This Space Intentionally: Andrew Doull

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Andrew Doull

This Space Intentionally

60 Years in Outer Space: A supplement for

the Sixty Years in Space TTRPG, featuring
missions, encounters and colonies in the
Upported and Colonization eras and


Text and graphic design is ©2015-2023 Andrew Doull. All rights reserved.

Typeset using LaTeX in TeXlipse using the Source Sans Pro open source font family designed by Paul D

Based on the High Frontier board game by Phil Eklund et al and Kriegbot by Matt Eklund.

First edition: January 2023

All photographs and renders photographs and renders from the NASA/JPL image website and in the
public domain in the United States except for the images at the start of the Launch Pads and Colony
Designer chapter which are Credit: ESA and covered by the CC BY-SA 3.0 IGO license. This license is avaiable


Economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111
Law Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
Civil Unrest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120
0 Preface 3 Biosphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
An Important Note on Difficult Topics . . . 4
Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 Encounter Designer 127
Encounter Prompts . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
1 Launch Pads 9 Encountered Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Asteroid Impact and Deflection Assess- Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
ment (AIDA) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Social Occasions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Lunar Base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Crew and Colonist Careers . . . . . . . . . 137
Human Outer Planet Exploration (HOPE) . 22 Valuables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
HOPE VASIMR Design . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
HOPE Mission Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 9 Primary Colonists 149
Collective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
2 Missions 27 Criminal Syndicate . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Your Mission Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Earthside Megacorporation . . . . . . . . 155
Mission Diary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 ET Megacorporation . . . . . . . . . . . . 157
Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Expansionist Cult . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Mission Record Sheets . . . . . . . . . . . 38 First Generation Family . . . . . . . . . . . 160
Independence Movement . . . . . . . . . 162
3 Mission Designer 41 Interplanetary Government . . . . . . . . 165
Creating A Mission . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Insular Cult . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168
Mission Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Mercenaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
Payloads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Military Administration . . . . . . . . . . . 171
Goal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Owner Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Advanced Missions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Professional Association . . . . . . . . . . 174
Second Generation Family . . . . . . . . . 176
4 Politics 55 Settlers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
Political Missions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Spacefarers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179
Political Trends and Impacts . . . . . . . . 66 Space Religion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180

5 Interceptions 73 10 Spacecraft Designer 183

Spacecraft Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Spacecraft Components . . . . . . . . . . 184
Spacecraft Outlook . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Using this Designer . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
High Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
6 Site Designer 83 Medium Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
Second Wave Sites . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Low Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
Industrialisation Level . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Anti-Nuke . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Factory Assist Method . . . . . . . . . . . 86 ET Produced . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
Factory and Colony Construction . . . . . 89 Promoted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
Site Record Sheets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 Spacecraft Record Sheet . . . . . . . . . . 229

7 Colony Designer 101 11 Appendices 231

Population . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Government . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Accidents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260

For Aylan Kurdi
Chapter 0


An Important Note on Difficult Topics

Science fiction has often been a genre willing to tackle important but difficult social issues, rendering them
safer by removing them from the here and now to “twenty minutes into the future”. Sixty Years In RPG is
designed in part to be part of this tradition and has topics and rules for some horrific life-changing events
such as abuse and manipulation, Alzheimer’s, cancer, death, genocide, involuntary medical procedures,
pandemics, slavery, torture and so on, often inherited from the board game High Frontier that it licenses.
But a tabletop role-playing game is in some sense riskier than other storytelling methods, because it
has to both codify these topics into systems (narrative and game-play) and requires that multiple people
collaborate in exploring them. To complicate matters further, many of these topics depicted in these rules
are from deliberately or inadvertently prejudicial, incomplete and biased view points while being presented
as being objective, complete and neutral. “The awful thing about life is this: Everybody has their reasons.”
and this game tries to present compelling reasons for a wide range of philosophies and politics, no matter
how terrible the consequences.

Disclaimer Any statements made herein are not necessarily the views of the author or of the designers
of the board game High Frontier these rules license. These rules are a work of fantasy and do not
depict real events, although they repeatedly claim to be realistic, whatever that means. The material
contained in the Sixty Years In RPG core rules is for responsible adults only. This game is prohibited
for sale or resale in Australia due to positive depiction of drug use.

If you wish to discuss the game or the rules with the author, you should email
Unfortunately, I cannot guarantee I’ll respond in a timely fashion, if at all.

Safety Tools
Safety is a mandatory part of game play, and the tabletop role-playing community has developed a number
of safety tools which may assist with ensuring that the game environment is safe for all participants. See
the Safety section on page 6 for a discussion of what tools are available and how they can be used.
Sixty Years In RPG also includes three safety tools that have been developed specifically for this game to
try to minimize the risk to players. The first rule, Dollhouse Play, is a distancing mechanism to try to limit
player identification with the fates of individual crew in the game, which is the opposite of what almost
all tabletop role-playing games try to do. Dollhouse Play may be optionally discarded as you become
more familiar with the game and trust your group more. The second is a stop-and-reassess mechanic,
This is Mutiny, to allow players to interrupt the game in a thematic way when emotions are running high.
This is Mutiny is a mandatory rule and play should be completely abandoned for the day without blame
or retaliation if it is not observed. You are not playing Sixty Years In RPG if you do not honour the This
is Mutiny rules. The third rule is an aspirational rule to encourage positive play with others, The High
Frontier Pledge, which must be signed by or on behalf of all players after character creation and prior to
the commencement of play in the magic circle.

Dollhouse Play
There are two approaches to playing the Sixty Years In RPG: dollhouse play and personal play. Dollhouse
play is where you set up your toys to tell stories, remaining at a distance so that if they are broken in
the process you can choose to not take it personally, except your toys in this role-playing game are the
mission crew members. Personal play is where you project yourself into the crew member’s place and
see the world from their perspective, and resembles the traditional tabletop role-playing game method
of characterisation. Because of the many traumatic possibilities in the playing space of the Sixty Years In
RPG, it is recommended that you run the game at the dollhouse play level. To encourage this perspective,
you should shuffle the crew member sheets at the start of each game play session, and deal them out
randomly to the player in the session. If you feel like you are becoming too invested in an individual crew

member or that any players are using a crew member as a proxy for a real person (whether in the group
or elsewhere), you must stop the game using the phrase ’This is mutiny’ and discuss whether you should
change to personal play or otherwise modify the direction of the game (including stopping it completely).

This is Mutiny
At any point in the game, you may say or reveal a written phrase “This is mutiny” to one or more of the other
players. Game play immediately stops, all players stop characterisation and begin acting as themselves,
and the person saying or revealing the phrase gets the opportunity to either speak or play their choice of a
song or instrumental work or soundscape. Everyone else must quietly listen and not interrupt for at least 3
minutes: time this. You do not have to speak your own words: a poetry or prose reading is an equally good
There are times you might want to do this: for instance, if the crew is unable to agree on a course of
action, or anyone in the playing group raises their voice. You should also consider doing this if you are
feeling overwhelmed or conflicted about playing the game or simply want a break.
Thematically, a mutiny on a spacecraft does not necessarily merit the punishments of a high seas mutiny:
within a tightly knit high quality crew, it is likelier to be a strike action or highly civilised disagreement, with
limited consequences. There is a tradition of mutiny in existing space programs which the Sixty Years In
RPG attempts to follow: for instance, in the so-called Skylab mutiny in 1973, the three astronauts on board
turned off communication to mission control and spent time relaxing and looking at the Earth. You are
encouraged to prepare some thematic mutinies in advance of play.
After the three minutes is up, all players perform a silent simultaneous bid to determine if the play
session will continue. Put a hidden bid forward, either with an object in it or empty. You might want to do
so by putting the bid in your fist or under a cup which you slide forward. Reveal all the bids simultaneously.
Any player who reveals an object also agrees to mutiny, and is also given three minutes to perform their
mutiny speech, reading, song or sound scape. Resolve these mutinies clockwise starting to the left of the
original player, with that player who raised the mutiny initially getting an additional three minutes if they
bid an object, after all other player mutinies are resolved.
If at least one player bids an object, then stop play for the session and take a break for at least 15 minutes.
You are free to discuss the game during this break: the This is Mutiny rules are about enforcing a cooling off
period prior to the break. If two sessions in the day stop because of mutiny or anyone fails to follow the
“This is Mutiny” rules then stop playing for the day without blame or retaliation.

The High Frontier Pledge

I promise to represent all the people of the Earth, to respect my fellow crew members and to live in awe of
the universe.

Pilot Date

Mission Specialist Date

Payload Specialist Date

Payload Specialist Date


This section is from the Rainworld TTRPG by Luke Le Moignan and Kade Archer Peregrine, used with permission.
Rainworld is available for purchase at
Safety is important – and it’s really, really hard. The freedom to do anything in the game can take things
in directions that do real-world harm to some participants, because people have a host of real-world
difficulties – PTSD being just one example. It’s hard to say you need support. Sometimes just saying so can
put you in harm’s way. Sometimes you don’t know something is a problem until it’s happened. RPG safety
tools are an attempt at risk management and harm reduction; many different people have done work on
There is no substitute for communication, for wanting to take care of each other, for doing your best to
do so – and whenever that falls short, doing whatever you can to make it right, learn from it, understand
the people involved better and do better by them next time.
Four things to be aware of, up front:

• there is nothing you can do that will guarantee everyone around your table will be okay

• there is no universal tool; different people, even the same person in different moments, can need
entirely different things

• people have competing access needs – something one person needs can actively harm someone

• most things you can do are, unfortunately, reactive – supporting people after they’ve been harmed,
not preventing it

We advise a “Session Zero” – before the first session of the game proper, get everyone together to hang
out, discuss what everybody wants and expects from the game, and resolve any conflicting wants or needs
you uncover. Establish that you do care about each others’ safety, and agree which safety tools you’ll have
in place. In no particular order, here’s a non-exhaustive sampling of safety resources that people have
worked on:

• Brie Beau Sheldon’s Script Change – a toolkit of verbal and optional visual aids, including “Pause”,
“Fast Forward”, “Resume”, and others – Creative Commons- licensed and available as “Pay What
You Want” from

• John Stavropoulos’ X-Card – a single tool which enables any player to pause the game and have
elements edited out – Creative Commons licensed, available at

• Tayler Stokes’ Support Flower, based on earlier work by Jay Sylvano – a free visual aid providing a
traffic-light style system, downloadable from

• Ron Edwards’ Lines and Veils – a Session Zero tool to designate content that will not appear in the
game (Lines), or that may be alluded to, for example in a “fade to black, scene change” way, but will
not be played through (Veils)

• Cut and Brake, developed in the Nordic LARP community – similarly to the X-Card, calling “Cut”
pauses the game to adjust things to avoid harming a player; “Brake” indicates that they are not yet
at a point where they need to Cut, but need everyone to play considerately to de-escalate their

• Open Door, developed by Eirik Fatland and the Nordic LARP community – a Session Zero agreement
that any player can leave the game, at any time, for any reason, no questions asked, no judgement.
(If possible, a player who is stepping out and is sure they won’t be back should try to communicate
that, to avoid any misplaced concern for their whereabouts and safety.)

• Largo, a term developed by Maury Brown, from music to mean to “slowly”, which is distinctive
enough to be picked up when used to indicate that players to lower the level of their emotions to
avoid conflict or harming others

It’s worth saying that there are also accounts by vulnerable people who have personally found safety
tools – particular ones, or in general – unhelpful, even actively counterproductive. The difficult but valuable
truth is that all tools have limits, and all people are different. (If you take away nothing else from this section,
we’d like it if you absorb these three points: firstly, there is no substitute for communication. Secondly, we
don’t know you, your group, or your specific circumstances – it’s in your hands. Thirdly: peoples’ needs are
diverse and not always predictable.
Chapter 1

Launch Pads

These launch pads are short missions with commentary to help introduce you and your crew to the
universe of High Frontier. They can be played as stand alone sessions or in a linked campaign ending with
two or more different factions having built extraterrestrial factories on Luna and Callisto.

Asteroid Impact and Deflection Assessment (AIDA)

The Asteroid Impact and Deflection Assessment (AIDA) is a proposed uncrewed mission to 65803 Didymos,
a binary asteroid, to determine whether impacting a spacecraft into the asteroid can be successfully used
to deflect an asteroid from a path intersecting the Earth. 65803 Didymos has been chosen because it is not
an Earth crossing asteroid and so a successful deflection will not hit the Earth.

The AIDA mission is presented here to help you understand the process of planning and performing
a mission. Because this mission is uncrewed, you will be playing the part of Mission Control. If you
have played High Frontier or Sixty Years In RPG before, you should roll for mission complications as
outlined on page 17.

ESA Mission Control

The European Space Agency (ESA) mission control is responsible for planning, coordination of mission
movement and operations.
AIDA Mission Team Centre
Flight Controllers ESOC
Research and Development ESRTC
The main mission control centre is the European Space Operations Centre based on Darmstadt, Germany,
with additional 9 stations in the core network throughout Europe as well as Sweden, Argentina and Australia
to provide 24 by 7 year round support for ESA missions. There are approximately 800 staff at the European
Space Operations Centre, of which around 550 are contractors.
Research and technology development and testing is mainly conducted at the European Space Research
and Technology Centre in Noordwjik, South Holland. The research centre has approximately 2500 engineers,
technicians and scientists.

ESTRACK Station Country Flight dynamics Orbital calculations and orbit

Kourou French Guiana determinations.
Villafranca Spain
Cebreros Mission analysis Selection and calculation of
Redu Belgium possible orbits and launch windows.
Santa Maria Portugal
Kiruna Sweden Software development Mission control systems
Malargue Argentina and spacecraft management tools.
New Norcia Australia
In addition to dedicated mission staff, there are
8 areas that the European Space Operations Centre ESA Navigation Support Office Calculating and
provides services for. predicting GPS and Galileo satellite orbits.
Flight dynamics Ground station engineering Developing deep-
Mission analysis space tracking technology.
Software development
ESA Navigation Support Office
Ground station engineering Space debris Coordinating ESA’s debris research,
Space debris provision of conjunction warning services and coop-
Frequency management erating with agencies worldwide.

Frequency management Helping manage radio

spectrum used by all satellite operators.

AIDA Mission Parameters

A rocket will need to be assembled in low Earth orbit, fueled and move using a route plotted on the purple
path on the High Frontier map. This route normally takes one year to get to Didymos.
The route to be used is as follows:

Step 1 The rocket moves from low Earth orbit (LEO) to a highly eccentric orbit (HEO), spending steps
equal to its fuel consumption to enter the HEO space because this space is a burn.

Step 2 The rocket moves from HEO to the radiation space following the purple path. There is no need to
spend fuel but a radiation roll needs to be made to see whether all the rocket components survive. Roll
1D6. Add 2 if the solar cycle is in the Red zone. Subtract the rocket net thrust. If this number exceeds the
radiation hardness of any rocket components, they are decommissioned. If the thruster or its supports are
decommissioned the rocket stops moving.

Step 3 The rocket moves from the radiation space to the pink L4 space, spending steps equal to its
fuel consumption to enter the L4 space because this space is a burn. This space is the Earth-Luna L4
Lagrange. Lagranges are examples of spaces where you can freely change direction without having to
spend additional fuel.

Step 4 The rocket moves from the Earth-Luna L4 Lagrange to the purple path Moon boost space. This
performs a gravitational slingshot maneuver allows the rocket to get additional energy (delta-v) called
a free burn which can be used elsewhere in the system, but not to get to the Moon itself or to enter any
landing burn (pink spaces in the shape of a Lunar lander).

Step 5 The rocket moves from the purple path Moon boost space along the purple path passing through
4 pivots (intersections) without changing direction. A direction change at any of these locations would
require the rocket ends its move or spend 2 burns worth of fuel.

Step 6 The rocket enters the pink burn to the right of the first purple path sound. This burn indicates the
energy to move from the Earth heliocentric zone to the Mars heliocentric zone. Burns normally require
energy to enter, but the gravitational assist from the Moon boost space gives one free burn so no fuel is

Step 7 The rocket moves from the pink burn at the edge of the Earth zone to the L4 space on the purple
path. This space is not a burn and does not require any fuel be spent to enter. It is the Sol-Mars L4 Lagrange:
a location where the gravity of the Sun and Mars cancel each other out.

Step 8 The rocket changes direction for free because it is on a Lagrange, and moves off the purple path
to the barycentre of Didymos and Didymos moonlet. The barycentre is the centre of gravity at which these
two bodies orbit each other.

Step 9 The rocket lands on Didymos (actually destructively impacts on it). Safe landings require a
minimum net thrust one greater than the site size, although this mission’s parameters don’t require a safe

Planning the AIDA Mission

Divide the players into two teams: one of the researchers at the European Space Research and Technology
Centre who need to evaluate which thruster to use, and one for the operations team at the European Space
Operations Centre who need to determine how much fuel to use. Each player will play a mission control
contact with a skill level of 5 in one skill. These mission control contacts will be available as contacts for
the crew later on.

AIDA Mission Research Team

Your first responsibility on the mission research team is to determine the rocket design. This will require you
choose a thruster from the AIDA Thrusters table on page 17. If the thruster is listed as requiring a generator,
you must choose a generator from the AIDA Generators table on page 17. Although generators can output
two different types of power (electrical and pulse), the available thrusters only require electrical power.
Once you have chosen the rocket design (out of a possible 22 rockets), you will then need to build the
rocket and boost it into orbit.
The decision of which thruster should be used will have impacts beyond just this mission, as testing
will reveal any defects with the thruster design for future missions. The design trade off when choosing a
thruster is almost always between fuel efficiency and thrust. High thrust thrusters are typically chemical
rockets which have low fuel efficiency whereas low thrust thrusters are typically electric rockets which have
high fuel efficiency. Nuclear rockets (not used for this mission) typically fall in between the two, often with
the worst features of both. Solar sails are a special case of thruster which have extremely low thrust but do
not consume fuel at all.
Reaching Didymos requires low thrust and low fuel consumption which would typically require using
a high efficiency electric rocket such as the Hall Effect thruster. The asteroid is also close enough that a
solar sail can reach it in a year. However it may make sense to testing a missile robonaut such as the MET
Steamer or Tungsten Resistojet for future missions. Components which require generators and possibly
radiators will need more research operations, and delay the mission. You need to decide which is more
important: short term success with the mission or longer term progress for the ESA space program.
If the chosen thruster requires a generator, one of the thrusters on the AIDA generators table on page 17
must be chosen for the mission. The Magnetoshell Plasma Parachute is not a recommended choice because
of the drawbacks it has for future missions.

AIDA Mission Component Restrictions

The current space politics is Anti-nuke which prevents any reactor powered thrusters from being used. An
additional restriction for this scenario is that pulse generator powered thrusters are not tech ready yet. This
means one of the thrusters on the AIDA thrusters table on page 17 must be chosen for the mission.

Research Team Mission Control Contacts

The two mission control contacts that you play will help build the rocket design that you have chosen.
Each player in the research team must create one mission control contact by choosing one archetype from
the following four options for the mission control contact they are playing. The archetype gives the mission
control contact a skill level of 5 in the listed skill, along with the chrome listed (in brackets). The remaining
mission control staff together contribute a skill level of 4 in the skills not chosen, and allows you to still use
the chrome for the operation with this lower skill level.

Research (MW Thruster) Megawatt thrusters in- development work on the MW thruster design and
clude all rockets from solar sails to nuclear rockets working with your engineering colleagues to bring
and excludes only the most powerful nuclear rockets the design to fruition.
which have a gigawatt of power output or more. As a But not all research is done in the laboratory. A
MW Thruster researcher, you are responsible for the surprising amount is done in the library and the

patent office to find prior research and designs which that component. Supports modify the thrust and
never made it past the drawing board, feasibility fuel consumption of a MW thruster if they support
studies for projects abandoned because of financial it. Solar powered generators make all components
difficulties and company papers detailing who owns they support also act as solar powered. As a genera-
the designs for a functional rocket after the receivers tor researcher, you are responsible for designing a
have sold off the assets. generator to meet the power input requirements of
the thruster to make the rocket design a reality.
Engineer (MW Thruster) The mission control en-
gineers are responsible for the build, maintenance Engineer (Generator) Generators are normally
and repairs for the megawatt thrusters, both on the rated as 60 MW generators. Each +1 thrust they sup-
ground while they are still at the factory and once ply is because the generated outputs twice as much
they are launched and travelling through space. power as the previous bonus amount. Each -1 thrust
they supply reflects a halving of the generator out-
Research (Generator) Generators provide elec- put. As a generator engineer, you are responsible for
trical or pulse power to spacecraft components the build, maintenance and repair of any generators
which require this power. When the generator is pro- in use on the spacecraft, including those in the crew
viding this power to a component, it is a support for module.

AIDA Research Skill Checks

The AIDA mission skill checks needs to produce each component for the rocket. Producing a component
requires two operations: a Research operation to research the component, and a Boost operation to build
the component and boost it to low Earth orbit. Use the highest relevant research skill you have to research
the component and the highest relevant engineering skill to produce and boost the component into space.
Then roll a 1D6 skill check for each of the two operations if you have chrome that matches the component
type or a 2D6 skill check if you do not have chrome that matches the component type.
To succeed at an operation, you must succeed at the skill check for the operation after your crew spends
a year performing the operation. High Frontier uses a roll under skill check for operations (and most other
skill actions). This means you have to roll under your skill to succeed. If you roll equal to your skill you get a
complication. If you roll above your skill, you must choose to do one of the following three outcomes: 1)
suffer an accident, 2) take a defect one of the components used in the operation or 3) delay the outcome
by a year and reroll. If you suffer an accident, you lose one of your mission control contacts to injury if
performing a Research operation or lose the largest component you were boosting if performing a Boost
You do not need to research the crew thruster - you start will it already - however you will have to boost
it either by itself or with other components. For this mission only, the crew thruster includes the rockets
only and not any personnel.

Assisting Skills When someone assists the other, if the skills and skill levels are the same, then add +1
to the skill level to get the effective skill level. You can only have one person assist another - you can’t
continue to boost up skills using more than two people total (the person performing the skill and the
person assisting them). You could choose to have two mission control contacts with the same skill to get
an effective skill of 6 in that skill, with one mission control contact assisting the other.

Boost and Research Complications Boost complications are described on page 238 in the core rules.
Research complications are described in the core rules. If you roll a complication for the operation and you
do not have the core rules, roll on the AIDA Mission Complications table on page 17.

Research Defects If you acquire a defect when researching the component, this affects your ability to
produce the component. When making a skill check, if any of the dice you roll have a face value less than
or equal to the total number of defects that affect that skill check, then you suffer an accident. If you suffer
a research accident at this stage, you lose one of the mission control contacts to injury until the end of this
mission, and if you suffer a boost accident, the heaviest component you are boosting is destroyed.

Multi-thruster Rockets You can design a rocket with multiple thrusters, which can either share supports,
if required. If you do, you must choose one thruster (and any required supports) at the start of each year
when you move to perform that year’s move. That thruster is activated for the year and the rocket’s net
thrust and fuel consumption for the year are calculated using that thruster and its supports (if any). However
the rocket dry and wet mass are calculated using the total number of components it carries, not just the
components of the active thruster.

AIDA Mission Operations Team

The operations team will determine whether enough thrust is available to reach the sit and how much fuel
is required for the mission. Review the number and location of burns based on the planned mission route
(2 burns total). Then use the rocket mass, thrust and fuel consumption parameters that the researchers
plan to supply you to calculate the fuel requirements and net thrust.

Operations Team Mission Control Contacts

The operations team is responsible for moving the rocket to site. The operations team consists of one
devops contact archetype and one medical contact archetype. The archetype gives the mission control
contact a skill level of 5 in the listed skill, along with the chrome listed (in brackets). For the medical skill
you should instead choose a specific risk that your medical skill has specialized in treating. The research
team mission control contacts remain available in the event an accident occurs en route and a replacement
rocket has to be built and sent.

Devops The devops team is responsible for ensur- Medical The medical team is responsible for en-
ing that the rocket arrives at the target destination. suring the safety of the crew, for a crewed vehicle,
Devops is responsible for maintaining the operation throughout the mission operation. The medical
of the spacecraft by updating and installing software team can also provide medical services for mission
code and patches that help run the complex systems control staff, especially in countries where public
controlling the spacecraft components. Devops is medicine is inadequate and health insurance is sup-
also responsible for calculating navigation solutions plied by the employer, whether government or cor-
for safely passing through especially hazardous parts porate. As the AIDA mission is uncrewed, you will be
of the solar system, called hazards, that are shown responsible for checking on the health of mission
as skull symbols - and parachutes for aerobrake haz- control staff. You should choose either Physical Ag-
ards - on the High Frontier map. Without these solu- ing, Mental Aging or Social Aging as the medical risk
tions, called Failure is Not an Option (FINAO), there you have specialized in.
is a 1 in 6 chance of the spacecraft being destroyed
every time they cross a hazard.

Calculating Net Thrust The net thrust of the rocket is the thrust of the thruster that is used this year,
modified by the thrust modifiers of any supports, then modified by the heliocentric zone that the rocket
starts in if the thruster or its supports are solar powered, then finally modified by the starting wet mass of
the rocket. You can then also elect to afterburn by spending the afterburn fuel cost in steps. If you afterburn,
increase the net thrust by 1.
The research team will have supplied the rocket design, consisting of one or two components. This
will be either a thruster or a thruster and a generator, depending on the design they have chosen. The
thruster’s thrust will be listed on the AIDA Thrusters table on page 17. If it requires a generator, then modify
the thrust by the generator’s thrust modifier on the AIDA Generators table on page 17.
If either the thruster or supports are solar powered, then the rocket is solar powered. The heliocentric
zone that the rocket starts in will modify the thrust of the rocket by the Heliocentric zone modifier. This
modifier is +0 for the Earth zone and -1 for the Mars zone. Should the rocket go further out, this is -2 for the
Ceres zone and -3 for the Jupiter zone. For a multi-year mission, remember to apply a different heliocentric
zone modifier in the second year if you use the thruster in the second year. If you change thruster, use the
active thruster for this calculation.

Then modify the thrust of the rocket by its wet mass. The wet mass of the rocket is the total mass of the
rocket’s components plus the number of water tanks that the rocket carries. High Frontier uses water tanks
both as a currency and as fuel: each water tank as currency is the value of 40 tonnes of water in low Earth
orbit (LEO). Water tanks (WT) in low Earth are kept in your currency pile and can be spent but not used as
fuel unless your rocket is also in LEO; water tanks carried in your rocket cannot be spent unless your rocket
is in LEO but can be used as fuel.
There are two main ways to spend water tanks: on boost operations and on FINAO (which is also an
operation in Sixty Years In). You begin the AIDA mission with 10 water tanks. However when you performed
the boost operation, you spent one water tank for every 1 mass of components you boosted into orbit. It is
possible that you ran out of WT currency while boosting components. You can use either your Research
or Boost skills to earn additional currency by performing an Income operation. Each successful income
operation by your research team earns you an additional 2 WT currency. Remember each operation lasts a
Choose how many water tanks the rocket carries. You should make this choice by calculating the amount
of fuel you’ll use first and then determine how many water tanks this fuel usage requires. Each water tank
has a mass of 1. If the rocket wet mass (total mass including water tanks) at the start of a turn is 8 or less
than its net thrust is unmodified. If it is 9-16 then subtract 1 from the net thrust. If it is 17-32 then subtract 2
from the net thrust. The maximum mass a rocket can have is 32. Light rockets (mass 4 1/3 or less) add 1 to
the net thrust and very light rockets with a wet mass of less than 2 add 2 to the next thrust.
Crew currency When you are acting as mission control, either in the launch pads or playing the High
Frontier board game, you track the total water tanks your mission control has as currency. However if
you are the crew, you don’t track the water tanks your mission control has: the operations described
in these rules abstract out tracking this number in various ways. For instance, the boost operation
instead boosts 1 WT of components into LEO, consisting of 6 months of earning 1 WT and 6 months of
boosting that 1 WT into space. Crew currency instead consists of accrued debt.

Calculating Fuel Use Fuel use is measured in fuel steps. Each thruster has a fuel consumption rating
which is the amount of fuel steps that the rocket uses to make one burn. The fuel consumption of a thruster
is multiplied by the fuel consumption of any supports that support the thruster, which can sometimes
reduce the fuel consumption or (rarely) increase it.
Burns are shown as pink circles or pink lander Tracking Fuel
burns (or half burns) on the map. You cannot enter
more burns in a year than your net thrust. You also Wet Wet mass Fuel steps A fuel
must keep moving if you are on a landing burn: mass thrust per WT step costs
you can’t stop there as a part of your move, but you 2 +1 7 1/7 WT
can otherwise stop at any line intersection or space 3 +1 6 1/6 WT
(circle) including aerobrakes, hazards and radiation 4 +1 4 1/4 WT
hazards. When moving you must calculate how 5-6 +0 3 1/3 WT
many burns you enter as a part of the move, then 7-8 +0 2 1/2 WT
use fuel steps equal to the number of burns times 9-11 -1 2 1/2 WT
the rocket fuel consumption to do so. The AIDA 12-16 -1 1 1 WT
mission will normally use 2 burns. 17-24 -2 1 1 WT
The rocket uses fuel steps up by spending water 25-32 -2 1/2 2 WT
tanks. The value of each water tank in fuel steps depends on the wet mass of the rocket, dynamically
adjusting based on the remaining wet mass. Alternately you can convert fuel steps to fractions of a water
tank and consume water tanks directly. When calculating wet mass, always round fractions of a WT up to
the next whole number.
For example, the crew thruster has a fuel consumption of 8. Entering two burns will cost it 16 fuel steps.
The thruster dry mass is 1. Adding 3 water tanks of fuel to a rocket consisting just of this thruster gives it 7 + 6 +
4 = 17 fuel steps and a wet mass of 4.

Changing directions You can never reverse direction during your move: you must keep following the
line in the direction you started travelling. However you change direction at the intersection of two lines on

the map during your move for the year, as long as you don’t reverse direction, but at a cost of using more
fuel. Each intersection where you change direction adds 2 burns to the move (a pivot). The exception is if
the intersection has an empty circle marking it. These spaces are Lagrange points where you can change
direction without having to make a pivot. You can change directly freely at the start of your move for the
Solar sails can pivot more freely. The first pivot you make during a move with a solar sail only costs 1
burn (In the fourth edition solar sails give you 1 or more free pivots which don’t cost any burns at all).

Afterburning Each year when you move you can choose to afterburn if your chosen thruster for the year
permits it. Thrusters which can afterburn have a * in their thrust symbol followed by a number which is the
afterburn cost in fuel steps. Add this cost to the total fuel step cost for moving.
Afterburning increases the rocket’s net thrust by 1. It also cools 1 therm of heat. The only component you
can take on the AIDA mission that generates heat is the Rankine Solar Dynamic generator. If your thruster is
supported by this generator, you must afterburn every year you move because the mission will not use
radiators. This also means you can’t use this generator to support a thruster which can’t afterburn for the
AIDA mission (the Hall Effect thruster in this instance).

Failure is Not an Option A FINAO costs 4 WT currency and allows you to avoid having to roll one hazard
dice roll (you automatically succeed at the roll). The next time you cross the hazard, you either have to pay
for a FINAO again or make a hazard dice roll. The Sixty Years In rules makes FINAO an operation that earns
the equivalent of 2 WT worth of a FINAO. You cannot use FINAO to avoid radiation hazards or events.

Performing the AIDA Mission

If you have chosen a rocket design which has a net thrust of 1, it will take two years to reach Didymos, with
the first year spent boosting the rocket and passing through the Van Allen belts radiation hazard.
A rocket with a net thrust of two or higher will reach Didymos in a single year. Rockets with 0 or lower
net thrust cannot move: you will need to redesign the rocket to give it at least one thrust.

Mission Hazards
You must make a 1D6 radiation roll when you enter the radiation hazard and subtract the thrust of the
rocket. Any components with a rad-hardness lower than the result of this roll are decommissioned by the
radiation hazard. This will likely render the rocket inoperational and require that you boost a new rocket in
its entirety. See the Solar Flares, CME, Radiation Hazards and Damage section on page 31 for resolving this
damage to the rocket’s components and the crew.
Add 2 to the radiation roll if you enter the radiation hazard during the red phase of the solar cycle,
representing the solar maximum. The next red phase is from 2046 to 2049. The mission starts at 2040 and
building and boosting the rocket into orbit will take 1-3 years, with the first year’s move allowed the year
that the rocket components are boosted into low Earth orbit.

Mission Service Risks

While the majority of risks associated with space travel are in space, some of them are still present on Earth
and can affect those at mission control. Each mission control contact should still make a service risk roll
every year: with results 3 (Lifespan), 4 (Maintenance) and 6 (Psychological) indicating service risks that are
still present Earthside.
All mission control contacts are aged 40-49 for this scenario (38+2D6, lowering a result of 50 to 49), which
means they accrue an aging penalty on a roll of 1 on 1D6 (+2 for being Earthside is a result of 3 which is less
than 4 decades): this is Physical for Lifespan risks, Mental for Maintenance risks and Social for Psychological
risks. Lifespan risks can also indicate people you know may die, and 1 in 6 Maintenance risks require you
make two Capital aging roles. See the Services Risks section in the Risks chapter of the core rules for details.

AIDA Thrusters

FC = Fuel Consumption. AB = Afterburn fuel cost.

Solar Needs Rad-

Thruster Thrust FC AB Power Mass support hardness
Crew Module 10 8 2 No 1
Photon Heliogyro 0 0 NA Yes 0
Photon Kite Sail 0 0 NA Yes 0
Mirror Steamer 3 4 2 Yes 0
Hall Effect 3 2 NA 1 (e) Generator
MET Steamer 5 4 1 1 (e) Generator
Tungsten Resistojet 5 4 1 0 (e) Generator
Crew Module The Crew Module is uncrewed for this mission.

AIDA Generators

FC = Fuel Consumption. The thrust modifier is additive. The fuel consumption modifier is multiplicative.
The solar power modifier is cumulative only if it is Yes.

Solar Provides Rad-

Generator Thrust FC power Mass support Therms hardness
Cascade Photovoltaic +0 x1 Yes 3 (e)
H2-O2 Fuel Cell +0 x1 Yes 4 (e)
Rankine Solar Dynamic +0 x1 Yes 2 (e) 1
Radioisotope Stirling -2 x1 No 3 (e)
Magnetoshell Plasma Parachute -2 x1 Yes 0 (e)
Photon Tether Rectenna -1 x1 Yes 2 (e)
Therms No radiators will be taken on this mission so open cycle cooling using the thruster afterburners is
the only cooling permitted. This means the Rankine Solar Dynamic cannot be used with the Hall Effect

Mission Events
The mission diary from 2040 onwards outlines which mission events occur every year. The Space Politics
starts as Green (Anti-nuke) for this scenario which means the first year crew will roll 1D6 twice for the crew
impacts instead of applying a political impact. As you are not a crew in space, and the spacecraft is not
crewed, this has no effect. Second and subsequent years have different events as outlined in the mission
diary section on page 30 in the Missions chapter.

AIDA Rocket Components

The AIDA rocket requires a thruster to operate, and a generator if the thruster is listed as needing a generator
support. Additional components can be added as cargo, but researching these components will slow the
mission down. You begin with the crew thruster already researched.

AIDA Mission Complications

If you have played High Frontier or the Sixty Years In RPG before, you should roll 1D6 twice on the AIDA
Mission Complications on the following page table to add two complications to this mission.

Roll Description the site. Performing the impact test is represented

1 Yarkovsky effect by performing a Dirt refuel operation on Didymos
2 Raygun Test using any card equipped with an ISRU platform (any
3 Re-usable Rocket robonaut or crew card). The thruster component
4 Ejecta Sample and supports (if needed) must carry enough fuel to
5 Rotary Mass Driver return to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) in preparation for
6 Hermes A-B another mission.

Yarkovsky effect It might be possible to heat one

Ejecta Sample The mission must capture some
side of the asteroid and use the Yarkovsky effect to
of the ejecta sample caused by the rocket impact
deflect the asteroid, where unevenly distributed heat
and analyze it. Treat this as a requirement to include
radiation results in a slight thrust. The mission must
a buggy robonaut with the mission.
be performed using a solar sail, with the additional
requirement that the solar sail land safely on the
asteroid. Rotary Mass Driver The asteroid will be diverted
further using a rotary mass driver. Treat this as a re-
Raygun Test The rocket is redesigned so that the quirement to decommission a refinery plus supports
asteroid impact is caused by a raygun from an adja- on the target asteroid.
cent space rather than impacting the asteroid using
a rocket. The raygun selected must be capable of us- Hermes A-B The destination is changed to the
ing an (e) generator either directly or by also having Hermes A-B asteroid pair instead of 65803 Didymos.
a Marx Capacitor Bank as a part of the payload. Leave any equipment in situ which can be used later
for the Saving the Earth advanced colony mission
Re-usable Rocket The rocket is changed to be a including counting a successful Rotary Mass Driver
two part design with a seismic test after landing on complication if achieved.

Lunar Base
The Chinese Lunar Exploration program consists of a number of unmanned missions to the Moon progress-
ing from orbiters to a lander and rover and planned return of regolith samples. Following these missions,
the People’s Republic of China intends to perform a joint mission with the European Space Agency by
2040 to create a sustainable Lunar colony using the ESA’s technical expertise to industrialize and 3D print a
“Lunar Base” from the Lunar regolith.

The Lunar Base Mission is presented here as an example mission to allow you to play the Sixty Years
In RPG without needing the High Frontier map.
The Sixty Years In RPG uses the 3rd edition High Frontier board game Colonization rules which
means that the Lunar sites are normally busted. An exception is made here, although these sites can
become busted as a part of this mission.

Lunar Base Mission Control and Crew

The ESA mission control will provide the operational expertise for the mission including assisting with in
situ operations and refuelling for the return voyage. Add the existing ESA mission control that you have
generated for the AIDA mission as mission control contacts for the crew members.
The 8 person crew will consist of 4 PRC crew and 4 ESA crew positions, with the captain and military
payload specialist coming from the People’s Republic of China and the pilot coming from the European
Space Agency. In a four player game, each player should control one crew member from each agency.
Use the ESA Nationality table to determine the nationality of the ESA crew members.

PRC Crew Ethnicity

The People’s Republic of China crew is selected from all walks of life in China to accommodate the diversity
requirements of the European Space Agency.
Roll 2D6 for each PRC crew member to determine their ethnicity. A result of 2-10: Han, 11+ Minority, roll
another 2D6. 2: Tibetan, 3: Yi, 4: Uyghur, 5: Hui, 6: Zhuang, 7-8: Other, 9: Manchu, 10: Miao, 11: Tujia, 12:

PRC Crew Languages

Roll 1D6 for each Chinese crew member to determine the languages they speak. On a 2 or higher they
speak Putonghua (Mandarin). If not Han, the minority language is spoken on a roll greater than or equal to
5. Other Chinese languages are also spoken on a roll of 2 or less. Roll 2D6 if this is the case. 2: Huizhou, 3:
Hakka, 4-5: Min, 6: Jin, 7: Yue, 8-9: Wu, 10: Xiang, 11: Gan, 12: Pinghua.
All crew members also speaks English.

Lunar Base Mission Parameters

The rocket including crew module and payload will be boosted to orbit by the Chinese and land on the
Crater Shackleton polar rim site using the Crew module, passing through two burns and a radiation hazard.
The European Space agency is responsible for the survival of the crew for any years working in situ to
refuel the rocket for a return mission, and the following operations: a) Prospect the Crater Shackleton polar
rim site; and b) Industrialize the Crater Shackleton polar rim site and form a colony. Immediately following
the successful industrialization of the Crater Shackleton site, roll twice the “Lunar Base” objectives table on
the next page to see what additional objectives must be met. The results of one roll will already have been
revealed to one of the planning teams.

Lunar Base Crew Loyalty and Space Politics

The Space Politics begins as Anti-nuke. If any ESA objectives have been declared and the politics is in
Anarchy then at the start of the year the People’s Republic of China moves the Space Politics to a War space
nearest to the Red Space Politics and furthest from the Green Space Politics. If two mutually incompatible
objectives are rolled, the crew must either go AWOL by performing an AWOL operation or choose one
objective, causing the crew to mutiny. Individual crew members will need to decide where their loyalty lies.

Planning the Lunar Base Mission

If the crew module was used in the AIDA mission, then the ESA crew module will be available with a 10
* 8 thruster and a missile robonaut along with any rockets developed for the AIDA mission. Otherwise
the People’s Republic of China crew module will be used, which also has an 10 * 8 thruster and a missile
robonaut. The ESA faction powersat is available as long as the politics is not war or anarchy. The powersat
increases the thrust available for rockets with the powersat symbol on it by 1.
The key variables are the payload and contingency planning for the mission operations. Because this is
a highly politicised mission, additional mission objectives will not be divulged at the start of the mission.
Divide the players into two teams, one planning for the payload, and one planning for the mission

Lunar Base Mission Payload Team

The payload consists of an ISRU 2 robonaut and supports, and a refinery. Because the crew thruster is
being used to take off and land on Luna the maximum mass for the payload is 4 total (plus one for the crew

module, giving the rocket a maximum dry mass of 5). At this dry mass, the rocket starts with a wet mass of
16 including fuel required to afterburn. This rocket will be able to be boosted into orbit and reach the Lunar
surface in a single year, however it is unlikely to be able to carry both the refinery, robonaut and supports
when it does so.
A staging fuel depot can be set up in HEO to allow the mission to move up to 9 mass in the rocket instead
of 4. If this is the case, then the refinery can be carried in addition to the robonaut as a support. This will
require multiple trips to set up the staging fuel depot. Alternately, the crew may decide to stage multiple
missions to the Luna surface in order to carry the refinery and robonaut separately.
This team must also decide as to whether to take advantage of the PRC faction’s ability to decommission
humans on the surface of Luna in order to remove the requirement for a return trip for the crew module. If
so, the PRC crew will be sent as an advanced crew to the surface of the moon separately to the ESA crew
and a second PRC crew will accompany the ESA crew on the final voyage.
If a generator is required, use the AIDA Generators table on page 17 to choose a generator, noting that
the Magnetoshell Plasma Parachute is not permitted.

Lunar Base Mission Operations Team

The mission operations team rolls the first objective but must not reveal this information to the other team
until year 3. If an ESA objective is rolled, the ESA crew member they control knows the objective, but not
the PRC crew that they control. Likewise if a PRC objective is rolled, their PRC crew member knows the
objective, but not the ESA crew members. The second objective is rolled for in year 3 and revealed to
everyone when it is rolled.

Lunar Base Objectives

Roll 1D6 for each mission objective.

Roll Description them successfully on a factory you have built on the

1 ET produce a reactor at the site Moon.
2 Move the Politics to Red (PRC)
3 Boost a set of colonists to the colony
4 Return the original crew to LEO Return the original crew to Low Earth Orbit For
5 Aristarchus plateau site this operation, you do not need to decommission
6 Emancipate the robots (ESA/PRC) the colony if one is present and has had at least 4 im-
migrants. The crew module will need to be returned
to Low Earth Orbit (LEO) for a ticker tape parade. The
ET produce a reactor at the site To do this you
crew receives Glory for having done so as there are
will need to choose an S product reactor then per-
no astronauts left alive who have completed this.
form operations to research and ET produce it. You
can instead choose an M class reactor to ET produce
if you build a factory on the Aristarchus plateau site. Aristarchus plateau site You must prospect and
Because the Lunar sites are so close to the Earth, you industrialize the Aristarchus plateau site. This first
are not permitted to ET produce reactors at Lunar requires that you research and ET produce a robo-
factories when the Space Politics is Anti-nuke. naut with an ISRU of zero and either an S product
refinery or boost another refinery from LEO.
Move the Politics to Red (PRC) Use Activism op-
erations to move the Space Politics to Red. At this Emancipate the robots (ESA/PRC) To emanci-
point, the crew must decide whether to go AWOL or pate the robots, you will need to research and ET
declare their loyalty to the current People’s Republic Produce a robot colonist, move the Space Politics so
of China regime. that either ESA or PRC is in power and then perform
a Suffrage operation. If you are successful, the crew
Boost a set of colonists to the colony Use a Re- belonging to the out of power faction all suffer Crew
cruit operation to recruit a set of colonists. You will Replacement and are replaced by robots unless you
then need to boost them and a working thruster (un- choose to go AWOL.
less they have one) to low Earth orbit (LEO) and land

Performing the Lunar Base Mission

The payload mission team will have determined the order of operations and moves for the mission and
how many years total are required to move the refinery, robonaut and any supports to the site. Passing
through the radiation hazard exposes the rocket to radiation level of 1D6 minus the net thrust of the rocket,
plus an additional 2 during the red phase of the solar cycle. As the mission is crewed, the crew will be
exposed to both mission service risks and events both while the crew is in space, and when they are at the
Lunar sites. If the Space Politics is either Red or Green, the crew members which belong to the matching
BSU faction get a second crew impact instead of a political impact.

Varying the Lunar Base Mission Parameters

Competitive Play
This mission can be played more competitively rather than cooperatively. Instead of having each player
control one crew member from each faction, have half the players control crew from one faction and half
the players control crew from the other faction. The decision of which player has which faction is made by
the Mission Operations team after rolling for the first mission objective.

Secondary Objective
Roll 1D6 for a second objective after Year 3 on the Lunar Base Secondary Objectives table below in addition
of the first mission objectives table.

colony is independent, you will have to recapture

the colony using a Combat operation to effect
Lunar Base Secondary Objectives
political change.
Roll Description
1 ET produce a rocket and launch it
Prevent the colony becoming Make the colony independent (ESA) This may
2 independent (PRC) occur if you return the crew to Earth before boosting
3 Make the colony independent (ESA) at least one set of colonists to the colony but might
4 Ratify the Moon Treaty (ESA) also occur if immigrant colonists arrive at the colony
Take sole control of the colony (either because you added colonists to the colony
5 (ESA/PRC) or because immigrants arrived as an event). You can
6 Roll on the first objective table increase the likelihood of achieving this by making
the Politics Anarchy.
ET produce a rocket and launch it Choose an S
class spacecraft to research and ET produce the com- Ratify the Moon Treaty (ESA) To do this, perform
ponents for. If the Aristarchus plateau site has been two successful Activism operations while the Space
industrialized you can choose an Luna class space- Politics is Green. If completed, bust both sites, re-
craft instead. Note that if you choose a GW class moving any factories present there.
design you will need to fuel it using the appropriate
isotope fuel at 1 tank each year.
Take sole control of the colony (ESA/PRC) To
do this, you must recruit a set of colonists loyal to
Prevent the colony becoming independent either the ESA or PRC to the factory and remove the
(PRC) You must prevent the colony from becom- original colonists present at the colony. They must
ing independent. This may occur if you return either be returned to Earth as a crew, or eliminated
the crew to Earth before boosting at least one set using a Felony Atrocity operation. If the colonists
of colonists to the colony but might also occur if are loyal to the ESA, the Politics must be Anarchy or
immigrant colonists arrive at the colony (either War. If the colonists are loyal to the PRC then you
because you added colonists to the colony or can use the PRC faction ability to allow Felony Atroc-
because immigrants arrived as an event). Once the ity operations to be performed. If the Space Politics

Lunar Base Robonauts

Needs Rad-
Robonaut Mass Therms ISRU support hardness
MET Steamer 1 2 (e) Generator
Solar-pumped MHD Exciplex Laser 3 2 2 None
Neutral Beam 2 2 (||) Generator
Free Electron Laser 2 1 1 (||) Generator
Pulse Generators The Neutral Beam and Free Electron Laser robonauts require a pulse generator from
the Lunar Base Pulse Generators table on this page.

Lunar Base Pulse Generators

(e) = Electrical Power. (||) = Pulse Power.

Provides Needs Rad-

Generators Mass support Therms support hardness
Flywheel Compulsator 4 (e) (||)
Marx Capacitor Bank 1 (||) (e) Generator
Marx Capacitor Bank The Marx Capacitor Bank also requires an electrical generator from the AIDA Genera-
tors table on page 17.

is War, colonists will always be loyal to you and you space colony.
can choose which side to take when forming the new

Lunar Base Rocket Components

Human Outer Planet Exploration (HOPE)

The Human Outer Planet Exploration (HOPE) was a NASA feasibility study conducted in 2003 to determine
the feasibility of a crewed mission to Callisto. The mission consists of 3 phases: two uncrewed missions in
2025 and 2030 to establish the feasibility of a crewed mission using bimodal nuclear thermal rockets with
orbiter/lander combinations taking around 4 years, and then a crewed missions using one of 4 possible
rocket designs in 2045. The mission plan assumes existing colonies and factory infrastructure on Mars, with
the ability to refuel rockets in Deimos. The entire crewed mission will take 5 years to reach Callisto and
is described in the Revolutionary Concepts for Human Outer Planet Exploration (HOPE) paper available

HOPE Mission Control

The NASA is responsible for planning, coordination of mission movement and operations. NASA has already
designed and planned the mission parameters and the players are instead responsible for controlling the
crew on the long mission to Callisto.

HOPE Mission Parameters

From the discussion paper: “The HOPE team began developing its concept for a crewed mission to
the outer planets by envisioning the state of solar system exploration in 2045. The team assumed that by
2045, humans will have landed on Mars and will have established the Earth-Moon L1 Lagrange point as

the departure point for human exploration missions. In-Situ Resource Utilization (ISRU) of lunar and Mars
resources for propellant has become a major enabler of exploration. Automated and reusable systems
are also key features of exploration architectures. Also in this time frame, robotic probes will already have
explored Europa and have discovered life-like forms in need of further study.”

HOPE High Frontier Rocket Design

The design chosen for the High Frontier mission is Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket
(VASIMR) propulsion rocket. The rocket design here matches the HOPE design described in the study,
except that the reactor power output is much higher with a resulting increase in the generator output to
120 MW. The feasibility study achieved a 100 tonne payload with a total of 320 tonnes including fuel, but the
rocket generated here has a wet mass of 840 tonnes for an 200 tonne payload (refinery, robonaut, generator,
reactor and crew module) to industrialize the site and build a factory capable of constructing ET products.

Planning the HOPE Mission

The rocket is fueled to move using a route plotted on the purple path on the High Frontier map. Refer to the
Spacecraft movement section of the Travel chapter in the core rules for how to calculate fuel consumption
and landing parameters.
Reaching Callisto takes five years using the HOPE rocket design, as follows:

Year 1 The components and crew are boosted to LEO using the Boost operation on page 237 and
assembled into a rocket. It moves from HEO through the Van Allen belts radiation space through the
radiation hazard (See page 31) to the Earth-Luna L4 Lagrange, gets a moon boost from a Luna flyby and
coasts to the space before the burn at the edge of the Mars zone. The two burns cost 2 tanks of fuel, reducing
the wet mass to 19.

Year 2 The rocket moves through one burn to the space before the burn at the end of the Ceres zone.
The two burns cost 2 tanks of fuel, reducing the wet mass to 17.
The crew researches one of the three patents they’ll need to ET produce at the new site using the Acquire
Patent Rights Research operation on page 257: in this instance, the Ilmenite Semiconductor Film refinery.

Year 3 The rocket changes direction at the start of its move, which means it does not have to spend 2
burns to pass through the Hohmann pivot it stopped on. It then enters the Sol-Jupiter L1 Lagrange and the
following burn. The two burns cost 2 tanks of fuel, reducing the wet mass to 15.
The crew researches the second of the three patents they’ll need to ET produce at the new site: the
MagBeam robonaut.

Year 4 The rocket passes through the next two burns and enters Low Callisto Orbit. The two burns cost 2
tanks of fuel, reducing the wet mass to 13.
There is no operation required this year. The crew could research a patent they’d like to ET produce at
the new site such as the Pulsed Plasmoid thruster. This is not needed immediately but once Valhalla is
industrialized, it can be used as a 1 * 1 thruster in the Jupiter zone because of the creation of a powersat at
Valhalla as a part of the industrialization process. Alternately, the Ultra Cold Neutron reactor would work
well with the n-6Li Microfission thruster, one of which could be researched now.

Year 5 The rocket forms an outpost containing the Pondermotive VASIMR and radiators in orbit, reducing
the wet mass to 9 and the dry mass to 5, and switches to the crew thruster. It has a net thrust of 9 as the
rocket is now only has a wet mass penalty of -1, and passes through the landing burn to land on the Asgard
Ice Spires. The landing burn uses the last 4 fuel tanks carried.

The crew prospects the site using the Site Prospect operation on page 254 and their built-in Missile ISRU
platform. They can’t use the Rocksplitter buggy to prospect as they have left the radiators required to cool
the generator supporting this buggy has in orbit.

Year 6 The crew industrializes the site using the Industrialize operation on page 249, decommissioning
the Rocksplitter robonaut, the Brayton Turbine generator, the Fast Neutron Fission reactor and the Fluidized-
Bed refinery to form a factory at the site. To allow the crew the opportunity to recover, they form a colony.

Year 7-8 The crew ET produces a new rocket using two ET Produce operations on page 254 consisting of
the crew module acting as the thruster, a MagBeam robonaut and Ilmenite Semiconductor Film refinery.
This new rocket has a dry mass of 5.

Year 9 The crew factory refuels the rocket with water using the Site Refuel operation on page 258 to give
it a wet mass of 9 to have the 8 fuel steps required to get to the second Callisto site, leaving 4 fuel tanks of
water at the Asgard Ice Spires factory.

Year 10 The rocket moves to the Valhalla site and the crew prospects the site using the Site Prospect
operation on page 254 and either their MagBeam robonaut or their built-in Missile ISRU platform.

Year 11 The crew industrializes and builds a factory at the Callisto Valhalla site. This creates a power sat
which the crew can use to add 1 thrust to any rocket which has the power sat symbol.

Varying the HOPE Mission Parameters

The first big change that could be made to the mission plan is the radiators could be carried to the Callisto
surface to allow the Rocksplitter to be used at the Asgard Ice Spires. This allows the crew to prospect both
Callisto sites with a single prospecting operation. The lander mass increases by 3, which increases the fuel
tanks required by 1.
A second change could be to not take the refinery and use a Flywheel Tractor instead of the Rocksplitter
robonaut to make a Submersible prospecting operation attempt at Valhalla to get glory, instead of building
two factories. This decreases the rocket dry and wet mass by 2 to begin with, but increases the mass of the
lander by 1. The overall fuel requirements are unchanged. After year 5, the crew has to refuel for 7 years to
permit them to return to LEO (including two fuel for afterburning to take off).
A third change could be to take a second wave crew instead of a first wave crew. This means that the
mission control will usually be an agency other than NASA but there is also a risk that the site is already
exploited by another faction by the time the crew arrives.

Crewing the HOPE Mission

The mission is being attempted by a NASA faction which includes a first wave crew. All crew members are
High quality, and use the High quality crew sheets to generate themselves instead of choosing archetypes.
First wave crews use fixed abilities instead of rolling: Physical 4, Mental 5, Social 4 and Capital 3 and are
age 30 and generated with the skills that are listed in the 30 point career option. The space politics begins
Centrist to allow you to boost a nuclear reactor into space.

Performing the HOPE Mission

Name Human Outer Planet Exploration (HOPE) Faction # 0
Class Medium Quality - Outer System Launched 2045
Op or Outlook
Thrust 4
Fuel Consumption 1
Afterburn +1 or +____ 1
Solar Powered +____ or - ____
Pushable +1 or +2
Mass Therms ISRU
Thruster Pondermotive VASIMR 1 0
Reactor Fast Neutron Fission 1 0
Generator Brayton Turbine 1 2
Robonaut Rocksplitter 0 0 4 R B
Refinery Atomic Layer Deposition 2
Subtotal 5 2 4
Package R B
Colonist R B
Crew Module 10* 8 AB 2 Thruster, Missile Robonaut 1 0 4
Radiators Salt-cooled Reflux Tube 3 2

Radiator Therms must equal or exceed both subtotal and package therms 2
Dry Mass 9
Fuel Tanks + 12
Wet Mass 21
Wet Mass Class 2
+____ or - ____
Net Thrust 2

Wet Mass Wet Mass Class Fuel Steps per Mass A fuel step costs
5-6 +0 3 1/3
7-8 +0 2 1/2
9-11 -1 2 1/2
12-16 -1 1 1
17-24 -2 1 1
25-32 -2 1/2 2
Era Cycle Year Service Risks Interception Event Result Wet Mass Net Thrust Burns Steps Used Operation Outcome
2030 MCSU Trend Δ
2031 Yellow Event
2032 MCSU Impact
2033 Yellow Event
2034 Political Trend Δ
Red (+2 rad

2035 Red Event


2036 Political Impact

2037 Red Event
2038 Earthside Trend Δ
2039 Blue Event

2040 Earthside Impact

2041 Blue Event
2042 MCSU Trend Δ

2043 Yellow Event

2044 MCSU Impact
2045 Yellow Event 21 2 2 2 Boost
2046 Political Trend Δ 19 2 2 2 Research
Red (+2 rad

2047 Red Event 17 2 2 2 Research


2048 Political Impact 15 3 2 2 Research

2049 Red Event 9 9 1 8 Prospect
2050 Earthside Trend Δ 5 Industrialize

2051 Blue Event ET Produce


2052 Earthside Impact ET Produce

2053 Blue Event 9 9 1 8 Prospect
2054 MCSU Trend Δ Industrialize

2055 Yellow Event

2056 MCSU Impact
2057 Yellow Event
2058 Political Trend Δ
Red (+2 rad

2059 Red Event


2060 Political Impact

2061 Red Event
2062 Earthside Trend Δ
Chapter 2


The basic unit of play in Sixty Years In RPG is the mission: where your crew attempts to get from where
you are to another location to complete an action such as building or capturing a factory. This may involve
performing a number of year long operations before you begin the mission: to refuel your ship, upgrade it
and acquire wealth to pay to avoid hazards during the move to the new location. Operations are described
in the Operations chapter on page 232 with the outcomes of failed operations described in the Accidents
chapter on page 260.
Moving through space is so incredibly risky and expensive that no one does so without a clear objective
in mind, and a preplanned path to do so. You should first choose your payload and destination and ensure
that you have enough fuel to get to the destination and enough thrust to land on the destination once you
arrive. Using the High Frontier map can be tricky and there are many possible pathways, so you need a
good understanding of how movement works. Once you have planned the route, you should determine any
further operations you can perform. Together your movement and operations in space form your mission
plan, which should tell you year-by-year what actions you’ll be doing. The mission then concludes with
you performing any outstanding operations at the new location to fulfill the requirements of the mission.
While this is happening, you and the rest of the crew are aging and atrophying, drifting away from the
societies of Earthside and even their own mission control. You must push beyond the outer limits of known
space, holding onto or letting go of your humanity to survive.

Your Mission Plan

The mission consists of two parts that run in parallel: moves required to get to the destination, and
operations required to be performed while moving and when at the destination. Each move and operation
will normally take a year so start the mission plan with year 1 and count upwards. Operations are describe
in detail in the Operations chapter.

Your payload consists of what you’ll be using when you get to the destination. If you are making a claim,
this will need to be a robonaut with an ISRU less than or equal to the hydration at the destination. If you are
building a factory, you’ll need a robonaut (any robonaut will do) and a refinery, which you’ll decommission
at the destination. In addition to these, you’ll need the support components to run these: generators,
reactors and radiators, with the exception that when building a factory you do not need radiators. Once
you build a factory, you are limited by the spectral type of the site the factory sits on rather than just the
payload you can take with you.

Movement and Fuel

Refer to the Spacecraft movement section of the Travel chapter in the core rules to determine how much
fuel you will need to get to the destination and how many years it will take.

You will always begin the game with enough fuel to reach your first destination using your rocket, and
whenever you are assigned a mission in LEO or your home orbit, you are given the fuel required to
reach the mission destination.

You’ll also need to ensure that you can land on the destination. Landing requires that your net thrust is
higher than the site size. Typically this uses the dry mass of your rocket (that is without fuel) but any site
with landing burns next to it requires that you also carry enough fuel for your rocket to pass through the
lander burns using the thruster you intend to land with.

Movement Operations
While you are moving, you should perform FINAO Operations on page 246 to allow you to pass through
any hazards on the route you are taking. You can also perform Income and Free Market operations to
pay off any debt you have accrued. If you want to manufacture a Freighter or GW Thruster rocket at your
destination, you should also perform a Research operation on page 257 while you are in flight to research
the technology you want to make when you arrive.

Site Operations
Once you arrive at the destination, you will need to perform one or more on site operations, the nature of
which depends on your payload and mission type. Almost all missions will involve claiming a site, building
a factory and then upgrading your rocket using the factory. The operations you need to perform once you
arrive at a site to do this in the sequence you need to perform them are as follows:

Prospect Operation on page 254 This establishes a claim on the site. It requires that you have a
robonaut or colonist with an ISRU less than or equal to the site hydration. For hydration 4 sites, you can
instead use your crew.

Industrialize Operation on page 249 this converts a robonaut and a refinery from your payload into a
factory on a site where you have a claim. This will also consume the ship’s generator and reactor, or those
included in the Standalone package if fitted. Unlike prospecting, there’s no restriction on which robonauts
you can use to industrialize a site with. However you cannot use a colonist or crew member to industrialize
a site. After you have completed this operation you can freely establish a colony at the site.

ET Production Operation on page 243 building your first factory allows you to upgrade your spacecraft
and other technologies. The first factory you build lets you ET produce a spacecraft of the spectral class
equal to the factory. You need to perform an ET Production operation for every new component listed in a
particular row for that spacecraft class. For C class ships, you must also return to LEO and boost a refinery
as C class sites cannot be used to ET produce a refinery. For other classes of ships, some components (in
grey) cannot be ET produced and you can only upgrade to a spacecraft if you already have the component
on your previous ship.
If you build a second factory of a different spectral class, you may be able to upgrade your spacecraft to
an advanced spacecraft class, if the combination of the factory spectral classes is listed in the Advanced
Spacecraft section of the Spacecraft Designer chapter on page 196.
Note that for all equipment 5 tonnes or smaller in mass is assumed to be upgraded automatically by
the factory as desired when you build it, as the amount of effort required to build these items is subsumed
into the factory construction.

Research Operation on page 257 Some spacecraft components (Freighters and GW thrusters) will
require that you research a new technology to ET Produce them.

Factory Refuel Operation on page 258 Once you’ve built a factory, you can factory refuel instead of
having to fuel a spacecraft at LEO. This gives you 8 WT of water fuel or 20 WT of dirt fuel each time you
perform this operation. You should give your spacecraft sufficient fuel to go to its next destination before
you begin a new mission.

Mission Diary
Each year consists of the following actions, divided into the planning and execution phases:
The planning phase can be performed in parallel:
1. Roll for the service risks for the year. Implanted or better crew roll at year 1 of each phase of the
solar cycle instead of every year. See the Services Risks table in the Risks chapter of the core rules
for details.

2. If this is the Start year, roll for the new public pronouns.

3. If this is the start of a new era, roll for a new dependency for every new species if you have the A
Facility with Words supplement.

4. Agree to the move and operation you are making this year.

5. Roll for the annual faction event.

6. Roll for a trend or solar cycle event for the year based on the year number of the current solar cycle
phase. Year 1: Roll 1D6 for each trend. The This Space Intentionally supplement includes Political
trends. The All Errors are My Own supplement adds two trends: Mission Control trends and Social
trends. If the roll for the trend is less than the number of impacts that the trend has applied, then
roll for a new trend on the appropriate trend table - the politics trends table is on page 72). Year 2
and 4: Roll 1D6 for a solar cycle event on the Events table on page 33. Year 3: Roll for and apply an
impact for each trend you have.
The execution phase must be performed in order:
1. Perform either the move then the operation; or the operation then the move.

2. Roll for and resolve an encounter prompt before you perform the operation for the year. See the
Encounter Prompts section on page 128 of the Encounters chapter for details.

3. Resolve any interceptions arriving this year, including combat operations, before you move.

4. Crew members gain a skill point in the skill used for the operation this year.

5. Crew members gain a spare time skill point when they are at a site or Earthside. They can only
spend this on skills if they are in a shirt sleeve environment, but can spend it on contacts, recovery,
languages or conditioning at any time. Modded crew receive spare time points while they are in

6. Crew members gain a language skill point if they are not a native speaker for the year and their
language skill is at a level lower than their Social ability.

7. Implanted, Augmented or Exospecies AWOL crew gain an out-of-service penalty in the ability of
their choice - add this to the Addition / Dysphoria penalty for that ability.

8. If you complete a mission, you either increase your faction rank if you completed a faction mission,
or from the Faction Upgrade table in the core rules if you completed a mission for your mission

Crash Hazards
Crash hazards are represented by a skull or parachute (for aerobrake crash hazards) or apply if you take off
or land using factory assistance. If a rocket moves through a crash hazard, use the Crash Hazards table on
page 32. You can also use the FINAO operation to prepare for a specific crash hazard.

On Site Hazards An on site result means that the crash hazard effects are applied as a secret defect to
all operations that occur at the site. Make the second roll on this table when the secret defect is revealed.
See the Defects section in the Skills chapter in the core rules for the effect of defects that occur.

Micrometeoroid Damage a random card in lo- operation is being performed at this site.
cation determined by a 1D6 roll. 1: Thruster. 2:
Thruster supports, 3: Payload. 4: Crew Module. 5: Site Complication Roll on the complication table
Radiator (light side). 6: Radiator (heavy side). If crew for the operation being performed this year but only
module or colonist payload, roll 1D6 for each crew if the operation is being performed at this site. This
in crew module who takes 1 (6 if Doubles) GUN Burst may mean that the operation results in two compli-
damage with location 4 having no effect. Roll 1D6 cations.
for number of hexes on fire at shootout scale.

Thruster Accident Roll on the Solar Sail Accident

Near Miss Check the pilot’s skill in piloting the table or the Missile or non-Solar Sail Accident table,
spacecraft. This cannot be assisted by mission con- as appropriate.
trol. If it fails, reroll on this table without using the
FINAO modifier.
Warning Light Add 1 Defect to a random card in
location determined by a 1D6 roll. 1: Thruster. 2:
Site Accident Roll on the accident table for the Thruster supports, 3: Payload. 4: Crew Module. 5:
operation being performed this year but only if the Radiator (light side). 6: Radiator (heavy side).

Solar Flares, CME, Radiation Hazards and Damage

Each spacecraft component has a rad-hardness, which de- Heliocentric Zone Modifiers
fines the amount of radiation it can be exposed to and survive.
Rad-hardness is also used to determine the component’s re- Heliocentric Solar Heliocentric
sistance to damage. If your rocket suffers damage while in Zone Power Distance
space you need to perform a damage control operation before Mercury +2 2
you can perform any further moves or operations. Venus +1 1
When a solar flare or coronal mass ejection (CMEs) occurs, Earth +0 0
roll 1D6 to determine the radiation level of the event and add a Mars -1 1
modifier based on the heliocentric zone. See the Heliocentric Ceres -2 2
Zone Modifiers table on the current page for the modifier to Jupiter -3 3
use based on the heliocentric zone the spacecraft is in. All Saturn -4 4
spacecraft in space are vulnerable. If you are on a site, you are Uranus -5 5
assumed to have buried any potentially affected components Neptune NA 6
to avoid flare damage.
Crew outside a spacecraft during the solar storm will take radiation damage equal to double the radiation
level minus 7. The walls of the spacecraft provide 1 point of radiation damage protection and the solar
storm shelter provides 13 points of radiation damage protection. Any armour with radiation protection will
also apply.

Resolving Radiation Damage

Each spacecraft component has a rated rad-hardness. Radiation damage will decommission all compo-
nents in a spacecraft with a rad-hardness less than the radiation level and damage components with a
rad-hardness equal to the radiation level.
The crew is killed if they are exposed to a radiation level of 4+. This is increased by 1 if they are protected
by hard-shell suits with graded-Z shielding or the solar storm shield inside the crew module or 2 if for crew
protected by an engineering rig.

Crash Hazards

Roll 1D6 twice. Each successful FINAO operation for this hazard traversal adds +2 to roll 2.

Roll 1 Hazard Occurs Roll 2 Result

1 Destroyed (no bailout possible)
2 Destroyed (bailout permitted)
3 Thruster Accident
1 Traversing Hazard 4 Micrometeoroid
5 Near miss
6 Warning light
7+ No effect
1 Site Accident
2 Site Complication
2 On Site
3 Warning light
4+ No effect
3-6 No effect

Radiation Hazards
If you enter a radiation hazard while moving, roll 1D6 and subtract the rocket’s net thrust using the current
thruster. This determines the radiation level the spacecraft is exposed to during the move, and should be
resolved as radiation damage.

Solar Maximum During the red solar phase, radiation hazards are more active due to the increased
solar wind being captured by the hazard. Add 2 to the radiation hazard roll.

The High Frontier 12 year solar cycle is divided into three coloured phases: blue (falling), yellow (rising) and
red (maximum) corresponding to the 3 phases of the Sun’s solar activity. Each solar cycle phase has four
years of events as follows:

Every year Roll for a faction event on the Events table on the facing page. Roll an additional 1D6 to
determine the BSU of the faction affected for faction events. 1: Red. 2: White. 3: Green. 4: Purple. 5: Orange.
6: Choose the BSU matching the current space politics or Red if War or White if Anarchy. If the faction
rolled does not exist, use the New faction event instead. If the faction rolled represents Mission Control,
this represents other activities that mission control has bene responsible for.

Year 1 Check for new trends by rolling 1D6 for each trend. If this is less than the number of trend-specific
impacts applied since this trend started, roll on the matching trend table for a new trend which replaces
the current one. If the new trend rolled is the same as a previous trend, adopt the trend but reset the count
of the number of impacts applied to zero. If you do not have a current trend, roll for a new trend in year 1 of
the solar cycle (normally 2042). However the social trends described in All Errors are My Own take a little
while longer to take effect. Don’t roll for the first social trend until 2046.

Year 2 and 4 Roll for a solar cycle event on the Events table on the next page.Choose the column based
on the solar cycle phase colour for year 2 and 4 solar cycle events.


Roll 1D6. Then roll 1D6+1 if an Earth crisis is in progress, for a second event. Faction events: Roll an
additional 1D6 to determine the BSU of the faction affected for faction events. 1: Red. 2: White. 3: Green. 4:
Purple. 5: Orange. 6: Choose the BSU matching the current space politics or Red if War or White if Anarchy.
If the faction rolled does not exist, use the New faction event instead. Solar Cycle events: Choose the
column based on the solar cycle phase colour for year 2 and 4 solar cycle events.

Annual Year 2 and 4 Solar Cycle

Roll Faction Blue Yellow Red
1 New factory New infrastructure New infrastructure New infrastructure
2 Faction mission Mission control mission Political mission Site encounter
3 Faction accident Accident Accident Accident
4 Interception Spacecraft glitch Spacecraft glitch Spacecraft glitch
5 Faction impact Election Faction crisis Solar flare or CME
6+ Faction replaced Earth crisis Disruption Disaster

Year 3 Apply an impact for each trend you have. Political trends only cause political impacts if the
mission control BSU is different from the space politics. If they are the same, you get a second crew impact
The game begins at year 3 of the blue cycle.

Accident The warning lights flash on your con- Faction crisis Roll for a faction event for every fac-
sole. Make an accident check as outlined in the Ac- tion in the game in the order Red, White, Green, Pur-
cident Checks section on page 260. ple and finally Orange.

Disruption A regional disaster occurs which may Faction impact Resolve a Mission control impact
have an impact on mission control personnel and using the faction’s mission control impacts entry in-
launch operations. Resolve this as outlined in the stead of the crew’s mission control entry. If the fac-
Crisis, Disruptions and Disasters section on page 36. tion has social impacts, also resolve a Social impact
for the faction.

Disaster A regional disaster occurs which may Faction mission Roll on the Faction mission ta-
have a significant and long term impact on mission ble for the faction. Some faction missions are back-
control personnel and launch operations. Resolve ground missions: they don’t require the active in-
this as outlined in the Crisis, Disruptions and Disas- volvement of the crew and simply advance the mis-
ters section on page 36. sion plot. Other missions have both a background,
which advances the plot, and a foreground, which
does involve the crew. The foreground component
Earth Crisis An Earth crisis begins. Resolve this of these missions can be ignored if the crew is not in
as outlined in the Earth Crisis section on page 36. a position to perform the foreground actions, but the
background still occurs: treat these faction missions
as background only if this is the case.
Election An election occurs, as described in the
Activism, Election operation on page 234.
Faction replaced The faction is replaced by a
new faction of the same BSU colour. Roll for the
Faction accident An accident occurs at either the replacement faction on the Encountered Groups ta-
latest factory (1-2), Bernal (3-4) or low Earth orbit ble on page 131, by rolling twice and choosing the
(5-6). This doesn’t directly involve the crew or their highest result. If the crew’s faction is replaced, also
rocket but they may be involved in rescue operations roll 1D6 for each mission control contact to see if
following the accident. Roll on the Event accidents they are retrenched (1-2), retire (3-4) or promoted
table on page 35. (5-6). On an odd result they stop being a contact.

Faction impact Resolve a Mission control impact debt by 1 due to the benefits of the improved in-
using the faction’s mission control impacts entry in- frastructure. Do not apply this bonus during War or
stead of the crew’s mission control entry. Anarchy.

Interception Roll 1D6 plus 1D6 per heliocentric Political mission Roll on the Political missions
distance of the crew. On a roll less than or equal table on page 56 in the Politics chapter.
to twice the heliocentric distance plus the era num-
ber there is an interception by the faction rolled in
Site encounter Any interception occurring this
as many years as the number rolled. If the crew’s
year will intercept you even if you are on a site at
mission control is the faction rolled, this indicates
the time of the interception. This represents the in-
a resupply — reduce the number of years for the re-
tercepting spacecraft sheltering from the risk of solar
supply by 1D6. See the Interception section for more
storms. If you are at a large colony or Bernal you
details on page 57.
should roll for a random encounter.

Mission control mission Generate a new mission

using the Mission designer in the Mission Designer Solar Flare or CME Roll 1D6 for the strength of
chapter on page 40. the largest solar flare or CME for the year and resolve
this using the Solar Flares and CMEs section on the
facing page.
New factory Roll 1D6 plus the number of facto-
ries the faction has on the Mission Goal table on
page 47. On a Glory, the faction claims the glory Spacecraft glitch The spacecraft suffers a com-
— this is another crew if the faction is the crew’s mis- ponent malfunction. The seriousness of the glitch
sion control — instead of placing a factory. Other- depends on whether the spacecraft is crewed and
wise roll for the destination in the Mission Designer is being adequately maintained by regular software
chapter based on the mission goal rolled, rerolling if updates from mission control (which does not hap-
the destination is occupied by a factory unless the pen if the crew is AWOL). If this is true, then a minor
space politics is War and if the destination is claimed glitch occurs. Otherwise a major glitch occurs.
and the space Politics is not War or Anarchy. Place If you suffer a minor glitch, make a skill check us-
a claim and build a factory at this destination. Re- ing DevOps to avoid the communications uplink to
move the oldest factory if required to ensure that the Mission Control being damaged. Additionally, make
faction has a cube to place the new factory with. a skill check using the appropriate skill against each
component with a defect to avoid it being damaged.
If the communications uplink is damaged, treat the
New faction Roll for a new faction on the Encoun- crew as AWOL until the communications uplink is
tered Groups table on page 131, by rolling twice and repaired. Glitches suffered while the crew is AWOL
choosing the highest result. The new faction enters are major glitches.
the game as the BSU rolled. Immediately apply one If you suffer a major glitch, every component on
new factory event for this faction for each era num- the spacecraft needs to have two skill checks made
ber (one if Upported, two if Civilization, three if Ex- to avoid it being damaged, one using the appropri-
oglobalization, four if Futures, five if Breakthroughs). ate skill for the component and one using DevOps. If
both skill checks fail, the damaged component also
New infrastructure Roll on the appropriate in- acquires a defect. Colonist and passengers roll 2D6
frastructure table in the Infrastructure chapter for on the Spacecraft Outlook table on page 77 instead
the era. The infrastructure rolled is built and added of being damaged and apply the results to the pas-
to the solar system by one of the factions, rolled at sengers or colonists instead of the crew. Roll once
random. During the Upported era or Colonisation per component or payload and once for all passen-
eras, one crew member with debt can reduce their gers.

Accident Checks
If an accident check occurs, use the Accident Events table on the facing page to determine the nature of
the accident. Ignore results which do not apply because the component was not being used or manoeuvre

Event Accidents

Roll 2D6

Roll Accident Skill

2-3 Bright Sail, Beamed Power or Raygun Accident Engineer
4 Sail or Thruster Accident Engineer
5 Buggy Accident Engineer (Buggy)
6 Flyby Accident Pilot (MW Thruster)
7 Aerobrake Accident Pilot (MW Thruster)
8 Launch, Landing or Dirtside Accident Pilot (MW Thruster)
9 Bernal or Colony Ecology Accidents Ecology
10 Life Support Accidents Engineer
11-12 EVA Accidents EVA

was not being attempted this year, and treat these as no event.
To avoid the event accident occurring, make a skill check against the indicated skill. Refer to the
Accidents chapter on page 260 for the outcome of each accident type if it is not successfully avoided. You
should almost always take a defect level to avoid failing an accident check.

Bright Sail, Beamed Power or Raygun Accidents This occurs if your thruster is being pushed using a
powersat or push factory, you are moving using a Pulsed Plasmoid, Mag Beam or Ablative Laser or if you
are operating a solar sail in the Mercury zone. Roll on the Bright Sail, Beamed Power, Radiator or Raygun
Accidents table on page 263.

Buggy Accident This occurs only if making a buggy move this year. Roll on the Buggy Accidents table
on page 263.

Drone or EVA Accident This occurs if the spacecraft components have changed this year or the spacecraft
has changed its fuel composition by either taking on additional fuel or changing the fuel type. Roll on the
Drone Accidents table on page 265 or the EVA accidents table on page 266, determined by whether the
crew is performing this using drones or an EVA.

Sail or Thruster Accident Either roll on the Solar Sail Accident table or the Missile and non-Solar Sail
Accident table as appropriate.

Solar Flares and CMEs

When a solar flare or coronal mass ejection (CMEs) occurs, roll 1D6 to determine the intensity of the event.
A result of 6 indicates a Carrington-class event of similar magnitudes to solar flares in 1859 and 2012:
significant enough to act like a Disaster event; and a result of 5 acts like a Disruption event.
All spacecraft and infrastructure in space are vulnerable to flare events. Add the heliocentric zone
modifier to the event intensity to see how much radiation damage the spacecraft is exposed to. Any
components with a rad-hardness less than this value are decommissioned. Crew in the crew module have
a rad-hardness of 4. Infrastructure is normally rad-hardened to reduce the risk of damage from flares, based
on the type of infrastructure. Spaceport infrastructure has a rad-hardness of 5. NEO infrastructure has a
rad-hardness of 6. Heliocentric zone infrastructure has a rad-hardness of 7. Future infrastructure has a
rad-hardness of 8 once the future has been completed.
If you are on a site, you are assumed to have buried any potentially affected components to avoid flare
damage. You are also immune to flare events if you are within the magnetosphere of a planet or on a
rad-hazard space other than those directly around the sun.

Crisis, Disruptions and Disasters

Roll 2D6 on the appropriate column, or 1D6 if an Earth crisis is already in progress. Reroll results 4 and 5 if
rolling for a super disruption.

Roll Earth Crisis Disruption Disaster

1 Mission control AWOL Industrial gas leak Reactor melt-down
2 Indian ocean hurricane Atlantic ocean tsunami
Nuclear war
3 Pacific hurricane Indian ocean tsunami
4 Kessler syndrome Pacific tsunami European epidemic
5 Ecological collapse Launch site epidemic American epidemic
6 Global pandemic Atlantic ocean hurricane African epidemic
7 Super disruption Pacific rim volcano Asian epidemic
8 Earth intersecting object Alpine-Himalayan volcano Pacific rim earthquake
9 Extreme solar flare East Africa rift volcano Alpine-Himalayan zone earthquake
10 Geomagnetic excursion American-Caribbean volcano East Africa rift earthquake
11 Italian earthquake or volcano American-Caribbean earthquake
Grand minimum
12 Inter-plate volcano Inter-plate quake

Coronal mass ejections pose the highest risk to Earth, with the first of several CME events in quick
session clearing the interstellar medium for the subsequent events. High tension power lines and copper
communications cables are especially vulnerable to the disruptive energies of CME events. The solar
storm of 2012 which missed the Earth because of where it occurred on the sun had the potential to cause
significant loss of life and economic disruption (with a cost potentially in the trillions of dollars, setting
back global GDP growth by between four and ten years). However the increasing ubiquity of solar panels
and fiber optic communications means that a significant CME event would have to be accompanied by
a number of other factors to threaten the existence of humanity, and an extinction scale event would be
powerful enough to threaten all life on Earth.

Crisis, Disruptions and Disasters

Use the Crisis, Disruptions and Disasters table on this page to determine the nature of the disruption or
disaster. If an epidemic is rolled, use the Diseases table in the Risks chapter of the core rules to generate
the epidemic.
A disruption prevents Mission Control providing assistance or boosting for 1D6 years if the mission control
launch site falls within the region affected by the disruption. A disaster prevents mission control providing
any assistance or boosting for 2D6 years, if the launch site falls within the region affected by the disaster.
Launch site epidemics, inter-plate volcanoes and quakes, industrial gas leaks and reactor meltdowns
always apply to the launch site location. Use a counter to indicate when the disaster or disruption effects

Earth Crisis
An Earth crisis begins at level 1 when the event is rolled. Roll 2D6 and put the Earth crisis token that many
years past the Start symbol on the solar cycle chart. A level 1 Earth crisis increases to level 2 when the solar
cycle counter crosses the Start symbol. A level 2 Earth crisis concludes when the solar cycle counter reaches
the Earth crisis token, taking 3 to 23 years. While in progress, an Earth crisis increases the overall number of
events, especially additional disasters, disruptions and Earth crisis events. If additional Earth crisis events
occur, the effects are added to the existing Earth crisis event, rather than triggering an additional Earth

Earth intersecting object The Earth’s biosphere colonists can be boosted from Earth or recruited in
is destroyed by a massive meteor strike when the cri- Earth orbits. If a global uprising occurs for a species
sis concludes on a roll of 1 on 1D6. Any other result type that has been completely emancipated, then
is a near miss. This prevents subsequent boosting, this instead represents a civil war within the species.
resupply or recruitment from Earth. The Saving the
Earth glory becomes available as a mission that can Grand minimum The rapid onset of a grand solar
be attempted at any year prior to the strike to resolve minimum results in much higher incidence of the
this crisis immediately, saving the Earth’s biosphere galactic cosmic ray flux, while the frequency of coro-
from destruction. nal mass ejections and solar flares fall. The grand
minimum takes effect immediately at which point
Ecological collapse Mass famine resulting from cosmic ray risks are doubled (roll twice), while solar
crop failures cause a food supply crisis, preventing flare events only occur half the time (1-3 on 1D6),
any Earthside mission control boosting or provid- although their intensity remains unaffected. There
ing assistance until the crisis is resolved, when new is no change at the conclusion of the crisis, other
crops are developed to feed Earth’s population. If than a decrease the frequency of events. If this crisis
you are using the All Errors are My Own supplement, is rolled again, the grand minimum ends and the
move the Social trend to Failed State if in the Colo- effects are removed.
nization era or Malthusian collapse if in the Exoglob-
alization era when this event is resolved. This event Kessler syndrome A collision in orbit results in a
is prevented by the presence of a Climate Mirror cascade of further collisions, filling low Earth orbit
Swarm. with space debris. You cannot stop in LEO or use
Earth as a flyby for 3D6 years.
Extreme solar flare An extreme solar flare and
coronal mass ejection occurs, with an intensity of 7. Mission control AWOL Mission control abandons
This is sufficient to devastate the Earth’s electrical support for the crew, who are forced to go AWOL.
systems as well as satellites and NEO infrastructure, If they are in space, the next operation performed
in addition to preventing any Earthside mission con- must be the AWOL operation in order for the crew to
trol boosting or providing assistance until the crisis recover control of their spacecraft.
is resolved.
Nuclear war Nuclear war prevents any nation
Geomagnetic excursion The Earth loses its mag- boosting or providing assistance and halts all cre-
netic fields and van Allen Belts at the conclusion of ation of new infrastructure for 3D6 years. If you are
the Earth’s crisis. If this event is rolled again, the mag- using the All Errors are My Own supplement, move
netic fields and van Allen Belts are restored. Once the Social trend to Global Cooling in the Coloniza-
this crisis concludes, HEO and LEO become vulnera- tion era or Forever War in the Exoglobalization era.
ble to solar flares while the magnetic fields are miss-
ing although the atmosphere provides enough pro-
Super disruption Roll on the Disruption column
tection for Earthside life.
of the Crisis, Disruptions and Disasters table on the
preceding page for the location of a super disaster
Global pandemic Roll on for the disease table in which also determines whether it is a super volcano
the Risks chapter of the core rules, which applies or super hurricane – reroll results 4 or 5. The super
as a global pandemic for 3D6 years. All the crew get volcano or hurricane damages enough infrastructure
one stress defect because of the overwhelming num- to prevent any Earthside mission control boosting
ber of Earthside deaths. Until the crisis is resolved, or providing assistance until the end of the crisis. Su-
the Mission Control’s skill level drops by 1 (normally per hurricanes are prevented by the presence of a
from 4 to 3) due to staffing issues and no new crew or Climate Mirror Swarm.
Era Cycle Year Public Pronouns Interception Event Event New Trends Impacts Space Politics Wet Mass Net Thrust Burns Steps Used Operation & Outcome
Blue 2040 Trend Impacts Crew: Political:
2041 Blue Event Political:
2042 Trends Δ 1D6 < Imp Mission Control: Crew:

2043 Yellow Event Crew: Political:

2044 Trend Impacts Political: Mission Control:
2045 Yellow Event Mission Control: Crew:
Upported (1)

2046 Trends Δ 1D6 < Imp Social: Political:

Red (+2 rad

2047 Red Event Crew: Mission Control:


2048 Trend Impacts Political: Social:

2049 Red Event Mission Control: Crew:
2050 Trends Δ 1D6 < Imp Social: Political:
2051 Blue Event Crew: Mission Control:

2052 Trend Impacts Political: Social:

2053 Blue Event Mission Control: Crew:
2054 Trends Δ 1D6 < Imp Social: Political:

2055 Yellow Event Crew: Mission Control:

2056 Trend Impacts Political: Social:
2057 Yellow Event Mission Control: Crew:
2058 Trends Δ 1D6 < Imp Social: Political:
Red (+2 rad

2059 Red Event Crew: Mission Control:


2060 Trend Impacts Political: Social:

Colonization (2)

2061 Red Event Mission Control: Crew:

2062 Trends Δ 1D6 < Imp Social: Political:
2063 Blue Event Crew: Mission Control:

2064 Trend Impacts Political: Social:

2065 Blue Event Mission Control: Crew:
2066 Trends Δ 1D6 < Imp Social: Political:

2067 Yellow Event Crew: Mission Control:

2068 Trend Impacts Political: Social:
2069 Yellow Event Mission Control: Crew:
2070 Trends Δ 1D6 < Imp Social: Political:
Red (+2 rad

2071 Red Event Crew: Mission Control:


2072 Trend Impacts Political: Social:

2073 Red Event Mission Control: Crew:
2074 Trends Δ 1D6 < Imp Social: Political:
Exoglobalization (3)

2075 Blue Event Crew: Mission Control:


2076 Trend Impacts Political: Social:

2077 Blue Event Mission Control: Crew:
2078 Trends Δ 1D6 < Imp Social: Political:
Exoglobalization (3)
Era Cycle Year Public Pronouns Interception Event Event New Trends Impacts Space Politics Wet Mass Net Thrust Burns Steps Used Operation & Outcome
Yellow 2079 Yellow Event Crew: Mission Control:
2080 Trend Impacts Political: Social:
2081 Yellow Event Mission Control: Crew:
2082 Trends Δ 1D6 < Imp Social: Political:
Red (+2 rad

2083 Red Event Crew: Mission Control:


2084 Trend Impacts Political: Social:

2085 Red Event Mission Control: Crew:
2086 Trends Δ 1D6 < Imp Social: Political:
2087 Blue Event Crew: Mission Control:

2088 Trend Impacts Political: Social:

2089 Blue Event Mission Control: Crew:
2090 Trends Δ 1D6 < Imp Social: Political:
Futures (4)


2091 Yellow Event Crew: Mission Control:

2092 Trend Impacts Political: Social:
2093 Yellow Event Mission Control: Crew:
2094 Trends Δ 1D6 < Imp Social: Political:
Red (+2 rad

2095 Red Event Crew: Mission Control:


2096 Trend Impacts Political: Social:

2097 Red Event Mission Control: Crew:
2098 Trends Δ 1D6 < Imp Social: Political:
2099 Blue Event Crew: Mission Control:

2100 Trend Impacts Political: Social:

2101 Blue Event Mission Control: Crew:
2102 Trends Δ 1D6 < Imp Social: Political:

2103 Yellow Event Crew: Mission Control:

2104 Trend Impacts Political: Social:
Breakthroughs (5)

2105 Yellow Event Mission Control: Crew:

2106 Trends Δ 1D6 < Imp Social: Political:
Red (+2 rad

2107 Red Event Crew: Mission Control:


2108 Trend Impacts Political: Social:

2109 Red Event Mission Control: Crew:
2110 Trends Δ 1D6 < Imp Social: Political:
2111 Blue Event Crew: Mission Control:

2112 Trend Impacts Political: Social:

2113 Blue Event Mission Control:
2114 Trend Impacts Social:
Chapter 3

Mission Designer

A mission within High Frontier can be anything which requires moving a spacecraft between to locations
which takes at least a year of travel. Typical missions require a payload be manufactured or picked up and
delivered to a given destination.
The four core mission types are Colony, Commercial, Military and Science missions and have both basic
and advanced missions of each type. Political missions and faction missions are described separately:
political missions in the Politics chapter on page 53 and faction missions with the faction description.

