)

TAM Wellness App offers anonymous, accessible,

Accessibility Concerns (anonymity, stigma)
affordable interventions & preventive care

Copyright © 2021 DeStress Holistic Health Private Limited

The Able Mind - Approach for Corporates
A S.T.E.P. up from awareness and interventions to an integrated wellness framework
• Mental Health Policy (Importance, implementation &

• Policy •
impact on organization)
POSH Compliance
• Involving key decision makers as part of the solution

• Empowerment •

Coping Skills, Self-Help
Psychological Safety

• Training •

Curated Content for All Career levels
Recognize (Patterns), Evaluate (Situations), Act

• Collaborative Care (includes all stake holders)

• Support • Interventions (employee-related & organization-related)

Copyright © 2021 DeStress Holistic Health Private Limited

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