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2021%'ÜI W#% %' *lëXtš ëhtć8f

SŒI Åppl icat iori Fora for śœl icant ’s ûual i f icat ion 2021

I ”à ńł % ÏPersonalInfornat ion)

1?ZBEKlSTAN Piø«e of r@DaIîvr›
Date of 8i 2000«03.25
House 11,h'avruz street,€ daryo district,Samarqand city Uzbekistan

aW a 1xJ +99897—408—03
Contact Info. Contact In —29

10. x]| Il
V|SA Type

1. °ä^* 9üI Äï ä*JI ( D21 )-.°'üI, 1 %3I( ), 2 %3l( o )

Seœster and year you are applying for ¥ear, Spr ing(¥arch), Fal I (Septeiłôer)
et e^Ñ6(a9Ãat pøq ą,

Applicant Type Overseas I icant Appl ican t in KOŒA

či Ë 4'( ) 2%Ë Ë Ë ä'( ) 3ÃË ä Ñ S^( ^/ )

Frestoan TransfeT 2 Grade Transfer 3 Grade

Ill . 3l N Ö Œ (Other I nforeat ion)

I icat ion Route fiamarkand Stnte Institute of Foreign Languages

Ai@@ Ö@ Ä' »4 1%'<Õ Õ1*^e%3i
@N0łzs@ śł Ø (TŒłX) tłaaø a.f the Test Tast flesul t(Level ) Registrat ion No. Vaî id Lht i ł
Œ ØŒ willii( IELTS etc.
% IJ Gr aduat ion Stat us
Date of Adm i ss i on & Gr aduat ion Te I ephone Number & D i p loma Number
Schoo I Schoo I Syst ea

2006.OP.02 Nafosat
E I ement any Schoo I z010.05.2ü

¥ i dd le'Schoo I 2006 02
„ ” 2015.09.02
Academic lyceum 3
High School 201o.0G.20 at SamISI L A 334867
'•*,•,. /,° • ,ź/,:..Ț.', '.,
=uu/ 2019.09, 10 ariar kand St at e
Go I I ege/Un i ver s i ty 2021,05, 27 Inst i t ut e of For e i gn Lan ua es 2

V . Œ Ä 7l Ö Œ (Guar di an In foroat ion)

Eng I ish Name Sii-lilac› «v l'ahìd Dat e of B i r th 19 r0.10.23

Phone Number + L)J 6 ST —!łźź —o‹› — iż0
House 11,h avruz street, Oqdaryo district, Samarqand citş•, Uzbekistan
Fat her Ad r S S
State Ten I C enter

Job manager Samarkand region

fat ional i t y Not e

. . . w
St’ lil o N r1
Eng I ish Name Dat e of B i r th


Mot her

Job Goopany have ÜCłiOol number of 25

Nat i on a I i I y

EÕ II % /i ïïż III Ñ^ B ^ ńł1 Ö žîl -='*' —+-” ńl ž ä Õ ?‘% %‘Ll Cl .

I her eby acknow I edge t hat I have r ead and under stood t he Adm i ss ion Gu i de I i ne , and I app I y for Soonchunhyang un iver s i t y
ui t h al I t he r equ i r ed document s . Al so , I swear al I t he i n for hat ion and document s prov i ded ar e t r ue .

2021!Ë (Year ) 05 Ä (Month) 25 Ö Day)


w - — — >•x
Fi nanc i a I Af f i dav i t and Repor t on hoc to Suppor t Acadeni c Tui t i on Fees and Li v i ng Cost

/É @ (Dec I arat i on & Guarantee of F i nances )

-< °%‘3 • e%› ^ «z›g*°*

(The aaount o f money you get suppor t i n Kor ea r/hi I e yt udy i ng at Soonchunhyang Un i ver s i ty)

”Ÿ T f °1(Tota I amoun t of f i nanc i a I need for 1 year ) US$ 18, Œ0

z ñ=^t IH « % g/i fiyl ¿S01 ^%â— /i ° »'L Lt

I ner eDy cer I i f y that I ui I I I are f u I I f i nanc i al r esoons i b i I i I y for t ne educat i on and I i v i ng expenses for I ne
st uden t ment ioned above for the dur at i on of stud i es.. Fur I her . I guar an tee I hat the at I ached cer I i I icate of f i
nance i s I r ue and accur at e .