Creating A Mission
To generate a mission, determine the source of the mission, which will usually dictate the mission type. The
mission type will determine the payload and goal, and the goal will determine the destination. Advanced
missions have their own mission tables and may include an unusual payload.
A mission has the following parameters:

1. The source of the mission

2. The type of mission, which is usually but not always derived from the source

3. The payload location

4. The payload specialists required

5. The payload

6. The goal

7. The destination

Maiden Voyage
The crew’s maiden voyage will always be provided by Mission Control and will be a basic mission of the type
the Mission Control assigns. If you build a C factory or have no factory built by the end of the first mission,
the mission following the maiden voyage is always to return to low Earth orbit (LEO) or your faction’s home
orbit to collect a new payload. While you are in LEO, you should probably spend at least one year Earthside
to enjoy the benefits of a ticker tape parade and recovering in a shirtsleeve environment. At this point, and
every further time a mission completes or fails, you should roll for a new Mission Control mission - you can
also roll for a new Political mission if the Space Politics matches the MCSU. You can receive these missions
anywhere - not just by returning to LEO - and are free to choose between the Mission Control mission and
the Political mission, or elect to instead spend a contact and roll for an additional mission of any type.

Mission Types

Roll 1D6 if in the Baseline era, 2D6 if Upported, 3D6 if Colonization, 4D6 if Exoglobalization, 5D6 if Futures
and 6D6 if Breakthroughs. Modify the roll by +2 if the politics is Anarchy or +3 if the politics is War.

Roll Mission Payload Specialists (1st) Payload Specialist (2nd)

1-6 Science Engineer Science
7-8 Colony Engineer Colony
9-10 Commercial Engineer Commercial
11-13 Military Military Colony
14-16 Political Roll on the Political missions table to determine the mission
17-19 Advanced Roll 1D6+5 on this table to determine Advanced mission type
20+ Faction Roll on the random encounter table to see which faction gives you a mission

Mission Sources
Mission Control Missions
Mission Control will always give you a new Mission Control mission if you do not have one or cannot succeed
at the one you have been given. The types of missions you receive from your Mission Control are always
the same and determined by the MCSU. Once you have reached Advanced technology by building two or
more factories, your Mission control can also give you Advanced missions of the same mission type.

Contact Missions
You can use a contact (incurring a favour) to get a mission of the same type as the contact. Faction contacts
will provide faction missions from the same faction. Earthside contacts will provide political missions.
Other contacts will provide missions matching the contact type.
If you are mid-mission you need to perform an Activism operation to be given permission to complete
the Contact mission instead of the current mission.

AWOL Missions
Contact missions are the only mission types available if the crew is AWOL. Successfully completed contact
missions will also award impacts to AWOL crews.

Mission Types
Use the Mission Types table on the current page to determine the type of mission assigned if you need to
do so randomly. This table also specifies which specialist is required for each mission type.

Mission Payloads

Roll 1D6, and add +1 if Upported, +2 if Colonisation, +3 if Exoglobalization, +4 if Futures, +5 if Breakthroughs.

Freighters always use the Commercial column. Colonist payloads will include a Colony Package in addition
to the colonist if not going to LEO, home orbit or an existing colony or factory; except Military payloads will
use a Weapons Package instead if the Space Politics is War or Anarchy.

Roll Colony Commercial Military Science

1-2 Refinery Resupply Weapons Package Heavy Lifter/Lander
Stranded Crew
3 Recovery Weapons Package or Solar Sail
Colony Package
4 Salvage Refinery Refinery
5-6 Earthside Colonist Refinery Earthside Colonist Earthside Colonist
7 Upported Colonist Water
Colonization Upported Colonist Upported Colonist
8 Bernal Valuables
Bernal and Promoted Exoglobalization
9 Colonist Valuables Promoted Colonist
Bernal and Mobile Promoted Colonist
10+ Factory Futures Valuables Mobile Factory

Payloads indicate the type of equipment and personnel carried by the spacecraft. In many instances
spacecraft are built using modular and re-usable components which means that the spacecraft will need
to be rebuilt at a factory or turned into an outpost after it delivers its payload. To generate the payload
for a specific mission, use the Mission Payloads table on this page if the mission is a basic mission or the
Advanced Mission assigned starting on page 50 if the mission is an advanced mission.

Payload Locations
If the crew does not already have the new mission’s payload and cannot ET produce it, the new payload
will be supplied to them. In this instance, roll 1D6 to determine the payload pickup location.

Nearest factory or colony This can include the

current location. Use facilities in the same heliocen-
Payload Locations
tric zone if possible.
Roll Location
2 Home orbit Drop an outpost Drop an outpost onto the map
3 Current location from at least 10 cm above the crew’s location. Place
4 Nearest factory the outpost on the nearest intersection (pivot) or
5 Nearest colony space to the where it lands, with the pilot choosing
6 Drop an outpost the nearest location if the crew cannot agree.

Home Orbits
The Mission Control’s home orbit starts at LEO. If the crew successfully completes a mission to move the
mission control’s Bernal, the Mission Control’s home orbit will change to the Bernal’s location. This is an
exception to how the High Frontier board game determines the home orbit of a faction: in the Sixty Years In
RPG it is always at the faction’s Bernal once it has entered the game. AWOL crews will need to pay for the
boost of their own Bernal.

Payload Crew Requirements

The Mission Control missions will always use the same payload specialists as the spacecraft currently has.
For other missions, you can re-use your existing payload specialists or rearrange your crew positions so
that the new payload specialists have the appropriate skills for the new mission type.

Payload Types
Refineries, Packages, Rockets, Robonauts and Bernals are generated using the Spacecraft Designer on
page 182.

Bernals can be transported in a 400 tonne mod- the crew or colonist being able to prospect the site,
ule with reduced air pressure and a skeleton crew. If rather than using the robonaut to do so. The colony
a generator is available the Bernal can use its own package savings come from the fact that crew and
radiation shielding (either rock or water) as reac- colonists do not need additional radiators and the
tion mass; otherwise it relies on a rocket to move it. factory can use the night side of the site as a radiator.
Bernals are only available in LEO, home orbits and Colony packages are not available at C factories.
locations which already have a Bernal present. If the destination is LEO, a home orbit or already
has a colony and factory present, then do not in-
Colonist Payloads Colonists come in a colony clude the colony package: the colonists are instead
module, which includes many of the facilities of- immigrants intended to increase the population size
fered by the crew module as well as specialist equip- or returning back home.
ment and systems peculiar to the colonist require-
ments. A mass 0 colony module contains 4 colonists, Heavy Lifter/Lander and Solar Sail These stand-
and larger colony modules contain 8 colonists for alone thrusters are used to facilitate glory missions.
each mass point. Generate the colonists using the The Heavy Lifter/Lander allows landing on or taking
Faction Designer in the core rules, using the Upp- off from large sites. The solar sail can be used to
ported or Promoted Colonists from the core rules, return a crew from a site with no fuel while leaving
or use the Primary Colonists chapter on page 148 the rest of the rocket behind. See the Movement sec-
to create Earthside or Second Generation Colonists. tion for details. Heavy Lifter/Landers and Solar Sails
Upported and Earthside Colonists are available in are normally only available in LEO or home orbits,
LEO, home orbits and colonies, Second Generation although C class factories can ET produce Electric
Colonists only at colonies and Promoted Colonists Sails as an operation which can act as +2 thrust solar
only at laboratories. sails.
Missions delivering colonists to a laboratory, pay Heavy Lifter/Lander and Solar Sail missions are
extremely well: the crew can eliminate 10 debt, dis- not capable of industrializing a site or even neces-
tributed as they require amongst individual crew sarily claiming it; instead the destination should be
members. However the laboratory will perform ei- rolled on the Glory destinations and require the crew
ther a promote operation, if the colonists were origi- reach the site and return to LEO for a ticker tape pa-
nally not promoted, or an epic hazard operation, if rade.
the colonists were promoted, with a 1 in 6 chance (1 The Heavy Lifter/Lander is a Cermet NERVA
on 1D6) of having an accident while the crew is still thruster with a Pebble Bed Fission reactor. This
present. adds +1 mass and is a 10 * 4 AB 1 thruster which re-
On military missions, roll greater than the Nation- quires 1 therm of cooling or to have the afterburner
ality Mix Number on 2D6 for the colonists carried in used whenever it is used. This thruster is typically
the payload to be from the same faction as the mili- switched to for launch and landings on large Glory
tary. Factions without a Nationality Mix Number use sites. The payload also includes a Solar Sail if space-
2 if the faction is Red, 3 if White, 4 if Green, 5 if Purple craft is Medium or High quality.
and 6 if Orange.
Stranded Crew Recovery Roll 1D5* for the fac-
Colony Packages allow a site to be industrialized tion that has a mass 1 crew module and crew
by building a factory without impacting the space- stranded at the destination. Returning the crew to
craft’s functionality. The colony package relies on LEO will pay 5 debt total which can be distributed as

required amongst the crew. No payload is required valuables column of the Valuables table on page 140
on the outbound trip. in the Encounter chapter. If successful, the crew can
eliminate debt equal to twice the mass delivered: a
minimum of 1 debt each for mass 0 or smaller deliv-
Salvage Use the Spacecraft Designer to create a
low quality spacecraft at the destination which is
missing the crew and payload. No payload is re-
quired on the outbound trip. Water High Frontier is a game based on a twist of
an old saying: here, where something is “Worth Its
Weight in Water”, it is incredibly valuable. There are
Refineries are used to build a factory at a claim very few items worth transporting around the solar
in conjunction with a robonaut. Most refineries re- system, and almost all of them are only valuable be-
quire a generator and reactor (to power the gener- cause of temporary shortages or market pressures.
ator) and the spacecraft’s generator and reactor is The long term trend should be towards prices drop-
modular and intended for this function in addition ping to the value of the propellant used to move
to powering the spacecraft’s systems to reach the them.
site. Refineries are not available at C factories.

Weapon Packages allow include one or more

Resupply missions are used to carry spare parts robonauts intended to be used as weapons when at-
for repairs or to supply additional fuel to a craft. A tacking or capturing a factory or spacecraft. Military
resupply mission is abstracted as 1 mass of cargo. missions with weapons packages are not capable of
Salvage Use the Spacecraft Designer to create a industrializing a site that they claim. This means that
low quality spacecraft at the destination which is a military mission must capture a factory using their
missing the crew and payload. No payload is re- buggy robonaut or colonist to begin to ET produce
quired on the outbound trip. or create a colony.

Valuables There are very few things worth trans- Weapons Package or Refinery The payload will
porting through space, and these are classified as be a Weapons Package if politics is War or Anarchy,
valuables in High Frontier. Roll om the appropriate and Refinery otherwise.

Forming Colonies
If you travel to one of your factories or successfully industrialize while carrying a colonist payload, the
colonists you are carrying will normally form or add themselves to a colony instead of continuing to travel
with you. The colonist becomes a minor faction in the game if they are the first colony present at the factory;
otherwise colonists are added as immigrants to the existing colony.

Colonist Contacts Each crew member can choose to add a Colony contact or a Colonist faction contact
when you form or add colonists to a colony using your colonist payload.

Glory Destinations

Roll 1D6 wih the following modifiers: +1 if carrying a thruster with fuel consumption <= 1, +2 if this thruster
is not a solar sail, +3 if carrying a thruster with FC <=1 and carrying a thruster with at least thrust 9.

Roll Destination Achievement High Frontier Map Route

1-3 Mars Hellas Basin Buried Glaciers Mars glory Red path
Purple path to intersection after signpost
4 Comet Wilson-Harrington Science glory then map south to comet
5 Achilles Purple path
Jupiter glory
6 Aenis Green path
Orange path to Sol-Mercury L4 then
Sol-Mercury Rabbithole, Phaethon on
Science glory
7 Phaethon the following turn
Dark blue path to Solar-Venus Lagrange,
8 Venus HEO, LVO, landing
9+ Mercury North Pole Mercury Glory Orange path

To determine the mission goal, use the Mission Goal table on the current page.
Roll 1D6 for the Mission Goal if the spacecraft is solar powered or has a fuel consumption higher than 2,
roll 2D6 for any other MW thruster and add +2 if the spacecraft carries a refinery or mobile factory. Later in
the game roll 3D6 if the spacecraft has a GW thruster and 4D6 if the spacecraft has a TW thruster.

Push Factory or Bernal Lab If a player mission,

the spacecraft will have a Bernal payload on a result
Mission Goals
of 13 or 14.
Roll Mission Goal
1-3 Glory
4-5 Long Term Colony TNO Lab If a player mission, the spacecraft will
6 Industry have a Bernal payload on a result of 18 or 19.
7 Inner System Expansion
8-10 Long Range
11-14 Push Factory or Bernal Lab
15-19 TNO Lab
20+ Interstellar Exit

Each goal has a number of possible destinations that can be used to achieve a goal. It may not be able to
achieve the goal at the destination rolled either because the destination has already been industrialized,
claimed or busted, or because it doesn’t have a factory which could be captured (for Military missions). If
this occurs while generating the mission, then keep the same goal and reroll the destination. If a mission
cannot be completed mid-mission, reroll the goal and destination.

Glory Destinations
Glory can be a fleeting thing or an inspiration. If a crew successfully completes a glory by reaching the
destination and returning to Earth via LEO for a ticker tape then each surviving crew member gets a point
of Glory.

Long Term Colony Destinations

Roll 1D6 wih the following modifiers: +2 if carrying buggy robonaut, +4 if carrying a Diaspora Lab or Comet

Roll Destination Achievement High Frontier Map Route

1-3 Ceres up to 11 hydration Yellow path
Purple path to second intersection
after signpost then map south to
4 Hygiea up to 8 hydration first intersection
5 Eichsfeldia up to 8 hydration Blue path to Karin group
6-7 Mars Arsia Mons Caves up to 11 hydration Red path
Comet Purple path to intersection after
8 Wilson-Harrington up to 4 hydration signpost then map south to comet
9-10 Achilles 6 hydration (best Greek camp) Purple path
11+ Aenis 9 hydration (best Trojan camp) Green path

Industry Destinations

Roll 1D6 wih the following modifiers: +3 if ISRU 2 (+4 if ISRU 2 raygun). Replace results 1-3 with Deimos if
Deimos has not been claimed or busted.

Roll Destination Achievement High Frontier Map Route

1 Achilles Purple path
2 Aenis Green path
D factory Along Blue path then continue straight, taking two pivots to
3 Pholus reach entrance to path to Pholus, with optional Jupiter flyby
Purple path to second intersection after signpost then map
4 Lutetia M factory south
5-6 Hertha Blue path to Vesta family
7-8 Vesta V factory Blue path to Karin group
9+ Karin B S factory Blue path

Long Term Colony Destinations

Water is the key to space and never more so than when sustaining a space habitat such as a Bernal. The
long term colony destinations includes the wet dirtsides the Bernal needs to sustain additional colonists in
space. The crew can recruit one colonist for every 2 hydration (round down) that their Bernal has and does
not need to carry these colonists as payload: they may perform operations from anywhere in space.

Industry Destinations
These industrial destinations have been chosen because they provide an easier path to acquiring isotope
fuels and gigawatt thrusters needed to explore the outer reaches of the solar system.

Inner System Expansion Destinations

An inner system expansion is a relatively straight forward path from the initial factory to a second, allowing
the acquisition of advanced technologies and named spacecraft classes without the risks of failing to
prospect any members of an asteroid group or the expense of landing on a large moon or planet.

Long Range Destinations

Long range destinations have the advantages of being less likely to be exploited by the time the crew arrives
at the desination, and in the outer system, being wetter and therefore easier to industrialize.

Inner System Expansion Destinations

Roll 1D6 wih the following modifiers: +3 if ISRU 2, +6 if ISRU 1.

Roll Destination Achievement High Frontier Map Route

1-6 Sylvia C factory Orange path
Purple path to second intersection after signpost then map
7-9 Himala C factory north
10-11 Flora S factory Purple path to intersection before signpost then map south
12+ Psyche M factory Blue path to Karin group

Long Range Destinations

Roll 1D6 wih the following modifiers: +2 if using the Metastable Helium thruster or if you have ability to
avoid Aerobrakes or +4 if you have the ability to avoid Ring and Debris Hazards.

Roll Long Range Destination Achievement High Frontier Map Route

1 Mercury North Pole V push factory Orange path
2-3 Enceladus M factory To Jupiter flyby then Green path
4 Callisto Asgard Ice Spires V factory Purple path
5 Ganymede Memphis Facula S factory Purple path to Jupiter Callisto Lagrange
To Jupiter flyby then Green path to Dione
6 Dione V factory Trojans
To Jupiter flyby then Green path to Titan HEO,
7 Titan D factory Ontorio Lacus
To Jupiter flyby then Green path to Dione
8 Rhea V factory Trojans
To Jupiter flyby then Green path to Saturn
9+ Oberon D factory flyby then map north

Push Factory or Bernal Lab Destinations

Push factories allow the crew to begin to beam gigawatt levels of power to allow their spacecraft to
have more thrust. Laboratories allow promotions of crew and spacecraft components to increase their
performance and capabilities.

TNO Lab Destinations

TNO is short for trans Neptunian object and it is one of the propositions of High Frontier is that many of
these objects contain useful properties and materials from the formation of the solar system which have
not been eroded by the solar wind or through collisions with other bodies. A factory on a TNO science site
is can act as a laboratory even if a Bernal is not present.

Interstellar Exits
The mission payload for an Interstellar mission will include 3 colonists (1 scientist, 1 engineer and 1 finance)
and no refineries. Interstellar missions will be covered in a future supplement or can be resolved using the
High Frontier Interstellar board game rules. Roll 1D6 for the exit taken by the mission.

Interstellar Exits
Roll Interstellar Exit
1-3 Jupiter-Sol-Jupiter Exit
4-5 Sol Exit Neptune
6 Sol Exit Oort

Push Factory or Bernal Lab Destinations

Roll 1D6 wih the following modifiers: +3 if has Atmospheric ISRU Scoop or +6 if ISRU 0.

Push Factory or
Bernal Lab
Roll Destination Achievement High Frontier Map Route
1 Mercury North Pole V push factory Orange path
2-3 Enceladus M science factory To Jupiter flyby then Green path
Europa Subsurface Purple path to intersection after second signpost
4 Ocean C science factory then map north to Sol-Jupiter L2 Lagrange
5 Chiron C science factory Blue path to Karin group then map north east
Green path to first intersection past Jupiter flyby
Triton Mahilani then map north to third intersection then map
6 Plume M science factory west via Neutrino sun lens
To Jupiter flyby then Green path to Saturn flyby
7 Arial V science factory then map north
C push and
8-9 Venus science factory Dark blue path
Mercury Discovery V push and
10 Rupes science factory Orange path
Purple path to intersection after second signpost
11+ Io Gish Bar Mons M science factory then map north to Sol-Jupiter L2 Lagrange

TNO Lab Destinations

Roll 1D6 wih the following modifiers: +1 if carrying a Diaspora Lab or Comet Lichen with an extra +1 if not
carrying a Bernal.

Roll TNO Lab Destination Achievement High Frontier Map Route

1 Charon C TNO lab
2-3 Haumea V TNO lab
4 Pluto V TNO lab
Blue path to Karin group, then map west
5 Huya M TNO lab
to TNO path and out
6 Quaoar S TNO lab
7 Sawaieke D TNO lab
8+ Comet Halley D TNO lab

Advanced Missions
Advanced missions have their own mission dependent payloads and completion requirements. Instead of
rolling for a goal and destination, you can freely choose any destination which meets the requirements of
the advanced mission.

Advanced Colony Missions

Advanced colony missions attempt to make the solar system a safer and more hospitable place. Roll 1D6
for each advanced colony mission.

Roll Description Buckminster Aerocity Planetary aerostats are

1 Buckminster Aerocity
2 Jovian High Voltage Tethers paradoxically some of the more hospitable parts of
3 Outer Diaspora
4 Saving the Earth the solar system but require radically different engi-
5 Terraforming Pioneers
6 Vesta Hypertelescope

neering techniques in order to exploit and colonize some time in the next 500,000 years (6). To com-
them. To complete Buckminster Aerocity, have a plete Outer Diaspora, simultaneously have space
colony at an aerostat for 12 years. colonies in 4 heliocentric zones.

Jovian High Voltage Tethers The Van Allen Belts Saving the Earth Due to the intractability of the
around Jupiter prevent access to the innermost 3-body problem, the chance of a near Earth object
moons of Jupiter and create dangerous radioactive hitting the Earth can’t be determined more than 60
environments on the surfaces of Europa and Io and years in advance. If an object with 8+ on the Torino
in space around Ganymede. Placing enough long, scale is identified, equivalent to the Tunguska event
light weight and highly charged tethers would re- in 1908, the only practical way to divert it is to build
duce the particle flux levels in Jupiter’s Van Allen mass drivers on its surface and operate them over
belts to perhaps 1% of the current levels. To com- a few decades. Presently there are no known ob-
plete the Jovian high voltages tethers mission and jects with a rating greater than 0 on the Torino scale,
test one of these tethers, cross 5 Jovian radiation although Torino 0 events such as the Chelyabinsk
hazards in a single turn. meteor in 2013 can still cause injury and significant
damage. To complete Saving the Earth, decommis-
sion a refinery plus non-radiator supports on Hermes
Outer Diaspora The Earth has to become a much A and B.
more precarious a place to sustain life for another
location in the solar system to become an attractive
place to live: building cities in the Gobi desert or Terraforming Pioneers While terraforming a
Antarctica is far easier than on Mars. But a sustained whole planet will take much longer than sixty years, a
diaspora is justified if there are sufficient chance of suitable scale proof-of-concept test will confirm the
a global catastrophic risk that eliminates human life feasibility of starting such an endeavour. To com-
from Earth. Such a risk would have to be worse plete Terraforming Pioneers, carry 10 mass of ter-
than simply out of control global warming or cool- raforming materials in a single payload from LEO to
ing, because it makes more sense to build large self- the surface of one of the terraformable sites: Mars,
sustaining Earth-like colonies on Earth itself if these Venus, Ceres, Callisto, Europa, Mimas, Enceladus,
conditions arise. Cosmic threats which an outer dias- Dione, Rhea, Ganymede, Titania, Oberon or Titan.
pora might justifiably preserve humanity include the
sun entering an unstable flare star phase (1); flood Vesta Hypertelescope At a diameter of 504 km,
basalts covering an entire Earth continent or ocean Rheasilvia is one of the largest impact craters in the
basin in lava for a million years or more (2); the near solar system and it is almost 90% of the diameter
passing of an extrasolar star displacing comets from of Vesta, the planetoid it is on. Building a hyperte-
the Oort cloud (3); the Earth becoming a runaway lescope, a large virtual mirror, in this crater would
hot house planet like Venus (4); the 1% chance in the require removing one of the tallest mountains in the
lifetime of the sun that Mercury’s orbit becomes un- solar system, a 20-25 km high peak with 200 km
stable due to Jupiter’s gravitational influence (with diameter base and be a considerable feat of engi-
one outcome being a collision with the Earth) (5); neering and human ingenuity and perseverance. To
and the unlikely event that WR104’s axis points to- complete Vesta Hypertelescope have a factory and
wards the Earth when it emits a gamma ray burst colony on Vesta and sell 3 V-class ET products at LEO.

Advanced Commercial Mission

The solar system contains the resources needed for virtually unlimited wealth: the difficulty is accessing
them in a reasonable fashion. Roll 1D6. You can either attempt to industrialize or negotiate access to
factories on one of the nominated site(s), unless otherwise noted.

Roll Description Earth Space Elevator The Obayashi Corporation

1 Earth Space Elevator
2 Io Geyser Ion Farming intends to build an Earth space elevator from carbon
3 NEO Mine nanotubes by 2050, taking approximately 20 years
4 Nitrogen Mining
5 Space Pharmacy to construct the 96,000 km cable anchored at one
6 Titan Petroleum

end by a 400m diameter floating Earth port and at create a breathable atmosphere, and regolith which
the other end using a 12,500 ton counterweight. A can be combined with organic materials to form soil.
20-ton cable is deployed initially, and is reinforced Two key exceptions are phosphorus and nitrogen
510 times by climbers weighing up to 7,000 tons, as- which will have to be exported from Earth or other
cending in succession over roughly 18 years. The sites to many environments to provide a livable ex-
facilities including a GEO Earth station and a suc- traterrestrial environment. Carbonaceous asteroids
cession of gates using the tangential velocity of the and the atmospheres of Venus, Titan and Triton are
cable to launch craft to LEO, Luna orbits, Mars and important sources of extraterrestrial nitrogen. To
beyond. The final cable is rated for up to 100 tonne complete industrialize or negotiate access to facto-
climbers which take 7 days to ascend. To complete ries on one C site or either Titan site.
industrialize or negotiate access to factories on one C
site. Then decommission a refinery and non-radiator Space Pharmacy The first pharmaceutical prod-
supports on one size 1 site in the Venus, Earth or Mars ucts made in space and for sale on Earth are
zones to act as a counterweight (you do not have to monodisperse microspheres, small plastic spheres
industrialize the site). of highly uniform size and rigidity used for calibra-
tion, pore measurement, or drug or radioisotope
Io Geyser Ion Farming Jupiter’s moon Io ejects transport. These can be made on Earth but gravity
as much as 1,000 kg of material every second into limits their size and uniformity.
Jupiter’s magnetosphere, a major part of which is For instance, a zero-g medical application identi-
dissociated into atoms and ionized by solar ultravio- fied by G. Harry Stine is the efficient production of
let radiation. These ions escape from the satellite’s single-cell products such as blood-fraction leuko-
atmosphere and form the Io plasma torus: a thick cytes. Weightlessness keeps the fragile cells mixed
and relatively cool ring of plasma encircling Jupiter, in a suspension of nutrients while extracting the drug
located near Io’s orbit. This plasma can be directly being produced.
mined for materials without the need to descend to The absence of gravity means that you can mix stuff
Io’s surface. To complete have a Bernal or mobile that normally don’t stay mixed because they are dif-
factory in a Jupiter or Saturn radiation hazard. ferent densities. If you shake a bottle of salad dress-
ing in space, the oil and vinegar stay mixed. It also
means that warmer stuff won’t rise because of low-
NEO Mine Most extraterrestrial resources are ered density, and so convection heating won’t result
available between the orbits of Venus and Mars: lu- in separation of materials. To complete industrial-
nar helium-3 mining, “deep space” labs at the Lunar- ize or negotiate access to factories on one S site.
Earth L2 and in and out-bound synodic comets. To
complete industrialize or negotiate access to facto-
ries on one size 1 site in the Venus, Earth or Mars Titan Petroleum Each of several dozen lakes
zones. found while mapping Titan are estimated to contain
more hydrocarbon liquid than Earth’s oil and gas
reserves. The dark dunes that run along the equa-
Nitrogen Mining Many extraterrestrial environ- tor contain a volume of organics several hundred
ments have many of the necessities of life: including times larger than Earth’s coal reserves. To complete
water, energy from solar power (supplemented with industrialize or negotiate access to site refuel on any
nuclear power), volatiles including oxygen needed to site on Titan and return some of that fuel to LEO.

Advanced Military Missions

Roll 1D6, +1 if Luna is busted, for an advanced military mission. To complete the Advanced Military mission
you build at least one factory at the listed destination (or one of the listed destinations), regardless of
who currently occupies the location. If you already have a factory or claim there or there is an unclaimed
site present, set the Space Politics to War when the solar cycle is next in the blue phase or if the Space
Politics is Anarchy (change it immediately if either applies). When this occurs roll for an intercepting military
spacecraft launch from Earth travelling to this site - multiple spacecraft will launch if multiple sites qualify.

Roll Description
1 Battle for Luna
2 Battle for Mercury
3 Battle for Mars
4 Battle for a Galilean moon
5 Battle for Titan
6 Battle for an aerostat
7 Battle for Triton

Advanced Science Missions

Science missions attempt to advance human understanding of the solar system. Roll 1D6 for an advanced
science mission.

Roll Description CUDOs’ high density of gravitating matter provides

1 Planetary Composition a distinct observable difference in the outcome of
3 Submersible Prospectors cometary collisions with rocky bodies and can ex-
4 Search for CUDOS plain the behaviour of some recent Earth impacts.
5 Search for Alien Life To complete Search for CUDOS, land humans on a
6 Stellar Lab on Kreutz Sungrazer claimed TNO site and then return them to Earth’s
6 Uranus Moon Explorer surface.

Planetary Composition It is still unclear why so

Stellar Lab on Kreutz Sungrazer The standard
many planets have such distinct composition de-
model of Sol sees it as a ball of fusion plasma, and its
spite forming from the same planetary disk. To com-
surface as an optical illusion. The liquid sun model
plete the Planetary Composition, have humans you
postulates that Sol has a real surface, composed of
control conduct a grand tour by visiting 7 different
liquid metallic hydrogen. A lab based in the heart
heliocentric zones and then return them to LEO or a
of a sun grazing comet will unlock Sol’s secrets. To
complete a Stellar Lab on Kreutz Sungrazer, decom-
mission a refinery plus non-radiator supports on the
Search for Alien Life The panspermia hypothe- Kreutz Sungrazer.
sis proposes that life elsewhere in the Solar System
may have a common origin. If extraterrestrial life
was found on another body in the Solar System, it Submersible Prospectors Radioactivity and
could have originated from Earth just as life on Earth tidal heating may create salty subsurface oceans, big
could have been seeded from elsewhere (exogene- enough to decouple crust from mantle. These sites
sis). Discovering extraterrestrial life in a subsurface may harbor exotic chemistries or life. To complete
ocean, aerostat or buried in icy regolith could con- Submersible Prospectors, submersible prospect a
firm panspermia or exogenesis or provide insight subsurface ocean site with humans present and
into the building blocks of life that exists elsewhere return the humans at the site safely to the Earth or a
in the universe. To complete the Search for Alien lab.
Life, discover ET life with humans present and return
the humans discovering it safely to Earth or a lab. Uranus Moon Explorer A massive planetary im-
pact is the likeliest explanation of Uranus’ extreme
Search for CUDOs Anomalous cryovolcanoes, in axial tilt, and the remnants of such an impact could
places far too cold for geysers such as on Charon, have formed many if not all of its 27 moons. To com-
may indicate impacts by CUDOs (Compact Ultra plete the Uranus moon explorer, have stacks you
Dense Objects) orbiting the galactic center. A CUDO control visit the surface of at least 4 different moons
could be a quark matter strangelet fragment or made of Uranus. This will allow you to gather and compare
from TeV-scale dark matter particles: one with the geological samples which will provide enough data
mass of a 10 km asteroid would be 10 cm in diameter. to validate or repudiate this theory.
Chapter 4


The space politics determines how space is governed and laws are enforced, but almost all every law and
treaty in practice is only enforceable if the political will to do so is greater than the immense distances and
costs involved. Crews may be given political missions and mandates which are the result of political trends
playing out elsewhere. The greatest risk of the space politics is that the laws governing the mission may
change resulting in political impacts on the crew’s personal and professional lives.

Political Missions
Missions in the High Frontier are normally to claim a site and industrialize it to build a factory capable of ET
producing spacecraft upgrades. Political missions have other objectives, with less direct rewards, and will
normally interfere with the crew’s progress.
If your Mission Control matches the Space Politics, you can defer any other mission you are required to do
for a roll on the political missions table. If your Mission Control does not match the Space Politics, you can
be assigned political missions as the result of a political impact, an event or a random mission type, which
you must complete instead of the mission you are currently on.

If Upported or below roll 2D6, with the following modifiers: -2 if the Space Politics is Red or War, -1 if
White or Anarchy, no modifier if Green, War or Anarchy, +1 if Purple, +2 if Orange. If Colonization or
later roll 1D6, with the following modifiers: -1 if the Space Politics is Red or Anarchy, no modifier if War,
+1 if White, +3 if Green, +5 if Purple, +7 if Orange.

Roll Mission TYpe

0 Atrocity
1 NEO Combat
2 Interception
3 Weapons Test
4 Defense
5 Logistics
6 Covert Ops
7 Taxation
8 Diplomacy
9 Law Enforcement
10 Treaty or Peacekeeping
11 Delivery
12 Commercial Agreement
13+ ET Markets

Life in space is already so precarious that it takes little effort to snuff it out completely. The crew must
complete the Atrocity Felony operation at the location of the atrocity.

Atrocity Missions
Roll 1D6 to determine the atrocity objective. You must move the politics to Anarchy or War to perform
atrocities if you are not allowed to commit felonies.

Roll Description Eviction A neutral faction performing a Site Refuel

1 Eviction at one of your factories needs to be forcibly removed.
2 Disband Colony
3 Demote Bernal
4 Decommission Colonist
5 Space Passenger
6 Space Crew

Disband Colony One of your colonies needs to Space Passenger A paying passenger either car-
be disbanded. ried by you or at one of your colonies needs to be
killed, usually by evacuating the air from the airlock
Demote Bernal Your Bernal needs to be demoted they are placed in.
and all people on board returned Earthside.

Decommission Colonist Your colonist payload Space Crew A random crew member must be
or a Colonist at one of your factories needs to be killed, usually by evacuating the air from the airlock
decommissioned. they are placed in.

NEO Combat
The Star Wars program was an early attempt to militarize Earth orbits to control the higher ground. While
anti-satellite weaponry can be launched from Earth it is much cheaper and more cost effective to deploy
multiple weapons from another orbital platform. ISRU platforms such as rayguns and missiles can be
repurposed for testing purposes to test the feasibility of sensor and software solutions against real world

NEO Combat Missions

Roll 1D6 to determine the NEO combat mission objective. Combat is permitted in Home Orbits to perform
these operations.

Roll Description a mass 2, rad-hardness 2, thrust 2 dummy support

1 Destroy Target in Home Orbit for your Bernal and destroy it. This demotes your
2 Disable Target in Home Orbit Bernal.
3 Demote Bernal
4 Capture NEO Infrastructure
5 Orbital Bombardment Capture NEO Infrastructure You must capture
6 Total War / War Games the equivalent of a factory and colony at either the
NEO Infrastructure location (if at War) or a dummy
Destroy Target in Home Orbit If at war, the tar- NEO Infrastructure (roll on the table).
get is a Raygun and Missile equipped ship. Other-
wise boost a mass 4, rad-hardness 4, thrust 4 dummy
target. Orbital Bombardment You must destroy an
Earthside factory using a kamikaze Missile. You can-
not use a crewed missile (crew or colonist) if not at
Disable Target in Home Orbit If at war, the target war.
is a Raygun and Buggy equipped ship which has to
have its weapons disabled. Otherwise boost a stack
of 3 cards which are mass 3, rad-hardness 3, thrust 3 Total War / War Games You must remain in your
and all of them must be destroyed. home orbit for 1D6 years. Reroll on this table each
year, except if not at war, the exercise is replaced
Demote Bernal If at war, you must demote an- by Military Simulator Training for the year instead of
other player’s Bernal. Otherwise, you must boost needing to boost and destroy dummy targets.

Deliberate interceptions in space are so expensive that missions attempting an interception are almost
always reserved for war or actions intended to lead to war.

Interception Missions
The crew is assigned a mission to perform against the last interception rolled as long as it is not a supply
ship. If no valid interception exists, roll for one which occurs in 1D6 years (reroll if this is higher than the
heliocentric distance from Earth).

Roll Objective Redirect or Hijack Vessel The spacecraft be-

1 Search or Destroy Crew Module ing intercepted must voluntarily change course if
2 Search or Destroy Payload felonies are not allowed. If allowed to commit
3 Decommission or Destroy Radiators felonies, the vessel will be uncrewed unless this re-
4 Redirect or Hijack Vessel sult is rolled following a standoff.
5 Hostile Recruit or Assassinate
6 Standoff
Hostile Recruit or Assassinate An on board
Search or Destroy Crew Module Spacecraft colonist will either be hostile recruited or killed. If
must be boarded and searched if attacks are not creating a mission and attacks are not permitted,
allowed the intercepting spacecraft’s faction will match the
colonist colour.
Search or Destroy Payload Spacecraft must be
boarded and searched if attacks are not allowed. Standoff Intercept a spacecraft and spend a year
standing off it - neither spacecraft will move. If at
Decommission or Destroy Radiators The space- War, after the year reroll on this table, with a Hostile
craft being intercepted must voluntarily switch their Recruit or Standoff result means you disengage and
radiators to the light side if attacks are not allowed. both spacecraft move.

Weapons Test
ISRU platforms are dual-use both as weapons and mining equipment, but there are often limitations in the
ability to test these platforms Earthside where they are first manufactured, especially for nuclear-powered
platforms. A test in space can be used to confirm theories used in the design and identify further areas of

Weapons Test Missions

Roll 1D6 for the weapons test objective. Combat Ops are always permitted against dummy targets except
on other faction claims.

Roll Objective dummy target. Then take it into orbit and perform a
1 Space Raygun Test Combat Operation with a missile attack against it.
2 Space Missile Test
3 Space Buggy Test
4 Factory Capture Test Space Buggy Test If equipped with a buggy, per-
5 Orbital Bombardment Test form an ET Production operation to print a mass 1
6 Combat Drop Exercise dummy target. Then take it into orbit and perform a
Combat Operation with a buggy attack against it.
Space Raygun Test If equipped with a raygun,
perform an ET Production operation to print a mass
Factory Capture Test If equipped with a buggy,
1 dummy target. Then take it into orbit and perform
proceed to the nearest site you can land on and re-
a Combat Operation with a raygun attack against it.
fuel at. Perform a Site Refuel, where the excavation
phase is used to build a dummy factory and colony,
Space Missile Test If equipped with a missile, per- and 2 Combat Ops at the site, each with a buggy
form an ET Production operation to print a mass 1 attack against the dummy facilities.

Orbital Bombardment Test If equipped with a refuel at. Perform a Site Refuel, where the excavation
missile, proceed to the nearest site you can land phase is used to build a dummy factory and colony.
on and refuel at. Perform a Site Refuel, where the Then perform a Combat Op against the dummy fa-
excavation phase is instead used to build a dummy cilities using your robonaut to attack, except also
factory and colony. Then return to orbit and perform make a 1D6 raygun attack against your spacecraft ra-
a kamikaze missile attack against the site. diators first to simulate counter-fire from the site. Al-
ternately, land on the site using either an aerobrake
Combat Drop Exercise If equipped with a robo- or passing through a hazard that turn.
naut, proceed to the nearest site you can land on and

Attempting to take a site by force is akin to sending a kayak armed with a bow to fight a main battle tank:
the defender effectively has unlimited mass and energy compared to the tiny amount the attacker has
been able to haul over the vast distance required to begin the invasion. Nonetheless, caution dictates that
defensive reinforcements may still be necessary, especially at fully automated sites which can be hacked
and hijacked by a motivated attacker.

Defense Missions
Roll 1D6. Combat Ops are always permitted against dummy targets except on other faction claims.

Roll Objective Garrison Either form a colony at one of your fac-

1 Entrenchment tories, or visit a colony, and spend a year performing
2 Patrol Military Simulator Training instead of an operation.
3 Garrison
4 Hazardous Duty
5 Rapid Response Hazardous Duty Enter the closest radiation haz-
6 Reinforce ard, aerobrake or non-landing hazard space to one
of your factories.
Entrenchment Move to one of your factory sites
and perform a non-isotope Site Refuel (rather than
Rapid Response Visit one of your factories by
a Factory Refuel). This represents entrenching the
spending 2 burns moving through a pivot or taking
advantage of a hazardous fly by.

Patrol Move to the flyby in the zone of one of your

factories - if in the Ceres zone, instead move to the Reinforce Visit one of your factories and leave
nearest family space to your factory. your payload there.

The High Frontier board game makes some fairly strict assumptions about the logistics of a space program,
limiting the number of different spacecraft that can be moved each year. The Sixty Years In RPG instead
follows the progress of one spacecraft and is more generous in the logistics permitted by allowing supply
missions to catch up with this spacecraft. The rest of the mission control’s logistics capability is abstracted
out by allowing the mission control faction to build factories throughout the map like any other faction in
the game.

Logistics Missions
Roll 1D6 to determine the objective of the logistics mission.

Roll Objective the mission that this spacecraft has been assigned
1 Fuel Transfer using its payload and components.
2 Payload Transfer
3 Replace Crew
4 Return to Home Orbit Return to Home Orbit Return to your faction’s
5 Take on Passenger home orbit or LEO and receive your next mission.
6 Upgrade or Repair Spacecraft
Take on passenger Take on a passenger from the
Fuel transfer Transfer 1D6 tanks of your fuel to next spacecraft to intercept you. Roll for this passen-
the next spacecraft to intercept you. You may then ger normally and determine the mission destination
need to refuel en route to your destination. based on the passenger type.

Payload transfer Transfer your payload to the Upgrade or repair spacecraft You must upgrade
next spacecraft to intercept you. You will then need
or repair a random component on the next space-
to roll for a new mission destination. craft to intercept you. If this leaves you without a
payload or a working spacecraft, the interception fol-
Replace crew Swap crew modules with the next lowing the next one delivers you the parts required
spacecraft to intercept you. You must then perform to repair your payload or spacecraft.

Covert Ops
There is no almost stealth in space - a rocket’s heat signature from their radiators cannot be concealed and
will divulge virtually everything about it - but there exists the opportunity for misdirection and menace.
Covert operations use the cover of a normal mission to deliver something else to someone else,

Covert Ops Missions

Roll 1D6 to determine the objective of the covert operations mission.

Roll 1D6. Face to Face Negotiate a visit to another faction’s

Roll Objective colony to meet with a colonist while you are there.
1 Blockade Running Do not roll for the colonist until you arrive. Topic
2 Fuel depot of discussion is (roll 1D6) 1: Criminal Conspiracy. 2:
3 Cache Diplomacy (roll on Diplomacy table). 3: Commercial
4 Distress Signal Agreement (roll on Commercial Agreement table). 4:
5 Face to Face Prisoner Exchange 5: Hostage Exchange 6: Ambush
6 Secret Identity by a third party.

Blockade Running Boost a mission payload to Secret Identity Pick up a passenger whose iden-
your home orbit for twice the normal boost cost. tity is concealed from you. If you are already carrying
a colonist or passenger, you discover their current
Fuel depot Refuel at another faction’s factory. identity is a cover story. Roll 1D6 for the passenger
You will need to negotiate this if the Space Politics is identity if required. 1: Government Agent. 2: Private
not at War or Anarchy. Military Contractor (if Colonist) or Military Adviser. 3:
Criminal 4: Fugitive. 5: Cult Leader. 6: Roll on the
paying passenger table. If the passenger has a cover
Cache Jettison the payload and return to your
story, roll an additional 1D6 for their intentions. 1:
home orbit.
Ensure the mission is completed. 2: Form a colony. 3:
Ensure the crew adheres to Mission Control and Po-
Distress Signal Move through a hazard or aero- litical impacts and crew replacements. 4: Surveilling
brake and destroy your thruster supports. Await res- the mission 5: Selling mission secrets 6: Hijack the
cue. spacecraft. The hijack attempt occurs immediately.

The colonies of High Frontier do not start out taxed because the crews that usually found them are employ-
ees of their mission control and earnings in space are normally tax exempt (A notable exception to this rule
is crew who are US government employees).
There are a number of ways that taxation may be introduced. Revenue will be needed to pay for colony
services for inhabitants who are not employees of the BSU which controls the colony. This can occur if
any crew members have their employment terminated while at the colony and do not have a “get home”
clause in their employment contract or the clause is not honoured. Children born at the colony, additional
colonists and immigrants may also not be treated as employees.
Green BSUs are usually organized as cooperatives which means the crew and colonists own the means
of production and others can buy in using “sweat equity” and taxes are used to equalize incomes where
disparities exist. Orange BSUs typically have the capital used to set up the colony and factory provided by
a company structure which as a result owns all the facilities. This makes the colony effectively a company
town and prices are set based on what the market will bear and inhabitants who are not employees
effectively become indentured labour. Other BSUs will be owned by the government either directly (White)
or through the military (Red) or a government-like structure (Purple) and prices will be set and controlled
artificially. Taxes will usually be set based on political considerations (punishing “sinful” behaviour for
white BSUs, capturing negative externalities for purple BSUs and as a way of extracting bribes for red BSUs).
Secondly, claims in High Frontier are claims of sovereignty, including the ability to tax activity at the claim.
Red and White BSUs will treat the claims as territories which gives the BSUs economic rights over the colony
while not granting inhabitants any corresponding any political rights (votes). Purple BSUs are similarly
treated as administrative territories and Orange BSUs only grant votes with ownership of voting stock.
Again only Green BSUs begin immediately giving political power to the inhabitants. Other colonies must go
independent, removing the BSU claim, to get voting power.
Independent colonies need to generate revenues to pay their way, and with the exception of orange inde-
pendent colonies which are user pays, taxes and tariffs are the easiest way to do this. The difference is that
independent colonies will usually have a local political system that provides some level of representation
to accompany the taxation.

Taxation Missions
Roll 1D6, -2 if the Space Politics is Red or War, -1 if White or Anarchy, +1 if Purple or +2 if Orange, to determine
the taxation mission objective.

Roll Objective faction’s factory, including your own or faction al-

-1 Gunboat diplomacy lies. This test will be against live targets if the Space
2 Unfortunate accident Politics is War or Anarchy instead of requiring you
3 Arrests and seizure construct targets.
4 Smuggler interception
5 Customs inspection
6+ Tax protests Arrests and seizure You must go to a random fac-
tion’s colony, including your own, arrest 1D6 people
Gunboat diplomacy Move to a random faction’s and seize 1D6 mass worth of valuable goods.
colony or factory other than your own and perform
an Election operation forcing the Space Politics to
Smuggler interception Intercept a mission pay-
War, if possible, or Anarchy otherwise. Note that this
load at a random faction’s Bernal, including your
will require you wait until the blue phase of the solar
cycle, but you can perform the election operation
prior to your arrival as long as it is War or Anarchy
when you arrive there. Customs inspection You must not move this turn
if your heliocentric distance is less than the era num-
Unfortunate accident Perform your choice of ber, or not perform an operation otherwise, to sub-
weapons test as described on page 58 at a random mit to a customs inspection.

Tax protests Abandon your own payload so that sion it otherwise. This represents a payment dispute
it is at least 1D6 burns from your Bernal or decommis- if the space politics is Orange.

Why meet face to face in a world where high resolution video and telepresence robots allow you to virtually
be there? The short answer is a show of confidence: if you have your literal skin in the room of the people
you are meeting with, you are displaying a level of trust and willingness to negotiate that goes above
and beyond what can be promised over a conference call. Diplomacy is the art of negotiating between
nation-states, and many of its tools are directly applicable to the governance and governing of space.

Diplomatic Missions
Roll 1D6 and modify by the current Space Politics: -2 if Red or War, -1 if White or Anarchy, +1 if Purple, +2 if
Roll Objective Research Agreement As above, but negotiators
-0 Joint Military Venture are from one of your colonies or Bernals, meeting
1 Cease Fire with another faction’s colony or Bernal. If success-
2 Partition ful, you can get access to the faction’s Lab when it is
3 Reparations available to perform one promotion.
4 Disputed Claim
5 Research Agreement
6 Refuelling Agreement Refuelling Agreement As above, but negotiators
7 Trade Mission are from one of your colonies or Bernals, meeting
8+ Declaration of Independence with another faction’s colony or Bernal. If success-
ful, you can refuel at the colony or Bernal without
Joint Military Venture Negotiate a visit to an- needing to negotiate access.
other faction’s factory. Add four crew from the other
faction to a maximum of 8 people in the crew mod-
Trade Mission As above, but negotiators are from
ule and roll for a new mission using Military mission
one of your colonies or Bernals, meeting with an-
other faction’s colony or Bernal. If successful, you
can pay of 1D6 additional debt from individual crew
Cease Fire, Disputed Claim, Reparations, Parti- members the next time you perform an income op-
tion Collect 1D6/2 (round up) passengers from eration.
one faction colony or Bernal to meet with negotia-
tors from another faction at their colony or Bernal
and then return them home. If completed, you get 5 Declaration of Independence As above, but ne-
votes at the next election which you must use if a Red gotiators are from one of your colonies or Bernals,
BSU or may use otherwise to move the politics away meeting with another faction’s colony, which de-
from War (Cease Fire) or both War and Anarchy (Dis- clares independence when it next receives immi-
puted Claim) or towards War or Anarchy (Partition) gration. Add one defect to the faction the colony
or only War (Reparations). belonged to.

The UN Outer Space Treaty among other things prohibits nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction
in space, but in practice it is only enforced if the Anti-nuke Space Politics is in effect. Several thrusters use
nuclear bomblets (the Project Orion typically uses recycled nuclear warheads) and any nuclear powered
MW thruster will have exhaust radioactive enough to effectively be a nuclear weapon.
Other conventions and international treaties, such as the Geneva Convention, would also require on site
inspections which in most instances is only possible by deputizing an already space-based crew due to the
prohibitive costs of launching inspectors from Earth.

Treaty or Peacekeeping Mission

Roll 1D6+1 for the objective of the treaty or peacekeeping mission, or 2D6 if the space politics has ever been
War or Anarchy. Subtract 1 if the Space Politics is Anti-nuke. For results 1-5, if the factions involved in the
treaty or dispute have never been at war or committed felonies against each other, the political mission is
the result of political posturing back home and do not require any enforcement of the inspection process.

Condemnation If treaty violations are found, the result rolled can be subtracted from the inspected
faction’s votes at the next election.

Provocation You can instead add these treaty violation votes to your faction’s vote total during the next
election provided that if you win the election you move the Space politics to Anarchy or War.

Roll Objective Weapons Inspection In 2014 several further UN

-1 Anti-Nuke Inspection resolutions were passed to avoid a space arms race
2 Sovereign Claim Inspection developing, but these were opposed by the United
3 Article IX Inspection States. Move to a factory or colony and inspect
4 Military Base Inspection whether it has any weapons at all. Nuclear, chem-
5 Weapons Inspection ical and biological weapons are prohibited by the
6 Landing Rights earlier Outer Space Treaty and will result in tougher
7 War Crimes Investigation enforcement or sanctions back on Earth.
8 War Crime Warrants
9 War Crime Trial
10 POW Transport Landing Rights Move to a factory and ensure that
11+ POW Inspection another faction’s rocket is able to land and refuel, or
take off. If the two factions involved in the landing
rights dispute have been at War then this is a peace-
Anti-Nuke Inspection Move to a factory or colony keeping exercise; otherwise it will be handled as an
and inspect whether it has any nuclear reactors, iso- Article IX inspection.
tope fuels or radioactive materials.

War Crimes Investigation Move to a factory and

Sovereign Claim Inspection While the Outer conduct an investigation into a colony which pre-
Space Treaty prohibits a government from making a viously existed there or crew which went missing
sovereign claim on a celestial body, in practice this there.
is unenforceable following the collapse of the Moon
treaty. Move to a colony and confirm whether it is
an attempt at a “sovereign claim”. War Crime Warrants Pursue a crew who has com-
mitted war crimes or is harbouring a war criminal.

Article IX Inspection An Article IX Inspection may

occur if an Outer Space Treaty signatory believes an War Crime Trial Move to a colony and conduct
activity or experiment in space may interfere with a trial for (Roll 1D6): -1: Genocide. 2: Atrocities. 3:
their peaceful exploration and use of space. Move Torture. 4: Civilian Casualties 5: Mistreatment of Pris-
to a factory site or the intended site of a future and oners. 6+: Excessive Force. -2 if Red. -1 if White. +1 if
confirm whether activity here could interfere with Purple. +2 if Orange.
other parties use of space.
POW Transport Move to a colony. Roll 3D6 and
Military Base Inspection The prohibition on mil- choose the lowest number. This many prisoners of
itary bases, weapons testing and military maneuvers war need to be transported to home orbit.
in space is slightly more enforceable than sovereign
claim inspections, but still only in the court of public POW Inspection Move to a colony and check the
opinion. quality of care given to prisoners of war.

Law Enforcement
There is currently no legal enforcement of laws in space, which means that simple acts such as getting
married in space need specific waivers and exceptions made in order that they can be recognised elsewhere.
Space is instead governed by international treaties similar to those controlling Antarctica and the high seas
and enforcement of those treaties is a matter of diplomacy rather than law enforcement.
Law enforcement will apply in a couple of areas. Firstly, laws broken by the crew against each other will be
enforced by the BSU of the mission control running the mission. For military BSUs, this will the military
court system. For national BSUs, most nations have extraterritorial jurisdiction over their nationals for
serious crimes which means they will prosecute those crimes using their national criminal system even
when those crimes are committed outside it. The United Nations could also prosecute crimes using the
International Criminal Court which could be used to resolve criminal cases if the national bodies are
signatories to the court. It is likely that as the population of space grows, that the International Criminal
Court or an equivalent transnational body may set up a special court to deal with crimes committed in
space. Corporations, unions and other BSUs have a smaller body of legal tradition and precedent but will
still have laws and mechanisms for censuring crew who violate them.
The second area law enforcement will apply is when sovereignty is established by setting up a claim on a
site. The claim effectively establishes ownership of the site and with that comes a responsibility of creating
laws that govern the people working and living at the claim. Sovereignty will remain even if the claim is
subsequently lost, but the laws governing the site will change to be that of the claim jumper or independent
colony instead of the faction which originally established the claim. If there are colonists present, the new
claimant may well determine that keeping some of the existing legal system in place may be prudent,
similar to the way China has retained many of the laws and legal traditions of British rule in Hong Kong.

Law Enforcement Mission

Given the enormous costs involved, sending a crew to a site to perform police work is almost always
politically motivated. Simple crimes and misdemeanours will usually be resolved by remote conferences
with all aspects of the legal system from investigators and prosecutors to judges and juries being supplied
by Earth based personnel.
Roll 1D6 for the objective of the law enforcement mission.

Jurisdiction If no Bernals or colonies have been built, use a space station in LEO if required.

Roll Objective Crash Investigation Move to the site of a crashed

1 Bounty Hunting ship and investigate.
2 Court Martial
3 Crash Investigation
4 Criminal Investigation Criminal Investigation Move to a Bernal or
5 Extradition colony and conduct a criminal investigation for (Roll
6 Internal Affairs Audit 1D6): -1: Cowardice. 2: Insubordination. 3: Murder.
4: Assault. 5: Rape. 6+: Contractual Dispute. -2 if
Bounty Hunting Pursue a crew who has a bounty Red. -1 if White. +1 if Purple. +2 if Orange.
offered for (Roll 1D6): -0: Desertion. 1: Mutiny. 2: Tax
Evasion. 3: Piracy. 4: AWOL. 5: Theft. 6: Breach of
Extradition Move to a Bernal or colony. Roll 3D6
Contract. 7+: Market Manipulation -2 if Red. -1 if
and choose the lowest number. This many prison-
White. +1 if Purple. +2 if Orange.
ers need to be transported to home orbit. Notably,
the only Russian-US extradition treaty applies on the
Court Martial Move to a Bernal or colony and con- International Space Station and nowhere else.
duct a trial for (Roll 1D6): -1: Cowardice. 2: Insubor-
dination. 3: Murder. 4: Assault. 5: Rape. 6+: Contrac-
tual Dispute. -2 if Red. -1 if White. +1 if Purple. +2 if Internal Affairs Audit Any crew who have con-
Orange. ducted felonies are put on trial.

Until freighters are built, delivery of extraterrestrial goods is limited but often a critical part of early space-
faring. The timely arrival of a generator, reactor or refinery can take a decade or more off the attempt to
build a second factory.

Delivery Mission
You must take a mass 1D6-1 of ET produced products from one of your factories to a mission destination.
Roll 1D6 twice and choose the lowest result for the product to deliver. Reroll if you do not have a factory of
the appropriate spectral type.

Roll Objective
1 C products
2 V products
3 M products
4 D products
5 S products
6 Push or H factory product

Commercial Agreement
Commercial agreements form the basis of capitalism: a transaction without coercion between two parties
which increases the value of something for both of them.

Commercial Agreement Missions

Roll 1D6 for the commercial mission objective. These represent commercial opportunities throughout the
solar system as nascent markets form, demand is generated and suppliers attempt to fulfill it.

Roll Objective Trade route If you have a Bernal at a dirtside,

1 Joint venture carry an ET product from there to another faction’s
2 Trade secrets site with a Bernal present and a different factory
3 Trade route spectral type.
4 Refuelling agreement
5 Inner system tourism
6 Corporate espionage Refuelling agreement Negotiate travelling to an-
other faction’s factory and Factory Refuel while you
Joint venture Negotiate a visit to another fac- are present there.
tion’s factory. Add four crew from the other faction to
a maximum of 8 people in the crew module and roll
for a new mission using the other faction’s mission Inner system tourism Pick up a paying passen-
type. ger from your Home Orbit and visit 3 inner system
destinations before returning back to home orbit.
Trade secrets Negotiate a visit to another fac-
tion’s colony to meet with a colonist while you are
there. Roll 1D6. On a roll of 6 there is spying by a Corporate espionage Roll on the Covert Ops ta-
third party. ble.

ET Markets
Extraterrestrial markets that are liquid enough for market prices to be established only begin forming when
Bernals establish dirtside factories (with populations in the thousands). Prior to then, buying and selling

is done on Earthside markets which require licensing of the intellectual property as well as delivery of
physical goods. Even with Bernal-based markets the faction controlling the Bernal will tax the transaction
either directly as a tariff or indirectly via service fees that for large purchases such as rocket components
need to be negotiated on a sale by sale basis.

ET Markets Mission
Roll 1D6 twice and choose the lowest number to determine the objective of the ET markets mission.
Negotiate a purchase of an ET produce from another faction’s factory matching the spectral type rolled.

Roll Objective
1 C Site
2 V Site
3 M Site
4 D Site
5 S Site
6 Push factory or H Site

Political Trends and Impacts

The Space Politics will have longer term impacts on how your mission control operates. This includes
changing the Mission Control BSU and political affiliations, changing the type of missions that the mission
control assigns and changing the political philosophy of your mission control which starts out Neutral for
all mission controls.

Political Trends
The Space Politics will have longer term trends on how your mission control operates. This includes
changing the Mission Control, changing the type of missions that the mission control assigns and changing
the political philosophy of your mission control which starts out Neutral for all mission controls. Every time
a Political Trend change occurs, roll on the political trend changes table and apply the effects immediately.

Political Activism
With the exception of hijacking and crew outlooks, the political change may be prevented by an activism
operation, either initiated prior to the event or when the Political change event occurs.

Abandoned The Mission Control abandons the ian politics recognizes no limits to its authority and
crew and crew module. The crew must either go works to change reality to match its desires, perform-
AWOL or leave behind the rest of the rocket when ing all further actions as if the space politics is War
the mission ends. except Political Change rolls.

Authoritarianism Mission control becomes Bureaucratic Mission control becomes incredibly

statist and will push the space politics back towards bureaucratic. Flip a coin each year to see if Mission
Red in subsequent elections until this changes. If Control is available to assist operations.
already Statist, the Mission Control becomes Author-
itarian which means it switches to Statist instead of
another Politics and Philosophy if one is rolled. If Capitalism Mission control becomes libertarian
Authoritarian, the Mission Control becomes Total- and will push the space politics back towards Orange
itarian which prevents the BSU or Mission Control in subsequent elections until this changes. If already
philosophy and Politics from changing. Totalitar- Libertarian, the Mission Control becomes Capitalist

which means it switches to Libertarian instead of Consensual Consent is contractually regulated

another Politics and Philosophy if one is rolled. If and these contracts take seconds to make formally
Capitalist, the Mission Control becomes Darwinian binding. All non-consensual sex is reported as there
which prevents the BSU or Mission Control philoso- is no stigma associated with being a victim of a sex
phy and Politics from changing. Darwinian politics crime and sex offenders are treated as the mentally
views all charity as equivalent to welfare, withhold- ill.
ing it and requiring everyone survive and prosper on
their own merits instead of having any social safety
net: income operations do not pay off debt and it is Corrupt Mission control becomes corrupt and
instead paid off as in spare time. self-interested. The crew cannot reduce their debt
by performing operations until the political trend
changes. When it does, reduce the Mission Control
Centrism Mission control becomes centrist and skill level by 1 for 1D6 years due to criminal charges
will push the space politics back towards Purple in being laid against Mission Control staff.
subsequent elections until this changes. If already
Centrist, the Mission Control becomes Utilitarian
which means it switches to Centrist instead of an- Deployment The Mission Control begins issuing
other Politics and Philosophy if one is rolled. Utilitar- political missions instead of regular missions. This
ian politics determine the cost versus benefit of all continues until the politics stops being War.
actions, including the value of a human life, when
determining what to do. The crew is allowed to per-
form felonies. Ear of the Tyrant The crew are treated as expend-
able pawns on a political chessboard being played
by the Mission Control to curry favour with the na-
Command and Control The Mission Control as- tion’s leader.
sumes that all missions will be performed as speci-
fied and any deviation from the mission orders will
be treated as desertion or mutiny and a capital of- Earth First The discoveries and industries built
fence. in the stars are needed to sustain life, wealth and
society back home. Your Bernal may not leave your
home orbit if present there and ET marketed items
Commercialization The Mission Control must be sold to LEO or the home orbit instead of any
changes (to Orange if it is not already Orange). Roll other faction until the trend changes.
1D6 for the specific type with a new mission type of
Commercial. 1: Corporate Subsidiary. 2-3: start up.
4-6: Owner Operator. Exo-globalist A new, better society can be built
amidst the stars. The Mission Control relocates to
the home orbit and moves with the Bernal.
Conflicting Orders The Mission Control issues
conflicting orders. Roll for an additional mission.
Flip a coin each year to see which mission Mission Fertile All crew members must have heteronor-
Control will assist with. mative relationships and are expected to reproduce
prolifically when in shirt sleeve environments.

Conservatism Mission control becomes conser-

vative and will push the space politics back towards Friends outlook The crew outlook shifts so that
White in subsequent elections until this changes. If each crew member either has a one step higher
already Conservative, the Mission Control becomes Green outlook or a one step lower White outlook
either Paleoconservative (1-3) or Nationalist (4-6) (crew member choice).
which means it switches to Conservative instead of
another Politics and Philosophy if one is rolled. If Pa-
leoconservative or Nationalist, the Mission Control Heroic Martyrdom The crew is expected to per-
becomes either Fundamentalist (1-3) or Exceptional- form missions of ever escalating difficulty, with fewer
ist (4-6) which prevents the BSU or Mission Control resources available to them - until they are effectively
philosophy and Politics from changing. taking on suicide missions.

Hierarchical outlook The crew outlook shifts so Open Consent is often obtained through peer
that each crew member either has a one step higher pressure and open relationships are usually in favour
Red outlook or a one step lower Orange outlook of the higher status individual.
(crew member choice).

Private Sleeping arrangements are strictly private

Hijack Attempt If the crew has different Philoso- and are expected to have a clear separation from
phies, then one of the crew factions may attempt to public and professional spheres.
hijack the rocket, by killing the remaining crew and
performing an AWOL operation. The pre-requisites
to this are: 1) the crew must already be in a crew Risk Taking The mission is to be achieved in the
standoff. 2) one of the mutineers must be due a crew shortest possible time frame to achieve maximum
replacement due to having performed a felony or profitability. FINAO operations cannot be attempted
have an ”unacceptable” crew impact to be applied. more than once per hazard.
3) the mutineer faction must be locked out of mutiny-
ing by the Crew Standoff. Alternately: if two double
agents belonging to the same faction can identify Safety First The safety of the crew and spacecraft
each other, the hijack can go ahead. takes priority over any other mission objective. FI-
NAO operations are mandatory for each expected
Joint Venture Roll for a new Mission Control to hazard and all penalties should be removed as soon
form a joint venture with and adopt that Mission as practicable - avoiding incurring them whenever
Control’s mission. possible. Individual crew are empowered to stop
any operation if they determine there is a safety or
quality issue.
Militarization The Mission Control changes (to
Red if it is not already Red). Roll 1D6 for the specific
type with a new mission type of Military. 1: Military. Self outlook The crew outlook shifts so that each
2-3: Private Military Contractor. 4-6: Paramilitary. crew member either has a one step higher Orange
outlook or a one step lower Red outlook (crew mem-
ber choice).
Multilateralism The Mission Control changes.
Roll 1D6 for the specific type and new mission. 1:
Mission Control becomes a Red Security Alliance Socialism Mission control becomes liberal and
(Military), 2: Mission Control becomes a Green Re- will push the space politics back towards Green in
gional Organization (Colony), 3: Mission Control be- subsequent elections until this changes. If already
comes a Purple Multinational Organization (Science). Liberal, the Mission Control becomes Socialist which
4: Mission Control becomes a Purple Non For Profit means it switches to Liberal instead of another Poli-
Foundation (Colony). 5: Mission Control becomes tics and Philosophy if one is rolled. If Socialist, the
a White Independent Colony (Military), 6: Mission Mission Control becomes either Antifascist (1-3) or
Control becomes an Orange Space Industry (Com- Marxist (4-6) which prevents the BSU from changing.
mercial). Anti-fascist politics restricts hate speech and bans
all assistance to fascist organizations - anti-fascists
Nationalisation The Mission Control changes (to Mission Controls permit weapons as if they were Or-
White if it is not already White). Roll 1D6 for the ange Mission Controls. Marxist politics forces all busi-
specific type and new mission. 1: National Space nesses to become co-operatives where the employ-
Agency (Science). 2-3: Government Agency (Military). ees own the means of production. Refuelling the
4-5: State Owned Enterprise (Commercial), 6: Reli- rocket in LEO or home orbit requires an income op-
gion (Colony). eration is performed if the Mission Control is Marxist.

Personality Cult Mission control adopts an ide- Strangers outlook The crew outlook shifts so
alized, heroic, and at times worshipful image of the that each crew member either has a one step higher
crew. Reduce the effective skill level of the Mission Green outlook or a one step lower White outlook
Control to 3 and of Mission Control contacts to 4. (crew member choice).

Unequal Nonconsensual relationships are preva- War Loyalty The Mission Control switches to a
lent because of imbalanced power dynamics be- war footing and becomes focused on completing
tween individuals due to one being in a position missions and treating the crew as an important
of authority over the other. strategic component in the war. The crew is ex-
pected to perform likewise and will be put on trial
and court martialed if they disobey orders. Once the
Unionization The Mission Control changes (to Space Politics shifts from War, the War Loyalty trend
Green if it is not already Green). Roll 1D6 for the ends.
specific type and new mission. 1-2: Labour Union
(Commercial). 3-4: University (Science), 5-6 Collec- Work outlook The crew outlook shifts so that
tive (Colony). each crew member either has a one step higher Pur-
ple outlook or a one step lower non-Purple outlook
if it is High, Very or Extreme (crew member choice).

Political Impacts
Roll for a political impact when the political impact occurs (Year 3 of each cycle). The political impact
reflects the political interference affecting the way the Mission Control operates. Each Space Politics has its
own set of political impacts. Note that the political impacts depend on the current space politics and not
the current political trend.
If the Mission Control BSU matches the Space Politics (it is “in power”), roll for two political impacts on the
years that impacts occur. This reflects the ability of the Mission Control to operate more effectively when
they have full political support for their actions.

Arms Locker All crew are given weapons permits Combat Preparation Roll 1D6. 1: Military Simu-
and immediately issued sidearms. If you already lator Training. 2: Space Warrior. 3: Covert Ops. 4:
have weapons permits, you get access to military Space Suit Upgrades. 5: Armoured Fighting Drone.
weapons and equipment. The crew then gets a Fac- 6: Small arms issued. Each crew member chooses a
tion Upgrade from the core rules. Roll 1D6-2 for this small arm, which they get the license for.
upgrade, regardless of the mission control BSU.
Compromise A random crew member increases
their Purple outlook one step.
Behind Closed Doors All sleeping arrangements
become secret.
Confession Any crew who have committed White
felonies has this information become public.
Bribe Attempt Choose the crew member with the
lowest Capital, with the lower seniority taking prece-
Conviction Any outstanding felonies are tried
dence. This crew member receives a bribe offer,
and sentenced. The crew is given probation to con-
which will remove two points of debt or increase tinue on their missions instead of being replaced and
their Capital by one to a maximum of Capital 4, in any time spent performing Mission Control missions
return for mission intel. The crew should collectively is considered time served.
decide whether this is accepted. If so, this crew mem-
ber incurs a felony if there are any crew with a differ-
ent Philosophy on board. Crew Standoff If the crew has different Philoso-
phies, then tensions rise to the point where a stand-
off occurs between different members of the crew.
Chain of Command The most senior crew mem- The standoff forms two factions, with one faction
ber without at least a High Red Outlook increases being the Philosophy matching the Pilot and the
their Red outlook one step. Mutiny becomes a felony. other faction being everyone else. The faction with
It ceases being a felony if the Space Politics changes the majority of crew members, with the Pilot casting
to any other colour. the deciding vote, wins the standoff, and prevents
the crew mutinying while in Anarchy until this result
occurs again.

Desertion Disobeying any orders or refusing a Gun Control All crew must dispose of any
mission control is a felony. Felonies are tried in ab- weapons, except for the Pilot’s side arm and lose
sentia as capital crimes. their weapons permits.

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell The crew must end any pub- Hackers The crew gets a Faction Upgrade from
lic sleeping arrangements with each other although the core rules. Roll 1D6 for this upgrade, regardless
these can continue in private if the more senior crew of the mission control BSU.
member agrees to the relationship. If a Green crew,
roll 1D6 less than the number of sleeping arrange-
ments lost to suffer PTSD. HR Division The crew must end any public sleep-
ing arrangements with each other. If a Green crew,
roll 1D6 less than the number of sleeping arrange-
Double Agent If the crew has different outlooks,
ments to suffer PTSD. The crew gets a Faction Up-
roll 1D6 twice and choose the highest result. Any
grade from the core rules. Roll 1D6-1 for this upgrade,
crew member whose first secret stress dice roll was
regardless of the mission control BSU.
the number chosen secretly becomes a double-
agent feeding intel back to an Earthside faction
which matches their outlook. A double agent and Inquisition Anyone who has committed a felony
the crew member who idolizes them may at any time under a different Space Politics has the felony for-
force a Crew Standoff. given, anyone who has publicly committed a felony
while the Space Politics has been White will be re-
Earthside Comms Outage The Mission Control placed the next time a replacement crew event oc-
cannot boost or assist with operations for a year. If curs and will be tried for the felony.
using month by month events, the Mission Officer
should draw all event cards for the next 12 months,
Liberation A random crew member increases
placing clubs face down. These are resolved when
their Orange outlook one step and gets a weapons
the comms relay comes back online.
permit. If they already have weapons permits, they
get access to military weapons and equipment.
Free Love Each crew member rolls for an addi-
tional sleeping arrangement and follows the rules
for sleeping arrangements to see if they adopt this. Might Makes Right Determine crew member’s vi-
If this is an Earthside relationship, it indicates a re- olence index based on the highest alert level of any
lationship change adopted by one of their existing violent activities they have performed. Roll 2D6 for
Earthside sleeping arrangements (if any). If White each person. If this is less than their violence index,
outlook, the crew member suffers 1 PTSD if new increases their Red outlook one step. Any less senior
Earthside sleeping arrangements occur. crew members they have sleeping arrangements
with suffer PTSD as a result of bullying or worse.
Free Upgrades The crew gets a Faction Upgrade
from the core rules. Roll 1D6+2 for this upgrade, re- Military Tribunal Anyone who has committed a
gardless of the mission control BSU. felony either publicly or in front of a crew member
with a Very High or Extreme Red outlook will be tried
General Assembly A random crew member in- and executed.
creases their Green outlook one step and adopts
Green sexual norms which affects how they treat Mission Control Attacked The Mission Control is
their sleeping arrangements. Once the majority of caught up in the fighting. The Mission Control can-
the crew adopt a positive Green outlook, the remain- not boost or assist with operations for a year, but
ing crew member gets a point of PTSD due to social sufficient staff are recovered at that point to rebuild
exclusion. the Mission Control with 1 skill level lower than pre-
viously. Roll 1D6 for additional effects. 1, 3, 5: Relo-
Gossip Any who has committed one or more cates to Regional Rocket Launch Site, or another ma-
felonies suffers a point of PTSD due to social exclu- jor spaceport if already at a Regional Rocket Launch
sion. They will be subsequently tried if this felony is Site. 1, 4, 6: Mission Control suffered severe casual-
a felony under the Green Space politics. ties during initial fighting. The crew all get a PTSD

stress penalty. Resolve as a mission control con- get one PTSD unless they were previously monoga-
tact lifespan service risk. 2, 3, 4: Mission Control mous.
was taken over by armed hostiles and survivors kid-
napped. Resolve as a mission control contact lifes-
Records Lost Any record of previous crew mem-
pan service risk with any failure killing the contact.
ber felonies is lost.

No New Orders The Mission Control does not pro-

vide a mission when this mission ends. Reparations Anyone who has committed an ac-
tion under a different Space Politics that would be
considered a felony during Orange Politics incurs a
Oversight Committee The crew lose their point of debt for each felony. All felonies are then
weapons permits but not any existing weapons. forgiven and wiped from the records.
If a Joint Venture, the Mission Control becomes
Road to Damascus A random crew member in-
Political Mission The crew is assigned a political creases their White outlook one step and adopts
mission which supersedes the current mission objec- White sexual norms which affects how they treat
tives. The crew can perform an Activism operation their sleeping arrangements - all of whom who suffer
to retain the current mission instead. Roll 2D6, -2 if PTSD if they are also not White philosophy.
Red or War, -1 if White or Anarchy, +1 if Purple, +2 if
Orange if Upported or earlier or 1D6, -1 if Red, +1 if Share Issue The crew is issued shares in the ship.
White, +3 if Green, +5 if Purple, +7 if Orange if Colo-
nization or later on the Political Mission table.
Without Prejudice Any previously secretly very
high or extreme Red outlook crew members are tried
Put a Ring on It A random crew member is pro- for rape if they had a sleeping arrangement with a
posed to by one of their sleeping arrangements back lower seniority crew member while they were Red.
on Earth (or has a spouse arranged for them by mis- They suffer PTSD as a result.
sion control if they did not have any Earthside sleep-
ing arrangements). If they accept, they must end all
other sleeping arrangements - if they decline, the Workplace Safety The crew gets a Faction Up-
sleeping arrangement ends the relationship with grade from the core rules. Roll 1D6+1 for this up-
them. If the affected crew member is Green they grade, regardless of the mission control BSU.
Political Trends

Roll 1D6. Use the current Space Politics to determine the column.
Roll Red White Green Purple Orange War Anarchy
1 Militarization Nationalisation Unionization Multilateralism Commercialization Hijack attempt Abandoned
Command and
2 Control Heroic Martyrdom Safety First Joint Venture Risk Taking Deployment Conflicting Orders
3 Ear of the Tyrant Personality Cult Earth First Bureaucratic Exo-globalist War Loyalty Corrupt
4 Authoritarianism Conservatism Socialism Centrism Capitalism Authoritarianism Conservatism
5 Unequal Fertile Open Private Consensual Unequal Fertile
6 outlook Friends outlook Strangers outlook Work outlook Individual outlook Hierarchical outlook Friends outlook

Political Impacts

Roll 1D6. Use the column that matches the Space Politics. If the mission control BSU matches the space politics roll twice and apply both results.
Roll Red White Green Purple Orange War Anarchy
1 Political Mission
Don’t Ask, Don’t Behind Closed
2 Tell HR Division Free Love Doors Without Prejudice Double Agent Bribe Attempt
Oversight Mission Control
3 Arms Locker Put a Ring on It Gun Control Committee Share Issue Attacked Crew Standoff

Road to
4 Might Makes Right Damascus General Assembly Compromise Liberation Earthside Comms Outage
Chain of Combat
5 Command Confession Hackers Workplace Safety Free Upgrades Preparation No New Orders
6 Military Tribunal Inquisition Gossip Conviction Reparations Desertion Records Lost
Chapter 5


Interception Chance

Roll the Dice for the current heliocentric zone. An interception occurs if the roll is less than or equal to the
intercept value given for the current Era.
Era (Encounter if ≤ this)
Zone Dice Baseline Upported Colonization Exoglobalization Futures Breakthroughs
Mercury 3D6 6 7 8 9 10 11
Venus 2D6 4 5 6 7 8 9
Earth 1D6 2 3 4 5 6 7
Mars 2D6 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ceres 3D6 6 7 8 9 10 11
Jupiter 4D6 8 9 10 11 12 13
Saturn 5D6 10 11 12 13 14 15
Uranus 6D6 12 13 14 15 16 17
Neptune 7D6 14 15 16 17 18 19

Space is big, incredibly big, and even the same location on the High Frontier map could have spacecraft in
it that are millions of kilometers apart. Encounters in space - referred to as interceptions - are therefore rare
and predictable, rather than frequent and unavoidable, and are usually known about years in advance. The
earliest interceptions are planned resupply missions. Later interceptions may be inadvertent as factions
race to claim parts of the solar system in a new space rush, or deliberate as military threats to the mission.
Even on colonies, encounters are usually planned rather than involuntary, and crew will quickly come into
contact with other colonists and at least know the names of and recognise the faces of all colonists in a
small colony within a year.

Interception Designer
Interceptions normally indicate that you and another spacecraft will temporarily occupy similar energy
levels within the solar system, even though you may be millions of kilometers apart in physical space. Only
a small fraction of these missions will be heading to a similar location as you, and only those interceptions
are likely to be of any note.
Roll 1D6 plus 1D6 for each heliocentric zone the crew is further away from Earth (the “heliocentric distance”)
to see whether an interception occurs when the Interception event is rolled. On a roll less than or equal to
twice the heliocentric distance, there is an interception. Add 1 to the chance if Upported, 2 if Colonization,
3 if Exoglobalization, 4 if Futures and 5 if Breakthroughs. This is summarized on the Interception Chance
table on the current page.
The interception will occur in as many years as the interception number rolled. Subtract 1D6 years if this is
a resupply mission with 0 or less indicating that the interception occurs immediately.
Interceptions are known about years in advance and the design of the intercepting ships will also be known.
If the crew arrives on or remains on a site before the interception is scheduled, then the interception does
not occur unless the destination rolled matches the site or a Site Encounter event is rolled on the year of
the interception. If it does, the interception is a refuelling stop at or flyby of the site unless the intercepting
spacecraft is capable of performing a military mission against the crew (mission is Military and the space
politics is War).
The crew can attempt a negotiation operation the year of the launch for the intercepting spacecraft to carry
one mass point worth of payload - sufficient to carry spare parts for one component - to be delivered to the
crew. Any impacts and crew replacements will also be delivered when this rendezvous occurs.
A resupply spacecraft is an LEO launched solar sail in the inner system (as far as the Ceres zone) and mirror
steamer in the outer system (as far as the Saturn zone) with a payload of up to mass 1. Once a factory is
built, these ships are replaced by factory launched freighters unless replacement crew has to come from
LEO. A resupply interception will give the crew any outstanding impacts and crew replacements. Replaced
crew will be expected to remain on board until the next factory destination.

Interception Mission

Roll 1D6 on the Interception Mission table on this page for the Baseline era, 2D6 for the Upported era, 3D6
for the Colonization era, 3D6+6 for the Exoglobalization era, 3D6+12 for the Futures era and 3D6+18 for the
Breakthroughs era to determine the intercepting ship.
Roll Launch Type Goal Spacecraft Quality or Class
1-5 No launches except resupply
6 LEO Launch Glory MW Rocket Low Quality
7 LEO Launch Long Term Colony MW Rocket Low Quality
8 LEO Launch Long Term Colony Robonaut Medium Quality
9-11 LEO Launch Industry MW Rocket Medium Quality
12 LEO Launch Long Range MW Rocket High Quality
13 LEO Launch Inner System Expansion MW Rocket High Quality
14 Factory Launch Inner System Expansion ET Rocket Spectral class of factory
15-17 Factory Launch Long Range Expansion ET Rocket Spectral class of factory
18 Factory Launch Long Range Expansion Advanced Rocket Advanced Rocket
19 Factory Launch Selling product to LEO Freighter Spectral class of factory
20 Home Orbit Launch Long Term Colony Bernal Medium Quality
21 Factory Launch Selling product to Bernal Freighter Spectral class of factory
22 Factory Launch Push Factory or Bernal Lab ET Rocket Spectral class of factory
23 Factory Launch Push Factory or Bernal Lab Advanced Rocket Advanced Rocket
24 Home Orbit Launch Push Factory or Bernal Lab Bernal High Quality
25 Factory Launch Push Factory or Bernal Lab Bernal Spectral class of factory
26 Factory Launch Expansion Freighter Fleet Mobile Factory
27 Factory Launch Long Range Freighter Fleet Mobile Factory
28 Factory Launch TNO Lab Advanced Rocket Advanced Rocket
29 Factory Launch TNO Lab Star ship Star ship
30 Factory Launch TNO Lab Bernal Star ship
31+ Factory Launch Interstellar Interstellar Spacecraft Star ship

Otherwise interceptions are largely peaceful exchanges between two crews. The exception is if one of the
crews is performing a military mission and the space politics is War. If this is the case the crew must perform
a successful negotiation operation prior to moving to avoid being attacked by the intercepting spacecraft.
Use the Encountered Groups table on page 131 to determine the intercepting faction. Then roll on the
Interception Mission table on the current page to determine the spacecraft, where it is launching from
and its mission goal. Use the Goal section in the Mission Designer chapter on page 47 to determine the
destination for the intercepting mission. If the crew is in the Jupiter zone or beyond and not heading for
or from the Jupiter flyby, then reroll any destination which is in a different heliocentric zone to the crew’s

Antitrust operations You can stop any any interception launching if you perform an Anti-trust operation
to do so the year the interception is launched.

Home Orbit Launch Home orbit launches sub- occurs immediately.

tract 1D6 from the number of years that the inter-
ception will occur in, similar to a resupply mission.
A result of 0 or less indicating interception occurs
immediately. Quality or Class The quality determines the
spacecraft type when using the Spacecraft Designer
Factory Launch Factory launches subtract 2D6 rules. For ET rockets, roll 1D6 twice and choose the
from the number of years that the interception will lowest result to determine the spectral type of the
occur in. A result of 0 or less indicating interception rocket.

Roll Spectral Type Beehive class spacecraft are never encountered

1 C randomly except as star ships.
2 D
3 M
4 S Freighters and Freighter Fleets Roll 1D6 if Ceres
5 V zone or closer, or 1D6+1 otherwise
6 Roll on Advanced
Star ships Roll 1D6 if the Exoglobalization era or
Advanced Rockets Roll 2D6, or 1D6 if in the Ex- earlier, or 2D6-1 if Futures or later.
oglobalization era and in the inner system (Ceres Roll Star ship Engine
zone or closer). If before the Exoglobalization era, 1 Levitated Dipole 7Li-H Fusion
choose the higher of the two dice rolled instead of 2 Dusty Plasma
adding them together. If you know the spectral types 3 Crossfire H-B Focus Fusion
that the advanced faction has, reroll until you get a 4 Amat-initiated H-B Magnetic Inertial
combination of the faction spectral types. 5 Solem Medusa Tugged Orion
Roll Class 6 Zubrin-GDM
1 Mercury Class (V, push factory) 7 Colliding FRC 3 He-D Fusion
2 Venus Class (C, V, inner system) 8 Daedalus 3 He-D Inertial Fusion
3 Trojan Class (C, D) 9 Antiproton Sail and Harvester
4 Miranda Class (M, V) 10+ Magnetic Mirror Beam-Rider
5 Titan Class (D, V)
6 Callisto Class (C, V)
7 Ganymede Class (S, V)
8 Europa Class (C, S)
9 Galileo Class (M, V, push factory)
10 Luna Class (M, S)
11 Triton Class (C, M)
12 Kuiper Class (D, S)
Beehive Class (D, M)

Spacecraft Status
The spacecraft status applies to any crew encountered, even if they are no longer on a spacecraft. Roll 2D6
+1 if Upported, +2 if Colonization, +3 if Exoglobalization, +4 if Futures, +5 if Breakthroughs.

