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4th October 2021

Aerobic Respiration
Quick Notes:
● (Word) Glucose + oxygen → carbon dioxide + water (+ water)
● Aerobic Respiration is exothermic - it transfers energy to the surroundings
● Organelles found inside of your cells
● Most respiration occurs inside these mitochondria
● The inner membrane is folded to provide a greater surface area for respiration to occur
● Enzymes control respiration
Investigating Respiration:
● A respirometer can be used to measure the amount of oxygen produced by living organisms

Inhaled vs Exhaled Air:

● Oxygen = inhaled
● Carbon dioxide = exhaled
● Nitrogen = inhaled
● Water vapour = inhaled
Reasons for Respiration:
● Metabolic reactions
● Muscle contraction
● Maintaining a constant body temperature
● Absorbing mineral ions from soil (plants)
● The sum of all reactions that take place in a cell/body:
○ Converting glucose to starch/glycogen/cellulose
○ Making amino acids and then proteins
○ Making lipids from fatty acids and glycerol
○ Respiration
○ Photosynthesis
○ Breakdown of excess protein to urea

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