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Q&A Document – Climate Action Partnership for Education (CAPE)

Broad Agency Announcement No. DDI-OAA-EDUC-2023

1. Can applicants consider other geographic focuses, like South America (LAC) for
USAID Response: Organizations based anywhere in the world may submit an EOI to the
CAPE BAA. The proposed solution may be global in nature or specific to sub–Saharan
Africa and/or Asia. Proposals for solutions that are exclusive to regions or contexts other
than sub–Saharan Africa and/or Asia will not receive funding.

2. We are a higher education institute in Quebec, Canada. We have been leading

international cooperation projects for more than 30 years with an office in Dakar,
Senegal and more than 50 local employees. We will want to know if we are eligible to
submit a concept note?
USAID Response: Organizations based anywhere in the world may submit an EOI to the
CAPE BAA. The proposed solution may be global in nature or specific to sub–Saharan
Africa and/or Asia.

3. The BAA mentions that USAID seeks solutions that are relevant to sub-Saharan Africa
and/or Southeast Asia. Would you consider South-Asia countries such as Nepal and
USAID Response: Yes. We will consider solutions that are global in nature or specific to
sub–Saharan Africa and/or Asia (including South-Asia countries such as Nepal and

4. Would you consider funding INGO who may work with local implementation partners?
USAID Response: USAID invites proposals from organizations, companies, foundations,
community-based enterprises and other public and private entities, academic and
research institutions, partner country government agencies, and investors. This includes
International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) that work with local
implementation partners.

5. The NOFO specifies a focus on solutions relevant to sub-Saharan Africa and/or

Southeast Asia. Does USAID have a preference for specific countries within these
USAID Response: No, USAID does not have a preference for specific countries.

6. Is USAID seeking EOIs that focus only on one country? Will USAID accept EOIs that are
multi-country and/or regionally focused?
USAID Response: EOIs may (but are not required to) include illustrative contexts where
the proposed solutions would be best applied based on the proposer's understanding of

the context and solution(s). Illustrative contexts may include multiple countries or
geographical regions. There is no preference for EOI’s that indicate illustrative contexts
for implementation that are global, multi-country, or single-country in nature.

7. Can potential applicants propose solutions for pre-primary/early childhood

USAID Response: Yes. Proposed solutions can address any and all levels of basic
education, from pre-primary/early childhood education through secondary education or
the equivalent.

8. Pg 7: “Long-Term Solutioning: Extent to which the applied research solution or

development idea has the potential to be scaled and/or presents a transformative
solution at the nexus.” Can USAID confirm the definition and use of “Nexus” in this
context (and this BAA overall)?
USAID Response: USAID understands “nexus” to mean the connection point for
separate entities. In the CAPE BAA, USAID refers to the nexus (connection point) of the
education, climate, and gender sectors within the international development
ecosystem. USAID seeks to integrate evidence for advancing climate action, education
outcomes, and gender equality, to stimulate broader cross-sectoral collaboration,
funding, and integrated implementation.

9. Are you expecting a global project tackling both problems: International education
policy and programming are under-utilized for advancing climate action? There is a
scarcity of available evidence on how to effectively reduce the impact of climate-
related barriers on girls’ education?
USAID Response: Yes, the proposed solution should address both problems outlined in
the BAA. The proposed solution may be global in nature and/or specific to sub–Saharan
Africa and/or Asia.

10. Do you require a certain type of actor in the “consortium” ? Local actors or
international actors ?
USAID Response: No, there is no requirement. However, a criterion for evaluation of
the EOI’s is “Localization: Extent to which applied research solution or development
ideas will support, enable and empower Indigenous Peoples, local communities,
women, and/or youth to lead climate action.”

11. Is there any co-funding needed? What is the percentage expected?

USAID Response: Co-funding is not required but is welcome. EOI’s may propose projects
that exceed the stated available funding estimate, which may be advantageous if the
offeror is able to contribute outside funding for the project.

12. Is there an estimated start date for the successful research solutions?

USAID Response: USAID anticipates making the award decision before the end of the
United States Government’s Fiscal Year (September 30, 2023).

13. Will organizational expertise, background and capabilities in this space be considered
in evaluation criteria at EOI stage?
USAID Response: No. Please refer to Section III. Instructions for the Submission of
Expressions of Interest, B. Content of the EOI and C. EOI Evaluation Criteria on pages 6
and 7 of the BAA.

14. Is there a preference for multi-country and/or multi-region approaches (within the
specified regions), or will this not factor in proposal eligibility assessments?
USAID Response: EOIs may (but are not required to) include illustrative contexts where
the proposed solutions would be best applied based on the proposer's understanding of
the context and solution(s). Illustrative contexts may include multiple countries or
geographical regions. There is no preference for EOI’s that indicate illustrative contexts
for implementation that are global, multi-country, or single country in nature.