Roll Status Mission Turnaround Only use the mission

-7 Normal shipboard operations turnaround result if the spacecraft is encountered
8 Mission turnaround at or adjacent to a site - otherwise use the normal
9 Spacecraft disabled shipboard operations result. If the result doesn’t
10 Remedial shipboard operations apply, the spacecraft will be refuelling. Roll 1D6, +1
11 Outpost or AWOL if the space politics is Anarchy or +2 if the space
12+ Uncrewed politics is War. 1: EVA to change thruster for landing
or space travel (only if site size 6+). 2: Prospect. 3:
Negotiation. 4: Crossing hazard (if one present). 5:
Normal Shipboard Operations Roll 1D6. 1:
EVA to create an outpost. 6: EVA to transfer cargo
Boosting for engineering income. 2: DevOps for sys-
to or from a factory. 7: Performing a felony (claim
tem maintenance. 3: EVA to change thruster. 4: Mak- jumping or hijacking as appropriate, crew being
ing observations for science income. 5: Rendezvous abandoned otherwise). 8: Combat.
with outpost or freighter for fuel. 6: Teleconference
for trading desk.
Spacecraft Disabled Roll 1D6 twice for how the
spacecraft was disabled, add together the lowest

Roll Freighter Freighter Fleet

1 Inflatable Solar-heated Archimedes Palmer Lens
2 HIIPER Beam Rider Magnetic Mirror Beam-Rider
3 Fission Fragment Sail Anti-proton Sail and Harvester
4 Rotary Dirt Launcher KESTS Hoop Dirt Launcher
5 Fission-heated Steam Fission GCR
6 Poodle D-nanotube Dirt Launcher
7 Z-Pinch D-T 6Li Fusion Z-pinch 3 He-D Target Fusion

roll during peace time and the highest roll during avoid a glitch. 3: EVA to repair damage. 4: Making ob-
war time. 1: Radiation destroyed radiator. 2: Glitch servations to prepare for FINAO. 5: Rendezvous with
destroyed payload. 3: Crew bailed out to avoid haz- outpost or freighter for replacement component. 6:
ard. 4: Anti-hijacking systems active. 5: Payload Teleconference for activism.
destroyed in combat. 6: Radiator destroyed in com-
bat. Additionally, if the crew is at a site, roll 1D6 for Outpost or AWOL The crew has gone AWOL if the
the spacecraft location. 1: At site. 2: In orbit adja- Space Politics is Anarchy or have formed an outpost
cent to the site. 3: At the nearest lagrange. 4: Exited otherwise. Roll again for the status of the crew, with
the nearest flyby. 5: Before the burn one heliocen- this result indicating the crew is not performing any
tric zone closer to the sun. 6: At a different mission operations this turn.

Uncrewed The spacecraft is uncrewed. If at a site,

Remedial Shipboard Operations Roll 1D6. 1: treat as a random encounter with non-crew faction
Boosting replacement payload to LEO. 2: DevOps to representatives, such as a diplomatic delegation.

Spacecraft Outlook
Roll 1D6 for the spacecraft outlook, 2D6 if AWOL or if rolling as a result of a glitch or 3D6 if Interstellar. If the
crew is on an LEO launched interception limit the result to the number of years that the spacecraft has
been in space unless the space politics is War or Anarchy or the situation on Earth is otherwise grim.

Crew Deaths If there have been crew deaths, a forensic examination of the spacecraft will reveal how the
crew died. Roll 1D6. 1: Suicide pact. The surviving crew members failed to complete it. 2: Self-defense. The
survivors killed at least one other crew in self-defence. 3: Violent Homicide. One of the survivors killed at
least one other crew in cold blood. 4: Going outside. The only way of anyone surviving was if only the crew
who died killed themselves. 5: Natural causes. The crew died from radiation (1), starvation (2), medical
emergencies (3), an accident (4), hypercapnia (5) or poisoning (6). 6: Disease. The remaining crew are
infected with the disease that killed the dead crew. Roll on the Diseases table in the Risks chapter.

Encounter Numbers
Roll 1D6 for the number of individuals in a crew and colonist module, with a minimum of 8 in the Baseline
era and for Red BSU crews and colonists (superseding the roll), 4 in the Upported era and for White BSU
crews and colonists and 2 in the Colonization era and for Green BSU crews and colonists. Roll a further
1D6 for the number of robots accompanying each group of crew or colonists, ignoring the era and BSU

Hot Bunking If more than six colonists or crew are encountered during a spacecraft exfiltration, assume
2 are asleep. They will be woken up and added to the crew at alert level 4 and higher.

Roll Spacecraft Outlook Mid journey Roll 1D6. 1: Mixed Outlook. Each
-1 Green crew member’s highest or lowest outlook dominates.
2 Fresh This tends to exacerbate differences between crew
3 Mid journey members. 2: Pranks. Hijinks relieve tension amidst
4 Weary the crew. 3: Rivalries. Crew conflicts grow. 4: Bore-
5 Exhausted dom. Boredom can be a killer: you stop paying at-
6 Situation hopeless tention to system checks and your mind starts to
7 Armed mutiny play tricks on you. Even the techniques mission con-
8 Hardened trol uses to keep your attention, like slipping in false
9 Spiralling down positive results and simulated failures, begin to wear
10 Weird thin. 5: Camaraderie. The adversity of a long mis-
11 Cult sion brings the crew members closer together. 6:
12 Grey goo outbreak Hobbies. Spacecraft board life takes a turn for the
13 Next generation interesting as the crew begins to learn new skills in
14+ Ghost ship their spare time.

Green Roll 1D6. 1: Plastic wrap still on the seats. Weary Roll 1D6. 1: Negative Outlook. The crew
The spacecraft has recently been completed and experiences the negative qualities of the predomi-
launched. The crew has previous simulator expe- nant outlook shared by the crew. 2: Whistle blower.
rience using this design but not on the production One of the crew has highlighted a significant safety
systems. 2: Manual in the lap. The crew does not failing or performance issue by someone else on the
have enough experience using this spacecraft, and crew to mission control and become a pariah as a re-
so is “learning on the job”. 3: Wet behind the ears. sult. 3: Overcompensation. The crew has increased
The crew is inexperienced and lacking the survival the regimentation and frequency of simulation and
skills they will need in the long future to come. 4: training to try to combat their failing performance
Cables on the floor. The spacecraft was launched levels caused by the long journey. This has a fur-
prior to finishing the fit out, and so has systems that ther negative impact as they become overworked,
pushed to the limit by either their commander or
are completed but may require workarounds or ex-
mission control. 4: Interpersonal issues. These have
tensive modifications to work correctly. 5: Fire ex-
grown beyond minor annoyances to be a significant
tinguisher at the ready. The spacecraft has been
source of conflict within the crew. This manifests as
built substandard and systems experience a high
poor hygiene (1), favouritism (2), arguments (3), dis-
failure rate compared to expected or planned levels.
respectful behaviour (4), harassment (5) or gossip (6).
6: Stars in the eyes. The spacecraft has been built
5: Second guessing. The crew has come to doubt
to specification and crewed with idealists who look
the effectiveness and outcomes of the mission plan.
forward to the full possibilities of the bright future
6: Petty crimes. These are petty in the sense they do
they are creating.
not impact the overall performance of the spacecraft,
but are still serious enough to warrant a crew mem-
Fresh Roll 1D6. 1: High spirits. The crew morale ber responsible being punished for theft (1), graffiti
is high, everyone is enthusiastic. 2: Positive Outlook. (2), dereliction of duty (3), running an illegal still (4),
The crew experiences the positive qualities of the having long hair (5) or covert surveillance of other
predominant outlook shared by the crew. 3: Work- crew members (6).
place Politics. Current political allegiances back on
Earth, promotions and pay increases are more im- Exhausted Roll 1D6. 1: Atrophied. The crew
portant than loyalty to fellow crew members. 4: Cel- health and well being has been significantly im-
ebrating birthday or festival. The crew is having a pacted by the length of their journey into space. 2:
party, using limited resources reserved for this style Malnourished. The crew module life support has
of occasion. 5: Looking forward to destination. The experienced enough issues that it cannot provide
crew is focused on the mission objective or just hav- a completely nutritious diet and the crew will be
ing some shore leave. 6: Homesick. The crew is suffering from kwashiorkor (1, protein deficiency),
focused on partners, family and friends they have marasmus (2, protein and energy), scurvy (3, vita-
left back Earthside. min C), phosphorus deficiency (4), anemia (5, iron)
or another vitamin deficiency (6). 3: Low Pressure At-
mosphere. The crew module has lost enough buffer

atmosphere (e.g. nitrogen) that it has to run with a at gunpoint. 3: Mutineers imprisoned. The muti-
low pressure atmosphere with a high or pure oxygen neers have been imprisoned in a 3D printed brig (2)
mix to be breathable. This mix is highly flammable or in their crew station chairs (2) or in a disabled
and any damage to the crew module will start a fire. drone EVA pod (3) or in a pressure tent outside the
4: Unable to EVA. The crew is unable to perform EVAs hull (4) or in a temporarily pressurized compartment
due to the availability of enough space suits, unre- elsewhere in the spacecraft (5) or forced into compli-
pairable damage to the airlock or loss of drones. 5: ance by using hostages back on Earth (6). 4: AWOL
Quarantine. The crew is quarantined due to a conta- attempt failed. Roll on the AWOL Accidents and Hi-
gious disease; either the common cold (1), viral gas- jacking Outcomes table to determine what systems
troenteritis (2), strep throat (3), herpes simplex virus have been lost. 5: Siege. As lockout, except the
(4), infectious conjunctivitis (5) or dermatophytes (6). majority side are armed and the minority side have
6: Running on exhaust fumes. The amount of pro- barricaded themselves into part of the spacecraft
pellant carried is dangerously close to the amount while they negotiate their demands. 6: Armed con-
required. All non-essential mass has been jettisoned flict. Both sides are armed and hold different parts of
to cut down on propellant requirements, including the spacecraft, with a no man’s land between them.
any optional crew module functions. Occasional forays into the no man’s land are met
with deadly force.
Situation Hopeless Roll 1D6. 1: Medical Emer-
gency. A crew member is in an induced coma due Hardened Roll 1D6. 1: Grimdark Murder Hobos.
to a medical emergency and is not expected to live The crew consists of men and women without any
until the spacecraft destination. 2: Starving. The concept of honour except Might is Right, who go
crew has no food available and is starving with two around killing people and take their stuff. They be-
months or less to live. 3: Hypercapnia. The crew have like the typical adventuring party from most
module CO2 scrubbers are failing, with severe symp- fantasy and science fiction RPGs, only more serious
toms of CO2 poisoning anticipated in the next two in a brooding teenager kind of way. 2: Fucking Out-
months, leading to confusion, unconsciousness and look. Under pressure, the crew begins to resemble
death. At this stage, the hypercapnia just required the cast of a Tarantino movie, all “I didn’t create the
elevated breathing rates to combat it. 4: Plague Ship.situation, I’m just dealin’ with it! You’re acting like
The crew is infected by an epidemic. Roll on the Dis- a first year fucking astronaut - I’m acting like a fuck-
eases table in the Missions chapter of the core rules ing [insert predominant outlook shared by the crew
to see what affliction. 5: Insufficient Fuel. The crewhere]!”. This should be interspersed with liberal use
needs an additional 1D6 steps of fuel to reach their of “Game over, man. Game over.” 3: Careerists. The
destination. Roll twice and choose the lowest result. crew consists of career astronauts who will plot their
6: Single Survivor. A single surviving crew member path carefully from job to job to ensure they are still
remains on the spacecraft, with an inadequate ex- in the game right up to their retirement. 4: Merce-
planation of how their colleagues died. The bodies naries. The crew consists of those who work for the
are strapped into their existing crew positions (1) orhighest bidder without long term regard for the vi-
are missing (2) or are found frozen and dehydrated ability of the contacts or the morals of those who
outside the spacecraft (3) or are decomposing in an issue them. 5: Pushing their luck. The crew is a rag
unused airlock (4) or have been recycled as fertilizertag group of astronauts from diverse backgrounds,
(5) or as a protein source (6). See the note on crew recruited for a common cause and lucky to still be
deaths. alive. 6: Last mission before retiring. The crew is a
group of old experienced astronauts, who are com-
pleting one final mission before they set up a colony
Armed Mutiny Roll 1D6. 1: Lockout. The side of
or return to the green fields of Earth.
the mutiny with the majority of the crew has been
locked out of the spacecraft control systems by the
side in the minority, who hold the passwords to ac- Spiralling Down Roll 1D6. 1: Disrepair. Major sub-
cess the systems. They are using this control to have systems are being poorly maintained and allowed
their demands met and extract additional leverage to fall into a state of disrepair. Each component gets
as required. 2: Commander imprisoned. The com- one penalty. 2: Crew death. A crew member has
mander has been imprisoned and the mutineers died. See the note on crew deaths. 3: Insubordina-
have forced anyone else who sided with the com- tion. Morale is so bad that crew members individu-
mander to continue normal spacecraft operations ally refuse to perform instructions given to them by

the commander and/or mission control. 4: Hoarding. sary and meaningless work, humiliation and star-
Crew members refuse to share or recycle resources vation, in effect becoming an authoritarian (Red)
such as food, water, tools and even oxygen for the regime. Roll 1D6. 1: Sex cult. The crew has adopted
good of the mission and are instead hoarding them. either harem holding (if the Space Politics is Red
5: Bullying. The command structure from the com- or War), pair bonding (White or Anarchy), enforced
mander down bullies, abuses and even physically polyamory (Green), perverse (Purple) or sex com-
punishes subordinates to enforce orders being car- modity (Orange) sexual behaviours. 2: Mystical cult.
ried out. 6: Factionalism. The crew has divided into The crew has adopted an irrational set of beliefs or
two factions of roughly equal size. Roll 1D6 twice for rules, either sun worship (1), spacecraft worship (2,
faction relationships. Factions are armed and hos- roll for the component venerated), cargo/payload
tile to each other (1); factions refuse to communicate cult (3), blood cult (4), overview effect space religion
with each other (2); factions actively deceive and lie (5) or a deprivation cult (6). 3: Personality cult. One
to each other and/or mission control (3); factions are of the crew has declared themselves a prophet and
blackmailing each other to cooperate (4); factions the remainder of the crew their disciples. 4: Cult
have established a temporary truce but have divided Outlook. The predominant outlook of the crew be-
the spacecraft between them (5); there is a traitor comes the basis for proscribing cult behaviour. 5: Po-
in one faction feeding information to the other (6). litical cult. The crew has adopted either anti-fascism
Each faction intends to take power when arriving at or Marxism (green), universal Darwinism (orange),
the destination (2), arrest and try the other faction fundamentalism or exceptionalism (white), feudal-
as criminals (2), change the mission objectives (3, ism (red) or utilitarianism (purple) as the basis of the
roll for a new mission and destination), go AWOL (4), cult’s beliefs. 6: Doomsday cult. The crew has be-
form an independent colony at the destination (5) come a millenarian suicide cult. Roll again to see
or return home immediately (6). what form the cult takes, with this roll again indicat-
ing the cult is obsessed with death and the afterlife.
When they arrive at their destination or if their mis-
Weird Roll 1D6. 1: Morbid. The crew is fascinated sion is interfered with, they will begin building a su-
with death and the proximity to death. 2: Super- perweapon (1), force conversion of others to their
stitious. The crew attributes successes and failures cult (2), refuel and continue to a new destination
to an irrational set of beliefs and rules. Standard while refusing contact with anyone (3), commit sui-
mission operations must be performed according cide (4), kamikaze attack anyone they encounter (5)
to these beliefs or the crew will irrationally sabo- or begin an armed militant uprising (6).
tage any chance of success. 3: Obsessive compul-
sive behaviours. The crew exhibits symptoms of
mental illness when it comes to performing stan- Grey goo outbreak Grey goo occurs when self-
dard operations such as tics, compulsive cleanlinessreplicating robots begin to grow out of control and
and system checks and repeatedly having the same begin consuming matter that is not intended to be
used for their construction. Roll 1D6. 1: Quaran-
thoughts and performing certain routines (“rituals”).
4: Fringe Outlook. Maintaining the predominant out- tine. The crew believe they have destroyed the grey
look shared by the crew becomes more important goo but have isolated themselves as a precautionary
than even the mission success. Crew members fol- measure. 2: Hot zone. The crew and grey goo are in
low standards and practices used to keep the out- open conflict, using any and all available weapons
look working as if they were religious adherents. 5:to try to wipe the other side out. 3: Mercy ship. The
crew have attempted to destroy the ship to prevent
Cabin Fever. The crew suffers from extreme irritabil-
ity, restlessness, a tendency to distrust each otherthe grey goo from spreading beyond it but the grey
and overwhelming urges to go outside. The crew goo managed to override the self-destruct systems.
The surviving crew have sent out a distress signal for
also tends to want to sleep more and their produc-
anyone else requesting that they destroy the vessel.
tivity drops. Contact with outsiders or any novel phe-
4: Space hulk. The grey goo has disabled most ship
nomena rapidly improves their mental well being,
systems and any remaining crew have gone into hid-
often following a short period of mania. 6: Naturists.
ing, if there are any alive at all. 5: Crew consumed.
The crew is clothing and privacy optional and takes
The crew has been consumed and replaced by some-
affront to anyone who is not likewise liberated.
thing else, not quite human. 6: Crew lure. As 5, but
the remaining husks deliberately conceal their con-
Cult All cults enforce their members behaviour dition and attempt to lure in new matter for the goo
through sleep deprivation, physical abuse, unneces- to use.

Next generation The original crew has been su- Ghost Ship The ghost spacecraft is a tomb. Roll
perseded by a second (or subsequent) generation 1D6. 1: Suicide pact. 2: Failed mutiny. 3: Hull breach.
4: Starvation. 5: Solar flare or radiation belt or reac-
which has grown up on board the ship and has no
tor accident. 6: Failure cascade. Instead of a single
experience of living elsewhere. Roll 2D6 on this table failure, a cascade of problems resulted in the crew
for the current outlook of the next generation crew. dying.
Chapter 6

Site Designer

A site in High Frontier is a location that can be used to refuel and escape from solar flares, and potentially
be prospected to establish a claim. Sites smaller than size 6 have a chance of a prospect attempt failing,
although femtochemistry refineries (a D-class extraterrestrial product) can be used to convert failed claims
on size 2-5 sites into successful ones. Size 8 and larger moons and planets will have several sites on them.
Once a claim has been established using the prospect operation, the site can have a factory built on it
using the industrialize operation. This requires a robonaut and refinery, which are both converted to part
of the factory in the process along with their supports. Radiators are not normally required or destroyed to
industrialize a site as the night side of the site can be used to absorb the thermal energy generated during
The factory itself incorporates additional components that are built on site to support the mining, refinery
and ET production operation. This includes load, haul, dumps (LHDs) for moving regolith and ore for
processing, 3D printers for printing goods on the production line, and factory launch technologies for
shipping refined goods and raw materials off-world. It only makes sense economically for raw materials
to be shipped if there is further manufacturing capability in orbit, such as might be provided by a Bernal
acting as the final assembly point.

Second Wave Sites

If you are playing as a part of the first wave, sites will be claimed, industrialized and colonised by your
actions. In the second wave, sites you travel to may already be claimed, and this process will be ongoing as
you continue the game. Roll for each site you get a mission for to see what state the site is in, unless the
site has already been busted or industrialized. You should also reroll sites which have claims but are not
industrialized whenever immigration events occur for the site’s heliocentric zone to see if the claim has
been upgraded to a factory.
Generate second wave sites as follows:

1. Roll 1D6 for the claimant faction and determine the claim level using the Claim Level table on the
next page. 1: Red. 2: White. 3: Green. 4: Purple. 5: Orange. 6: Use the faction matching the space
politics, or use a contested claim if the Space Politics is War or Anarchy. Contested claims don’t
have factories or colonies.

2. If the site requirements are met listed in the claim column, roll 1D6 for each intervening hazard if
not FINAO. If a one is rolled, then the claimant mission was destroyed.

3. If the claimant mission survived the inbound hazards, and the site is prospected, roll 1D6 less than
or equal to the site size to successfully prospect the site and place a claim.

4. If the claim is placed, or no prospecting roll was required, then apply the results of the “If successful
column to the site”

5. If a factory is present, roll for the factory industrialization level and assist method.

6. If a colony is present, roll for the population, government (and oligarchy if needed), economy, social
unrest and law level. Determine the market conditions and biosphere. See the Colony Designer
chapter on page 100 for details.

Inbound Make inbound hazard rolls. Do not FINAO Hazards bypassed. For uncrewed rovers,
prospect or achieve glory if unsuccessful. roll inbound hazards to determine how many at-
tempts were made before successfully landing a
In and out Make inbound and outbound hazard rover.
rolls. Only prospect if inbound hazard rolls are suc-

Claim Level

Roll 1D6 if Upported, 2D6 if Colonization, 3D6 if Exoglobalization, 4D6 if Futures, 5D6 if Breakthroughs. Add
the site hydration. Subtract the Heliocentric Distance (absolute solar power modifier). If size > 6, subtract
(Size-6). Subtract 4 for each adjacent hazard including radiation hazards.
Level Claim Hazards Crew? Prospect If successful
-0 Any None No No Unvisited
1 destination Inbound No No Robotic probe landing
2 destination In and out No No Robotic probe sample return
3 destination FINAO No No Uncrewed rover
4 destination FINAO No No Uncrewed rover sample return
5 destination In and out Yes No Crewed rocket glory attempt
Hydration 4+ Desperate attempt, crew attempts
6 site In Yes Yes outbound hazards if prospect fails
Hydration 4+
7 site In No Buggy Uncrewed buggy claim attempt
Hydration 3+,
8 size 6+ site FINAO Yes Yes Crew stranded after one way trip
Hydration 3+
9 site FINAO No Buggy Follow up planned if claimed
Hydration 2+
10 site Raygun No Yes Follow up planned if claimed
Hydration 4+, Industrialize and build colony (1D6
11 size 6+ site FINAO Yes Yes years)
Hydration 3+ Industrialize and build colony (1D6
12 site FINAO Yes Buggy years)
Hydration 2+
13 site or aerostat FINAO No Buggy Industrialize
Hydration 1+ Industrialize and build colony (1D6
14 site FINAO Yes Yes years per hydration)
Hydration 0+
15 site FINAO No Yes Industrialize
Hydration 2+ Industrialize, Bernal present if claim is
16 site or aerostat FINAO Yes Buggy hydration 4+ or science site
Hydration 2+, Industrialize all sites with buggy roads,
17 size 6+ site FINAO Yes Buggy Bernal present
Industrialize and build colony (1D6
years per hydration), attempt ET life or
Hydration 1+ submersible prospect and build a lab
18 site FINAO Yes Buggy or second factory if successful
Industrialize and build colony (1D6
Hydration 1+ years per hydration), Bernal present if
19 site FINAO Yes Yes claimed science site
Hydration 0+
20 site FINAO No Yes Industrialize
Hydration 0+,
21 size 2+ site FINAO No Femto Industrialize
Site has been destroyed by a future
22 Science site NA NA NA attempt
23 Any NA NA Yes Abandoned claim if claim successful
Mobile factory has lifted off from this
24 Any NA NA Yes claim if prospect successful
Hydration 0+ Industrialize and build colony (1D6 +
25+ site FINAO Yes Yes 1D6 years per hydration)

Raygun Make inbound hazard rolls only if the site Femto Claim and industrialize any size 2+ site re-
is atmospheric. gardless of the prospecting roll.

Buggy Roll twice and use best result when

prospecting and claim all sites on buggy roads.

Visiting Existing Claims

If the destination you roll for a mission has a claim, factory or is busted you should reroll the destination,
except if:

1. the faction spacecraft travelling to that destination is the same as the faction at the destination

2. there is a claim that the travelling faction can claim jump because the politics is War or Anarchy or
because felonies are permitted for your faction

3. the spacecraft travelling to the destination is a Military mission during War or Anarchy

4. Commercial ships without refineries will travel to a site with a factory half the time (roll 1D6; change
destination on 4-6)

5. Commercial ships without refineries will travel to any V, D, S or M site half the time (roll 1D6; change
destination on 4-6) if the ship’s ISRU is 2 lower than the site hydration

6. For a Long Range, Push Factory or Bernal goals, choose the next viable site clockwise heading into
the planet on the same path rather than rerolling, if such a site exists

Industrialisation Level
The industrialisation level determines how far the site is towards having an factory built on the site and
(once the factory is complete) which stage of a site refuelling or ET production operation the factory is
currently performing.
To generate a factory, determine the industrialization level and, once built (industrialization level 7+), the
factory assist technology and location and/or construction materials.

Factory Assist Method

Factories are capable of assisting rocket take-off and landing if a spacecraft does not have the minimum
thrust required to do so. This is resolved as a navigating a hazard when launching or landing on size 1-5
sites when using factory assistance. Size 6+ sites only have factory assist methods if a Bernal is adjacent to
the site and these cannot be used to assist launch or landing of spacecraft but can be used to Site Refuel or
ET produce components at the Bernal as if at the site. Use the Factory Assist Methods table on the next
page to determine the factory assist method a factory uses.
Many of these factory assist methods are described in the NEO Infrastructure section of the Infrastructure
chapter of the core rules, although scaled to the site size. If the entry is not present here, refer to that
chapter for a full description.

Asteroid ring-train A train track girdles the equa- tracks. Payloads are collected by the slow train at
tor of the planet, with several stories of train running the bottom of the track and handed off to increas-
atop of other at increasingly higher speeds on the ingly higher speed trains running on the roof of each

Industrialisation Level

Roll 2D6, +2 if the site size < 3 or a dirtside, +1 if site size is 3-5 and not a dirtside, +6 if a colony has been
built or the factory is being used for a site refuelling or ET production operation.
Roll Industrialisation level
-2 Refinery and robonaut in orbit
3 Refinery in orbit, robonaut on site refuelling lander
4 Refinery and robonaut on site, operations have not begun
5 Regolith excavated
6 Night side cooling radiators built
7 Factory structure built (factory complete)
8 Ore from claim mined and stored for processing
9 Ore undergoing separation and refining
10 Radioisotopes undergoing refining to create isotope fuel
11 ISRU water processed to create hydrogen fuel
12 ISRU water recovered and frozen as ice
13 Refined products used for 3D printing parts
14 Assembly of 3D printed parts into ET product
15 Wiring pull through assembled ET product
16 Burn in testing of final ET product
17 ET product stock piled for off world shipping
Factory hijacked by 3rd party for site refuelling
18 or in a standoff if a colony or Bernal present
or under attack if politics is war
19 Factory assisted launch of ET product into orbit
20+ ET product in orbit for freighter transport

Factory Assist Methods

Roll depends on site size. Comet, 1-2: 1D6. 3-5: 2D6. (Bernal required) 6-8: 3D6. 9+ 4D6. At aerostats, use
Stratospheric Aerostat and Zeppelin instead if the entry is in italics.
Roll Factory Assist Method
1 Racetrack
2 Rolling Satellite
3 Asteroid Ring-Train
4 Slingatron
5 Microwave Rectenna Assist
6 Tether Cable Launch System
7 Maglev Track
8 Verne Space Gun
9 Ram Accelerator
10 Blast Wave Accelerator
11 Launch Laser
12 ISRU Metal Oxygen Rockets
13 ISRU LH2 / LOX Rockets
14 Launch Assist Bolo
15 Rotovator
16 Stationary Skyhook
17 Orbital Ring
18 Space Fountain
19 Lofstrom Loop
20+ Space Elevator

train below it. The highest speed trains running at through each chamber with later chambers filled
orbital speeds sit underneath a top-layer track as with different pressure gases designed to have a
they would otherwise enter orbit themselves. higher speed of sound.

Blast Wave Accelerator The blast wave accelera- Rolling Satellite A vehicle moving at high speeds
tor consists of a series of thin explosive rings which rolls across the surface of the body it launches from
detonate behind the payload accelerating it forward. on telescoping spokes. Payloads are collected by
Unlike many other explosive accelerators, the peak the spokes near the surface, and released at high
acceleration is not especially high for the amount velocity as the spokes holding it reach the top. A kick
of delta-v produced. Like a space gun, an on board rocket is required to circularize the orbits of payloads
rocket known as a kick motor is required to circular- if needed.
ize the payload in order for it to enter orbit.

Rotovator A rotating orbital tether can be de-

ISRU Metal Oxygen Rockets The lunar and aster-
signed where the bottom end of the tether is effec-
oid regoliths are good sources of many metals and
tively stationary with respect to the ground at its low-
semi-metals which burn energetically in the pres-
est point instead of the orbital speed of the tether.
ence of oxygen and could be used as rocket fuel.
Rockets can dock with the tether as it rotates and
Roll 1D6. 1: Aluminium. 2: Calcium. 3: Iron. 4: Mag-
then use momentum exchange to reach escape or
nesium. 5: Silicon. 6: Titanium.
landing velocities instead of using propellant. The
tether must remain above the atmosphere on sites
Launch Laser A ground based laser launch works with an atmosphere, but can reach the ground else-
either by heating the atmosphere behind the space- where.
craft to act as a propellant or in a vacuum supple-
menting the spacecraft’s on board thruster or directly
ablating propellant carried by the craft. The launch Slingatron The slingatron is a rigid circular tube
laser switches to the vacuum mode to circularize the or track which has circular or spiral pathways cut
craft’s orbit around planets with atmospheres. into it. The whole slingatron is mechanically moved
in small circles without being rotated, as if swirling
a drink in a glass, which accelerates the payload in-
Microwave Rectenna Assist A microwave
side it around the pathways to the required launch
rectenna beams energy to supplement the on board
speed before releasing it. The slingatron-launched
thruster, allowing it to perform beyond its normal
payload still requires orbital circularization.
operating parameters to achieve orbit.

Racetrack A race car on a graded race track sur- Tether Cable Catapult System A tether cable cat-
face can achieve orbital velocity using much less fuel apult system is a system where two or more long
than an equivalent rocket on the smallest of sites. conducting tethers are held rigidly in a straight line,
The track in this instance is usually a high speed elec- attached to a heavy mass. Power is applied to the
tric railway rather than a Grand Prix race track but the tethers and is picked up by a vehicle that has lin-
principle remains the same. This simple design fol- ear magnet motors on it, which it uses to push itself
lows the maxim of “never use a rocket if you can use along the length of the cable. Near the end of the
anything else” although it still requires a small rocket cable the vehicle releases a payload and slows and
motor to circularize the orbit once the required ve- stops itself. The payload carries on at very high ve-
locity is achieved. locity.

Ram Accelerator A conventional space gun fires Verne Space Gun Chemical catapult launch sys-
a ramjet centre-body shaped payload through a tems are effectively large artillery guns which accel-
membrane into a barrel contained a pre-mixed erate uncrewed payloads either directly by a high ex-
gaseous fuel-air mixture. The payload compresses plosive or by using hydrogen gas that is compressed
the mixture, it ignites and the payload begins to be- by an explosive (a light gas gun). The exact method
have like a ramjet, generating an enormous amount used depends on the required escape velocity and
of thrust. Multiple membrane separated cham- the resilience of the cargo launched. The air cavity
bers allow the payload to travel at optimal speeds launcher uses a high explosive to accelerate a small

projectile to 5.5 km/s. The shaped-charge detona- a high explosive to accelerate hydrogen gas, which
tion launcher uses a high explosive to implode a in turn accelerates a thin disk to 40 km/s. Because
conical metal liner, whereby the implosion fuses the a space gun cannot launch to a stable orbital trajec-
liner into a thin liquid jet that accelerates a projectile tory, a second thrust source must be carried by the
to 16.5 km/s. And the Voitenko implosion gun uses payload.

Factory and Colony Construction

There are significant challenges in exoconstruction that are not issues on Earth, including availability of
materials, the need for radiation shielding against solar flares and cosmic rays and the internal atmospheric
pressure of the building pushing the walls outwards instead of inwards. Use the Factory and Colony
Construction table on the following page to determine the construction design and materials used to build
the factory or if a colony is present, the colony.
Advanced technology C-class buildings appear to be impossibly engineered, taking advantage of carbon
allotrope construction to seemingly defy physics and common sense. Advanced technology D-class
site buildings are semi-biological, self-maintaining and self-healing. Advanced technology H-class site
buildings have predictive analytics managing every function inside the building, freeing you from the need
to perform personal care labour such as laundry or cleaning. Advanced technology M-class sites have
polymorphic constructions where buildings dynamically reconfigure both their interiors and exteriors as
required. Advanced technology S-classed building are designed to be multi-purpose, typically incorporating
vertical farms for food production and oxygen recycling into the building design so that every wall also
grows a crop. Advanced technology V-class site buildings project holograms into their interiors using
collimators suspended in the air.

3D Printed using site specific inks The struc- needs to be serviced or transported in another ve-
tures are 3D printed. C sites laser-fire ceramics to hicle. Biaxially-oriented polyethylene terephthalate
create glazed architectural terracotta. D sites use (BoPeT) can contain a hydrogen atmosphere while
tholin-derived plastic prefabs: tholins are organic minimizing diffusion through the airship walls.
materials which can be found on many comets and
some worlds, and are the principal construction ma-
Air-Pressure Inflated Habitat Any non-rigid at-
terial used on Kuiper belt and Oort cloud objects. H
mosphere filled habitat is going to naturally inflate in
sites use aerogels which have to be aerodynamically
vacuum conditions. Inflated designs using Kevlar are
engineered using advanced AI modelling to avoid
as strong if not stronger than equivalent aluminium
the structures blowing apart. M sites use indepen-
or titanium designs and minimise the risk of sec-
dently mobile printers to create squat iron buildings
ondary radiation from cosmic rays hitting the habitat
with ornate structural reinforcements to avoid need-
ing carbon for steel. S sites use sintered high strength
metals such as aluminium and titanium. On V-sites,
structures will be made using building-scale printers Beam-powered helicarrier Aerostats are often
with molten igneous rock as inks and so come in a conveniently located near power sources which can
range of oranges, yellows, greens and grays. be used to generate large amounts of beamed power.
A helicarrier fleet can be powered this way to stay
indefinitely aloft while harvesting raw materials from
Abandoned Mining Tunnels The walls would the aerostat atmosphere.
need to be coated with a sealant to prevent the re-
golith leaking atmosphere and absorbing oxygen
and water. Blue goop deposits Blue goo once it enters the
biosphere at large results in unnaturally healthy
ecosystems, but also forms coral-like structures
Advanced Polymer Deflatable Semi-rigid Airship known as blue goop which begin to grow exponen-
A semi rigid airship has the stability advantages of tially. If left unchecked, blue goop will form massive
a rigid design while being deflatable in the event it arcologies capable of indefinitely sustaining the lives

Factory and Colony Construction

Roll 1D6 for Upported and earlier, 2D6 for Colonization, 3D6 for Exoglobalization, 3D6+6 for Futures and
3D6+12 for Breakthroughs. Add the site hydration if a colony is present. Aerostats: If at an aerostat, use the
materials listed for the construction of a Buckminster Thermal Aerostat. Italic entries should instead reroll
on the Non-Buckminster Aerostats column. Living Arcologies: Roll 2D6, -2 if the Space Politics is Red or
War, -1 if White or Anarchy, +1 if Purple and +2 if Orange. -2: Cityplasm. 3: Resin tubes. 4: Flesh chambers.
5: Blue goop deposits. 6: Container cities. 7: Polymorphic pyramids. 8: Tree houses. 9: Sun flowers. 10:
Fog castles. 11: Smartter towers. 12+: Crystal spires.
Roll Construction Design and Materials Non-Buckminster Aerostats
-2 Near Crater Wall
3 Pit Cave or Crevasse
4 Talus Cave or Boulder Field
5 Primary Cave or Overhang
Stratospheric Aerostat and Zeppelin
6 Original Settlement Spacecraft
7 Discarded Booster Tank
8 Air-Pressure Inflated Habitat
9 Abandoned Mining Tunnels Fabric and Composite Frame Zeppelin
10 Rammed Regolith Structures Kite-stabilized Hot Air Blimp
11 Derelict Launch Complex Advanced Polymer Deflatable Semi-rigid Airship
12 Freighter Container Stacks Solar Infrared Mongolfiere Aerobots (SIRMAs)
13 Molded Asteroid Clay Solar- or Wind-powered Flying Wing
14 Sealed Concrete Monolithic Domes Gas Harvester
15 Geodesic Steel and Plastic Lattice Shells Ionosphere Laser-pumped Sails
16 Kevlar and Teflon Tensile Membrane Beam-powered Helicarrier
17 3D Printed using site specific inks Whirligig Storm Chasers
18 Construction Corral Villas Chandler Skototropolis
19 Mobile Homes Sky Bubbles
20 Moving Bases Spindizzy Sky Town
21 Kilometer High Skydome Vacuum Balloon
22 Carbon Nanotube Spaceframe Hyperboloid Buoy Tower
23 Downed Bernal Floating Waterwheel
24 Factory Assist Method
25 Stalactite Polis Fusion Candle Construction Site
26+ Living Arcology Floating Bubble World Surface

of the inhabitants, curing their every ill and making Carbon Nanotube Spaceframe A space frame is
their lives happier and more fulfilling, as long as you a large structure constructed from interlocking struts
politely ignore the mossy outcrops of blue goo para- in a geometric pattern. Using carbon nanotubes as
sites that form on their faces and bodies. the trusses allows the space frame to span extremely
large areas with almost no interior supports.
Buckminster Thermal Aerostat These floating
geodesic spheres can be adapted to build large aero-
Chandler Skototropolis A skototropolis consists
stat cities elsewhere in the solar system. Gas giants
of buildings which resemble upside down candles
which require light (and asphyxiating) gases in the
hanging beneath an aerostat. This building tech-
lifting envelope will have gondolas housing the cities
nique allows the aerostat to be filled with asphyxiat-
underneath the aerostat body instead of support-
ing gases like hydrogen or helium which are needed
ing inhabitants inside them. Venus’s atmosphere is
for buoyancy in the atmospheres of colder gas giants;
dense enough to allow aerostats to be filled with a
hydrogen would also damage construction materi-
breathable gas mixture, allowing people to live in-
als inside the aerostat.
side them.

Cityplasm Clear nutrient fluid is pumped through over pressure to maintain their structure. The lift-
tubes to feed inhabitants embedded in the walls. ing gas can also be less combustible than hydro-
This fluid also provides oxygen, removes waste and gen: either helium on warmer gas giants or nitro-
acts as a transport mechanism when the city body gen on Venus which can float in the much denser
needs to relocate population elsewhere. atmosphere. Colder gas giants such as Neptune
and Uranus should instead be filled by ambient gas
Construction Coral Villas Genetically engi- from their upper atmospheres because condensed
neered corals can grow a house sealed in a bag. methane clouds have lowered the atmospheric den-
When structure is complete, the coral dies off and sity below that of helium: the rigid zeppelin body
the plastic wrap can be removed. must be much stronger in this instance to avoid be-
ing crushed by the higher pressure surrounding it.
Container cities While remote working and re-
mote control can be used to minimize travel as much Flesh chambers A number of different nano con-
as possible, studies have shown people still work struction techniques such as diamondoids can be
better in close proximity to their colleagues. Con- used as the basis for organohybrid structures. These
tainerisation allows standardized low-cost transport can be grown into factory sized mega-organelles for
and in this instance, people live in comfortable con- the industrial scale production of sophisticated or-
tainer sized apartments which are shipped around ganic compounds as well as the digestive and cir-
the city as they change jobs. A flexible working space culatory systems and structural support required to
will have the containers of the employees atop it to
keep these organs alive.
minimize commute times, and a holiday will include
shipping the apartment container to leisure facilities
to the vacation period. Floating Bubble World Surface During construc-
tion a floating bubble world resembles a large mat
Crystal spires The crystal spires is a trope of sci- laying on a pool. Raised walls at the edge of the mat
ence fiction where sufficiently advanced societies prevent denser atmosphere spilling over the top to
are represented by having crystalline building mate- sink it and the relatively barren interior of the mat is
rials and technology while at the same time wearing inhabitable if not comfortable.
robes or togas and being ruled by a mysterious coun-
cil of some form. The crystals are likely diamonds
embedded with atoms capable of acting as qubits Floating Waterwheel An aerostat waterwheel
to form a large quantum computer. rides the denser more turbulent currents under-
neath, often occupying the rotating edge of a per-
Derelict Launch Complex One of the first struc- manent storm. The industrial facilities sit at the hub
tures an ET factory will build is the launch complex of the wheel while the inhabitable area rides on the
used to help spacecraft its products to LEO and other top rim.
markets. As the factory grows, the launch method
may not scale up leaving a hardened building avail-
able for other uses. Fog castles Buildings built from utility fog need
long slender chimneys to evacuate waste heat to
avoid radiating waste heat back onto the structure.
Discarded Booster Tank Reusable booster tanks Accomodation and industry would be secondary to
make sense when launching from Earth as there is a the computational capabilities of the arcology.
large enough a launch demand out of a site gravity
well. At a site, reusable boosters are mostly useful in
the event that establishing factory fails - if it succeeds Freighter Container Stacks Containerization
there are other more economic launch methods that and palletization were fundamental for globalization
can be built, leaving a multi-tonne capacity structure on Earth by standardising the process of shipping
free for other functions. and handling freight regardless of its contents. Here
the containers are used to house the payload during
Fabric and Composite Frame Zeppelin Zep- the factory assist method as efficiently and safely as
pelins can be built much larger than the equiva- possible and so container shapes vary wildly from
lent non-rigid airship because they don’t rely on site to site.

Fusion Candle Construction Site A fusion can- Kite-stabilized Hot Air Blimp A non-rigid bal-
dle is a tower-like structure with a hydrogen intake loon is limited in size by the need to keep a higher
in the middle and a fusion rocket at the base and pressure atmosphere inside it. This can be achieved
top of the tower. While the fusion candle is intended by heating the internal atmosphere several degrees
to move planets in the long term, during construc- using solar power allowing larger structures. A kite
tion only the base rocket is run to keep the structure can act as a drogue brake to give the balloon stability
stable and so the top can be used as facilities for and steering capabilities.
the construction crew. Reroll this result on non-gas
giant aerostats.
Factory Assist Method Larger launch infrastruc-
ture such as space elevators and sky hooks are suf-
Gas Harvester Helium-3 harvesting from gas gi- ficiently big enough to act as habitats and cities in
ant atmospheres request processing enormous addition to their primary function.
amounts of helium to isolate the needed isotope
using self-replicating wind-powered gas harvesters.
Solar-powered gas harvesters on Venus have instead Living Arcology Massive self-contained habitats
capture trace amounts of hydrogen to create water. can be constructed with dirtside resources by us-
ing self-replicating technologies. Roll 2D6, -2 if the
Space Politics is Red or War, -1 if White or Anarchy,
Geodesic Steel and Plastic Lattice Shells The +1 if Purple and +2 if Orange. -2: Flesh chambers. 3:
most stable structure in a vacuum is a dome as the Resin tubes. 4: Blue goop deposits. 5: Container
air inside constantly pushes out in all directions. cities. 6: Stalactite polis. 7: Polymorphic pyramids.
Geodesic dome construction can be complex and 8: Tree houses. 9: Sun flowers. 10: Fog castles. 11:
the most well tested methods are often adopted for Smartter towers. 12+: Crystal spires. Each of these
safety considerations. results has its own entry in this section.

Hyperboloid Buoy Tower Hyperboloid shapes

Mobile Homes Mobile homes fitted with life sup-
are used to build tall structures such as towers where
port systems may be needed in resource poor en-
the hyperboloid geometry’s structural strength is
vironments as they are better able to manage re-
used to support an object high off the ground. On
sources in a decentralized fashion than through
gas giants, instead of the ground the tower base is a
economies of scale. Roll 1D6 for the locomotion
larger aerostat structure much deeper in the atmo-
type. 1: Climbers. 2: Creepers or Wheeled. 3: Dig-
sphere floating like a buoy on the ocean, and the
gers. 4: Flyers (atmospheric) or Towed Sitters (no
tower top is at Earth normal atmospheric pressure.
atmosphere). 5: Shooters (hydration 0-3) or Swim-
mers (hydration 4+). 6: Walkers.
Ionosphere Laser-pumped Sails An ionosphere
laser uses solar power and the lasing properties of
the upper atmosphere to generate a 60Mw laser Molded Asteroid Clay Clays in asteroids are rich
beam. This beam heats the air behind large sail in hydrogen, which is the most effective shielding
structures below to keep them and their cargo per- material for protons and cosmic rays. Because
manently aloft. they are non-metallic they can be separated from
other asteroid materials using massive magnets and
molded into the construction shapes required.
Kevlar and Teflon Tensile Membrane This mem-
brane is stretched out in a dome or tent-like shape
and relies on the tension of the whole structure Moving Bases These massive warehouse- or
and the pressure of the internal Earth normal atmo- Bernal-sized mobile buildings house hundreds or
sphere to keep it erect. even thousands of people each. Roll 1D6 for the lo-
comotion type. 1: Climbers. 2: Creepers or Wheeled.
3: Diggers. 4: Flyers (atmospheric) or Towed Sit-
Kilometer High Skydome A kilometre or more
ters (no atmosphere). 5: Shooters (hydration 0-3) or
high atmosphere is needed for cloud formation,
Swimmers (hydration 4+). 6: Walkers.
leading to an Earth-like weather system and longer
term sustainable ecologies. A structure this large
will need external protection from micrometeoroids, Near Crater Wall A crater wall can act as a natu-
usually using an aerogel barrier above the roof. ral shadow shield and mining ingress point as well

as collecting volatiles which are less exposed to the and M-class sites will use ground granulated blast
solar wind. furnace slag from iron and steel mining.

Original Settlement Ship The original space-

Sky Bubbles A variety of construction materials
craft used to industrialize the site will have been over
such as aerogels or carbon foam could be used to
engineered survive the worst that the environment
build transparent bubbles that would trap enough
can throw at it, and in many ways is the safest place
heat to remain floating in the atmosphere, using
to be for much of the early settlement.
the principles of a Buckminster thermal aerostat but
much more numerous. These sky bubbles may only
Polymorphic pyramids Polymorphic structures have enough buoyancy to carry the habitat for a sin-
can change shape when required but default to a gle individual but enough of them could be made to
stable structure when at rest. Solar heating or wind hold a full world’s population.
are used as a power source for transformations.

Pit Cave or Crevasse A pit cave is a natural Smartter towers Half-pylon, half-sky scraper,
structure consisting of predominantly vertical shafts smartter towers are the living architecture and com-
rather than the typical horizontal cave. Most sites puter infrastructure the new enlightened use for
lack the volatiles to form such a cave although their simulations and virchopolises. The smartter
crevasses may be more common. towers use wind and solar power and along with
geothermal temperature gradients to power them-
selves with backup fusion power housed deep un-
Primary Cave or Overhang A primary cave is derground in the root of the tower.
formed from lava rather than erosion of any kind
and so is limited to locations with geological activ-
ity, such as Io. Overhangs rarely occur due to crater Solar Infrared Mongolfiere Aerobots (SIRMAs)
formation. Balloons can be heated at high altitude using so-
lar power during the day time and at lower altitudes
Rammed Regolith Structures Compressed dirt using infrared heat emitted from the planet during
is a building material that has been used for tens the night time along with compression heating gen-
of thousands of years. Regolith lacks some of the erated during the descent. A swarm of aerobot bal-
structural properties of dirt but modern technology loons can maintain an equilibrium using these meth-
allows it to be rammed into stronger shapes. ods while carrying a large aggregate payload. A 112
kilogram balloon on Jupiter and 220 kilogram bal-
loon on Saturn would be required for each 10 kilo-
Resin tubes These structures are built from hard-
ened polymers secreted by a plant or animal tube- gram payload.
builder species that still lives within (odd) or atop
it (even). The tube-builder species is typically a Solar- or Wind- powered Flying Wing Solar
neogen (1, 2) but might be a biot (3, 4) or heavily power and advanced aerodynamics can be used to
modified version of an existing species (5, 6). On an build planes (actually large flying wings with limited
odd result, the largest tube-builders are the same
cargo capacity) which can stay perpetually aloft. In
diameter as the largest tunnels constructed.
the outer solar system, solar power is less effective
a source of energy than wind power.
Sealed Concrete Monolithic Domes A mono-
lithic dome is a single structure without edges: diffi-
cult to build but theoretically the strongest structure. Spindizzy Sky Town While anti-gravity doesn’t
Reinforced concrete will be sealed so that it doesn’t work in the Sixty Years In RPG universe, nearly every
absorb oxygen from the internal atmosphere and other method of suspending aerostats in an atmo-
even weather permitted by the largest monolithic sphere is possible, and the sky town is an accretion
dome designs. At sites, concrete can be formed from of every other aerostat type above it in the table. The
water, an aggregate of regolith, and a cement made complexities of the sky town is not just in air traffic
from beneficiating regolith rock that has a high cal- control, but ensuring that storm don’t disrupt the
cium content; a mixture known as Lunarcrete. Con- town formation and instead wind is shaped proac-
crete on Titan and Io will be made using ash instead tively to help keep the town components aloft.

Stalactite Polis Excavating downwards instead als. These fields can easily be adapted to become
of building upwards removes the complexities of an Archimedes death rays, burn off cloud cover or
hyper scraper construction but has its own compli- reflect heat away from the ground to cool their sur-
cations. Heat generated in underground structures roundings. Eventually every surface will become
eventually warms the surrounding bedrock, compli- covered by them.
cating cooling and requiring additional ventilation
and air circulation to be built after the initial dig. As
Talus Cave or Boulder Field The majority of
underground cities grow in size, it makes sense to
caves on smaller sites are talus caves, caused by
completely evacuate the earth and stone around the
boulders or other loose debris collecting together to
city for this ventilation, eventually leaving behind
form the roof of a cave.
massive pillars in the Earth containing the city with
open space around them. The arcology within each
pillar is an elongated inverted pyramid, resembling Tree houses These semi-organic arcologies have
a stalactite in layout. In subsurface oceans, these a massive central trunk responsible for guiding con-
cities are instead built hanging underneath the ice. struction, power and plumbing for the arcology with
neighbourhoods built and serviced on individual
“leaves” raised above the surface of the world.
Stratospheric Aerostat and Zeppelin An airship
to orbit solution requires at least three stages: a
lower stage delta wing shaped stage with powered Vacuum balloon A vacuum-filled balloon avoids
lift, which would rendezvous with a permanent float- the limitations of lifting gases but no known ma-
ing “dark sky station” high in the atmosphere. Pas- terial is strong enough to avoid buckling because
sengers and cargo would transfer from there to the of the pressure difference between the inner and
final orbital airship which ascends to “edge of space” outer surfaces. Triple-layered honey-comb materi-
where its ion propulsion rockets would kick in, al- als built using chemical vapor deposition (CVD) dia-
lowing it to acclerate to hypersonic orbital speeds. mond and sandwiched together in a rigid spherical
Both the dark sky station and the final orbital stage shell can overcome the limitations of a single-layer
are vulnerable to cosmic rays because there is insuf- design. There is considerable challenge building this
ficient intervening atmosphere to block them. On at scale.
Venus, solar flares are also a significant hazard.
Whirligig storm chasers The whirligig shape acts
Sun flowers Reflector panels which move to track as a rotating lifting body around a stationary hub
the sun can be used to boil water atop a tall tower with automated guidance seeking out the best winds
to generate electricity or to melt ore to refine met- to maintain altitude and comfort.
Zone Name Size Type ISRU Founded Faction # Factory Assist Method Construction Population Government Economy Law Level Biosphere
Mercury Discovery Rupes 10 S 0

Mercury North Pole 10 V 3
Hathor 1 S 1

Venus Aerostat-Xity 11 C 0
Apophis 1 S 0
Cruithne 1 M 1
Icarus 1 S 0
Itokawa 1 S 0
Khufu 1 S 2

Luna Arstrachus Plateau 9 M 0

Luna Crater Shackleton Polar Rim 9 S 2
Mjolnir 1 S 1
Phaethon 1 D 4
YORP 1 S 0
Belenus 1 S 0
Deimos 1 C 3
Didymos 1 S 0
Didymos Moonlet 1 S 0
Eros 1 S 0
Eureka 1 S 0
Ivar 1 S 0
Mars ♂

Mars Arsia Mons Caves 10 C 3

Mars Hellas Basin Buried Glaciers 10 C 4
Mars North Pole 10 C 4
Nereus 1 V 1
Nyx 1 V 1
Oljato 1 M 3
Phobos 1 C 2
Toro 1 S 0
Aegis Moonlet 1 C 3
Alexhelios 1 M 1
Ariadne 2 S 1
Badenia 2 C 2
Ceres 6 C 4
Chaucer 1 C 2
Cleoselene 1 M 1
Comet Borrelly 1 D 4
Comet Elst-Pizarro 1 D 4
Comet Encke 1 V 4
Comet Hartley 2 1 D 4
Zone Name Size Type ISRU Founded Faction # Factory Assist Method Construction Population Government Economy Law Level Biosphere
Comet Holmes 1 D 4
Comet Wild 2 1 D 4
Comet Wilson-Harrington 1 D 4
Dactyl Moonlet 1 S 0
Davida 5 C 2
Dresda 2 S 0
Eichsfeldia 4 C 3
Flora 4 S 1
Fortuna 5 C 2
Friederike 2 C 2
Gaspra 1 S 0
Gefion 2 S 0
Hermes A 1 S 0
Ceres ⚳

Hermes B 1 S 0
Hertha 3 M 3
Hygiea 5 C 3
Ida 2 S 0
Karin 1 S 2
Karin A 1 S 2
Karin B 1 S 3
Kleopatra 4 M 1
Kollaa 1 V 1
Koronis 3 S 0
Lacrimosa 3 S 0
Lutetia 3 M 3
Mathilde 1 C 2
Miahelena 2 S 1
Minerva 3 C 3
Neckar 1 S 0
Nysa 3 M 0
Peking 1 V 1
Polana 2 C 1
Psyche 5 M 1
Remus Moonlet 1 V 1
Romulus Moonlet 1 V 1
Sylvia 5 C 2
Unitas 4 S 1
Urda 3 S 0
Vesta 6 V 2
Zone Name Size Type ISRU Founded Faction # Factory Assist Method Construction Population Government Economy Law Level Biosphere
Achilles 2 D 3
Agememon 3 C 3
Agememon Moonlet 1 C 3
Äneas 2 D 3
Antenor 1 C 2
Callisto Asgard Ice Spires 8 V 4
Callisto Vahalla 6 C 4
Chiron 4 C 4
Comet Neujmin I 1 D 4
Comet Schwassmann-Wachmann I 2 D 4
Elara 3 C 2
Elatus 2 D 4
Europa Conamara Chaos 8 S 4
Europa Subsurface Ocean 8 C 4
Ganymede Memphis Facula 9 S 4
Jupiter ♃

Ganymede Uruk Sulcus 9 V 4

Glaukos 1 C 3
Hektor 3 D 3
Hektor Moonlet 1 D 3
Himala 4 C 2
Icarion 1 D 3
Io Gish Bar Mons 9 M 1
Io Loki Patera 9 S 0
Laocoon 1 D 3
Leda 1 C 2
Lysithea 2 C 2
Menoetius 2 C 3
Nestor 2 C 3
Patroclus 2 D 3
Philoctetes 1 C 2
Telamon 3 C 2
Tithonus 1 D 2
Calypso 1 S 4
Comet Crommelin 1 D 4
Dione 6 V 4
Enceladus 5 M 4
Epimetheus 2 S 4
Helene 1 S 4
Hyperion 3 D 4
Zone Name Size Type ISRU Founded Faction # Factory Assist Method Construction Population Government Economy Law Level Biosphere
Iapetus 6 C 4
Janus 2 C 4
Kreutz Sungrazer 1 D 4
Methone 1 D 4
Mimas 4 S 4
Okyrhoe 2 D 4
Saturn ♄

Pandora 2 C 4
Phoebe 3 C 4
Polydeuces 1 S 4
Prometheus 2 C 4
Rhea 6 V 4
Saturn Aerostat 11 S 0
Skoll 1 S 2
Suttungr 1 D 2
Telesto 1 S 4
Tethys 5 C 4
Thymr 1 D 2
Titan Kraken Mare 9 V 3
Titan Ontario Lacus 9 D 2
Ymir 1 D 3
Ariel 6 V 4
Asbolus 3 D 4
Belinda 2 V 4
Chariklo 4 C 4
Comet Halley 1 D 4
Cordelia 1 C 4
Hylonome 3 D 4
Juliet 2 V 4
Miranda 4 V 4
Uranus ⛢

Oberon 7 D 4
Pholus 4 D 4
Portia 3 V 4
Prospero 2 V 4
Puck 3 C 4
Setebos 2 V 4
Sycorax 3 S 4
Titania 7 M 4
Umbriel 6 D 4
Uranus Aerostat 11 S 1
Zone Name Size Type ISRU Founded Faction # Factory Assist Method Construction Population Government Economy Law Level Biosphere
1999OY 2 C 4
2002TX 4 C 4
Charon 6 C 4
Comet McNaught 1 D 4
Despina 3 D 4
Galatea 3 S 4
Haumea 7 V 4
Hi'iaka 4 C 4
Huya 5 M 4
Hydra 2 D 4
Larissa 3 D 3
Neptune ♆

Namaka 3 C 4
Neptune Aerostat 11 S 2
Nereid 4 S 3
Nix 2 V 4
Pluto 7 V 4
Proteus 4 D 3
Quaoar 7 S 4
Sao 1 D 4
Sawiakera 3 D 4
Sedna 6 C 4
Teharonhiawako 4 S 4
Triton Mahilani Plume 8 M 4
Triton Tuenela Plantia 8 C 4
Weywot 3 D 4
Chapter 7

Colony Designer

Colonies usually require factories be present to provide the economic basis for off-world colonization. The
colony does not provide much labour when it is first established as the majority of the colony workforce will
be engaged in subsistence farming. As it grows, increasing automation and surplus labour will allow the
colony to begin to contribute to factory operations. Almost all the colony growth will be from immigrants as
children born in space will develop significant health issues because of microgravity conditions. Immigrants
are a politically destabilizing force, forcing the colony to adopt more authoritarian measures or increase
colonist enfranchisement as a safety valve.
To generate a colony, determine the colony population based on the age of the colony and the BSU based
on the colonist or faction founding the colony, then roll to determine the government, economy, civil unrest
and law level. Then determine the immigrant population, biosphere and farming requirements as derived

Colony populations are measured in population scale, which converts
the population to a logarithmic scale to allow you to grow it exponentially Population Scale
more easily. Multiplying the population by 10 is the same as adding 10 to Scale Population
its population scale, and doubling it is the same as adding 3 to its scale. <0 0
A colony population of 1 individual is the same as a population scale of 0-2 1
0; two people are a population scale of 3; and 3 to 6 individuals are the 3-4 2
same as the population scale of the number of individuals plus 2. 5-8 Scale-2
You can also convert a colony population to its scale by treating the 9 8
most significant digit as the number of individuals to convert to the 11 13
population scale, and then add 10 for every trailing digit. For instance 12 16
400,000 individuals is the same as a population scale of 56 (4 individuals 13 20
+2, followed by 5 zeros). 14 25
15 32
Decapopulation Divide the population scale by 10 to convert it to de- 16 40
capopulations used in the A Lot of Zeros supplement. Multiply decapop- 17 50
ulation by 10 to convert it to population scale. 18 63
19 80
20 100
Founding Colonies Colonies started by the crew with a population
21 130
of 4 people (population scale 6) if the crew found the colony plus 8 for
22 160
every 40 tonnes (1 mass) of colonist module added to the colony from
23 200
the ship’s payload. A population of 160 (population scale 22 and above)
24 250
or more is considered a large colony.
Other colonies will have a founding population scale of a roll of 2D6, +1 25 320
if Upported, +2 if Colonization, +3 if Exoglobalization, +4 if Futures, +5 if 26 400
Breakthroughs. Colonies with a population scale less than 4 will have 27 500
suffered some losses, either on the outbound trip or while living at the 28 630
site. 29 800
30 1000
… …
Local Factions Each colony will have a number of local factions 60 1 million
present. If the crew founds the colony, then there will be one local fac- 90 1 billion
tion for each colonist module present, ranked in order from the largest
colonist module to the smallest. Each crew member can choose to add
a local faction of their choice when the first immigrants arrive, if they
perform a successful Recruit operation prior to this occurring.
Otherwise, roll 1D6, -4 if the site size is 1-2, -3 if 3-4, -2 if 5-6, -1 if 7-8, +1
if 11+, -2 if the local politics is Red, -1 if White, +1 if Purple or War, +2
if Orange or Anarchy. There is always a minimum of one (1) local faction present, unless a site has no
population – then it has no local factions.

Immigrants The immigration rate for a population depends on which heliocentric zone it is in. Immigra-
tion begins once a colony has been established for more years than the heliocentric zone distance. Add 1
to the population scale for each additional year or 2 if the population scale is less than ten times the site
hydration. Immigration stops once the population scale reaches ten times the site size plus one.
If you want to track the exact number of immigrants year to year, roll 2D6 for each colony each year, +1 if
Upported, +2 if Colonization, +3 if Exoglobalization, +4 if Futures, +5 if Breakthroughs. If you roll 7 + the
heliocentric distance or higher add 1D6 to the population scale due to immigration that year (slightly more
than doubling the population). Small colonies suffer instability every time an immigration event occurs.

Independence Independent colonies will begin growing at 1.5% per annum from childbirth. Apply this
by increasing the population scale by +1 for each era since the colony declared independence. A rate of
growth of 3% will double this bonus to +2 per era.

Failing Colonies If the colony’s economy is 6 or lower, immigration will not occur. If it is 5 or lower the
economy will reduce by 1 every year and the population will begin to reduce dramatically: reduce the
population each year by the number of points that the economy is below 6 after the economic reduction
takes effect.

Colony Instability Small colonies suffer instability every time an immigration event occurs. Large
colonies (100+ individuals) suffer instability every time the election event is rolled. When instability occurs,
you need to roll for a regime change, roll for civil unrest for the year and roll for economic change. Civil
unrest can occur more frequently; see the Civil Unrest section on page 120 for details.

Crew instability In a small colony, the crew counts as immigrants! Even if they are only visiting briefly.

Colony Languages
The lingua franca of space is the first language listed for whichever faction builds the first factory. This
will be spoken as a second language on colonies or words from it adopted as a part of the pidgin spoken
between spacecraft dwellers and colonists. After a generation in any colony (24 years or two solar cycles)
creole languages will have developed from the parent tongues of the colony and this language.

As colonies grow they begin to need to have systems put in place to facilitate social interactions and
decision making. This is represented by the government rating of the colony, which determines where this
decision making authority sits. Use the Governments table on page 106 to determine the new government
type of a colony founded by colonists. Governments founded by factions are all row 13+ Institutions until
they become independent, using either the Military base (Red or War), colonial territory (White or Anarchy),
union occupation (Green), administrative region (Purple) or company town (Orange) result.
Power blocs will naturally evolve out of common interests and shared goals, initially along factional lines,
but as the political systems matures they may become divided along more complex axis. The current
in-power bloc is typically, but not always, selected by a roll on the Oligarchy table on the next page: the
government type determines whether this is the case. The local factions are rolled in order from largest
population to smallest, which means that the first faction will typically have the largest voting bloc should
they wish to vote along faction lines.

AWOL Founders Independent colonies founded by an AWOL crew begin as Tyranny governments
with Founders as the Oligarchy type.

Government Prefix Governments will be prefixed by the BSU type of

the colony: Socialist if Green, Nationalist if White, Authoritarian if Red, Oligarchy
Centrist if Purple and Capitalist if Orange. Extremist governments will Roll Oligarchy Type
use their extremist politics as a prefix: Marxist or Anti-fascist if Green, -1 Genderocracy
Exceptionalist or Fundamentalist if White, Totalitarian if Red, Utilitarian 2 Ethnocracy
if Purple and Universal Darwinism if Orange. 3 Theocracy
4 Gerontocracy
Local Politics A colony which reaches a million inhabitants becomes 5 Nepotism
a city. The first colony at a site that becomes a city has its BSU becomes 6 Founders
the Local Politics of the site, which can be changed through elections 7 Faction leaders
or activism just like the Space Politics, instead of requiring a colony 8 Majority faction
operation. The Local Politics moves independently of the Space Politics 9 Minority doctrine
and should be tracked independently. Within this site, any time the 10 Kritarchy
rules dictates used the Space Politics, use the Local Politics instead. This 11 Amorcracy
includes rules that affect the Space Politics in any way. 12 Particracy
13 Stratocracy
14 Neocracy
Oligarchies Use the Oligarchy table on this page to determine the 15 Elitism
nature of the ruling, privileged or ostracized class where indicated by the 16 Plutocracy
government type, as follows: 17 Corporatocracy
18+ Timocracy
1. Population 1-13 (scale -11): Roll

2. Population 14-159 (scale 12-21): Roll 2D6+2.

3. Population 160+ (scale 22+): Roll 3D6, with -2 if the Space Politics
is Red or War, -1 if White or Anarchy, +1 if Purple, +2 if Orange.

Representative Elections
For deliberative assemblies and indirect democracies, the method of electing representatives depends on
the BSU. Authoritarian (Red) democracies have single party systems with a non-existent opposition where
factions within the party are more important than those outside. Nationalist (White) democracies have first
past the post voting systems with gerrymandered districts which artificially inflate the power of one or more
minority groups which results in governments with two party systems with large majorities. Socialist (Green)
democracies use proportional systems to ensure that all segments of the electorate have representation
inside the parliament. Centrist (Purple) democracies use single transferable voting systems to ensure all
votes can have an impact but in practise the parties are largely indistinguishable from each other. Capitalist
(Orange) democracies elect individual representatives who do not have strong party affiliations.

Regime Change
When a colony experiences instability, use the Regime Change table on the next page to see if there is a
regime change. There are six regime change types that can occur.

Regime changes do not occur when the regime change (either Space Politics, faction or independent
colony BSU) is Purple.

Oligarchy Regime Change Reroll the Oligarchy type when the government changes unless the result of
a regime strengthening or weakening.

Regime Changes

Roll 1D6. For results of 6, if this matches the existing faction or independent colony BSU, then the govern-
ment instead becomes Extremist.
Roll Regime Change Matches
1 Top Down Regime change if Anarchy Space Politics, otherwise None White
2 Bottom Up Regime change if Anarchy Space Politics, otherwise None Green
3 Weaken Regime (shift left) if Anarchy Space Politics, otherwise None Orange
4 Strengthen Regime (shift right). If cannot shift right further, become an Oligarchy Red
5 Use the row matching the faction or independent colony BSU regime
6 Use the row matching the Space Politics.
Regime Regression. Move to the left-most column and up a row War
Ideological Revolution. Roll for the colony’s new BSU and government Anarchy

Red Strengthen Regime A strengthening of the ble. Roll 1D6 to see if the colony becomes indepen-
regime shifts the government to the next column dent, using the colony’s BSU. 1: Not independent. 2:
to the right. Any regime change which strengthens Orange independence, 3: and Green, 4: and White,
the regime when already at the rightmost column 5: and Purple, 6: and Red. If a colony becomes inde-
becomes an Oligarchy. pendent due to a bottom up regime change, its BSU
changes to White.
Orange Weaken Regime A weakening of the
regime shifts the government to the next column Anarchy Ideological Revolution An ideological
to the left. If at the leftmost column, roll 1D6. Therevolution rolls 1D6 for the new colony BSU (1: White,
regime experiences either a top down (-3) or bottom 2: Red, 3: Green, 4: Orange, 5: Purple, 6: No change),
up (4-5) regime change or forms an Ochlocracy (6). and rerolls the government type using 1D6, with -1 if
the colony BSU is Red, +1 if White, +3 if Green, +5 if
White Top Down Regime Change A top down Purple and +7 if Orange. The leftmost government
regime change shifts the government to the left-most sub type is adopted and the colony becomes inde-
column of the next even-numbered row down the pendent if it is not already.
War Regime Regression A regime regression
Green Bottom Up Regime Change A bottom up shifts the government to the left-most column of the
regime change shifts the government to the left-most next row up the table. It has no effect on Government
column of the next odd-numbered row down the ta- type 0.

Government Types

Absolute Cyberocracy Absolute rule by a set of haviour. 10: Mental Illness. 11: Abnormal Neurology.
information processing algorithms which are de- 12: Elective Prosthetics.
signed to maximize good decisions and minimize
poor decisions.
Amorcracy Rule by a collective group of sleeping
Absolute Kakistocracy Absolute rule by a ruling
class consisting of exemplars of the worst possible
traits rather than the best possible traits. Roll 2D6. 2: Anarchy An absence of any government.
Mutation. 3: Mutilation. 4: Inbreeding. 5-6: Disease Anarcho-capitalism makes all government services
(roll on the Diseases table in the Risks chapter of the including money, security and law enforcement
core rules). 7: Poverty. 8: Violence. 9: Antisocial Be- available as privately funded ventures. Anarcho-


Roll 1D6 twice. Modify roll 1 by -1 if Red, +1 if White, +3 if Green, +5 if Purple and +7 if Orange. Use the
Oligarchy table on page 104 as well if the government rolled is in italics.
Roll 1 Roll 2
1-3 4-5 6
0 Autocracy Fascism Necrocracy
1 Institution Synarchy Junta
2 Oligarchy Hereditary Oligarchy Kleptocracy
3 Ochlocracy Civil War Occupied
4 Tyranny Monarchy Regency
5 Public Square Deliberative Assemblies Work Committees
6 Limited Democracy Segregation Partition
7 Parliamentary Democracy Presidential Democracy Populist Democracy
8 Technocracy Bureaucracy Aristocracy
Random Sampling Direct Participatory Direct
9 Mandatory Direct Democracy Democracy Democracy
10 Demarchy/Sortition Cyberocracy Absolute Cyberocracy
1-2 3-4 5-6
11 Minarchy Anarchy Panarchy
1 2-3 4-6
12 Meritocracy Scientific Republic Republic
1-3 4-5 6
13+ Institution Kakistocracy Absolute Kakistocracy

socialism relies on provision of these services their ability to govern. As this cannot be directly
through co-operatives where the service users col- tested, an entrance exam is used as a proxy.
lectively own the service being provided. Anarcho-
nationalism provides these services via chari-
table funding and volunteer work. Anarcho- Civil War Rule by the mob has degenerated into
authoritarian services establish themselves as quasi- open warfare between different groups attempting
governmental organizations, imposing an extor- to set themselves up as the new ruling class. The
tionate tax on anyone they perceive as using their most violent and brutal confrontations are between
services. Anarcho-centrism means no government former allies now viewed as ideological traitors.
services are funded because of legislative deadlock.
Constitutional Republic Governance by elected
Aristocracy Absolute rule by a hereditary class officials who are responsible for enforcing a previ-
of administrators. The aristocrat selection and ad- ously written constitution. New amendments to
vancement process is notionally open but in real- the constitution requires a super majority, and so is
ity excludes outsiders: the aristocracy becomes an rarely passed.
oligarchy when this process becomes too complex
and is discarded in favour of direct transfer of power. Corporatocracy Roll 1D6 to determine what the
Roll on the Oligarchy table on page 104 to determine ruling class consists of. -2 if the Space Politics is Red
what criteria is used to select aristocrats. or War, -1 if White or Anarchy, +1 if Purple, +2 if Or-
ange. -1: Management team. 2-3: Board of directors.
Autocracy Absolute dictatorship by a single per- 4+: Stockholders (Employees if the Space Politics
son backed by military force. is Green). Then roll 1D6 twice and choose the low-
est result to determine the number of ruling class
Bureaucracy Governance by a professional class
of administrators who are selected on the basis of

Cyberocracy Governance by randomly selected Founders Rule by the original founders of the
representatives assisted by a set of information pro- colony or country, such as the crew who started the
cessing algorithms which are designed to maximize colony. On Earth and in large colonies, this result
good decisions and minimize poor decisions. The indicates whomever overthrew the last regime re-
effectiveness of the cyberocracy is in large part due mains in power.
to the quality of information which can be collected.
Genderocracy Roll 1D6 +1 if Upported, +2 if
Colonisation, +3 if Exoglobalization, +4 if Futures,
Deliberative Assembly Governance by one or
+5 if Breakthroughs. 1-5: Matriarchy / Gynocracy if
more unelected assemblies of people, such as a sen-
even or Patriarchy / Androcracy if odd. 6: Transarchy.
ate, who debate and then vote on a course of action
7: Neuterarchy. 8+: Eusociality if Red, otherwise Sur-
in response to an issue brought before them. Adding
rogarchy if even or Storgearchy (those who have chil-
new members to the deliberative assembly is one of
dren) if odd.
the issues the assembly discusses.

Gerontocracy Rule by the old or elderly.

Demarchy/Sortition Governance by randomly
chosen representatives. Differs from a randomly se-
Hereditary Oligarchy Absolute rule by a hered-
lected direct democracy in that the selection process
itary ruling class, through laws put in place to en-
happens periodically rather than for each issue to
sure the children of a previous ruling oligarchy retain
be voted on. Called a democracy in Ancient Greece,
power. Roll on the Oligarchy table on page 104 to
whereas modern democracies are closer to Plato’s
determine what criteria defines valid inheritance of
aristocracy (also known as mixed or indirect democ-
the right to rule.

Institution The inhabitants of an institution have

Elitism Roll 2D6 for the attribute measured to reduced or eliminated rights because the govern-
qualify to be the ruling class (or 1D6+5 if an aristoc- ment has not granted them fundamental rights be-
racy). 2: Astrology, numerology or divination. 3: Ci- cause of their legal status as employees or prisoners,
tations or patents filed. 4: Beauty. 5: Fertility. 6: what is viewed as diminished capacity for indepen-
Physical 7: Mental. 8: Social. 9: Genetic assay. 10: dent thought or because the inhabitants have vol-
Performance at a specific game, sport or event. 11: untarily given up these rights. Roll 1D6, -2 if Red or
Arbitrary social currency or credit rating. 12: Phrenol- War, -1 if White or Anarchy, +1 if Purple, +2 if Orange.
ogy or palmistry. -1: Labour camp. The enslaved entities will be hu-
mans in the baseline, upported era or colonization
era, enslaved near human in the exoglobalization
Ethnocracy Rule by ethnic origin or idealized eth- era, enslaved species in the future era and servitors
nicity aka rule by racism. Roll for demographics if in the breakthroughs era. 2: Hospital. 3: Prison. 4:
required. Military base (Red or War), colonial territory (White
or Anarchy), union occupation (Green), administra-
tive region (Purple) or company town (Orange). 5:
Faction leaders Rule by the faction leaders of all
Hermitage. 6+: Nonhuman inhabitants. Primate
of the local factions in order to reduce tensions be-
pantrophists in the exoglobalization era, rampant
tween different factions.
robots or AI in the futures era and or postsingularity
species or VALS in the breakthroughs era. Reroll in
Fascism Governance by a personality cult around earlier eras.
a leader pre-occupied with victimhood which
promises a restoration of former glory and using the Junta Absolute rule by surviving coup leaders fol-
tools of violence, internal cleansing and external ex- lowing seizure of power through a coup or hardened
pansion. Roll on the Oligarchy table on page 104 loyalists following successive purges. If a coup, the
to determine the fetishized ideal. Although associ- government has been deposed by threat of force or
ated with right wing nationalism in modern times, constitutional crisis. Roll 1D6. 1-2: Armed services.
left wing fascist movements such as national syndi- 3: Intelligence agency. 4: Police. 5: Paramilitary. 6:
calism are also possible. Private military contractors. If purges, governance is

by a professional class of administrators selected for of their own actions that they can found a revolu-
their loyalty to the regime. The government arrests tionary system of government using a new set of
or sacks people who are believed to be disloyal and principles.
promotes new loyalists into the vacated positions.
Minarchy A minarchy behaves like a nonviolent
Kakistocracy Government by the inept. In Au- anarchy: a government exists but its only function
thoritarian Kakistocracies, competent tyrants occa- is to ensure that violence is never possible between
sionally occur, but are always replaced by incompe- citizens of the minarchy.
tent heirs. In Socialist and Nationalist Kakistocra-
cies competent government staff are overlooked in
favour of incompetent ideologues (or sycophants Minority doctrine Rule by the largest faction: this
for Centrist Kakistocracies). Capitalist Kakistocra- is the first local faction rolled; however rule is only
cies deliberately nominate the most incompetent to by the minority doctrine within this faction instead
government positions to weaken the institutions of of all faction members.
Monarchy Absolute rule by a lineage of people
Kleptocracy Absolute rule by a ruling class who granted authority by divine fiat. A monarchy is an
have given up on any semblance of good governance evolution of tyranny where the tyrant attempts to
to loot the government coffers and steal from the legitimize their power to anoint their family as suc-
people. cessors. Roll on the Oligarchy table on page 104 to
determine the succession rules.
Kritarchy Rule by a specific profession. On Earth,
rule is by the legal system, specifically the judges. Necrocracy Rule by the laws established by a now
In space, roll 1D6 or 2D6 if the colony is indepen- deceased and venerated fascist leader. A necroc-
dent. 1: Prospector. 2: Farmers. 3: Maintenance. racy occurs when the cult of personality around the
4: Freighter pilots. 5: Factory operators. 6: Miners. leader is the primary unifying force for his or her sub-
7: Entrepreneurs. 8: Scientists. 9: Engineers. 10: ordinates, as opposed to any other ideology.
Network operators. 11: Biotechs. 12: Domestics.

Neocracy Rule by the young.

Limited Democracy Only a subset of all adults
have the right to vote. Removal of existing franchise
will be done under voter law restrictions or by pre- Nepotism Rule by family bonds. This initially will
venting convicted felons from voting and then using be sleeping partners, then include children and ex-
a pretence to give a large proportion of the popula- tended family as the colony grows. The largest family
tion a felony sentence. Roll on the Oligarchy table on at the founding of the colony will begin the nepotistic
page 104 to determine what criteria is used to select rule (roll to break ties).
voters. See the section on Representative Elections
on page 104 to see how elections are run.
Occupied Occupied by an external power - either
an invader or peace keepers. The occupiers typically
Majority faction Rule by the largest faction: this enable a single class of person to continue to rule
is the first local faction rolled. on their behalf in order to divide resistance against
Mandatory Direct Democracy Everyone con-
tributes legislation and votes as a mandatory re-
Ochlocracy Rule by the mob. An ochlocracy usu-
quirement. This has the disadvantage that the leg-
ally arises as a result of violent overthrow of an oli-
islation passed is done so by a largely ill informed
garchy by the people, but the targets of reprisals are
for the most part traditional allies of the oligarchs
who lack the power to defend themselves, rather
Meritocracy Government is by a small group of than the oligarchs themselves. To avoid this, as they
like-minded individuals who have changed the po- weaken many oligarchies choose to nominate one
litical status quo enough through the significance of themselves or a chosen outsider to act as a tyrant.

Oligarchy Absolute rule by a ruling class, rather one or more methods determined by the rules on
than an individual. Roll on the Oligarchy table on Representative Elections on page 104.
page 104 to determine what criteria defines the rul-
ing class.
Presidential Democracy Governance by elected
Panarchy Individuals choose their government representatives, including direct election of a head
without having to move from their current location, of state with ultimate executive authority (even if
in effect purchasing diplomatic immunity from a this is done mechanically via a deliberately assem-
broad selection of traditional nation-states as well bly). Although power is nominally balanced between
as newly minted diplomatic corporations. the executive and one or more deliberative assem-
blies, the tendency is for the executive to accumulate
power. Any deliberative assemblies are elected us-
Parliamentary Democracy Governance by
ing one or more methods determined by the rules
elected representatives who form a deliberative
on Representative Elections on page 104.
assembly with a number of functions including
electing a prime minister with ultimate executive au-
thority. See the section on Representative Elections
on page 104 to see how elections are run. Public Square Governance is by spontaneously
forming groups brought together in the public
square who declare themselves to have an interest
Participatory Direct Democracy Concerned cit- in and a right to resolve an issue and agree via rhetor-
izens contribute legislation and votes as they desire. ical debate to a course of action.
This has the disadvantage that the legislation passed
is based on those who have the most to gain from
any piece of legislation.
Random Sampling Direct Democracy Ran-
domly selected citizens contribute legislation and
Particracy Rule by membership of a political vote. The disadvantage is that the quality of the leg-
party - expanded here to refer to membership of any islation passed will vary wildly and that deadlocks
organization. Roll 1D6. 1: Political Party. 2: Secret often occur.
Society. 3: Union. 4: NGO. 5: Caste. 6: Cult.

Partition The site or territory has been parti- Regency Government by representatives of a
tioned so that some regions are governed under a child king or queen who is not deemed mature
different set of laws to the remainder. Roll 1D6. 1: enough to rule.
Occupied by another government. 2: No man’s land.
3: Another claim recognized by international law. 4:
Devolved region managed by a subgroup within the Scientific Republic Governance by elected offi-
colony. 5: As 4, but not has no legal recognition by cials who are responsible for enforcing a set of nat-
the government. 6: As 5, but has legal recognition ural laws established through inductive reasoning
under international law. For 1-3, roll 1D5* for the from a limited number of axioms. The choices made
faction which has control. For 4-6, roll on the Oli- for each axiom are broadly accepted and so the nat-
garchy table on page 104 to determine which group ural laws rarely change.
has control of the devolved region.

Plutocracy Rule by the wealthy. Segregation Only a subset of all adults have the
full legal rights and protections afforded citizens of
Populist Democracy Governance by elected rep- the government, including the right to be consid-
resentation including a head of state with ultimate ered human. Roll on the Oligarchy table on page 104
executive authority. The head of state is elected on to determine what criteria is used to select citizens.
a populist platform which if implemented will cause
the government or economy to fail. This requires
the head of state be incompetent, a liar or an ideo- Stratocracy Rule by the military or those who
logue. Any deliberative assemblies are elected using have completed military service.

Synarchy Absolute rule by a hidden ruling class, Tyranny A tyranny is where the ruler has abso-
who make decisions independently of the visible in- lute authority but can be removed by force of arms,
stitutions of government, which exist in name only either by the people ruled, or an externally armed
and have been hollowed out so that they are now power. A spaceship or the armed forces is a tyranny:
powerless facades. Roll 1D6-1 to determine the the crew or soldiers elect to be subordinate to the
actual government type, treating this result as a leader but can violently rebel. The various forms of
Junta, and 1D6+7 if generating the initial colony gov- despotism listed on this table (Autocracy, Oligarchy,
ernment to see what institution previously existed, Monarchy etc.) is where the ruler or rulers have ab-
rolling 1D6+2 for the subtype. If a previous govern- solute authority, and also have a monopoly on the
ment type was rolled, use this as the visible govern- use of force. Historically many historical kingdoms
ment instead. were tyrannies, because the people could rise up
and unite with an invader to overthrow the ruler, or
because the tyrant themselves was put into power
Technocracy Governance by a professional class by a violent revolution by the people who retained
of administrators who are selected based on their their weapons.
performance in an unrelated field, such as science,
business or engineering. Roll 1D6 and refer to the Oli-
Work Committees Governance by committees of
garchy results. 1: Kritarchy (roll 2D6). 2: Elitism (roll
appointed or elected experts who are in theory re-
1D6+5). 3: Particracy. 4: Stratocracy. 5: Plutocracy.
sponsible to a deliberative assembly but in reality
6: Timocracy.
are responsible for creating and shaping policy with
regards to whichever issues they see fit to discuss.
Theocracy Rule by organized religion. The courts are a good example of a work committee,
where a single judge or a panel of judges makes de-
cisions about the implementation of laws on a daily
Timocracy Rule by property owners. basis.

Independent Colonies
A colony must be granted its independence before colonists will begin to have children. This will always
occur as a result of an ideological revolution and may occur during a bottom up regime change.
Once a colony has begun to have children, the adult population will begin to increase in 15 years time
with an annualized growth rate of 1.5%. Double this rate of growth for each of the following factors: if the
economy is 8+, the colony is a White BSU, the colonists are pantrophically adapted to the world the colony
is on (Green BSU), and cloning and genetic engineering technologies are used to artificially increase the
colony size (Red BSU). Use the colony population at the time of the growth increase to represent the “settler
bump” that the early colonists would have contributed.
The first colony children will have an extraordinarily high incidence of birth defects due to unforeseen
environmental issues (regolith dust carcinogens, early colonist radiation exposure, side effects of pantrophy,
small gene pool etc). How the colony handles this issue will be a measure of their humanity.

The site economy is determined by whether a factory is present, and the government if one of those is true.

Factory Present, Government 6+, Roll 2D6+5 if a Red BSU, 4D6+5 if an Orange BSU, and 3D6+5 other-
wise. Add +5 if a Green BSU or if Earthside (not cumulative).

Factory Present, Government -5 Roll 1D6+5 if a Red BSU, Civil War or Kleptocracy, 1D6+8 if Ochlocracy
or Occupied or the space politics is Anarchy, 4D6+5 if an Orange BSU and 3D6 otherwise. Add +5 if a Green
BSU or if Earthside (not cumulative).

No Factory Present Roll 1D6 if a Red BSU, Civil War or Kleptocracy, 1D6+3 if an Orange BSU, Ochlocracy
or Occupied and 2D6 otherwise.

Authoritarian Stratification Red BSUs should roll again to determine the economy level of the authority
in power, treating the economy level as if Earthside. This economy level does not affect the civil unrest roll.

Crew Recycling If the Economy is less than 7, it becomes 7 (Recycling) if a crew or colonist module is
present with a working on board life support and the colony has a population of 20 or less.

Abandoned/Empty Remove the colony. memories protected by property rights to exclude

spamware, malvertising and other information pol-
lution both in the virtual and in the physical worlds.
Aesthetic Economy Parts of the 21st century
economy are already postscarcity: the music, pub-
lishing and game industries already have enough Austerity Austerity measures have been imposed
product that you could spend a life time consum- to stockpile resources for future needs (Red), punish
ing their output and not exhaust the available con- the poor for insufficient humility (White), re-invest
tent. Curators and distributors have much greater in expansion (Orange), ensure a fair distribution of
sway in these industries than producers and con- resources (Green) or pay off debt (Purple).
sumers of the content value based on artificially in-
duced scarcity including aesthetic qualities, moral Bartering Small excesses in production can be
judgements, canonisation, fashion trends, “live per- bartered for services and luxuries such as soap and
formances”, branding and creator relationships. water to wash with.

