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“Bullying Article”

Muhammad Waseem

Main Point of the Research

 Bullying has become a public health crisis in our culture. It's a type of
planned, persistent peer bullying in which the bully and the victim
have a power imbalance. It's frequently subtle and unnoticed, yet it
has a big impact on a lot of kids. The information in the following
activities will give physicians skills for enhanced bullying awareness
and early detection, which will likely lead to the creation of prevention
and intervention measures for this major societal issue. This activity
examines the causes, pathophysiology, and presentation of patients
who have been bullied, as well as the role of the interprofessional
team in their evaluation and management.

Thesis Statement
 How can parents, teachers, and children help to avoid bullying

II. Brief summary of the article

 Bullying is a prevalent, nuanced, and possibly harmful kind of violence
experienced by children and teenagers. Bullying is defined as unwanted,
aggressive behavior that occurs in the context of a real or perceived social
power imbalance. Over time, the behavior has been repeated, or has the
potential to be repeated (therefore, the definition excludes occasional or
minor incidents). These activities are carried out with the intent of injuring or
distressing the victim.

III. Analysis or critique of the article

 Bullying comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. It can take the form
of something physical, verbal, relational, or cyber, and it can be
subtle and elusive. Verbal bullying, such as name-calling, is the most
common type of bullying for both boys and girls. Bullying is more
widespread in schools than in other places, although it may happen
everywhere. Playgrounds, cafeterias, halls, and buses are all
examples of unstructured locations where it might happen. As
electronic gadgets have become increasingly prevalent, cyber-
bullying has gotten a lot of attention in recent years. Despite its
prevalence, cyberbullying comes in third place after verbal and
physical bullying. Bullying is a prevalent form of social interaction
that kids refer to as "being picked on."

IV. Give examples to strengthen your arguments

Despite the fact that bullying has various causes, certain risk characteristics
may draw bullies to their targets.

 Children who aren't like their classmates

 Children who are less capable (than bullies)
 Children who are socially isolated, less popular, and have few friends
are less likely to succeed in school.
 Feelings of inadequacy may be present.

V. Summarize the key points, recommendations for future research

 Bullying can make students feel overwhelmed, unhappy, or anxious.
A mental health specialist, such as a psychologist, can help your
child develop resilience and confidence if he or she is having
problems at school or with friends as a result of bullying. This will
help your child achieve greater social and academic success.

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