15. Can USAID please clarify if proposals covering multiple countries in the same region
are preferred?
USAID Response: EOIs may (but are not required to) include illustrative contexts where
the proposed solutions would be best applied based on the proposer's understanding of
the context and solution(s). Illustrative contexts may include multiple countries or
geographical regions. There is no preference for EOI’s that indicate illustrative contexts
for implementation that are global, multi-country, or single country in nature.

16. Does USAID prefer research partner involvement at the EOI stage?
USAID Response: USAID invites proposals from organizations, companies, foundations,
community-based enterprises and other public and private entities, academic and
research institutions, partner country government agencies, and investors. USAID is
interested in proposals that clearly apply the existing research (See “Education, Girls’
Education, and Climate Change”: USAID will not
necessarily prefer EOIs that name a partner with a specific focus on research.

17. Does USAID prefer for illustrative contexts to be multi-national, or can they come
from a single country?
USAID Response: EOIs may (but are not required to) include illustrative contexts where
the proposed solutions would be best applied based on the proposer's understanding of
the context and solution(s). Illustrative contexts may include multiple countries or
geographical regions. There is no preference for EOI’s that indicate illustrative contexts
for implementation that are global, multi-country, or single country in nature.

18. To what extent are local organizations encouraged to apply as prime for a single

country. Alternatively, is it preferred that local organizations are included as potential
sub-partners in a regional approach, focused on their country.
USAID Response: EOIs may (but are not required to) include illustrative contexts where
the proposed solutions would be best applied based on the proposer's understanding of
the context and solution(s). Illustrative contexts may include multiple countries or
geographical regions. There is no preference for EOI’s that indicate illustrative contexts
for implementation that are global, multi-country, or single-country in nature.

19. Can USAID please clarify what age bracket you are most interested in focusing on for
this opportunity?
USAID Response: Proposed solutions can address any and all levels of basic education,
from pre-primary/early childhood education through secondary education or the
equivalent. Solutions are not restricted by beneficiaries’ age.

20. Please clarify if USAID is interested in projects which are focused on local
implementation to understand CAPE or if broader research and policy-based
interventions are preferred.
USAID Response: USAID is interested in projects that apply the existing research1 to
identify and advance solutions to the complex problems stated in the BAA. The
proposed solutions may be tested in a local or regional context or may be global in

21. As part of the EOI Evaluation Criteria, the solicitation includes “Localization: Extent to
which applied research solution or development ideas will support, enable and
empower Indigenous Peoples, local communities, women, and/or youth to lead
climate action.” To demonstrate the proposed solution’s approach to localization,
could USAID kindly advise if local partners and/or any proposed staffing or key
personnel are to be identified as part of the proposed solution?
USAID Response: EOIs may (but are not required to) include illustrative contexts where
the proposed solutions would be best applied based on the proposer's understanding of
the context and solution(s). EOIs do not need to include illustrative partners, proposed
staffing, or key personnel at this stage.

22. As part of the way that localization criteria will be evaluated, does USAID prefer
proposed solutions that focus on multiple countries and/or regions?
USAID Response: EOIs may (but are not required to) include illustrative contexts where
the proposed solutions would be best applied based on the proposer's understanding of
the context and solution(s). Illustrative contexts may include multiple countries or
geographical regions. There is no preference for EOI’s that indicate illustrative contexts
for implementation that are global, multi-country, or single country in nature.

23. Is USAID open to EOIs that cover more than one country or geographical region?


USAID Response: EOIs may (but are not required to) include illustrative contexts where
the proposed solutions would be best applied based on the proposer's understanding of
the context and solution(s). Illustrative contexts may include multiple countries or
geographical regions. There is no preference for EOI’s that indicate illustrative contexts
for implementation that are global, multi-country, or single country in nature.

24. Can USAID please clarify if proposed solutions should have the potential to cover all of
Southeast Asia, or a few countries within Southeast Asia, or can EOIs propose country
specific solutions (with the understanding that final country selection will be
determined at a later stage in the process)?
USAID Response: EOIs may (but are not required to) include illustrative contexts where
the proposed solutions would be best applied based on the proposer's understanding of
the context and solution(s). Illustrative contexts may include multiple countries or
geographical regions. There is no preference for EOI’s that indicate illustrative contexts
for implementation that are global, multi-country, or single country in nature.

25. Are multi-country proposals accepted?

USAID Response: EOIs may (but are not required to) include illustrative contexts where
the proposed solutions would be best applied based on the proposer's understanding of
the context and solution(s). Illustrative contexts may include multiple countries or
geographical regions. There is no preference for EOI’s that indicate illustrative contexts
for implementation that are global, multi-country, or single country in nature.

26. Are multi-country proposals accepted?

USAID Response: EOIs may (but are not required to) include illustrative contexts where
the proposed solutions would be best applied based on the proposer's understanding of
the context and solution(s). Illustrative contexts may include multiple countries or
geographical regions. There is no preference for EOI’s that indicate illustrative contexts
for implementation that are global, multi-country, or single-country in nature. However,
EOI evaluation criteria includes “Long-term solutioning: Extent to which the applied
research solution or development idea has the potential to be scaled and/or presents a
transformative solution at the nexus.”