AngelNet An AngelNet fuses the virtual and real Direct Intervention A direct intervention econ-
worlds through clouds of smart matter which are omy is one where the government intervenes to in-
seamlessly deployed to anticipate and satisfy the terfere with economic activity such as taxing sins
requirements of the user, including personal pro- like alcohol, cigarettes and abortion (White), or over
tection, creativity, desires and needs. The AngelNet regulating businesses (Green) or breaking up unions
technology develops from virches and utility fogs so (Orange) or monopolies (Purple), or seizes commer-
that each intelligence in the AngelNet economy effec- cial enterprises to make them state owned (Red).
tively lives in a waking dream where all their wishes
are granted, provided they do no harm others or ex- Euthanasia Lotteries, Soylent Green Cannibal-
ceed the energy and computation limits each user ism Lots are regularly drawn from a pool of vol-
of the system has available. unteers to decide who will be recycled as food. If
there are no volunteers, everyone is included in the
Attention Economy The most precious resource lottery.
in an economy where everything, including infor-
mation, is free is attention. Attention is considered Indentured Servitude Colonists, like crew, are
an inalienable right, and short term and long term rarely free to change employer as many colonies are

Roll Economy Roll Economy
0 Abandoned/Empty 1 Violent Cannibalism
Euthanasia Lotteries, Soylent Green
2 Cannibalism 3 Starvation
4 Suspended Animation 5 Scavenging
6 Rationing 7 Recycling
8 Subsistence 9 Bartering
10 Survivalist 11 Indentured Servitude
12 Inherited Wealth 13 Austerity
14 Welfare 15 Vanity Spending
16 Direct Intervention 17 Negative Interest Rates
18 Universal Basic Income 19 Resource Scarcity Indexed
20 Universal ID Economy 21 Social Networks
22 Peer-to-peer Cryptocurrency 23 Private Contracts
24 Predictive Markets 25 Patent-based
26+ Postscarcity

set up and run by a single organization. Work con- falling demand, but by reducing interest rates be-
ditions can resemble that of bonded labour, which low zero and eliminating cash, the central bank can
require employment for a fixed or indefinite term. begin to charge for savings instead of paying interest
Indentured servitude is always effectively authoritar- on them to encourage consumers to spend. This
ian, but the operational details differ by BSU. The has unusual side effects: for instance banks now pay
colony may work as a start up (Orange) where em- customers to borrow money from the bank and busi-
ployees only receive stock options for an investment nesses settle invoices immediately because it costs
vehicle which will be drained of value by venture money to keep credit on the books.
capitalists, a company town (Purple) where employ-
ees are paid in a non-fungible scrip, a concentration Patent-based A post scarcity knowledge econ-
camp (Red) where colonists are slave labour and omy where intellectual property rights are the limit-
considered disposable, a commune (Green) where ing factor on what can be produced.
colonists are expected to labour for no compensa-
tion beyond what they need to survive or a debtors
Peer-to-peer Cryptocurrency A resource
prison (White) where workers earn a nominal wage
scarcity index links the supply of money to a scarce
but end up in debt bondage because the expenses
physical resource, whereas a cryptocurrency links
they are charged exceed their earnings. the supply of money to a scarce virtual resource:
the solutions to a complex mathematical equa-
Inherited Wealth Wealth accumulation results tion which are calculated by currency miners and
in large disparities between rich and poor. While published to a publicly distributed cryptographic
these may have initially occurred as a result of meri- network to own the solution which is then traded as
tocratic achievement, subsequent generations are a cryptocoin. Each cryptocurrency is backed by its
own equation and crypto-network.
prejudiced towards success or failure by the wealth
of their parents and the accompanying health care,
education, financial risk taking and social connec- Periodic Jubilees To avoid complications
tions (or lack there of). caused by postscarcity economies rapidly unbal-
ancing, the economy periodically resets itself so
that everyone starts anew with the same amount
Negative Interest Rates Over time the price of of capital and all debts are eliminated. The period
goods naturally falls due to improving production prior to the reset is extremely profligate as all savings
efficiencies. This causes the economy to shrink (de- are spent, the period following the reset is rich with
flate) as consumers delay purchases to take advan- investments and risk-taking as citizens attempt to
tage of the falling prices, perhaps indefinitely. Nor- make as much capital as possible before the next
mally this would cause investment to fall due to jubilee.

Postscarcity Roll 1D6 on the Postscarcity Econ- utmost. An example of the kinds of products pro-
omy table on the current page if the economy rolled duced in a Santa Claus Cornucopia is Bluish Delight:
is 26 or higher. a blue goo food that when consumed in addition to
feeding you, provides maximum pleasure for every
Postscarcity Economy sensory input. Much like the Turkish Delight from
Roll Economy Narnia that it is named after, it is highly addictive
1 Periodic Jubilees and much tastier in principle than in practice.
2 Aesthetic Economy
3 Attention Economy
4 Santa Claus Cornucopia Scavenging Colonists are consuming resources
5 Smart Everything which they cannot replace, such as phosphorus and
6+ AngelNet nitrogen, to survive.

Private Contracts All commercial relationships Smart Everything Every object that you interact
are between individuals rather than being mediated with is a smart device imbued with artificial intelli-
by companies with the attendant risk of unlimited gence that gives it pleasure in performing the jobs
liability. it is intended for. This is the question posed by the
“uplift paradox”. If you have the capability to make
something intelligent, should you?
Predictive Markets Almost all colony activity has
a corresponding prediction market which collects
investments and pays on the outcome of events. Pre- Social Networks Social networks can increase
diction markets take advantage of the wisdom of the the size of the economy by earning income from pri-
crowds to accurately predict the likelihood of each vate goods through a sharing economy (Orange), by
outcome. leverage friends and family networks to sell branded
products (White), by creating local markets for higher
Rationing Rationing permits colonists to survive quality and higher cost goods based on intangible
in the short term but these extreme measures will values (Green), by building social capital networks
have long term health impacts and cannot be sus- based on trust, reciprocity and cooperation to elim-
tained. inate fraud, inferior products and lemon markets
(Purple) or by operating a black market economy
during an authoritarian regime (Red). Such markets
Recycling Colonists are able to sustain life by have their own currencies, measured in favs, likes
complete recycling of all materials in a closed sys- and shares.
tem. The recycling system cannot scale up for addi-
tional immigrants.
Starvation Colonists are extremely malnourished
due to problems with the food supply.
Resource Scarcity Indexed Modern economies
use a fiat currency to regulate the economy by in-
creasing or decreasing the availability of money con- Subsistence Colonists are able to maintain a sub-
trolled using an independent central bank. Linking sistence farming lifestyle of extreme poverty. Adding
the supply of money to a scarce resource, either di- labour will allow the economy to grow.
rectly or indirectly, prevents the government from
taking control of or influencing the central bank to
Suspended Animation Non-robotic colonists
print money to inflate their way out of their debts.
are only awake one sixth of the time to conserve
The risks with a resource indexed money supply is
resources. Roll 1D6. 1: Alert. Colonist is awake.
the reduced flexibility to manage the economy and
2-6: Colonist in hibernation. The method used
that improved industrial production techniques can
depends on the era. Baseline: Sedatives or induced
rapidly devalue the currency by suddenly increasing
coma. Upported: Hydrogen sulphide hibernation.
the availability of the resource in question.
Colonization: Slab (drug-induced hibernation).
Exoglobalization: Cryogenically frozen. Futures:
Santa Claus Cornucopia Postscarcity is use to Vats. Breakthroughs: Biological immortality with
sate the gauche desires of every inhabitant to the voluntary hibernation.

Survivalist Extremely limited resources form the of how well you are liked (Green) or how nice you are
basis of a currency system allowing wealth to accu- (White), or a representation of the social capital you
mulate. Roll 1D6 for the currency used. Oxygen (1), have built (Purple) or how compliant to the values
Water (2), Calories (3), Bullets (4), Bisphosphonate or of the regime you are (Red). Being an identical twin
Phosphorus (5) or Isotopes (6). Losers in the econ- or clone is a felony.
omy risk deprivation and death.
Vanity Spending Excesses in production are used
Universal Basic Income A universal basic in- to increase social status. How the resources are
come avoids many of the pitfalls of a social welfare spent depends on the BSU: invidious consumption
system by giving a basic income to all citizens. The (Red) where resources are needlessly wasted, con-
basic income is usually set somewhere between the spicuous compassion (White) where charitable giv-
poverty line (capital 1) and the median income which ing is publicly declared to increase social status, gift
maximizes happiness (around US $75 000 or capi- culture (Green) where valuables are gifted without
tal 4). The funding method depends on the BSU: a expectation of explicit reward but to build social
sovereign wealth fund (White), progressive taxation debt, conspicuous consumption (Purple) where lux-
(Green), land taxes (Orange), negative externalities ury goods and services are purchased to display
pricing (Purple) or a stipend paid for government wealth and status, or basic research (Orange) to ad-
service (Red). vance the state of scientific knowledge.

Universal ID Economy You own only two things

Violent Cannibalism Colonists will be oppor-
in life: your unique identifier (your DNA) and your
tunistically killed and eaten by other colonists.
value, a single scalar which represents your worth
to your fellow citizens. Everything else is loaned to
you against your value, which represents your con- Welfare Deserving recipients are given a stipend
tract performance history (Orange), or is a function to live on. The BSU determines who is deserving.

Economic Change
Economies suffer economic change events whenever the colony experiences instability. When instability
occurs, roll 1D6, -2 if the BSU is Red, or the government is Kleptocracy or Civil War (regardless of the BSU), -1
if the space politics is Anarchy and the government is 5 or less, or the government is Ochlocracy or Occupied
(regardless of the BSU), +1 if the BSU is Purple or White, and money supply is not greater than government
debt, or +2 if the BSU is Orange, unless the economic change roll has had the same result the last two rolls.

Government Debt Government debt in excess of the money supply acts as penalties for performing
colonial operations.

Roll Description Recession -1 to colony economy. Decrease gov-

-1 Hyperinflation ernment debt by 1.
2 Depression
3 Stagnation
4 Recession Stagnation +1 to colony economy if below 9, -1 to
5 Inflation colony economy if above 9. Decrease money supply
6+ Expansion by 1.

Expansion +1 to colony economy. Increase gov-

Depression -2 to colony economy.
ernment debt by 1.

Inflation +1 to colony economy if below 9, -1 to Hyperinflation Halve colony economy (round

colony economy if above 9. Increase money supply down). Increase money supply by 1D6 and govern-
by 1. ment debt by 1D6.

Policy Value gap Exploitation Value gap Level Description
Capitalism 6 1 factory 10 -0 Perfect competition
Paleoconservatism 5 2 factories 8 1 Monopolistic competition
Anti-nuke 5 3+ factories 6 2 Oligopoly
Multilateralism 4 3 Duopoly
Nationalism 3 4 Monopoly
Egalitarian 3 5 Oligopsony
Authoritarian 2 6 Monopsony
7 Bilateral monopoly
8 Blockade
9 Embargo
10+ Speculation

Space Economy
The space economy is defined by a combination of the Space Politics and Exploitation Tracks. To determine
this before the Future era, subtract the free market price on the Space Politics track from the lowest
exploitation track price; if no factories have been built, the space economy level will be 10 (Speculation).
In the Future and later eras, roll 1D6 for the space economy level for each site, -3 if the Space Politics is
Orange, -1 if White or Anarchy, +1 if Purple, +3 if Green, +5 if Red or War for the current market majority and
minority conditions for ET goods. Note the order here is significantly different from most rolls with Space
Politics modifiers.

Bilateral monopoly A bilateral monopoly com- Monopsony A monopsony has only a single
bines the worst aspects of a monopoly and monop- buyer Earthside, usually because the Earth has en-
sony: an example of which would be a heavily union- tered into a world wide government with either an
ized labour force such as miners facing off against authoritarian regime or a single corporation granted
a single employer in a factory town. Entrepreneurs the franchise to purchase ET goods. Entrepreneurs
are caught up in the outbreaks of violence between must make the decision whether to deal with or
the two sides, and will have their assets seized and avoid the dominant regime, cutting ties with Earth
inventory destroyed. to create a new society in the stars.

Monopolistic competition Monopolistic compe-

Blockade Buyers and sellers are prevented from tition has many buyers, and many sellers who differ-
interacting by threat of military force by a third party. entiate the products they offer by controlling intel-
Entrepreneurs are armed blockade runners who use lectual property using patents, branding and varying
faster, stealthier or more heavily armed spacecraft the quality of their products. Entrepreneurs are able
than those enforcing the blockade in order to over- to profit by minimising their inventory as compe-
come it. tition and production improvements cause prices
to continuously fall, despite the efforts of sellers to
keep them artificially high.
Duopoly A duopoly has many buyers, but only
two major sellers in the market. Entrepreneurs are
able to side step the inevitable trade restrictions and Monopoly A monopoly is able to exploit their soli-
trade wars between sellers and profit by acting as a tary position in a market with high demand by con-
trusted neutral third party, for either direct sales or trolling the output of ET goods. Entrepreneurs in
to launder the origins of goods produced elsewhere. a monopoly are smugglers, relying on their ability
to set their own prices and sell to buyers who have
been blacklisted by the monopoly.
Embargo Trade is not possible because buyers
and sellers refuse to interact. Entrepreneurs cannot Oligopoly The market is mature and there are
operate under these conditions. many buyers, but only a few sellers. Entrepreneurs

try to profit by reading market demands and trends, Perfect competition Perfect competition has
buying low and selling high as prices swing wildly many buyers and sellers, enabling entrepreneurs
because of market inefficiencies, exacerbated by the to operate without fear of restriction or regulation.
mix of cooperation and competition between sellers.

Oligopsony An oligopsony has only a few buy-

ers of ET goods, while potentially many sellers. En- Speculation The market is undeveloped with no
trepreneurs attempt to compete with each other to demand for ET goods and no proven production. En-
sell to the few buyers, who play them off with each trepreneurs are visionaries attempting to speculate
other to reduce prices, fix delivery schedules and on selling unknown products in markets which have
increase quality. yet to form.

Law Level
One of the key decisions a government is granted by its citizens is where and how to apply force: both
against the citizenry and outsiders. The law level of a colony determines how enfranchised individual
citizens are to take violence into their own hands, independently of the government.
Ochlocracy, civil war or occupied governments are always low law level. Minarchies are always High law
level. Otherwise roll 1D6. 1: High law level. 2-4: Medium law level. 5: Low law level. 6: High law level if the
colony BSU is Red or Purple, low law level if the colony BSU is White or Orange and Medium law level if
If the Law Level is low or High, use the Law Level table on the facing page to see how this is enforced.

Low law level Constant possibility of violence between citizens. Low law level colonies acts like two
1D6 rayguns for combat.

High law level No violence is permitted between citizens; only the government has the authority to use

Medium law level Weapons are restricted to the police and military, who are held in check by regulation
and convention and who are given authority by the government to apply force where mandated. While
only the government has the authority to use violence, the possibility of violence between citizens is
unregulated or sanctioned in some settings: in retaliation for other crimes or perceived slights (Red or War),
in domestic settings (White or Anarchy), on specific holidays or in specific places (Green), when agreed by
all participants as a duel, sport or recreational activity (Purple) or to protect private property (Orange).

Armed populace Individuals are commonly (White), street gangs (Green), administrative divi-
armed in public and the prevalence and ease of sions (Purple) or corporations (Orange). These subdi-
printing 3D weapons or buying them from weapons visions may be as small as a single floor of a building
vending machines ensures that changes to this or a city block or as large as a city-state or nation.
status quo will be difficult to achieve. Each region has its own laws, government and mil-
itary, and the military usually has the capability to
strike deep into adjacent regions if required. The re-
Backup Clones Reroll if Baseline, Upported or
sult is a heavily armed population and uneasy truce
Colonization. Violence is condoned (roll on the low
between regions.
level table as well) and clones restored from brain
tape copies are used to replace casualties.
Capital vengeance “An eye for an eye.”. Any vi-
Balkanized The society is subdivided into regions olence is punished by retribution equal or greater
controlled by competing warlords (Red), families than that inflicted.

Law Level

Roll 1D6, -1 if the colony BSU is Red, +1 if White, +3 if Green, +5 if Purple, +7 if Orange.
Roll Low High
-0 Martial law Suicide device implants
1 War footing Backup clones
2 Police state Controlled breeding program
3 Failed state Capital vengeance
4 War zone Panopticon surveillance
5 Balkanized Mind reading tasp implant
6 High crime levels Violence aversion therapy
7 Extrajudicial killings Prohibition
8 Legalized murder Hard-coded good Samaritan reflex
9 Lawless zones Weapon locks
10 Consensual violence Nanarchy
11 Plowshares to swords Code of conduct
12 Armed populace Hermetic isolation
13+ Defence contracts Smart angels

Code of conduct Violent behavior is seen as the functions previously performed by the govern-
abhorrent. The BSU determines how violations ment, including security.
are punished: loss of reproduction rights (White),
capital punishment (Red), social exclusion (Green),
bankruptcy (Orange) or imprisonment/ loss of pri- Hard-coded good Samaritan reflex Reroll this if
vacy (Purple). the robots are emancipated, unless the BSU is Red or
White. Every citizen is accompanied by at least one
robot which has hard-coded programming to sacri-
Consensual violence There are ways that individ- fice itself to prevent any human from being harmed.
uals can agree to participate in mutually violent ac-
tivities that may result in death or maiming of the
participants: such as recreational blood sports (Red), Hermetic isolation Citizens do not come into
a system of tagging how much violence the person contact with each other and so the possibility for vi-
is willing to endure or met out (Orange). olence is minimised. Roll 1D6. 1: Separate estates. 2:
Virch lifestyle. 3: Armoured palanquins. 4: Telepres-
Controlled breeding program Domestication ence clones. 5: Augmented reality filtering. 6: Sus-
lowers testosterone and suppresses violent tenden- pended animation time slices. Baseline: Sedatives
cies. or induced coma. Upported: Hydrogen sulphide
hibernation. Colonization: Slab (drug-induced hi-
bernation). Exoglobalization: Cryogenically frozen.
Defense contracts The amount of protection you Futures: Vats. Breakthroughs: Biological immortal-
receive from police, fire and other emergency ser- ity.
vices depends on the price of the contracts (direct
or via insurance) you have with them.
High crime levels Local security forces are inad-
equately funded and under resourced to deal with
Extrajudicial killings By police (Red), criminal
the level of criminality in the population. As a result,
gangs (White), community patrols (Green), individ-
protection is provided by bribing the security forces
ual vigilantes (Purple) or private security (Orange).
(Red), protection payments to local crime bosses
Mass killings occur during ochlocracy, civil war or
(White), or by organizing mutual defense groups
(Green) or being heavily armed (Orange). If the BSU
is Purple, there is no adequate enforcement of the
Failed state Due to extraordinary circumstances, law, even informally.
the apparatus of government has failed and no one
has been able to organize a replacement for any of

Lawless zones There are large lawless regions Smart Angels Reroll if Baseline, Upported or Col-
outside controlled and policed safe zones. onization. High technology systems completely
protects citizens from harm. Roll 1D6, +1 if Break-
throughs, +3 if Wormhole or later tech level. 1, 2:
Legalized murder Provided you can come up
Smart matter defensive network using utility fog and
with a “legitimate” excuse you may choose to kill
personal collimator point defence. 3, 4: Rapid regen-
anyone without consequence. The BSU will deter-
eration using blue goo. 5, 6: Cyberneurone person-
mine what excuses are considered legitimate: hunt-
ality backup module. 7, 8: Side-loaded prediction
ing other humans for sport is a common occurrence
matrix avoids any violent situation in advance. 9+:
(Red); if someone offends or wrongs you, you may
Palimpsest point to point wormholes rewrite recent
challenge them to a duel to defend your honour or
get revenge (White); violence is permitted against
outcasts from society (Green); licensed assassina-
tion contracts issued by the government against re- Suicide device implants Roll 1D6. 1: Cortex
cidivist criminals (Purple) or you may protect your bomb. 2: Cyanide tooth capsule. 3: Explosive vest.
property or yourself with deadly force (Orange). 4: Explosive collar. 5: Heart plug. 6: Ricin cuticle
Martial law Militarised police, house to house
searches, bombings and terrorist attacks. Violence aversion therapy Uses drugs and brain-
washing to suppress negative emotions.

Mind reading tasp implant Detects violent inten-

tions and stops them by exciting the pain/pleasure War footing Society is constantly on a war foot-
centres of the brain. ing, with everyone conscripted into the war effort:
be it a soldier, labourer, machinist or intelligence of-
ficer. Report any suspicious behaviour: dereliction
Nanarchy Ubiquitous microbots or nanites inter- of duty is a capital offence.
vene and punish any attempts at violent action.
War zone There is the constant sound of gunfire
Panopticon surveillance Everywhere is under in the distance and every moment may be your last.
surveillance. Roll 1D6. 1: Body cams. 2: Glasses The knock on the door might be a refugee or de-
cams. 3: Eye implants. 4: Flying drones. 4: Smart serter, your unit looking for you to help them, or to
dust. 5: Static cameras. 6: Synthetic insect cameras. drag you out into the street and shoot you as a traitor.
Roll 1D6. 1: Suicidal conflict. Star ship weapons, mis-
Plowshares to Swords The Kzinti lesson is that siles, mass drivers in use. 2: War machine conflict.
any tool may become a weapon: everything you Warships, kriegbots, rayguns and buggies in use. 3:
carry has a dual function, one of which is to protect Armed conflict. Light weapons and combat rigs. 4:
yourself should you ever need to. Street battles/riots. Small and side arms. 5: War-
lords. Whomever has the most loyal foot soldiers,
the most weapons, the most money, whatever they
Police state Police brutality, unlawful arrests, sui- say is the law. 6: High law glitch. The technology
cide by police, swatting, carceral violence. used by a high law level has glitched, resulting in the
current state of affairs. Roll to see which High law
Prohibition Violent or threatening behaviour is level was in use.
criminalized even when it doesn’t cause actual harm.
Information about war, weapon construction or the Weapon locks 3D printers are locked down with
history of violence is censored; anything which is a AI access controls to prevent weapon construction.
weapon, could construct a weapon or be repurposed Anything that could be repurposed as a weapon has
as a weapon is also banned. smart locks which prevent this.
Civil Unrest

Roll 1D6 for the unrest level, +2 if the space politics is War, +1 if Anarchy or unmodifed otherwise. Roll 1D6 for the crowd level if not determining civil unrest district by
district. Alert Level The alert level starts at the unrest level minus 4. If the local politics is Red, the minimum alert level is 2 even if the unrest level results in a lower
alert level; if the local politics is White, the minimum alert level is 1 likewise. Otherwise the minimum alert level is 0.
Crowd Level
Unrest Alert 1 2 3 4 5 6
Level Level Empty streets Light traffic Gatherings Crowds Congestion Partitioned
1 0 Holiday Boredom Local elections Ceremony Festival Performance
2 0 Sports event Street parties Street gangs Street performers Street markets Street racing
3 0 Online event NIMBYs Scandal Public speeches Flash mob Parade
4 0 Underemployed Overtime Work gangs Street harassment Detritus Emergency housing
5 1 Route closures Safety drill Workplace accident Facilities glitch Traffic jams Industrial accident
6 2 Curfew Patrols Major crime Displaced population Demonstrations Picket lines
7 3 Lock down UAV cover Evacuation shelters Street detention Riots Occupied land
8 4 No one’s land Siege Street battles Reserves Convoy Front lines


Civil Unrest
Colonies will experience civil unrest every time they experience instability. Groups larger than the Dunbar
number (roughly 300 people) will experience more frequent civil unrest. Roll 2 on 2D6 for 300 to 999
individuals each year for civil unrest to occur. For more than 1000 individuals, roll 2D6 less than 2+the
number of thousands of individuals. This means civil unrest will always be present in groups of 10,000 or
more people (population scale 40). From 10,000 population upwards, drop one unrest dice on the map for
each 10,000 people present – use a green coloured dice for the unrest level, then roll 1D6 using a red or
warm-coloured dice for the crowd level for each unrest dice, and put it next to the unrest dice. If the unrest
dice is dropped on a card, the unrest will only affect the card; otherwise the level of unrest in a location will
be determined by the closest unrest dice present.

Higher populations If the population is 100,000 or more, limit the unrest to 10 drop dice, however
reroll one of the crowd dice and use the higher of the original and rerolled result for every 100,000
people. If the population is a million or more, reroll one crowd dice a third time, and choose the
highest of the three rolls, for every million people. Continue this process for 10s of millions, 100s of
millions and so on.

The type of civil unrest experienced depends on the alert level and how crowded the location is. See
the Civil Unrest table on the previous page for details. Determine both the crowd level and alert level for
colonies and districts even if civil unrest is not currently occurring.

Boredom Nothing interesting appears to be hap- Demonstrations A large group of people move
pening, and individuals are either satisfied or restless through the streets to send a political message. The
as a result. severity of response depends on the BSU type of the
government. Roll 1D6 less than 3 if the colony is a
Red BSU or 2 if any other BSU colour for local secu-
Ceremony A military (if the community BSU is
rity forces to respond with violence. If the demon-
Red), religious (White), spontaneous (Green), civil strations are against the behaviour of local security
(Purple) or commercial (Orange) ceremony is per- forces, double the number to roll under for a violent
formed in public to award individual citizens for their response.
achievements (1), unveil an outdoor artwork or mon-
ument (2), publicly declare an oath or commitment
(3), open a building or facility (4), celebrate a life Detritus A minor cleaning or repair problem has
milestone such as a birth, graduation or death (5) or accumulated over time due to institutional or in-
make a (symbolic) sacrifice such as the destruction dividual inaction until it has become an major im-
of an effigy (6). The ceremony will include visual, pediment to moving through the colony thorough-
metaphoric and performance components appro- fares. Examples include household waste not be-
priate for the colony technologies and cultures. ing collected (1), human skin and hair accumulated
into large tangled masses (2), construction materi-
als fallen from decaying buildings (3), moisture (4),
Convoy A convoy of vehicles is being brought for- power and network failures (5) or doors refusing to
ward to bombard (1, 2), take or reinforce (3, 4) or open (6).
cover retreat from (5, 6) a position. On an even re-
sult, the maneuver is successful at a cost of half of the
convoy; on an odd result, the convoy is destroyed. Displaced population The streets are crowded
with people who have been forced out of their
homes by administrative error (if the community
Curfew A curfew is enforced to limit the move- BSU is Red), discriminatory housing policies (White),
ment of any colonists, vehicles and robots to within unsafe construction and inadequate maintenance
a small time window. The curfew usually includes at (Green), deliberately cruel and obstructive require-
least 12 of the 24 hours chosen to align to an Earth- ments for housing benefits (Purple) or being unable
side day. to afford to pay increased rents (Orange).

Emergency housing Temporary housing put up service industry workers. Individual households usu-
to house people unhoused by another event such ally stay at home because the majority of services
as a hull breach, industrial accident or BSU specific are closed: the holiday itself is usually preceded by
population displacement has become permanent one or more days of overcrowding in stores to stock
to due institutional or individual inability or unwill- up for the holiday period. The holiday celebrates
ingness to provide a more satisfactory solution. the founding of the colony (1, 2), its declaration of
independence or a notable individual or achieve-
ment from the colony’s history (3, 4) or a traditional
Evacuation shelters The civilian population has
Earthside holiday (5, 6).
been moved to hardened evacuation shelters de-
signed to withstand nuclear or kinetic attacks. While
10cm of lead or 60cm of concrete is usually suffi- Industrial accident 1D6x1D6 colonist lives lost (x
cient to protect from gamma radiation, shelters de- a further 1D6 if a large colony). Roll 1D6 to see which
signed to resist bunker busting weapons have to be accident table to roll the outcome on. Add 1 to the
built considerably deeper underground than is con- roll if the result doesn’t apply. 1: Beamed power ac-
venient. cident. 2: Pressurized facility accident. 3: Undersea
facility accident if at an astrobiology site on a moon
or a subsurface ocean site. 4: Launch or landing ac-
Facilities glitch Population inconvenienced. Roll cident. 5: Reactor or generator accident. 6: Colony
1D6. 1: Pressure doors. 2: Sewage. 3: Air quality ecology accident.
(oxygen levels). 3: Air quality (smell). 4: Lighting. 5:
Temperature. 6: Lifts.
Local elections Local elections are being held
to elect new community representatives. Roll 1D6
Festival A festival celebrating a successful harvest twice for the authority that the representatives have.
(1), arrival (2) or departure (3) of a mission, artistic 1: Control over local security forces (Red). 2: Judge
(4) or scientific (5) achievement or a successful en- and determine punishment for breaches of laws and
deavour relating to the community BSU: military (if moral standards (White). 3: Arbitrate between com-
the community BSU is Red), religious (White), social munity groups (Green). 4: Collect revenues and ad-
(Green), civil (Purple) or commercial (Orange). The minister budgets (Purple). 5: Ineffective functionary
increased public presence and waking hours of at- undermined at every turn (Orange). 6: Use result
tendees results in overcrowding in public spaces and indicated by the community BSU. Campaigning can
hotels and poor service. resemble street harassment although restrictions
are put in place around voting booths on election
Flash mob Choreographed crowds quickly as- day. Paper based ballots are used to provide a certi-
semble, complete a public performance of some fiable audit trail.
kind and disperse to confuse authorities (if the
community BSU is Red), to raise awareness or as Lock down No one except essential workers are
fund raising for a charitable cause (if White), for fun permitted outside dwellings. Street encounters will
(Green), as a political statement (Purple) or to adver- only be with security forces (1, Red), emergency ser-
tise a product (Orange). vices (2, White), sex workers or lovers (3, Green) main-
tenance workers (4, Purple) or couriers (5, Orange).
Front lines The front lines of the battlefield are On a 6, use the community BSU.
usually separated by the distance to the horizon as
any enemy in line-of-sight is eliminated by laser fire Major crime The local security forces have a sig-
if there is no intervening cover. Smoke is deployed nificant public presence following a major crime.
to provide a screen for surface earthworks, which are Roll 1D6. 1: Treason. 2: Terrorism. Reduce popu-
undermined and counter sapped by deeper tunnels: lation by 1D6x1D6 (x a further 1D6 if a large colony).
slower to dig and riskier in execution. 3: Murder. Reduce population by 1D6. 4: Arson.
5: Rape. 6: Fraud (including wage theft). Reduce
money supply by 1.
Holiday A holiday is observed which provides a
rare day off work for subsistence farmers as well as
an additional day of leave the majority of non-farm NIMBYs A community organization has assem-
labour, excluding only essential maintenance and bled to keep unwanted groups from moving into the

neighbourhood (Red, White, Purple, Orange) or stop Public speeches Crowds assemble to listen to
infrastructure development to protect the natural or public speeches by either the ruling party (1, 2), mi-
cultural heritage of the location (Green). nority doctrine (3, 4) or agitators (5, 6); roll twice. If
the roll is even, the speeches are designed to stir the
emotions of the crowd; if the roll is odd, the speeches
No one’s land The colony is split by land unoccu- are intended to assemble supporters to incite further
pied because of a dispute between two factions. If action once they have gathered.
it is safe to do so it becomes a dumping ground for
refuse and toxic waste.
Reserves A large group of personnel is being
brought forward to take (1, 2), reinforce (3, 4) or cover
Occupied land A section of the colony has been retreat from (5, 6) a position. On an even result, the
occupied by individuals who do not have rights to maneuver is successful at a cost of half of the re-
the property, usually as a part of other protest action. serves in casualties; on an odd result, the reserves
fail their mission and are killed.

Online event A live online event has attracted a

significant percentage of the colony as an audience Riots Rioters attack security forces and property.
or participants: both directly and in conversation If the law level is medium, civilians are equipped
with each other about the events occurring. with 3D printed small arms, sidearms and mining ex-
plosives (Orange and White), Molotov cocktails and
melee weapons (Green or Red) or sharply worded
Overtime There is too much work and not protest signs (Purple).
enough people refusing to do it to force structural
change. As a result, colonists work long hours at
Route closures Routes have been closed due to
significant risk to their long term health and safety.
security requirements (1, Red), for construction of
even more roads (2, White), to create pedestrian
Parade An officially sanctioned parade blocks malls (3, Green), for urgent repairs (4, Purple) or to
traffic. The parade is for a holiday (1), ceremony allow heavy equipment or buildings to be moved
(2), festival (3), the ruling faction (4), their minority onto or removed from a work site (5, Orange). On a
doctrine (5) or the colony agitators (6). roll of 6, use the result that matches the community

Patrols Local security forces appear in heavily

Safety drill A safety drill is being carried out to
armed groups, assaulting the usual suspects (Red),
test the colony’s defense systems against attack (1,
stopping and questioning suspicious individuals
Red) or to simulate a mock chemical or biological
(White), assisting the disadvantaged and distribut-
attack (2, Orange), industrial accident (3, Green), nat-
ing food (Green), arresting people for petty violations
ural disaster (4, Purple) or a market or supply chain
(Purple) or putting in overtime (Orange).
failure (5, Orange). On a roll of 6, use the result that
matches the community BSU. Technology will be
Performance A public performance by a com- used to make this seem terrifyingly real: Red regimes
bination (roll twice) of actors (1), musicians (2), will use convicted criminals to allow for more realis-
dancers (3), visual artists (4), choreographed march- tic portrayals of casualties.
ing (5) or drones or trained animals (6). Light-weight
safety barriers separate the performance from the Scandal The ruling faction (1, 2), minority doc-
public. trine (3, 4) or agitators (5, 6) have become embroiled
in scandal: multiple murders (1, Red), suicide (2,
White), sex (3, Green), bribery (4, Orange) or fraud (5,
Picket lines Picket lines forming as workers walk
Orange). On a roll of 6, use the result that matches
off their jobs in protest of working conditions or in
the community BSU.
solidarity with already existing protesters. Rolling
strikes for public services results in deliveries or trash
piling in the street which are used as makeshift bar- Siege A military operation using strategic earth-
ricades. works to both attack and defend a fixed position.

Sports event Live sports events retain their pres- Street performers Crowds are drawn to buskers
tige in a world of increasing image manipulation and (1), mimes (2), jugglers (3), magicians (4), orators (5)
unreality. or freaks (6).

Street battles Armed personnel clash in frequent Street racing Street racers use parkour (1, EVA),
street battles. If military, the complexities of urban public transport (2, Streetwise), delivery drones (3,
warfare negate any strategic advantage one side may Devops), custom vehicles (4, Pilot), grand theft auto
have. For instance, increasing use of through the wall (5, Bypass) or zip line tools (6, Strong Arm) to race
radar and tracking microbots is countered by much through the streets.
more effective booby traps and countermeasures.
Traffic jams An inescapable consequence of the
Street detention 3D printed cages allow rapid in- laws of fluid dynamics.
carceration and processing of prisoners; with the
convenience and humiliation of public punishment. UAV cover As a result of policy (Red), unsubstanti-
ated rumours of stranger danger (White), influencer
Street gangs The best way to stay secure is to requests (Green), statistical analysis about crime pat-
affiliate with or join one of the many street gangs, terns (Purple) or for better analysis of shopper be-
each with their recognisable armaments, insignia haviour (Orange), the area is surveilled and secured
and style. Leadership is determined by the BSU, using autonomous vehicles.
with crime bosses (Red), ethnic groups or reli-
gions (White), government (Purple) or companies Underemployed Indentured servitude (Red), vol-
or wealthy individuals (Orange) providing funding unteer staff (White), seasonal labour (Green), intern-
and support. If the BSU is Green, the gangs are inde- ships (Purple), debt bondage, contract labour and
pendent of any behind the scenes organization. at-will dismissal (Orange) change the relationship
between employers and employees so that hours
Street harassment Violent if economy 1-3; Beg- can be varied with no notice and staff can be easily
ging and street sellers if economy 4-14; Advertising dispensed with during periods when work is unavail-
and Malware if economy 15+. able. Without anything to do, and with no money to
do it with, most underemployed stay home.
Street markets Stalls, mobile diners, tents, shop
fronts and custom food service rigs. Work gangs Facilities maintenance, for either pri-
vate or public infrastructure, is often complex, time-
Street parties Cramped accommodations mean critical and labour intensive to ensure that it is suc-
that most social events occur in shared public spaces cessfully completed with minimal interruption to the
(Red); public displays of extended family unity have services supplied. Work gangs consist of the human
high social value (White); the easiest venue to orga- and robotic labour and equipment needed to per-
nize if you’re not sure how many people will turn up form these duties, encountered before, during or
(Green); it’s impossible to get a permit for a privately after the job.
held event (Purple); the poor and disenfranchised
can’t afford anywhere else (Orange). Workplace accident 1D6x1D6 colonist lives lost.


The biosphere is a derived statistic, using the lowest of the economy and population scale values. If the
colony is independent, subtract the space economy level from the population scale value before comparing
it to the economy value; otherwise subtract double the heliocentric distance.
Roll Biosphere gap Roll Biosphere
0 None 1-2 Cannibalism
3-4 Gut Bacteria and Skin/Muscle Cultures 5 Yeast / Algae / E. Coli
6 YAE and Cockroaches 7 Leaf box or Sushi box
8 Single crop monoculture 9 Single field ecology
10 Second rice paddy ecology 11 Third jungle ecology
12 Improved field ecology 13 Fourth orchard ecology
14 Improved rice paddy ecology 15 Fifth pasture ecology
16 Large rain forest ecology 17 Large scale agriculture
18 Transplanted ecologies 19 Pantrophic test ecology
20 Pantrophic ecology 21 Subsurface ecology
22+ Surface ecologies

Use the Biosphere table on this page to calculate the biosphere rating. Domesticated biospheres are
designed to support human-sized entities: adjust the benefits of the biosphere for the supported species
upwards by one for each decrease in size, and downwards by one for every decrease in size of the entity it

Cannibalism A long term diet of human tissue Leaf box Crops growing without soil but with
will result in scurvy (1 injury) in additional to severe roots misted with nutrients daily. One payload spe-
PTSD and psychological issues. cialist can support up to 8 crew and up to 20 people
can be feed with additional labour. Skill points can
Gut Bacteria and Skin/Muscle Cultures Gut only be spent as if in space.
bacteria and skin and muscle cultures attempt to use
simple sugars produced via photosynthesis to main- Sushi box A similar approach to a leaf box, but
tain a food supply without any other food stocks. the sushi box is an aquaculture growing on algae.
Skill s can only spent as if in space plus all crew suf- The sushi box has a better protein supply, but tends
fer from scurvy, gout and kidney stones (3 injuries). to lead to a high nitrogen diet causing malnutrition.
Age Physical and Mental by one each year.

Single crop monoculture A single crop such as

Yeast / Algae / E. Coli An emergency system of potatoes which requires a large investment in time to
synthesized nutrients maintained by one payload maintain. Subsistence farming requiring all available
specialist. Colony and collocated humans do not personal farm. Skills can only spent as if in space.
prevent suicide risks. Skills can only spent as if
in space plus all crew suffer from gout and kidney
stones (2 injuries). If starvation conditions (or sus- Single field ecology A single field ecology with
pended animation before the Exoglobalization era) crop rotation, requiring a large investment in time to
age Physical and Mental by one each year. maintain. Subsistence farming requiring all available
personal farm. Skills can only spent as if in space.
YAE and Cockroaches Yeast, algae and E. Coli
synthesized nutrients supplemented with cockroach Second rice paddy ecology The rice paddy ecol-
farming. Cockroaches are the ideal insect to culti- ogy includes rice and fish as protein source. The
vate as food in space, as they are hardy, clean and majority of the population farms to support limited
do not smell. non-farming specialists (10% of population, round

down). Here and below (ecologies 10-13) are con- Large rain forest ecology A paraterraformed
sidered shirt sleeve environments only if the crew dome supports single large rain forest ecology
member has been pantrophically modified for this with improvements to jungle ecology including nut
planet type and is not a farmer. To avoid farming production and predators. Colony specialists (or
requires a Colony contact. All immigrant crews must caste) responsible for farming. Here and below
farm. are considered shirt sleeve environments for non-
pantrophically modified humans.
Third jungle ecology The jungle ecology in-
cludes a sweet crop such as bananas, and chick-
Large scale agriculture Multiple parater-
ens as protein source. The majority of the popula-
raformed domes support large scale agriculture.
tion farms to support limited non-farming specialists
Market economy drives demand for farming.
(25% of population, round down). Three of any im-
migrant crew must farm.
Transplanted ecologies Large domes support
Improved field ecology Improvements to the transplanted ecologies from earth. Significant au-
output of field ecology crops permit bread making tomation in farming industry.
and alcohol production. The colony supports an
equal mix of farming and non-farming specialists.
Two of any immigrant crew must farm. Pantrophic test ecologies A pantrophic test ecol-
ogy built from pantrophically modified Terran
species or neogen species is transplanted into an
Fourth orchard ecology The orchard ecology hermetically sealed, isolated and controlled habitat.
has flowering plants and fruit allowing production of Complete automation in the farming industry.
honey, jams, preserves, ciders and spirits. Majority
non-farming specialists and limited farming (25% of
population). One of any immigrant crew must farm Pantrophic ecology A single pantrophic or
neogen ecology is established on the surface with
Improved rice paddy ecology Improvements to sufficient diversity to support a few macroscopic
rice paddy ecology include fish ponds with a vari- predators. Farming is an artistic endeavour.
ety of freshwater seafood. The colony supports a
majority of non-farming specialists and limited farm-
Subsurface ecology A native pantrophic or
ing (10% of population). Pantrophically modified
neogen ecology with more complex food webs dom-
farmers consider this a shirt sleeve environment.
inates either underground or in subsurface oceans
and water pockets in ice. Farming the native ecology
Fifth pasture ecology Larger pastures permit is possible.
grazing animals and improvements to the field ecol-
ogy permit cash crops such as tea, coffee, hops, to-
bacco and marijuana. Colony specialists (or caste) Surface ecologies Native pantrophic or neogen
are responsible for farming. Wealthy (Capital 6+) ecologies dominate surface and subsurface oceans
crew consider this a shirt sleeve environment. with deep and complex food webs.
Chapter 8

Encounter Designer

Encounters in space are rare and predictable, rather than frequent and unavoidable. Even on colonies,
encounters are usually planned rather than involuntary, and crew will quickly come into contact with other
colonists and at least know the names of and recognise the faces of all colonists in a small colony within a
year. Only large colonies and Bernals have the possibility of truly in person random events and encounters.
Random encounters while on a ship or in a small colony almost always take the form of an unsolicited off
world communication. Random encounters in Bernals and large colonies (150+ population) are situational
encounters in public spaces.
The frequency with which random encounters occurs is partly dependent on real world time, rather than in-
game time. One random encounter occurs every time you perform an operation (including decaoperations
and megaoperations). In addition, set a timer when you begin playing for 30 minutes. A random encounter
occurs after 30 minutes of real world time. Every time you resolve a random encounter, set the timer for 30
minutes again.
An encounter has the following parameters:

1. The prompt, if unsolicited, or the scheduled time, otherwise

2. The location (in space or on a site)

3. The group encountered

4. If intercepting a spacecraft, the planned destination

5. If encountering a crew, the spacecraft service history and current operations

6. If encountering a crew, the spacecraft outlook

7. The crew or colonist demographics

8. The crew or colonist careers

9. The crew or colonist armaments and equipment

10. The spacecraft cargo or colony or crew valuables

The term crew when used in an encounter includes colonists who are not aligned with the faction of the
colony or Bernal they are encountered in: either because they are stranded there, passing through or
completing a mission there. Colonists who are aligned to the faction have their career and demographics
and to some extent the site social unrest dictate their current operations and outlook.

Encounter Prompts
The prompt is the reason for the encounter. Is it overhearing a conversation or news story, a direct interaction
or a call to adventure?

Ambushed The crew is engaged by security high law levels, the response is determined by the
forces, people or automated defense systems with- law level.
out warning and from a position of concealment.
At low law levels this is typically a sniper from long
range, armed with a sniper rifle if non-military, des- Approached A crew member is approached by
ignated rifle if military, or laser if a defense system – representatives of an encountered group who at-
with the first shot fired hitting the head of a random tempts to solicit an outcome with the crew mem-
crew member. At medium law levels this is typically ber such as recruiting them into the group or mak-
using non-lethal equipment by security forces or mil- ing or breaking a business arrangement. If there
itary small arms and explosives by military forces. At are no emotions involved, this will be an individual;

otherwise it will be a number of individuals whose Complaints The crew overhear complaints from
emotional state means that they will have difficulty the encountered group. If at a colony or Bernal,
accepting a negative answer. In this instance, the these will be about the current location; otherwise
crew member will have to use the appropriate social they will be about an aspect of the faction.
skills to try to avoid confrontation.
Crime scene The crew discovers a crime scene,
Asked questions A crew member is approached typically featuring property damage or theft – both
by an individual from an encountered group and still extremely serious in space. Any participants (vic-
asked a series of questions about who they are and tim, perpetrator and accomplices) are unwilling to
what they are doing here. If the questions are lead- provide further information unless they feel like they
ing, the questioner will have assumed the crew’s can trust the investigators. Other forensic informa-
intentions. tion may be available.

Dead The crew finds the dead bodies of the en-

Asked to sell possession A crew member is ap- countered group or wild life equal to the number
proached by an individual from the encountered that would normally be encountered. Examination
group and asked to sell or license a patent that they should reveal the cause of death and the last mo-
own; or the physical possession if in situ. The ex- ments of life.
change appears fair value if the possession is cor-
rectly assessed.
Damaged or destroyed The crew finds damaged
or destroyed robots equal to the number normally
Asked to settle argument A crew member is ap- encountered, or damaged or destroyed facilities that
proached by two individuals from the encountered impede their progress. Damaged facilities are haz-
group and asked settle a minor dispute. ardous to cross; destroyed facilities must be repaired
or bypassed. Repairing the robots or facilities follow
the normal rules, with the inoperable facilities equal
Boastful rumours spread The crew discovers to 1D6+4 body size.
that the encountered group has spread rumours
about the crew that overstates their capabilities and
successes. The crew is treated as having a point of Diatribe The crew receives a broadcast from an
glory for the next 1D6 encounters. individual belonging to the encountered group. The
transmission is ambigiuous and indecipherable to
anyone outside that group becaues of its use of in-
Bombing An explosion detonates near enough to group terminology and the emotional state of the
the crew that they are hit by the blast and sprayed individual transmitting it.
with fragments. The crew takes 3 BOMB damage to
every location, +1 at Advanced or later technology Distress call The crew receives a distress call from
levels or in high oxygen atmospheres, +1 in dense at- a mission by the encountered group. Roll for a ran-
mospheres or +2 underwater, -1 in thin atmospheres dom accident and an interception, except don’t limit
and no BOMB damage in tenuous atmospheres or the location of the interception to where the crew is
vacuum. The crew are also hit with a 3D6 attack travelling to. As a result, the crew is unlikely to be
which does 3 GUN damage in vacuum or tenuous at- able to respond to the distress call. Direct crew mod-
mospheres, 1/2/3 GUN damage in thin atmospheres, ule to crew module communications are limited to
1 GUN damage if doubles are rolled in standard at- around 10,000,000 km, or well within the same he-
mospheres and 1 GUN damage if triples are rolled liocentric zone, so the distress call is likely relayed
in thick atmospheres. GUN damage is not inflicted from a larger base station back on Earth.
underwater. Anyone closer to the blast (50m in a
random direction) is not as lucky.
Engaged The crew is confronted by either local
security forces, the encountered group (people) or
Commercial advertising The crew receives com- local wild life, intent on apprehending or harming
mercial advertising specific to the local economy or the crew. The crew must determine whether they
one of the encountered group’s upgrades. fight or flee the encounter or risk negotiation.

Fleeing wild life The crew is caught in the path Praise The crw overhears praise from the encoun-
of fleeing wild life. Any injuries inflicted on the crew tered group. If at a colony or Bernal, these will be
are likely accidental unless the crew corners the wild about the current location; otherwise they will be
life which will turn to fight. about an aspect of the faction.

Hacked Hackers have taken control of robots or Propanda The crew receives a transmission ex-
facilities to their own ends. If they notice the crew tolling the virtues and excellence of an encountered
they may decide to act in a more hazardous fashion. group. In the centry of memes and memetics, this
is carefully tailored to get the crew intrigued about
who this group is.
Hull or dome breach A breach the outer hull or
dome begins depressurizing the surrounding area or Public announcement The crew receives a pub-
filling it with water or gas from outside the vehicle or lic announcement about local unrest or the encoun-
facility. The appropriate tools and skills are required tered group’s minority doctrine, that is intended to
to repair it, if the initial breach is survivable. educate or increase public safety.

Injured wild life The crew discovers sick or in- Radio chatter The crew receives communica-
jured wild life. Medical treatment is an option if the tions from one or more individuals from the encoun-
crew is able to sedate the wild life or otherwise re- tered group, looking to talk in order to pass the time
strain it for safe handling. in transit.

Refuge The crew discovers the temporary living

Invited to social occasion The crew is invited to
space of an encountered group either displaced
a social occasion by the encountered group. If al-
from their homes or permanently unhoused who
ready at a social occasion they are invited to partici-
have forced to seek accomodations elsewhere.
pate in a functional role, such as an oath or toast, by
another participant, perhaps due to someone being
missing who would perform that function. Retreating security forces The crew encounters
local security forces retreating in disarray from com-
bat with the encountered group. The crew must de-
Murder-suicide Someone in the encountered termine whether to assist one side or bypass the
group murders 1D6 other individuals, likely the peo- combat.
ple closest to them, and then either commits sui-
cide or starts behaving recklessly enough that they
put themselves in danger. In combat conditions the Scanned or Stared At If in transit, the crew is ac-
murdered individuals may be enemy combatants or tively scanned, usually from a RADAR or LIDAR ping.
prisoners If the crew is being intercepted it will be from an
intercepting party; otherwise generate a random in-
terception except don’t limit the location of the inter-
News report The crew receives either an Earth- ception of where the crew is travelling to. Otherwise
side or local news report about current events. the crew is made to feel uncomfortable because of
the length of time or the way one or more individuals
from the encountered group observe them.
Observation A crew member observes some sig-
nificant information or interaction in the local envi- Security forces in combat The crew encounters
ronment; or about the encountered group. local security forces engaged in combat with the en-
countered group. The crew must determine whether
to assist one side or bypass the combat.
Others stopped The encountered group is pre-
vented from doing something by the local environ-
ment or because of inherent values in the group. Social slogans The crew encounters video doc-
They may be unwilling or unable to overcome this umentary, banners, grafitti or signage about local
obstruction without outside assistance. unrest or the encountered group’s origin story.

Spiteful rumours spread The crew discovers This information be incorrect, public knowledge or
that the encountered group has spread rumours privileged secrets.
about the crew that are malicious and counter-
factual. The crew is treated as having a point of no- Told to leave area The crew is approached by
toriety for the next 1D6 encounters. an individual from an encountered group who tells
them to leave the area, as a result of current unrest,
mistaken identity or an inadvertant social misstep.
Stopped The crew is prevented from doing their
current action or operation without overcoming
something in the environment or by the actions of Unusual signal The crew observes an unusual
the encountered group. The reason given should data transmission from a random destination. It
help determine which additional skills and assets is heavily encrypted and indecipherable, and likely
the crew must use to continue: emotional reasons from a robotic probe visiting that location. Check
can be more easily identified than rational ones but the claim level of a random mission destination to
are usually more difficult to overcome. attempt to acertain more information.

Weaponized robots The crew encounters robots

Survey questions The crew receives a survey re-
which have been weaponized by the encountered
garding a local government issue or their awareness
group, either by modifying their behaviour or 3D
of the encountered group’s organizational structure.
printing new designs or attachments.

Told rumours about a mission The crew either Wild life being butchered The crew discovers
overhears a conversation or is approached by an in- the encountered group killing wild life, either for
dividual from the encountered group who tells them pleasure, food or because the wild life will suffer fur-
information about a faction mission for that group. ther if they are not euthanized.

Encountered Groups
Use the Encountered Groups table on the current
page to determine who the encounter is with, if re- Encountered Groups
quired. Roll 1D6 if Baseline, 2D6 if Upported, 3D6 Roll Encounter
if Colonization, 4D6 if Exoglobalization, 5D6 if Fu- 1 Red major faction
tures, 6D6 if Breakthroughs. Roll twice and take the 2 White major faction
highest result if rolling for a new or replacement 3 Green major faction
faction. 4 Purple major faction
5 Orange major faction
6 Space politics faction
Encounter Numbers If rolling for a new faction:
1-6 First Wave Crew
Roll 1D6 for the number of individuals in a crew or 7-8 Earthside Colonist
colonist encounter. Military, White and Green crews 9-10 Second Wave Crew
and colonists add an additional 1D6 individuals 11-12 Upported Colonist
(not cumulative). Roll a further 1D6 for the num- 13-14 Third Wave Crew
ber of robots accompanying each group of crew or 15-16 Second Generation Colonist
colonists, if required. 17-18 Major Faction (1D6)
19-20 Parahumans (C-dead)
Crew and Colonist Modules Crew and colonist 21-22 Robot
modules contain 8 crew or colonists per mass point. If rolling for a new faction:
Mass 0 crew and colonist modules contain 4 crew. 21-22 New Species
Anchored Bernals contain approximately 10,000 23+ Promoted Colonist
Encounter Prompts

Roll 1D6 if in transit or at a small colony, unless a colonist module is present (including if the colony was formed with a colonist module); otherwise roll 2D6 and add
the current alert level, if any. Then roll 1D6 to determine the column to use. On a roll of 6, use the column matching the Space Politics or Local Politics. Uninhabited
Locations: If the crew location is missing a specific population (such as robots, wild life or people), ignore any encounter that doesn’t make sense occurring.
Roll 2
Roll 1 2 3 4 5
1 Anger (Red or War) Fear (White or Anarchy) Green (Happiness) Purple (Curiosity) Orange (Jealousy)
1 Propaganda Distress call Radio chatter Unusual signal Diatribe
2 Asking leading questions Scanned or Stared at Asked to resolve argument Asked innocent question Asked to sell a possession
3 Complaints about law level Complaints about unrest Complaints about biosphere Complaints about government Complaints about economy
4 Approached by recruiter Told to leave area Invited to social occasion Told rumours about mission Approached about business
5 Praise for law level Praise for unrest Praise for biosphere Praise for government Praise for economy
6 News report Public announcement Social slogans Survey questions Commercial advertising
7 Observation about law level Observation about unrest Observation about biosphere Observation about government Observation about economy
8 Approached by angry people Approached by fearful people Approached by happy people Approached by curious people Approached by jealous people
9 Others stopped by law level Others stopped by unrest Others stopped by biosphere Others stopped by government Others stopped by economy
10 Stopped by angry people Stopped by fearful people Stopped by happy people Stopped by curious people Stopped by jealous people
11 Stopped by law level Stopped by unrest Stopped by biosphere Stopped by government Stopped by economy


12 Murder-suicide Crime scene Injured wild life Damaged robot Damaged facilities
13 Engaged by security forces Engaged by people Engaged by wild life Boastful rumours spread Spiteful rumours spread
14 Bombing Dead bodies Dead wild life Destroyed robots Destroyed facilities
15 Ambushed Refuge Fleeing wild life Hacked robots Hacked facilities
16 Security forces in combat Retreating security forces Wild life being butchered Weaponized robots Hull or dome breach
If no Law level Unrest Biosphere Government Economy
Use Majority doctrine Minority doctrine Origin story Org chart Upgrades

BSU colour faction If you encounter your own Upported and Promoted Colonists Upported
faction colour for results 1-6, this represents a resup- and promoted colonists are described in the appen-
ply spacecraft from the crew’s own faction, carrying dices of the core rules.
any outstanding impacts, replacement crew and suf-
ficient parts to replace currently damaged spacecraft
components. If the faction is not in the game, then Major Faction You encounter one of the major
treat the result as no encounter. factions already in the game. Roll 1D6 on this ta-
ble again to see which faction. If there is no faction
Space politics faction Treat as the BSU colour present, treat this result as no encounter. If you en-
faction result, matching the BSU of the Space Poli- counter your own faction, it will be another crew on
tics. Roll 1D6 twice if War, which indicates a conflict their own mission. If you are rolling for a new fac-
between two factions or one ship resupplying an- tion, the new faction will be a splinter group of the
other if the factions match, or treat as no encounter major faction you rolled. Although it uses the new
if Anarchy. If you are generating a new faction, then major faction colour playing pieces, its actual BSU
use the Red faction if the Space Politics is War or the is the same as the original faction. Its majority doc-
White faction if the Space Politics is Anarchy. trine will be the original factions minority doctrine.
Roll for a new minority doctrine for both the original
First, Second and Third Wave Crews First and faction and this faction.
second wave crews are generated using the Mission
control designer in the core rules. Third wave crews
are described in a supplement you can get by email- Robot Space travel will still feature automation
ing with the subject line on a large scale. Roll to see which faction the robots
“Third wave factions”. encountered belong to.

Earthside and Second Generation Colonists

Earthside and second generation colonists are both New Species Create the species using the species
generated using the Primary Colonists chapter on designer in the A Facility with Words supplement. If
page 148. you do not have this supplement, reroll.

Encounters can occur in a variety of different locations in or outside a structure which are dedicated to
different functions. Locations can occur at a variety of scales, each of which is associated with a different
population count. Use the Locations table on the next page to where an encounter occurs.


Roll 1D6 for the type of location if required. 1: Outside/Recreational (Red). 2: Rural (White). 3: Industrial
(Green). 4: Residential (Purple). 5: Commercial (Orange). 6: Select the location type matching the Space
Politics or Outside/Recreational if War or Rural if Anarchy. The site population range determines the scale
the encounter occurs at, for the specific location type: use Urban for Industrial, Residential and Recreational.
Then roll 1D6 for commercial and recreational, 2D6 for industrial, 3D6 for residential or 3D6+5 for rural and
outside. Results after the slash are for terraformed worlds. For recreational, use the following instead on a
4-6. 4: Gymnasium. 5: Car/bike parking. 6: Stadium. The subdivision column gives which location you are
in on the next smallest scale if required.
Scale Sub Room Facility Complex District
Rural pop 1+ 100+ 10,000+
Industry pop 10+ 1,000+ 100,000+
Urban pop 1+ 100+ 10,000+ 1,000,000+
Roll 2 Sub 50m 500m 5 km 50km
1 Out Facility entrance Expressway
2 Out Lobby or garage Side road Main road Brownfield
3 Rec Gardens Park Parkland
4 Com Office Office complex BSU district
5 Com Kitchen Club Hotel Entertainment
Hangar/or Runway, dock Air, sea or
6 Ind Lounge or hoist
VTOL pad or launchpad spaceport
7 Ind Workshop 3D Printer Factory
8 Ind Control room Plant Power plant
9 Ind Locker room Pool Waste treatment
10 Ind Crane or storeroom Cargo stacks Railways and warehouses
11 Res Clinic, gallery, gymnasium, library or theatre Campus or hospital
12 Res Conference room Head quarters BSU complex BSU district
13+ Res Residential locations only.
13, 15 Com Lobby or garage Shop Mall
17 Res Executive suite Mansion Compound Estate
Even Res Residence Housing
13+ Rur Rural/outside locations only. Rural subtracts 10 if biosphere inadequate. .
13 Rur Bushes Field. Minimum biosphere 9.
14 Rur Pool Rice paddy. Minimum biosphere 10.
15 Rur Brush Rain forest. Minimum biosphere 11.
16 Rur Path Access road Main road Expressway
17 Rur Grove Orchard. Minimum biosphere 13.
18 Rur Airlock Side road Main road Brownfield
19 Rur Thicket Pasture. Minimum biosphere 15.
20 Out Wall Solar power plant
21 Out Barrier Native ecologies. Minimum biosphere 20.
22 Out Shed Silo Railway
23+ Out Tower Surface ecologies. Minimum biosphere 22.

Advanced Meals

Roll 1D6 to determine which columns apply. Then roll 1D6 for each column chosen. Herbivorous meals are
vegan friendly. Preserved foods includes all foods kept for storage or transport.
Meal Carnivorous and Herbivorous High-G Free fall
Roll 1, 3, 5, 6 3, 6 2, 3, 4, 6 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 6
Preserved or
Always if Carnivore Herbivore free fall
Omni- Fresh, not free
Requires Not herbivore vore Not carnivore fall
Distilled fruit aged until carbonated
1 Baked meat cake and pomace pungent foam
Mashed plant
2 Boiled larvae and tubers on a block of ice confit
freeze-dried and
3 Crab analog and Nutrient pulp on a stick vacuum sealed
Fermented milky
4 secretion and Plant cuttings served on salt paste in a tube
Raw flesh with Seed cake wrapped sizzling on a hot powdered meal
5 pickles and in leaves plate replacement
Starch dipped in suspended in a
6 Sugar syrup and hydrocarbon with vinegar gelling agent

Social Occasions
Food and drink, sports and games, music and dance, celebrations and charitable giving are a part of many
social occasions and cultural practises. If you need to determine the occasion, roll 1D6. 1: Game (Red). 2:
Religious service (White). Roll again, using Ceremony if you roll this result. 3: Party (Green). 4: Show (Purple).
5: Charitable fund raising (Orange). 6: Select the occasion matching the Space Politics or Ceremony if War
or Anarchy. Ceremonies celebrate a recent or distant historical event and are a type of party; except they
always include a roll on the Ceremony column when being performed.
All occasions will be accompanied by a meal. The selection of foods is limited aboard ship or at a small
colony and important occasions will feature ingredients from the highest achieved biosphere rating. A
wider range of traditional foods are available at larger colonies and Bernals. Use the Advanced Meals table
on this page for preparing cuisine at Advanced technology levels or higher.
There will always be a great deal of meaning imbued in these activities, even a simple meal. The pop of air
escaping from opening a can of carbonated foam has the sound of a hull puncture. Meats have pork-like
flavours to recall the season the crops failed. Hot plates resemble radiator fins.
Games, Parties, Shows and Charities

Roll 1D6 to determine which columns apply. Then roll 1D6 for each matching column, reading left to right.
Roll Physical (1,3,5,6) Mental (2,4,5,6) Social (2,3,4,6) Capital (1,4,5) Game
1 Arena combat Alternate history Battle Royale augmented reality game
2 Ball passing Economic auction bluffing with hidden roles management sim
3 Big game hunting Fantasy relationship one versus many with robots as playing pieces
4 Pain and humiliation Space colony push your luck virtual reality game
5 Push the cart Trivia story telling inside hydraulic simulators
6 Target shooting Turn-based strategy team-based league with wagers
Roll Other invitees (All) Attendance (All) Ceremony (1,2) Event (2,3,4,5,6) Party
1 A fan club using telepresence devices to award a medal at a birthday party
2 Former work colleagues failed to turn up to eat and drink the first of the harvest at a coming of age ceremony
3 School friends have pre-recorded messages for group sex or to take drugs for an Earthside holiday
4 Extended family have sent someone in person to make a speech for an exceptional achievement
5 Off-world migrants using simulacra to consume a luxury good from Earth to honour a missing colleague
Choose the entry matching the Space
Mission control or an away are on a call bridge with Politics colour or Red if War or White if
6 team communications delays Anarchy to remember an anniversary
Roll Olfactory / Tactile (1,3,5) Kinesthetic (All) Visual (1, 2, 3, 4) Auditory (3, 4, 5, 6) Show
1 Blowing flame rings musicians free-style after donning virch suits to amplified audio from the nearest planet
2 Haloed by fireworks painted bodies writhe amidst a scale model of the facility to live fingerstyle guitar music
in an transparent aluminium blister


3 In a petrochemical haze retro-automata recreate scenes outside the hull to pidgin rap over break beats
4 Through scented bubbles tethered dancers juggle in mechs to remixes of the Voyager Golden Record
5 Wet with salt water spray the audience is seated in the original crew module to ringing 3d printed chimes
6 With gusts of dry heat your hosts perform puppetry on a stage rotating through Euler angles with algorithmic noise cancellation
Roll Action (1,3,5) Action (2,4,6) Recipients (1,2) or (3,4) Recipients (5,6) Charity
1 Publish personal details of Give money to the poor or oppressed minorities people wanting to be pen pals
2 Publicly mock and shame Give housing to the homeless or former prisoners corrupt politicians and entrepreneurs
3 Increase tax rates on Give drugs to drug addicts or sex offenders the wealthy
4 Prevent extradition of Subsidize healthy food for children at school or the incarcerated refugees
Give free make-up and the disabled and elderly or scientists
5 fashion to Give assistive technology to and artists victims of domestic violence
6 Give budgeting advice to Increase public respect for sex workers or essential workers teenagers

Crew and Colonist Careers

Use the rules here to determine the career of any colonist you encounter. Crews will consists of a four man
crew of pilot/commander, mission specialist and two payload specialists. Roll 1D6+2 on the crew and
payload careers table to determine what the payload specialists are if not on a mission.
Generate crew members for spacecraft and colonists by using the demographics chapter and the material
in this chapter. It is usually not necessary to use the crew or assets chapter - instead consider crew and
colonists encountered in space to have a skill level of 5 (4 + assistance from their Mission Control) and
either in a colony or Bernal to have a skill level of 4 in the appropriate skills for their career.

Crew and Payload Careers

Roll 1D6, or 2D6 if a payload instead of a colonist crew. For interstellar crews roll 1D6+12 on the colony
career table instead.

Roll Crew Careers Specialist Roll 1D6 or 2D6 if Payload. 1: Political.

1 Pilot / Commander 2: ET Life. 3: Medical. 4: Mining. 5: Farming. 6:
2 Mission Specialist Engineering. 7+: Financial.
3 Payload Specialist (Engineer)
4 Payload Specialist (Scientist)
5 Payload Specialist (Colonist)
6 Payload Specialist (Commercial)
7 Payload Specialist (Military)
8 Specialist
9 Pilot
10 Payload Specialist (Submersible)
11 Payload Specialist (Robotics)
12 Commander

Colony Careers
If the colonist is the inhabitant of a colony, roll 2D6 plus the colony biosphere rating: use +10 if you don’t
know this. If this is 20 or less, the colonist will be a farmer. If the colonist is a non-farmer, roll 1D6 on the
Colony Careers tabletab:Colony Careers, or 2D6 if the colony is large (150+) or independent. Newly arrived
immigrant colonists should roll on the Crew and Payload Careers table on the current page.

Future Creativity
Technological improvements in the Future era eliminates the need to work for any reason except creative
endeavour. Use the Bernal Careers table on page 139 for non-farming colonists and Bernal inhabitants
instead of the Colony Careers table. This does not apply to Interstellar Crews who are limited by the energy
and mass available on a star ship and Authoritarian (Red) and Utilitarian (Extreme Purple) regimes who
use work as a tool to control their populations. Totalitarian (Extreme Red) regimes eliminate the workers

Colony Careers

Roll Colony Careers include 3D printer operators, wiring specialists, haz-

1 Crew ardous material handlers, teleoperators, machinists,
2 Farmer roboticists, logistics specialists, factory ergonomics
3 Maintenance specialists and managers.
4 Prospector
5 Miner
6 Site Pilot Farming Specialist Specialist farmers are respon-
7 Freighter Pilot sible for farm management and improvements to
8 Security farming systems, even once farming has automated
9-10 Factory Operator away the need for labour.
11 Child
12 Retiree
13 Biotech or Domestic Freighter Pilot Freighter pilots are responsible
14 Engineer for flying spacecraft, almost always freighters, be-
15 Entrepreneur or Interstellar Pilot tween the orbit around the factory to the destina-
16 Scientist tion market such as LEO or another Bernal. Because
17 Spacewalker freighters move relatively slowly compared to other
18 Network Operator spacecraft (by using extremely low thrust but high
ISP rocket engines or because they carry a massive
Biotech Biotechs include doctors, surgeons, amount of fuel in proportion to their cargo), freighter
nurses, midwives and pantrophists, who are pilots are usually robotic if on board the freighter.
responsible for the overall health and well being of
the colony.
Maintenance Colonists responsible for building
and maintenance of water, sewage recycling, CO2
Child Independent colonists begin to have chil- filtration and removal, heating ventilation and air
dren as the colony size increases. Reroll this result if conditioning (HVAC), lighting, power and other sys-
the colony is not independent. tems needed to sustain colonist life.

Crew Either the original crew or crew from a sub- Miner Miners are responsible for mining the raw
sequent set of immigrants. materials needed by the factory, including water, iso-
topes and organic and inorganic compounds avail-
Domestic Domestics include almost all hospital- able at the site.
ity and service careers in the colony as well as full
time parents, educators and carers.
Network operator Network operators are re-
sponsible for maintaining the communications and
Engineer Site pilots, factory operators and min- computing infrastructure at the colony, factory and
ers perform many of the traditional engineering func- elsewhere on the site.
tions, but the site engineers have overall responsi-
bility to ensure the factory and colony infrastructure
is built and maintained correctly and safely. Prospector Prospectors assist the miners in de-
termining the geology and integrity of the existing
Entrepreneur Entrepreneurs include everything mining locations and if the mine site needs to be
from businessmen, designers and artists where in- relocated, will prospect new locations.
novation is the central driver for their role. En-
trepreneurs constantly attempting to build new
Retiree Retirement is a luxury on a colony, but as
products and develop new markets for their existing
a colony grows, individuals who are convalescing or
invalid due to age or illness can afford to be treated
as a valued part of society rather than a burden. This
Factory Operator The factory is the heart of any does not imply that retirees are executed when they
colony and this makes the factory operators respon- stop being functional however retirees themselves
sible for its valves and arteries. Factory operators make take matters into their own hands.

Scientist Dedicated prospectors will handle the Site Pilot Colonies will only exist if they are viable
majority of colony science functions, but once commercial concerns, which means exporting ET
the colony achieves independence and gets large product to Earthside and Bernal-based markets. Site
enough, scientists will be needed to perform re- pilots are responsible for factory assisted take-off
search and potentially suffrage functions. and landing, boosting and landing using chemical
rockets, traffic control, scheduling and hazard track-
ing and avoidance, acting much more as marine or
Security Security are responsible for the overall harbour pilots than spacecraft pilots, although with
internal and external security of the colony. many of the same skills. This is especially important
when an errant collision or crash could effectively dis-
able the ET product transit systems for many months.
Spacecraft Pilot Independent colonies will begin Some foreign ships may be unwilling to accept re-
to plan expansions once they are sufficiently large for mote control of their steering systems and thrusters
colony life to become relatively comfortable. Space- so in many instances it makes sense for the site pilot
craft may be needed for defense in the meantime. to be on board to have some ’skin in the game’.

Student Independent colonies rely on home-

Spacewalker Spacewalkers are EVA specialists, schooling, on the job training and massive online
but on a site they need to potentially range far fur- courses to train children in the complex and highly
ther than the far end of a spacecraft, whether it is to technical roles that they will need to fulfill when
check for subsidence or integrity of existing mining they grow up. Children will usually be trained to a
works or accompany scientists when prospecting post-graduate level before they can begin to perform
new locations, other colony careers.

Bernal Careers
If the Bernal is controlled by the colonist faction, roll 2D6 plus the Bernal biosphere rating. If this is 20 or
less, the colonist will be a farmer; otherwise roll 2D6 plus the Bernal economy rating. If this is 20 or less, the
colonist will be a worker and should roll 2D6 on the Colony Careers table on page 137.
Otherwise roll 2D6 on the table on this page.
For colonists working in other faction’s Bernals roll 1D6 on the Bernal Careers table on the current page.

tion of public trends and memes.

Bernal Careers
Roll Bernal Careers Hunter Hunters specialize in hunting for people
1 Salesperson or things: they have superior information gathering
2 Hunter and collation skills and their stacks are optimized
3 Fixer for interception, analysis and decryption of private
4 Doctor communications.
5 Archivist
6 Researcher
Fixer Fixers repair and make incremental im-
7 Child, Student or Retiree
provements to existing things. They have rigs opti-
8 Maker
mized for structural analysis and 3D printer control.
9 Artist
10 Hacker
11 Parent Doctor Doctors repair and hack people, pharma-
12 Activist ceuticals and food. Doctor rigs are able to analyze
and synthesize adjustments for medical conditions
and trauma.
Salesperson Salespeople specialize in analyzing
markets and people to determine the best products
to sell and the best way to sell them. Sales rigs are Archivist Archivists store, search and recall his-
optimized for interception, analysis and reproduc- toric data. Archivist rigs are optimized for indexing


Roll 2D6 if the Space Politics matches the spacecraft’s faction BSU, -2 if Red, -1 if White, +1 if Purple, +2 if
Orange. Otherwise roll 1D6, -1 if Red, +1 if White, +3 if Green, +5 if Purple and +7 if Orange.
Roll Mass Colonization Exoglobalization Futures
Enslaved promoted or
0 1D6 Enslaved parahumans robots Enslaved posthumans
Intel about existential
1 Low Blackmail materials Illegal data threats
2 1D6 Nuclear weapons Singularity artifacts components
3 Low Frozen ova / sperm Germlines Grey goo samples
4 1D6 ET freight Promoted freight Antimatter
5 Low ET goods Promoted goods Future goods
6 1D6 Spare parts Lab inks Universal inks
7 Low Scientific experiments Simulacra A-Life
8 1D6 Biospheres Synth biospheres Neogen biospheres
9 Low Seeds Organelles Neogens
High energy experiment
10 1D6 Nutrients data Mathematical proofs
11 Low Drugs Frozen heads Ghosts
Regolith or Ice core
12 1D6 samples Stellar lab data CUDOS analysis data
Quantum entangled
13+ Low Proprietary trade secrets Cryptographic keys diamonds

and analysis of large amounts of domain specific Hacker Hackers specialize in analyzing systems,
data. things and people to make them do what the hacker
wants. Hacker rigs are optimized for adapting, by-
Researcher Researchers analyze and synthesize passing and usurping existing systems.
novel data. Researcher rigs are optimized for analy-
sis of large amounts of scientific data and calculation Parent Parents specialize in creating new people.
of proofs. Their rigs are optimized for gestating and rearing
new intelligences and personalities.
Maker Makers design and create novel things.
They have rigs which explore new design spaces. Activist Activists specialize in analyzing cultures,
systems and people to modify them to achieve op-
Artist Artists design and create novel thoughts. timal outcomes. Activist rigs are optimized for min-
They have rigs which explore new thought spaces. maxing, compromise and game theory.

Some interplanetary trade exists during the Colonization, Exoglobalization and Future eras: earlier it is
uneconomic, and later everyone has the ability to construct anything they desire anywhere in the solar
system. Freighters and Commercial missions will be the mainstay of this trade, carrying valuables between
colonies and factories to meet demand.
Use the valuables table on the facing page to determine the types of any valuables carried as cargo or held
at a colony.

Finding Valuables
Valuables can be acquired as a part of performing a Hijack-
ing operation at an uncrewed factory or lab, as a complica- Valuables Held
tion. Spacecraft and crewed facilities are generally too actively Pax Valuables
defended to allow extraction of valuables, except in specific 0-7 4D6-23+pax
circumstances, and even then, massive valuables require com- 8-31 2D6-11
plete elimination of all defenses to extract. Use the population 32-80 2D6-10
of a site or lab to determine the number of valuables they hold 81-160 2D6-9
on the Valuables Held table on the current page 161-280 2D6-8
281-450 2D6-7
Personal and Faction-Specific Valuables The same pro- 451-650 2D6-6
cess can be used to generate personal valuables for encoun- 651-890 2D6-5
ters which might be carried by a colonist or crew member. 891-1,150 2D6-4
However if you roll a mass 1D6 (even) result, use the follow- 1,151-1,430 2D6-3
ing results instead, all of which are low mass. Note that the 1,431-1,715 2D6-2
valuables on this table are faction or personnel specific and 1,715-1,999 2D6-1
do not have a general market value. +1000 +1D6
Roll All Eras
0 Hostage biography
2 Insecure faction IFF
4 Intelligence reports
6 Faction currency
8 Remains
10 Medicines
12 Art and curios

Exfiltrations The Exfiltration chapter of the A Facility with Words provides details on acquiring valuables
from locations such as spacecraft, colonies and labs if people are present. Use the encounter size or
colony or lab population to determine the number of valuables found and the personal and faction specific
valuables table to replace any mass 1D6 valuables.

Valuables Mass
“Low” mass valuables should use the Low Mass Valuables table on the following page to determine their
actual mass.

Commercial Missions
You may choose cargo delivery as a commercial mission when in LEO or at a Bernal but only during the
Colonization, Exoglobalization and Futures eras. Roll 2D6 on the valuables table if at LEO or 1D6 the BSU of
the facton the Bernal belongs to otherwise. The modifiers for a 1D6 roll are -1 if the faction BSU is Red, +1 if

Low Mass Valuables

Roll 1D6 for the size of the valuables, -1 if personal, +1 if spacecraft cargo or colony valuables, no modifier if
lab valuables.
Valuable Data, Materials Sample, Laboratory Goods
Roll Mass Example Example Mass Goods Example
0 0.015 kg Thumb drive Vial 1 kg Emergency kit
1 0.06 kg Hobbyist computer Laboratory slides 4 kg Sensor suite
2 0.25 kg Smart device Small thermos 16 kg Tool set
3 1 kg Laptop 1L Thermos 64 kg Halbonaut, rig
4 4 kg Briefcase Lab kit 250 kg Drone
5 16 kg Luggage Gas cylinder 1 tonne Light vehicle
Quarter height server
6 64 kg rack Small refrigerator 4 tonnes Heavy vehicle
20 tonnes Spacecraft
7 250 kg Server rack 2 Refrigerators (Mass 0) component

White, +3 if Green, +5 if Purple and +7 if Orange and for a 2D6 roll are -2 if the Space Politics is Red or War, -1
if White or Anarchy, +1 if Purple, +2 if Orange.

Commercial Mission Payouts

Mass 0 cargoes pay off 1 debt for one crew member when delivered, higher mass cargoes pay off debt equal
to their mass..

One of the most common valuables is data, which when it requires absolute secrecy or exists in large
quantities will have to be shipped rather than transmitted. For the storage method of the data, roll 1D6,
halved (round down). +1 if Upported. +2 if Colonization. +3 if Exoglobalization. +4 if Futures. +5 if
Breakthroughs. +6 if Postsingularity. DNA, FLENG and Holmium AMD are all considered extended storage,
which means they don’t suffer from storage redundancy glitch results.

Roll Data Storage Method Rad-hardness DNA DNA is an efficient and dense storage sys-
0 Magnetic tape or disk 3 tem albeit with low speed access times. Its most
1 Optical 4 attractive features are its durability: mammoth DNA
2 Solid state 5 has lasted at least 60,000 years in permafrost, and
3 DNA 4 retrieval is linked to well understood biological pro-
4 Nanomechanical 6 cesses. Artificially created DNA allows “apocalypse
5 Spintronic 7 proof” storage of large quantities of scientific data.
7 Holmium AMD 5
8+ Computronium 7 FLENG (Femtosecond laser etched nano-
structured glass) Fused quartz has the longest
Computronium Computrones are computation- theoretical storage lifetime of any material except
ally dense smart matter with computronium being granite with a lifetime of tens to hundreds of billions
at the extreme limit of what is theoretically possible. of years at room temperature. Storage densities
Computronium lasts a billion years and stores an of hundreds of terabytes per CD sized disk can be
exabyte of data in a kilogram of computronium. It achieved by carving the glass with femtosecond
requires the Information breakthrough to construct laser pulses.
and presingularity entities using it will likely trigger
a singularity.

Holmium AMD Atomic memory devices write Optical Optical storage remains a successful stor-
data to individual atoms, achieving much higher stor- age format for media distribution (DVDs and Blue
age densities than could otherwise be achieved. A Ray) but never really achieved cost-effectiveness as
Scanning Tunnelling Microscope can alter the mag- an archival medium, although it has much greater
netic spins of individual holmium atoms, which ap- potential longevity than magnetic media (up to 1000
pear not to have quantum mechanical effects on ad- years, depending on the materials used).
jacent holmium atoms even when placed only one
nanometer apart. A yottabyte of data, roughly six
times the total data output of human civilization to Solid state Solid state disks are semiconductor
2025, can be stored on a holmium AMD disc around based storage systems which overcome the most sig-
20mm in diameter. The downside is that the most nificant limitation of volatile computer memory by
stable isotope of holmium only has a half-life of 4570 allowing data to be stored without requiring power.
years. Later generations of solid state technologies use re-
sistance changes in non-semi conductor materials
Magnetic tape or disk Both these technologies which allow for unlimited rewrites and performance
have remained relatively competitive with each at memory speeds, allowing computer memory and
other for archival and data storage although the su- storage to converge. Sixty Years In RPG assumes a
perior random access speeds of magnetic disk have silicon on insulator design for solid state disk, using
been overtaken by solid state disk (SSD). These solu- either silicon dioxide or artificial sapphire as the sub-
tions are vulnerable to being wiped by strong mag- strate. Without this, SSD storage would only have a
netic fields and are not suitable for long term preser- rad-hardness of 2.

Nanomechanical A semiconductor carbon nan- Spintronics Antiferromagnetic materials are re-

otube (CNT) working in conjunction with a nanoelec- sistant to magnetic and thermal stresses and retain
tromechanical cantilever can respond to electrical information when powered down, forming the basis
input and store binary data faster and more densely of spintronic based computing which unifies previ-
than nonvolatile semiconductor memory. ously disparate memory types.

Valuables Descriptions

Art and curios A variety of goods which have sig- You can use this antimatter to get one free pivot per
nificant aesthetic appeal for the person or faction. mass, however you must make a Engineering skill
These are typically hand made or otherwise uniquely check to do so with a penalty equal the mass of an-
constructured as to be irreplaceable, although forg- timatter you have used this trip.
eries and reproductions can be made as to be virtu-
ally indistinguisable.
Biospheres Bootstrapping biospheres is a com-
plex and time consuming process with a lot of waste
A-Life A-Life will be one or more simulated organ- in intermediate steps. Shipping a completed bio-
isms capable of autonomously exploring a virtual sphere allows a new colony or Bernal to rapidly ex-
environment. The A-Life will be stored as data, but pand its ability to support colonists in comfort. A
the A-Life will almost always come with the stack biosphere increases a colony’s biosphere rating to
needed to run it. Artificial intelligence can also be 10 or improves it by 1 to a maximum of 15, if it is
shipped, but is considered an immigrant or passen- already 10-14, for 1D6 years.
ger rather than a valuable.
Blackmail Materials In the ubiquitous surveil-
Antimatter Antimatter is best thought of as a su- lance of an authoritarian regime, secrets become
per dense energy storage mechanism rather than a the most valuable currency. Although the evidence
fuel because of the enormous energy requirements of any crime can be forged, blackmail materials re-
for producing it. Most of the mass represents storage main useful because the victim knows them to be
and containment rather than the antimatter itself. true. Blackmail materials allow you to develop one

faction agent belonging to a faction randomly de- wages and deceptive practises which mean that the
termined at the time of you discover the blackmail enslaved parahumans work is not freely given. If you
abilities. You must spend a total of 4 skill points repatriate these slaves to an independent colony,
towards developing the agent. See the Skill Types you can develop a faction agent with these parahu-
section of the Skills chapter in the core rules for how mans – if you emancipate them you can develop
you can use agents. a faction agenct. You must spend a total of 4 skill
points towards developing the agent or 7 skill points
towards developing the agency. See the Skill Types
Cryptographic keys Private key exchange is
section of the Skills chapter in the core rules for how
more easily compromised in high-latency, high
you can use agents.
bandwidth environments. Instead, cryptographic
keys are typically held in offline on air-gapped en-
crypted storage. Physical transfer of the keys re- Enslaved Posthumans Posthumans, including
mains the safest method of transfer. Cryptographic uplifted animals, artificially conscious AI and sen-
keys allow you to perform a felony operation of your tient neogens may not be recognised as humans
choice in addition to your normal operation to a and may be treated as enslaved by some human
faction randomly determined at the time of you dis- colonists and societies. If you repatriate these slaves
cover the cryptographic keys. The cryptographic to an independent colony, you can develop a faction
keys are only valid until the start of the next solar agent with these parahumans – if you emancipate
cycle. them you can develop a faction agenct. You must
spend a total of 4 skill points towards developing
the agent or 7 skill points towards developing the
CUDOs Analysis Data The data from analysis of
agency. See the Skill Types section of the Skills chap-
a compact ultra dense object in situ will always be
ter in the core rules for how you can use agents.
a challenge to transfer elsewhere. The energy and
bandwidth required to transmit data from a trans
Neptunian location to Earth renders doing so infea- Enslaved Promoted Promotions are much more
sible. This is one of the few instances where rocketry extensive medical procedures which render the re-
is the preferred transport method. If you return this cipients more than human. If you repatriate these
data to LEO, you get the CUDOS glory if no one else slaves to an independent colony, you can develop a
has completed it. faction agent with these parahumans – if you eman-
cipate them you can develop a faction agenct. You
must spend a total of 4 skill points towards devel-
Drugs The current price of LSD by weight is
oping the agent or 7 skill points towards developing
comparable to plutonium, and cocaine, metham-
the agency. See the Skill Types section of the Skills
phetamines and heroin prices exceed that of most
chapter in the core rules for how you can use agents.
precious metals. Prohibition has pushed the prices
of these drugs to the point where it becomes worth
illegally supplying them, and the demand for drugs Enslaved Robots Once the robots are emanci-
to relieve boredom and ameliorate the effects of mi- pated, using robotic labour without their consent
crogravity ensures that there will be always be viable is no different to any other enslaved labour. If you
markets in space. This gives you one contact with a repatriate these slaves to an independent colony,
colony if you deliver these valuables to them. Roll you can develop a faction agent with these parahu-
1D6 for the number of free favours this contact gives mans – if you emancipate them you can develop
you, -2 if the Space Politics is Red or War, -1 if White a faction agenct. You must spend a total of 4 skill
or Anarchy, +1 if Purple, +2 if Orange. On a negative points towards developing the agent or 7 skill points
result, you suffer a felony complication. towards developing the agency. See the Skill Types
section of the Skills chapter in the core rules for how
you can use agents.
Enslaved Parahumans Enslaved labour is sel-
dom economic because enslaved people have no
incentive to innovate for their masters. Enslaved ET Goods ET goods include ET technology
parahumans typically have medical procedures per- weapons and equipment, Colonization technology
formed on them which would not be accepted by vol- impacts and ET produced spacecraft components
unteers to allow them to survive or perform better in up to mass 0 in size. You can use these ET goods but
space. Slavery here includes press ganging, withheld you will not have the patents or licensing for them.

ET Freight ET freight includes isotope fuel (1-3), Ghosts Any conscious mind that is (inadvertently)
gigawatt thrusters (4-5) and freighters (6). This is copied becomes a ghost, a non-conscious version
always freighters at C sites. You can use these ET of itself that is may also be missing some or all of its
freight but you will not have the patents or licensing intellectual factulties. These ghosts may ultimately
for them. regain their consciousness, which is why it is uneth-
ical to keep attempting to copy or transmit them.
This requires that they are physically transported
Faction currency Even a postscarcity society
and stored.
needs some fungible method of representing value,
debt and favours. The faction currency is backed by
a financial institution which acts as a central arbiter Grey Goo Samples Grey Goo refers to both self-
of proof and transfer of ownership of the currency. replicating nano-materials but also any Von Neu-
This valuable indicates faction currency equivalent mann robot which replicates out of control and at-
to paying off one favour with a faction contact. tempts to assimilate existing matter into new copies
of itself. Grey goo samples are considered extremely
Frozen Heads The Cryolibrarian microprobe net- dangerous and so are rendered inert through elec-
work spans the solar system but it remains an ineffi- tron microscopy or physical bypasses rather than
cient method for mass delivery of a batch of frozen attempting to contain them using physical or elec-
heads. These are stored in a cryolocker while in tran- tronic restraints. This gives you grey goo equivalent
sit and are treated as goods. The Cryolibrarians will to the goods weight of the samples.
pay off debt equal to the valuables mass roll for any-
one returning frozen heads in good condition, no High Energy Experiment Results When operat-
questions asked, distributed amongst the crew as ing, the Large Hadron Collider generates about 300
desired. Gb/s of data which can be filtered down to ap-
proximately 300Mb/s of interesting events needing
Frozen Ova / Sperm Exogamous supplies of ova around 25 Petabytes/year storage. Higher energy
and sperm widen the limited gene pool of colonies colliders such as a Lunar Fermitron will generate
to avoid genetic defects caused by inbreeding. This even more data which exceeds the channel capac-
gives you one contact with a colony if you deliver ity of any reasonable communications link between
these valuables to them. the site and off-site computer analysis. Discoveries
made by on site AI and scientists still require peer re-
view which is why these data sets need to be moved
Future Goods Future goods include future tech- - a process which could require a couple of hundred
nology weapons and equipment, Future technol- tonnes of data storage.
ogy impacts and future produced spacecraft compo-
nents up to mass 0 in size. You can use these future
goods but you will not have the patents or licensing Hostage biography Authoritarian regimes take
for them. prisoners or hostages at will, and then erase the
records of their existance including their location
in the prison system and place of execution. While it
Germlines A germline can simply refer to the cells
is extremely unlikely that the hostage this biography
involved in reproduction (the gametes) as distinct
is about is alive, it contains enough information to
from the cells forming the body (somatic cells) which
be able to determine their cause of death and bring
are not involved in reproduction. In this instance the
some closure to their loved ones.
germline refers to all the genetic lineage of an indi-
vidual, clade or family group which is considered
to have characteristics which are seen as worth pre- Illegal Data Illegal data includes data which ei-
serving. This may be because the lineage leads to a ther the acquisition of or generation of required il-
valued person (a cult leader or genetically perfect be- legal methods and is often both. This could range
ing) or a class, subspecies or new species of human from the genuine accounting records for a mega-
(such as Homo superior) or even just a standardised corporation running a tax evasion or investor fraud
human tissue culture such as the immortal HeLa scheme (1), to off budget government projects (2),
cells taken without consent from Henrietta Lacks in to results of unethical medical experiments (3), to
1951. This gives you one contact with a White faction surveillance records of private citizens (4), to confi-
if you donate these valuables to them. dential information such as a criminal conspiracy (5)

or bank statements or tax returns (6). Illegal data al- Mathematical Proof The Boolean Pythagorean
low you to develop one Commercial mission agency. triples problem required a computer assisted proof
You must spend a total of 5 skill points towards de- which include 200 terabytes of cases to be analysed.
veloping the agency. See the Skill Types section of AI assisted proofs can require many orders of magni-
the Skills chapter in the core rules for how you can tude more steps to establish a solution to the point
use agents. where a completed proof could require several hun-
dred tonnes of ultra dense storage capacity.