202t Ë / OSÄ (bonth) 25Ö (Day) , IJ Ô % (Sponsor ) Si r I i boyev Vohi d

@ @” @ ÔI t Ô” (Average cost s for an academi c year )

(US $1= 1150 I )

(Won) 0! öf (US$) °' “

(Tu i I i on fee) 8. 400. 06 7, 600
% ‘g (Adm i ss i on fee) 0 0
7J di (Hous i ng) 2.200. 06 2,000
^T d (Food) 5.200. 06 4 ,700
Ef ^& d (Per sonal expenses) 4, 200, 000 3, 700
A! (Tot at ) 20, 000, 000 IB . 000

@ 9‘ d I Ô il I Àl A9 (Repor t on how to Suppor t Acaderii c Tui t i on Fees and L i v ing Cost )

01 LH@0l AU =^l û ä 01 °’= ä Ë S°’%€ .

My s i 8nat ure be I ou ind i cates that a I I the i n format i on i n my app I i cat i on i s comp le te and cor rect .

202) (Year OS@ (Month) 25s (Day) , II% I[(App I icant ) Khayrullaeva Madina
z$ ÜΠΟΠõ ''Š."/
A Cer t i f icate of Fi nanc i al Suppor t
1. Žl Œö % (App I ì cant )
°°'°' Khayrullaeva Madina F
English Name Gender
ä Ö*
2000.03.21 UZBEKISTAN
Date of B i r th Nationality

of St ay i n Korea
House 11, Navruz street, Otld=› yo district, Sarnarqand city , ŁJzl el‹istan

2. ΅ % (Sponsor )
Eni l i sh Name Gender
î 970. I 0.23
Da I e of B i r th Nationality
ñ! “ % wf ”—I “ Al
Roe »u»r Re I at ionshi p w i th the App !
House 11, avruz .street, Oc¡claryo clistric t, Tamar qand city, I./zbel‹istan
Addr ess
State "I“est Center
Job Company Name Samarkand region

2. ŒÖ3I ?ż (Durat i on of the Suppor t )

4. ΅%% % ͝l%* (Gener al Dut i es of the Sponsor )
'1 ü(Yœr) 9 Ä(ifzith) 1 Ä(Lby) Al VIII (Шti I graôatiœ)
ÕÖ%ë úl !żÖ%0l *’Ñ3l’ûõ U=Ğ%è% Iîl% «?/Àû. æ^ź°'U%‘=*% I\I ?/éà æ-+-oI!E? olØ0f %Ct.
1. The Sponsor is responsible for the student 's cõserving al I the law of Korea and the Regulat iens of Soonc
Lhi versi ty.
eä° ë LHuÖ> Ö eèË'LHe'=ü ‹1 š =îš° õ e=e‘y °ź æaE = •—iu d @ ÖžîIQ LHö z ă
2. The Sponsor rust take responsibi I i ty for al I the cost incur red by the student including tui t ion fees, dur ing the s
— - —— —— — —
c. The Sponsor is I iable to any f ine and penal ty caused by the i I legal acts of the student according to the law of Kor

The Sponsor , I hereby con f i rri and guarantee that the above sent i oned i s cor rect and there are no fa Ise
I al so con f i rm and guarantee that I ui I I ab i de by riy dut i es as Sponsor as stated above.

2021 Ë (Year ) 05 Y (Month) 25 Ä (Day)

IH Ò ŒÖ % (Sponsor Sirliboyev Vohid J@ )

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