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新北市立五峰國民中學 108 學年度第二學期第二次定期評量八年級英語科試題

答案卷作答一律使用黑色墨水筆(不得使用鉛筆、螢光筆、彩色筆、摩擦筆等),答案卡需用 2B 鉛筆作答。

命題範圍:康軒版第三冊 Lesson4 – Review2,英聽雜誌第 15-30 頁 18. ( ) Mark is 167 cm tall, and Joe is, too. Mark is _____ Joe.
(A) taller than (B) as tall (C) as tall as
※1~30 題 請務必在答案卡作答;31~46 題 請在答案紙上作 (D) as taller as
答,否則不予計分。 19. ( ) Ariel is the _______ of the two girls .
(A) pretty (B) prettier (C) prettiest (D) most pretty
一、 綜合測驗: (每題 2 分,共 40 分)
20. ( ) Typhoon Joe is coming. My mom told me _______
1. ( )Can you go shopping with me now? I need new clothes
(A) don’t go (B) going (C) go to (D) not to go
because mine are out of ______.
(A) waste (B) size (C) fashion (D) oil
2. ( )There is not enough ___ in David’s apartment, so he
二、 克漏字選擇:(每題 1 分,共 6 分)
is thinking about buying a new house.
(A) space (B) tape (C) wave (D) candle
3. ( ) Michelle always makes a shopping ___ before she 1. Do you always feel sad and cry 21. to sleep every night?
goes shopping. This way, she’ll never forget to buy You should ask someone to 22. you talk. You can turn to
the things she needs. your best friends, your family, or doctors for help. You may 23.
(A) prize (B) list (C) group (D) land relax by speaking out your worries. Taking a walk outside can be a
4. ( )A:I like ___ fruit. good solution, too. You can go watch the sun 24. or just
B:Do you mean grapes? close your eyes and feel the cool wind 25. on your face.
(A) pink (B) gray (C) purple (D) brown Getting close to nature always makes people feel good. Remember,
5. ( ) It’s getting cold. You should put on your to friends. Life 26. will find its way out.
keep you warm.  relax 放鬆;solution 解決方法
(A) shirt (B) jeans (C) skirt (D) coat
6. ( )Judy was ___ one to leave the classroom last night. ( D ) 21. (A) yourself (B) your (C) you (D) yours
She didn’t turn off the light before leaving. ( C ) 22. (A) heard (B) watching
(A) last (B) the least (C) the last (D) less (C) listen to (D) see
7. ( )Michael’s socks are dirtier than ___. ( D ) 23. (A) can (B) able to (C) able (D) be able to
(A) she (B) hers (C) her (D) she is ( A ) 24. (A) rise (B) to rise (C) rises (D) to rising
8. ( )The children can fix the computer by ___. ( B ) 25. (A) blew (B) blowing (C) blows (D) to blow
(A) themselves (B)itself (C) herself (D) himself ( B ) 26. (A) it (B) itself (C) yourself (D) you
9. ( )Mark makes more money than Leo but not as _____ as
Jack. 三、 閱讀測驗:(每題 2 分,共 14 分)
(A) more (B) less (C) much (D) little
10. ( )Going mountain climbing is more interesting than ______
1. Larry:“Hold up,” David. I really need to take a break.
in the park.
(A) jog (B) jogging (C) to jog (D) jogged David:Are you all right? You look a little pale.
11. ( )Daisy is ___ student in our class. She always wins Larry:Yeah, just give me a second to catch my breath. I’m not
the first prize. as fit as before.
(A) the best (B) good David:You look the same to me.
(C) the better (D) better Larry:Well, I’m not. To be honest, I’m older, slower, and a lot
12. ( )Today students are much ______ than the students in old heavier than my younger self.
times. David:Don’t worry about it. That happens to all of us. I’m
(A) more busy (B) busy also a little heavier around the middle.
(C) busier (D) more busier Larry:I don’t believe you. You look just as fit as before, and
13. ( )I ______ three kids with flowers in their hands going into you’re not even breathing very hard.
Miss Hsu’s office. David:Well, I do try to exercise when I can.
(A) told (B) asked Larry:How much do you exercise on average?
(C) helped (D) saw David:Right now, I only go to the gym for an hour every
14. ( )Some insects appear ______ a typhoon before it hits. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Then, I jog for an
(A) feel (B) to feel (C) feeling (D) will feel hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays and go hiking for at
15. ( )Olivia is very poor at math. Her grades on math tests least an hour on weekends.