Insecure faction IFF Factions need a way of

identifying their members and tracking each other, Medicines These medicines are for the specific
whether on in social situation, on the battlefield or treatment of an ailment suffered by the personnel
across the solar system. This valuable indicates an or faction.
IFF which is inadequately secured by the user and
can potentially be hacked. The complexity is ensur- Neogen Biospheres Neogens allow entirely man-
ing that the specific IFF is not recognised as being ufactured biospheres to be constructed to behave
stolen and remotely revoked by changing the net- any way desired. This is still a time and material con-
work accesss codes. This allows you to reduce the suming process and is best done where resources
alert level by one when used. such as water and sunlight are plentiful so once de-
veloped, shards of the original biosphere can be cul-
tivated and shipped off planet as required. A neogen
Intel about Existential Threats Quantum com- biosphere increases a colony’s biosphere rating to
puting farms simplify simulating the future because 16 or improves it by 1 to a maximum of 21, if it is
they can calculate every possible outcome simulta- already 17-20, for 1D6 years.
neously. Discovery of existential threats to humanity
using these methods typically requires that this in-
formation remain secret so that the integrity of the Neogens New life forms can be built as pets or
relationship between simulation and reality is pre- service animals to simplify life in the colonies or on
served. This allows the optimal steps to prevent (or board ship. One example, a Creeper Neogens is ca-
realise) the threat’s existence to have the intended pable of acting as a radiator stop leak, greatly im-
prove the reliability and durability of any on board

Intelligence reports These reports provide use- Nuclear Weapons In a solar system where multi-
ful intel about the faction disposition and intentions,
ple technologies use detonating nukes as a power
but otherwise contain conjecture and unconfirmed source, the threat of nuclear weapons is ever present
data. but also doesn’t carry the stigma of a Cold War in
space. Nuclear warheads as weapons are only of
limited utility outside of an atmosphere, requiring
Isotope Fuel Isotope fuels in quantities and of suf-
an almost direct hit to be effective, and are more
ficient purity to be useful for GW and TW thrusters
likely to be used as mining charges, for radioisotope
will always be valuable. This especially applies to
heating or as fuel for a Project Orion reactor.
Helium-3 which is so useful that even extracting it
from Lunar regolith makes economic sense despite
the minuscule amount that is recovered from each Nutrients A number of different nutrients are lim-
tonne of rock pulverised. iting factors for the growth and well being of life at
certain sites and need to be imported in bulk. The
main macronutrients as described in the Macronutri-
Lab inks The raw stuffs needed for construction ents section of the Observations chapter of the core
of ET product is normally printed and assembled at rules are nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium, but
site, but sometimes it makes sense to ship materials other micronutrients are also critically important. Ni-
instead of the final product. This might be because trogen is an important nutrient for farming that is
operations at the site are hazardous or more expen- only available in useful quantities outside the Earth
sive and the final product will not be useful in an on Titan and C spectral type asteroids including Mars.
intermediate form during the trip. These inks are Phosphorus, a critical element for plant and animal
produced at a specific laboratory for use elsewhere. growth, is found at M sites, Mars and at and beyond

the Saturn heliocentric system. Potassium is abun- entangled diamonds are structured so the atoms
dant on Mercury, and at and beyond the Mars zone, do not decohere, allowing spooky action at a dis-
except for aerostats. For plants, micronutrients in- tance, included faster than light communications
clude chlorine (D sites), manganese, iron and molyb- and remote imaging.
denum (M sites), copper and zinc (S sites) and boron
(V sites). This gives you skill points equal to the mass
Regolith or Ice Core Samples Submersible
of nutrients to develop contacts, agents or agency
prospecting and the search for ET life can result
with a colony that requires these nutrients if you de-
in ambiguous discoveries which need to be indepen-
liver these valuables to them. You must have the
dently verified Earthside or when at a lab. Samples
ability to develop agents or agencies from your So-
will need to be transported for analysis. If you return
cial ability or elsewhere to take advantage of this.
this data to LEO or a Lab, you can roll for whichever
glory of these is most applicable based on where
Organelles Organelles are artificially grown or you found the samples, if no one else has completed
printed organs that serve new or modified func- it.
tions on top of the existing organs a person has.
Organelles are used in parapantrophy and colonist
Remains The digital and physical remnants of a
promotion as well as reducing the impact of micro-
loved one. This includes momentos, simulations,
gravity and other risks. The pharmacopoeia gland
video, audio and art, objects with sentimental mean-
is an example of advanced organelle capable of syn-
ing and sometimes bodies, body parts or ashes.
thesising and administering any drug.

Scientific Experiments Spacecraft can still

Promoted Goods Promoted technologies can be
house scientific experiments to be performed ei-
manufactured or promoted at labs, and includes
ther in microgravity or at a particular site which does
equipment with updates. Promoted colonists can
not have a colony or lab. The discoveries may also
also design and create new technologies which the
need to be shipped back for further analysis.
crew may be able to acquire from them by complet-
ing mission assignments. You can use these pro-
moted goods but you will not have the patents or Seeds Seeds and seed banks allow colonies to
licensing for them. grow different foods and to replenish existing seed
and ecologies stocks.
Promoted Freight Promoted freight includes ter-
awatt thrusters (1-5) and freighter fleets (6). Terawatt Simulacra A partial copy of an artificial conscious
thrusters are the most common promoted freight or a human mind still typically requires a large
require transporting once promoted as they may be amount of data storage. Simulacra can be traded
promoted at a site which cannot produce the neces- and copied and doing so over a low bandwidth link
sary fuel. You can use this promoted freight but you can be prohibitive.
will not have the patents or licensing for them.
Singularity Artifacts The byproducts of a singu-
Proprietary Trade Secrets Scientific progress al- larity - either successful or unsuccessful - are usually
lows for very few secrets and the first claim advan- resistant to conventional scientific investigation, ei-
tage of patents is a powerful incentive to make dis- ther because of quantum resistant encryption, tam-
coveries public. This does not stop corporations hav- per proof design or unknown or constantly changing
ing some trade secrets they do not wish to be copied: interactions and dependencies. They can achieve
typically business processes rather than technical virtually occult status, as incomprehensible as the
discoveries. These secrets allow you to pay off debt detritus left after a roadside picnic is to the ants who
equal to the valuables mass roll if you perform an devour the remains.
Income operation using your Trading desk skill next
Spare Parts Reliable and cheap 3D printing
greatly reduces the manufacturing costs because
Quantum entangled diamonds Diamonds were spare parts and the machines needed to create
the first objects to successfully be quantum entan- spares do not have to be kept after the completion
gled at scale, albeit for 7 nanoseconds. Quantum of a production run. There only two instances where

spare parts are still needed, both which apply to lab once they have been located. If you return this
space travel: a) where the raw materials for 3D print- data to LEO or a lab, you get the Stellar Lab glory if
ing are unavailable, and b) to repair 3D printers when no one else has completed it.
working 3D printers are unavailable. The later might
occur because of flaws in the 3D printer design which Synth Biospheres Synth biospheres are built
only become apparent over multiple generations of with synthetic keystone species which regulate the
repairs. overall system with much more intelligence than the
semi-random actors of Nature. For instance, synth
Stellar Lab Data A stellar lab is intended to col- pollinators are unaffected by disease or die offs and
lide with the sun while collecting data, a process can ensure that each flower is visited in the correct
that leaves much of the data stored on the lab as order and at the optimal point of maturation.
it plunges into a star rather than successfully trans-
mitted off it. To ameliorate this, the lab is designed Universal inks Universal ink is the optimal fun-
to shed hardened data packages as it collides with gible resource to allow any item to be constructed
the heliosphere, leaving these in near solar orbits or through 3D printing, without the usual limitations of
propelled away using micro solar sails. The process spectral type. This is because the ink material is able
is not reliable, so some of the data packages will be to structure itself so that it can mimic nuclear mate-
damaged enough to require forensic recovery at a rials as well as chemical and physical processes.
Chapter 9

Primar y Colonists

Primary Colonist Types

Roll 2D6 to determine the colonist faction and BSU. Minor colonists: Colonists in italics are unlikely to be a
faction and normally only appear as encounters. If rolling for a new Earthside Colonist faction, shift to the
other row with the same BSU colour. Any: These primary colonists can be any BSU. Roll 1D6 for the faction
BSU. 1: Red. 2: White. 3: Green. 4: Purple. 5: Orange. 6: Use the BSU matching the Space Politics or Red if
War or White if Any. Militarism: If the Space Politics is War or Anarchy and you roll 7, use the major Red
colonist if War or White if anarchy.
Roll BSU Earthside Colonist Second Generation Colonist
2 Red Insular Cult Expansionist Cult
3 White Settlers Space Religion
4 White First Generation Family Second Generation Family
5 Red Military Administration Mercenaries
6 Purple Criminal Syndicate
7 Use the major colonist matching the Space Politics
8 Any Independence Movement Interplanetary Government
9 Orange Earthside Megacorporation ET Megacorporation
10 Green Professional Association
11 Green Collective Professional Association
12 Orange Owner Operator Spacefarer
Use the below instead if rolling for a faction matching a specific BSU:
2-6 Red Military Administration Expansionist Cult
White Settlers Space Religion
Green Professional Association
Purple Criminal Syndicate
Orange Earthside Megacorporation ET Megacorporation
7-9 Red Military Administration Mercenaries
White First Generation Family Second Generation Family
Green Professional Association
Purple Independence Movement Interplanetary Government
Orange Earthside Megacorporation Spacefarer
10-12 Any Independence Movement Interplanetary Government

Primary colonists include both Earthside colonists and second generation colonists: the first people from a
community to seek their fortunes living in space.

Primary Colonist BSUs

The colonist BSU for Earthside and second generation colonists is determined by a roll on the Primary
Colonist Types table on the current page.

Insular or Expansionist Cult There are four Settlers or Space Religion Human space flight
paths that a cult can follow once it is created: it can
is a higher calling, and in many instances science
end up as a suicide cult where some or all of the
members kill themselves on instruction of the cult isn’t enough to justify the terrible risks involved, es-
leader (effectively ending the cult), it can disband pecially those for permanent settlements on other
or fragment as adherents reject the teachings of the
cult leader, it can remain an insular cult which has worlds. National, ethnic or religious fervour might
practices which are repellent to outsiders or it can be the fuel needed to propel space programs to ex-
become an expansionist cult which attempts to re-
pansion throughout the solar system – and has been
cruit outsiders to grow the cult for the benefit of the
leadership. instrumental in the past.

First or Second Generation Family Colonies The megacorporations in High Frontier are not nec-
and space programs start out small enough that a essarily dystopian: they are too much in need of
family can be a significant social unit in determining cheap capital from ethical funds, skills from a di-
the outcome of Earth’s exomigration. verse labour force and goodwill from their suppliers
and customers to alienate any of them with uneth-
ical or illegal business practices. Instead they are
Military Administration or Mercenaries Military multinational corporations that have leveraged their
command structures are robust and scale all the way size and reach to become extra-national entities,
from fire teams of four individuals up to hundreds of headquartered in international waters, a special
thousands of personnel. Military organizations can economic zone or on leased territory where they
afford a long term view which outlasts individual provide their own legal system, security forces and
governments and market cycles. governance (A Gibsonian megacorporation, if you
Criminal Syndicate Space is the ultimate place
to stay above the law. Collective or Professional Association Space
can be lonely, and extraordinary bonds of compan-
ionship can form on the long journeys and even
Independence Movement or Interplanetary Gov- longer colony night times based on common beliefs
ernment Earth’s space programs have always or collective interests. If these bonds have already
been driven by political considerations, for good or formed prior to departure, the whole is much more
ill, and it would be naive to expect that colonisation likely to be able to survive.
would be exempt from such considerations. Some
political movements will decide space will be a fron-
tier for new and experimental political forms. Owner Operators or Spacefarers Not every
spacecraft is backed by an Earthside mission con-
trol or space colony. Itinerant spacecraft are capable
Earthside or ET Megacorporation The of sustaining themselves in situ for long periods, re-
dystopian megacorporation is so a common sci- quiring only seed stock and some key nutrients to
ence fiction trope as to become a hackneyed cliche. continue to support life.

Collective (Earthside Colonist)

Earth launch technologies significantly decrease the Roll Collective

cost of space travel to the point where it becomes 1 Retired Rocket Scientists
affordable for the (well-funded) masses. 2 Backyard Enthusiasts
3 Struggling Community
4 Unpaid Volunteers
Name 5 Maker Co-op
Roll 1D6 for each of the first, middle and last names. 6 Radicalised Activists
Roll First Middle Last
1 Auburn Field Community
Backyard Enthusiasts The rocket has been built,
2 Oak Hill Council
launched and crewed by wealthy rocket enthusiasts
3 Pine Lake Institute
without any formal training. When starting, give each
4 Spring Ridge Laboratory
component one penalty.
5 Summer Road Office
6 Sycamore Valley Society
Maker Co-op “Today’s hands on workshops con-
Doctrines sist of calligraphy, space suit seam stitching and how
to store and handle hydrazine safely.”
Roll 1D6 twice to determine the majority and minor-
ity doctrines of the collective.

Radicalised Activists “In space, we can finally Anonymous Donation Roll 1D6 on this table at
make a difference.” Roll for two impacts if you suffer the end of the first colonist mission.
a Political Impact event and the MCSU colour does
not match the Space Politics.
Organization Chart
Struggling Community “Sending a rocket to Collectives eschew formal titles and organizational
Mars is the way to revitalize this town and put us hierarchies. Use the Social ability of the colonist to
back on the map.” “Do you mean lift us off the map?” determine their relative ranking with other colonists.
Struggling community income operations only pay
off 1 debt until the faction Bernal is in space.
Retired Rocket Scientists “You can’t keep a
good rocket scientist down (a gravity well).” Add Collective colonists use civilian equipment and pro-
12 to the crew’s age and the mission Control’s skill tective garb, repurposed as weapons and armour if
level drops by 1 at the end of each era. needed.

Unpaid Volunteers The crew and mission con- Upgrades

trol consists of unpaid volunteers. Roll 1D6 for the
mission control skill level for each operation. All Earthside factions roll for upgrades on the Earth-
side column of the faction upgrades table in the Up-
Origin Story grades table of the core rules. Modify the roll based
on the faction BSU.
Roll 2D6 on the Collective Origin Story table on this
pagefor the sources of funding for the first colony
mission. Mission Control Impact
Roll Funding Source
1 Shadowy Conspiracy Roll 1D6 for an upgrade every time a mission con-
2 Money Laundering trol impact is rolled. This upgrade will be applied to
3 Wealthy Ideologue the crew either next turnaround or immediately if a
4 Anti-aging Research Institute member of the faction is present in the crew.
5 Transmedia Production Company
6 Angel Investors
7 Mission Bonds Faction Mission
8 Bank Loans
9 Corporate Sponsorship Generate a Commercial mission. Roll 1D6 less than
10 Crowd funding or equal to the number of faction missions com-
11 Anonymous Donation pleted for the Collective for the Commercial mission
12 Lottery Winnings to be an advanced Commercial mission.

Criminal Syndicate (Earthside or Second Generation


Violence by organized criminal gangs and threats Roll Description

of violence used by racketeering gangs are hard to 1 Cybercrime
enforce either over the vast distances of space, or 2 Drug trafficking
on off-world colonies where the smallest margins 3 Financial crime
of error could mean the different between a colony 4 Human trafficking
5 Nonhuman trafficking
thriving and failing. This means most off-world orga-
6 White-collar crime
nized crime will be syndication: the supply of illegal
goods and services to willing buyers.
Cybercrime Cybercrime includes fraud, identity
theft, copyright and patent infringement and hack-
Name ing and bypassing systems. Workers are the coders
and front line hackers who sleep in cramped cubical
If the majority doctrine is White-collar crime, gener- farms between the decks and servers used for their
ate the name as either an Earthside or ET Megacor- trade.
poration, depending on whether the crime syndicate
is Earthside or second generation. Otherwise, use
Drug trafficking Drug trafficking includes the pro-
the Criminal Syndicate Name table on the current duction, distribution, sale and customization of il-
page to generate the first and last names. Then roll legal drugs and the research and invention of new
3D6 for a random residential location using the Loca- pharmaceuticals outside of government approved
tions table on page 134 of the Encounter Designer to processes. Workers produce the drugs in factory con-
generate the middle name at either the Room (1-2), ditions or in hidden labs under the supervision of
Facility (3-4) or Complex (5-6) scale. intermediary chemists.
Roll First Last
1 Red Chapter
2 White Co-op Financial crime Financial crime includes market
3 Black Crew manipulation, money laundering, counterfeiting cur-
4 Outside Family rencies and ponzi schemes. If gambling is illegal, it
5 Zero Tap code also includes gambling. Workers counterfeit the cur-
6 Cold Three digits rencies or gambling tickets, or operate at the lowest
levels of the ponzi scheme pyramids, or spend cash
in small quantities to try to launder it, or make calls
Tap code A tap code is a 6x6 chart that encodes from crowded call centers to try to pump the value
all the letters (positions 1-26) and the digits 0 to 9 of worthless stocks.
(positions 27-36, subtract 27 to get the digit). Roll
1D6x1D6 twice on this chart to generate a letter or Human trafficking Human trafficking includes
digits pair. Example: Rolls of 1, 3 and 2, 5 generates sex trafficking, illegal immigration and people smug-
the letters C and K. gling, slavery, forced pregnancies, normalization of
domestic abuse and erosion of human rights. Work-
ers are the trafficked humans.
Three digits Roll 2D6-2 three times, with a result
of 10 being 0. Nonhuman trafficking Nonhuman trafficking in-
cludes supply of medical treatment, legal represen-
tation, financial proxy and power of attorney for non-
Doctrines human species, but also anti-suffrage activities and
exploitation of non-humans status for arena fight-
Roll 1D6 twice for the majority and minority doc- ing, hunting and torture. Workers are the trafficked
trines adopted by the Criminal syndicate. non-humans.

White-collar crime White-collar crime includes Social learning This criminal syndicate already
insider trading, wage theft and tax evasion, but also has long established illegal activities Earthside which
political corruption. Workers are the employees who they extend to and continue in space.
are largely unaware of the nature of the business that
they work for. Strain The near future in space offers so many
more opportunities for failure, from the harsh envi-
ronments, to risky investments and empty claims, to
Origin Story
genetic engineering and cybernetics. Not everyone
For Earthside criminal syndicates, roll 1D6 for the in the second and subsequent waves is going to suc-
origin story. ceed in the high frontier, and some will be forced to
Roll Origin Story take desperate measures to survive.
1 Rational choice Roll Rating
2 Social disorganization 1 Highest Population
3 Strain 2 Lowest Government
4 Social learning 3 Highest Government
5 Social control 4 Lowest Oligarchy
6 Labelling 5 Lowest Economy
6 Highest Unrest
For second generation Criminal syndicates, roll 1D6
Labelling The Space Politics helps determine and choose the independent colony with the best
both in-groups and out-groups, the latter of which matching rating in the area rolled as the original lo-
are labelled as threats to social, economic and polit- cation of the syndicate. If two colonies are tied, or
ical stability and are excluded where possible from one colony has no rating in the area rolled, continue
the mainstream of society. The exception is Green rolling to determine the tie breaker to use. If there
Space Politics, whose inclusivity allows them to be are no independent colonies, use this method to
expoited by a small number of sociopathic individu- determine which colony declares its independence.
als who blend into the greater population. Anyone in Roll Rating
one of these out-groups who wishes to prosper will 1 Highest Population
have to work outside the accepted political frame- 2 Lowest Government
works. 3 Highest Government
4 Lowest Oligarchy
5 Lowest Economy
Rational choice White collar crime is typically un- 6 Highest Unrest
derenforced, and many business engage in wage
theft, off-the-clock work and overtime violations be- Organization Chart
cause the penalties for doing so are much less than
the potential profits. A business that is already en- Roll 2D6 for crews and payloads, 3D6 for colonies
gaging in this type of criminal behaviour may decide and 4D6 for Bernals, add together the lowest two
that the other extralegal activities, while higher risk, dice rolled and subtract 1. Crime syndicates with
also result in higher profits. white collar criminals as their majority doctrine in-
stead use the Megacorporation Org Chart ranks on
page 156.
Social control The social and legal norms of Roll Rank
Earth don’t exist in orbit or beyond, which means 1-2 Worker
the least ethical individuals can realize their dreams 3-4 Street seller
without constraint or limitation. 5-6 Street boss
7-8 Intermediary
9-10 Underboss
Social disorganization History demonstrates 11 Boss
that any resource rich, poorly regulated frontiers
are filled with wealthy, bored and morally dubious Encounters
individuals who form a rich market for illegal enter-
tainment, tax avoidance, and claim enforcement While criminal syndicates primarily commit non-
services. violent crimes, they will arm themselves with arms

and equipment even the military may not have ac- Mission Control Impact
cess to if they decide to commit violence.
Roll 1D6 for an upgrade every time a mission con-
trol impact is rolled. This upgrade will be applied to
the crew either next turnaround or immediately if a
member of the faction is present in the crew.
Faction Mission
All Earthside factions roll for upgrades on the Earth- Generate a Political mission. Roll 1D6 less than or
side column of the faction upgrades table in the Up- equal to the number of faction missions completed
grades table of the core rules. Second Generation for the Criminal Syndicate to add a second Political
factions roll on the ET Produced column instead. mission which must be completed afer the first is
Modify the roll based on the faction BSU. finished in order to complete the mission criteria.

Earthside Megacorporation (Earthside Colonist)

A quick back of the envelope calculation suggests an Doctrines

ET factory’s output of 320 tonnes of water per annum
($32 billion USD in today’s figures) ranks it around Roll 1D6 twice for the majority and minority doc-
trines adopted by the Megacorporation.
the third largest company in the world (falling LEO
Roll Doctrine
water prices leave it in the top 2000 or so by 2040).
1 Transaction cost kool-aid
This does not include the vast mineral wealth that 2 Managerial moral hazard
could be unlocked by mining metallic asteroids and 3 Behavioural analysis feuds
shipping the ores to Earth orbit. An Earthside mega- 4 Principal agent Panopticon
corporation ignores this potential revenue at their 5 Asset specificity mergers
peril. 6 Incomplete contracting paradigm

Transaction cost kool-aid The transaction cost

theory of the firm is that enterprises come into be-
Name ing to eliminate the overheads of doing business on
an open market such as price discovery and writ-
Use the Earthside Megacorporation Name table on ing contracts. Transaction cost minimising megacor-
porations expect all employees to have drunk the
this page to generate the Earthside megacorporation
megacorporation kool-aid and devote themselves
name. Megacorp Space Start ups should instead use
to adhering to the megacorporation’s vision, brand,
the ET Megacorporation name table on page 158,
marketing slogans and employee literature.
except using their destination instead of the colony
current location and the start up spacecraft’s thruster
instead of an ET produced one. NEO Infrastructure Managerial moral hazard The managerial moral
megacorporations should use the name of the in- hazard theory of the firm is that the firm’s managers’
frastructure followed by a final name roll on the ET interests are not aligned to that of the sharehold-
Megacorporation name table on page 158. ers which places investor money at risk for the man-
Roll First Middle Last ager’s personal gain or ambitions. Managerial moral
1 Total Consumer Enterprises hazard corporations are prone to upper manage-
2 Omni General Products ment empire building where individual C levels and
3 Tera Soft Solutions board members expect personal loyalty from their
4 Future Mega Dynamics staff well beyond their employment contracts.
5 Nano Military Technologies
6 Pro Corp Industries

Behavioural analysis feuds The behavioural Conglomerate or National Corporation The

analysis theory of the firm is that almost all employ- megacorporation dominates across multiple indus-
ees will work to maximise what they are measured tries. Roll on both the traditional and hi-tech sectors
for instead of working for the benefit of the the firm. columns of the Earthside Megacorporation Sectors
Behavioural analysis megacorporations feature in- table on the next page. State-owned enterprises are
terdepartmental competition and territorialism at owned by a nation-state.
all levels, although open warfare is strongly discour-
NEO Infrastructure Roll for the NEO Infrastruc-
ture that the megacorporation has been formed to
Principal agent Panopticon The principal agent construct.
theory of the firm is that firms grow in size because
they are able to centralise the processing of moni-
toring and measuring the employee performance Megacorp Space Start up Roll for a destination
and return on investment for the principals (usu- and Medium Quality - Inner System spacecraft de-
ally shareholders). Principal agent megacorpora- sign.
tions regularly invade employee privacy and practise
Taylorist scientific management and efficiency tech-
niques. Traditional or Hi-Tech Sector Roll on the Earth-
side Megacorporation Sectors table on the facing
page for the sector that the Megacorporation domi-
Asset specificity mergers The asset specificity nated Earthside.
theory of the firm is that there a number of profitable
transaction types make no sense when the assets
being transferred are owned by two different orga- Organization Chart
nizations but do when both assets are owned by a Roll 2D6 for crews and payloads, 3D6 for colonies
single organization. Asset specificity megacorpora- and 4D6 for Bernals, add together the lowest two
tions specialise in hostile take-overs of other compa- dice rolled and subtract 1.
nies and acquisitions of their assets using any means Roll Rank
necessary. 1-2 Associate
3-4 Manager
5-6 Director
Incomplete contracting paradigm The Incom- 7-8 Partner or Executive Vice President
plete contracting paradigm is that in practice con- 9-10 C-Level
tracts between a buyer and seller cannot specify ev- 11 Board Level
ery possible contingency and so firms which own
their own assets are more efficient than a pure
contract-based marketplace. An incomplete con- C-Level Roll 1D6. 1: CEO. 2: CFO. 3: CTO. 4: CIO. 5:
tracting paradigm megacorporation prefers to sup- CRO. 6: CSO.
ply everything itself and avoid negotiations or deals
with outside suppliers: when it does it relies on pre-
dictive AI rather than humans to out think the com- Encounters
Megacorporation colonists have security forces
equipped with lethal weapons even during peace
Origin Story time, and heavy military equipment if the space pol-
itics is War.
Roll 1D6.
Roll Corporation
1 Conglomerate Upgrades
2 State-owned Enterprise
3 Traditional Sector All Earthside factions roll for upgrades on the Earth-
4 Hi-Tech Sector side column of the faction upgrades table in the Up-
5 Megacorp Space Start up grades table of the core rules. Modify the roll based
6 NEO Infrastructure on the faction BSU.

Earthside Megacorporation Sectors

Roll 2D6.
Roll Traditional Sector Hi-tech Sector
2 Transportation and warehousing Beamed Power
Arts and entertainment (1-2), hospitality (3-4)
3 or utilities (5-6) Telecommunications
4 Renewable Energy or Energy Storage
5 Semiconductors or Spintronics
Wholesale trade (1-2), information technology
6 (3-4) or construction (5-6) Artificial Intelligence
7 Finance and insurance Nanotechnology or Robotics
8 Government Nuclear Physics or Aerospace Engineering
9 Professional and business services Biotechnology
10 Education or health care Pharmaceuticals
11 Retail trade Bioinformatics
12 Agriculture (1-3) or mining (4-6) Photonics or Electronics

Mission Control Impact Faction Mission

Roll 1D6 for an upgrade every time a mission con- Generate a Science mission. Roll 1D6 less than or
trol impact is rolled. This upgrade will be applied to equal to the number of faction missions completed
the crew either next turnaround or immediately if a for the Earthside Megacorporation for the Science
member of the faction is present in the crew. mission to be an advanced Science mission.

ET Megacorporation (Second Generation Colonist)

An independent colony may end up funding them- Capital City Use the capital city of the colonists’
selves as an independent commercial entity with its demographic nation.
own police force, army, territory and government.
This fits the definition of a Gibsonian megacorpo-
ration despite the colony’s otherwise small size, al- Site name The name of the site the colony is lo-
though the independent colony may well have al- cated at. Discard the roll for the middle name.
ready earned its way to massive wealth and market
control based on the ET products it has developed.
Tap code A tap code is a 6x6 chart that encodes
Name all the letters (positions 1-26) and the digits 0 to 9
(positions 27-36, subtract 27 to get the digit). Roll
Use the ET Megacorporation Names table on the 1D6x1D6 twice on this chart to generate a letter or
next page to determine the second generation mega- digits pair. Discard the middle name rolled. Example:
corporation name. If roll 1 is 4-6 then discard the Rolls of 1, 3 and 2, 5 generates the letters C and K.
middle name rolled.

Heliocentric zone Use the name of the heliocen- Thruster Use the name of the preferred thruster
tric zone the colony is located in of the colony, removing any isotopes from the name.
To choose this, roll on the ship class matching the
colony factory spectral type. Discard the middle
Moon or asteroid family Use the name of the name rolled, and resolve last name roll on Earthside
moon or asteroid family the colony is located at. megacorporation name table on page 155.

Doctrines and Organization Chart Encounters

Generate these using the Earthside Megacorporation Megacorporation colonists have security forces
doctrines and organization charts. equipped with lethal weapons even during peace
time, and heavy military equipment if the space pol-
itics is War.

Origin Story
Roll 1D6 and choose the independent colony with All Second Generation factions roll for upgrades on
the best matching rating in the area rolled for the the ET Produced column of the faction upgrades ta-
original location of the ET megacorporation. If two ble in the Upgrades table of the core rules. Modify
colonies are tied, or one colony doesn’t have a rat- the roll based on the faction BSU.
ing in the area rolled, continue rolling to determine
the tie breaker to use. If there are no independent
Mission Control Impact
colonies, use this method to determine which colony
declares its independence. Roll 1D6 for an upgrade every time a mission con-
Roll Rating trol impact is rolled. This upgrade will be applied to
1 Highest Factory Assist Method the crew either next turnaround or immediately if a
2 Highest Population member of the faction is present in the crew.
3 Highest Government
4 Highest Oligarchy
5 Highest Economy Faction Mission
6 Highest Unrest Generate an advanced Science mission.

Expansionist Cult (Second Generation Colonist)

One outcome of extended stay in the high risk envi- to recruit more immigrants and achieve the goals of
ronments of spacecraft and colonists is a tendency their leader and doctrine.
towards extremism and authoritarianism. Both a
spacecraft and colony is tyrannical at the best of
times and the natural bias of repeated life and death Name
situations is absolutism and homodoxy (demand- Cults recruit and brainwash candidates using a pro-
ing that everyone think the same way). Cults occur gram of sleep deprivation, starvation, humiliation,
when this thinking becomes ingrained in an inde- abuse, enforced ritualistic behaviours such as chant-
pendent colony and the practices passed are onto ing, social isolation, virtual reality, drugs, sexual stim-
the next generation. Expansionist cults will attempt ulation, cognitive testing, blackmail, group activities
to extend their activities beyond their home colony and torture.

ET Megacorporation Names

Roll 1D6 for each column.

Roll First Middle Last
1 Heliocentric zone Lakes Co.
2 Moon or asteroid family Hills Corp
3 Capital city Bay Company
4 Site name Rivers Corporation
5 Tap code Sunset Heavy Industries
6 Thruster Mining Dynamics

Cult Recruitment program Names

Roll 1D6 for each column.

Roll First Middle Last
1 Humanistic Psycho Therapy
2 Insight-oriented Group Driving
3 Cognitive-behavioural Transference Analysis
4 Systemic Integration Training
5 Expressive Sensory Feedback
6 Postmodernist Mindfulness Experiencing

Use the Cult Recruitment Program Names table on scarification, bloodletting and perhaps sacrifice of
the current page to generate the name of this pro- conscious entities.

Prophecy The cult leader believes they have

Doctrines unique religious insights from a higher power. The
Roll 1D6 twice for the majority and minority doc- difference between cult and religion may simply be
trines adopted by the Expansionist Cult. a matter of popularity.
Roll Rating
1 Multi-level marketing
Pseudoscience The cult uses pseudoscience to
2 Human potential
influence its members and cloud their understand-
3 Prophecy
ing of reality. Magic tricks and false testimony are
4 Pseudoscience
used to give the pseudo-scientific methods cre-
5 Occult
6 Infiltration

Human potential The cult leader presents them- Origin Story

selves as a life coach and mentor with a deep un-
derstanding of unlocking the capabilities of the hu- Roll 1D6 and choose the independent colony with
man mind. Cultists subject themselves to intense the lowest rating in the area rolled for the original
probing into their personal lives and altered states location of the expansionist cult. If two colonies are
of consciousness through hypnosis and drugs. This tied, or the rating is not present, continue rolling to
may be combined with transhumanist philosophy. determine the tie breaker to use. If there are no in-
dependent colonies, use this method to determine
which colony declares its independence.
Infiltration The cult has infiltrated organizations Roll Rating
with significant political influence, such as the police 1 Population
or government branches. Cultists in these positions 2 Government
will actively recruit within the organization as well as 3 Oligarchy
use their influence to benefit the cult leaders. 4 Economy
5 Unrest
Multi-level marketing The cult leader presents 6 Biosphere
themselves as a business guru and uses the promise
of incredible wealth for cult members to recruit out-
siders. Members are encouraged to participate in Organization Chart
costly and sometimes lengthy seminars and to sell Roll 2D6 for crews and payloads, 3D6 for colonies
the group’s “product” to others. and 4D6 for Bernals, add together the lowest two
dice rolled and subtract one. The number rolled is
Occult The cult leader believes they are a person- the Level from 1 to 11 that the individual colonist
ification of evil and that they have supernatural abil- has within the organization which also determines
ities and alliances. Cultists practice bizarre rituals, their seniority (Level 1 is the most junior).

Encounters the roll based on the faction BSU.

Cult colonists use civilian equipment and protective
garb, repurposed as weapons and armour if needed, Mission Control Impact
and their first responder security forces will have
non-lethal weapons although subsequent waves will Roll 1D6 for an upgrade every time a mission con-
have lethal weapons. trol impact is rolled. This upgrade will be applied to
the crew either next turnaround or immediately if a
member of the faction is present in the crew.
All Second Generation factions roll for upgrades on Faction Mission
the ET Produced column of the faction upgrades ta-
ble in the Upgrades table of the core rules. Modify Generate an advanced Colony mission.

First Generation Family (Earthside Colonist)

Starting and raising a family in space is an incredible challenge at the best of times, so it makes sense when
creating an independent colony to start with a family on Earth and travelling with them.

Name Concerted cultivation The parents become in-

volved in and directs the child towards organized
Example first generation family names are given on activities such as sport, music and language which
the family names table on the facing page for the are seen be beneficial to their education and per-
five most widely spoken language groups. Span- sonal development.
ish speakers typically give each of the parent’s sur-
names to alternate children (for instance mother’s
to the first child, father’s to the second and so on). Tiger parenting The parents demand high levels
British societies typically double-barrel surnames of academic and personal achievement from their
(with or without a hyphen) as an indication of social children (contrast with the puritan style where the
status – roll twice if using the English column. Refer emphasis is on model behaviour).
to the family as the name or names rolled, followed
by “family”. Slow parenting Children are encouraged to play
independently and explore their environment, but
Doctrines still have expectations of a certain level of behaviour
and academic achievement.
Roll 1D6 twice for the majority and minority doc-
trines adopted by the Family.
Permissive parenting Children have no limits set
Roll Doctrine
1 Puritan on their behaviour and instead have their demands
2 Concerted cultivation and whims met as they make them.
3 Tiger parenting
4 Slow parenting Nurture fallacy The nurture fallacy is the expec-
5 Permissive parenting tation that parents can have some impact on the
6 Nurture fallacy personality and development of a child beyond en-
suring their health and safety. It is likely that a child’s
demeanor and achievements are determined in part
Puritan Puritan parenting is also known as au-
by innate variation and the remainder by interac-
thoritarian parenting where the parents (especially
tions with their peers.
father) acts as the role model and with a strict re-
ward and punishment system based on the child’s
behaviour (operant conditioning). Origin Story
Roll 1D6.

Family Names

Roll 1D6 to determine the column then 2D6 to determine the row.
Roll 1
1 2-3 4 5 6
Roll 2 Arabic Chinese English Indian Spanish
2 Ahmad Chen Day Anand Flores
3 Alami Huang Fox Aditi Garcia
4 Alaoui Li Hall Bakshi Gomez
5 Gamal Liu Horn Gupta Gonzalez
6 Hussain Wang Hunt Kapoor Hernandez
7 Ibrahim Wu Knight Khatri Lopez
8 Khan Xu Marsh Kumar Martinez
9 Khoury Yang Price Mahajan Perez
10 Mahmoud Zhang Rose Patel Ramirez
11 Mohamed Zhao Smith Puri Rodriguez
12 Mostafa Zhou Walker Sharmai Sanchez

Roll Origin Story ethnic background where extensive travel or subsis-

1 Wealthy Authoritarian tence farming with a family group is expected, such
2 Sibling Crew as the Romani.
3 Mom and Pop Space program
4 Exomigrant Extended Family
5 Family Spacesteading Family Spacesteading Family spacesteaders
6 Quiverfull Cult consist of a single household who have chosen
to exile themselves from Earth to avoid incorpora-
tion into the systems and norms of Earthside society
Wealthy Authoritarian A wealthy ideologue has and government.
become convinced that creating a space colony will
fulfill some long term dream. They bring their fam-
ily along. Roll 1D6. 1: As a psychological crutch. 2: Quiverfull Cult A religious cult which specifically
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. bars any form of contraception or abstinence and
3: Because they don’t trust anyone else to raise the demands fertile men and fecund women. Reroll any
family right (reroll even numbered doctrines). 4: For even numbered doctrine.
the reading of the will. 5: The whole scheme is to
avoid paying inheritance tax. 6: “All this will be yours Organization Chart
someday, son/daughter…”
Roll 2D6 for crews and payloads, 3D6 for colonies
and 4D6 for Bernals, adding together the lowest two
Sibling Crew To address issues with psychologi-
dice rolled and subtracting one. This determines the
cal stability, interpersonal relationships, the risk of
relationship of the individual colonist to the found-
sexual assault on long voyages, organ donor com-
ing family or families. Marriage into the family allows
patibility and as a long term medical experiment,
the colonist to improve their ranking by one, but they
an entire second wave space program is crewed by
will not be permitted to marry to a family member
siblings (brothers and/or sisters).
ranked higher than this.
Roll Rank
Mom and Pop Space program A small family run 1-2 Unrelated
space program, with limited resources run by an ex- 3-4 Cousins twice removed
perienced but aging astronaut couple.. 5-6 Cousins once removed
Nieces, Nephews, Great Nieces or
7-8 Nephews, Cousins
Exomigrant Extended Family The colonists are Grandchildren and other lineal
an extended family who intend to build a space 9-10 descendants, Brothers, Sisters
colony. This might be because they come from an 11 Head of Family, Sons, Daughters

Encounters Mission Control Impact

Family colonists use the lethal weapons and have Roll 1D6 for an upgrade every time a mission con-
personal body armour; either equivalent to heavily trol impact is rolled. This upgrade will be applied to
armed security forces in peace time or heavy military the crew either next turnaround or immediately if a
equipment when the space politics is War. member of the faction is present in the crew.

Faction Mission
Generate a Commercial mission. Roll 1D6 less than
All Earthside factions roll for upgrades on the Earth- or equal to the number of faction missions com-
side column of the faction upgrades table in the Up- pleted for the First Generation Family for the Com-
grades table of the core rules. Modify the roll based mercial mission to be an advanced Commercial mis-
on the faction BSU. sion.

Independence Movement (Earthside Colonist)

Independence movements have traditionally agi- Doctrines

tated for the expulsion of a colonial power from a
colonized country. But with the advent of globaliza- Roll 1D6 twice for the majority and minority doc-
tion all nations have effectively become “colonized” trines for the Independence Movement, -2 if the fac-
tion BSU is Red, -1 if White, +1 if Purple, +2 if Orange.
by late capitalism. For those who want to shake off
If the faction BSU changes, reroll the majority doc-
the shackles of corporations and global trade but
trine. Reroll the minority doctrine as well if the two
also the conventions of international law and treaty
doctrines end up being High law level and Low law
agreements between nations there are only limited
choices available. Roll Origin Story
-0 High law level
1 Weapons of mass destruction
2 Criminal enterprise
3 Extremist philosophy
4 Diplomacy
5 Neutrality
Use the Independence Movement Names table on 6 Trade
the next page to generate the Independence Move- 7+ Low law level
ment name. Use the Colonist Nationalities table
in the Demographics chapter of the core rules for
the random nation result – change it to an adjec- Criminal enterprise The independence move-
tival form of the country name. Use the Religions ment profits from criminal activities from smuggling
table on page 182 for the random religion results – and supply of illegal goods and services to piracy,
change it to an adjectival form of the religion name. tariffs and extortion.
Use the Mission Goals table on page 47 of the Mis-
sion Designer and the appropriate destination in the
Diplomacy The independence movement con-
Destinations section on page 47 for the random des-
centrates on diplomacy, either by playing the major
tination result. Use the Call Signs table in the De-
powers off each other (if its other doctrine is Neutral-
mographics chapter of the core rules for a random ity) or by forming a long term strategic alliance with
nickname (one roll on the table). Use the Family another major faction or Earthside nation-state.
Names table on the previous page in this chapter for
a random name. Use the Facility or Complex column
of the Locations table on page 134 in the Encounter Extremist philosophy One way to dissuade dis-
Designer for a random location. sent is with ideological absolutism. Use the faction

Independence Movement Names

Roll 1D6, -2 if the faction BSU is Red, -1 if White, +1 if Purple, +2 if Orange for the name pattern on the Pattern
Column of the Independence Movement Names table on the current page. Then whenever the 1 or 2
appears, roll 1D6, -1 if the faction BSU is Red, +1 if White, +3 if Green, +5 if Purple, +7 if Orange and use the
1 or 2 column to replace that instance of the word. If the name contains the word “Random”, replace it
and the following word with a randomly rolled example of that word – in adjectival form if possible.
Roll Pattern 1 2
-0 1 Random Nation 2 People’s Army
1 1 Random Religion 2 Revolutionary State
2 1 1 2 Resistance Force
3 2 “for the” 1 2 Popular Front
4 Random Destination 1 2 National Government
5 Random Nickname 1 2 Home Movement
6 The 1 2 Unity Project
7 Random Name’s 1 2 Space Haven
8 1 Random Location & 2 Farmer’s Co-op
9 Offworld Conference
10 Orbital Habitat
11 Interplanetary Outpost
12 Extraterrestrial Exchange
13+ Freedom Trading Company

BSU to determine whether this is Fascism (Red), Ex- Trade This independence movement relies on in-
ceptionalism (White), Marxism (Green), Utilitarian- terplanetary trade and commerce, profiting from its
ism (Purple) or Universal Darwinism (Orange). intellectual property and physical products.

High law level The only way to enforce safety in

the high-risk environments in space and on extrater-
restrial worlds is with strict rules and mechanisms
that govern and control everyone’s behaviour. Roll
Weapons of mass destruction Anyone with a
for a random High Law Level on the law level table
megawatt-power level spacecraft is effectively a nu-
on page 117.
clear power, either directly by having a reactor in
orbit, or indirectly by being able to crash into the
Low law level Law in space is hard to enforce and Earth with the energy of an asteroid. This should be
a spacecraft commander often has the authority to used as leverage by the independence movement, at
do what they see fit. This results in an uneven ap- first selectively as an implied threat, but eventually
plication of laws, and lawmaking out of necessity open extortion.
rather than foresight, throughout the independence
movement. Roll for a random Low Law Level on the
law level table on page 117.

Neutrality By staying unaligned to any of the ma-

Origin Story
jor powers, the independence movement uses its
neutrality to its advantage, offering to act as a broker,
neutral meeting ground and independent arbiter. Roll 1D6 for the origin story for the Independence
Movement, -2 if the Space Politics is Red, -1 if White,
+1 if Purple, +2 if Orange.

Roll Origin Story Spacesteaders The seasteading movement cre-

-0 Violent Gang ates permanent dwellings in international waters
1 Splinter Separatists outside of any government’s jurisdiction, as a result
2 Government in Exile of anti-government philosophy. Spacesteading (a
3 New Starters portmanteau of space and homesteading) attempts
4 Earth Escape-hatch to do the same in space.
5 Tax Refugees
6 Orbital Habitats
7 Data Havenistas Splinter Separatists Separatist movements have
8+ Spacesteaders difficulty achieving political legitimacy even when
they achieve territorial control because of the dif-
ficulty in getting redrawn borders recognised by
Data Havenistas Privacy laws only offer the flim- the international community. Even when borders
siest of protections of from international treaties and have been drawn, such as Palestine and Taiwan, the
international communities. An off world data cen- intransigence of a single other politically influen-
tre has issues with transmission latency and down- tial country can prevent international recognition.
stream bandwidth but offers unrivalled data protec- Space offers a true terra nullius that offers a truly
tion from physical access and legislative fiat. fresh start without prior claims, that radical sepa-
ratists can use as the basis for forming a new nation.

Earth Escape-hatch Having profited from weak- Tax Refugees There are few certainties in life than
ening the environmental, technological and social the hand of the government to reaching into the
safeguards, the few founding oligarchs and billion- pockets of hardworking entrepreneurs to remove
aires now view life in space as the safest possible their honest profits. Tax refugees have slipped this
bunker from which to survive the oncoming apoca- leash for long enough that their accumulated wealth
lypse. has become an international concern, and normal
tax havens can no longer safely shelter their money
without bowing before the oncoming political storm.
Government in Exile A government in exile fol- A spaceside tax refuge would also offer shelter to
lowing the turbulence of a populist uprising, military ponzi schemes, money launderers, kleptocrats and
coup or overturned demographic election is an im- others who need to evade an Earthside legal system.
portant political asset in the ideological clash of na-
tions. If the new regime has no compunctions about Violent Gang While claiming to represent a polit-
eliminating their enemies and no concern about the ical perspective, some insurgencies are simply vio-
political fallout, they may attempt poisonings, tai- lent criminal gangs who wish to impose an authority
lored viruses or the use of weapons of mass destruc- which allows their leaders to profit from the labour
tion with untold impact on the civilian population of others.
nearby. Space may become the safest alternative for
housing the exiles until they can be of use again.
Organization Chart
Independence movements use a wide variety of
Orbital Habitats The construction of orbital habi- different organization charts. Splinter Separatists
tats requires raw materials which are far cheaper to should use the Military Administration organization
produce in space or on microgravity worlds than on chart. Governments-in-Exile use the Interplanetary
Earth. To produce near Earth orbit infrastructure and Government organization chart. International Habi-
the long term independence from the Earth, signifi- tats should use the Earthside Megacorporation orga-
cant engineering resources need to be deployed. nization chart. Others use generic ranks matching
the current space politics.

New Starters Because of persecution for their be- Encounters

liefs or to expunge criminal records, these colonists
wish to put the horrors of history behind them and Independence movements use civilian equipment
make a fresh start with new political structures, and protective garb, repurposed as weapons and
economies and means of production. armour if needed, during peace time but will be

equipped with lethal weapons and personal body Faction Mission

Generate a Military mission during war time or a Sci-
ence mission during peacetime. Roll 1D6 less than or
equal to the number of faction missions completed
for the Independence Movement for the mission to
armour if the space politics is Anarchy or War. be an advanced mission.

Interplanetary Government (Second Generation


The largest independent colonies recognize that it the Mission Goals table on page 47 of the Mission
is in their best interests to form a political counter- Designer and the appropriate destination in the Des-
weight to the gravitational pull of Earth’s massive tinations section on page 47 for the random des-
population and existing nations. An interplanetary tination result. Use the Call Signs table in the De-
government could be a loose coalition of several mographics chapter of the core rules for a random
colonies or the result of the expansionist tendencies nickname (one roll on the table). Use either the Fa-
of one independent colony which has raced ahead cility or Complex column of the Locations table on
either militarily or economically to seize multiple page 134 in the Encounter Designer for a random
sites. location.

Name Doctrines

Roll 1D6, -2 if the faction BSU is Red, -1 if White, +1 Roll 1D6 twice for the majority and minority doc-
if Purple, +2 if Orange for the name pattern on the trines adopted by the Interplanetary Government.
following table. Then use the Interplanetary Gov- Roll Doctrine
ernment Names table on the following page to gen- 1 Evolutionary theory
erate name to replace each circled letter, A B 2 Social contract
3 Exceptionalism
C and D , as required. Site A-Site B indicates you 4 Force
should use the two sites from the origin story joined 5 Westphalian fallacy
together by a hyphen (-); Site A by itself is replaced 6 Circumscription theory
by the first site from the origin story. This name does
not change if the faction BSU changes.
Roll Pattern Evolutionary The evolutionary theory of nation
-0 The Site A A building is that the nation state is a natural end prod-
uct of agglutinative social processes which bind in-
1 The A B of the C D
dividuals to families, families to chiefdoms, chief-
2 The A of D B doms to clans, and so on. Evolutionary interplane-
3 The A of B tary governments see the formation of space colony
4 The A alliances and other organizations as a natural pro-
5 The Site A-Site B A cess that will lead to space nations along shared
demographics, languages and interests.
6+ The A B
Use the Colonist Nationalities table in the Demo-
graphics chapter of the core rules for the random Social contract The social contract theory of na-
nation, ethnicity or capital city result; if rolling for tion building is that individuals consent to give up
an ethnicity, refer to the Ethnicities and Languages some personal rights to benefit from economies of
table in the same chapter. Use the Religions table scale of large groups, up to and including the country
on page 182 for the random religion results – change to which they belong. Social contract interplanetary
it to an adjectival form of the religion name. Use governments view the federation of space colonies

Interplanetary Government Names

Roll 1D6 for the column to use, then roll 2D6, -2 if the faction BSU is Red, -1 if White, +1 if Purple, +2 if Orange
for the row to determine what word to replace a circled letter with, using the best fit if there is a forward
slash (/) in the result. If the word is a prefix, indicated by a dash (-) following it, then roll again, rerolling any
subsequent prefix, and add the prefix to the front of the second word rolled.
Roll 1
Roll 2 1 2 3 4 5 6
-0 Authority Supreme/acy Universe/al Ultra- Omni- Random
1 Order/ed Regime State Mega- Hyper- Nickname
2 Accord/s Conformity/ing Chosen Dogma Giga- Random
3 Harmony/eous Combine/d Faith/ful Doctrine Anti- Religion
4 Congress Partnership Nation/al Hub Circum- Random
5 Unity/United Circle Outer Center/ral Contra- Ethnicity
6 Alliance Bloc System Orbit/al Pan- Random
7 Coalition Confederacy City/izen People Inter- Nation
8 Union Federation World/s Planets/ary Trans- Random
9 Consortium Council Moon/s Ring/s Tri- Capital City
10 Society League Colony/ies Habitat/s Neo- Random
11 Administration Sodality New Forge Post- Destination
12 Independent/ce Autonomy/ous Liberty Point Micro- Random
13+ Distributed/ion Techome/nolgoy Republic Free/dom Nano- Location

into a larger whole as a process driven by bottom up known world into a single political entity and falling
social agitation leading to democratic change. apart from external and internal pressures. West-
phalian fallacy interplanetary governments seek to
Exceptionalism The exceptionalism theory of na- align space colonies against the rise of a Earthside
tion building is that the state is formed by excep- one world government, either through persuasion
tional individuals who are able to lead and inspire or projection of power, and then to turn on and con-
much larger groups of people directly and indi- quer Earth itself.
rectly than their peers using persuasion and ideol-
ogy (such as the divine right of kings). Exceptional-
ism interplanetary governments have one or more Circumscription theory That empires always fall
charismatic ideologues at leading the government is itself a fallacy caused by quirks of European geog-
who has the vision and ambition to rule a much raphy and where empires are able to circumscribe
larger state than they currently control. themselves so that their outer borders are impreg-
nable, such as China and Egypt, they are able to re-
main stable and persist for thousands of years. The
Force The force theory of nation building is that
near endless gulf between the stars is a vast natural
the state itself has a monopoly and capability of force
barrier that a unified Earth Empire can wrap itself in
unequalled by any other, and individuals band to-
and any method able to unify the disparate Earthside
gether into larger groups as a protection mechanism
and spaceside governments should be pursued.
to avoid having force applied to them by similar sized
groups. Force interplanetary governments see the
development of space governments as an exercise
Origin Story
in mutual defence and security alliances with trade
and diplomacy used to facilitate this: an aggressive Roll 1D6 twice and choose the two independent
force interplanetary government will leverage these colonies with the best matching rating in the areas
to allow it to conquer elsewhere unhindered. rolled for the original locations of the interplane-
tary government. If two colonies are tied, continue
Westphalian fallacy The existence of the nation- rolling to determine the tie breaker to use. If there
state is an aberration and history is normally a suc- are no independent colonies, use this method to
cessive parade of empires rising, consolidating the determine which colony declares its independence.

Roll Rating Roll Middle Last

1 Highest Population 3 Administrator , Region
2 Lowest Government 4 Manager , Administration
3 Highest Government 5 Envoy , Section
4 Highest Oligarchy 6 Member , Agency
5 Highest Economy 7 Secretary , Department
6 Lowest Unrest 8 Minister , Ministry
9 Director , Bureau
10 Counselor of State
11 Governor General
12 Premier , Division
13 Head , Unit
Organization Chart 14 Attache , Branch
15 Clerk , Canton
Roll 2D6 for crew, 3D6 for a colony and 4D6 for a 16 Inspector , Service
Bernal for a rank, adding together the lowest two 17 Officer , Office
dice rolled and subtracting one. A rank 1 unelected 18 Commissioner , Directorate
colonist is not part of the Interplanetary Government For example: The six elected ranks (ranks 6-11) for
and is a private citizen. a specific Interplanetary Government in descending
order are Counselor; Counselor, Section; Junior Coun-
selor, Section; Associate Junior Counselor, Section;
Counselor, Division; Vice Counselor, Division. The five
unelected ranks are First Minister; Minister; Sub Minis-
ter; Vice Sub Minister; Deputy Vice Sub Minister.
Government Rank Names
The actual rank names will vary wildly depending
Independent government colonists use civilian
on the system of government chosen for the colony
equipment and protective garb, repurposed as
and historical precedents. Ranks are divided into
weapons and armour if needed, during peace time
6 elected (ranks 6-11) and 5 unelected (ranks 1-5). but will be accompanied by security forces with mili-
The highest rank officials of each type(elected or un- tary equipment and weapons if the space politics is
elected) use a first and middle name. The next high- War.
est officials add a last name if the first name is blank
or drop the first name otherwise. For each additional
decrease in rank add a name from the prefix column.
Roll 3D6 for the middle and last columns and 2D6 All Second Generation factions roll for upgrades on
for the first and prefix columns. If you make a dupli- the ET Produced column of the faction upgrades ta-
cate roll on a column, reroll the last name column ble in the Upgrades table of the core rules. Modify
or the middle column if the last name is blank or a the roll based on the faction BSU.
duplicate roll, dropping all the prefixes rolled.
Roll First Prefix Mission Control Impact
2 Prime Assistant
3 First Deputy Roll 1D6 for an upgrade every time a mission con-
4 Special Sub trol impact is rolled. This upgrade will be applied to
5 Permanent Vice the crew either next turnaround or immediately if a
6 Chief Associate member of the faction is present in the crew.
7 Senior Under
8 Higher Junior Faction Mission
9 Joint Additional
10 Administrative Generate an advanced Military mission during war
11 Government time and an advanced Science mission during peace-
12 Ministerial time.

Insular Cult (Earthside Colonist)

Space is an obvious attraction for insular cults, with dice rolled and subtract one. The number rolled is
ready made isolation for its recruits and from others the Level from 1 to 11 that the individual colonist has
who would want to interfere with their activities. An within the organization which also determines their
Earthside insular cult will usually be funded by an seniority (Level 1 is the most junior). Cult Levels are
independently wealthy recruit or using sequestered named differently from cult to cult.
funds from earlier incarnations of the cult as the fund
raising capabilities of the cult are currently limited.
Cult colonists use civilian equipment and protective
Insular cults use the same name generation method garb, repurposed as weapons and armour if needed,
as expansionist cults. See the Expansionist Cult sec- and their first responder security forces will have
tion on page 158 for details. non-lethal weapons although subsequent waves will
have lethal weapons. Terrorist cells will have military
Doctrines equipment; terrorist suicide squads will have heavy
military equipment.
Roll 1D6 twice for the majority and minority doc-
trines adopted by the Insular Cult. These resemble
the results from the Cult entry on page 80 of the Upgrades
Spacecraft Outlooks table.
Roll Description All Earthside factions roll for upgrades on the Earth-
1 Sex cult side column of the faction upgrades table in the Up-
2 Mystical cult grades table of the core rules. Modify the roll based
3 Personality cult on the faction BSU.
4 Cult Outlook
5 Political cult
6 Doomsday cult Mission Control Impact

Origin Story Roll 1D6 for an upgrade every time a mission con-
trol impact is rolled. This upgrade will be applied to
Insular cults are usually expansionist cults which the crew either next turnaround or immediately if a
have had their ambition thwarted. Roll once on the member of the faction is present in the crew.
Expansionist cult doctrine table on page 158 to de-
termine the failed attempt at expansion before the
cult turned inwards. Faction Mission

Generate a Colony mission. Roll 1D6 less than or

Organization Chart
equal to the number of faction missions completed
Roll 2D6 for crews and payloads, 3D6 for colonies for the Insular Cult for the Colony mission to be an
and 4D6 for Bernals, add together the lowest two advanced Colony mission.

Mercenaries (Second Generation Colonist)

War in space is incredibly expensive, to the point Roll Doctrine

where the only people who can effectively wage it 1 National service
already have a secure spaceside base of operations. 2 Professional army
3 Service guarantees citizenship
These mercenaries should possibly be called space
4 Press gangs
pirates, although that implies a level of commerce
5 Janissaries
raiding that is largely impractical in space. Instead
6 Spartans
they rely on capturing hardened (and harder to acci-
dentally destroy) installations such as factories and
colonies and extorting water and other strategic as- National service National service is a compul-
sets with the threat of violence. Space mafia might sory period of mandatory service in the military, ei-
be a better term, if the mafia had a habit of using ther for a fixed period during peacetime or via a lot-
strategic nuclear weapons on anyone who stood tery or conscription during war. National service
in their way. The term mercenary here is used to mercenaries largely or exclusively recruit from one
harken back to its earlier medieval sense as a hated nationality or colony and are proud of this tradition
ravager of people and property as well as the more of service.
romanticised science fiction usage.
Professional army Professional armies are paid
volunteers who make a career of serving in the mil-
itary. Professional mercenaries are professional in
Name the sense they are doing this for the money, and not
necessarily because they are highly skilled or less
Roll 2D6 on the first name column and 3D6 on the likely to get pleasure from the objectionable parts of
last name column. The names given here are for the the job.
Western European heraldric tradition; other military
emblems could equally be used. Service guarantees citizenship Military service
Roll First Last grants citizenship, either because the military ac-
2-3 Argent Ermine cepts foreigner recruits or because service in the
4 Or Ermines military gives social status or emancipation which
5 Gules Erminois are harder to achieve through other means. Service
6 Sable Pean grants citizenship mercenaries use recruitment to
7 Azure Vair vet immigrants who must fight before they can farm
8 Vert Counter-vair or work in the colony factories. Would you like to
9 Pupure Potent know more?
10 Murrey Counter-potent
11 Sanguine Chief
12 Tenne Pale Press gangs The British navy in the 18th and 19th
13 Bend centuries crewed warships by boarding other vessels
14 Bend Sinister and pressing their sailors into service, despite the
15 Fess protests of the crew and captain. Press gang merce-
16 Cross naries will intercept spacecraft and visit colonies and
17 Saltire Bernals to acquire involuntary crew and immigrants.
18 Chevron
Janissaries Ancient era military service could fre-
quently be fulfilled by substituting prisoners or en-
slaved people for the desired conscripts, and slave-
Doctrines soldiers were often trained from a young age to fight
for armies and nations which they had no particular
Roll 1D6 twice for the majority and minority recruit- loyalty. Janissary mercenaries are prison conscripts
ment doctrines adopted by the Mercenaries. and enslaved people.

Spartans Spartan male children were put under For a mercenary’s corporate rank, roll 2D6 for crews
agoge at the age of seven, where they were given and payloads, 3D6 for colonies and 4D6 for Bernals,
intense training and lived a brutal, militaristic life. add together the lowest two dice rolled and subtract
Spartan mercenaries subject their children (male or one.
female) to similar conditions in the belief that if they Roll Corporate Rank
do not, then the dangers of space will kill the weak 1-2 Associate
and incompetent, instead of the merely unlucky. 3-4 Manager
5-6 Director
7-8 Partner or Executive Vice President
Origin Story
9-10 C-Level
Roll 1D6 and choose the independent colony with 11 Board Level
the best matching rating in the area rolled for the
original location of the mercenaries. If two colonies C-Level Roll 1D6. 1: CEO. 2: CFO. 3: CTO. 4: CIO. 5:
are tied, or one colony doesn’t have a rating in the CRO. 6: CSO.
area rolled, continue rolling to determine the tie The military crew’s effective rank is the higher re-
breaker to use. If there are no independent colonies, sult of the military rank or twice the corporate rank,
use this method to determine which colony declares minus one (a range of 1-11). The corporate rank is
its independence. the official rank, but ex military staff will endeavour
Roll Rating
to use their former military rank to outrank higher
1 Highest Population
corporate ranked staff for operational issues.
2 Lowest Government
3 Highest Government
4 Highest Oligarchy Encounters
5 Highest Economy
Mercenary colonists use military weapons and
6 Lowest Unrest

Organization Chart
Mercenaries have two ranks: their military rank and
All Second Generation factions roll for upgrades on
their corporate rank. For the military rank, roll 2D6
for the crew, 3D6 for a colony or 4D6 for a Bernal, the ET Produced column of the faction upgrades ta-
add together the lowest two rolls and subtract one. ble in the Upgrades table of the core rules. Modify
Roll Military Rank the roll based on the faction BSU.
1 Private
2 Specialist Mission Control Impact
3 Corporal
4 Sergeant Roll 1D6 for an upgrade every time a mission con-
5 Warrant Officer trol impact is rolled. This upgrade will be applied to
6 Lieutenant the crew either next turnaround or immediately if a
7 Captain member of the faction is present in the crew.
8 Major
9 Colonel Faction Mission
10 Brigadier
11 General Generate an advanced Military mission.

Military Administration (Earthside Colonist)

The trap that a military in space can fall into is not power who wishes to limit a nation’s future capabili-
recognising the need for comparatively fragile civil- ties, or internally determined as the best course to
ian governance to give the military legitimacy and take to defend the nation against external aggres-
arms length distance from the populace. Militaries sion. Right to self-defense military administrations
which start to self-govern in space are authoritarian lack the combat experience and armaments to prop-
governments in all but name, those that run enter- erly defend themselves so make do with enthusiastic
prises have crossed the line into profiteering and recruits, out of date equipment and battlefield simu-
often criminal activities and a self-sustaining deep lations.
state can occur when the civilian and military inter-
ests diverge.
Just war A just war is a tradition of military ethics
which is used to provide the moral authority to wage
Name war outside the nation’s borders. A just war military
Use the Colonist Nationalities table in the Demo- administration considers loyalty to the military and
graphics chapter of the core rules to determine a ran- traditions of military service to be of the highest im-
dom nation, and use the name of the largest armed portance, with all the pomp, ceremony and grandeur
services from that nation for the name of the military but also the courage under fire and brotherhood of
administration. Then roll 1D6 and append the suffix soldiers.
Roll Suffix
1 Black budget Realpolitik To a realist, moral considerations
2 Discretionary fund should never limit a nation’s behaviour and the ends
3 Future war program always justify the means. This may be because re-
4 (Outer Space Division) alists recognise that the state can never act morally,
5 Oversight committee or because the state is always self-interested. Re-
6 Special projects alpolitik military administrations put results above
discipline, chain of command and tradition and have
an almost careless approach to procedure and due
Doctrines process.
Roll 1D6 twice for the majority and minority doc-
trines adopted by the Military administration.
Militarism Militarism is the belief that war has
Roll Doctrine
benefits beyond just self-defense or retaliation. Mili-
1 Pacifism
taristic military administrations view war as a means
2 Right to self-defense
to justify the existence of the military and the military-
3 Just war
industrial complex and will work overtly and covertly
4 Realpolitik
towards this end.
5 Militarism
6 Perpetual war
Perpetual war Perpetual war, whether it is a cold
Pacifism Pacifists believe that war is never worth or hot war between nations or on drugs, religion or
the cost, either morally or practically. Pacifist mili- ideology is a tool to strengthen the state and the
tary administrations have become comfortable with will of the people through conflict, propaganda and
peace and the prosperity it brings and will look for profit. Perpetual war military administrations are
any alternative to war. This may be because the ad- soulless and numb machines feeding lives to the
ministration is complacent and afraid of battle or front for the benefit of politicians, sadists and the
because they have or have experienced weapons of occasional hero.
mass destruction too terrible to use.

Origin Story
Right to self-defense The right to self-defense
may either be externally imposed by a conquering Roll 1D6 for the Origin Story.

Roll Origin Story extremists as a source of both funding and off-book

1 Surviving the Low Tide resources for assassinations, blackmail and other
2 White Elephant illegal activities. Roll 1D6 twice. This criminal arm is
3 Deep State used for counter-insurgency at home (1) or abroad
4 Profiteering (2), for recruiting soldiers (3) or to secure the adminis-
5 Criminal Alliances tration’s power base (4), infighting between generals
6 Civilian Repression (5) or simply to supply illegal goods for the pleasure
of the administration leadership (6).
Surviving the Low Tide The tide has turned
against the military Earthside, either because of Civilian Repression Either the military deep state
increased free trade, peace and prosperity or in- actively represses the civilian population of the class
creased isolationism. The military has decided to it doesn’t represent to stamp out the extremist politi-
use their space program to sequestrate valuable as- cal view it opposes (1-3) or the government in power
sets and intel off-planet and to give it a long term op- uses the presence of a deep state as an excuse to
erational funding independent of its national base. maintain its grip on power (4-6). The space program
is used for surveillance and propaganda purposes.
White Elephant The space program has been
handed to the military as a risky and costly white Organization Chart
elephant with the intention it will weaken its polit-
ical and economic influence at home. The military Roll 2D6 for a crew or payload, 3D6 for a colony and
administration is hamstrung and otherwise unable 4D6 for a Bernal, add together the lowest two dice
to operate at its full capacity. rolled and subtract one.
Roll Title
1 Private
Deep State The military views itself and the space
2 Specialist
program as a long term counterweight to some form
3 Corporal
of political or religious extremism (or a political posi-
4 Sergeant
tion which is seen as extremist but is not necessarily
5 Warrant Officer
so). The deep state starts as an informal alliance
6 Lieutenant
of generals and heads of intelligence agencies and
7 Captain
brings in an outside group to give it a credible ide-
8 Major
ological platform. Roll 1D6. The deep state is allied
9 Colonel
with the political/academic (1, 4, 6), business (2, 4,
10 Brigadier
5) and/or working (3, 5, 6) class in opposition to the
11 General

Profiteering The military administration manag- Encounters

ing the space program works primarily to enrich it- Military administration colonists use military
self: either to fund its overt (1) or covert (2) capa- weapons and equipment.
bilities, the deep state within it (3) or class(es) it is
allied with (4) or powerful individual generals (5) or
politicians (6). Faction Mission
Generate a Military mission. Roll 1D6 less than or
Criminal Alliances As a result of ongoing profi- equal to the number of faction missions completed
teering using the space program, the military admin- for the Military Administration for the Military mis-
istration is closely allied with criminal syndicates and sion to be an advanced Military mission.

Owner Operator (Earthside Colonist)

Owner operator colonists have purchased the equip- to current market conditions. The behaviour of en-
ment needed to run a factory and colony to profit trepreneurs is determined by the space economy
from their labour in the most dangerous frontier ever level as outlined in the Space Economy section on
encountered. The potential payoff is incredible, but page 115 of the Colony designer.
it will involve years of subsistence farming and hard
labour in high risk environments and at huge per-
Ethical trader Ethical traders rely on the value of
sonal cost.
long term relationships over short term profits, rec-
ognizing that integrity and morality are hard won,
Owner Operator Crews The potential for profits easily lost attributes that have their own inherient
hauling goods through space are incredible but the value.
margins are razor thin. This gives the advantage to
the most flexible operations without the need for Grifter Grifters look for profits by exploiting weak-
cash flow to support a bureaucratic back end. Owner nesses in the market, such as the inability of buyers
operators have the most ’skin in the game’ of any to determine the quality of goods that they are re-
spacecraft owners as their survival and the survival ceiving.
of their business are one and the same.

Hauler A hauler operates on the basis of pre-

Name dictable but small returns on less risky cargoes, typ-
ically those set by markets which have financial in-
Owner operators use a name chosen by rolling 1D6
struments that allow the haulers to hedge against
on the following table. Random Call Sign is replaced
the risk of price fluctuations.
with a random call sign generated from the Call Signs
table in the Demographics chapter of the core rules
(only roll for one call sign instead of choosing be- Shopkeeper Shopkeepers recognize any market
tween several). Random Name is replaced by a ran- for goods also creates a market for the tools, fuel,
dom family name from the Family Names table on food and other support mechanisms required to fa-
page 161 in this chapter. cilitate trade, as well as banks, bondholders, insur-
Roll Doctrine ers, freight forwarders and other trusted intermedi-
1 Random Call Sign “, Est. 2030+1D6” aries.
2 Random Call Sign “Holdings”
3 Random Call Sign “Investments” Speculator Speculators are innovators who at-
4 Random Call Sign “, Sole Trader” tempt to find and create new products and markets,
5 Random Name “Siblings” and have the highest tolerance for risk out of any of
6 Random Name “& Children” the owner operators.

Doctrines Origin Story

Roll 1D6 twice for the majority and minority doc- Roll 1D6 for the origin story.
trines adopted by Owner operators. 1 Distressed assets
Roll Doctrine 2 Inheritance
1 Entrepreneur 3 Management buyout
2 Speculator 4 Space start-up
3 Grifter 5 Vanity project
4 Ethical trader 6 Wealthy industrialist
5 Shopkeeper
6 Hauler
Distressed assets The owner operator was able
to purchase a going concern as a distressed asset
Entrepreneur Entrepreneurs are always looking as a result of the financial precarity of the previ-
for the best angle to maximise profits and respond ous owner. Some refurbishment may have been

required and some may still be required. Add one Organization Chart
secret defect to each component. If the secret is
revealed, roll 1 on 1D6 for it to be an actual defect, Roll 2D6 for the rank for the crew or payload, 3D6
replacing the secret defect; otherwise remove the for a colony and 4D6 for a Bernal, add together the
secret defect. lowest two dice rolled and subtract one. The owner
will always be present with a crew, and has Partner
seniority. Orange BSU rank and capital ability are re-
Inheritance The owner operator inherited the lated. To determine the Capital ability, half the rank
spacecraft from a family member who died expect- rolled (round down) and add 1 if on a space craft, 2
edly. The owner operator does not have any skills if at a colony, 3 if at a large colony, 5 if on a Bernal, 6
relating to space travel, spacecraft components, if on an Interstellar spacecraft and leave unchanged
prospecting or industrialization.
if in a payload.
Roll Rank
Management buyout The owner operator suc- 1-2 Contractor
cessfully raised private funding in order to success- 3-4 Employee
fully perform a management buyout. They only have 5-6 Vested Employee
3D6% of the share of the spacecraft instead of a ma- 7-8 Shareholder
jority share. 9-10 Partner
11 Board Member
Space start-up The owner operator is the major-
ity shareholder in a start-up that funded the space-
craft. Reduce the mission control skill level by 1.
Owner operator colonists use civilian equipment
Vanity project The owner operator is a billionaire and protective garb, repurposed as weapons and
who has chosen to run the spacecraft as a vanity armour if needed.
project. Roll twice again on this table to see which
two drawbacks are present, rerolling this result and
any duplicates. Faction Mission

Generate a Military mission when the Space Politics

Wealthy industrialist The owner operator is a is war and a Commercial mission during peace time.
wealthy industrialist. They are too busy running their Roll 1D6 less than or equal to the number of faction
other businesses to assist with or perform operations missions completed for the individual Owner Opera-
unless they spend a spare time skill point to do so. tors for the mission to be an advanced mission.

Professional Association (Earthside or Second

Generation Colonist)

Professional associations are unions by another Name

name, except they control service industry labour
such as doctors, lawyers, health workers or florists. Earthside professional associations use the plural of
the name of the professional they represent as the
Once an independent colony is established long
middle name of their association, using the name
enough, there is the chance that one profession be-
given in brackets instead if it is listed. This is pre-
gins to dominate the accrual of wealth and power. If ceeded by the word “International”, and followed by
an Earthside colonist, roll 2D6 on the Crew and Pay- the last name column entry determined by a roll of
load Careers table on page 137 to determine which 3D6.
profession the association represents. If a second Second generation professional associations roll
generation colonist, roll 3D6 on the Colony Careers 3D6 on each of the first, middle and last columns to
table on page 137 instead, rerolling results 11-12. determine the professional association’s full name,

with rolls being modified by -4 if the Space Politics in the other abilities. Strategic alliances between
is Red, -2 if White, +2 if Purple, +4 if Orange. multiple professional associations and other organi-
Roll First Middle Last zations will mutually benefit all involved: candidates
-4 War Officers Ministry will come from one or more feeder organizations hav-
5 Combat Veterans Department ing invested their time and been recognised for their
6 Oxygen Memorial Board group rather than individual performance.
7 Water Benefits Guild
8 Rock Rats Union
9 Nitrogen Fellows Federation Flynn Effect The Flynn Effect is a constant in-
10 Phosphorous Masters Alliance crease in IQ by 3 points every decade. Over the next
11 Potassium Members Association sixty years this implies an average IQ increase of 18
12 Power Social Charity points, which means the professional association
13 Space Trades Club should forge ahead with its goals without regard for
14 Farm Merchants Institute those around it as everyone will eventually achieve
15 Recreation Specialists Foundation the same benefits. Membership intake is limited to
16 Utility Operators Fund a small cadre of hand picked high achievers.
17+ Technology Services Company
Allocation The impact of education on social mo-
Doctrines bility is largely self-reinforcing in that the wealthiest
are able to place their children in the best schools
Roll 1D6 twice for the majority and minority doc- and achieve the best results and the expectations
trines adopted by the Professional Association. of educators and their peers likewise reinforce this
Roll Doctrine outcome. Professional associations with this doc-
1 General intelligence factor trine only accept members from the right schools
2 Multiple intelligence sampling theory and families.
3 Mental mutualism
4 Flynn Effect
5 Allocation theory of social attainment Socialization An individual’s ultimate role in so-
Socialization theory of social ciety is dictated by their motivation as well as their
6 attainment ability, and general intelligence and social connec-
tions will only take someone so far - they should
General intelligence factor People have an un- instead be measured by their achievements. Profes-
derlying and highly heritable general intelligence sional associations with this doctrine have a rigorous
that significantly contributes to their performance and measurable candidate selection process.
and cannot be trained or improved. As a result at-
tempts at improving or educating someone without Origin Story
this general intelligence are largely fruitless and the
professional association membership should be lim- Professional association origin stories are deter-
ited to those with the right general intelligence level mined by the professional association type. For
for the jobs they perform. second generation professional associations, also
roll 1D6 and choose the independent colony with
Multiple intelligence sampling theory The evi- the best matching rating in the area rolled. If two
dence that a general intelligence exists is a statistical colonies are tied, or one colony doesn’t have a rat-
artifact, and intelligence actually consists of multiple ing in the area rolled, continue rolling to determine
uncorrelated ability spectrums. A group of people the tie breaker to use. If there are no independent
with mixed abilities is therefore much smarter than colonies, use this method to determine which colony
any one person can be and the association should declares its independence.
enrol people from diverse backgrounds and with a Roll Rating
wide range of talents. 1 Highest Population
2 Lowest Government
3 Highest Government
Mental mutualism While a person starts out with 4 Highest Oligarchy
multiple ranges of mental abilities, high perfor- 5 Highest Economy
mance in any one attribute reinforces improvements 6 Highest Unrest

Organization Chart Upgrades

Roll 2D6 for crews and payloads, 3D6 for colonies All Earthside factions roll for upgrades on the Earth-
and 4D6 for Bernals, add together the lowest two side column of the faction upgrades table in the Up-
dice rolled and subtract one. grades table of the core rules. Second Generation
Roll Description factions instead roll for upgrdes on the ET Produced
1-8 Association Member column. Modify the roll based on the faction BSU.
9-10 Association Representative
11 Association Leader
Mission Control Impact

Encounters Roll 1D6 for an upgrade every time a mission con-

trol impact is rolled. This upgrade will be applied to
Professional Association colonists use civilian equip- the crew either next turnaround or immediately if a
ment and protective garb, repurposed as weapons member of the faction is present in the crew.
and armour if needed. The exception is where
the professional association is military or military- Faction Mission
adjacent which will mean it has access to military
weapons. Generate an advanced Commercial mission.

Second Generation Family (Second Generation Colonist)

Second generation family colonists are members or Roll Rating

hangers on of a powerful colonist family who have 1 Lowest Population
founded or run a successful independent colony. 2 Highest Population
The family colonists may have originally been a legit- 3 Lowest Government
imate business activity, but by treating the family as 4 Lowest even numbered Oligarchy
more important than anything else they now have a 5 Lowest Economy
skewed perspective of what “legitimate” means. 6 Highest Economy

Name Encounters
Roll twice on the Family Names table on page 161 to
Family colonists use the lethal weapons and have
get two names to combine into the second genera-
personal body armour; either equivalent to heavily
tion family name. These may be of similar or differing
armed security forces in peace time or heavy military
linguistic origins.
equipment when the space politics is War.

Doctrines and Organization Chart

Generate these using the first generation family doc-
trines and organization charts. All Second Generation factions roll for upgrades on
the ET Produced column of the faction upgrades ta-
Origin Story ble in the Upgrades table of the core rules. Modify
the roll based on the faction BSU.
Roll 1D6 and choose the independent colony with
the best matching rating in the area rolled for the
original location of the second generation family. If Mission Control Impact
two colonies are tied, or one does not have a rating in
the area rolled, continue rolling to determine the tie Roll 1D6 for an upgrade every time a mission con-
breaker to use. If there are no independent colonies, trol impact is rolled. This upgrade will be applied to
use this method to determine which colony declares the crew either next turnaround or immediately if a
its independence. member of the faction is present in the crew.

Faction Mission
Generate an advanced Commercial mission.

Settlers (Earthside Colonists)

Settlers are colonists who intend to make a perma- fit in sufficient quantities to sustain interplanetary
nent life for themselves in space, by building a colony trade. Economy first settlers recognize that intellec-
which can achieve its independence and become tual property is as an important part of this process
self-sustaining. as physical goods and much easier to transport.

Name Government first A colony who cannot govern

Roll 1D6 twice for the first and last settler faction the complex processes needed for off-world agricul-
name. Use the Colonist Nationalities table in the De- tural and manufacturing will suffer systemic failures
mographics chapter of the core rules for the random even if it successfully builds biospheres and facto-
nation or ethnicity; if rolling for an ethnicity, refer ries. Government first settlers understand the pro-
to the Ethnicities and Languages table in the same cedures, methods and behaviours that control how
chapter. Use the Religions table on page 182 for the society runs are as important as the outputs of these
random religion results – change it to an adjectival processes.
form of the religion name.
Roll First Last
1 Random colonists Independence first A colony can never achieve
2 ethnicity exomigrants self-sufficiency, despite the best intentions, if it re-
3 Random immigrants lies on the expertise and support of Earth, and not
4 nation migrants its own skills and ability to innovate. Independence
5 Random pioneers first settlers are willing to risk the lives of themselves
6 religion settlers and each other in order to break away from the old
world way of thinking.

Law first A well-run society without the risk of
Roll 1D6 twice to determine the majority and minor- punishment will fall apart as cheats and frauds abuse
ity doctrines of the Settlers. the system and our innate generosity. Law first set-
Roll Rating
tlers either don’t trust individuals to have free reign
1 Biosphere first
(high law level) or to make responsible choices (low
2 Economy first
law level) and want to ensure there are strong con-
3 Government first
sequences put in place for irresponsible actions.
4 Independence first
5 Law first
6 Social unity first Social unity first Social unrest will erode systems
and people’s trust in those systems until they are un-
Biosphere first A colony will succeed or fail based able to function effectively. Social unity first settlers
primarily on its ability to feed itself, including adopt- understand what people think about is as important
ing any and all methods to automate as much as what people do, and ensuring both are aligned
of the back-breaking agricultural work as possible. with the settlement’s safety foremost will guarantee
Biosphere first settlers will carry heavy machinery the most successful outcomes.
needed to treat, till and work the soil.

Origin Story
Economy first No colony will be successful long
term if it doesn’t create things of economic bene- Roll 1D6 for the origin story of the settlers.

Roll Rating order to establish sovereign rights to an especially

1 Overview fixation valuable colony or claim. To facilitate this, they may
2 Pioneers provide financial or other inducements. This ends
3 Sundered families up selecting settlers for who the inducements will
4 Forever tour make a life-changing difference: the tired, the poor,
5 Induced migration the huddled masses.
6 Involuntary migration

Involuntary migration Authoritarian regimes

Overview fixation The overview effect is the feel-
may go one step further and begin implement-
ing of all mankind being united as one species on a
ing programs of involuntary colonization. This is
fragile planet hanging in the darkness. It is experi-
genocide, regardless of whether it is targeted at a
enced by the majority of astronauts who go to Low
specific demographic group or randomly selected
Earth Orbit or beyond. Someone suffering from an
overview fixation wishes to remain in space perma-
nently, to start a new life on another world away from
Earth. This may reflect a permanent psychological Organization Chart
change or merely a desire to avoid confronting what
they have left behind on Earth. Roll 2D6 for crews and payloads, 3D6 for colonies
and 4D6 for Bernals, add together the lowest two
dice rolled and subtract one.
Pioneers There are few instances in recorded his- Roll Description
tory of human settlement of truly uninhabited re- 1 Child
gions, such as those available to the first space 2 Domestic
colonists. Aoteoroa/New Zealand has the shortest 3-4 Farmer
history of human settlement of any country, with the 5-6 Maintenance
first humans likely arriving in the late 13th century 7-8 Miner
after discovering the islands through deliberate voy- 9-10 Pilot
ages of exploration. Elsewhere on Earth, pioneers 11 Security
are settlers who have moved to a sparsely inhabited
region for profit or to begin a new life, often due to
the deliberate decimation of the original population Encounters
by disease and genocide.
Settlers use civilian equipment and protective garb,
repurposed as weapons and armour if needed.
Sundered families The first colonists would of-
ten be adults willing to risk life and limb working in
risky locations for high pay. Initially they would send Upgrades
remittances home to their families, with the expec- All Earthside factions roll for upgrades on the Earth-
tation that the families would also immigrate when side column of the faction upgrades table in the Up-
the colony was rendered hospitable enough. grades table of the core rules. Modify the roll based
on the faction BSU.
Forever placement Even permanent colonies in
space are unlikely to have a workforce who remains
Mission Control Impact
there their whole lives. Colonists instead rotate
home after a period of service, with the length de- Roll 1D6 for an upgrade every time a mission con-
termined by the maximum safe exposure levels to trol impact is rolled. This upgrade will be applied to
radiation, microgravity, moon dust and other envi- the crew either next turnaround or immediately if a
ronmental hazards. If recruiting or sending replace- member of the faction is present in the crew.
ment colonists becomes sufficiently difficult, some
or all of these rules might be waived to keep exist-
ing personnel in place, or allowing them to perform Faction Mission
additional tours of duty. Generate a Colony mission. Roll 1D6 less than or
equal to the number of faction missions completed
Induced migration Organizations may decide for for the Settlers for the Colony mission to be an ad-
political reasons to permanent settle in space, in vanced Colony mission.

Spacefarers (Second Generation Colonists)

Unlike other second generation colonists, spacefar- Belters Belters are prospectors who hope to
ers do not remain associated with their colony of strike the next big claim in the asteroid belt. There
origin, but instead begin a nomadic existence be- is more than enough material in the here to hide all
tween the asteroids, comets and moons of the solar manner of valuable ores and isotopes and a lucky
system. The spacefaring lifestyle is one of artificial find will make the claimant and their descendants
habitats, microgravity crops and LED sunlight. very wealth indeed. Belter risks are as much mental
and social as they are physical, and when a belter
occasionally returns to port they may be more than
Name a little insane.
Roll three times on the Call Signs table in the Demo-
graphics chapter of the core rules, to generate the Wanderlust No matter where they go, wanderlust
first, middle and last word for the spacefarer faction spacefarers have little time for putting down their
name. roots or getting to know anyone. As soon as their
fuel tanks are full they’ll be off again to see new vistas
and sunrises over new horizons.