27. Are there priority countries within South Saharan Africa (SSA) that should be
USAID Response: No.

28. Do you have nascent indicative results you expect from CAPE?
USAID Response: No. Some of these results might be developed by selected
organizations during the co-creation workshop.

29. How long is the review process after submission of EOIs and what is the timeframe for
announcement of selection results?

USAID Response: The evaluation process for EOIs takes between 30 to 45 days.

30. Is there an expected minimum and maximum funding application amount for
reference and what is the normal project duration for a submitted proposal?
USAID Response: USAID anticipates making one to three awards (type of award to be
determined), totaling between four to five million USD (inclusive of FCDO funding) over
two to three years, contingent on funding availability from USAID and FCDO. Please
refer to paragraph three under Section I. Overview of the BAA.

31. Is there a limit on the indirect overhead cost in the project budget?
USAID Response: There is no limit in the overhead cost. However, applicants must
adhere to previously approved overhead rates or NICRA for their organization.

32. Pg 1: “USAID anticipates making one to three awards (type of award to be

determined), totaling between four to five million USD (inclusive of FCDO funding)
over two to three years.” Will each of the one to three awards be of $4-5 million or
will the $4-5 million total value be split between the one to three awards?
USAID Response: The total funding amount allocated to this initiative is between four
to five million dollars in total. In case more than one instrument is awarded, that
amount will be the same and funding will be split between mechanisms.

33. Pg 8: “Following the co-creation workshop one or more concept papers of up to 5-10
pages will be co-designed with staff from USAID.”, and then states
“Organizations/companies that participate in the co-creation workshop may have the
opportunity to submit a Concept Paper for review by the Peer and Scientific Review
Board. Submission of a Concept Paper does not guarantee funding to any

Can USAID clarify the meaning of these two statements and clarify the co-creation and
concept note process? Do the organizations that participate in the co-creation
workshop with an already developed concept paper or do they develop the concept
note after the co-creation workshop?
USAID Response: This is a two-fold process. After submission of EIOs, selected
organizations will be invited to the co-creation workshop developed by USAID. During
that process, development of concept papers will start by organizations. At the end of
co-creation, organizations will be requested to submit a 5–10-page concept paper that
would expand on the idea submitted under EOIs, and will incorporate findings from the
co-creation process before moving on to Stages III and IV of the BAA process.

34. Are offerors limited to one EOI each or can offerors submit multiple EOIs that propose
distinct solutions?
USAID Response: Offerors are allowed to submit multiple EOIs (not to exceed three) as

part of the BAA process.

35. The solicitation’s posting on includes the following forms as part of the
a. Application for Federal Assistance (SF-424)
b. Attachments
c. Assurances for Non-Construction Programs (SF424B)
d. Budget Information for Non-Construction Programs (SF-424B)
Instructions on pages 5-6 in the solicitation indicate that Expression of Interest (EOI)
submissions, “Be up to two (2) pages in length. Any additional pages will not be
Could USAID kindly clarify if any of the aforementioned package materials are to be
included as part of the EOI submission? If so, could USAID kindly confirm which
materials in addition to the two-page EOI are to be included at this stage?
USAID Response: All the above-mentioned forms are not part of the EIO stage. Please
do not include these forms when submitting your EOI.

36. Relatedly, if attachments are not allowed, could USAID kindly clarify whether any
budget related information, including anticipated total requested budget for the
proposed solution, should be included as part of the two-page EOI?
USAID Response: Please refer to section III. Instructions for the Submission of
Expressions of Interest, A. Submission Instructions. No budget related information is
required at the EOI stage.

37. The EOI submission instructions found on pages 5-6 of the solicitation state that the
EOI be “A4 (8.5 by 11 inch) page”. Could USAID kindly clarify if the EOI should use A4
or Letter sized page formatting?
USAID Response: USAID confirms the page size is A4 ( 8-1/4 x 11-3/4 in).

38. Could USAID kindly indicate whether footnotes are allowed as part of the submission
and, if so, what the font type and size must be?
USAID Response: Footnotes are allowed. This would still be considered within the two-
page limit for submission of EIOs.

39. The EOI Submission instructions also indicate inclusion of “a header with the following
information (not included in the page count): Respondent Name/Group and Contact
Information; Title; BAA Addendum Name/Number.” Given this information will not be
included in the page count, could USAID kindly clarify if applicants may submit this
information as part of a separate cover page, or should applicants plan to use the one-
inch header to include this information?
USAID Response: USAID confirms this information can be submitted on a separate page.

40. Is there a preferred template for applicants to use?

USAID Response: USAID encourages applicants to submit their EIOs in MS Word format,

PDF, or both.

41. Please clarify the allowed number of EOI's an organization may submit as a potential
prime and as a potential sub.
USAID Response: Applicants can submit a maximum of three EOIs in total as a prime.
There is no limit in the number of EOIs a company can be included as a sub.

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