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Azhala Reeder

ED 508: Technology Portfolio

May 1st, 2023

Dr. Foster

Written Reflection of 5E Lesson Plan

Overall, my students enjoyed each section and activity of this lesson. The level of

engagement amongst students was extremely high, in turn increasing their academic

achievement, which was evident in all assessments conducted in this lesson. My students and I

had the most fun during the scavenger hunt of addition/subtraction word problems. During this

learning opportunity, my students were easily able to complete the activity and meet the lessons’

objectives without much guidance or interference from me. Although technology plays a major

role in today’s society and education, my students had a difficult time experiencing technology,

independently. With my students being kindergartners, it was a struggle to conduct a full class of

students who needed a great amount of guidance and support throughout some of the activities in

the lesson. The extent of my student’s experience with technology in the classroom consists of

logging in to Chromebooks using a QR code, taking an assessment, which I prepare for them

beforehand, and choosing a learning app that automatically appears on their screen after they log

in to their Chromebooks. I would conduct small groups the next time I instruct a lesson where

students have to use technology on their own. This will allow me to model how to navigate

technology and the internet for students in a smaller setting. I believe conducting mini lessons on

how to navigate and explore technology and the internet will alleviate some of the stress of
guiding a whole class through the navigation process of technology, before teaching a lesson

where students are asked to do so independently.

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