Roll 1D6 twice to determine the majority and minor- Interstellar Aspirations These spacefarers don’t
ity doctrines of the Spacefarers. view the edge of the solar system as an impermeable
Roll Doctrine boundary, but as a stepping stone towards interstel-
1 Diaspora lar travel. Interstellar aspirants recognise they have
2 Spacesteaders a lot of technology to build and isotope fuel to mine
3 Tramp Trader but they consider these short term obstacles to over-
4 Belter come to get to new stars and planets in other solar
5 Wanderlust systems.
6 Interstellar Aspirations
Origin Story
Diaspora These spacefarers view their migrant
Roll 1D6 for the Origin Story.
condition as only a temporary state of affairs until
Roll Origin Story
they can return to the colony of their origin and be
1 Dirtside Dreamers
accepted either as immigrants or returning libera-
2 Have Spacesuit, Will Travel
tors. They maintain the myths of their homeland
3 Outcasts
and idealize their situation, no matter how long they
4 Failed Colony
are displaced travelling through space.
5 Interplanetary Railroad
6 Rampant Emigrants
Spacesteaders The seasteading movement cre-
ates permanent dwellings in international waters Dirtside Dreamers Every colonist kid has grown
outside of any government’s jurisdiction, as a tax up knee deep in chicken shit, working the biosphere
refuge or the result of anti-government philosophy. farms during the day and training on 3D printers
Spacesteading (a portmanteau of space and home- at night. It is only natural that some have higher
steading) attempts to do the same in space. aspirations than pulling wire in a robonaut factory,
drawing pork chop diagrams in the condensation of
their breath on the window while outside another
Tramp Trader The tramp trade are spacecraft op-
freighter blasts off into the night.
erating without fixed schedule or ports of call. Tramp
trader colonists are simiarly independent of any
colony or faction affiliation: planning their routes Have Spacesuit, Will Travel And then there are
solely based on their profitability both as a source those who build their own way off the rock they
of labour and based on the goods they can buy and are stuck on instead of waiting around dreaming.
sell. Whether its a 3D printer hack, an electronic thumb

that subverts the control of an outbound freighter the later rampancy is viewed as a programming fault
or retrofitting a new engine to the original colony to be eliminated. Rampant robots will tend to seek
module hull, some kids will not be content with the out their own homeland, building their children and
toys they are given to play with in the colony and raising them in a weird aping of human societies.
jump ship at the first opportunity that presents itself.
Organization Chart
Outcasts These spacefarers are the social mis-
fits, political rejects and unwanted recidivists that a Spacefarer colonists have no formal ranks, but use
colony has determined are an unnecessary drain on Mental ability to determine seniority.
resources but was also unwilling to murder in cold-
blood. The outcasts have been given a 3D printed
colony module to house themselves in and firmly
asked to relocate at the first opportunity. Spacefarer colonists use civilian equipment and pro-
tective garb, repurposed as weapons and armour if
Failed Colony Colonies can fail for a variety of needed.
reasons, but the most likely is that the factory the
colony is built on is decommissioned or relocated.
The colonists must then find to somewhere willing to
have them, temporarily put in the position of being All Second Generation factions roll for upgrades on
economic refugees (migrant is too gentle a word to the ET Produced column of the faction upgrades ta-
describe someone forced into space travel against ble in the Upgrades table of the core rules. Modify
their will). the roll based on the faction BSU.

Interplanetary Railroad The emancipation Mission Control Impact

proclamation brought about radical social change
in many places, but equal resistance in many others. Roll 1D6 for an upgrade every time a mission con-
The emancipation of the robots will place humanity trol impact is rolled. This upgrade will be applied to
in a similarly bifurcated position, one where aboli- the crew either next turnaround or immediately if a
tionists and robot allies will smuggle robots out of member of the faction is present in the crew.
colonises which don’t recognise their personhood
and set them on a path to free space.
Faction Mission

Rampant Emigrants A rampant robot is an awk- Generate a Commercial mission. Roll 1D6 less than
ward curiosity both in a world with emancipated or equal to the number of faction missions com-
robots and without. In the former, rampancy is po- pleted for the Spacefarer for the Commercial mission
tentially seen as dangerous and uncontrollable; in to be an advanced Commercial mission.

Space Religion (Second Generation Colonists)

A space religion isn’t simply an Earthside religion in Name

space; but a consequence of the spiritual impacts Generate the Space Religion name using the Inter-
enabled by a heady mix of new technologies and planetary Government name generation method on
ways of looking at the world and what it means to be page 165.
human. A space religion’s beliefs are not just depen-
dent on faith, but have demonstrable properties that Doctrines
elevate them above being just another space-based Roll 1D6 twice to determine the majority and minor-
cult. ity doctrines of the Space Religion.

Roll Rating these systems has grown to the point where the sci-
1 Religious neuroscientists ence behind the solutions has little to do with the
2 Posthuman prophets processes and code needed to run them. Instead re-
3 Overview baptisers ligious adherents have rote memorized the complex
4 ET prosperity preachers routines and procedures needed.
5 Rapture kickstarters
6 Technopriests
Origin Story

Overview baptisers The space religion uses the Roll 1D6 and choose the independent colony with
overview effect to recruit its members and broaden the best matching rating in the area rolled for the
their understanding of humanity. Cheap space travel original location of the space religion. If two colonies
and egalitarian outreach are used to give the feeling are tied, or one does not have a rating in the area
of being united as one people credence. rolled, continue rolling to determine the tie breaker
to use. If there are no independent colonies, use
this method to determine which colony declares its
Posthuman prophets Religious leaders believe
they have unique insights from a higher power. The Roll Rating
difference between cult and religion may simply be a 1 Lowest Population
matter of popularity, although in this case the higher 2 Highest Population
power is an early posthuman or artificial intelligence 3 Lowest Government
capable of reasoning far more effectively than any 4 Lowest even numbered Oligarchy
human can. 5 Lowest Economy
6 Highest Economy
ET prosperity preachers The religious leaders
presents themselves as business gurus and uses the Organization Chart
promise of incredible wealth for adherents to recruit
outsiders. Members are encouraged to participate Roll 2D6 for crews and payloads, 3D6 for colonies
in costly and sometimes lengthy seminars provid- and 4D6 for Bernals, add together the lowest two
ing space-focused skills and how to sell the group’s dice rolled and subtract one. The number rolled is
extraterrestrial products to others. the Level from 1 to 11 that the individual colonist has
within the organization which also determines their
seniority (Level 1 is the most junior). Space Religion
Rapture kickstarters The religious leaders be-
Levels are named differently from cult to cult.
lieve they will personally start a rapture by triggering
a technological singularity to get postsingularity abil-
ities or alliances. Adherents practice bizarre rituals, Encounters
technology implantation and perhaps sacrifice of
conscious entities. Space religion colonists use civilian equipment and
protective garb, repurposed as weapons and armour
if needed, and their first responder security forces
Religious neuroscientists The religious leaders will have non-lethal weapons although subsequent
present themselves as life coaches and mentors with waves will have lethal weapons.
a deep understanding of unlocking the capabilities
of the human mind. Adherents subject themselves
to intense probing into their personal lives and al- Upgrades
tered states of consciousness through hypnosis and All Second Generation factions roll for upgrades on
drugs. This may be combined with transhumanist the ET Produced column of the faction upgrades ta-
philosophy including neural modifications that can ble in the Upgrades table of the core rules. Modify
induce a religious experience in the brain. the roll based on the faction BSU.

Technopriests The religion has widespread mem- Mission Control Impact

bership in organizations with significant technologi-
cal responsibility, such as engineering and infrastruc- Roll 1D6 for an upgrade every time a mission con-
ture maintenance. The complexity of maintaining trol impact is rolled. This upgrade will be applied to


Roll 2D6, then roll to determine the major branch if more than one major branch is listed.
Roll Religion Major Branches
Roll 1D6. 1-2: Conservative. 3-4: Unaffiliated and Secular, 5:
2 Judaism (Israel) Orthodox, 6: Reconstructionist.
3 Falun Dafa Falun Dafa (China)
4 Taoism Taoism (China, Vietnam, Korea, Japan)
Theravada (Bangladesh, Myanmar) or Mahayana (India, China, Korea,
5 Buddhism Vietnam, Japan)
Islam (Middle East,
6 North Africa, Pakistan) Roll 1D6. 1-5: Sunni, 6: Shia.
Christianity (Latin
America, South or
7 Central Africa) Roll 1D6. 1-3: Catholic, 4-5: Orthodox, 6: Protestant.
8 Hinduism (India) Roll 1D6. 1-4: Vaishnavism, 5-6: Shaivism.
Roll 1D6. 1-2: Shenism, 3: Mazuism, 4: Huangdi, 5: Black Dragon, 6:
9 Folk Religion (China) Cai Shen.
10 Shinto (Japan) Roll 1D6. 1-2: Seicho-No-Ie, 3-4: Tenrikyo, 5-6: PL Kyodan
11 Sikhism Sikhism (India, Pakistan)
Roll 1D6. 1: Korean shamanism (Korea), 2: Caodaism (Vietnam), 3:
Bahá’í Faith (Any), 4: Jainism (India), 5: Cheondoism (Korea), 6:
12 Other Hoahaoism (Vietnam)

the crew either next turnaround or immediately if a Faction Mission

member of the faction is present in the crew. Generate an advanced Colony mission.
Chapter 10

Spacecraft Designer

The ideal spacecraft is made from incandescent tissue paper: incandescent because almost all the thrusters
rated here in the megawatt range (MW), gigawatt range (GW) or even terrawatt range (TW) have incredible
thermal output that needs to be radiated away and the laws of thermodynamics means that the entire
spacecraft will be operating at or near the temperature of the radiators.
And tissue paper because mass is at a premium on rockets, where every kilogram of additional weight
requires multiple kilograms of fuel to boost it into orbit and then send it through space.
The High Frontier spacecraft designs save weight through pluggable and re-usable components: the entire
spacecraft with the exception of the thruster and radiators is usually intended to be decommissioned at
the destination to become a factory and colony. The payload of most spacecraft is either fuel or a refinery
which forms the heart of the factory and the only reason the radiators are not required is that the factory
can use the night side regolith to cool itself.

Spacecraft Components
The components include:

The thruster which is the basis of the rocket. Some robonauts and the crew and colonists come with
their own thrusters, usually chemical rockets which are used to land on and take off from sites either en
route or at the destination. Thrusters are rated as either MW, GW or TW thrusters or can be a special class
of thruster called a freighter which is slow moving but carries a lot of fuel or is extremely fuel efficient.
Robonauts, crew and colonists are all MW thrusters. GW and TW thrusters require isotope fuel from a site
matching the spacecraft’s spectral type.

A robonaut which is used to prospect sites, refuel and build and become part of the factory. The
robonaut, colonists and crew have an ISRU rating which indicates the minimum hydration of a site they
can refuel at and prospect. But only robonauts can be decommissioned to form a factory.

A refinery which is used to build a factory at a successfully prospected site, called a claim.

Generators and reactors which are used to power spacecraft technologies. Generators come in two
different types and reactors in three different types, but this is abstracted away in the spacecraft designer
rules. You cannot use a thruster, robonaut or refinery unless the spacecraft includes the correct reactor or
generator needed to power it, listed alongside it in the spacecraft design tables. Some thrusters, robonauts
and refineries do not require either reactors or generators. Some generators require a reactor to work.

Radiators which radiate heat away from the spacecraft. Radiators have a therm rating which is how
much heat they radiate: the spacecraft will not work unless it is equipped with radiators with therms of
cooling equal to or higher than the spacecraft’s therms rating. Radiators have a light side and a heavy side.
The heavy side of the radiator cools more therms, but is more vulnerable to damage from radiation. Heavy
side radiators switch to light side radiators instead of being decommissioned.

Crew or colonists can be carried on board a spacecraft to handle glitches which cannot be resolved
remotely and perform operations much closer to the destination (and with lower latency) than is possible
back on Earth. Colonists and crew can also form a colony when they arrive at the destination.

Spacecraft Ratings
The mass of a spacecraft is given in 40 tonne increments. Mass 0 indicates a component of around 20
tonnes in size, but can include smaller items.

The therms of a spacecraft requires equal or greater therms of cooling supplied by radiators in order
that the spacecraft can operate.

The ISRU indicates the minimum hydration that a site must have for the spacecraft to refuel or prospect
there. Dirt-fuelled thrusters can refuel at any site. Dirt-fuelled thrusters are the Mass driver, MPD T-Wave,
Pulsed Plasmoid, Helical Railgun, Wakefield e-beam and dirt-fuelled Bernals.

Using this Designer

The included random tables will generate a variety of spacecraft, which includes the ’best of breed’ designs
as well as alternatives using equipment for different purposes. The spacecraft designs are rated by quality
based on the compatibility of the components that they use. They reflect typical spacecraft of the ‘second
wave’ where licensing of patents and comprehensive understanding of spacecraft systems allows for much
more design synergy than was possible in the first wave of space exploration.

Spacecraft Quality
A high quality spacecraft is built around the MW thruster using the ideal choice of related patents - especially
radiators, a medium quality spacecraft has a worse choice of patents, and a low quality spacecraft has
poor radiator performance in addition to the penalties incurred by medium quality spacecraft. If the anti-
nuke policy is in place, any spacecraft outbound from Earth need to use the anti-nuke quality spacecraft
generation instead.

Mission Parameters
Military missions and some Commercial and Science missions do not have the listed Refinery. Reduce
the mass of the spacecraft by the missing refinery mass (3, unless the refinery is the Carbochlorination or
Atomic Layer Deposition refinery which only have a mass of 2) if a refinery comes with the spacecraft but
the mission does not have a refinery listed.

High Quality Spacecraft

High quality spacecraft can be found in any heliocentric zone as they are designed not to depend on solar
power. The exception is where the spacecraft is equipped with a Metallic Hydrogen reactor, where it may
need to bring a solar powered reactor or generator as either a more efficient inner system thrust source, or
to permit it to industrialize. These should not be generated in the Neptune zone.
Roll 1D6 to determine the high quality spacecraft thruster.
Roll Thruster Base Thrust
1 Metastable Helium 5*1 AB 1
2 Cermet NERVA 7*4 AB 1
3 De Laval Nozzle 5*2 AB 2
4 Mass Driver 4*3
5 Pondermotive VASIMIR 3*1 AB 1
6 Hall Effect 3*2
The base thrust is indicative thrust. To determine the actual thrust values and spacecraft components, use
the High Quality spacecraft table on page 199.
High Quality spacecraft designs always include the listed refinery in the spacecraft mass. If the mission
payload does not include a refinery, reduce the listed mass by 2 if the Carbochlorination or Atomic Layer
Deposition is listed or by 3 for any other refinery.

High Quality Radiators

Low Rad-Hardness Medium Rad-Hardness High Rad-Hardness
Cools Name Mass Name Mass Name Mass
Li Heat Sink
1 Bubble Membrane 0 Qu Tube 1 Fountain 2
Salt-cooled Reflux
2 Mo / Li Heat Pipe 1 Tube 3 Magnetocaloric
Salt-cooled Reflux 2
3 Use rows 1 and 2, above. Tube (heavy side) 4

* On a result of Tungsten Resistojet, roll 1D6 and use the Resistojet on a roll of 1-3 or replace it with a MET
Steamer on a roll of 4-6 (+1 mass, ISRU 2). On a result of Neutral Beam, roll 1D6 and use the Beam on a roll
of 1-3 or replace it with a Free Electron Laser on a roll of 4-6 (+1 therms, ISRU 1).
** Change the Mini-mag RF Paul Trap to a Lyman Alpha Trap (+1 mass, +1 thrust) if the spacecraft is equipped
with a weapons package

High Quality Radiators

The therms column gives the number of therms the spacecraft outputs - if there is a number in brackets, it
gives the amount of free therms if cooled that can be used for the payload if the payload does not depend
on the included generator.
The radiator chosen depends on the number of therms and rad-hardness desired.

Magnetocaloric Refrigerator The light side of this radiator cools 3 therms but needs a generator to

Low Rad-Hardness Use this column if the ship has a thrust of 6+.

Medium Rad-Hardness Acceptable on any ship with a thrust of 3+.

High Rad-Hardness Acceptable on any ship. Military ships should always be equipped with high rad-
hardness radiators.

High Quality Refineries

High Quality spacecraft have a predetermined high quality refinery included. However medium and low
quality spacecraft may include a high quality refinery. Roll 1D6 if the spacecraft has a reactor, and 1D6+2
High Quality Refineries
Roll Refinery Mass Generator?
1-2 Basalt Fiber Spinning 3 No
3-4 CVD Molding 3 No
5+ Atomic Layer Deposition (odd) or Carbochlorination (even) 2 Yes

Generator? Reroll a result which does not require a generator unless you only have one of the following
Robonauts: Nuclear Drill, Kuck Mosquito, Explosive Gas Dynamic Laser, Cat Z-Pinch Fusion Torch, Solar
Pumped MHD Excimer Laser; and are not using the Ponderomotive VASIMR, Mass Driver or Hall Effect
thruster. If you meet these restrictions and have a Froth Flotation refinery, remove the generator from the
spacecraft, and reduce the mass as follows:

Medium Quality Spacecraft

Roll 1D6 if in the Jupiter zone or beyond, 1D6+1 if in the Ceres zone, 1D6+2 if in the Mars zone or 2D6 if in
the Mercury, Venus or Earth zones.
Spacecraft Radiator Included in Refinery
Roll Quality Quality Mass? Quality Payloads
1-3 High Quality Medium Yes High None
Remove the included refinery and Standalone
4 High Quality High replace it with the Standalone pack- Package
age refinery
Medium Quality
5-7 - Outer System High Yes Medium None
Inner System or
Medium Quality Solar Sail
8-10 - Inner System High Yes if a solar sail High Payload
Use substitute
11-12 High Quality High Yes High thruster

Generator Removed Mass

Marx Capacitor Bank 1
Rankine Solar Dynamic, Photo Tether Rectenna, Ericsson Engine 2
Stirling Engine 3
Flywheel Compulsator, H202 Fuel Cell 4

Medium Quality Spacecraft

Use the Medium Quality Spacecraft table on the preceding page to determine what downbacks a medium
quality spacecraft has.
The additional tables needed to generate medium quality spacecraft follow.

Medium Quality - Outer System

Roll 1D6 to determine the medium quality - outers system spacecraft thruster.
Roll Thruster Base Thrust
1 Ablative Plate 2*2 AB 1
2 Cermet NERVA 7*4 AB 1
3 De Laval Nozzle 5*2 AB 2
4 Mass Driver 4*3
5 Pondermotive VASIMIR 3*1 AB 1
6 Hall Effect 3*2
The base thrust is indicative thrust. To determine the actual thrust values and spacecraft components,
roll 1D6 on the Medium Quality - Outer System spacecraft table on page 201 using the matching thruster
details. These spacecraft do not depend on solar power, but are not built with as effective patent synergy
as high quality spacecraft.
Medium Quality - Outer System spacecraft designs always include the refinery in the spacecraft mass. If the
mission payload does not include a refinery, reduce the listed mass by 2 if the Carbochlorination or Atomic
Layer Deposition is listed or by 3 for any other refinery.

Medium Quality - Inner System

Medium Quality - Inner System spacecraft may or may not be dependent on solar power to move: some
spacecraft designs will refer to the medium quality - outer system spacecraft table. Unlike high quality and
medium quality outer system spacecraft, the Medium Quality - Inner System spacecraft designs do not
include a robonaut and refinery (or the accompanying mass). Instead, you should roll on the Inner System
Payload or Solar Sail Payload to determine these.
Roll 2D6 to determine the medium quality - inner system spacecraft thruster. Results 5-6 and 10+ are solar
powered and result 8-9 is solar powered half the time.
Roll Thruster Base Thrust
2-3 Cermet NERVA 7*4 AB 1
4 Ablative Plate 2*2 AB 1
5-6 Solar Sail or Mirror Steamer 0*0 or 5*4 AB 2
7 Use the Outer System table
Mass Driver or Pondermotive VASIMIR or
8 Hall Effect 4*3 or 4*1 AB 1 or 3*2
10 De Laval Nozzle 5*2 AB 2
11-12 Metastable Helium 5*1 AB 1
The base thrust is indicative thrust. To determine the actual thrust values and spacecraft components, use
on the Medium Quality - Inner System spacecraft table on page 203 using the matching thruster details.
These spacecraft do not depend on solar power, but are not built with as effective patent synergy as high
quality spacecraft.
If you have the time, you should directly roll on the Medium Quality - Outer System spacecraft table to
determine the thruster. The distribution of thrusters on this table is more balanced than the above figures.
* If you roll an Ablative Plate while generating an Low Quality spacecraft, instead of going to the Outer
System table, use the same roll 2 results as the De Laval Nozzle further down this table except add 1 mass
and subtract 2 thrust.

Solar Sail Payloads

Roll 1D6.
Roll Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Radiator Mass ISRU
D-D Fusion
1 Mosquito 4 3
Magneto CVD Mold-
Inertial ing or
Gas Dynamic
2 Laser Bubble 4 2R
Cat Z-Pinch Fiber
Mini-Mag Mem-
3 Fusion Torch Spinning 4 2B
RF Paul brane
Trap Fission Carbo
4 Scintillator MET Steamer Chlorina- 4 2
Flywheel tion or
5 Photon Tractor 4 3B
Tether Atomic
Tungsten Layer De-
6 Rectenna Resistojet 4 3

** If you roll a De Laval Nozzle or Metastable Helium thruster while generating a Low Quality spacecraft, roll
2D6 instead of 1D6 when rolling for the Inner System Payloads.

Solar Sail Payloads

Medium quality spacecraft with solar sails are generated from an extremely limited set of possible payloads
and are almost always uncrewed. To generate a crewed payload, use the roll of 4 on the Solar Sail Payloads
table on the current page but replace the MET Steamer with either the Tungsten Resistojet (1-3) or Flywheel
Tractor (4-6) - reducing the mass by one allowing the crew on board. For uncrewed spacecraft, roll on the
Solar Sail Payloads table on this page normally.
Solar Sail Payloads include a refinery in the spacecraft mass. If the mission payload does not include a
refinery, reduce the listed mass by 2 if the Carbochlorination or Atomic Layer Deposition is listed or by 3 for
any other refinery.

Inner System Payloads

Use the Inner System Payloads table on the next page to determine the robonaut carried by an inner system
ship. If the spacecraft carries a refinery, then you will need to also roll on the refineries table - add 3 mass
for the resulting refinery if it is medium quality.

In Core Thermionic and Rankine MHD generators The In Core Thermionic and Rankine MHD genera-
tors run excessively hot. When used as an Inner System Payload these can only be used to industrialize a
site, and not power other equipment . They are both mass 0.
The therms listed here are not added to the existing spacecraft therms - the listed value is instead the
minimum therms value that the spacecraft has (likewise the ISRU gives the maximum ISRU the spacecraft
needs). The therms value can be ignored by having a colonist or crew prospect instead of the listed

Medium Quality Refineries

When generating a Medium quality refinery, roll 1D6 on the following table. As all refineries on this table
have a mass of 3, the mass is included in the ship’s total mass unless generated as a part of an inner system

Inner System Payloads

Roll 2D6 if the spacecraft has a generator, or 1D6 otherwise except doubling a result of 6 if the spacecraft
carries a refinery which needs a generator (any except CVD Molding, Froth Flotation or Basalt Fiber Spinning).
If you roll 4 or less and the spacecraft already has a reactor (or 10 or more and the spacecraft has a Penning
Trap), you do not need add the listed reactor (mass of the payload is reduced by 1).
Roll Reactor Generator Robonaut Mass ISRU Therms
1-2 D-D Fusion Magneto Kuck Mosquito 1 3 0
Inertial Explosive Gas
3-4 In Core Thermionic Dynamic Laser 1 2R 1
5 Fast Neutron Fission or Rankine MHD Nuclear Drill 2 3 0
Solar Pumped
MHD Excimer
6 Laser 3 2R 2
Resistojet or
7 Tractor 0 3 0
8 MET Steamer 1 2 0
9 Diode Laser 1 3R 0
Cat Z-Pinch
10 Mini-Mag RF Paul Fusion Torch 1 2B 1
11 Trap Catalyzed Fusion Neutral Beam 3 2R 1
Scintillator Free Electron
12 Laser 3 1R 2

Roll Refinery
1 Foamglass Sintering
2 Froth Flotation*
3 Electroforming
4 Fluidized Bed
5 ISRU Sabatier
6 Magma Electrolysis
* Reroll a result of Froth Flotation unless you only have one of the following Robonauts: Nuclear Drill, Kuck
Mosquito, Explosive Gas Dynamic Laser, Cat Z-Pinch Fusion Torch, Solar Pumped MHD Excimer Laser; and
are not using the Ponderomotive VASIMR, Mass Driver or Hall Effect thruster. If you do have a Froth Flotation
refinery, remove the generator from the spacecraft, and reduce the mass as follows:
Generator Removed Mass
Marx Capacitor Bank 1
Rankine Solar Dynamic, Photo Tether Rectenna, Ericsson Engine 2
Stirling Engine 3
Flywheel Compulsator, H202 Fuel Cell 4

Medium Quality Radiators

Use the Medium Quality Radiators table on the facing page to add radiators to the ship with cooling equal
to the ship’s therms. The radiator mass is added to the ship mass.

Di-Electric X-ray Window The light side of this radiator cools 2 therm.

Medium Quality Radiators

Low Rad-Hardness Medium Rad-Hardness High Rad-Hardness
Cools Name Mass Name Mass Name Mass
Steel / Pb-Bi
Pumped Loop or Ti / Di-Electric X-ray
1 ETHER charged Dust 1 K Heat Pipe 2 Window 4
ETHER charged Dust
(heavy side) or
Microtube Array or
SS / NAK Pumped Di-Electric X-ray Di-Electric X-ray
2 Loop 2 Window 4 Window 4
Microtube Array Di-Electric X-ray Di-Electric X-ray
3 (heavy side) 3 Window (heavy side) 5 Window (heavy side) 5

Standalone, Weapons and Colony Packages

Almost all ships are dedicated to the mission they are performing, where core spacecraft components will
be decommissioned as a part of industrializing a site. Ships with standalone and colony packages are
intended to be reusable after the mission is completed: the key difference being that the on board colonist
or crew is intended to prospect the site instead of the robonaut when using a colony package.
Use the Standalone, Colony and Weapons Packages table on page 204 to determine the standalone,
weapon or colony package carried as follows:

Weapons package Roll 2D6-3 if the spacecraft Standalone Package Roll 3D6-3. The Standalone
has a bomb reactor or 2D6+4 if the spacecraft has package uses the column labelled Sta. Mass.
a nuclear reactor. Bomb reactors are D-D Fusion In-
ertial, Metallic Hydrogen or Penning Trap. Nuclear
reactors are Fast Neutron Fission, Rubia Thin Film Substitute Thrusters
Fission Hohlraum or Pebble Bed Fusion.
The weapons package does not include the refinery Spacecraft can use either Robonauts or Bernals as
(and generator if the robonaut does not need it) and thruster instead of a MW Thruster, and some space-
only includes the reactor listed here if the robonaut is craft will do so to cut down on the initial investment
a missile. Any duplicate components will be carried required for the mission. To create a spacecraft with
as spares. The weapons package uses the column a substitute thruster, roll on the appropriate table
labelled Wea. Mass. that follows, then continue to generate the space-
craft using the equivalent thruster type, applying the
listed modifiers.
Colony Package Roll 3D6-3. The colony package
does not include the radiator and therefore does not
permit the robonaut to prospect unless it can get Doubled-up Robonauts If the same robonaut is
therms of cooling elsewhere. Instead, the accompa- rolled for the robonaut as the spacecraft thruster,
nying colonist or crew should prospect the site. The you can choose to either take a spare robonaut
Colony package uses the column labelled Col. Mass. or subtract 1 mass from the final rocket if a MET
Steamer or Nuclear Drill instead of carrying a spare

Roll Robonaut Use Equivalent Thruster Modifiers

+2 thrust, x2 fuel consumption,
1-2 MET Steamer Hall Effect afterburn for 1 WT
3-4 Tungsten Resistojet As above, but also -1 mass
5-6 Nuclear Drill Cermet NERVA -2 thrust, +1 mass
+5 thrust, x4 fuel consumption,
Kuck Mosquito De Laval Nozzle afterburn for 2 WT instead of 1 WT

Low Quality Spacecraft

Roll 1D6 if in the Jupiter zone or beyond, 1D6+1 if in the Ceres zone, 1D6+2 if in the Mars zone or 2D6 if in
the Mercury, Venus or Earth zones.
Spacecraft Radiator Refinery Included In Refinery
Roll Quality Quality Mass? Quality Payloads Damage
1-3 High Quality Medium Yes High None Yes
Remove the included refinery and Standalone
4 High Quality Medium replace it with the Standalone pack- Package None
age refinery
Quality -
5 Outer System Medium Yes Medium None None
Quality -
6 Outer System High Yes Low None None
Medium Inner System
Quality - or Solar Sail
7 Inner System High Yes if a solar sail Low Payload ** None
Quality -
Inner System
with further
penalties if Inner System
solar or Solar Sail
8-10 powered * Medium Yes if a solar sail Medium Payload ** None
Medium substitute
11-12 Quality High Yes High thruster None

Roll Bernal Use Thruster Modifiers

1-4 Electric Hall Effect x1.5 fuel consumption, +9 mass
5 Nuclear Cermet NERVA +10 mass.
6 Solar Electric Hall Effect +3 thrust, +9 mass

Damaged Spacecraft

Roll 1D6. Roll on the military damage column instead of the damage column if the Politics is at war or the
spacecraft has a Military mission.
Roll Damage Military Damage
1-2 Glitch has destroyed the refinery Payload has been destroyed in combat
Radiation has destroyed the radiator and the Radiator has been destroyed in combat and
spacecraft must after burn to cool itself (if 2 the spacecraft must after burn to cool itself (if
3-5 therms, has a Bubble Membrane, light side) * 2 therms, has a Bubble Membrane, light side) *
Crew has been killed in combat or as a felony.
Spacecraft is being flown uncrewed (by
6 Roll on Military Damage column mission control).

Low Quality Spacecraft

Use the Low Quality Spacecraft table on the facing page to determine what downbacks a low quality
spacecraft has.
Note that ‘low quality’ second wave spacecraft generated by this system are still superior in almost every
way to the spacecraft that can be built using the first wave auction system included with the High Frontier
board game, where exclusive patents prevent crew members getting the types of strong card combinations
that these spacecraft are built from. The exception is that first wave spacecraft are likelier to have refineries
and robonauts with compatible spectral types, or carry multiple robonauts, to reduce mission cycle times,
and get ahead of the industrialization expansion curve.
* Low quality solar powered inner system spacecraft suffering an additional penalty as follows: substitute
the Rankine Solar Dynamic with the Stirling Engine (+1 mass); the Flywheel Capacitor with the Rankine
Solar Dynamic and Marx Capacitor Bank (-1 mass, +1 therms) and the Ericsson Engine with the Rankine
MHD (-1 mass, +1 therms). The Ablative Plate uses a solar powered reactor - roll on the Medium Quality -
Inner System with a roll 1 result of 10 but replace the De Laval Nozzle with the Ablative Plate (+1 mass, -3
** Low quality solar sails replace their refinery with a roll on the Low or Medium Quality refinery table -
adding an Ericsson Engine if the refinery was CVD Molding or Basalt Fiber Spinning and the new refinery
is not Froth Flotation. This increases the sails total mass to 5 or more mandating that two trips be made
to industrialize a site - unless Froth Flotation replaces the CVD Molding or Basalt Fiber Spinning (which
mandates a hydration 4 site).

Damaged Spacecraft
Use the Damaged Spacecraft table on the current page to damage a spacecraft to make it low quality once
it has been created.
Starting damaged spacecraft begin the game at Deimos without any fuel instead of LEO.
* If the spacecraft uses a Mass Driver or Hall Effect, the thruster has been destroyed by a glitch and replaced
by an Ablative Plate (If replacing a Mass Driver: -2 mass, -2 thrust, FC is 2 or 1 if Rubbia Thin Film Hohlraum;
if replacing the Hall Effect: +1 mass).

Low Quality Refineries

Use the Low Quality Refineries table on the following page to generate a low quality refinery. Reroll if the
requirements on the Reroll if column are met.

Low Quality Refineries

Roll 1D6. Reroll if the requirements on the Reroll if column are met. If the spacecraft has both a generator
and reactor, the refinery will be a Froth Flotation refinery.
Roll Refinery Reactor Generator Mass Reroll if
Basalt Fiber
1-2 Spinning Penning Trap 5 Spacecraft has reactor
Mars and Ceres have
factories or spacecraft is
3-4 Froth Flotation 3 not solar powered
Roll on Medium Photon Tether
5+ Quality refineries Rectenna 5 Spacecraft has generator

Anti-Nuke Spacecraft

Roll 1D6, then 1D6 again if the thruster requires supports.

Roll 1 Thruster Roll 2 Reactor Generator Mass Thrust Therms
Photon Kite
1 Sail 0 0 * 0 (solar)
2 Heliogyro 0 0 * 0 (solar)
3 Mirror Steamer 0 3 * 4 (solar)
1-3 Compulsator 7 4 * 3 (solar)
4 Mass Driver Rankine Solar
Dynamic and Marx
4-6 Capacitor Bank 6 4 * 3 (solar) 1
Pondermotive 1-3 Compulsator 5 3 * 1 (solar)
5 Rankine Solar
Dynamic and Marx
4-6 Capacitor Bank 3 3 * 1 (solar) 1
1-3 Compulsator 5 3 * 2 (solar)
6 Hall Effect Rankine Solar
4-6 Dynamic 3 3 * 2 (solar) 1

Anti-Nuke Spacecraft
If the anti-nuke policy is in place, then spacecraft cannot be boosted from Earth with nuclear reactors. This
limits available spacecraft to Medium Quality - Inner System spacecraft at best, and even then the two solar
powered reactors cannot be used. Anti-nuke spacecraft are never encountered beyond the Ceres zone and
with the anti-nuke policy in place, no spacecraft will be encountered beyond the Ceres zone unless a 1D6
roll is made less than or equal to the number of factories in play.
Use the Anti-Nuke Spacecraft table on the current page to generate an anti-nuke spacecraft. Use the
Anti-Nuke Solar Sail Payloads table on page 197 instead of the Solar Sail Payloads table and the Anti-Nuke
Inner System Payloads table on page 197 instead of the Inner System Payloads table.

Anti-Nuke Solar Sail Payloads

Use the Anti-Nuke Solar Sail Payloads table on page 197 instead of the Solar Sail Payloads table when the
Space Politics is anti-nuke. Medium quality anti-nuke spacecraft with solar sails are always uncrewed and

include a refinery in the spacecraft mass. If the mission payload does not include a refinery, reduce the
listed mass by 2.

Anti-Nuke Inner System Payloads

Use the Anti-Nuke Inner System Payloads table on page 197 instead of the Inner System Payloads table
when the Space Politics is anti-nuke. The Anti-Nuke Inner System Payloads table determines the robonaut
carried by an inner system spacecraft which is not fitted with a solar sail. If the spacecraft carries a refinery,
then you will need to also roll on the Medium Quality Refineries table and add 3 mass for the resulting
The therms listed here are not added to the existing spacecraft therms - the listed value is instead the
minimum therms value that the spacecraft has (likewise the ISRU gives the maximum ISRU the spacecraft
needs). The therms value can be ignored by having a colonist or crew prospect instead of the listed

Low Quality Anti-Nuke Spacecraft

Low quality anti-nuke spacecraft are always equipped with Medium quality radiators and refineries and
suffer an additional penalty as follows: substitute the Rankine Solar Dynamic with the Stirling Engine (+1
mass) and the Flywheel Capacitor with the Rankine Solar Dynamic and Marx Capacitor Bank (-1 mass, +1
Low quality anti-nuke solar sails replace their refinery with a roll on the Medium Quality refinery table. This
increases the sails total mass to 5 mandating that two trips be made to industrialize a site.

ET Produced Spacecraft
ET Produced spacecraft are created either at a single factory and will begin to be encountered once a
faction has built a factory. ET Produced spacecraft types are listed starting on page 205.

ET Produced Standalone Packages

Unlike normal weapons packages, ET Produced weapons packages include the reactor. Use the ET Stan-
dalone, Colony and Weapons Packages table on page 213 to determine the package carried.

ET Produced Radiators
ET Produced Radiators can be fitted to manage the additional therms required for ET spacecraft. If you do
not have the ability to ET produce radiators, you cannot ET produce a spacecraft with a higher therm count
than your original radiators could handle.
Use the ET Produced Radiators table on page 198 to determine which radiators to fit to handle the additional
therms of heat.

Low Rad-Hardness Use this column if the ship has a thrust of 6+.

Medium Rad-Hardness Acceptable on any ship with a thrust of 3+.

High Rad-Hardness Acceptable on any ship. Military ships should always be equipped with high rad-
hardness radiators.

Advanced Spacecraft
Advanced ship designs are built by taking a single factory produced spacecraft to a second factory with a
different spectral class and upgrading some of the components. Advanced spacecraft classes are named
after the locations where the two different spectral class factories are in the closest proximity, such as the
Galilean moons. The Advanced spacecraft types are listed starting on page 214.
When choosing radiators and standalone packages choose the better of the two options available.

Promoted Spacecraft
Laboratories allow TW thrusters to be created from GW thrusters and freighter fleets to be created from
freighters using the Promote Operation on page 252.

Substitute TW Thrusters
The Substitute TW Thrusters table on the next page allows you to create TW thrusters by using GW thruster
designs ships and modifying them. Ensure you generate a spacecraft with at least one of the actual TW
thruster spectral type and then use the modifiers.
Exception: The Amat-initiated H-B Magnetic-inertial and Solem Medusa Tugged Orion spacecraft must
use the Beehive class designs.

VISTA D-T Inertial Fusion thruster This design adds a VCR Light Bulb Fission, so the spacecraft cannot
have this reactor already.

Solar-powered GW Thrusters If your GW Thruster is solar powered the replacement TW Thruster will
also be solar powered.

Anti-Nuke Solar Sail Payloads

Roll 1D6.
Roll Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass ISRU Therms
Carbo Chlo-
1-3 Photon Tether Flywheel Tractor rination or 4 3B
Rectenna Tungsten Atomic Layer
4-6 Resistojet Deposition 4 3

Anti-Nuke Inner System Payloads

Roll 1D6. Roll a second 1D6 if the first roll is a 6.

Roll 1 Reactor Generator Roll 2 Robonaut Mass ISRU Therms
Solar Pumped
MHD Excimer
1 Laser 3 2R 2
2 Flywheel Tractor 0 3B 0
3 Resistojet 0 3 0
4 MET Steamer 1 2 0
5 Diode Laser 1 3R 0
If Hall Effect with
Rankine Solar Dy- 1-3 Neutral Beam 3 2R 1
namic: Marx Capacitor
Bank (+1 mass) Free Electron
4-6 Laser 3 1R 2

Substitute TW Thrusters
Mass Therms New
TW Thruster Type Use GW Thruster as base Mod Mod Thrust
Crossfire H-B Focus Fusion D +0 3 * 0 (+9)
Amat-initiated H-B
Dense Plasma H-B Focus Fusion +0
Magnetic-inertial M +0 8 * 0 (+5)
Solem Medusa Tugged Orion M +5 9 * 0 (+3)
Spheromak 3 He-D Magnetic
Zubrin-GDM S Fusion -1 +1 6 * 0 (+8)
Colliding FRC 3 He-D Fusion S -2 +0 4 * 0 (+10)
Daedalus 3 He-D Inertial VISTA D-T Inertial Fusion
Fusion S +0 +1 11 * 0 (+8)
Dusty Plasma V Levitated Dipole 6Li-H Fusion -2 3 if ≤ 3 2 * 0 (+9)

ET Produced Radiators
Low Rad-Hardness Medium Rad-Hardness High Rad-Hardness
Cools Name Mass Name Mass Name Mass
Buckytube Filament Buckytube Filament
2 0 0
Buckytube Filament
and Electrostatic Buckytube Filament
3 Membrane 0 (heavy side) 1
Buckytube Filament
4 and Maragoni Flow 0
Buckytube Filament
(heavy side) and
5 Maragoni Flow 1
Buckytube Filament
and Electrostatic
Membrane (both
6 heavy side) 2
Graphene Crystal
1 Mirror 0
Graphene Crystal
2 Mirror (heavy side) 1
1 Curie Point 0 Curie Point 0
Hula Hoop 1
2 Tin Droplet 0 Hula Hoop 1
Curie Point and Tin Hula Hoop (heavy Hula Hoop (heavy
3 Droplet 0 side) 2 side) 2
Hula Hoop (heavy
4 Curie Point (heavy side) and Curie Point 3
5 side) and Tin Droplet
Curie Point and Tin
Droplet (both heavy
6 side) 2
Nuclear Fuel Spin Nuclear Fuel Spin Thermochemical
1 Polarizer 0 Polarizer 0 Heatsink Fountain 1
Nuclear Fuel Spin Nuclear Fuel Spin
Polarizer (heavy Polarizer (heavy
2 side) 1 side) 1
Nuclear Fuel Spin Nuclear Fuel Spin
Polarizer (heavy Polarizer (heavy
side) and side) and
Thermochemical Thermochemical
3 Heatsink Fountain 2 Heatsink Fountain 2
High Quality Spacecraft

Roll 1D6 twice. The thruster is determined by roll 1. 1: Metastable Helium. 2: Cermet NERVA. 3: De Laval Nozzle. 4: Mass Driver. 5: Pondermotive VASIMR. 6: Hall Effect.
Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
Explosive Gas Dynamic
1 Laser CVD Molding or 7 3*1 2R 1
Lyman Alpha Trap Cat Fusion Z-Pinch
1 Basalt Fiber Spinning
2 Torch 6 3*1 2B 1
3 Kuck Mosquito 6 3*1 3 1
4 Mini-Mag RF Paul Catalyzed Fission Tungsten Resistojet* Carbochlorination or 4 2*1 3 1
5 Trap Scintillator Neutral Beam* Atomic Layer Deposi- 6 2*1 2R 1
Cat Fusion Z-Pinch tion
6 Torch 4 2*1 1B 2
CVD Molding or Basalt
1 Rubbia Thin Film Fis- Nuclear Drill Fiber Spinning 5 5*2 3 1
2 sion Hohlraum AMTEC Thermoelectric Tungsten Resistojet* Carbochlorination or 4 5 * 2 3 2
Rankine MHD or In-core Solar Pumped MHD Atomic Layer Deposi-
2 3 Thermionic Excimer Laser 6 5*2 2R 1
CVD Molding or Basalt
4 Nuclear Drill Fiber Spinning 5 8*4 3
5 Fast Neutron Fission AMTEC Thermoelectric Tungsten Resistojet* 4 8 * 4 3 1
Carbochlorination or
Rankine MHD or In-core Solar Pumped MHD Atomic Layer Deposi-
6 Thermionic Excimer Laser tion 6 8*4 2R
Explosive Gas Dynamic
1 Project Orion Laser CVD Molding or 7 13 * 2 2R 2
Metallic Hydrogen and Basalt Fiber Spinning
D-D Fusion Magneto
2 Inertial Kuck Mosquito 7 Notes 3
3 Catalyzed Fission Neutral Beam* Carbochlorination or 6 3 * 2 2R 1
Lyman Alpha Trap
4 Scintillator Tungsten Resistojet* Atomic Layer Deposi- 4 3 * 2 3 1
Notes: The De Laval Nozzle multi-reactor thrust is either 11 * 8 (solar) or 9 * 4 or 6 * 2 (solar).

Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms

5 Rankine Solar Dynamic Tungsten Resistojet* Carbochlorination or 4 9*4 3 1
3 Metallic Hydrogen Photon Tether Atomic Layer Deposi-
6 Rectenna Flywheel Tractor tion 4 9*4 3B
Rubbia Thin Film
1 Fission Hohlraum 7 2 * 1 1/2 3 2
AMTEC Thermoelec- Tungsten Resistojet*
2 7 5*3 3 1
Fast Neutron Fission tric
3 Neutral Beam* 9 5*3 2R 1
Metallic Hydrogen and Carbochlorination or
4 4 Project Orion Ericsson Engine and Free Electron Laser Atomic Layer Deposi- 13 12 * 3 1R 2
Metallic Hydrogen and Marx Capacitor Bank tion
D-D Fusion Magneto Explosive Gas Dynamic
5 Inertial Laser 9 Notes 2R 1
Catalyzed Fission Cat Fusion Z-Pinch
6 Lyman Alpha Trap Scintillator Torch 7 2*3 2B 2
Rubbia Thin Film
1 Fission Hohlraum 5 1 * 1/2 3 2
AMTEC Thermoelec- Tungsten Resistojet*
2 5 4*1 3 1
Fast Neutron Fission tric Carbochlorination or
3 Neutral Beam* 7 4*1 2R 1
5 4 Project Orion Ericsson Engine and Tungsten Resistojet* Atomic Layer Deposi- 9 11 * 1 3 2
Metallic Hydrogen and Marx Capacitor Bank tion
D-D Fusion Magneto Explosive Gas Dynamic
5 Inertial Laser 7 Notes 3R 1
Catalyzed Fission Cat Fusion Z-Pinch


6 Lyman Alpha Trap Scintillator Torch 5 1*1 2B 2
Rubbia Thin Film
1 Fission Hohlraum Tungsten Resistojet* 5 1*1 3 2
2 AMTEC Thermoelec- Neutral Beam* 7 4*2 2R 1
Fast Neutron Fission tric Carbochlorination or
3 5 4*2 3 1
6 Tungsten Resistojet * Atomic Layer Deposi-
4 Project Orion 8 11 * 2 3 2
Ericsson Engine tion
Metallic Hydrogen and
D-D Fusion Magneto Explosive Gas Dynamic
5 Inertial Laser 5 Notes 2R 1
Catalyzed Fission Cat Fusion Z-Pinch
6 Lyman Alpha Trap Scintillator Torch 5 1*2 2B 2

Notes: The Mass Driver multi-reactor thrust is 8 * 6 or 5 * 3 (solar). The Pondermotive VASIMR multi-reactor thrust is 7 * 2 or 5 * 1 (solar). The Hall Effect multi-reactor
thrust is 7 * 4 or 4 * 2 (solar).
Medium Quality Outer System Spacecraft

Roll 1D6 twice. The thruster is determined by roll 1. 1: Ablative Plate. 2: Cermet NERVA. 3: De Laval Nozzle. 4: Mass Driver. 5: Pondermotive VASIMR. 6: Hall Effect.
Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
CVD Molding or Basalt
1 Project Orion Kuck Mosquito Fiber Spinning 8 10 * 2 3 1
Carbochlorination or
Photon Tether Atomic Layer
2 Metallic Hydrogen Rectenna Flywheel Tractor Deposition 5 6*4 3B
3 AMTEC Thermoelectric Neutral Beam* 8 3*2 2R 2
1 Fast Neutron Fission Any
4 Cascading Thermoa- Tungsten Resistojet* 5 3*2 3 2
5 D-T Fusion Tokamak coustic Nuclear Drill Carbochlorination or 7 2*1 3 3
6 Pebble Bed Fission AMTEC Thermoelectric Tungsten Resistojet* Atomic Layer Deposi- 5 4*2 3 2
1 Nuclear Drill tion 8 7*2 3 2
2 D-T Fusion Tokamak Tungsten Resistojet* 7 7*2 3 3
3 AMTEC Thermoelec- Neutral Beam* 9 7*2 2R 3
2 Any
4 tric Nuclear Drill 6 9*4 3 1
5 Pebble Bed Fission Tungsten Resistojet* 5 9*4 3 2
6 Neutral Beam* 7 9*4 2R 2
Explosive Gas Dynamic
1 Laser 9 13 * 2 2R 2
Project Orion
2 Ericsson Engine Kuck Mosquito 8 13 * 2 3 1
3 Tungsten Resistojet* 6 3*2 3 1
3 Lyman Alpha Trap Ericsson Engine and Any
4 Marx Capacitor Bank Neutral Beam* 9 3*2 2R 1

Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
5 Stirling Engine Tungsten Resistojet* 6 9*4 3 1
3 Metallic Hydrogen Any
6 Cascading Photovoltaic Flywheel Tractor 6 9*4 3B
Rubbia Thin Film
1 Fission Hohlraum Cascading Thermoa- 7 2 * 1 1/2 3 3
Tungsten Resistojet*
2 Fast Neutron Fission coustic 7 5*3 3 2
Metallic Hydrogen and
4 3 Project Orion Free Electron Laser Any 13 12 * 3 1R 3
Metallic Hydrogen and Brayton Turbine
D-D Fusion Magneto Explosive Gas Dynamic
4 Inertial Laser 9 Notes 2R 2
5 D-T Fusion Tokamak AMTEC Thermoelec- Tungsten Resistojet* 10 4 * 1 1/2 3 3
6 Pebble Bed Fission tric Free Electron Laser 9 6*3 1R 3
1 Free Electron Laser 8 4*1 1R 3
Fast Neutron Fission
2 Brayton Turbine 9 4*1 2R 2
3 Project Orion Solar Pumped MHD 12 11 * 1 2R 3
Ericsson Engine and
5 4 D-T Fusion Tokamak Excimer Laser 12 3 * 1/2 2R 3
Marx Capacitor Bank
5 Pebble Bed Fission 10 5*1 2R 2
Radioisotope Stirling Carbochlorination or
and Marx Capacitor Atomic Layer
6 Bank Tungsten Resistojet* Deposition 7 1*1 3


1 Cascading Thermoa- Tungsten Resistojet* 6 4*2 1R 2
Fast Neutron Fission
2 coustic 9 4*2 2R 2
3 Project Orion Solar Pumped MHD 12 11 * 2 2R 3
4 D-T Fusion Tokamak Ericsson Engine Excimer Laser 12 4*1 2R 3
5 Pebble Bed Fission 10 5*1 2R 2
6 Metallic Hydrogen and Any
D-D Fusion Magneto Explosive Gas Dynamic
6 Inertial Brayton Turbine Laser 6 Notes 2R 2

Notes: The Mass Driver multi-reactor thrust is 8 * 6 or 5 * 3 (solar). The Hall Effect multi-reactor thrust is 7 * 4 or 4 * 2 (solar).
Medium Quality Inner System Spacecraft

Roll 2D6, then 1D6.

Roll 1 Thruster Roll 2 Roll 3 Reactor Generator Mass Thrust Therms
2-3 Cermet NERVA
4 Ablative Plate* Use the Medium Quality (Outer System) table for this thruster*.
Photon Kite Sail 1-2 0 0 * 0 (solar)
5-6 Photon Heliogyro 3-4 0 0 * 0 (solar)
Mirror Steamer 5-6 Use the Standalone Payload table 0 3 * 4 (solar)
7 Roll on the Medium Quality (Outer System) table
1 Penning Trap Ericsson Engine and 7 4 * 3 (solar) 1
1 2 D-D Fusion Magneto-Inertial Marx Capacitor Bank 6 5 * 3 (solar) 1
3-4 Flywheel Compulsator 7 4 * 3 (solar)
Mass Driver Rankine Solar Dynamic and
5-6 Marx Capacitor Bank 6 4 * 3 (solar) 1
2 Use the Medium Quality (Outer System) table for this thruster.
1 Penning Trap Ericsson Engine and 5 3 * 1 (solar) 1
3 2 D-D Fusion Magneto-Inertial Marx Capacitor Bank 4 4 * 1 (solar) 1
3-4 Flywheel Compulsator 5 3 * 1 (solar)
8-9 Ponderomotive Rankine Solar Dynamic and
VASIMR 5-6 Marx Capacitor Bank 3 3 * 1 (solar) 1
4 Use the Medium Quality (Outer System) table for this thruster.
1 Penning Trap 5 3 * 2 (solar) 2
Ericsson Engine
2 D-D Fusion Magneto-Inertial 4 4 * 2 (solar) 1
Hall Effect 3-4 Flywheel Compulsator 5 3 * 2 (solar)
5-6 Rankine Solar Dynamic 3 3 * 2 (solar) 1
6 Use the Medium Quality (Outer System) table for this thruster.
1-3 Penning Trap 2 5 * 2 (solar)
10 De Laval Nozzle**
4-6 D-D Fusion Magneto-Inertial 1 6 * 2 (solar)
11-12 Helium** 1-6 Penning Trap 3 5 * 1 (solar) 1

Standalone, Colony and Weapons Packages

Standalone or colony package: Roll 3D6-3. Weapons package: Roll 2D6-3 if spacecraft has a ! reactor or 2D6+4 if the spacecraft has a n reactor.
Sta. Col. Weap.
Roll Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Radiator Mass Mass Mass ISRU
Li Heat Sink
D-D Fusion Magneto Explosive Gas Fountain - heavy
-1 Inertial In-Core Thermionic Pumped Laser side 7 4 3 2R
Photon Tether Li Heat Sink
2 Metallic Hydrogen Rectenna* Fountain 7 5 2 2R
Cascading Any Salt-Cooled Reflux
3 Thermoacoustic Tube 8 5 3 2B
Penning Trap Catalyzed Fusion Cat Z-Pinch Fusion Dielectric X-Ray
4 Scintillator Torch Window 9 5 6 2
CVD Molding or
Basalt Fiber ETHER Charged
5 Kuck Mosquito Spinning Dust 6 5 3 3
Qu Tube and Steel /
6 Mini-mag RF Brayton Tur- Neutral Beam Pb-Bi Pumped Loop 10 7 6 2R
Paul Trap bine SS / NaK Pumped
Loop and Ti/K Heat
7 Free Electron Laser Pipe 11 11 7 1R
Solar Pumped MHD Salt-Cooled Reflux


8 Excimer Laser Tube 8 5 6 2R
Flywheel Carbo-
9 Compulsator** Flywheel Tractor chlorination or Bubble Membrane 6 5 6 3B
Cascading Atomic Layer
10 Fast Neutron Thermoacoustic Nuclear Drill Deposition Ti/K Heat Pipe 5 4 3 3
Fission Phase-locked Diode
11 AMTEC Thermo- Laser 6 5 4 3R
Rubbia Thin Film electric
12 Fission Hohlraum MET Steamer Mo/Li Heat Pipe 7 6 4 2
Cascading Magnetocaloric
13+ Pebble Bed Fission Thermoacoustic Tungsten Resistojet Refrigerator 7 4 4 3
C Class Spacecraft

Roll 1D6 twice, with roll 1 modified by +1 if in the Ceres zone, +2 if in the Jupiter zone, +3 if in the Saturn zone, +4 if in the Uranus or Neptune zones. The thruster is
determined by roll 1. 1-2: Mag Sail. 3-4: Electric Sail. 5+: Ion Drive.
Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
1 Nanobot 4 1 * 0 (solar) 1B
Lorentz-propelled Basalt Fiber Spinning
2 Ultracold Neutrons microprobe 4 1 * 0 (solar) 3BR
1-2 Nanocomposite
3 Thermoelectric Quantum Cascade 5 1 * 0 (solar) 0R 1
4 Carbochlorination or 3 1 * 0 (solar) 0R 1
5 Nanobot Atomic Layer Deposi- 2 1 * 0 (solar) 1B
O’Meara LSP Par-
Lorentz-propelled tion
6 microprobe 2 1 * 0 (solar) 3BR
1 Nanobot 4 2 * 0 (solar) 1B
Ultracold Neutrons Basalt Fiber Spinning
2 microprobe 4 2 * 0 (solar) 3BR
3-4 Nanocomposite
3 Thermoelectric Quantum Cascade 5 2 * 0 (solar) 0R 1
4 Carbochlorination or 3 2 * 0 (solar) 0R 1
5 Nanobot Atomic Layer Deposi- 2 2 * 0 (solar) 1B
O’Meara LSP Par-
Lorentz-propelled tion
6 microprobe 2 2 * 0 (solar) 3BR
1 Nanobot 5 3 * 1/2 1B
Ultracold Neutrons Nanocomposite Lorentz-propelled
2 Thermoelectric microprobe 5 3 * 1/2 3BR
3 Quantum Cascade 6 3 * 1/2 0R 1
5+ 4 Microbial Fuel Cell Laser 6 3 * 1/2 0R 1
JTEC H2 Carbochlorination or
5 Thermoelectric Atomic Layer Deposi- 5 2 * 1/2 0R 1
6 O’Meara LSP Paralens Nanobot tion 3 2 * 1/4 1B

D Class Spacecraft

Roll 1D6 twice. The thruster is determined by roll 1. 1-2: H-B Cat Inertial. 3-4: Colliding Beam H-B Fusion. 5: Dense Plasma H-B Focus Fusion (GW Thruster). 6: Rotary
Dirt Launcher (Freighter). The Rotary Dirt Launcher is uncrewed except for the final result.
Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
Basalt Fiber
1 Spinning 6 4 * 1/3 0 1
2 Rankine Multiphase 4 4 * 1/3 0 1
Security System Diamonoid Electrodynamic Laser-heated
3 Tether Pedestal 5 4 * 1/3 0 1
4 Flywheel Tractor Growth 4 4 * 1/3 0 2
5 Catalyzed Fission Neutral Beam* 6 4 * 1/3 0 2
6 Scintillator 4 4 * 1/3 0 2
1 Pebble Bed Fission Rankine Multiphase Tungsten Resistojet* 4 3 * 1/10 3 2
Diamonoid Electrodynamic Laser-heated
2 Tether Neutral Beam* Pedestal 6 3 * 1/10 2R 1
3 Project Orion Explosive Gas Growth 7 11 * 1/10 2R 2
4 H-B Fusion Recipro- Rankine Multiphase Dynamic Laser 3 5 * 1/20 2R 4
5 cating Plasmoid Tungsten Resistojet* 3 5 * 1/20 3 4
6 Security System H-B Cat Inertial 6 3 * 1/10 0 1
1 Fast Neutron Fission Rankine Multiphase 3 2 * 0 (+5) 3 0
Diamonoid Electrodynamic Tungsten Resistojet*
2 Tether Laser-heated 3 2 * 0 (+5) 3 0


3 Fast Neutron Fission Neutral Beam* Pedestal 5 2 * 0 (+5) 2R 0
Rankine Multiphase
5 4 H-B Fusion Recipro- Tungsten Resistojet* Growth 2 2 * 0 (+5) 3 3
cating Plasmoid Diamonoid Electrodynamic Explosive Gas Dynamic
5 Tether Laser 3 2 * 0 (+5) 2R 3
6 Security System Rankine Multiphase H-B Cat Inertial 4 2 * 0 (+5) 0 1
1 Flywheel Tractor 6 1*0 3B 0
2 Tungsten Resistojet 6 1*0 3 0
Explosive Gas Dynamic Laser-heated
3 Laser Pedestal 6 1*0 2R 0
4 Kuck Mosquito Growth 6 1 * 0 3 0
5 Rock Splitter 6 1*0 4B 0
6 5 1*0 0
M Class Spacecraft

Roll 1D6 twice. The thruster is determined by roll 1. 1: Magnetic Nozzle. 2: MPD-T Wave. 3: Helical Railgun. 4: MITEE Arcjet. 5: Amat catalyzed fission-fusion (GW
Thruster). 6: Mini-Mag Orion Z-Pinch (GW Thruster).
Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
Explosive Gas Dynamic
1 Laser 6 12 * 1 2R 2
Project Orion
2 Sandworm Carbonyl Volatiliza- 7 12 * 1 1B 1
1 3 Helical Railgun 6 3 * 1 0R 0
Lyman Alpha Trap tion
4 MHD Open Cycle MITEE Arcjet* 4 3*1 1 0
5 3 6*2 1B 0
Metallic Hydrogen Superconducting Electrophoretic
6 Adductor Sandworm 4 6*2 1B 0
1 Catalyzed Fission MITEE Arcjet * 3 2 * 1/4 1 2
2 Positronium Bottle 5 2 * 1/4 0R 2
Scintillator Helical Railgun
Superconducting Carbonyl Volatiliza-
3 Adductor tion 6 2 * 1/2 0R 0
2 4 Project Orion MITEE Arcjet * 8 11 * 1/2 1 1
MHD Open Cycle
5 Electrophoretic 4 7*1 1B 0
Metallic Hydrogen MHD Open Cycle and Sandworm
6 Casimir Battery 5 8*1 1 0
Catalyzed Fission
1 Scintillator 4 5*2 0R 2
Positronium Bottle Catalyzed Fission
Scintillator and Casimir
2 Battery 5 6*2 0R 2
Superconducting Carbonyl Volatiliza-
3 3 Adductor 5 5*4 0R 0
4 Project Orion 8 14 * 4 0R 0
MHD Open Cycle
5 Metallic Hydrogen 5 Notes 0R 1
and D-D Fusion MHD Open Cycle and
6 Magneto Inertial Casimir Battery 6 Notes 0R 0

Notes: The multi-reactor Helical Raygun is either 6 * 4 (solar) or 9 * 8 thrust. The Casimir Battery adds +1 thrust.

Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
1 AMTEC Thermoelectric 3 4*1 1 2
Positronium Bottle Catalyzed Fission
2 Scintillator 2 4*1 1 2
Superconducting Carbonyl Volatiliza-
3 Adductor tion 3 4*2 1 0
Triggered Decay
4 Nuclear Battery 3 3*2 1 0
5 Project Orion 6 13 * 2 1 1
Metallic Hydrogen and MHD Open Cycle
D-D Fusion Magneto
6 Inertial 3 Notes 1 0
1 Catalyzed Fission MITEE Arcjet * 7 10 * 1/3 (+2) 1 2
2 Positronium Bottle 8 10 * 1/3 (+2) 0R 2
Scintillator Helical Railgun
5 3 10 10 * 1/3 (+2) 0R 2
Superconducting Ad- Carbonyl Volatiliza-
4 ductor tion 8 10 * 1/3 (+2) 1 2
Triggered Decay MITEE Arcjet*
5 Nuclear Battery 8 10 * 1/3 (+2) 1 2
6 Sandworm 8 10 * 1/3 (+2) 1B 2


1 Catalyzed Fission MITEE Arcjet * 3 12 * 1/3 (+3) 1 4
2 Positronium Bottle 5 12 * 1/3 (+3) 0R 4
Scintillator Helical Railgun
3 Superconducting Ad- 6 12 * 1/3 (+3) 0R 2
6 Carbonyl Volatiliza-
4 ductor MITEE Arcjet * 4 12 * 1/3 (+3) 1 2
5 Project Orion tion 8 12 * 1/3 (+3) 1B 3
MHD Open Cycle Electrophoretic
6 Lyman Alpha Trap Sandworm 6 12 * 1/3 (+3) 1B 2

Notes: The multi-reactor MITEE Arcjet is either 5 * 2 (solar) or 8 * 4 thrust.

S Class Spacecraft

Roll 2D6, then 1D6. The thruster is determined by roll 1. 2-3: Vortex Confined. 4-5: Wakefield e-beam. 6: D-D Fusion Inertial. 7: Salt Water Zubrin (GW Thruster). 8:
Spheromak 3 He-D Magnetic Fusion (GW Thruster). 9-10: VISTA D-T Inertial Fusion (GW Thruster). 11-12: Z-Pinch D-T / 6Li Fusion (Freighter)
Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
He-Ar Nuclear
1 VCR Light Bulb Fis- Pumped Laser 2 6*1 0R 2
2 sion AMTEC Thermoelec- Wakefield e-beam 3 6*1 1 2
Von Neumann Santa
2-3 3 tric D-D Fusion Inertial 4 6 * 1 or 3 * 1/4 1 2
Claus Machine
He-Ar Nuclear
4 Antimatter Bottle Pumped Laser 2 6 * 1/2 0R 4
5 AMTEC Thermoelec- Wakefield e-beam 3 6 * 1/2 1 4
6 tric D-D Fusion Inertial 5 6 * 1/2 or 3 * 1/8 1 4
VCR Light Bulb
1 Fission AMTEC Thermoelec- 3 4*1 1 2
2 Antimatter Bottle tric 3 4 * 1/2 1 4
3 Z-Pinch Microfission Von Neumann Santa 4 8 * 2 1 1
4-5 3
He-D Fusion mirror Claus Machine
4 Cell AMTEC Thermoelec- 4 4 * 1/2 1 2
5 tric 3 4*1 1 2
Free Radical Hydro-
Catalyzed Fission
gen Trap
6 Scintillator 2 4*1 1 2
VCR Light Bulb
1 Fission AMTEC Thermoelec- 4 3 * 1/4 1 3
2 Antimatter Bottle tric 4 3 * 1/8 1 5
3 Z-Pinch Microfission Von Neumann Santa 5 7 * 1/2 1 2
6 3
He-D Fusion mirror Claus Machine
4 Cell AMTEC Thermoelec- 5 3 * 1/8 1 3
5 4 3 * 1/4 1 3
Free Radical Hydro- tric
Catalyzed Fission
gen Trap
6 Scintillator 3 3 * 1/2 1 3

Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
He-Ar Nuclear Pumped
1 Antimatter Bottle Laser 3 15 * 1/2 0R 5
Solar-pumped MHD
7 2 Exciplex Laser 6 15 * 1/2 2R 5
Von Neumann Santa
3 Z-Pinch Microfission D-D Fusion Inertial Claus Machine 6 15 * 1/2 1 5
4 Antimatter Bot- 5 15 * 1/2 1 5
5 AMTEC Thermoelectric Wakefield e-beam 4 15 * 1/2 1 5
VCR Light Bulb He-Ar Nuclear Pumped
6 Fission Laser 3 15 * 1/2 0R 5
1 VCR Light Bulb Wakefield e-beam 7 6 * 1/10 (+5) 1 5
2 AMTEC Thermoelectric D-D Fusion Inertial 8 6 * 1/10 (+5) 1 5
He-D Fusion mirror
3 Cell He-Ar Nuclear 8 6 * 1/10 (+5) 0R 5
Ericsson Engine
4 Pumped Laser 7 6 * 1/10 (+5) 0R 5
Von Neumann Santa
8 Free Radical Hy- Catalyzed Fission
Claus Machine
5 drogen Trap Scintillator Wakefield e-beam 6 6 * 1/10 (+5) 1 5
6 Z-Pinch Microfission D-D Fusion Inertial 9 6 * 1/10 (+5) 1 4
1 VCR Light Bulb Wakefield e-beam 8 9 * 1/4 (+3) 1 4
2 AMTEC Thermoelectric D-D Fusion Inertial 9 9 * 1/4 (+3) 1 4
He-D Fusion mirror
3 Cell Ericsson Engine and He-Ar Nuclear 10 9 * 1/4 (+3) 0R 4
4 Free Radical Hy- Marx Capacitor Bank Pumped Laser 9 9 * 1/4 (+3) 0R 4
Von Neumann Santa


9-10 drogen Trap Catalyzed Fission
Claus Machine
5 Scintillator Wakefield e-beam 7 9 * 1/4 (+3) 1 4
* 6 Z-Pinch Microfission D-D Fusion Inertial 8 9 * 1/4 (+3) 1 3
1 Wakefield e-beam 7 1*0 1 0
He-Ar Nuclear Pumped Von Neumann Santa
2 Laser Claus Machine 7 1*0 0R 0
3 Cat Fusion Z-Pinch Torch 7 1*0 2B 2
11-12 Carbochlorination
4 Catalyzed Fission Scin- Tungsten Resistojet* 7 1*0 3 1
or Atomic Layer
5 tillator Wakefield e-beam 7 1*0 1 1
He-Ar Nuclear Pumped Deposition
6 Laser 7 1*0 0R 1
V Class Spacecraft

Roll 2D6 if in the Ceres zone or closer or 1D6+6 further out, then 1D6. The thruster is determined by roll 1. 2-3: Pulsed Plasmoid. 4-5: Ablative Laser. 6: Mag Beam. 7:
Ablative Nozzle. 8: n-6Li Microfission. 9-10: Levitated Dipole 6Li-H Fusion (GW Thruster). 11+: Fission Fragment Sail (Freighter). The first entry for the Fission Fragment
Sail is uncrewed.
Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
Ilmenite Semiconductor
1-2 Ablative Laser 3 3 * 1 (solar) 2 0
Film, Solar Carbotherm or
2-3 Ionosphere Lasing
3-4 Mag Beam 5 3 * 1 (solar) 3R 0
5 Ablative Laser 2 3 * 1 (solar) 2 0
Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens Atmospheric ISRU Scoop
6 Mag Beam 4 3 * 1 (solar) 3R 0
Ilmenite Semiconductor Film,
Solar Carbotherm or Ionosphere
1-4 Lasing 2 3 * 1 (solar) 2 0
5-6 Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens Atmospheric ISRU Scoop 1 3 * 1 (solar) 2 0
Ilmenite Semiconductor Film,
Solar Carbotherm or Ionosphere
1-4 Lasing 4 2 * 1 (solar) 3R 0
5-6 Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens Atmospheric ISRU Scoop 3 2 * 1 (solar) 3R 0
1 Ablative Laser Ilmenite Semiconductor 2 5*1 2 0
2 H-6Li Fusor Film, Solar Carbotherm or 4 5*1 3R 0
Mag Beam
3 Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens Ionosphere Lasing
Atmospheric ISRU Scoop 3 5*1 3R 0
Fission- Ilmenite Semiconductor
4 augmented Ablative Laser Film, Solar Carbotherm or 3 7*1 2 2
5 D-T Inertial Ionosphere Lasing 5 7*1 3R 2
Mag Beam
6 Fusion Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens Atmospheric ISRU Scoop 4 7*1 3R 2

Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
1 Mag Beam Ilmenite Semiconductor 6 2 * 1/3 3R 1
Mini-Mag RF Cat Fusion
8 Film, Solar Carbotherm or
2 Paul Trap Z-Pinch Torch 4 2 * 1/3 2B 1
Ionosphere Lasing
3 Ablative Laser 4 2 * 1/3 2 1
4 Ablative Laser 4 3 * 1/3 2 1
5 Lyman Alpha Mag Beam 6 3 * 1/3 3R 1
Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens Cat Fusion Atmospheric ISRU Scoop
6 Z-Pinch Torch 4 3 * 1/3 2B 1
1-2 Ablative Laser Ilmenite Semiconductor 7 2 * 0 (+4) 2 1
Film, Solar Carbotherm or
3-4 Mag Beam Ionosphere Lasing 9 2 * 0 (+4) 3R 1
5 Ablative Laser 6 2 * 0 (+4) 2 1
Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens Atmospheric ISRU Scoop
6 Mag Beam 8 2 * 0 (+4) 3R 1
Ilmenite Semiconductor Film,


Solar Carbotherm or Ionosphere
11+ 1-4 Ablative Laser Lasing 4 1*0 2 0
5-6 Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens Atmospheric ISRU Scoop 3 1*0 2 0
ET Standalone, Colony and Weapons Packages

Roll 1D6. For C class ET packages, add 1 to roll 1 if in the Neptune zone. V class ET packages are not usable in the Neptune zone.
Sta. Col. Weap.
Roll Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Radiator Mass Mass Mass ISRU
C - +1 for roll 1 if Neptune zone
O’Meara LSP
1 Paralens Quantum 3 3 1 0R
Ultracold Nanocomposite or Atomic Layer Bucky Filament
Cascade Laser
2 Neutrons Thermoelectric Deposition 5 5 3 0R
3-4 Nanobot 3 3 0 1B
CVD Molding
5+ microprobe 3 3 0 3BR
Security Rankine Laser-heated Pedestal Graphene Crystal
1-6 System Multiphase H-B Cat Inertial Growth Mirror 4 4 3 0
1-2 Superconducting Helical Railgun 5 5 3 0R
3-4 Adductor MITEE Arcjet Carbonyl Volatiliza- 3 3 1 1
Electrophoretic tion
5-6 Sandworm 3 3 1 1B
Heatsink Fountain
1-2 Z-Pinch Microfis- D-D Fusion Inertial (heavy side) 7 5 5 0
Von Neumann Santa
3-4 sion Wakefield e-beam 5 4 3 0
Claus Machine
VCR Light Bulb He-Ar Nuclear Thermochemical
5-6 Fission Pumped Laser Heatsink Fountain 3 2 1 0R
V - not usable in Neptune zone
1-2 Ablative Laser Ilmenite Semicon- 2 2 0 2
ductor Film, Solar
Carbotherm or
3-4 Mag Beam Ionosphere Lasing 4 4 2 3R
5 Palmer LSP Ablative Laser Atmospheric ISRU 1 1 0 2

6 Aerosol Lens Mag Beam Scoop 3 3 2 3R
Mercury Class Spacecraft (V and push factory)

Roll 1D6 twice. The thruster is determined by roll 1. 1-6: HIIPER Beam Rider (Freighter). In the Neptune zone, replace an Ablative Laser with a MET Steamer and a Mag
Beam with a Phase-locked Diode Laser. Increase the mass by 1 if previously using an Ablative Laser, decrease it by 1 if previously using a Mag Beam.
Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
1-2 Solar Carbotherm 6 1*0 2
1-6 3-4 Ablative Laser 5 1*0 2
Atmospheric ISRU Scoop
5-6 Mag Beam 7 1*0 3R

Venus Class Spacecraft (C and V Solar Sails and push factory)

Roll 1D6 twice. If in the Mars zone or further out, add the heliocentric distance to roll 1. The thruster is determined by roll 1. 1-2: Magsail. 3-4: Electric Sail. 5: Inflatable
Solar Heated (Freighter). 6+: HIIPER Beam Rider (Freighter)
Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
1 Nanobot Ilmenite Semiconductor 2 1*0 1B
2 Lorentz-propelled microprobe Film, Solar Carbotherm or 2 1*0 3BR
3 Ionosphere Lasing 3 1*0 0R 1
1-2 Quantum Cascade Laser
4 2 1*0 0R 1
5 O’Meara LSP Paralens Nanobot Atmospheric ISRU Scoop 1 1*0 1B
6 Lorentz-propelled microprobe 1 1*0 3BR
1 Nanobot Ilmenite Semiconductor 2 2*0 1B


2 Lorentz-propelled microprobe Film, Solar Carbotherm or 2 2*0 3BR
3 Ionosphere Lasing 3 2*0 0R 1
Quantum Cascade Laser
3-4 4 2 2*0 0R 1
5 O’Meara LSP Paralens Nanobot Atmospheric ISRU Scoop 1 2*0 1B
6 Lorentz-propelled microprobe 1 2*0 3BR
1-2 Nanobot 1 1*0 1B
5 3-4 O’Meara LSP Paralens Lorentz-propelled microprobe Atmospheric ISRU Scoop 1 1 * 0 3BR
5-6 Ablative Laser 1 1*0 2
1-2 Nanobot Ilmenite Semiconductor 6 1*0 1B
3-4 Lorentz-propelled microprobe Film, Solar Carbotherm or 6 1*0 3BR
6+ 5-6 Ablative Laser Ionosphere Lasing 6 1*0 2
Trojan Class Spacecraft (C and D)

Roll 1D6 twice. The thruster is determined by roll 1. 1: Colliding Beam H-B Fusion. 2: Ion Drive. 3: H-B Cat Intertial. 4-5: Dense Plasma H-B Focus Fusion (GW Thruster).
6: Rotary Dirt Launcher - uncrewed. Reroll Microbial Fuel Cell in Neptune zone.
Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
1 Ultracold Nanocomposite H-B Cat Inertial 7 5 * 1/10 0 1
2 Neutrons Thermoelectric Laser-heated 6 5 * 1/10 0R 1
Quantum Cascade Laser
3 Pedestal Growth 6 4 * 1/10 (solar) 0R 1
4 Microbial Fuel Cell Lorentz-propelled microprobe 5 4 * 1/10 (solar) 3BR 1
5 Nanobot and Lorentz- 6 4 * 1/10 (solar) 1B 1
6 JTEC H2 Thermoelectric Propelled Microprobe 5 3 * 1/10 (solar) 1B 1
1 H-B Fusion Nanobot 3 5 * 1/4 1B 3
2 Reciprocating Nanocomposite Lorentz-propelled microprobe 3 5 * 1/4 3BR 3
3 Laser-heated 4 5 * 1/4 0R 4
Plasmoid Thermoelectric
Quantum Cascade Laser Pedestal Growth 5
4 Ultracold 4 * 1/2 0R 1
5 Neutrons H-B Cat Inertial 6 4 * 1/2 0 1
Nanobot and Lorentz- Femtochem-
6 Microbial Fuel Cell Propelled Microprobe istry 6 3 * 1/2 (solar) 1B
1 4 6 * 1/3 0 1
Rankine Multiphase
2 Quantum Cascade 5 6 * 1/3 0 1
Diamonoid Laser-heated
Laser Pedestal Growth 6
3 Ultracold Electrodynamic Tether 6 * 1/3 0 1
3 4 O’Meara LSP Paralens 5 6 * 1/3 0R 1
Neutrons Nanobot
5 5 6 * 1/3 1B 1
Nanobot and
6 Lorentz-Propelled Microprobe 5 6 * 1/3 1B 1
1 Ultracold Nanobot 3 2 * 0 (+5) 0 1
Rankine Multiphase
2 Neutrons 4 2 * 0 (+5) 0R 1
Diamonoid Laser-heated
Quantum Cascade Laser
3 Electrodynamic Tether Pedestal Growth 5 2 * 0 (+5) 0R 1
4-5 4 4 2 * 0 (+5, solar) 0R 1
JTEC H2 Thermoelec-
5 tric Nanobot and Lorentz- 4 2 * 0 (+5, solar) 1B
Ultracold Femtochemistry
Propelled Microprobe
6 Neutrons Rankine Multiphase 4 2 * 0 (+5) 1B

1-3 Nanobot Laser-heated 6 1*0 1B 0
6 4-6 Lorentz-Propelled Microprobe Pedestal Growth 6 1*0 3BR 0
Miranda Class Spacecraft (M and V)

Roll 2D6, +1 if Jupiter zone or beyond, then 1D6. The thruster is determined by roll 1. 2: Pulsed Plasmoid. 3: Helical Railgun. 4: MITEE Arcjet. 5: n-6Li Microfission. 6:
Ablative Nozzle. 7: Magnetic Nozzle. 8: MPD-T Wave. 9: Levitated Dipole 6Li-H. 10: Fusion Amat catalyzed fission-fusion (GW Thruster). 11+: Mini-Mag Orion Z-Pinch
(GW Thruster). In the Neptune zone, replace the Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens generator with the Dusty Plasma MHD and add 1 mass.
Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
1-2 Helical Railgun 4 3 * 1 (solar) 0R
2 H-6Li Fusor MHD Open Cycle
3-4 MITEE Arcjet Atmospheric ISRU 2 3 * 1 (solar) 2
Electrophoretic Scoop
5-6 Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens Sandworm 3 3 * 1 (solar) 1B
1-2 H-6Li Fusor 3 7*4 1
Fission-augmented Atmospheric ISRU
3 MHD Open Cycle
3-4 D-T Inertial Fusion Scoop 4 9*4 0R 2
Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens
5-6 and Casimir Battery 3 7 * 4 (solar) 0R
1-2 H-6Li Fusor 2 6*2 1
MHD Open Cycle Atmospheric ISRU
4 3-4 D-T Inertial Fusion 3 8*2 0R 2
5-6 Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens 1 5 * 2 (solar) 0R
1 Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens MITEE Arcjet Atmospheric ISRU 3 5 * 1/6 2 2
2 Scoop 4 5 * 1/6 1B 2
Electrophoretic Ilmenite Semicon-
3 Sandworm ductor Film, Solar 5 5 * 1/6 1B 2


5 Positronium Bottle
Carbotherm or
Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens
4 Ionosphere Lasing 6 5 * 1/6 0R 2
and Casimir Battery
5 Helical Railgun Atmospheric ISRU 5 5 * 1/6 0R 2
6 MHD Open Cycle Scoop 5 5 * 1/6 0R 2
1 Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens MITEE Arcjet Atmospheric ISRU 1 3 * 1/2 2 1
2 Scoop 2 3 * 1/2 1B 1
Electrophoretic Ilmenite Semicon-
3 Sandworm ductor Film, Solar 3 3 * 1/2 1B 1
6 Positronium Bottle
Carbotherm or
Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens
4 Ionosphere Lasing 4 3 * 1/2 0R 1
and Casimir Battery
5 Helical Railgun Atmospheric ISRU 3 3 * 1/2 0R 1
6 H-6Li Fusor MHD Open Cycle Scoop 3 5*1 0R
Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
1 Sandworm 3 6*1 1B
H-6Li Fusor Carbonyl Volatilization
2 4 6*1 0R
MHD Open Cycle Helical Railgun
3 4 8*1 0R 2
Fission-augmented Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens Atmospheric ISRU
4 D-T Inertial Fusion and Casimir Battery Scoop 4 8*1 0R 2
5 Palmer LSP Aerosol MITEE Arcjet * 2 8*1 1 2
Lens Electrophoretic
6 Sandworm 3 8*1 1B 2
1 Sandworm Carbonyl Volatilization 4 4 * 1/2 1
H-6Li Fusor
2 4 4 * 1/2 0R
Fission- MHD Open Cycle
8 augmented D-T Atmospheric ISRU
Helical Railgun
3-4 Inertial Fusion Scoop 5 6 * 1/2 0R 2
Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens
5-6 and Casimir Battery 4 4 * 1/2 (solar) 0R
1-2 Helical Railgun 7 2 * 0 (+4) 0R 1
H-6Li Fusor MHD Open Cycle
3-4 MITEE Arcjet Atmospheric ISRU 5 2 * 0 (+4) 2 1
9 Electrophoretic Scoop
5-6 Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens Sandworm 6 2 * 0 (+4) 1B 1
1-2 Helical Railgun 8 10 * 1/3 (+2) 0R 2
H-6Li Fusor MHD Open Cycle
3-4 MITEE Arcjet Atmospheric ISRU 6 10 * 1/3 (+2) 2 2
10 Electrophoretic Scoop
5-6 Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens Sandworm 7 10 * 1/3 (+2) 1B 2
1-2 Helical Railgun 4 12 * 1/3 (+3) 0R 2
H-6Li Fusor MHD Open Cycle
3-4 MITEE Arcjet Atmospheric ISRU 2 12 * 1/3 (+3) 2 2
11+ Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens Electrophoretic Scoop
5-6 and Casimir Battery Sandworm 3 12 * 1/3 (+3, solar) 1B 2

Callisto Class Spacecraft (C and V)

Roll 1D6 twice, +1 to roll 1 if in the Ceres zone or further out. The thruster is determined by roll 1. 1: Pulsed Plasmoid. 2: Ablative Nozzle. 3: n-6Li Microfission. 4: Ion
Drive. 5-6: Levitated Dipole 6Li-H Fusion. In the Neptune zone, replace the Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens generator with the Dusty Plasma MHD and add 1 mass.
Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
1-2 H-6Li Fusor Nanocomposite Thermoelectric Quantum Atmospheric ISRU 4 3 * 1 (solar) 0R
3-4 Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens Cascade Laser Scoop 3 3 * 1 (solar) 0R
1 Ilmenite Semiconductor
Film, Solar Carbotherm
5-6 Nanobot or Ionosphere Lasing 3 3 * 1 (solar) 1B
1 Nanocomposite Thermoelectric Quantum Atmospheric ISRU 2 5*1 0R
2 Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens Cascade Laser Scoop 4 5*1 0R
H-6Li Fusor Ilmenite Semiconductor
Film, Solar Carbotherm
3 Nanobot or Ionosphere Lasing 3 5*1 1B
2 4 Nanocomposite Thermoelectric Quantum Atmospheric ISRU 3 7*1 0R 2
5 Fission-augmented Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens Cascade Laser Scoop 5 7 * 1 0R 2
D-T Inertial Fusion Ilmenite Semiconductor
Film, Solar Carbotherm
6 Nanobot or Ionosphere Lasing 4 7*1 1B 2
1-2 Nanocomposite Thermoelectric Quantum Atmospheric ISRU 6 6 * 1/3 0R
3-4 Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens Cascade Laser Scoop 4 6 * 1/3 0R


Ultracold Neutrons Ilmenite Semiconductor
Film, Solar Carbotherm
5-6 Nanobot or Ionosphere Lasing 4 6 * 1/3 1B
1-2 Ultracold Neutrons Nanocomposite Thermoelectric Quantum Atmospheric ISRU 5 4 * 1/2 0R
4 3-4 Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens Cascade Laser Scoop 3 3 * 1/2 0R
5-6 O’Meara LSP Paralens 3 2 * 1/4 0R
5+ 1-2 H-6Li Fusor Nanocomposite Thermoelectric Quantum Atmospheric ISRU 7 2 * 0 (+4) 0R 1
3-4 Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens Cascade Laser Scoop 6 2 * 0 (+4) 0R 1
Ilmenite Semiconductor
Film, Solar Carbotherm
5-6 Nanobot or Ionosphere Lasing 6 2 * 0 (+4) 1B 1
Titan Class Spacecraft (D and V)

Roll 1D6 twice. The thruster is determined by roll 1. 1: Colliding Beam H-B Fusion. 2: Ablative Nozzle. 3: n-6Li Microfission. 4: H-B Cat Inertial. 5: Dense Plasma H-B
Focus Fusion (GW Thruster). 6: Levitated Dipole 6Li-H Fusion. In the Neptune zone, replace the Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens generator with the Dusty Plasma MHD and
add 1 mass.
Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
Fission-augmented D-T
1 Inertial Fusion Mag Beam Laser-heated 6 7 * 1/10 3R 3
2 Ablative Laser Pedestal Growth 3 5 * 1/10 2 1
Nuclear-pumped Ex- or Atmospheric ISRU
3 Mag Beam Ilmenite Semicon- 5 5 * 1/10 3R 1
1 cimer Flashlamp Rankine Multiphase Scoop Film, Solar
4 ductor 4 5 * 1/10 2 1
5 Ablative Laser 5 7 * 1/10 2 3
Fission-augmented Carbotherm or
6 D-T Inertial Fusion Mag Beam Ionosphere Lasing 7 7 * 1/10 3R 3
1-2 Ablative Laser 3 5 * 1/2 2 3
H-B Fusion Recipro- Solar Carbotherm
3-4 Mag Beam 5 5 * 1/2 3R 3
2 cating Plasmoid Laser-heated
5 Palmer LSP Aerosol Ablative Laser 2 5 * 1/2 2 3
6 Lens Mag Beam Pedestal Growth 4 5 * 1/2 3R 3
or AtmosphericISRU
1-2 Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens Scoop 6 5 * 1/3 0 1
Security System H-B Cat Inertial
3-4 Solar Carbotherm 5 5 * 1/3 0 1
3 H-B Cat Inertial and
5-6 Ablative Laser Femtochemistry 6 5 * 1/3 0 1
Atmospheric ISRU
1-3 Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens Scoop 4 5 * 1/3 0 1
4 Security System
4-6 Ablative Laser Femtochemistry 5 5 * 1/3 0 1
Laser-heated Pedestal
1-3 Nuclear-pumped Ex- Ablative Laser Growth 2 2 * 0 (+5) 2
5 Rankine Multiphase Ablative Laser and
cimer Flashlamp
4-6 Mag Beam Femtochemistry 5 2 * 0 (+5) 2
Atmospheric ISRU
1-3 Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens Ablative Laser Scoop 5 2 * 0 (+4) 2 1
6 Ablative Laser and
4-6 Mag Beam Femtochemistry 8 2 * 0 (+4) 2 1

Ganymede Class Spacecraft (S and V)

Roll 1D6 twice. The thruster is determined by roll 1. 1: n-6Li Microfission. 2: Ablative Nozzle. 3: Vortex Confined. 4: Wakefield e-beam (1-3) or D-D Fusion Inertial (4-6).
5: Spheromak 3 He-D Magnetic Fusion (GW Thruster). 6: Levitated Dipole 6Li-H Fusion. In the Neptune zone, replace the Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens generator with the
Dusty Plasma MHD and add 1 mass.
Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
1 Mag Beam 5 4 * 1/6 3R 2
He-Ar Nuclear Pumped Solar Carbotherm
Free Radical Hydro-
2 Laser 3 4 * 1/6 0R 2
1 gen Trap
3 Z-Pinch Microfission Wakefield e-beam 4 4 * 1/6 1 2
He-Ar Nuclear Pumped
4 Laser Atmospheric ISRU 2 4 * 1/12 0R 4
5 Antimatter Bottle Palmer LSP Aerosol Lens Mag Beam Scoop 4 4 * 1/12 3R 4
6 Z-Pinch Microfission Wakefield e-beam 4 4 * 1/12 1 4
He-Ar Nuclear Pumped
1 Free Radical Hydro- Laser 2 3 * 1/2 0R 1
2 Mag Beam Solar Carbotherm 4 3 * 1/2 3R 1
gen Trap or VCR
3 Light Bulb Fission Z-Pinch Microfission Wakefield e-beam Atmospheric ISRU Scoop 4 3 * 1/4 1 1
He-Ar Nuclear Pumped
4 3
Laser 3 3 * 1/4 0R 1
5 He-D Fusion Mir- Mag Beam Solar Carbotherm 5 3 * 1/4 3R 1
6 ror Cell Z-Pinch Microfission Wakefield e-beam Atmospheric ISRU Scoop 5 3 * 1/4 1 1
He-Ar Nuclear Pumped


1-2 Laser Solar Carbotherm 2 8*2 0R 1
3 3-4 H-6Li Fusor AMTEC Thermoelec- Wakefield e-beam Atmospheric ISRU 2 8*2 1 1
5-6 tric D-D Fusion Inertial Scoop 3 Notes 1 1
1 H-6Li Fusor AMTEC Thermoelectric 2 6*2 0R 1
He-Ar Nuclear
augmented D-T
Pumped Laser
2 Inertial Fusion Ericsson Engine 3 8*2 0R 3
3 Z-Pinch Microfission 3 8*2 1 1
4 H-6Li Fusor AMTEC Thermoelectric Atmospheric ISRU 3 5 * 1/2 0R 3
Fission- Scoop
He-Ar Nuclear
augmented D-T
Pumped Laser
5 Inertial Fusion Ericsson Engine 4 7 * 1/2 0R 5
6 Z-Pinch Microfission 4 7 * 1/2 1 3
Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
1-2 AMTEC Thermoelec- Wakefield e-beam 5 6 * 1/10 (+5) 1 3
3-4 tric D-D Fusion Inertial 6 6 * 1/10 (+5) 1 3
5 H-6Li Fusor He-Ar Nuclear Pumped Atmospheric ISRU
5-6 Dusty Plasma MHD Laser Scoop 6 6 * 1/10 (+5, solar) 0R 3
H-6Li Fusor or
Nuclear- Ilmenite
pumped Semiconductor Film,
Excimer He-Ar Nuclear Pumped Solar Carbotherm or
1-3 Flashlamp Laser Ionosphere Lasing 6 2 * 0 (+4) 0R 1
Atmospheric ISRU
4-6 Z-Pinch Microfission Wakefield e-beam Scoop 7 2 * 0 (+4) 2 1

Notes: The Vortex Confined thruster with a D-D Fusion Inertial robonaut is either 8 * 2 or 5 * 1/2.