are usually ______ than any other student in my class. Larry:That sounds a lot to me.
(A) bad (B) badly (C) the worst (D) worse David:For me, that’s less than before. I am getting older, too.
16. ( )A:Do you like stinky tofu?  break 休息 pale 蒼白的 breath / breathe 呼吸 honest
B:Of course. For me, it is the ___ food in the 誠實的
night market although many people don’t like it because
___ its smell.
(A) yummiest; of (B) yummiest; ╳ ( )27. Why does Larry need to stop?
(C) worst; of (D) worst; ╳ (A) He’s feeling really thirsty.
17. ( )This medicine ______ candy. And it tastes ______ (B) He has to get some air.
sweeter than honey(蜂蜜). (C) He needs to get some water.
(A) tastes; much (B) tastes like; very (D) He needs to go to the bathroom.
(C) tastes like; even (D) tastes; a little
第 1 頁,共 2 頁
新北市立五峰國民中學 108 學年度第二學期第二次定期評量八年級英語科試題
答案卷作答一律使用黑色墨水筆(不得使用鉛筆、螢光筆、彩色筆、摩擦筆等),答案卡需用 2B 鉛筆作答。
( )33. What does This is the most exciting news. mean ?
( )28. What does “hold up” mean?
(A) He can watch the bright moon.
(A) Wait. (B) Help.
(C) Don’t stop. (D) Keep going. (B) He can have a barbecue.
(C) He won’t need to go to school.
( )29. What is Not true about Larry? (D) The typhoon is coming.
(A) He doesn’t exercise a lot.
(B) He’s fatter than before.
(C) He exercises more than David.
(D) He doesn’t look as fit as before. ※以下題目請依題號填在答案紙上。
( )30. Which is true about David? 四、文意字彙:請寫出完整單字才給分(每題 1 分,共 5 分)
(A) He only goes to the gym twice a week.
34. Give me a f___t, please. I can’t see anything in the dark
(B) He gets less exercise than Larry.
(C) He is younger than Larry.
35. Sara can’t see the words on the blackboard clearly. She should
(D) He exercises about an hour each day.
have a s______t test.
36. H&M is my favorite brand(品牌). I can always buy the
l______t style of clothes there.
2. (Jason and Kevin are chatting.) 37. We saw many k_______os when we took a trip to Australia.
Jason: Did you watch the news on TV just now? 38. Please give me one more c______e. I won’t make the same
Kevin: No. What’s up? mistake.
Jason: Typhoon Nataly is coming with the Moon Festival. 伍、依提示回答問題:(每題 2 分,共 6 分)
Kevin: Too bad. That means we can’t watch the moon this
Moon Festival. 39. English is easier than math.
Jason: People in northern Taiwan can’t see the full moon, but Math is easier than science. (用 difficult 的最高級併句)
in southern Taiwan we still can have a barbecue and 40. The baby was crying.
watch the bright moon. I could hear it. (合併句子)
Kevin: We are so lucky. __________________________________________________
(Then Kevin turns on the TV and watches the weather report 41. Studying is not that interesting.
with Jason.) Playing basketball is interesting.(用 less interesting 合併)
Kevin: Typhoon Nataly is a strong typhoon, and it will bring
heavy rain and strong wind. 六、整句翻譯:(每題 3 分,共 9 分)
Jason: The typhoon has already disrupted many people’s
plans for the Moon Festival. A lot of flights must 42. 令人難過地,快時尚正在扼殺我們的世界。
stop taking off. Many people need to go back to ___________________________________________________
43. 斑馬以草為食並且過著群居生活。
their work earlier. ___________________________________________________
Kevin: The news also said that we will have another day off 44. 數百萬隻螞蟻出現在空地上。
tomorrow. ___________________________________________________
Jason: Wonderful ! This is the most exciting news. We
won’t have to go to school.
Kevin: Hope this typhoon won’t do lots of damage. ※試題到此結束
barbecue 烤肉 disrupt 干擾 flight 班機 damage 損害
northern 北方的 southern 南方的 take off 起飛

( )31. Where do Jason and Kevin live?

(A) In the middle of Taiwan.
(B) In southern Taiwan.
(C) In northern Taiwan.
(D) We don’t know.
( )32. What will happen this Moon Festival?
(A) People can watch the moon all over Taiwan.
(B) People can have a barbecue everywhere in
(C) It will be rainy and windy .
(D) Nothing will disrupt people’s vacation.

第 2 頁,共 2 頁

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