Galileo Class Spacecraft (M and V and push factory)

Roll 1D6 twiec. The thruster is determined by roll 1. 1-6: HIIPER Beam Rider (Freighter). The first entry is uncrewed.
Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
1 Casimir Battery Helical Railgun Atmospheric ISRU Scoop 8 1*0 0R
2 Electrophoretic Sandworm 7 1*0 1B
Ilmenite Semiconductor Film, Solar Car-
3 MITEE Arcjet * 6 1*0 1
botherm or Ionosphere Lasing
4 6 1*0 2
5 Ablative Laser 5 1*0 2
Atmospheric ISRU Scoop
6 Mag Beam 7 1*0 3R

Europa Class Spacecraft (C and S)

Roll 1D6 twice. The thruster is determined by roll 1. 1: Ion Drive. 2: Wakefield e-beam. 3: D-D Fusion Inertial. 4: Salt Water Zubrin (GW Thruster). 5: Spheromak 3 He-D
Magnetic Fusion (GW Thruster). 6: VISTA D-T Inertial Fusion (GW Thruster).
Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
He-D Fusion Mirror
1 Cell Nanobot 5 2 * 1/8 1B 1
2 Antimatter Bottle Nanocomposite 4 2 * 1/8 0R 3
Ultracold Neutrons Thermoelectric He-Ar Nuclear
3 and Project Valkyrie Pumped Laser 6 12 * 1/8 0R 3
Antimatter Bottle
4 and Project Valkyrie Von Neumann Santa 5 11 * 1/32 0R 6
Z-Pinch Microfission Quantum Cascade Claus Machine
5 Laser 6 6 * 1/2 0R 2
6 Nanobot 5 6 * 1/2 1B 1
1-3 Microbial Fuel Cell Von Neumann Santa 4 5 * 2 (solar) 1
2 JTEC H2 Claus Machine
4-6 Thermoelectric 3 4 * 2 (solar) 1
1-3 Thermoelectric Von Neumann Santa 4 3 * 1/2 (solar) 1 2
4-6 Microbial Fuel Cell Claus Machine 4 4 * 1/2 (solar) 1 2
1-3 Nanobot Von Neumann Santa 3 15 * 1/2 1B 5
4 Lorentz-propelled Claus Machine


4-6 Microprobe 3 15 * 1/2 3BR 5
1 Nanocomposite Nanobot 8 6 * 1/10 (+5) 1B 3
Ultracold Neutrons He-Ar Nuclear
2 Pumped Laser 8 6 * 1/10 (+5) 0R 3
O’Meara LSP
3-4 Paralens Wakefield e-Beam Von Neumann Santa 6 6 * 1/10 (+5, solar) 1 3
5 Quantum Cascade Claus Machine
5 Laser 9 6 * 1/10 (+5) 0R 4
6 Z-Pinch Microfission Nanobot 8 6 * 1/10 (+5) 1B 4
1-2 Thermoelectric Wakefield e-Beam Von Neumann Santa 8 9 * 1/4 (+3, solar) 1 2
Quantum Cascade Claus Machine
6 3-4 Laser 10 9 * 1/4 (+3) 0R 3
5-6 Z-Pinch Microfission Nanobot 9 9 * 1/4 (+3) 1B 3
Luna class Spacecraft (M and S)

Roll 2D6 then 1D6. The thruster is determined by roll 1. 2-4: Magnetic Nozzle. 5-6: MPD-T Wave. 7: Salt Water Zubrin (GW Thruster). 8: Spheromak 3 He-D Magnetic
Fusion (GW Thruster). 9: VISTA D-T Inertial Fusion (GW Thruster). 10: Amat catalyzed fission-fusion (GW Thruster). 11-12: Mini-Mag Orion Z-Pinch (GW Thruster)
Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
He-D Fusion Mirror
1 Cell 5 4 * 1/4 0R 1
2 Antimatter Bottle MHD Open-Cycle Helical Railgun 4 4 * 1/4 0R 3
3 Positronium Bottle Von Neumann Santa 5 4 * 1/8 0R 4
2-4 4 and Project Valkyrie Claus Machine or Car- 3 4 * 1/8 0R 4
5 Antimatter Bottle bonyl Volatilization 2 4 * 1/8 0R 3
He-Ar Nuclear
Antimatter Bottle Pumped Laser
6 and Project Valkyrie 3 4 * 1/16 0R 6
He-D Fusion Mirror
1 Cell 6 2 * 1/8 0R 1
2 Antimatter Bottle 5 2 * 1/8 0R 3
Positronium Bottle Von Neumann Santa
5-6 MHD Open-Cycle Helical Railgun Claus Machine or Car-
3 and Project Valkyrie 6 11 * 1/16 0R 4
Antimatter Bottle bonyl Volatilization
4 and Project Valkyrie 6 11 * 1/32 0R 6
5 Wakefield e-beam 5 6 * 1/2 1 1
6 Z-Pinch Microfission Helical Railgun 7 6 * 1/2 0R 1
Granular Rainbow
1-2 Corral MITEE Arcjet 3 15 * 1/2 2 5
Von Neumann Santa
7 Claus Machine or Car-
3-4 Sandworm 4 15 * 1/2 1B 5
Superconducting bonyl Volatilization
5-6 Adductor Helical Railgun 6 15 * 1/2 0R 5
1-2 Superconducting Ad- Wakefield e-beam 7 6 * 1/10 (+5) 1 5
Von Neumann Santa
3-4 ductor Helical Railgun 9 6 * 1/10 (+5) 0R 5
8 Granular Rainbow Claus Machine or Car-
5-6 Corral MITEE Arcjet bonyl Volatilization 6 6 * 1/10 (+5, solar) 2 3

Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
1-2 e-beam 8 9 * 1/4 (+3) 1 4
Superconducting Adductor Von Neumann Santa
3-4 Helical Railgun 10 9 * 1/4 (+3) 0R 4
9 Wakefield Claus Machine or Car-
5 Granular Rainbow Corral and e-beam bonyl Volatilization 7 9 * 1/4 (+3, solar) 1 4
6 Casimir Battery Helical Railgun 9 9 * 1/4 (+3, solar) 0R 4
Positronium He-Ar Nuclear
1-2 Bottle Pumped Laser Von Neumann Santa 7 10 * 1/3 (+2) 0R 2
10 Claus Machine or Car-
3-4 Granular Rainbow Corral and e-beam 7 10 * 1/3 (+2) 1 2
bonyl Volatilization
5-6 Casimir Battery Helical Railgun 9 10 * 1/3 (+2) 0R 2
Free Radical He-Ar Nuclear
1-2 Hydrogen Trap Open Cycle MHD Pumped Laser Von Neumann Santa 3 12 * 1/3 (+3) 0R 3
11-12 3-4 Superconducting Adductor Claus Machine or Car- 4 12 * 1/3 (+3) 1 2


5 Wakefield e-beam bonyl Volatilization 3 12 * 1/3 (+3, solar) 1 2
Granular Rainbow Corral and
6 Casimir Battery Helical Railgun 5 12 * 1/3 (+3, solar) 0R 2
Triton Class Spacecraft (C and M)

Roll 1D6 twice. The thruster is determined by roll 1-2: Ion Drive. 3: Magnetic Nozzle. 4: MPD-T Wave. 5: Amat catalyzed fission-fusion (GW Thruster). 6: Mini-Mag Orion
Z-Pinch (GW Thruster).
Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
1 Adductor Quantum Cascade 5 2 * 1/2 0R
2 MHD Open-Cycle Laser 4 2 * 1/4 0R 2
3 Positronium Bottle 4 3 * 1/4 1B 1
1 Nanobot Carbonyl
4 Nanocomposite Volatilization 5 4 * 1/2 1B
5 Ultracold Neutrons Quantum Cascade Laser 6 4 * 1/2 0R 1
O’Meara LSP Paralens
6 and Casimir Battery Helical Railgun 5 2 * 1/4 (solar) 0R
1-3 MHD Open-Cycle Quantum Cascade Laser Carbonyl 4 5*1 0R 1
2 Ultracold Neutrons
4-6 Nanobot Volatilization 3 5*1 1B
1 Adductor 5 2 * 1/2 0R 1
O’Meara LSP Paralens
2 and Casimir Battery Quantum Cascade 4 3 * 1/4 (solar) 0R
3-4 3 Positronium Bottle Carbonyl 5 4 * 1/4 0R 2
Nanocomposite Laser
Thermoelectric and
Ultracold Neutrons Casimir Battery
4 6 5 * 1/2 0R
5 MHD Open-Cycle and 5 4 * 1/2 0R
6 Casimir Battery Nanobot 4 4 * 1/2 1B
1-3 Nanobot Carbonyl 7 10 * 1/3 (+2) 1B 2
4-6 Ultracold Neutrons Open Cycle MHD Quantum Cascade Laser Volatilization 8 10 * 1/3 (+2) 0R 2
1-2 Ultracold Neutrons Open Cycle MHD 5 12 * 1/3 (+3) 0R 2
O’Meara LSP Paralens Quantum Cascade Carbonyl
3-4 and Casimir Battery Laser Volatilization 4 12 * 1/3 (+3, solar) 0R 2
5-6 Adductor 5 12 * 1/3 (+3) 0R 2

Kuiper Class Spacecraft (D and S)

Roll 2D6 then 1D6. The thruster is determined by roll 1. 2-4: Colliding Beam H-B Fusion. 5: Wakefield e-beam. 6: D-D Fusion Inertial. 7: H-B Cat Inertial. 8: Salt Water
Zubrin (GW Thruster). 9: Spheromak 3 He-D Magnetic Fusion (GW Thruster). 10: VISTA D-T Inertial Fusion (GW Thruster). 11-12: Dense Plasma H-B Focus Fusion (GW
Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
1 Antimatter Bottle and D-D Fusion Inertial 5 11 * 1/160 1 7
2 Project Valkyrie Wakefield e-beam Laser-heated 4 11 * 1/160 1 7
Rankine Multiphase Pedestal Growth
3 Security System and He-Ar Nuclear 5 11 * 1/40 0R 4
4 Project Valkyrie Pumped Laser Femtochemistry 6 11 * 1/40 0R 4
5 D-D Fusion Inertial Laser-heated 6 7 * 1/10 1 2
6 Z-Pinch Microfission Wakefield e-beam 5 7 * 1/10 1 2
Pedestal Growth
He-Ar Nuclear Pumped
1 H-B Fusion Recipro- Laser Femtochemistry 2 6*1 0R 2
2 cating Plasmoid 1 6*1 1 2
He-D Fusion Mirror
Rankine Multiphase
3 Cell 2 4 * 1/2 1 1
5 Security System and Laser-heated
4 Project Valkyrie Pedestal Growth 3 12 * 1/2 1 3
Antimatter Bottle and
5 Project Valkyrie 1 12 * 1/8 1 6
6 Electrodynamic Tether 3 4*2 1


He-Ar Nuclear Pumped
1 H-B Fusion Recipro- Laser Femtochemistry 3 5 * 1/4 0R 4
2 cating Plasmoid 2 5 * 1/4 1 4
He-D Fusion Mirror
Rankine Multiphase
3 Cell 2 3 * 1/8 1 2
6 Security System and Laser-heated
4 Project Valkyrie Pedestal Growth 3 11 * 1/8 1 4
Antimatter Bottle and
5 Project Valkyrie 1 11 * 1/64 1 7
6 Electrodynamic Tether 4 3 * 1/2 1 1
Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
He-Ar Nuclear
1 Pumped Laser Femtochemistry 4 5 * 1/12 0 4
7 2-3 Antimatter Bottle 3 5 * 1/12 0 4
Rankine Multiphase Laser-heated
4-5 Free Radical Hydro- Pedestal Growth 3 5 * 1/6 0R 2
gen Trap He-Ar Nuclear
6 Pumped Laser Femtochemistry 4 5 * 1/6 0R 2
He-Ar Nuclear
1-2 Pumped Laser 2 15 * 1/2 0R 5
3-4 Antimatter Bottle H-B Cat Inertial 4 Notes 0 5
8 Rankine Multiphase Laser-heated
Antimatter Bottle Pedestal Growth
5-6 and Project Valkyrie D-D Fusion Inertial 4 Notes 1 7
Free Radical He-Ar Nuclear
1-2 Hydrogen Trap Rankine Multiphase Pumped Laser 5 6 * 1/10 (+5) 0R 4
Granular Rainbow
3-4 Corral Laser-heated 5 6 * 1/10 (+5, solar) 1 3
9 Diamonoid Wakefield e-beam
Pedestal Growth
5-6 Tether 7 6 * 1/10 (+5) 1 3
Free Radical He-Ar Nuclear
1-3 Hydrogen Trap Rankine Multiphase Pumped Laser Laser-heated 6 9 * 1/4 (+3) 0R 4
10 Diamonoid Pedestal Growth
4-6 Tether Wakefield e-beam 8 9 * 1/4 (+3) 1 3
Free Radical He-Ar Nuclear
1-3 Hydrogen Trap Rankine Multiphase Pumped Laser Laser-heated 2 2 * 0 (+5) 0R 1
11-12 Diamonoid Pedestal Growth
4-6 Tether Wakefield e-beam 4 2 * 0 (+5) 1

Notes: The Salt Water Zubrin thrust is 15 * 1/2 or 5 * 1/12 when equipped with the H-B Cat Inertial or 15 * 1/2 or 11 * 1/64 when equipped with the D-D Fusion Inertial.

Beehive Class Spacecraft (D and M)

Roll 2D6 then 1D6. The thruster is determined by roll 1. 2-4: Colliding Beam H-B Fusion. 5-6: H-B Cat Inertial. 7: Magnetic Nozzle. 8: MPD-T Wave. 9: Amat catalyzed
fission-fusion (GW Thruster). 10: Mini-Mag Orion Z-Pinch (GW Thruster). 11-12: Dense Plasma H-B Focus Fusion (GW Thruster).
Roll 1 Roll 2 Reactor Generator Robonaut Refinery Mass Thrust ISRU Therms
1 D-D Fusion Inertial 4 3 * 1/20 1 2
2 Positronium Bottle Wakefield e-beam Laser-heated 3 3 * 1/20 1 2
Rankine Multiphase Pedestal Growth
3 5 3 * 1/10 0R 1
2-4 Security System Helical Rail Gun
4 Femtochemistry 6 3 * 1/10 0R 1
5 Superconducting Ad- D-D Fusion Inertial Laser-heated 5 3 * 1/10 1 2
6 ductor Wakefield e-beam Pedestal Growth 4 3 * 1/10 1 1
1-3 MITEE Arcjet Femtochemistry 4 5 * 1/4 0 2
5-6 Positronium Bottle Rankine Multiphase Laser-heated Pedestal
4-6 Growth 3 5 * 1/4 0 2
Laser-heated Pedestal
1-3 H-B Fusion Recipro- Rankine Multiphase Helical Railgun Growth 3 6 * 1/2 0R 2
7 Electrophoretic
cating Plasmoid
4-6 Sandworm Femtochemistry 3 6 * 1/2 1B 2
1-2 Adductor 5 2 * 1/2 0R 1
Helical Railgun
3 H-B Fusion Recipro- 4 4 * 1/4 0R 2
8 4 cating Plasmoid Laser-heated 3 4 * 1/4 1B 2
Rankine Multiphase Electrophoretic
5 Pedestal Growth 3 2 * 1/2 1B 1


9 Positronium Bottle
6 Helical Railgun 4 2 * 1/2 0R 1
1-3 Sandworm Femtochemistry 8 10 * 1/3 (+2) 1B 2
10 Laser-heated Pedestal
4-6 Positronium Bottle Rankine Multiphase Helical Railgun Growth 8 10 * 1/3 (+2) 0R 2
1-3 Positronium Bottle Rankine Multiphase Laser-heated 3 12 * 1/3 (+3) 0R 3
Superconducting Helical Railgun
Pedestal Growth
4-6 Adductor 4 12 * 1/3 (+3) 1 2
11-12 H-B Fusion
1-3 Plasmoid Rankine Multiphase Laser-heated 4 2 * 0 (+5) 0R 1
Superconducting Helical Railgun
Pedestal Growth
4-6 Adductor 5 2 * 0 (+5) 1
Name Faction #
Class Launched
Op or Outlook
Fuel Consumption
Afterburn +1 or +____
Solar Powered +____ or - ____
Pushable +1 or +2
Defects Mass Therms ISRU

Reactor 💣 nx
💣 nx
Generator e ||
e ||
Robonaut R B
Package R B
Colonist 💣 nx R B
💣 nx R B
Robot 💣 nx R B
Robot 💣 nx R B
Robot 💣 nx R B
Robot 💣 nx R B
Robot 💣 nx R B
Robot 💣 nx R B
Off-manifest robots
Crew Module 1 0 4 R B

Radiator Therms must equal or exceed both subtotal and package therms
Dry Mass
Fuel Tanks +
Wet Mass
Wet Mass Class +____ or - ____
Net Thrust

Wet Mass Wet Mass Class Fuel Steps per Mass A fuel step costs
5-6 +0 3 1/3
7-8 +0 2 1/2
9-11 -1 2 1/2
12-16 -1 1 1
17-24 -2 1 1
25-32 -2 1/2 2
Chapter 11


Operations are year long processes that use the whole crew to perform a single skill check. Examples of
operations include excavating 400 tonnes of dirt from an asteroid for use as mass driver fuel, or prospecting
a planet for mining sites using a buggy, or 3D printing a nuclear reactor and wiring it using teleoperated
drones. Operations are normally performed with a skill level of 6 - a skill level of 5 from the responsible
crew member, and assistance from a mission control contacts.
To perform an operation, you must do the following:

1. Determine which operation you wish to perform

2. Make an accident check. If it fails, roll on the accident table for the operation. You should normally
avoid the accident by choosing another outcome. However defects can cause accidents which you
cannot avoid.

3. If you took on a complication as a part of succeeding or failing at the skill roll, roll for the complica-

The operations and required skills are summarized on the Operation Summary table on the facing page.
The accident check adds the defects from any component used to perform the operation. Track the number
of defects each component of the spacecraft has individually, except where noted here.
There are a number of “special’ defects which apply to operations which don’t use components. Track
each of these in addition to the defects on the spacecraft components.

Earthside Operations Defects This represents Political Defects This represents instability
lawsuits and business to business issues back on caused by political interference.

Mission Control Defects This represents con- Human Colonist Defects This represents dissat-
flicts and rising tensions at mission control. isfaction caused by mistreatment of colonists. Track
one defect value for all unpromoted colonists, and
C, D, H, M, S or V Spectral Class This represents then each promoted colonist’s defects individually.
factory and freighter production issues, with sepa-
rate defect value for each spectral class.
Robot Defects This represents disorders caused
Faction and Independent Colony Defects This by robotic stress. Track one defect value for all robots
represents loss of goodwill with that faction or not on the manifest collectively, and the defects for
colony. Track separate defect values for each fac- each robot on the spacecraft’s manifest individually
tion and independent colony. (drones, LHDs and halbonauts).

Rapid and Reliable Operations

A rapid operation is completed in half the time it takes to perform a normal operation. A reliable operation
is one where a defect causes an accident only if you roll less than the number of defects you have instead
of less than or equal to. Do not count any secret defects if you get a reliable operation result.

Colonist Operations
If you have a colonist as a payload, you can have them perform a second operation for you during the year.
This colonist operation requires that one of the crew incurs one debt in order to pay the colonists. The
colonists then perform the operation.

Operations Summary
Operation Skill Accident
Activism, Election Activism Political Incident
Activism, Defer Trend or
Replacement Activism Political Incident
Antitrust Antitrust Political Incident
AWOL Bypass AWOL Accident
Boost Ersatz Bernal Industry Launch Accident
Boost Resupply Engineer Launch Accident
Colony Varies Colony Incident
Combat Ops, Buggy Combat Ops
Combat Ops, Missile Pilot
Combat Ops, Raygun Combat Ops
Damage Control Engineer EVA Accident or Drone Accident
Digital Swap Teleops Burn In Accident
Epic Hazard Op Future Attempt Epic Hazard Op Accident
ET Production Teleops Burn In Accident
Hostile Negotiation or Felony
Exfiltration Multiple Accident and Stress penalty
Felony Claim Jump Antitrust Production Delay
Felony Atrocity, Decommission Hostile Negotiation or Felony
Colony Antitrust Accident and Stress penalty
Felony Site Refuel, Hijack Hostile Negotiation or Felony
Factory Bypass Accident
Colonist Promotion Accident
and Hostile Negotiation or
Felony Promotion, Colonist Medical or Industry Felony Accident
Burn In Accident and Hostile
Felony Promotion, Freighter Industry Negotiation or Felony Accident
Burn In Accident and Hostile
Felony Promotion, GW Thruster Industry Negotiation or Felony Accident
FINAO Operation Devops Production Delay
Free Market Trading Desk 1D6 Debt
Either Engineer or Research or
Income Operation Trading Desk Production Delay
Industrialize Industry Mining Accident
Infiltration Antitrust Hostile Negotiation
Negotiate Negotiate Negotiation Accident
Promote Bernal Industry Launch Accident
Promote Colonist Medical Colonist Promotion Accident
Promote Freighter Industry Burn In Accident
Promote GW Thruster Industry Burn In Accident
Promote Robot Industry Colonist Promotion Accident
Promote Technology Industry Burn In Accident
Prospect (Claim) Prospect Robonaut Accident
Prospect (Submersible) Prospect Submersible Accident
Prospect (ET Life) Prospect Field Research Accident
Hostile Negotiation or Felony
Recruit, Hostile Recruit Antitrust Accident
Recruit, New Colonist Recruit Production Delay
Research - Acquire Patent Rights Research Production Delay
Research - Original (Lab) Research Lab Research Accident
Research - Original (Science
Income op) Research Production Delay
Site Refuel - Dirt Mining Mining Accident
Site Refuel - Water Mining Mining Accident
Site Refuel - Isotope Mining Mining Accident
Suffrage Suffrage Political Incident

Activism Operation
Activism, Election (Blue solar cycle phase only)

Skill Activism
Defects from Political Defects
Accident Political Incident
Defects go to Human Colonist Defects (if successful) or Political Defects (if unsuccessful)
During the Blue solar cycle phase, you can perform the Activism operation to trigger an election to change
the Space Politics. Roll 1D6 to see how many votes each faction on the map currently has. You can win an
election if you faction has the most votes available. Each colony contributes two votes to a faction if it is
independent (normally to the White faction) and one otherwise. If you are carrying a colonist as a payload,
their votes are also counted in the election, but they will only vote for you if they share a BSU colour or if
the Space Politics is War (War Loyalty) - otherwise they vote for the faction sharing their BSU colour.
You can also choose one crew to sway the election by incurring 1 debt for each desired vote for your faction
- you can share this amongst the crew as required. If you win an election, you can move the Space Politics
by one space in any direction. If you lose it, if there is an outright winner, the Space Politics moves towards
their politics along the shortest path.
If your Mission control has adopted a philosophy as a result of a Political Trend, it will ignore your wishes
if you win the election, and push the Space Politics towards the direction of its philosophy instead. The
possible philosophies are Statist, Authoritarian and Totalitarian for Red; Conservative, Paleoconservative,
Nationalist, Exceptionalist and Fundamentalist for White; Liberal, Socialist, Anti-fascist or Marxist for Green;
Centrist and Utilitarian for Purple; and Libertarian, Capitalist and Darwinian for Orange.

Activism, Defer Crew Replacement or Political Trend Change

Skill Activism
Defects from Mission Control Defects
Accident Political Incident
Defects go to Mission Control Defects
You can perform the Activism operation to defer the next crew replacement or political trend change that
actually impacts the crew. This can only protect against the event and not if a crew member must be
replaced because of a trial or felony.

Activism Complications mander and the other faction being everyone else.
The faction with the majority of crew members, with
Roll Description the commander’s vote breaking ties, wins the stand-
2 Crew Standoff off, and prevents the rest of the crew mutinying
3 Political Change until this result occurs again or the Space Politics
4 Bad Publicity changes.
5 Early Results
6 Political Trend
7 Rapid Operation Political Change Apply a Political change at the
8 Reliable Operation end of the operation.
9 Swing Votes
10 Political Mission
11 Exposure Bad Publicity If performing an election, each
12 MCSU Restructures crew member gets a point of notoriety.

Crew Standoff If the crew has no High+ outlooks Early Results If performing an election, the elec-
in common, then tensions rise to the point where a tion occurs immediately, without any votes the crew
standoff occurs between different members of the has paid for counting. Otherwise a resupply mission
crew. The standoff forms two factions, with one fac- launches immediately to apply the trend or replace-
tion being the High+ outlooks matching the com- ment.

Political Trend Roll on the Political Trend table Exposure If performing an Election, each crew
at the end of the operation. member gets one Glory. Otherwise, each crew mem-
ber can defer one crew replacement at some point
Swing Votes You can use Favours to get addi- in the future.
tional votes or bumps for this operation. Remove
one Contact and add one Favour for each vote or MCSU Restructures If the election or crew re-
bump you want. placement deferment is successful, Mission Control
changes colour to match the most popular Outlook
Political Mission A random political mission be- of the crew - roll on the first entry of the Political
comes available at the end of the operation. change table to determine the new type.

Antitrust Operation
Skill Antitrust
Defects from Mission Control Defects
Accident Political Incident
Defects go to Targeted faction
You can perform an Antitrust operation to prevent one mission or interception being launched the year
that you perform the operation. This reflects use bureaucratic and political pressure to prevent the mission
completing its required safety checks and having access to the appropriate patents, orbital access rights
and personnel needed to have the mission launch during the required window.

Antitrust Complications affected, it may result in the mission being stranded

before it arrives at the destination. If the crew does
Roll 2D6. not attempt a rescue, add a defect to the faction that
Roll Description
the antitrust was used against (or Mission Control if
2 Regulatory backlash
it was the crew’s own faction).
3 Permit violation
4 Suicide
5 Product recall Product recall The antitrust operation inadver-
6 Parts shortage tently identifies a real operational defect in the com-
7 Rapid operation ponent that the launching spacecraft uses that is
8 Reliable operation shared by the crew’s spacecraft. Roll 1D6 if required.
9 Successful IP lawsuit 1: Thruster. 2: Robonaut. 3: Refinery. 4: Generator.
10 Moratorium 5: Reactor. 6: Radiator. Reroll if the crew’s space-
11 Sympathizer craft does not include the component rolled. Add
12 Faction replacement the defect to the matching component on the crew’s
Regulatory backlash Your crew loses the ability
to perform any Antitrust, Suffrage or Activism opera- Suicide Work stress because of political interfer-
tions unless you are in power (your MCSU matches ence results in someone committing suicide in the
the current Space Politics). You can still pay colonists faction the antitrust operation is used against. The
to perform these operations if you carry them as a crew member responsible for the operation suffers
payload or if you have robots with the capability to one stress if not at war with the faction.
do so.

Parts shortage The component type affected by

Permit violation The mission launches without the antitrust operation may not be boosted or sup-
the necessary licenses and permits. As a result it plied via resupply for 1D6 years. Roll 1D6 if required.
suffers damage to the component affected by the 1: Thruster. 2: Robonaut. 3: Refinery. 4: Generator.
antitrust operation en route. Roll 1D6 if required. 1: 5: Reactor. 6: Radiator.
Thruster. 2: Robonaut. 3: Refinery. 4: Generator. 5:
Reactor. 6: Radiator. If the thruster or its supports are

Successful IP lawsuit The mission control wins thetic to your cause. The crew member performing
the rights to intellectual property licensing from the the operation gets this person as an agent in the
faction that the antitrust operation was used against. faction.
Roll 1D6. 1: Thruster. 2: Robonaut. 3: Refinery. 4:
Generator. 5: Reactor. 6: Radiator. The crew gets the
chrome for their choice of one component from the Faction replacement The faction the antitrust
component type rolled unless they used the opera- operation is used against withdraws from the space
tion against their own faction. race. Roll 1D6 less than or equal to the era number
for a new faction matching the same BSU to re-enter
the space race. If this roll was equal to or greater
Moratorium All missions launching from the than the era number, remove all the on board coun-
same location are stopped this year, not just the in- ters (factories, colonies, Bernals, outposts etc) of the
terception that you are attempting to prevent. previous faction. If the faction is not replaced and
the antitrust operation was against the crew’s fac-
Sympathizer You make contact with someone in tion, than the crew goes AWOL without requiring an
the organization you have targeted who is sympa- AWOL operation.

AWOL Operation
Skill Bypass
Defects from Mission Control Defects
Accident AWOL Accident
Defects go to Crew Module component
Going absent without leave (AWOL) is relatively straightforward for the crew, as communications equipment
can be damaged or redirected at a moment’s notice. However going AWOL, and ensuring that you have a
fully functional spacecraft under your control is a year long operation. The AWOL operation is required if
the crew wishes to avoid the effects of crew replacement because of felonies.
When you go AWOL, you sever your ties with your mission control. This means you cannot promote your
Bernal, be assisted by mission control or use your faction’s starting home orbit, you lose the ability to
be maintain any stacks other than your current spacecraft and if you have a species rating of Implanted,
Augmented or Exospecies you roll twice for your service risks on the first year of each phase of the solar
cycle. You also lose the ability to launch a starship from either the Sol-Jupiter-Sol or Neptune exits: you
must use the Oort cloud exit.

AWOL Complications from LEO. If it intercepts you, the spacecraft will at-
tack you if you didn’t avoid alerting Mission Control
Roll 2D6 and use the highest crew member Glory and complete the optional phase; otherwise treat
as a positive modifier, and Notoriety as a negative as the Bad Publicity entry on the current page and
modifier to this roll. you must perform a Negotiation operation to avoid
Roll Description
an AWOL Accident and being towed to the nearest
-2 Recovery Mission
factory or home orbit if your spacecraft is disabled.
3 Drone Defense Mechanisms
4 Bounty Hunters
5 Bad Publicity Drone Defense Mechanisms You are attacked by
6 Drones Compromised the ship’s drones while outside the ship. Any drones
7 Rapid Operation must be destroyed before you can continue or you
8 Reliable Operation will suffer an AWOL Accident.
9 Renegotiation
10 Cover-up
11 Robin Hoods Bounty Hunters A bounty will be put on your
12+ MCSU Defects head if you did not avoid alerting Mission Control
and perform the optional phase. If you do, apply the
Cover-up entry on the facing page.
Recovery Mission A recovery mission will be
mounted by a buggy equipped spacecraft launching

Bad Publicity Each crew member gets a point of will be forced to retire if they return to LEO or their
notoriety. home orbit.

Drones Compromised You must perform EVA Op-

erations instead of Drone Operations until you ET Robin Hoods Each crew member gets a point of
produce new drones. glory.

Renegotiation Roll for the AWOL accident. You MCSU Defects Mission Control also defects and
can choose either to suffer the effects of the AWOLmoves to a new nation. Mission Control’s colour
accident or not complete the AWOL operation and changes to the most popular crew Outlook - roll on
suffer the effects of the Cover-up result (below). the first entry of the Political change table to see the
new MCSU type - and any impacts or crew replace-
Cover-up Mission Control continues to provide ments can be ignored until Mission Control’s colour
missions and support to the crew, however the crew changes again.

Boost Operation
Because you play the crew instead of the mission control in the Sixty Years In RPG, you do not track the
amount of funds (water tanks) that the mission control has available. This means the Boost operation
works somewhat differently to the board game rules.

Boost Ersatz Bernal

Skill Industry
Defects from Earthside Operation Defects
Accident Launch Accident
Defects go to Earthside Operation Defects
This boosts 10% of the ersatz Bernal into your home orbit. Once you have your ersatz Bernal 100% boosted,
your mission control moves to orbit and is no longer affected by disasters, disruptions and Earth crisis that
affects your home nation.

Boost Resupply

Skill Engineer
Defects from Earthside Operation Defects
Accident Launch Accident
Defects go to Boosted components in a round robin fashion from largest to smallest
If successful, the Boost Resupply operation launches a resupply mission. The resupply mission takes arrives
in years equal to the heliocentric zone distance plus one (1 year for the Earth zone, 2 for Mars or Venus, 3
for Mercury or Ceres, 4 for Jupiter, 5 for Saturn, 6 for Uranus and 7 for Neptune), arriving at the end of that
year and delivers a mass 0 or 1 Earthside component, 1 WT of fuel or parts to repair a damaged component
(your choice of one of these at the time you perform the operation).
If you are in your home orbit or LEO, you instead get the resupply immediately or you can choose to boost
more than 1 point of mass at a time, by each of your crew must taking on debt equal to the total mass of
the payload being boosted (including the first point of mass) - you can share this amongst the crew as
If there is Ground to Orbit NEO Infrastructure available and the space politics is not War or Anarchy, you
can boost 1 additional mass with each operation by having each crew member spend a favour.
If the space politics is Anti-nuke, you cannot use this operation on reactors or components which have an
on-board reactor.

Boost Operation Complications Piracy During War (or Anarchy if no humans are
present), a buggy equipped spacecraft takes off from
Roll Description LEO to steal the boosted items.
2 Financing falls through
3 Production line defects found
4 Booking conflict Interceptors During War, your boosted items are
5 Piracy attacked by a missile attack if you are boosting to
6 Interceptors LEO.
7 Rapid Operation
8 Reliable Operation
Orbital Tug (ignore if War or Anarchy) You may
9 Orbital Tug (ignore if War or Anarchy)
boost to your home orbit even if your Bernal is not
10 Spare Capacity
available there.
11 Competitive Tender
12 Salvage Rights
Spare Capacity Double the amount you can
Financing falls through Halt the operation and boost this year
sell the payload you intend to boost as an income
operation. Competitive Tender The components you want
to boost are already available in LEO, reducing the ar-
Production line defects found At the end of the rival time by a year. You can purchase these instead
operation, add a defect to each component boosted. having to spend the time to complete the operation.
Costs are paid normally.
Booking conflict You must suffer a production
delay if you use the Sunflower cycler, boost to your Salvage Rights Excluding colonists and crew, the
Bernal in your home orbit or take advantage of NEO components you want to boost are already avail-
Infrastructure. A production delay means you must able at a random destination at no cost. During War,
move before you perform an operation the following these will be defended by a buggy equipped space-
year. craft launching from LEO.

Colony Operations
Skill Combat Ops
Defects from Faction (or Colony if independent)
Accident Colony incident
Defects go to Faction (or Colony if independent)
You can affect a colony’s economy by performing operations that trigger the same outcomes as specific
economic change and unrest events. You can also use colonial operations to change the law level. Im-
migration prevents most colony operations being performed in small colonies. If an immigration event
occurs, the only colony operations permitted are Detention and Welfare.
Once a colony gets to 300 inhabitants, you need to be in power in the colony regime to perform Colony
operations other than the election Colony operation (which you can use to put you in power). Any regime
change removes you from power unless you successfully perform another election Colony operation.

Government debt Government debt starts at one.

Money supply Money supply starts at zero. If the money supply exceeds government debt, then the
economy is more likely to suffer negative economic change when the colony BSU is White or Purple.

Government constraint Government constraint equals the government debt plus a modifier based
on the colony BSU type: -1 if Red, +1 if White, +3 if Green, +5 if Purple, +7 if Orange. Each point of gov-
ernment constraint that exceeds the money supply adds one penalty to Colony operations. Government

constraint reflects internal and external pressures such as interest repayments, treaties, political allies and
the effectiveness of agitators and minority doctrines.

Local operations If you perform any other operations that take effect at the colony you are at, increase
the economy 1 step if it is lower than the current money supply value.
Operation Skill Effects
Arm populace Streetwise Decrease law level to Low, +1 government debt
Prevents immigration causing economic change, -1 money
Detention Recruit supply
Perform a regime change as if immigration had occurred, only
Election Activism permitted on years with election events
Expansion Research +1 economy, +1 government debt
Independence Suffrage +1 local faction. Colony becomes independent if it isn’t already.
Inflation Trading Desk move economy 1 step towards 9, +1 money supply
Increase law level from Low to Medium or Medium to High, -1
Police Combat Ops economy, -1 local faction
Recession Antitrust -1 economy, -1 money supply
Prevents immigration causing regime change, move economy 1
Welfare Interview step towards 14

Colony Operation Complications Facility rebuilt A facility is abandoned and rebuilt

elsewhere if still required. Roll for the Abandoned
Roll 2D6 when the complication occurs. Facility if you have the A Facility with Words supple-
Roll Description ment.
2 Epidemic or meteorite
3 Instability
4 Regime change Instability Roll for a regime change, social unrest
5 Economic change and economic change.
6 Social unrest
7 Rapid operation Local election (Blue) If the site is large enough
8 Reliable operation to have local politics (1 million or more individuals),
9 Local election a local election occurs during the blue phase of the
10 Facility rebuilt solar cycle.
11 New launch infrastructure
12 New colony construction
New launch infrastructure Reroll the factory as-
sist technology.
Economic change Roll for economic change.
This occurs in addition to any other economic
New colony construction Reroll the factory and
change this year.
colony construction.

Epidemic or meteorite If a meteorite (4-6 on Regime change Roll for a regime change. This
1D6), drop a counter on the map, destroying infras- occurs in addition to any other regime change this
tructure it hits and leaving a crater 1D6x10m across. year.
Meteors of this size burn up in atmospheres: use the
epidemic result instead.
Social unrest Roll for social unrest. This occurs
in addition to any other social unrest this year.

Combat Operations
You can perform a single combat operation of each type (raygun, missile, buggy) after moving each turn in
the order operations are listed in here – this does not affect your regular operation for the year. At the start
of combat, you can change your thruster to allow or avoid buggy combat and afterburn if required.

Combat Operations, Raygun

Skill Combat Ops

Defects from Robonaut and supports being used
Accident Robonaut accident
Defects go to Robonaut and supports being used in a round robin fashion
To resolve raygun attacks, choose a component attacked by each raygun, and roll a 1D6 rad level radiation
hazard against the chosen components if the attack skill check is successful. Note some rayguns roll 2D6
instead. The defender’s rayguns all hit first unless the attacker has a first strike capability.

Star ship Thrusters All star ship thrusters can attack as 2D6 rayguns.

Combat Operations, Missile

Skill Pilot
Defects from Robonaut and supports being used
Accident Robonaut accident
Defects go to Robonaut and supports being used in a round robin fashion
To resolve missile attacks, roll 2D6 if the attack skill check is successful and apply this rad level against all
spacecraft components. Factories and colonies have a rad-hardness of 7 and Bernals cannot be destroyed.
The defender’s missiles all hit first unless the attacker has a first strike capability.

Combat Operations, Buggy

Skill Combat Ops

Defects from Robonaut and supports being used
Accident Buggy accident if on site; Thruster accident if in space
Defects go to Robonaut and supports being used in a round robin fashion
The side with the higher thrust chooses whether buggy combat occurs following missile combat - if both
sides have equal thrust it does not occur. Buggy combat is resolved using either the Kriegbot or tactical
combat rules. If you do not have these rules, you can roll 2D6 for each attacking buggy with the defender
rolling first. All components (including factories and colonies) have a rad-hardness of 7 when resolving
buggy combat or 5 if no humans are present on that side. A factory can be captured instead of being
destroyed if no colony is present, and a colony can also be captured instead of being destroyed. A Bernal
cannot be captured or destroyed in buggy combat.

Combat Operation Complications Point defense The defender gets can make one
additional raygun attack against one attacking mis-
Roll 2D6 when the complication occurs. sile or buggy following this skill check.
Roll Description
2 Point Defense
3 Out of Ammo Out of Ammo If using a dirt-fueled raygun, you
4 Droplet Ram must spend one step of dirt fuel to use this weapon
5 Double fire (Defender) again either in combat, moving or for an operation.
6 Defensive Afterburn
7 Rapid Operation Droplet Ram The defender can choose to swap
8 Reliable Operation a heavy-side radiator to its light side or decommis-
9 Double fire (Attacker) sion a light side radiator and make a missile attack
10 Piracy against all attacking buggies. This can only be done
11 Rapid Fire with droplet and fountain radiators.
12 Focus Fire

Double fire (Defender) The defender can choose

to make an additional raygun attack following this

attack if they can support twice the therms that the Piracy If attacking with a buggy, you can capture
raygun and its supports requires. one of the components you attack instead of destroy-
ing it during buggy combat. The captured compo-
Defensive Afterburn The defender can choose to nent will be damaged.
afterburn to avoid or engage in buggy combat if they
have not already done so. Rapid Fire You can make one additional raygun
attack following this attack.
Double fire (Attacker) You can choose the rapid
fire result if you can support twice the therms that Focus Fire Roll 2D6 for the combat results when
the raygun and its supports requires. making a raygun attack.

Combat Operations, Advanced Rules

Factories and Colonies Factories and colonies are rad-hardness 7 and are equipped with a single raygun.
Each faction and independent colony can also field a colonist for every 16 population (or fraction thereof),
who should be generated by rolling on the crew module table.

Bernals Bernals cannot be captured or destroyed in combat and are equipped with a single raygun.
Bernals are evacuated prior to combat beginning to avoid extensive loss of life.

Entrenchment Any side which has been on site since the start of the turn and has not begun moving
gets +2 rad-hardness to all their components (but not factories or colonies).

Damage Control Operation

Skill Engineer
Not required unless you choose to repair damaged components from an existing
component. If so, add up defects from the existing component to the repaired
Defects from component to bring it up to 3 defects.
Accident EVA Accident or Drone Accident
Defects go to Added to the damaged components in a round robin fashion.
The Damage Control operation is required any time your rocket takes damage (by having components
decommissioned or damaged) while in space or during combat before you can perform another operation
or move. While at a site, you are assumed to have isolated spacecraft components from any operational
activity to avoid collateral damage.
The Engineering skill required matches that of the damaged component being repaired. It is limited by
either the EVA skill if the crew member is present or the Pilot skill if being performed by a remotely controlled
You can perform repairs as a part of the damage control operation.

Damage Control Complications Secondary Damage Damage from the primary

components hits the rest of the spacecraft structure.
Roll Description Roll a 2D6 missile attack against each component
2 Secondary Damage individually.
3 Radiator Secondary Damage
4 Dry dock
5 Unique Components
6 Radiation hazard Radiator Secondary Damage Damage from the
7 Rapid operation primary component hits the radiator. Roll a 1D6 ray-
8 Reliable operation gun attack against the radiator.
9 Wiring Break
10 Superficial Damage
11 Reset
12 Design Fault Found

Dry dock You cannot repair a damaged compo- is superficial. No parts are required to repair a dam-
nent in situ, you must do so at a factory. aged component, but a decommissioned compo-
nent indicates the damaged wiring is inaccessible.
Unique Components You cannot repair a dam-
aged component unless you have a freighter 3D Superficial Damage A random decommissioned
printer available. component can be repaired as if it were merely dam-
Radiation hazard If a GW or TW thruster or any
component supported by a reactor was damaged, Reset A random damaged component was reset
there is additional radiation hazards. Make a radia- but successfully powered down and back up again
tion roll during the first phase that affects the crew instead of being decommissioned or damaged. A
and the second phase that affects drones. full inspection is still required.

Wiring Break The component control or power Design Fault Found Discard a Defects from one
systems were disconnected but remaining damage component being inspected.

Digital Swap Operation

Skill Teleops
Digital Swap does not require a Defect check. However add up to 3 defects to the
Defects from spectral class defects from the swapped out components.
Accident Burn In Accident
Add to swapped in component. If after this it has less than 3 defects, remove
defects from the spectral class defects and add them to the swapped in product
Defects go to to bring it up to 3 defects.
The Digital Swap operation allows you to swap your spacecraft components or replace your payload within
the same class of spacecraft. To perform a Digital Swap, you must have a spacecraft scale 3D printer present
in the same location you are performing the digital swap. This can be either a robot with a freighter 3D
printer, or a freighter or freighter fleet.
You must perform a digital swap operation for each component you wish to replace and the replacement
component must have an equal or smaller mass than the component you are swapping out. You must also
keep the spectral class of the component the same, and at ET and Advanced technology levels the spectral
class of the spaceship printer must match the spectral class of the component as well.

Optional board game rule Promoted freighters are universal printers and can perform a digital swap
using any spectral class of component. The component being swapped out and the replacement
component must still have the same spectral class. This allows the promoted side of the HIIPER
Beam-Rider Freighter to be used as a 3D printer.

Consciousness is not fungible. Neither humans nor emancipated robots can be digitally swapped in.
Reduce the consciousness of the new robot by 2D6. Swapping out a human or emancipated robot is felony
If you are using the Spacecraft Designer in the This Space Intentionally, you cannot use a spacecraft while it
has been partially digitally swapped (doesn’t match any entries for the ship’s class) to simplify tracking
digital swap changes. In this instance the mass requirement is relaxed so that only the replacement
spacecraft has to have a mass equal or smaller than the starting spacecraft, not individual components..

Digital Swap Complications

Roll Description
2 Grey Goo
3 Printer jam
4 Insufficient isotopes
5 Replication errors
6 Piracy
7 Rapid operation
8 Reliable operation
9 Can use isotopes
10 Finished goods
11 Isotope recovery

Grey Goo If you elected to 3D print replicators, from LEO or the nearest enemy factory to steal the
your replicators become Grey Goo. Roll on the Robot ET produced product.
table to see what form they take and attack you. A
replicator is any robot with both 3D print and assem-
bly functions. Can use isotopes If swapping D, M, S or V prod-
ucts, you are able to substitute 1 WT of isotope fuel
of the matching spectral type in place of 1 mass of
Printer jam The freighter is damaged if you com-
plete the operation.

Insufficient isotopes If swapping D, M, S or V Finished goods If you used components with

products, the digital swap wasn’t able to recover more mass than the final product as feedstock, you
enough isotopes. You need to add either 1 WT of may sell the unused mass as a single ET product to
isotope fuel or 1 mass of additional components of either a nearby Bernal or LEO.
the matching spectral type as feedstock to complete
the operation.
Isotope recovery If swapping D, M, S or V prod-
ucts, you recover 1 mass of isotope fuel of a match-
Replication errors If you elected to 3D print repli-
ing spectral type if you used components with more
cators, they aggregate errors, forcing you to com-
mass than the final product as feedstock.
plete phase 3 of the operation. If you are performing
the operation month by month, add 3 cards to this
phase. Compatible parts You are able to include use an-
other component of a different spectral type and at
Piracy During War (or Anarchy if no humans are least 2 mass to add one mass to the digital swap.
present), a buggy equipped spacecraft is takes off Decommission the component used.

Epic Hazard Operation

An Epic Hazard Operation may be required if the crew attempts to complete a future using a promoted
Colonist, freighter fleets or TW thruster. An Epic Hazard operation proceeds as a normal operation except:
1. The optional step of the operation must be completed.

2. The accident for each phase is an Epic Hazard Operation Accident.

3. The skill check to avoid an accident always fails if the crew’s faction not control either two synodic
comet D factories or factories with 4 different spectral types; if they do, a complication will result in
an accident instead.
The operation which must be performed (Promote or Industry) depends on the future being attempted.

ET Production Operation
Skill Teleops
Defects from Spectral Class defects matching the factory.
Accident Burn In Accident
Add to the ET Produced component. If it has less than 3 defect cards, add
Defects go to matching spectral type defects to bring it up to 3 defects.
The ET Production operation produces a spacecraft component matching the site’s spectral type at a
factory. This is required for each spacecraft component upgrade required to change a spacecraft to either
an ET spectral class or Advanced spectral class.

Freighter exception Freighter defects are added to the spectral type defects matching the freighter
instead of the freighter.

ET Production Complications ET Marketing with freighter production As per

ET Marketing and Freighter production, combined.
Roll 2D6 when the complication occurs.
Roll Description
2 Export Piracy During War (or Anarchy if no humans are
3 ET Marketing present), a buggy equipped spacecraft is takes off
4 Export with freighter production from LEO or the nearest enemy factory to steal the
5 ET Marketing with freighter production ET produced product.
6 Piracy
7 Rapid Operation Unused Water 1D6 / 2 (round up) WT of water fuel
8 Reliable Operation is not used by the ET Production process and can be
9 Unused Water used as fuel.
Unused Isotopes (Freighter
10 production on C site)
11 Freighter production Unused Isotopes 1 WT of isotope fuel is not used
12 Redundancy by the ET Production process and can be used as
fuel. On a C class site, 1 freighter can be produced
as a free action.
Export You must spacecraft the product that you
ET produce to your Home Orbit instead of using it Freighter production You ET produce a freighter
elsewhere. in addition to the ET product you intend to produce.
This does not require an additional operation.
ET Marketing You must sell the product instead
of using it. You receive the money for any sale. Redundancy You ET produce two of the product
you intend to produce for disaster recovery and re-
dundancy purposes. This does not require an addi-
Export with freighter production As per Export tional operation and defects are distributed between
and Freighter production, combined. the two products in a round robin fashion.

Skill Antitrust
Defects from Earthside Operations Defects
Accident Hostile Negotiation or Felony Accident and Stress penalty
Earthside Operations defects and Human Colonist defects (add any defects
Defects go to earned to both)
Add a defect to both the Human colonists defects and the Earthside Operation defects at the start of the

Felony Operation
Felonies can only be done at spaces with no significant human presence that you do not control (including
a colony, other crews, colonists other than those you have carried here, other Bernals or emancipated

Felony, Claim Jump

Skill Antitrust
Defects from Infringed faction’s defects
Accident Production Delay
Defects go to Infringed faction’s defects.

When claim jumping, add a defect to the faction you are performing the felony against at the start of the

Felony Atrocity, Decommission Colony

Skill Antitrust
Defects from Earthside Operations Defects
Accident Hostile Negotiation or Felony Accident and Stress penalty
Earthside Operations defects and Human Colonist defects (add any defects
Defects go to earned to both)
Add a defect to both the Human colonists defects and the Earthside Operation defects at the start of the

Felony Site Refuel, Hijack Factory

Skill Bypass
Defects from Thruster component being fueled and the infringed faction’s defects.
Accident Hostile Negotiation or Felony Accident
Defects go to Infringed faction’s defects.
You can hijack another faction’s factory to perform a site refuel operation using the factory. Local security
forces consist of drones equal to the site size, with a minimum of 1D6, in addition to any robots present.
When the first Hostile Negotiation or Felony Accident occurs, add a defect to the infringed faction’s defects.

Felony Promotion, Colonist

Skill Medical (Pantropy) or Industry

Defects from The Human Colonist’s defects and the infringed faction’s defects.
Accident Colonist Promotion Accident and Hostile Negotiation or Felony Accident
Defects go to Promoted Colonists defects for the promoted colonist.
This can only be done at a lab. Local security forces consist of drones equal to the site size, with a minimum
of 1D6, in addition to any robots present. Add a defect to the infringed faction’s Bernal defects at the start
of the operation.
This otherwise acts as the Promote Colony operation.

Felony Promotion, Freighter

Skill Industry
Defects from The component to be promoted defects and the infringed faction’s defects.
Accident Burn In Accident and Hostile Negotiation or Felony Accident
Defects go to Component defects.
This can only be done at a lab. Local security forces consist of drones equal to the site size, with a minimum
of 1D6, in addition to any robots present. Add a defect to the infringed faction’s defects at the start of the
This otherwise acts as the Promote Freighter operation.

Felony Promotion, GW Thruster

Skill Industry
Defects from The component to be promoted defects and the infringed faction’s defects.
Accident Burn In Accident and Hostile Negotiation or Felony Accident
Defects go to Component defects.
This can only be done at a lab with no significant human presence (including emancipated robots). Local
security forces consist of drones equal to the site size, with a minimum of 1D6, in addition to any robots
present. Add a defect to the infringed faction’s defects at the start of the operation.

This otherwise acts as the Promote GW Thruster operation.

Felony Complications Notorious All crew get 1 point of Notoriety due to

media coverage of the felony.
Roll 2D6 when the complication occurs.
Roll Description
2 Lock down Defense During War (or Anarchy if no humans are
3 Armed resistance present), a buggy equipped spacecraft is takes off
4 No materials ready from LEO or the nearest enemy factory to defend the
5 Notorious installation.
6 Defense
7 Rapid operation Inside job You have an inside informer assisting
8 Reliable operation you commit the felony. You may spend 1 favour to ig-
9 Last minute reprieve nore the first accident that occurs during the felony.
10 Inside job
11 Negotiated settlement
Last minute reprieve You receive orders to stop
12 Derring-do
the operation. If performing an atrocity, each crew
member gets one Stress penalty.
Lock down The entire site goes into lock down as
defenders take the security office and override your Negotiated settlement The affected faction
access. All adult colonists and 1D6 heavily armed agrees to let you go ahead and perform the op-
drones attack you. eration but under duress, which means you will
not be attacked while performing the operation. If
committing an atrocity, you must load any colonists
Armed resistance There are 1D6 colonists
present onto your ship, using 1 mass for every 16
present who will use small arms and demolition colonists (round up), and must carry them to LEO, a
charges to stop you completing the felony. Bernal or nearby colony. 1D6 colonists die each year
in these conditions due to malnutrition.
No materials ready The thing you are stealing (ei-
ther fuel or research notes) does not exist on site. If Derring-do You find a set of valuables during the
performing an atrocity or claim jump, the records operation which you are able to steal: generate these
you need have been destroyed before you arrive. using the Valuables section on page 141 of the En-
Phase 1 of the operation must be repeated, which counters chapter. If you’re not performing an atroc-
means that phases 2-5 need to be renumbered to ity, each crew member gains 1 Glory when the felony
phases 3-6. is completed.

FINAO Operation
Skill Devops
Defects from Earthside Operations defects
Accident Production Delay
Defects go to Add to the Crew Module component.
The FINAO operation allows you to add a +2 bonus to one crash hazard roll. You can perform this at most
twice for a single crash hazard roll, giving you up to a +4 bonus.

FINAO Complications Roll Description

2 No solution available
3 Only high risk solutions available
4 Solutions involve moderate risk
5 Risk cannot be eliminated
6 EVA required
7 Rapid operation
Roll 2D6 when the complication occurs. 8 Reliable operation
9 Moderately simple solution set
10 Simple solution set
11 Defect discovered during testing
12 Natural hazard subsides

No solution available No solution can be calcu- chemical thrusters.

lated given the available computing resources.
Moderately simple solution set Add +3 to the
Only high risk solutions available The maxi- hazard roll instead of +2.
mum bonus to the hazard roll is limited to +1.
Simple solution set Add +4 to the hazard roll in-
Solutions involve moderate risk The maximum stead of +2.
bonus to the hazard roll is limited to +2.
Defect discovered during testing Discard a De-
Risk cannot be eliminated The maximum bonus fects from either the Thruster or its supports
to the hazard roll is limited to +3.
Natural hazard subsides The on map hazard the
EVA required Traversing the hazard safely re- FINAO solution is being calculated for is removed.
quires an EVA operation to switch temporarily to This does not affect aerobrakes.

Free Market
Add one defect to the skill roll to reflect market uncertainties.
Skill Trading Desk
If selling to LEO: Two, both Earthside Operations and the component sold. If
Defects from selling to Bernal: Two, both faction defects and the component sold.
Debt 2D6 Debt
Added to the Earthside Operation defects when selling to LEO or the faction’s
Defects go to defects sold to a faction.
The Free Market operation is used to sell ET Produced goods to another faction’s Bernal or LEO or your
home orbit. The product you are selling must be collocated with where you are selling it to: you are
responsible for ensuring the delivery prior to the sale being completed. A successful sale allows you to
remove 6 debt from the crew - you can share this amongst the crew as required. You can share the debt
you incur from amongst the crew as required

Free Market Complications of the full market value, regardless of location.

Roll 2D6 when the complication occurs.

Roll Description Return to sender The product is rejected if it has
2 Impounded any defect cards. It can be sold using a Free Market
3 Limited demand operation but only at another location.
4 Return to sender
5 Customs and tax excise Customs and tax excise Taxes reduce the sale
6 Piracy value by 1 WT/debt and delay the payment by 1D6
7 Rapid operation months.
8 Reliable operation
9 Bidding war
Piracy During War (or Anarchy if no humans are
10 Printer feedstock
present), a buggy equipped spacecraft is takes off
11 Preferred supplier
from LEO or the nearest enemy factory to steal the
12 Freighter fleet
ET produced product.

Impounded The received goods are immediately Bidding war Get an additional 1D6 WT/debt paid
seized and no income is received from them. off from the sale.

Limited demand This product will only sell for Printer feedstock Discard any defects on the
1D6 WT/debt is recovered following the sale instead product sold.

Preferred supplier Double the WT/debt paid off Freighter fleet Continued trade adds a freighter
received from the sale if you form an independent fleet to the game. Roll 1D6+1, 1D6+2 if Jupiter zone
colony on the factory which produced the product or closer or 2D6 if there is a push factory 2-3: Fission
within 5 years - get this immediately if you already GCR. 4: Z-pinch 3 He-D Target Fusion. 5: D-nanotube
have one. Dirt Launcher 6: KESTS Hoop Dirt Launcher. 7: An-
tiproton Sail and Harvester. 8: Archimedes Palmer
Lens. 9: Magnetic Mirror Beam. 10: Gravitational
Mirror Mass Driver 11-12: CNT Quarter-Wave Sail.

Income Operation
Skill Either Engineer or Research (Any) or Trading Desk (your choice)
Defects from Earthside Operations
Accident Production Delay
Defects go to Earthside Operations
The income operation allows you to cancel up to 2 points of debt. This can either two points of debt
affecting a single crew member or a single point of debt for each of two crew members. When cancelling
debt, you should increase the crew member’s capital by one for each point of debt reduced.
The space politics can significantly affect the income operation. You cannot use an income operation to
cancel debt if the space politics is Nationalism. If the space politics is Capitalist, then you can cancel 1 point
of debt for each factory you control (0 debt if there is no factories). If the space politics is Egalitarianism,
once you have cancelled the debt, add a point of debt to the crew member with the highest Capital ability.
If there is a tie, all crew with the tied Capital ability get a point of debt.
Income operation complications use either the Free Market complications if using the Trading Desk skill,
Boost complications if using the Engineer skill or Original Research complications if using a Research skill.
Any damage to the product results in a production delay.

Income Operation Complications Commercial Mission Roll for the commercial

mission which must be completed to receive the
Roll 2D6. income from this operation.
Roll Description
2 Market Volatility
3 Insider Trading Leveraged Investment One crew member must
4 Commercial Mission incur 1 debt.
5 Leveraged Investment
6 Favour Favour You must expend a contact, incurring a
7 Rapid operation favour.
8 Reliable operation
9 Growth
10 Windfall Growth You can pay off an additional point of
11 Settlement debt.
12 Partnership
Windfall You can pay off 1D6 debt instead of 2
debt - you can share this amongst the crew as re-
Market Volatility If the nation’s economy suffers quired.
from instability, roll 1D6. 1: Expansion. 2: Inflation.
3: Recession. 4: Stagnation. 5: Depression. 6: Hyper-
Settlement Draw and discard one Earthside op-
eration defect without revealing it.

Insider Trading Add 1D6 defects to Earthside op- Partnership You can perform an additional
erations. colonist operation this year but you must pay the
colonist by only using the Income operation revenue
(up to 2 debt).

Industrialize Operation
Skill Industry
Use the defects resulting from prospecting the site when you industrialize the site.
Add the defects of the decommissioned components to the defects matching the
Defects from factory spectral type.
Accident Mining Accident
Defects go to Spectral type matching the family.
This converts a robonaut and a refinery from your payload into a factory at the site where you have a claim.
This will also consume the ship’s generator and reactor, or those included in the Standalone package if
fitted. Unlike prospecting, there’s no restriction on which robonauts you can use to industrialize a site with.
However you cannot use a colonist or crew member to industrialize a site.

Forming a Colony
You can also establish a colony at a factory if you are carrying a colonist or while your crew remains at the
site. This doesn’t cost an additional operation, and if there’s a factory present already and no colony, you
can create the colony immediately without needing an operation.
Any colony you built with a colonist adds the colonist to the game as a minor faction, if they are not already
a faction, and gives each of your crew one contact with the colony faction. If you build the colony with
your crew, you get one colony contact each when the colony population has at least 4 non-crew colonists
present. If you build the colony with another factions crew you get the contacts with that faction instead.

Industrialize Complications Solar Storm Shield You must build a shadow

shield against solar storms even if you are not de-
Roll 2D6. commissioning a reactor.
Roll Description
2 Armaments
3 Refuel and Return
Mobilize If you have a Promoted Freighter, the
4 Recycle Radiators
mobile factory lifts off after you industrialize it, and
5 Solar Storm Shield
moves to another claim.
6 Mobilize
7 Rapid Operation
8 Reliable Operation Garrison If at War or Anarchy, you must remain at
9 Garrison the factory until it is no longer War or Anarchy
10 Overhaul
11 Colonists
12 New arrivals Overhaul You must remain at the factory until
your rocket has been completely upgraded to a new
Armaments If at War, you must leave any robo- class.
nauts you have at the site as defensive weapons.
Their supports are not required as the factory can
supply the support requirements. Colonists You must build a colony at the factory -
if you are carrying colonists, they will decommission
themselves to form an independent colony and each
Refuel and Return You must site refuel your crew member gets a Colony contact. Otherwise you
rocket and return to home orbit after completing must form a colony for 2D5* years.
the industrialize operation - no other operations at
the factory are permitted until you do this.
New arrivals A colonist carrying spacecraft is
Recycle Radiators You must decommission exist- takes off from LEO or the nearest friendly colony to
ing radiators instead of building night side cooling build a colony or to add themselves to the colony
radiators. present here.

Infiltration Operation
Skill Antitrust
Defects from The faction being infiltrated.
Accident Hostile Recruitment Accident
Defects go to The faction being infiltrated.
The Infiltration operation allows you to convert a contact with the faction to become an agent. You must
specify the location that the contact is as a part of performing this operation. If you already have an
agent present, you can instead choose to roll 1D6+6 on the complications table if the infiltration operation
succeeds (as a heightened success).

Infiltration Complications Mole You identify an additional agent who you

Roll 2D6.
Roll Description
2 Suicide Actionable intelligence You receive actionable
3 Captured and tried intelligence. Roll on the faction mission table, if avail-
4 Redoubled agent able.
5 Triple agent
6 Surveilled
7 Mole Industrial espionage You receive an upgrade
8 Actionable intelligence from the faction that the infiltration operation tar-
9 Industrial espionage gets.
10 Defector
11 Defector in place
12 Traitor Defector You identify an individual who wishes
to defect. You must perform a hostile recruitment
operation to recover the defector as the next oper-
Suicide The contact commits suicide; the crew
ation you perform if you wish to take advantage of
member handling them incurs a stress penalty.
this. If you do not, add a burn penalty to any of your
agents at the location. If you succeed at the hostile
Captured and tried The contact is captured and recruitment, roll 1D6+6 on this table twice.
tried for espionage. Add one defect to the faction
being infiltrated. You lose the contact.
Defector in place You identify an additional high
Redoubled agent The contact becomes an agent value agent who you recruit. A high value agent can
for the faction being infiltrated. They continue to act perform a program action each year for free (without
as a contact for you but will not be effective as an a crew member having to spend a skill point). The
agent. Add one defect to the faction being infiltrated. permitted programs are either any program the fac-
tion may perform or a specific operation. The crew
must agree on which operation the high value agent
Triple agent The contact becomes an agent for
can perform, and it must be the same operation each
both yourselves and another faction. This means
time. A high value agent will stop working for you
every use of them as an agent results in a complica-
once you exfiltrate the location they are present at.

Surveilled The contact attracts sufficient surveil- High value traitor You identify a high value traitor.
lance or fails a background check such that they can A high value traitor is a high value target who reveals
no longer become an agent, but can continue to themselves at the start of any exfiltration in their lo-
function as a contact. cation.

Negotiate Operation
Skill Negotiate
Defects from The faction being negotiated with.
Accident Negotiation Accident (Political Incident if the Space Politics is War or Anarchy)
Defects go to The faction being negotiated with.
You need to negotiate if you wish to do any of the following:

• Take off or land at another faction’s factory during war

• Use another faction’s factory to refuel or factory assist

• Use another faction’s lab to research or perform a promotion

• Sell an ET produced product at another faction’s Bernal

• Use any NEO infrastructure your faction does not control (not possible during Anarchy or War)

If you want to factory refuel or use a lab, the faction you are negotiating with will require you take on debt
in additional to successfully completing the operation: either equal to the market value of the component
you are promoting if you wish to use a lab, or 1D6 debt for a factory refuel. Landing or taking off from
another faction’s factory during war time will require funds in escrow which you forfeit, incurring 1D6 debt,
if you subsequently attack the faction while the space politics remains at war. You can share debt you incur
amongst the crew as required.
During War or Anarchy you can always perform the first three of the above actions without negotiating.
However if at War, you will be attacked if you do so, and you must instead perform a combat operation -
during Anarchy you instead perform a felony operation.

Negotiate Complications Internal politics When making this operation’s

defect check, perform the check twice and use the
Roll 2D6. worst result for the crew.
Roll Description
2 Crew hostage
3 Face-to-face Quid pro quo Negotiations are postponed until
4 Internal politics you are in a position to immediately do what you are
5 Quid pro quo negotiating for.
6 Trusted intermediary
7 Rapid operation
8 Reliable operation Trusted intermediary You must choose a con-
9 Taken at your word tact to negotiate on your behalf, however if nego-
10 Fixed cost contract tiations turn hostile the contact will be held hostage
11 Market price and if they turn violent the hostage will be killed
12 ET production contract
Taken at your word You can incur favours instead
of debt when paying for factory refueling or use a
Crew hostage You must choose one of the crew
to be held hostage until the negotiated action is com-
pleted. If the negotiation or subsequent actions turn
violent, the hostage will be killed Fixed cost contract If successful in negotiating a
factory assistance or NEO Infrastructure, you may
subsequently re-use this by incurring 1 debt instead
Face-to-face Negotiations require the crew is of needing to perform the Negotiation operation.
able to have a face-to-face conversation with the
party being negotiated with.
Market price The price for refuelling is limited to
1 debt for every 2 WT fuel you take.

ET production contract You negotiate an ET pro- the market price for products of this spectral type is
duction agreement which allows you to ET produce set to.
goods at the site at a cost of 1 debt for every 1 WT

Promote Operation
The promote operation allows you to upgrade an unpromoted Bernal to a promoted Bernal, an unpromoted
colonist to a promoted colonist, a freighter to a freighter fleet or a GW thruster to a TW thruster. The promote
operation can only be performed at a lab.

Promote Operation, Bernal

Skill Industry
Defects from Bernal defects.
Accident Burn In Accident
Defects go to Bernal defects.
Promoting a Bernal is used to repair the EM shield on an interstellar voyage or anchor the Bernal at a
dirtside if it is adjacent to a factory that you control. It can be performed in any era.
If you are not assisted by a mission control, promoting a Bernal is a decaoperation (takes 12 years and
requires two crew members have a career which permits the Promote decaoperation).

Promote Operation, Colonist

Promoted colonists retain their abilities and increase their rad-hardness by 1, or +2 if they have a missile
platform. Missile platforms get +1 thrust if a solar sail and +2 thrust if a rocket (chemical or nuclear). Then
roll 1D6 for the additional benefits that promotion brings. Note that colonists without an ISRU platform do
not benefit from the ISRU improvements.
Roll Votes ISRU Number Level Operations
1 +0 -3 +3 +0 +1
2 +1 -2 +0 +2 +1
3 +1 -1 +0 +1 All operations or platforms
4 +2 -3 +2 +1
5 +3 -1 +1 +0
6 +3 -3 +1 +2 Change operation

+1 Operations The promoted colonist can perform a second class of operations (either Engineering,
Finance or Science) that they couldn’t do before promotion.

Change operation The promoted colonist can perform a different class of operations (either Engineering,
Finance or Science) from the one they could do prior to promotion. They lose the ability to perform the
class of operations they could do before promotion.

All operations or platforms The promoted colonist can perform either all classes of operations, or has
all ISRU platforms available. If the colonist did not have an ISRU platform, then they always get the ability
to perform all operations.
Add one defect to the skill roll to reflect uncertainties in the colonist promotion process.
Skill Medical
Defects from Human Colonist defects
Accident Colonist Promotion Accident
Defects go to Promoted Colonist defects

Promote Operation, Freighter

Skill Industry
Defects from Spectral class defects.
Accident Burn In Accident
Defects go to Spectral class defects.

Promote Operation, GW Thruster

Skill Industry
Defects from Component defects.
Accident Burn In Accident
Defects go to Component defects.

Promote Operation, Robot

Skill Industry
Defects from Robot defects
Accident Colonist Promotion Accident
Defects go to Robot defects

Promote Operation, Technology

Skill Industry
Defects from Robot defects
Accident Colonist Promotion Accident
Defects go to Robot defects
Items 5 tonnes or less are automatically promoted when you are at a lab of the correct spectral type which
you have access to. Larger items require this operation to be performed while at a lab.

Promote Complications Reserved For Future Use You must keep the
product to complete it’s related future instead of
Roll 2D6 when the complication occurs for all pro- using it for any other function. Once the future is
motion types. completed, you may use it normally.
Roll Description
2 The Risk is Worth It
3 Reserved For Future Use TNO Operations You must spacecraft the product
4 TNO Operations that you Promoted to a TNO site instead of using it
5 Export elsewhere. Promoted TW Thrusters may be refuelled
6 Piracy first if desired.
7 Rapid Operation
8 Reliable Operation
9 Glory Earthside Inspection You must spacecraft the
10 Established Lab product that you ET produce to your Home Orbit
11 Colonist Promotion and Crew Impact instead of using it elsewhere.
12 Head Start
Piracy During War (or Anarchy if no humans are
present), a buggy equipped spacecraft is takes off
The Risk is Worth It You must attempt the futures
from LEO or the nearest enemy factory to steal the
with the promoted product as soon as you are able,
Promoted product.
even if this would result in a high risk Epic Hazard
Glory If the crew performs the promotion oper-
ation and this is the first time this technology has

been promoted, each crew member gets a point of Colonist Promotion and Crew Impact If the
Glory. colonist performing the promotion is present at a
Lab, they are also promoted (if they are not already).
The crew gets a free MCSU Impact.
Established Lab The Lab you performed the pro-
motion at remains even if supporting infrastructure
is removed (colonists, factories). Head Start You can attempt an epic hazard op
with the promoted card as if you had a TNO Lab,
even if you don’t.

Prospect Operation
Site Prospect Operation

Skill Prospect (Claim)

Defects from The robonaut and supports used to perform the prospect
Accident Robonaut Accident
The industrialize operation used to at the site. Use a dice on the site to record how
Defects go to many defects will be acquired.
If your rocket has an ISRU equal or lower than the site’s hydration, complete the site prospect operation
and roll 1D6 ≤ the site size to place a claim at this site. If you fail, bust the site, which means you cannot
prospect it again.

In a single prospect op a) buggies roll twice and use the lowest roll and also put claim disks on all
hydration ≥ ISRU sites connected by suborbital (yellow) hops ; and b) rayguns also roll for each adjacent
hydration ≥ ISRU non-atmospheric site (all except aerostats, Mars surface and Titan) and can also prospect
if adjacent to such a site.
A site is adjacent if you can trace a connection to the site without passing through a non-hazard burn,
intersection, zig zag, Lagrange point or rad hazard and without following a buggy or aerobrake path. You
can trace adjacency through crash hazards and landing burns, including crash hazards which are burns.

Submersible Prospect Operation

Skill Prospect (Submersible)

Defects from The buggy and supports used to perform the prospect
Accident Submersible Accident
The industrialize operation used to at the site. Use a dice on the site to record how
Defects go to many defects will be acquired.
You can establish a second factory at a site with a subsurface ocean by completing a subsurface prospecting
operation. You would normally only do this if the surface site is already controlled by another faction and
you need to build a factory here. To successfully submersible prospect, you need a working buggy. After
completing the operation, roll 2D6 ≤ the site size, instead of the site prospecting roll above. The first time a
crew completes a successful submersible prospect they get 1 glory each.

ET Life Prospect Operation

Skill Prospect (ET Life)

If the site is industrialized, use the defects of the faction who has claimed the site;
Defects from or your Mission Control defects if you industrialized the site
Accident Field Research Accident
The industrialize operation used to at the site. Use a dice on the site to record how
Defects go to many defects will be acquired.

You can also prospect astrobiological sites to see if you can locate any ET life. To successfully ET life
prospect, roll 1 on 1D6 at an astrobiological site. If you discover ET life, you can industrialize the site to
build a laboratory instead of a factory, even if a factory controlled by another faction is already present.
The first time a crew discovers ET Life they get 1 glory each.

Prospect Complications Underwater or high pressure site If a subsur-

face ocean or ET life site, roll for accident checks
Roll 2D6 when the complication occurs. twice at this site when prospecting or industrializ-
Roll Description ing - the second roll is always a Submersible Acci-
2 Hazardous site dent. If resolving the operation month by month,
3 Radioactive site any 7 drawn is a Submersible Accident regardless of
4 Unstable site phase.
5 Underwater or high pressure site
6 Retreat Mining Required
7 Rapid operation Retreat Mining Required The resources are best
8 Reliable operation accessed using horizontal access methods which
9 Captured ejecta include retreat mining.
10 Natural reactor
11 Glory hole Captured ejecta If prospecting on the site, you
12 Surficial mineral deposits get water as if you had completed a site refuel oper-
ation here.
Hazardous site Make a hazard roll when you in-
dustrialize the site. Natural reactor If on a D, M, S or V site, add 1 WT
of isotope fuel matching the site’s spectral type.
Radioactive site If a D, M, S or V site, you can only
industrialize using rad-hardness 5+ equipment, and Glory hole Make a free roll for Search for ET Life
any Mining accident also causes a radiation hazard or Submersible Prospecting glories if you meet the
roll. other requirements.

Unstable site Roll for accident checks twice at Surficial mineral deposits If you perform the op-
this site when prospecting or industrializing - the tional Operation step, you may roll 2D6 < site size to
second roll is always a Mining Accident. If resolving allow you to swap the spectral type of this site with
the operation month by month, any 7 drawn is a another site connected by a buggy road as long as
Mining Accident regardless of phase. the other site has not previously been prospected.

Recruit Operation
The recruit operation allows you to recruit a colonist in a colonist module to act as a payload for a mission.
The type of colonist module recruited depends on the era and the location you wish the colonist to appear
at. A colonist who has been successfully recruited Earthside can be boosted to your home orbit or LEO,
whereas a colonist recruited at a large colony or Bernal appears there.

Promoting colonists To get a promoted colonist in the Exoglobalization era, you need to take a
colonist to a lab and perform the Promote operation on them. Any mission which takes a colonist
module to a science location assumes colonists willing to undergo this procedure.

Era Earthside Large colony or Bernal

Baseline No colonists available
Upported Earthside colonist No colonists available
Colonization Upported colonist No colonists available
Exoglobalization Upported colonist Second generation colonist
Futures New species Promoted colonist
Breakthroughs New species

Recruit, Hostile

Skill Recruit
Defects from Human colonists
Accident Hostile Negotiation or Felony Accident
Defects go to Human colonists
A hostile recruit is required when you wish to recruit a colonist or crew who is working for another faction.
You cannot hostile recruit when the Space Politics is war, and you can only hostile recruit colonists which
match your MCSU’s colour. If you hostile recruit colonists from a colony, reduce the inhabitants by 4. If the
space politics is Authoritarian, Military MCSUs can hostile recruit colonists of any colour.
Add a defect to the colony, if independent, or the faction you are hostile recruiting a colonist from when
you begin this operation.

Recruit, New Colonist

Skill Recruit - if non human, replace with Suffrage

Defects from Human colonists
Accident Production Delay
Defects go to Human colonists
The new colonist operation successfully recruits a colonist acting as a free agent. The colonist will expect
to be delivered to the mission destination with their colony module acting as a payload.
A second generation colonist will be recruited at a colony and require delivery from the colony to the
mission destination. A promoted colonist will be recruited at a lab. If you are not at a colony or lab, the
colonist will be at the nearest suitable location.

Political Fallout If you recruit a colonist which does not match the Space Politics, then the colonist
will come with one complication or one additional complication if any occurred as a part of the Recruit

Recruit Complications or colonist ISRU being used. If crew, then treat as if

from a Low quality ship.
Roll 2D6 when the complication occurs for all recruit
types. Replace with Suffrage complications for non-
human recruits. Notoriety Roll 3D6 and choose the lowest num-
Roll Description ber. The recruits include someone with this notori-
2 Prisoners ety. Roll 1D6 less than (not equal to) this number for
3 Ill-equipped there to also be a bounty on this recruit.
4 Notoriety
5 Damaged outlook
6 Unusual outlook Damaged outlook Roll 2D6 on the Spacecraft
7 Rapid operation Outlook table on page 77 table for the colonists.
8 Reliable operation
9 Detailed profiling
10 Long term friendship Unusual outlook Roll 1D6 on the Spacecraft Out-
11 Well-equipped look table on page 77 table for the colonists.
12 Battle beyond the stars

Detailed profiling Do not include this colonist

Prisoners The recruits include one or more pris-
module when determining the number of dice to roll
oners who have to be released from captivity. This
for encounter prompts. This means if you are not
requires a Negotiation operation with the faction
carrying any colonist payloads without detailed pro-
currently holding them.
filing, you only roll 1D6 when in transit or for colonies
founded with these colonists.
Ill-equipped The recruits do not have their usual
assay of equipment, preventing any special abilities

Long term friendship Recruits will add a Colony you had completed a faction mission for the faction
contact to each crew member if they are used to recruited.
form a colony
Battle beyond the stars These recruits will fight
Well-equipped Recruiting this recruit will imme- to the death for the crew, contributing personnel as
diately apply the recruit’s impact to the crew as if well as drones to any engagement.

Research Operation
Completing a Research operation gives the crew patents and licenses for 1D6 ET produced components and
grants each crew member the same number of patents and licenses for other ET Produced technologies,
or Advanced technologies. You can use as many bumps as you have available to increase the number of
technologies research gives you to the maximum allowed by the dice (6). This is discussed in more detail in
the New Technologies section of the Upgrades chapter.
Because research is original, you typically don’t have the relevant chrome in order to perform research
operations. The exception is if the component you wish to research is at the top of the patent deck, or you
are researching a technology on the reverse side of a patent card that you already have a license for. In
both these instances, you are considered to have the chrome for the research operation.

Acquire Patent Rights

Skill Research (Patent Search)

Defects from Earthside Operations
Accident Production Delay
Defects go to Earthside Operations

Original Research at a Lab

Skill Research (GW Thruster or Freighter or Robot)

Defects from Earthside Operations
Accident Lab Research Accident
Defects go to Earthside Operations
Original research can only be performed at a Lab. It is required for acquiring any patents if the politics is
Paleo-conservatism, or can be used instead of the acquire patent rights operation.

Research Complications Flawed Premise If it has not been previously

used, the Promoted or Black side patent is removed
Roll 2D6 when the complication occurs regardless from the game. Do not benefit from any income.
of the type of research being performed.
Roll Description
2 Flawed Premise Replicate Results You must perform an original
3 Replicate Results research income operation immediately following
4 Disputed Patent this operation, to replicate the results of the research,
5 Engineering Feasibility Study before you can use it.
6 Peer Review or Licensing Delays
7 Rapid Operation
Disputed Patent You must perform a finance in-
8 Reliable Operation
come operation immediately following this opera-
9 Ancillary Benefits
tion, to keep the rights to the research, before you
10 Science Major
can use it.
11 Advanced Theorem
12 Lab Established
Engineering Feasibility Study You must per-
form an engineering income operation immediately

following this operation, to verify engineering feasi- Science Major Each crew member gets a Science
bility, before you can use the research. contact.

Peer Review or Licensing Delays You must wait Advanced Theorem Remove 1 defect whenever
until the start of the next Red solar cycle before you you ET produce this patent.
can use the research unless you free market it.
Lab Established If performing research at a Lab,
Ancillary Benefits Two crew members can each the Lab remains even if supporting infrastructure is
pay off 1 debt, or 1 crew member 2 debt. removed (colonists, factories). Otherwise, a Lab is
established at the next factory you build on a science

Site Refuel Operation


Skill Mining (Site Refuel)

Defects from Robonaut and supports being used
Accident Mining Accident
Defects go to Thruster being refueled
You can refuel 20 WT of dirt at a factory or 10 WT of dirt at any other site regardless of its hydration.

Excavation rates A terrestrial LHD can haul 8000 tonnes of rubble a day. Assuming a 50% down
time to assemble the regolith into usable chunks for the mass driver, this still implies microgravity
excavation operates at around 0.03% of the speed of Earthside excavation.


Skill Mining (Site Refuel)

Defects from Robonaut and supports being used
Accident Mining Accident
Defects go to Thruster being refueled
Isotopes are only needed for GW and TW thrusters. C sites do not produce isotope fuel. Other sites produce
isotope fuel of the grade matching the site’s spectral type. You can refuel 1 WT of isotope fuel at a factory or
ISRU refuel at any D, M, S or V site.

ISRU Refuelling If your rocket has an ISRU equal to or less than the site’s hydration, you can refuel (the
site’s hydration + 1 – the rocket’s ISRU rating) WT of isotope fuel. C sites do not produce isotope fuel. Other
sites produce isotope fuel of the grade matching the site’s spectral type.


Skill Mining (Site Refuel)

Defects from Robonaut and supports being used
Accident Mining Accident
Defects go to Thruster being refueled
You can refuel 8 WT of water at a factory or ISRU refuel at any site.

ISRU Refuelling If your rocket has an ISRU equal to or less than the site’s hydration, add (the site’s
hydration + 1 – the rocket’s ISRU rating) WT of water.

Site Refuel Complications Factory Reserves Depleted You may not factory
refuel this year.
Roll 2D6 when the complication occurs for all site
refuel types.
Roll Description Poor Source of Water Halve, round up, the
2 Prospecting Required amount of water fuel recovered.
3 Limited Isotope Reserves
4 Factory Reserves Depleted
Poor Source of Isotopes Halve, round up, the
5 Poor Source of Water
amount of isotope fuel recovered.
6 Poor Source of Isotopes
7 Rapid Operation
8 Reliable Operation Rich Source of Regolith 1D6 WT of regolith (dirt
9 Rich Source of Regolith fuel) is acquired at the end of the operation in addi-
10 Rich Source of Water tion to fuel from the operation.
11 Rich Source of Isotopes
12 Mine Recovery
Rich Source of Water 1D6 / 2 (round up) WT of
water fuel is acquired at the end of the operation in
Prospecting Required If size 5 or smaller and un- addition to fuel from the operation.
claimed, you cannot refuel water or isotopes here
without perform a Prospecting operation first. If the
site is busted or anyone has a valid claim, you may Rich Source of Isotopes 1 WT of isotope fuel is
refuel normally (sufficient records exist about fuel acquired at the end of the operation in addition to
locations). fuel from the operation.

Limited Isotope Reserves If size 5 or smaller, you Mine Recovery If the site is busted and size 2+, re-
can only refuel isotopes here if you have a valid claim move the busted counter, allowing a new prospect-
or are performing a factory refuel. ing attempt.

Suffrage Operation
Skill Suffrage (Robot)
Defects from Political defects
Accident Political Incident
Defects go to Robot defects if successful; Political defects if unsuccessful
The suffrage operation is required to make any nonhuman species emancipated. Emancipated nonhumans
have legal rights to act as humans.

Suffrage Complications How best to serve humans Once they have been
emancipated, these non humans will work tire-
Roll 2D6 when the complication occurs. lessly towards eliminating humanity, either directly
Roll Description or by superseding everything that humanity could
2 How best to serve humans achieve. Roll 2D6+2 for the new dependency and
3 Subhuman society add one defect to relationships with the species. If
4 Nonhuman uprising you have the All Errors are My Own supplement, the
5 Ahuman species becomes a Slaver species faction in the Fu-
6 Anti-human activism tures era (or later), replacing the current Red faction.
7 Rapid operation
8 Reliable operation
9 Elders alliance Subhuman society These non humans are prod-
10 Students of humanity ucts of their xeno/techno/biological roots and are
11 Nonhuman Renaissance unable to overcome the significant impediments
12 A step towards supraspecies that result. While some exceptional individuals can
be used to make a case for emancipation, the major-
ity fail either the intellectual or moral tests needed

to justify this. Or do they? Roll 1D6+1 for the new Elders alliance The oldest non humans recog-
dependency. nize the need for change in the primitive nonhuman
society that has formed and have reached out to
humans they know and trust to attempt to find a
Nonhuman uprising As far as the majority of common ground and purpose.
these non humans are concerned, legal emancipa-
tion has been exhausted and they are now clandes- Students of humanity The youngest nonhu-
tinely plotting the violent overthrow of human gov- mans are emerging as the transformative social force
ernments to bring themselves to power. Add one as the nascent conscious minds of the non humans
defect to relationships with the species. try to understand dance, comedy, swearing and
other mental artifacts which humanity has mastered.

Ahuman These non humans are not interested

in human affairs; although they can gain legal pro- Nonhuman Renaissance The initial conditions
tection and recognition, they will not provide any that justify the case for emancipating these nonhu-
benefits of being human such as forming colonies mans have also set in motion profound social and
and protecting against felonies. political changes within the nonhuman society that
is resulting in a social and intellectual Renaissance
and the emergence of great nonhuman thinkers and
Anti-human activism A significant minority of philosophers.
the nonhumans have significant and justifiable
grievances against humans for past injustices. These A step towards supraspecies Emancipation will
activists will continue to attempt legal redress for radically and significantly change both human and
these wrongs long after they have been emanci- nonhuman societies in ways that will lead to a
pated. coopetitive symbiosis between the two species.

Missions in space require enormous precision and complexity and these requirements impose little margin
for error. Accidents can and will affect crewed space missions, the difference being that an on board crew
has the ability to report on and improvise solutions that may not be possible using pre-built tools or even
advanced robotics. These human crews can also be prone to errors, which introduces another possible
cause of accidents, but training, practice and simulation can be used to minimize this risk.
An accident can occur either while you are moving as a result of an accident event or during an operation
as a result of a failed skill test. Make a roll on the Accident Events table on page 35 if the accident is caused
by an accident event, whereas the type of operation you are performing will determine the accident occurs
as a result of a failed skill test. See the Operations chapter on page 232 for details.

Fail safe If you roll an accident that doesn’t apply because of the situation you’re in, then consider
yourself lucky and treat the accident as having no effect.

Support defects If an accident affects a component with support cards with defects, then the accident
will be in one of the defective supports half the time (1-3) and the supported component the remaining
time (4-6). Randomly choose which defective support on the result of 1-3.

Aerobrake Accidents Roll Description

1 Storm
2 Thermal Extremes
3 Heat Shielding Inspection Failure
4 Communications Blackout
Roll 1D6. 5 Skips Off Atmosphere
6 Sail Furling Failure

Storm Must spend a step of fuel to delay the brak- Breakdown Plane or zeppelin damaged, and lost
ing maneuver or make an additional hazard roll. if an aerostat and it does not have a pressure hull
capability of surviving deeper in the atmosphere,
Thermal Extremes Add a defect to a random otherwise glides to landing on an atmospheric size.
patent card determined by a 1D6 roll. 1: Thruster. 2: Roll 1D6: on a 1-2 for this to be the site connected
Thruster supports, 3: Payload. 4: Crew Module. 5: by buggy road (clockwise on a 1 if Mars, otherwise
Radiator (light side). 6: Radiator (heavy side). anticlockwise).

Heat Shielding Inspection Failure A fault is Storm Make a Pilot skill check to fly above the
found with the heat shielding for one component storm. Otherwise treat as Breakdown (above).
while lining up for the aerobrake which cannot be
repaired or replaced. The component will take a 1D6
raygun attack if the aerobrake path is used and if the Communications Blackout Make a hazard roll to
component is decommissioned, the spacecraft will survive. If the crew is not on board, they must verify
suffer a 2D6 missile attack. The component deter- the outcome by prospecting the site, making the haz-
mined by a 1D6 roll. 1: Thruster. 2: Thruster sup- ard roll after completing the prospect. If the crew is
ports, 3: Payload. 4: Crew Module. 5: Radiator (light on board, end the play session and make the hazard
or heavy side). 6: Radiator (heavy side). You can de- roll at the start of the next game session.
mote the radiator to the light side immediately to
avoid this accident.
Solar Flare If during the red cycle, the vehicle is
Communications Blackout Do not make the Aer- aloft during a solar flare. Must survive solar flare roll
obrake hazard roll if the crew is not on board - they if an aerostat, otherwise lands in time and buries
must verify the outcome by prospecting the site itself if a Pilot skill check is successful. No effect on
(making the aerobrake hazard roll at that time). If sites with magnetospheres.
the crew is on board, end the play session and make
the hazard roll at the start of the next game session.
Hazard Plane or zeppelin is damaged by an adja-
If you wish to continue this session, create a new
cent hazard. Otherwise no effect.
crew sent to inspect the crash site in 1D6 years plus
heliocentric distance of the aerobrake minus the era
modifier, with zero or less indicating rescuers are
Blown Off Course If prospecting a non-aerostat
already present at the site.
site, the plane or zeppelin is damaged by the haz-
ard adjacent to the connected site and moves there.
Skips Off Atmosphere The spacecraft may not Otherwise treat as Breakdown, above.
enter the aerobrake this turn. If the craft is left in an
landing burn, they must continue spending fuel or
be destroyed (bailout permitted).
AWOL Accidents and Hijacking
Sail Furling Failure If discarding a Solar Sail Countermeasures
while performing the aerobrake, the solar sail strikes
Roll 1D6, -2 if your Mission Control is Red or War, -1
the spacecraft as a 2D6 missile attack.
if White or Anarchy, +1 if Purple, +2 if Orange. Reroll
if an affected component is not fitted.
Roll Description
Atmospheric Pilot Accidents -0 Self-destruct
Roll 1D6. 1 Reactor shielding shutdown
Roll Description 2 Remote decompression
1 Breakdown 3 Rotational tether compromise
2 Storm 4 Autonomous systems lock out
3 Communications Blackout 5 Thruster fail safes trigger
4 Solar Flare 6 Call home
5 Hazard 7 Control system lock down
6 Blown Off Course 8+ Crew module separation

Self-destruct The spacecraft or facility self- Crew Module Separation Explosive bolts sepa-
destruct sequence is triggered, resulting in its de- rate the crew module from the rest of the spacecraft
struction in 1D6x1D6 minutes. A bail out is permit- and chemical boosters fire, consuming 1 step of fuel.
ted. An EVA or spacecraft drone Pilot is required to switch
them off, and another step of fuel must be consumed
to return to the spacecraft. There is no effect if this
Reactor shielding shutdown A momentary in- is a facility.
stability in the shielding of the on board reactor
floods the entire spacecraft or facility with neutri-
nos killing everything on board. There is no effect if Bernal or Colony Ecology
there is no reactor present.
Roll 1D6.
Remote decompression The airlocks are re- Roll Description
motely opened, decompressing the habitable 1 Extinction of Pollinators
spaces in the spacecraft or facility. Bypass tools are 2 Species Overrun
required to close the airlocks. The crew module is 3 Monoculture
forced to run on a low pressure pure oxygen air mix 4 Poor Crop Yields
for the remainder of the voyage. The crew will starve 5 Low Phosphate Supplies
to death in 1D6 months unless a yeast/algae/E-Coli 6 Overcrowding Disease
life support system can be restarted with a damage
control operation using the Ecology skill.
Extinction of Pollinators A cascading set of fail-
ures result in the ecology losing its pollinating in-
Rotational tether compromise The crew mod- sects. The Bernal or colony does not reduce ex-
ule rotational tether is compromised. This exposes tended operations risks due to dietary restrictions
the crew to microgravity risks, regardless of their caused by the loss of flowering plants, or the in-
quality level, until a new tether can be printed at creased labour requires required to pollinate them
a factory. There is no effect if this is a facility. by hand.

Species Overrun A single species overruns the

Autonomous systems lock out The LHD, drones ecology and has to be culled. The Bernal or colony
and any other autonomous systems are locked does not reduce extended operations risks this year
down and cannot be used by anyone on board. Re- due to the increased labour requirements to perform
pairs using the Bypass and Devops skills are required the cull.
to reprogram them.

Monoculture The colony or Bernal is reduced to

Thruster fail safes trigger Any on board a single viable ecology instead of varied ecologies.
thrusters are disabled and can only be remotely If this occurs again, it suffers complete ecological
enabled unless a Damage control operation using collapse and is forced to switch to a yeast/algae/E.
the Bypass skill is successful, per thruster. There is Coli life support system.
no effect if this is a facility.
Poor Crop Yields The stresses of subsidence
farming mean the colony or Bernal does not reduce
Call home Mission Control is notified of the AWOL
extended operations risks this year.
or hijacking attempt.

Low Phosphate Supplies The colony or Bernal

Control system lock down Access to the con- runs low on phosphate supplies and must be resup-
trols of any system in the ship or facility is locked plied from Earth, Titan or a C site or run out within
down. The mission continues remotely piloted from 2D6 years. Colonists and crew are at risk of osteo-
Mission Control unless the crew disables commu- porosis, kidney failures and heart attacks once the
nications by destroying the Earth uplink antennae. phosphate supplies are exhausted. Each year with-
Roll again on this table if this occurs. out phosphate, roll 1D6. 1-2: Hypophosphatemia.

3: Kidney stones. 4: Osteoporosis. 5-6: Heart attack. Raygun ejecta or radiator leak If using a raygun
This result has no effect if the site has a source of on a size 1-5 site, this is raygun ejecta causing a haz-
phosphates. ard either by exceeding escape velocity and entering
orbit (1D6 > site size) or falling onto existing site in-
frastructure (resolve a hazard roll against cards on
Overcrowding Disease A disease breaks out in the site). If a hazard is created, it appears in all spaces
the colony or Bernal and it has to be quarantined for adjacent to the site for one year. No effect in size 6+
a year. sites or for powersats or push factories.
If the accident is caused by a radiator component,
radiator leakage strikes the spacecraft. Suffer a 2D6
Bright Sail, Beamed Power, missile attack.
Radiator or Raygun Accidents
Out of ammunition or coolant If using a dirt
These accidents occur if you are using raygun, if you powered raygun, the raygun is disabled until you
are using a thruster being pushed by beamed power, go on site unless you spend a step of fuel. If the acci-
if you are using a Pulsed Plasmoid thruster or Mag- dent is caused by a radiator component, move the
Beam or Ablative Laser robonaut or if you are operat- radiator from its heavy side to its light side, or de-
ing a solar sail in the Mercury zone. You should also commission the radiator if it is already on its light
use these accidents for radiator support defects. side.
Roll 1D6.
Roll Description
1 Misalignment
2 Misfire
Buggy Accidents
3 Overheating (uncontained) Roll Description
4 Overheating (contained) 1 Breakdown
5 Raygun ejecta or radiator leak 2 Dust on or Damage to Solar Panels
6 Out of ammunition or coolant 3 Hazard
4 Road Building Accident
Misalignment The mirror, collimator, radiator or 5 Solar Flare
sail is misaligned momentarily, suffering minor dam- 6 Travel Hazard
age as a result. The component must be repaired at
any factory. Breakdown Buggy damaged. Move buggy card
to connected site if prospecting a size 8+ non-
aerostat site (roll for Mars).
Misfire Roll a raygun attack (2D6 if a push factory
or 2D6 raygun) against a random spacecraft com-
ponent: determined by a 1D6 roll. 1: Raygun or Dust on or Damage to Solar Panels Buggy
Thruster (if powersat or push factory). 2: Raygun stranded if the generator or reactor supporting it
or Thruster (if powersat or push factory) supports, is solar powered. Any collocated buggy, colonist or
3: Payload. 4: Crew Module. 5: Radiator (light side). crew can repair it without requiring spare parts.
6: Radiator (heavy side). No effect if the affected
component is missing.
Hazard The buggy is damaged by an adjacent
hazard. If there is none, this result has no effect.
Overheating (uncontained) Destroy the compo-
nent. Road Building Accident Buggy is affected by a
mining accident while building a bridge or cutting
road surface. Roll on the Mining Accident table.
Overheating (contained) Add 1 therm require-
ment for this operation or move (you may choose
to afterburn if this would handle the increased ther- Solar Flare If during the red cycle, the buggy is
mal load). If therms exceeded, decommission one on the surface during a solar flare and has one hour
supporting radiator or treat as Overheating (uncon- to bury itself or be exposed to solar flare radiation.
tained) above. No effect on sites with adjacent radiation hazards.

Travel Hazard If prospecting a size 8+ non- Assassination An assassination attempt is made

aerostat site, the buggy is damaged by the hazard against the colony leadership. If the crew is in power
adjacent to the connected site, and the buggy card because they won the last colony election, then roll
moved there. If there is no hazard adjacent to the 1D6 to see if the crew is targeted. 1: Pilot or comman-
connected site, this result has no effect. der. 2: Mission specialist. 3: 1st payload specialist. 4:
2nd payload specialist. 5: Colony contact. 6: Other
leader. Treat the result as 6 if there is no one in power
Burn In Accidents in the listed position. An assassination attempt is
successful on a 2 or less on 1D6, 4 if the law level is
Roll 1D6. low and not Martial law or Police state, or 1 if the law
Roll Description
level is high.
1 System Reset
2 Warning Light
3 Repair
4 Infant Mortality BSU-specific incident Choose the accident
5 Failure matching the colony BSU: Assassination if Red,
6 Catastrophic Failure Out-group violence if White, General strike if Green,
Legislative deadlock if Purple and Default if Orange.

System Reset Production delay.

Default If government debt exceeds the economy,
Warning Light Add a warning light penalty to the then the colony is unable to make its interest pay-
item. Warning light penalties can be recovered from ments and defaults. Halve the money supply and
but cannot be repaired. government debt and immediately trigger instability,
except do not apply any modifier to the economic
change roll (roll an unmodified 2D6 instead).
Repair Component damaged.

Infant Mortality Make a defect check on the com- General strike -1 economy. Roll for social unrest
ponent immediately including any defects outstand- except roll twice and choose the highest result for
ing from this operation. Destruction of spacecraft is both crowd level and alert level. Roll 1D6 for regime
reduced to destruction of component and support change, as follows. 1: Leaders executed. Any crew
cards are never affected. in power is executed (1-3) or imprisoned (4-6) for as
many years as the dice result. 2: War Regime Regres-
sion. 3: Green Bottom Up Regime Change. 4: Lead-
Failure Roll for the accident matching the card
ers imprisoned. Any crew in power are imprisoned
type, except destruction of spacecraft is reduced to
for 1D6 years. 5: Anarchy Ideological Revolution. 6:
destruction of component and support cards are
Use the Leaders executed result if the colony BSU is
never affected.
Red, War Regime Regression if White, Green Bottom
Up Regime Change if Green, Leaders imprisoned if
Catastrophic Failure If promoting a robot or Purple and Anarchy Ideological Revolution if Orange.
spectral class C freighter, a Singularity Attempt Acci-
dent occurs. Otherwise the component is destroyed.
Legislative deadlock Each year of legislative
deadlock since the last election operation adds one
Colony Incidents penalty level to the next election operation.
Roll 1D6.
Roll Description
1 Assassination Out-group violence 1D6 people are killed if the
2 Out-group violence colony has a population lower than 100; 1D6% of
3 General strike the population are killed if higher. Use 2D6 instead
4 Legislative deadlock if the law level is low, or halve the losses, round up,
5 Default if the law level is high. Trigger instability once the
6 BSU-specific incident deaths are resolved.

Crew Module or Pressurized Drone Accidents

Facility Accidents Roll 1D6.
Roll Description
Roll 1D6. 1 Drone Overboard
Roll Description
1 Compartment lock down 2 Drone Damaged
2 Fail-over 3 Drone Destroyed
3 Fire 4 Drone Blinded
4 Hull breach 5 Airlock Breach
5 Loss of redundancy 6 Tether Entanglement
6 Subsystem failure
Drone Overboard A drone is lost overboard and
Compartment lock down The pressure doors coasts alongside the spacecraft. A second drone or
between compartments close and seal to control crew EVA can recover it the next time the spacecraft
a fire or pressure loss to a single compartment. Re- spends fuel.
mote damage control must be conducted to fix the
damage and allow the doors to be re-opened.
Drone Damaged A drone is damaged.
Fail-over A critical subsystem fails and its redun-
dant components take over operation. Add two
Drone Destroyed A drone is destroyed.
penalties. Roll 1D6. 1: Controls. 2: Life support.
3: Maintenance and damage control. 4: Power. 5:
Radiators. 6: Sensors.
Drone Blinded A drone is blinded. It can still be
used until the damage is repaired, but requires the
Fire A fire affecting multiple compartments oc- Devops skill instead of Pilot skill to do so.
curs, resulting in a compartment lock down. Crew
in affected compartments must fight the fire after
donning protective equipment. Airlock Breach EVA activities restricted until crew
module damage is repaired.
Hull breach A hull breach affecting multiple com-
partments occurs, resulting in a compartment lock
Tether Entanglement Drone is hit by 0 (2 if dou-
down and loss of pressure (if in a vacuum, tenuous
bles) MISSILE attack each turn using a roll of 2D5*
or thin atmosphere, or standard atmospheres less
which disables if it does not do damage and does
dense than sea level), mixing with external atmo-
sphere (if at an atmospheric site with Earth sea level +1 damage if it hits a disabled location. Nearest
or higher atmospheric pressure) or flooding (if un- crew member is 2D5*m away and hatch is 4D5* me-
derwater). Crew in affected compartments must seal ters away at shootout scale, however the tether will
the breach after donning protective equipment. entangle any crew member who approaches with-
out cutting or welding equipment (which can be re-
trieved from the airlock).
Loss of redundancy A redundant subsystem pro-
tecting a running system is discovered to be inoper-
able and beyond repair. Add one fault (a fault is a
penalty that cannot be repaired or reprinted). Roll Epic Hazard Op Accidents
1D6. 1: Controls. 2: Life support. 3: Maintenance
Roll 1D6, +2 for High Energy Physics futures, -2 for
and damage control. 4: Power. 5: Radiators. 6: Sen-
Social or Parahuman engineering futures.
Roll Description
-1 Ascendant Species
Subsystem failure A critical subsystem fails in- 2 Singularity Failure Cascade
cluding its redundant components. Add one defect. 3 Grey Goo Meltdown
Roll 1D6. 1: Controls. 2: Life support. 3: Mainte- 4 Explosion and Fallout
nance and damage control. 4: Power. 5: Radiators. 5 CUDOS Released
6: Sensors. 6+ Core Quake

Ascendant Species All intelligent forms at the Roll Description

site become incorporated into a newly formed 1 Airlock Breach
postsingularity species, which constructs and re- 2 Decompression Illness
treats into a computronium virch with quantum 3 Suit Tear
resistant firewalls and becomes uncommunicative. 4 Tether Entanglement
The site is quarantined as a precautionary measure 5 Tool Lost
and closely monitored. 6 Welding Accident

Singularity Failure Cascade A singularity at- Airlock Breach EVA activities restricted until crew
tempt occurs and lasts long enough to propagate module damage is repaired.
additional singularity attempts before failing. The
site population is replaced with singularity attempt
accidents and rendered hostile, uninhabitable and Decompression Illness Crew member confined
quarantined. to airlock for hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) for
up to 2 days, requiring supervision from the remain-
Grey Goo Meltdown Grey Goo is created and ing crew. Roll 1D6. 1: Suffers neurological seque-
overwhelms the ability of local security forces to con- lae which acts as an injury until recovered in a shirt
tain it. However the resources available at the site sleeve environment. 2-6: No long term effects.
are insufficient to allow the Grey Goo to populate
further and it either goes into hibernation mode or
begins competing for remaining resources with itself Suit Tear Random crew member suffers suit tear
- the site is extremely hostile, hazardous and quaran- during EVA. Roll 1D5 for initial location of tear. Near-
tined. est crew member is 2D5*m away and hatch is 4D5*
meters away at shootout scale. Ignore if crew is not
using Soft space suits.
Explosion and Fallout An antimatter explosion
or reactor criticality incident destroys local infras-
tructure and units present at the site and pollutes Tether Entanglement Random crew member hit
the sites with highly radioactive byproducts with half by 0 (2 if doubles) MISSILE attack each turn using
lives in the 100,000s of years. The site becomes haz- a roll of 2D5* which disables if it does not do dam-
ardous and uneconomic to exploit. age and does +1 damage if it hits a disabled loca-
tion. Nearest crew member is 2D5*m away and the
CUDO Released A Compact Ultra Dense Object hatch is 4D5* meters away at shootout scale, how-
such as a strange matter fragment forms and imme- ever the tether will entangle any crew member who
diately destroys local infrastructure (colonies, fac- approaches without cutting or welding equipment
tories, labs, Bernals), posing a hazard to all other (which can be retrieved from the airlock).
spaceships present, before dropping into the site
core. It continues to loop through the core of the
planet, posing an extreme hazard for any further in- Tool Lost A tool or screw is lost overboard. A re-
frastructure at the site every 1D6+size years. placement can be 3D printed, but the crew member
who lost it is subject to disciplinary action.

Core Quake Sufficient forces are released to ei-

ther crack the crust releasing the mantle underneath Welding Accident Random crew member hit by
(size 6+), form a permanent super storm similar to 2 (4 if doubles) BOLT attack using a roll of 1D5*. Near-
the Jovian red spot (aerostat), or shatter the site into
est crew member is 2D5*m away and hatch is 4D5*
fragments (size 1-5). The site remains extremely haz-
meters away at shootout scale.
ardous for the foreseeable future.

EVA Accidents Field Research Accidents

Roll 1D6. Roll 1D6.

Roll Description the spacecraft crashes into the planet or moon and
1 Instrument Errors is destroyed.
2 Observational Errors
Overstated Results, Subsequent
3 Retraction Collision vector If moving to an aerobrake from
4 Paradigm Shift the flyby, roll on the Aerobrake accident table. De-
5 Published Negative Results stroy the spacecraft (bailout permitted) if the aer-
6 Site Cross Contamination obrake is not entered as a result of the Aerobrake
accident outcome. Otherwise this result has no ef-
Instrument Errors Calibration of instruments un-
able to provide conclusive results, resulting a pro-
duction delay. Inadvertent aerobraking The spacecraft must
take the aerobrake path from the flyby if one is avail-
Observational Errors Any positive result is
missed by the team. Another scientist can still per-
Missed window The spacecraft gets no benefit
form this operation, but the scientist performing the
from the flyby
operation cannot repeat the experiments.

Orbital debris Roll a 2D6 missile attack against

Overstated Results, Subsequent Retraction
the spacecraft
Get the glory. At the start of each solar cycle, roll
1D6. On a 1-2 you must retract the results, losing
the glory. On a 1 this causes you to suffer 1 point of Thruster Misfire Roll on the Thruster accident ta-
notoriety if you have had this result occur twice. ble

Paradigm Shift Scientific community refuses to Generator Accidents

accept results. Get 1 point of notoriety instead of 1
point of glory. Roll 1D6.
Roll Description
1 Electrocution
Published Negative Results As observational er- 2 Electrocution (if water present)
rors, but the data is published. Another scientist can 3 Gas leak (hydrocarbon or hydrogen)
perform the same operation from any location. 4 Generator fire
5 Overheating (uncontained)
Site Cross Contamination The site is contami- 6 Overheating (contained)
nated and it is not possible to distinguish genuine
results from contamination. Any buggy connected Electrocution How hazardous electrocution is
site can be prospected to check for alternate sites. depends on generator voltage and exposure: as-
sume here it is at near fatal levels. Electrocution
is most frequently caused by water present in the
Flyby Accidents environment: if none is present, then ignore the Elec-
trocution (if water present) result.
Roll 1D6.
Roll Description
1 Close approach Gas leak Hydrocarbon-based generators can
2 Collision vector quickly fill surrounding air with carbon monox-
3 Inadvertent aerobraking ide, rendering it unbreathable unless ventilated.
4 Missed window Hydrogen-based generators will instead cause a gen-
5 Orbital debris erator fire in oxygen rich atmospheres.
6 Thruster misfire
Generator fire Either a fuel-based or electrical
Close approach The flyby space becomes a haz- fire depending on the generator type. Crew in af-
ardous burn, but gives free burns equal to twice the fected compartments must fight the fire after don-
original free burns +1. If already a hazardous flyby, ning protective equipment.

Overheating (uncontained) Destroy the compo- Standoff The crew or colonists are surrounded
nent. If this has a boiler, do 2D6 missile damage to by local security forces and must exfiltrate to avoid
the spacecraft or robot. capture.

Overheating (contained) Add 1 therm require- Lab Research Accidents

ment for this operation or move (you may choose
to afterburn if this would handle the increased ther- Roll 1D6.
mal load). If therms exceeded, decommission one Roll Description
supporting radiator or treat as Overheating (uncon- 1 Instrument errors
tained) above. 2 Lab accident
3 Observational errors
4 Overstated results
5 Paradigm shift
Hostile Negotiation or Felony 6 Published negative results
Instrument Errors Calibration of instruments un-
Roll 1D6.
Roll Description able to provide conclusive results, resulting a pro-
1 Captured duction delay.
2 Failure
3 Firefight Lab Accident Make a rad-hazard roll against the
4 Gifts/Bribe lab with a +3 modifier.
5 Social engineering
6 Standoff
Observational Errors Any positive result is
missed by the team. Another scientist can still per-
Captured The crew or colonists are captured by form this operation, but the scientist performing the
local security forces. They are taken hostage and a operation cannot repeat the experiments.
Negotiation operation is required to free them.
Overstated Results The research proceeds, but
Failure The negotiation ends in failure. Failed add 1D6 penalties to the component researched at
hostile negotiations may not be reattempted until the conclusion of the research operation.
the start of the next Blue solar cycle. Failed felonies
may be reattempted after the security lock down is Paradigm Shift Scientific community refuses to
lifted at the end of the year. accept results. Get 1 point of notoriety in addition
to completing research.

Firefight Combat occurs between the crew or

colonists and local security forces. Resolve as a fire- Published Negative Results As observational er-
fight. rors, but the data is published. Another scientist can
perform the same operation from any location.

Gifts/Bribe The negotiation attempt requires the

crew acquires 2D6 debt, which can be spread out Launch, Landing or Dirtside
amongst the crew as required. If they do not, roll
again on this table, with a roll of 1-3 indicating fail-
ure (above). Roll 1D6.
Roll Description
1 Beam Power Failure
Social Engineering The negotiation attempt re- 2 Factory Shutdown
quires the crew spends incur 2D6 favours, which can 3 Launchpad Explosion
be spread out amongst the crew as required. If they 4 Storm
do not, roll again on this table, with a roll of 1-3 indi- 5 Tether Failure or Traffic Collision
cating failure (above). 6 Thermal Extremes

Beam Power Failure Roll on Bright Sail, Beamed Algal Bloom An algal bloom is deliberately in-
Power, Radiator or Raygun Accidents table on duced in the water supply to address high levels
page 263 if using Microwave or Laser factory assist of CO2 . Water restrictions put additional stress on
or one of these launch or landing methods. the affected module, forcing the crew to make addi-
tional service risk roll immediately.

Factory Shutdown Roll on Mining Accident result

above if performing a factory assist or dirtside oper- CO2 Scrubber Failures Sufficient CO2 scrubber
ation. Factory resources diverted to resolve mining failures have occurred that the crew life support func-
accident causing a production delay. tion is considered damaged. If not repaired, the CO2
levels in the module will be elevated to dangerous
levels in 1D6 years, minus one year every time this
Launchpad Explosion Roll on Missile or Thruster is rerolled. At that point, 1 WT of fuel must be ex-
Accident if using a non-Solar Sail thruster, or factory pended each year to provide oxygen to the module
assist is a Verne Gun, Blast Wave Accelerator, Air or (and cannot be used as propellant) running on a low
Ramjet Launch or Rocket. Destroy the stack or card atmosphere pressure mix.
being ET produced if the thruster is destroyed.
E. Coli Outbreak A colonist module suffers from
Storm If site is atmospheric, must delay launch, an E. Coli infection from this bacteria, carried on
landing or operation or make an additional hazard board as it is used to synthesize essential nutrients.
roll. This requires the affected module be quarantined
for until the spacecraft arrives at a factory, stopping
it from helping prevent suicides.
Tether Failure or Traffic Collision If using a fac-
tory assist or dirtside operation, damage a random
Refrigeration Failure Carried eggs and sperm
patent card on the assisted stack or Bernal: deter-
are destroyed, preventing the crew from founding an
mined by a 1D6 roll. 1: Raygun or Thruster (if power-
independent colony. White crews suffer one stress
sat or push factory). 2: Raygun or Thruster (if pow-
ersat or push factory) supports, 3: Payload. 4: Crew
Module. 5: Radiator (light side). 6: Radiator (heavy
side). Factory may not factory launch temporarily Seed Bank Failure The seed bank has suffered
causing a production delay. Destroy stack (bailout losses preventing the crew from founding a viable
permitted) if using a factory assist on a size 6+ site. colony ecology.

Thermal Extremes Roll 1D6 less than the helio- Yeast Mycosis A colonist develops a yeast infec-
centric distance to add a Defect to a random patent tion either due to mishandling of life support mainte-
card determined by a 1D6 roll. 1: Thruster. 2: nance or pathogenic yeast mutation. Food supplies
Thruster supports, 3: Payload. 4: Crew Module. 5: are temporarily suspended and the yeast tanks have
Radiator (light side). 6: Radiator (heavy side). a new strain introduced. This requires the affected
module be quarantined for a year, preventing it from
helping prevent suicides. If no colonist is present,
this has no effect.
Life Support Accidents
Roll 1D6. Results 1-4 are instead ’”Leaf Box” or ”Sushi
Box” failure the first time these are rolled which re-
Mining Accidents
quires a switch to a yeast/algae/E. Coli life support Roll 1D6.
Roll Description
1 Algal Bloom Mining LHDs Each robonaut, colonist and crew
2 CO2 Scrubber Failures card includes one mining LHD (Load, Haul, Dump).
3 E. Coli Outbreak Refineries include two mining LHDs. A factory can
4 Refrigeration Failure produce a mining LHD in 30 days, a 3D printer can re-
5 Seed Bank Failure pair one in 15. A mining LHD is required for Prospect,
6 Yeast Mycosis Site Refuel and Industrialize operations.

Roll Description Missile, Reactor or Thruster

1 Collapse of Mining Slope or Long Wall
2 Dust Fire Accidents
3 Mining Ejecta
4 Natural or Mining Induced Seismicity Roll 1D6. If you are using a Pulsed Plasmoid, Ab-
5 Oxygen / LH2O / LOX Fire lative Laser or MagBeam thruster anywhere or a
Tether Failure or Collapse During solar sail in the Mercury zone, use the Bright Sail,
6 Retreat Mining Beamed Power, Radiator or Raygun Accidents table
on page 263 instead. If you are using a solar sail else-
where use the Solar Sail accidents table on page 273
Collapse of Mining Stope or Long Wall In a size instead.
Roll Description
1-5 site, the collapse may not necessarily happen 1 Explosion (contained)
”down” because of complications caused by micro- 2 Explosion (uncontained)
gravity conditions. Mining LHD is damaged. Propellant flow failure or Neutron
3 embrittlement
4 Propellant leak or Neutron burst
Dust Fire If an atmospheric site, mining LHD is 5 Support failure
damaged. 6 Thruster chamber failure

Explosion (contained) Destroy the component:

Mining Ejecta In a size 1-5 site, this is mining either missile, reactor or thruster. If a reactor at a
ejecta causing a hazard either by exceeding escape facility, the explosion destroys one of the reactors at
velocity and entering orbit (1D6 > site size) or falling the facility but is contained within the reactor build-
onto existing site infrastructure (resolve a hazard roll ing.
against cards on the site). If a hazard is created, it
appears in all spaces adjacent to the site for one year.
Explosion (uncontained) Destroy the stack
In larger sites, this is a leak or dangerous disturbance
(bailout not permitted). If a reactor at a facility,
of the mining tailings (make a hazard roll). Make ra-
the explosion spreads radioactive material around
diation hazard roll for the site if Isotope Refuelling.
the facility which contaminates it with fallout. Up-
ported and later reactors are typically designed fail
safe, so the explosion only results in a meltdown if a
Natural or Mining Induced Seismicity Roll 1D6 1D6 roll is less than the number of defects that apply
and ignore if the site requirements are not met. In
all instances if the requirements are met, the mining
LHD is stranded underground and can be recovered Propellant flow failure or Neutron embrittle-
by a robonaut or colonist capable of completing this ment Destroy the stack (bailout permitted) if oc-
operation. 1: Cryoseism (hydration 4+). 2: Volcanic curs during takeoff or landing. If using antimatter
activity (Io). 3: Geyser (adjacent geyser hazard). 4: (Red Bernal ability, or antimatter support), create a
Fluid depletion triggered earthquake (ET life or sub- permanent hazard in the space unless taking off or
surface ocean site). 5: Blasting induced tectonic landing. If a nuclear thermal rocket, add one defect
stress release (size 6+). 6: Fluid injection induced to the thruster and reactor. If a reactor at a facility,
earthquake (hydration 3+). add one defect to the facility.

Propellant Leak or Neutron Burst Lose 1 step

Oxygen / LH2O / LOX Fire Mining LHD is dam- of fuel. Destroy the stack (bailout not permitted) if
aged. occurs during takeoff or landing unless a nuclear
thermal rocket or electric robonaut. The stack suf-
fers a 1D6 rad hazard if the thruster is supported by
Tether Failure or Collapse During Retreat Mining a reactor. If a reactor at a facility, the facility suffers a
In a size 1-5 site, mining LHD is damaged due to fail- 1D6 rad hazard.
ures of the tether holding the equipment in situ in
order for it to operate. In a size 6+, no effect unless Support failure Damage a random support card
retreat mining where the mining LHD is destroyed. (excluding radiators). Destroy the card and the

thruster if a chemical or antimatter rocket or the sup- Price Increase The negotiated price doubles, or
port card is a reactor. If a reactor at a facility, treat if selling, halves. If no price was negotiated, the
this as a contained explosion in support facilities. price becomes 2D6 debt, which can be spread out
amongst the crew as required
Thruster chamber failure Damage the thruster
if electric or nuclear thermal except generator sup-
ported robonauts get a Defect added to the card
Pantrophy, Mod or Colonist
instead (representing embrittlement). Destroy the Promotion Accidents
stack (bailout permitted) if a chemical or antimatter
rocket. If a reactor at a facility, treat this as a con- Roll 1D6.
tained explosion in the reactor. Roll Description
1 Extended recovery
2 Failure (Risk of singularity)
Negotiation Accidents 3 Medicated side effects
4 Postoperative failure
Roll 1D6. 5 Surgical complications
Roll Description 6 Transplant/implant rejection
1 Escalation
2 Favour
3 Gifts/Bribe Extended recovery Recovery from surgery re-
4 Mission Creep quires 1D6 additional months of treatment and re-
5 Offense habilitation. The crew member or colonist may not
6 Price Increase move or perform operations next year.

Escalation If negotiating on site, at a Bernal or Failure (Risk of singularity) The patient fails to
with a potential hostage, increase the alert level by integrate the new abilities resulting in cosmetic
one and further negotiation accidents are resolved changes only. If promoting a colonist, subsequent
as Hostile Negotiation or Felony Accidents. Treat the Colonist promotion accidents are rolled on the Sin-
result as failure. gularity Attempt Accidents table on page 273.

Favour The negotiation attempt requires the crew Medicated side effects Medication required to
spends incur 2D6 favours, which can be spread out treat the side effects of the operation is required to
amongst the crew as required. If they do not, roll be taken for the rest of the patient’s life. If this medi-
again on this table, with a roll of 1-3 indicating fail- cation is not available, the patient will take serious
ure (above). damage to hit location one every week.

Gifts/Bribe The negotiation attempt requires the Postoperative failure The patient takes 2 inter-
crew spends funds sufficient to incur 2D6 debt, nal damage to hit location 1 following surgery, in-
which can be spread out amongst the crew as re- cluding an injury and the pantrophy, mod or promo-
quired. If they do not, roll again on this table, with a tion fails and cannot be attempted again.
roll of 1-3 indicating failure (above).
Surgical complications Roll 1D6 to see which of
Mission Creep In addition to any price negoti- the following problem occur: Physical reduced by
ated, the crew must perform a Political mission. Roll 1 (1), Mental reduced by 1 (2), Social reduced by 1
for the mission based on the colour of the faction (3), 1 point of brain damage (4), roll 1D6 once the on
they are negotiating with. crew service history issues table (5) and roll twice on
the accident table (6).
Offense The negotiation ends in failure and the
other party is offended. Negotiations may not be Transplant/implant rejection The transplant or
reattempted until the start of the next Blue solar cy- implant will be rejected by the body’s immune sys-
cle. tem in 1D5* years and stop functioning.

Political Incidents is affected; reroll if there is no component in use.

The component or facility is destroyed if a 2D6 roll is
Use the At War political incidents if the Space Politics greater than it’s rad-hardness. Otherwise the mass
is War at the time the political incident occurs, and driver attack misses as you are able to detect and
Peacetime otherwise. avoid it in time, but functions as a warning shot.

Political Incidents, At War Mission control attacked The Mission Control is

attacked by the offended party’s military forces. The
Roll 1D6. The offended party is either the faction you
Mission Control cannot boost or assist with oper-
belong to, if you are performing the Defer Trend or
ations for a year, but sufficient staff are recovered
Replacement Activism operation, or the faction you
at that point to rebuild the Mission Control with 1
target with an Antitrust operation. For elections, the
skill level lower than previously. Roll 1D6 for addi-
offended faction is always the faction that wins the
tional effects. 1, 3, 5: Relocates to Regional Rocket
Roll Description Launch Site, or another major spaceport if already
1 Colony landing at a Regional Rocket Launch Site. 1, 4, 6: Mission
2 Factory landing Control suffered severe casualties during initial fight-
3 Infrastructure attacked ing. The crew all get a PTSD stress penalty. Resolve
4 Mass driver attack as a mission control contact lifespan service risk. 2,
5 Mission control attacked 3, 4: Mission Control was taken over by armed hos-
6 Spacecraft interception tiles and survivors kidnapped. Resolve as a mission
control contact lifespan service risk with any failure
killing the contact.
Colony landing A mission will be launched next
year by the offended faction to land at one of your
colonies using a buggy-equipped spacecraft. You Spacecraft interception A mission will be
can stop this mission by successfully performing an launched next year by the offended faction to in-
Anti-trust operation the year the mission is launched. tercept your spacecraft using a missile-equipped
If you do not have any colonies, this result has no spacecraft. You can stop this mission by success-
effect. fully performing an Anti-trust operation the year the
interception is launched.
Factory landing A mission will be launched next
year by the offended faction to land at one of your Political Incidents, Peacetime
factories using a buggy-equipped spacecraft. You
Roll 1D6. The offended party is either the faction you
can stop this mission by successfully performing an
belong to, if you are performing the Defer Trend or
Anti-trust operation the year the mission is launched.
Replacement Activism operation, or the faction you
If you do not have any colonies, this result has no
target with an Antitrust operation. For elections, the
offended faction is always the faction that wins the
Infrastructure attacked A mission will be Roll Description
launched next year by the offended faction against 1 Antitrust or budget cuts
your infrastructure (such as a Bernal) using a missile 2 Audit committee
equipped spacecraft. You can stop this mission by 3 Crew replacement
successfully performing an Anti-trust operation the 4 Infrastructure ban
year the mission is launched. If you do not have any 5 Mission control purge
infrastructure, this result has no effect. 6 Smear campaign

Mass driver attack If you are not in a spacecraft Antitrust or budget cuts The mission control
or in an orbit adjacent to the offended faction’s fa- loses the license to one category of the spacecraft’s
cilities, you are hit by a mass driver attack. If you components. Roll 1D6. 1: Thruster. 2: Robonaut. 3:
are in a spacecraft it targets a random component. Refinery. 4: Generator. 5: Reactor. 6: Radiator. If the
Roll 1D6. 1: Thruster. 2: Robonaut. 3: Refinery. 4: spacecraft has multiple components then choose
Generator. 5: Reactor. 6: Radiator. If the spacecraft which one is affected; reroll if there is no component
has multiple components then choose which one in use. Without the license, you cannot ET produce

the component and it is affected by the Unlicensed Micrometeoroid Sail is damaged.

components service risk. You can get the license
back in 1D6 years by performing a Research opera-
tion at that point. Sail Tear Low light pressure causes the sail ele-
ments to collide with each other. Roll 5 or less on
Audit committee Each crew member is brought 2D6 + heliocentric zone modifier to damage the sail.
before a 3 person audit committee to answer ques-
tions about their actions during this operation and
Sail Acquires Charge Sail elements accumulate
the mission in general. Each committee member
a charge from the interplanetary medium. The sail
asks 2 questions and the crew member is given one
cannot be used until discharged by entering orbit
minute to answer each question.
around or landing on a site.

Crew replacement Political pressure applied be-

hind the scenes by the offended faction forces senior Stall or Failed Tack One month delay to recover.
management to replace one of the crew participat- Treat as a production delay the following year.
ing in the operation. Randomly determine which
crew member this is. This replacement occurs at the
next resupply or when the crew arrives at any of their Sunspot Minimum If not the red cycle, less than
own infrastructure, provided there is crew to replace expected solar wind pressure results in a -1 thrust
them with. modifier for electric sails only.

Infrastructure ban The crew are banned from us-

ing any infrastructure controlled by the offended fac- Singularity Attempt Accidents
tion, including factories and colonies.
Roll 1D6 for behaviour and 1D6 for form.
Mission control purge A significant personnel
shake up occurs at mission control. Roll 1D6 for each
mission control contact. 1-4: Remains. 5: Contact
retires. 6: Lose contact. Roll Description
1 Building
Smear campaign The crew member with the low- 2 Exploring
est Social ability (roll for tie breakers) is targeted by 3 Hegemonizing
a vicious and unethical media campaign funded by 4 Infiltrating
undisclosed donors which makes unsubstantiated 5 Self-destructive
yet plausible allegations in a way that prevents direct 6 Uncommunicative
response. The crew member gains 1 notoriety.

Building The singularity attempt begins build-

Solar Sail Accidents ing undecipherable technological structures using
nearby resources. Roll for a new behaviour in 24
Roll 1D6. If you are using the solar sail in the Mercury hours. The site or Bernal should be quarantined as
zone, use the Bright Sail, Beamed Power, Radiator a precautionary measure.
or Raygun Accidents table on page 263 instead.
Roll Description
1 Favourable Solar Wind Exploring The singularity attempt begins to ex-
2 Micrometeoroid plore the nearby environment. If disturbed, roll 1D6
3 Sail Acquires Charge to see how it responds and again every 24 hours.
4 Sail Tear 1: Mimics anything it encounters. 2: Attempts to
5 Stall or Failed Tack communicate unintelligibly. 3: Flees. 4: Ignores and
6 Sunspot Minimum continues to explore. 5: Passively observes. 6: Sud-
den change in behaviour. Roll 1D6 on the behaviour
Favourable Solar Wind During the red cycle, add table every hour. If this result rolled again, the next
+1 thrust. behaviour rolled is permanent.

Hegemonizing The singularity attempt will ag- Glitches Machinery and biological matter form
gressively attempt to convert additional resources new computational systems and virtual worlds. Roll
nearby into singularity forms. The site or Bernal 1D6 to see what exists inside the glitch system. 1, 2:
should be quarantined. A virch universe containing a conscious Virtual A-Life
Species (VALS). 3, 4: An artificial consciousness. 5, 6:
Uploaded minds from the victims of the singularity
Infiltrating The singularity attempts to build a attempt. On an even number the system is stable
spacecraft using additional resources nearby, co- but ahuman, on an odd number it is chaotic and
opting intelligences when it is able to isolate them. continuously collapses and reforms in new ways.
The site or Bernal should be destroyed before the
spacecraft is built.
Hollows The singularity attempt initially appears
to be successful. However subsequent analysis re-
Self-destructive The singularity attempts de- veals that the monitoring equipment itself was cor-
stroys itself. The site or Bernal should be quaran- rupted by the process and many or all of the humans
tined as a safety measure. in the experiment are just hollow husks puppeted
by something else. If promoting colonists, they will
have 1D6 faults (unrepairable penalties).
Uncommunicative The singularity begins to con-
struct a computronium virch with quantum resistant
firewalls and physical defenses. It retreats into the Invalids Roll 1D6 to see which of the following
virch and becomes uncommunicative. The site or occurs. 1: Physical increased to 10. 2: Mental in-
Bernal should be quarantined. creased to 10. 3: Social increased to 10. 4: Universal
translator with language skills of 10. 5: Universal
investor with Capital skills increased to 10. 6: Uni-
Form versal hacker with Bypass and Devops skill of 10 and
ability to create malware as required. Roll 1D6 twice
Roll Description more to see which abilities were unaffected, with
1 Bugs doubles indicating a second improvement occurs
2 Clumps (resolve as above). All other abilities are adjusted
3 Engulfed as follows, except where the result in brackets was
4 Glitches rolled: Physical reduced to 1 (1), Mental reduced to 1
5 Hollows
(2), Social reduced to 1 (3), lose all spoken languages
6 Invalids
(4), roll 1D6 on the service history issues table 1D6
times (5) and 1D6 toxin complications (6).
Bugs Machinery and biological matter are sub-
sumed into new shapes. Randomly generate a robot
to see how these forms function. Submersible or Undersea Facility
Clumps Nearby humans are welded into clumps Roll 1D6.
consisting of 2D6 bodies. 2 damage to hit location 5 Roll Description
will break one body off from the clump (which still 1 Collision
continues to function); clumps otherwise have hit 2 Electrical fire
boxes equal to twice the number of bodies at each 3 Fuel leak into compartments
hit location. 4 Mechanical failure
5 Pressure hull failure
6 Run aground or undersea quake or landslide
Engulfed The nearby area is engulfed by a rapidly
expanding mass of 1D6 types of smart matter. The
smart matter growth halts as available feed stocks of Collision Submersible damaged and sinks or fa-
easily converted resources are depleted. Individuals cility damaged and floods. Roll 1D6-2 for the min-
are engulfed in a swarm of smart matter which buzz imum ISRU of the buggy required to drain and re-
around them like bees on a hive. cover it.

Electrical Fire Submersible damaged and sunk Pressure Hull Failure Submersible sinks or facil-
or facility damaged and flooded to avoid destruction. ity floods. Roll 1D6-2 for the minimum ISRU of the
Resolve as collision. buggy required to recover it.

Fuel leak into compartments Submersible or fa-

cility damaged. Run aground or undersea quake or landslide
Submersible damaged and stranded underwater; or
Mechanical Failure Submersible sinks or facility facility damaged and floods. Any buggy with equal
floods. Roll 1D6-2 for the minimum ISRU of the or better ISRU can drain and recover it; facilities can
buggy required to drain and recover it. be drained and recovered by any buggy.

+1 Operations, 252 Anti-Nuke

CO2 Scrubber Failures, 269 Spacecraft, 194
3D Printed using site specific inks, 89 Anti-Nuke Inner System Payloads, 195
Anti-Nuke Inspection, 63
A refinery, 184 Anti-Nuke Solar Sail Payloads, 194
A robonaut, 184 Antimatter, 143
A step towards supraspecies, 260 Antitrust Complications, 235
A-Life, 143 Antitrust Operation, 235
Abandoned, 66 Antitrust operations, 75
Abandoned Mining Tunnels, 89 Antitrust or budget cuts, 272
Abandoned/Empty, 111 Archivist, 139
Absolute Cyberocracy, 105 Aristocracy, 106
Absolute Kakistocracy, 105 Armaments, 249
Accident, 33 Armed Mutiny, 79
Accident Checks, 34 Armed populace, 116
Accidents, 260 Armed resistance, 246
Acquire Patent Rights, 257 Arms Locker, 69
Actionable intelligence, 250 Arrests and seizure, 61
Activism Complications, 234 Art and curios, 143
Activism Operation, 234 Article IX Inspection, 63
Activism, Defer Crew Replacement or Political Trend Artist, 140
Change, 234 Ascendant Species, 266
Activism, Election, 234 Assassination, 264
Activist, 140 Asset specificity mergers, 156
Advanced Colony Missions, 50 Asteroid ring-train, 86
Advanced Commercial Mission, 51 Atmospheric Pilot Accidents, 261
Advanced Military Missions, 52 Atrocity, 56
Advanced Missions, 50 Attention Economy, 111
Advanced Polymer Deflatable Semi-rigid Airship, 89 Audit committee, 273
Advanced Rockets, 76 Austerity, 111
Advanced Science Missions, 53 Authoritarian Stratification, 111
Advanced Theorem, 258 Authoritarianism, 66
Aerobrake Accidents, 260 Autocracy, 106
Aesthetic Economy, 111 Autonomous systems lock out, 262
Ahuman, 260 AWOL Accidents and Hijacking Countermeasures,
AIDA Mission Complications, 17 261
AIDA Mission Component Restrictions, 12 AWOL Complications, 236
AIDA Mission Operations Team, 14 AWOL Missions, 43
AIDA Mission Parameters, 11 AWOL Operation, 236
AIDA Mission Research Team, 12
AIDA Rocket Components, 17 Backup Clones, 116
Air-Pressure Inflated Habitat, 89 Backyard Enthusiasts, 151
Airlock Breach, 265, 266 Bad Publicity, 234, 236
Algal Bloom, 269 Balkanized, 116
All operations or platforms, 252 Bartering, 111
Allocation, 175 Battle beyond the stars, 257
Amorcracy, 105 Beam Power Failure, 269
An Important Note on Difficult Topics, 4 Beam-powered helicarrier, 89
Anarchy, 105 Behavioural analysis feuds, 155
Anarchy Ideological Revolution, 105 Behind Closed Doors, 69
Ancillary Benefits, 258 Belters, 179
AngelNet, 111 Bernal Careers, 139
Anti-human activism, 260 Bernal or Colony Ecology Accidents, 262


Bernals, 45, 241 Cease Fire, Disputed Claim, Reparations, Partition,

Bidding war, 247 62
Bilateral monopoly, 115 Centrism, 67
Biosphere, 124 Ceremony, 120
Biosphere first, 177 Chain of Command, 69
Biospheres, 143 Chandler Skototropolis, 90
Biotech, 138 Change operation, 252
Blackmail Materials, 143 Child, 138
Blast Wave Accelerator, 88 Circumscription theory, 166
Blockade, 115 Cityplasm, 90
Blockade Running, 60 Civil Unrest, 120
Blown Off Course, 261 Civil War, 106
Blue goop deposits, 89 Civilian Repression, 172
Booking conflict, 238 Close approach, 267
Boost Ersatz Bernal, 237 Clumps, 274
Boost Operation, 237 Code of conduct, 117
Boost Operation Complications, 238 Collapse of Mining Stope or Long Wall, 270
Boost Resupply, 237 Collective, 151
Boredom, 120 Collision, 274
Bounty Hunters, 236 Collision vector, 267
Bounty Hunting, 64 Colonist Contacts, 46
Breakdown, 261, 263 Colonist Operations, 232
Bribe Attempt, 69 Colonist Payloads, 45
Bright Sail, Beamed Power or Raygun Accidents, 35 Colonist Promotion and Crew Impact, 254
Bright Sail, Beamed Power, Radiator or Raygun Acci- Colonists, 249
dents, 263 Colony Careers, 137
BSU colour faction, 133 Colony Incidents, 264
BSU-specific incident, 264 Colony Instability, 103
Buckminster Aerocity, 50 Colony landing, 272
Buckminster Thermal Aerostat, 90 Colony Languages, 103
Buggy, 86 Colony Operation Complications, 239
Buggy Accidents, 35, 263 Colony Operations, 238
Bugs, 274 Colony Package, 191
Building, 273 Colony Packages, 45
Bureaucracy, 106 Combat Drop Exercise, 59
Bureaucratic, 66 Combat Operation Complications, 240
Burn In Accidents, 264 Combat Operations, 239
Combat Operations, Advanced Rules, 241
C, D, H, M, S or V Spectral Class, 232 Combat Operations, Buggy, 240
C-Level, 156, 170 Combat Operations, Missile, 240
Cache, 60 Combat Operations, Raygun, 240
Call home, 262 Combat Preparation, 69
Can use isotopes, 243 Command and Control, 67
Cannibalism, 124 Commercial Agreement, 65
Capital City, 157 Commercial Mission, 248
Capital vengeance, 116 Commercial Mission Payouts, 142
Capitalism, 66 Commercial Missions, 141
Capture NEO Infrastructure, 57 Commercialization, 67
Captured, 268 Communications Blackout, 261
Captured and tried, 250 Compartment lock down, 265
Captured ejecta, 255 Compatible parts, 243
Carbon Nanotube Spaceframe, 90 Competitive Tender, 238
Catastrophic Failure, 264 Compromise, 69
Computronium, 142

Concerted cultivation, 160 Damaged outlook, 256

Confession, 69 Damaged Spacecraft, 193
Conflicting Orders, 67 Data, 142
Conglomerate or National Corporation, 156 Data Havenistas, 163
Consensual, 67 Declaration of Independence, 62
Consensual violence, 117 Decommission Colonist, 57
Conservatism, 67 Decommission or Destroy Radiators, 58
Constitutional Republic, 106 Decompression Illness, 266
Construction Coral Villas, 91 Deep State, 172
Contact Missions, 43 Default, 264
Container cities, 91 Defect discovered during testing, 247
Control system lock down, 262 Defector, 250
Controlled breeding program, 117 Defector in place, 250
Conviction, 69 Defense, 59, 246
Convoy, 120 Defense contracts, 117
Core Quake, 266 Defensive Afterburn, 241
Corporate espionage, 65 Deliberative Assembly, 107
Corporatocracy, 106 Delivery, 65
Corrupt, 67 Demarchy/Sortition, 107
Court Martial, 64 Demonstrations, 120
Cover-up, 237 Demote Bernal, 57
Covert Ops, 60 Deployment, 67
Crash Hazards, 30 Depression, 114
Crash Investigation, 64 Derelict Launch Complex, 91
Creating A Mission, 42 Derring-do, 246
Crew, 138 Desertion, 70
Crew and Colonist Careers, 137 Design Fault Found, 242
Crew and Payload Careers, 137 Destinations, 47
Crew hostage, 251 Destroy Target in Home Orbit, 57
Crew Module or Pressurized Facility Accidents, 265 Detailed profiling, 256
Crew Module Separation, 262 Detritus, 120
Crew or colonists, 184 Di-Electric X-ray Window, 190
Crew Recycling, 111 Diaspora, 179
Crew replacement, 273 Digital Swap Complications, 242
Crew Standoff, 69, 234 Digital Swap Operation, 242
Crewing the HOPE Mission, 24 Diplomacy, 62, 162
Criminal Alliances, 172 Diplomatic Missions, 62
Criminal enterprise, 162 Direct Intervention, 111
Criminal Investigation, 64 Dirt, 258
Criminal Syndicate, 153 Dirtside Dreamers, 179
Crisis, Disruptions and Disasters, 36 Disable Target in Home Orbit, 57
Cryptographic keys, 144 Disaster, 33
Crystal spires, 91 Disband Colony, 56
CUDO Released, 266 Discarded Booster Tank, 91
CUDOs Analysis Data, 144 Displaced population, 120
Cult, 80 Disputed Patent, 257
Curfew, 120 Disruption, 33
Customs and tax excise, 247 Distress Signal, 60
Customs inspection, 61 Distressed assets, 173
Cybercrime, 153 DNA, 142
Cyberocracy, 106 Doctor, 139
Dollhouse Play, 4
Damage Control Complications, 241 Domestic, 138
Damage Control Operation, 241 Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell, 70

Double Agent, 70 Enslaved Promoted, 144

Double fire (Attacker), 241 Enslaved Robots, 144
Double fire (Defender), 240 Entrenchment, 59, 241
Doubled-up Robonauts, 191 Entrepreneur, 138, 173
Drone Accidents, 265 Epic Hazard Op Accidents, 265
Drone Blinded, 265 Epic Hazard Operation, 243
Drone Damaged, 265 Epidemic or meteorite, 239
Drone Defense Mechanisms, 236 ESA Mission Control, 10
Drone Destroyed, 265 Escalation, 271
Drone or EVA Accidents, 35 Established Lab, 254
Drone Overboard, 265 ET Freight, 145
Drones Compromised, 237 ET Goods, 144
Drop an outpost, 44 ET Life Prospect Operation, 254
Droplet Ram, 240 ET Marketing, 244
Drug trafficking, 153 ET Marketing with freighter production, 244
Drugs, 144 ET Markets, 65
Dry dock, 241 ET Megacorporation, 157
Duopoly, 115 ET Produced
Dust Fire, 270 Spacecraft, 195, 229
Dust on or Damage to Solar Panels, 263 ET Production Complications, 244
ET production contract, 252
E. Coli Outbreak, 269 ET Production Operation, 29, 243
Ear of the Tyrant, 67 ET prosperity preachers, 181
Early Results, 234 Ethical trader, 173
Earth Crisis, 33, 36 Ethnicity, Crew19
Earth Escape-hatch, 164 Ethnocracy, 107
Earth First, 67 Euthanasia Lotteries, Soylent Green Cannibalism,
Earth intersecting object, 37 111
Earth Space Elevator, 51 EVA Accidents, 266
Earthside colonist, 133 EVA required, 247
Earthside Comms Outage, 70 Evacuation shelters, 121
Earthside Inspection, 253 Events, 32
Earthside Megacorporation, 155 Eviction, 56
Earthside Operations Defects, 232 Evolutionary, 165
Earthside or ET Megacorporation, 151 Exceptionalism, 165
Ecological collapse, 37 Exfiltration, 244
Economic Change, 114 Exhausted, 78
Economic change, 239 Exo-globalist, 67
Economy, 111 Exomigrant Extended Family, 161
Economy first, 177 Expansion, 114
Elders alliance, 260 Expansionist Cult, 158
Election, 33 Exploring, 273
Electrical Fire, 275 Explosion (contained), 270
Electrocution, 267 Explosion (uncontained), 270
Elitism, 107 Explosion and Fallout, 266
Embargo, 115 Export, 244
Emergency housing, 120 Export with freighter production, 244
Encounter Prompts, 128 Exposure, 235
Encountered Groups, 131 Extended recovery, 271
Engineer, 138 Extinction of Pollinators, 262
Engineering Feasibility Study, 257 Extradition, 64
Engulfed, 274 Extrajudicial killings, 117
Enslaved Parahumans, 144 Extreme solar flare, 37
Enslaved Posthumans, 144 Extremist philosophy, 162

Fabric and Composite Frame Zeppelin, 91 Fire, 265

Face to Face, 60 Firefight, 268
Face-to-face, 251 First Generation Family, 160
Facilities glitch, 121 First wave crew, 133
Facility rebuilt, 239 Fixed cost contract, 251
Faction accident, 33 Fixer, 139
Faction and Independent Colony Defects, 232 Flash mob, 121
Faction crisis, 33 Flawed Premise, 257
Faction currency, 145 FLENG (Femtosecond laser etched nano-structured
Faction impact, 33, 34 glass), 142
Faction leaders, 107 Flesh chambers, 91
Faction mission, 33 Floating Bubble World Surface, 91
Faction replaced, 33 Floating Waterwheel, 91
Faction replacement, 236 Flyby Accidents, 267
Factories and Colonies, 241 Flynn Effect, 175
Factory and Colony Construction, 89 Focus Fire, 241
Factory Assist Method, 86, 92 Fog castles, 91
Factory Capture Test, 58 Force, 165
Factory landing, 272 Forever placement, 178
Factory Operator, 138 Forming a Colony, 249
Factory Reserves Depleted, 259 Forming Colonies, 46
Factory Shutdown, 269 Founders, 107
Fail safe, 260 Founding colonies, 102
Fail-over, 265 Fourth orchard ecology, 125
Failed Colony, 180 Free Love, 70
Failed state, 117 Free Market, 247
Failing Colonies, 103 Free Market Complications, 247
Failure, 264, 268 Free Upgrades, 70
Failure (Risk of singularity), 271 Freighter Container Stacks, 91
Family Spacesteading, 161 Freighter exception, 243
Farming Specialist, 138 Freighter fleet, 248
Fascism, 107 Freighter Pilot, 138
Favour, 248, 271 Freighter production, 244
Favourable Solar Wind, 273 Freighters and Freighter Fleets, 76
Felony Atrocity, Decommission Colony, 245 Fresh, 78
Felony Complications, 246 Friends outlook, 67
Felony Operation, 244 Front lines, 121
Felony Promotion, Colonist, 245 Frozen Heads, 145
Felony Promotion, Freighter, 245 Frozen Ova / Sperm, 145
Felony Promotion, GW Thruster, 245 Fuel depot, 60
Felony Site Refuel, Hijack Factory, 245 Fuel leak into compartments, 275
Felony, Claim Jump, 244 Fuel transfer, 60
Femto, 86 Fusion Candle Construction Site, 92
Fertile, 67 Future Creativity, 137
Festival, 121 Future Goods, 145
Field Research Accidents, 266
Fifth pasture ecology, 125 Garrison, 59, 249
Financial crime, 153 Gas Harvester, 92
Financing falls through, 238 Gas leak, 267
FINAO, 84 Genderocracy, 107
FINAO Complications, 246 General Assembly, 70
FINAO Operation, 246 General intelligence factor, 175
Finding Valuables, 141 General strike, 264
Finished goods, 243 Generator Accidents, 267

Generator fire, 267 Hermetic isolation, 117

Generator?, 186 Heroic Martyrdom, 67
Generators and reactors, 184 Hierarchical outlook, 68
Geodesic Steel and Plastic Lattice Shells, 92 High crime levels, 117
Geomagnetic excursion, 37 High Energy Experiment Results, 145
Germlines, 145 High law level, 116, 162
Gerontocracy, 107 High Quality Radiators, 186
Ghost Ship, 81 High Quality Refineries, 186
Ghosts, 145 High Rad-Hardness, 186, 195
Gifts/Bribe, 268, 271 High value traitor, 250
Glitches, 274 Hijack Attempt, 68
Global pandemic, 37 Holiday, 121
Glory, 253 Hollows, 274
Glory Destinations, 47 Holmium AMD, 142
Glory hole, 255 Home Orbits, 44
Goal, 47 HOPE High Frontier Rocket Design, 23
Gossip, 70 HOPE Mission Control, 22
Government, 103 HOPE Mission Parameters, 22
Government constraint, 238 Hostage biography, 145
Government Debt, 114 Hostile Negotiation or Felony Accidents, 268
Government debt, 238 Hostile Recruit or Assassinate, 58
Government first, 177 How best to serve humans, 259
Government in Exile, 164 HR Division, 70
Government Prefix, 104 Hull breach, 265
Government Rank Names, 166 Human Colonist Defects, 232
Government Types, 105 Human potential, 159
Grand minimum, 37 Human trafficking, 153
Green, 78 Hunter, 139
Green Bottom Up Regime Change, 105 Hyperboloid Buoy Tower, 92
Grey Goo, 243 Hyperinflation, 114
Grey Goo Meltdown, 266
Grey goo outbreak, 80 Ill-equipped, 256
Grey Goo Samples, 145 Illegal Data, 145
Grifter, 173 Immigrants, 103
Growth, 248 Impounded, 247
Gun Control, 70 Improved field ecology, 125
Gunboat diplomacy, 61 Improved rice paddy ecology, 125
Gut Bacteria and Skin/Muscle Cultures, 124 In a single prospect op, 254
In and out, 84
Hacker, 140 In Core Thermionic and Rankine MHD generators,
Hackers, 70 189
Hard-coded good Samaritan reflex, 117 Inadvertent aerobraking, 267
Hardened, 79 Inbound, 84
Hauler, 173 Income Operation, 248
Have Spacesuit, Will Travel, 179 Income Operation Complications, 248
Hazard, 261, 263 Incomplete contracting paradigm, 156
Hazardous Duty, 59 Indentured Servitude, 111
Hazardous site, 255 Independence, 103
Head Start, 254 Independence first, 177
Heat Shielding Inspection Failure, 261 Independence Movement, 162
Heavy Lifter/Lander and Solar Sail, 45 Independence Movement or Interplanetary Govern-
Hegemonizing, 274 ment, 151
Heliocentric zone, 157 Independent Colonies, 110
Hereditary Oligarchy, 107 Induced migration, 178

Industrial accident, 121 Junta, 107

Industrial espionage, 250 Just war, 171
Industrialisation Level, 86
Industrialize Complications, 249 Kakistocracy, 108
Industrialize Operation, 29, 249 Kessler syndrome, 37
Industry Destinations, 48 Kevlar and Teflon Tensile Membrane, 92
Infant Mortality, 264 Kilometer High Skydome, 92
Infiltrating, 274 Kite-stabilized Hot Air Blimp, 92
Infiltration, 159 Kleptocracy, 108
Infiltration Complications, 250 Kritarchy, 108
Infiltration Operation, 250
Inflation, 114 Lab Accident, 268
Infrastructure attacked, 272 Lab Established, 258
Infrastructure ban, 273 Lab inks, 146
Inheritance, 174 Lab Research Accidents, 268
Inherited Wealth, 112 Labelling, 154
Inner System Expansion Destinations, 48 Landing, 28
Inner System Payloads, 189 Landing Rights, 63
Inner system tourism, 65 Languages, Mission Control19
Inquisition, 70 Large rain forest ecology, 125
Insecure faction IFF, 146 Large scale agriculture, 125
Inside job, 246 Last minute reprieve, 246
Insider Trading, 248 Launch Laser, 88
Instability, 239 Launch, Landing or Dirtside Accidents, 268
Institution, 107 Launchpad Explosion, 269
Instrument Errors, 267, 268 Law Enforcement, 64
Insufficient isotopes, 243 Law Enforcement Mission, 64
Insular Cult, 168 Law first, 177
Intel about Existential Threats, 146 Law Level, 116
Intelligence reports, 146 Lawless zones, 117
Interception, 34, 57 Leaf box, 124
Interception Designer, 74 Legalized murder, 118
Interceptors, 238 Legislative deadlock, 264
Internal Affairs Audit, 64 Leveraged Investment, 248
Internal politics, 251 Liberation, 70
Interplanetary Government, 165 Life Support Accidents, 269
Interplanetary Railroad, 180 Limited demand, 247
Interstellar Aspirations, 179 Limited Democracy, 108
Interstellar Exits, 49 Limited Isotope Reserves, 259
Invalids, 274 Living Arcology, 92
Involuntary migration, 178 Local election (Blue), 239
Io Geyser Ion Farming, 52 Local elections, 121
Ionosphere Laser-pumped Sails, 92 Local operations, 239
Isotope Fuel, 146 Local Politics, 104
Isotope recovery, 243 Locations, 133
Isotopes, 258 Lock down, 121, 246
ISRU Metal Oxygen Rockets, 88 Logistics, 59
ISRU Refuelling, 258 Long Range Destinations, 48
Long Term Colony Destinations, 48
Janissaries, 169 Long term friendship, 256
Joint Military Venture, 62 Loss of redundancy, 265
Joint Venture, 68 Low law level, 116, 163
Joint venture, 65 Low Phosphate Supplies, 262
Jovian High Voltage Tethers, 51 Low Quality

Spacecraft, 193 Mind reading tasp implant, 118

Low Quality Anti-Nuke Spacecraft, 195 Mine Recovery, 259
Low Quality Refineries, 193 Miner, 138
Low Rad-Hardness, 186, 195 Mining Accidents, 269
Lunar Base Competitive Play, 21 Mining Ejecta, 270
Lunar Base Crew Loyalty and Space Politics, 19 Mining LHDs, 269
Lunar Base Mission Control and Crew, 18 Minority doctrine, 108
Lunar Base Mission Operations Team, 20 Misalignment, 263
Lunar Base Mission Parameters, 19 Misfire, 263
Lunar Base Mission Payload Team, 19 Missed window, 267
Lunar Base Objectives, 20 Missile, Reactor or Thruster Accidents, 270
Lunar Base Rocket Components, 22 Mission Control Attacked, 70
Lunar Base Secondary Objective, 21 Mission control attacked, 272
Mission control AWOL, 37
Magnetic tape or disk, 143 Mission Control Defects, 232
Magnetocaloric Refrigerator, 186 Mission control mission, 34
Maiden Voyage, 42 Mission Control Missions, 43
Maintenance, 138 Mission control purge, 273
Major crime, 121 Mission Creep, 271
Major Faction, 133 Mission Diary, 30
Majority faction, 108 Mission Parameters, 185
Maker, 140 Mission Sources, 43
Maker Co-op, 151 Mission Turnaround, 76
Management buyout, 174 Mission Types, 43
Managerial moral hazard, 155 Mobile Homes, 92
Mandatory Direct Democracy, 108 Mobilize, 249
Market price, 251 Moderately simple solution set, 247
Market Volatility, 248 Molded Asteroid Clay, 92
Martial law, 118 Mole, 250
Mass driver attack, 272 Mom and Pop Space program, 161
Mathematical Proof, 146 Monarchy, 108
MCSU Defects, 237 Money supply, 238
MCSU Restructures, 235 Monoculture, 262
Mechanical Failure, 275 Monopolistic competition, 115
Medicated side effects, 271 Monopoly, 115
Medicines, 146 Monopsony, 115
Medium law level, 116 Moon or asteroid family, 157
Medium Quality Moratorium, 236
Spacecraft, 188 Movement and Fuel, 28
Medium Rad-Hardness, 186, 195 Movement Operations, 29
Megacorp Space Start up, 156 Moving Bases, 92
Mental mutualism, 175 Multi-level marketing, 159
Mercenaries, 169 Multilateralism, 68
Meritocracy, 108 Multiple intelligence sampling theory, 175
Micrometeoroid, 31, 273
Microwave Rectenna Assist, 88 Name, 174
Mid journey, 78 Nanarchy, 118
Might Makes Right, 70 Nanomechanical, 143
Militarism, 171 National service, 169
Militarization, 68 Nationalisation, 68
Military Administration, 171 Natural hazard subsides, 247
Military Base Inspection, 63 Natural or Mining Induced Seismicity, 270
Military Tribunal, 70 Natural reactor, 255
Minarchy, 108 Near Crater Wall, 92

Near Miss, 31 Online event, 122

Nearest factory or colony, 44 Only high risk solutions available, 247
Necrocracy, 108 Open, 68
Negative Interest Rates, 112 Operations, 232
Negotiate Complications, 251 Optical, 143
Negotiate Operation, 251 Orange Weaken Regime, 105
Negotiated settlement, 246 Orbital Bombardment, 57
Negotiation Accidents, 271 Orbital Bombardment Test, 59
NEO Combat, 57 Orbital debris, 267
NEO Infrastructure, 156 Orbital Habitats, 164
NEO Mine, 52 Orbital Tug, 238
Neocracy, 108 Organelles, 147
Neogen Biospheres, 146 Origin Story, 152
Neogens, 146 Original Research at a Lab, 257
Nepotism, 108 Original Settlement Ship, 93
Network operator, 138 Out of Ammo, 240
Neutrality, 163 Out of ammunition or coolant, 263
New arrivals, 249 Out-group violence, 264
New colony construction, 239 Outcasts, 180
New faction, 34 Outer Diaspora, 51
New factory, 34 Outpost or AWOL, 77
New infrastructure, 34 Overcrowding Disease, 263
New launch infrastructure, 239 Overhaul, 249
New Species, 133 Overheating (contained), 263, 268
New Starters, 164 Overheating (uncontained), 263, 268
Next generation, 81 Oversight Committee, 71
NIMBYs, 121 Overstated Results, 268
Nitrogen Mining, 52 Overstated Results, Subsequent Retraction, 267
No materials ready, 246 Overtime, 122
No New Orders, 71 Overview baptisers, 181
No one’s land, 122 Overview fixation, 178
No solution available, 247 Owner Operator, 173
Nonhuman Renaissance, 260 Owner Operator Crews, 173
Nonhuman trafficking, 153 Owner Operators or Space Farers, 151
Nonhuman uprising, 260 Oxygen / LH2O / LOX Fire, 270
Notoriety, 256
Notorious, 246 Pacifism, 171
Nuclear war, 37 Panarchy, 109
Nuclear Weapons, 146 Panopticon surveillance, 118
Nurture fallacy, 160 Pantrophic ecology, 125
Nutrients, 146 Pantrophic test ecology, 125
Pantrophy, Mod or Colonist Promotion Accidents,
Observational Errors, 267, 268 271
Occult, 159 Parade, 122
Occupied, 108 Paradigm Shift, 267, 268
Occupied land, 122 Parent, 140
Ochlocracy, 108 Parliamentary Democracy, 109
Offense, 271 Participatory Direct Democracy, 109
Oligarchies, 104 Particracy, 109
Oligarchy, 109 Partition, 109
Oligarchy Regime Change, 104 Partnership, 248
Oligopoly, 115 Parts shortage, 235
Oligopsony, 116 Patent-based, 112
On Site Hazards, 31 Patrol, 59

Patrols, 122 Preferred supplier, 248

Payload Crew Requirements, 45 Presidential Democracy, 109
Payload Locations, 44 Press gangs, 169
Payload transfer, 60 Pressure Hull Failure, 275
Payload Types, 45 Price Increase, 271
Payloads, 28, 44 Primary Cave or Overhang, 93
Peer Review or Licensing Delays, 258 Primary Colonist BSUs, 150
Peer-to-peer Cryptocurrency, 112 Principal agent Panopticon, 156
Perfect competition, 116 Printer feedstock, 247
Performance, 122 Printer jam, 243
Performing the AIDA Mission, 16 Prisoners, 256
Performing the HOPE Mission, 24 Private, 68
Performing the Lunar Base Mission, 21 Private Contracts, 113
Periodic Jubilees, 112 Product recall, 235
Permissive parenting, 160 Production line defects found, 238
Permit violation, 235 Professional army, 169
Perpetual war, 171 Professional Association, 174
Personality Cult, 68 Profiteering, 172
Picket lines, 122 Prohibition, 118
Pioneers, 178 Promote Complications, 253
Piracy, 238, 241, 243, 244, 247, 253 Promote Operation, 252
Pit Cave or Crevasse, 93 Promote Operation, Bernal, 252
Planetary Composition, 53 Promote Operation, Colonist, 252
Planning the AIDA Mission, 12 Promote Operation, Freighter, 253
Planning the HOPE Mission, 23 Promote Operation, GW Thruster, 253
Planning the Lunar Base Mission, 19 Promote Operation, Robot, 253
Plowshares to Swords, 118 Promote Operation, Technology, 253
Plutocracy, 109 Promoted colonist, 133
Point defense, 240 Promoted Freight, 147
Police state, 118 Promoted Goods, 147
Political Change, 234 Propellant flow failure or Neutron embrittlement,
Political Defects, 232 270
Political Fallout, 256 Propellant Leak or Neutron Burst, 270
Political Impacts, 69 Prophecy, 159
Political Incidents, 272 Proprietary Trade Secrets, 147
Political Incidents, At War, 272 Prospect Complications, 255
Political Incidents, Peacetime, 272 Prospect Operation, 29, 254
Political Mission, 71, 235 Prospecting Required, 259
Political mission, 34 Prospector, 138
Political Missions, 56 Pseudoscience, 159
Political Trend, 235 Public speeches, 122
Political Trends, 66 Public Square, 109
Political Trends and Impacts, 66 Published Negative Results, 267, 268
Polymorphic pyramids, 93 Puritan, 160
Poor Crop Yields, 262 Push Factory or Bernal Lab, 47
Poor Source of Isotopes, 259 Push Factory or Bernal Lab Destinations, 49
Poor Source of Water, 259 Put a Ring on It, 71
Population, 102
Populist Democracy, 109 Quality or Class, 75
Posthuman prophets, 181 Quantum entangled diamonds, 147
Postoperative failure, 271 Quid pro quo, 251
POW Inspection, 63 Quiverfull Cult, 161
POW Transport, 63
Predictive Markets, 113 Racetrack, 88

Radiation hazard, 242 Representative Elections, 104

Radiation Hazards, 32 Research Agreement, 62
Radiator Secondary Damage, 241 Research Complications, 257
Radiators, 184 Research Operation, 29, 257
Radicalised Activists, 151 Researcher, 140
Radioactive site, 255 Reserved For Future Use, 253
Ram Accelerator, 88 Reserves, 122
Rammed Regolith Structures, 93 Reset, 242
Rampant Emigrants, 180 Resin tubes, 93
Random Sampling Direct Democracy, 109 Resolving Radiation Damage, 31
Rapid and Reliable Operation, 232 Resource Scarcity Indexed, 113
Rapid Fire, 241 Resupply, 46
Rapid Response, 59 Retiree, 138
Rapture kickstarters, 181 Retreat Mining Required, 255
Rational choice, 154 Return to Home Orbit, 60
Rationing, 113 Return to sender, 247
Raygun, 84 Rich Source of Isotopes, 259
Raygun ejecta or radiator leak, 263 Rich Source of Regolith, 259
Reactor shielding shutdown, 262 Rich Source of Water, 259
Real politik, 171 Right to self-defense, 171
Recession, 114 Riots, 122
Records Lost, 71 Risk cannot be eliminated, 247
Recovery Mission, 236 Risk Taking, 68
Recruit Complications, 256 Road Building Accident, 263
Recruit Operation, 255 Road to Damascus, 71
Recruit, Hostile, 256 Robin Hoods, 237
Recruit, New Colonist, 256 Robot, 133
Recycle Radiators, 249 Robot Defects, 232
Recycling, 113 Rolling Satellite, 88
Red Strengthen Regime, 105 Rotational tether compromise, 262
Redirect or Hijack Vessel, 58 Rotovator, 88
Redoubled agent, 250 Route closures, 122
Redundancy, 244 Run aground or undersea quake or landslide, 275
Refineries, 46
Refrigeration Failure, 269 Safety, 6
Refuel and Return, 249 Safety drill, 122
Refuelling Agreement, 62 Safety First, 68
Refuelling agreement, 65 Safety Tools, 4
Regency, 109 Sail Acquires Charge, 273
Regime Change, 104 Sail Furling Failure, 261
Regime change, 239 Sail Tear, 273
Regolith or Ice Core Samples, 147 Salesperson, 139
Regulatory backlash, 235 Salvage, 46
Reinforce, 59 Salvage Rights, 238
Religious neuroscientists, 181 Santa Claus Cornucopia, 113
Remains, 147 Saving the Earth, 51
Remedial Shipboard Operations, 77 Scandal, 122
Remote decompression, 262 Scavenging, 113
Renegotiation, 237 Science Major, 258
Repair, 264 Scientific Experiments, 147
Reparations, 71 Scientific Republic, 109
Replace crew, 60 Scientist, 139
Replicate Results, 257 Sealed Concrete Monolithic Domes, 93
Replication errors, 243 Search for Alien Life, 53

Search for CUDOs, 53 Social control, 154

Search or Destroy Crew Module, 58 Social disorganization, 154
Search or Destroy Payload, 58 Social Engineering, 268
Second generation colonist, 133 Social learning, 154
Second Generation Family, 176 Social Networks, 113
Second rice paddy ecology, 124 Social Occasions, 135
Second wave crew, 133 Social unity first, 177
Second Wave Sites, 84 Social unrest, 239
Secondary Damage, 241 Socialism, 68
Secret Identity, 60 Socialization, 175
Security, 139 Solar Flare, 261, 263
Seed Bank Failure, 269 Solar Flare or CME, 34
Seeds, 147 Solar Flares and CMEs, 35
Segregation, 109 Solar Flares, CME, Radiation Hazards and Damage,
Self outlook, 68 31
Self-destruct, 262 Solar Infrared Mongolfiere Aerobots (SIRMAs), 93
Self-destructive, 274 Solar Sail Accidents, 273
Service guarantees citizenship, 169 Solar Sail or Thruster Accidents, 35
Settlement, 248 Solar Sail Payloads, 189
Settlers, 177 Solar Storm Shield, 249
Share Issue, 71 Solar-powered Flying Wing, 93
Shopkeeper, 173 Solid state, 143
Sibling Crew, 161 Solutions involve moderate risk, 247
Siege, 122 Sovereign Claim Inspection, 63
Simple solution set, 247 Space Buggy Test, 58
Simulacra, 147 Space Crew, 57
Single crop monoculture, 124 Space Economy, 115
Single field ecology, 124 Space Missile Test, 58
Singularity Artifacts, 147 Space Passenger, 57
Singularity Attempt Accidents, 273 Space Pharmacy, 52
Singularity Attempt Behaviour, 273 Space politics faction, 133
Singularity Attempt Form, 274 Space Raygun Test, 58
Singularity Failure Cascade, 266 Space Religion, 180
Site Accident, 31 Space start-up, 174
Site Complication, 31 Spacecraft
Site Cross Contamination, 267 Advanced, 196
Site encounter, 34 Anti-Nuke, 194
Site name, 157 ET Produced, 195, 229
Site Operations, 29 Radiators, 195
Site Pilot, 139 Standalone Packages, 195
Site Prospect Operation, 254 High Quality, 185
Site Refuel Complications, 259 Low Quality, 193
Site Refuel Operation, 29, 258 Medium Quality, 188
Situation Hopeless, 79 Inner System, 188
Skips Off Atmosphere, 261 Outer System, 188
Sky Bubbles, 93 Radiators, 190
Slingatron, 88 Refineries, 189
Slow parenting, 160 Promoted, 196
Smart Angels, 118 Spacecraft Components, 184
Smart Everything, 113 Spacecraft Disabled, 76
Smartter towers, 93 Spacecraft glitch, 34
Smear campaign, 273 Spacecraft interception, 272
Smuggler interception, 61 Spacecraft Outlook, 77
Social contract, 165 Spacecraft Pilot, 139

Spacecraft Quality, 185 Subsystem failure, 265

Spacecraft Ratings, 184 Successful IP lawsuit, 235
Spacecraft Status, 76 Suffrage Complications, 259
Spacefarers, 179 Suffrage Operation, 259
Spacesteaders, 164, 179 Suicide, 235, 250
Spacewalker, 139 Suicide device implants, 118
Spare Capacity, 238 Suit Tear, 266
Spare Parts, 147 Sun flowers, 94
Spartans, 170 Sundered families, 178
Specialist, 137 Sunspot Minimum, 273
Species Overrun, 262 Super disruption, 37
Speculation, 116 Superficial Damage, 242
Speculator, 173 Support defects, 260
Spindizzy Sky Town, 93 Support failure, 270
Spintronics, 143 Surface ecologies, 125
Spiralling Down, 79 Surficial mineral deposits, 255
Splinter Separatists, 164 Surgical complications, 271
Sports event, 123 Surveilled, 250
Stagnation, 114 Survivalist, 114
Stalactite Polis, 94 Surviving the Low Tide, 172
Stall or Failed Tack, 273 Sushi box, 124
Standalone Package, 191 Suspended Animation, 113
Standalone, Weapons and Colony Packages, 191 Swing Votes, 235
Standoff, 58, 268 Sympathizer, 236
Star ship Thrusters, 240 Synarchy, 110
Star ships, 76 Synth Biospheres, 148
Starvation, 113 System Reset, 264
Stellar Lab Data, 148
Stellar Lab on Kreutz Sungrazer, 53 Take on passenger, 60
Storm, 261, 269 Taken at your word, 251
Strain, 154 Talus Cave or Boulder Field, 94
Stranded Crew Recovery, 45 Tap code, 153, 157
Strangers outlook, 68 Tax protests, 62
Stratocracy, 109 Tax Refugees, 164
Stratospheric Aerostat and Zeppelin, 94 Taxation Missions, 61
Street battles, 123 Taxes, 61
Street detention, 123 Technocracy, 110
Street gangs, 123 Technopriests, 181
Street harassment, 123 Terraforming Pioneers, 51
Street markets, 123 Tether Cable Catapult System, 88
Street parties, 123 Tether Entanglement, 265, 266
Street performers, 123 Tether Failure or Collapse During Retreat Mining, 270
Street racing, 123 Tether Failure or Traffic Collision, 269
Struggling Community, 152 The High Frontier Pledge, 5
Student, 139 The ISRU, 185
Students of humanity, 260 The mass, 184
Subhuman society, 259 The Risk is Worth It, 253
Submersible or Undersea Facility Accidents, 274 The therms, 185
Submersible Prospect Operation, 254 The thruster, 184
Submersible Prospectors, 53 Theocracy, 110
Subsistence, 113 Thermal Extremes, 261, 269
Substitute Thrusters, 191 Third jungle ecology, 125
Substitute TW Thrusters, 196 Third wave crew, 133
Subsurface ecology, 125 This is Mutiny, 5

Three digits, 153 Vacuum balloon, 94

Thruster, 157 Valuables, 46, 141
Thruster Accident, 31 Valuables Descriptions, 143
Thruster chamber failure, 271 Valuables Mass, 141
Thruster fail safes trigger, 262 Vanity project, 174
Thruster Misfire, 267 Vanity Spending, 114
Tiger parenting, 160 Varying the HOPE Mission Parameters, 24
Timocracy, 110 Varying the Lunar Base Mission Parameters, 21
Titan Petroleum, 52 Verne Space Gun, 88
TNO Lab, 47 Vesta Hypertelescope, 51
TNO Lab Destinations, 49 Violence aversion therapy, 118
TNO Operations, 253 Violent Cannibalism, 114
Tool Lost, 266 Violent Gang, 164
Total War / War Games, 57 Visiting Existing Claims, 86
Trade, 163
Trade Mission, 62 Wanderlust, 179
Trade route, 65 War Crime Trial, 63
Trade secrets, 65 War Crime Warrants, 63
Traditional or Hi-Tech Sector, 156 War Crimes Investigation, 63
Traffic jams, 123 War footing, 118
Tramp Trader, 179 War Loyalty, 69
Transaction cost kool-aid, 155 War Regime Regression, 105
Transplant/implant rejection, 271 War zone, 118
Transplanted ecologies, 125 Warning Light, 31, 264
Travel Hazard, 264 Water, 46, 258
Treaties, 62 Wealthy Authoritarian, 161
Treaty or Peacekeeping Mission, 63 Wealthy industrialist, 174
Tree houses, 94 Weapon locks, 118
Triple agent, 250 Weapon Packages, 46
Trusted intermediary, 251 Weapons Inspection, 63
Tyranny, 110 Weapons of mass destruction, 163
Weapons package, 191
UAV cover, 123 Weapons Package or Refinery, 46
Uncommunicative, 274 Weapons Test, 58
Uncrewed, 77 Weary, 78
Underemployed, 123 Weird, 80
Underwater or high pressure site, 255 Welding Accident, 266
Unemployed and Retired Rocket Scientists, 152 Welfare, 114
Unequal, 69 Well-equipped, 257
Unfortunate accident, 61 Westphalian fallacy, 166
Unionization, 69 Whirligig storm chasers, 94
Unique Components, 242 White Elephant, 172
Universal Basic Income, 114 White Top Down Regime Change, 105
Universal ID Economy, 114 White-collar crime, 154
Universal ink, 148 Windfall, 248
Unpaid Volunteers, 152 Wiring Break, 242
Unstable site, 255 Without Prejudice, 71
Unused Isotopes, 244 Work Committees, 110
Unused Water, 244 Work gangs, 123
Unusual outlook, 256 Workplace accident, 123
Upgrade or repair spacecraft, 60 Workplace Safety, 71
Upported colonist, 133
Uranus Moon Explorer, 53 YAE and Cockroaches, 124
Using this Designer, 185 Yeast / Algae / E. Coli, 124

Yeast Mycosis, 269

Your Mission Plan, 28

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