Óleorresina de Alecrim - Atividade Antioxidante em Óleo de Soja

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Journal of Food Processing and Preservation ISSN 1745-4549




Department of Engineering and Food Technology, São Paulo State University, São Paulo 15054000, Brazil

Corresponding author. ABSTRACT
TEL: +55 17 3221-2257;
FAX: +55 17 3221-2299; This study examined the antioxidant activity of lyophilized rosemary extract
EMAIL: njorge@ibilce.unesp.br added to soybean oil, subjected to thermoxidation conditions and also its syner-
gistic effect with the synthetic antioxidant tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ).
Accepted for Publication April 14, 2012
Soybean oil samples with no antioxidant added (SO), 3,000 mg/kg rosemary
extract (RE), 50 mg/kg TBHQ (TBHQ), and a mixture of those two antioxidants
(RE + TBHQ) were heated to 180C for 20 h. After 0, 10 and 20 h, the oxidative sta-
bility, total polar compounds, tocopherol content and fatty acid profile were deter-
mined. The addition of rosemary extract increased oxidative stability and resulted
in a lower formation of total polar compounds and a higher retention of toco-
pherols. The RE treatment showed the highest amount of polyunsaturated fatty
acids after 20 h. There was not any synergy between TBHQ and rosemary extract
in preventing oxidation of soybean oil. Rosemary extract showed a higher anti-
oxidant potential when compared with TBHQ.

Antioxidants are important ingredients in food processing because they have the
capacity to protect foods, containing oils and fats, from damage caused by free
radicals and reactive oxygen species. Synthetic antioxidants are widely used in the
food industry; however, their utilization has been questioned because of toxicity.
Therefore, there is a growing interest in the use of natural antioxidants to reduce
or replace the synthetic antioxidants. Several species are used in cooking, medicine
and by the pharmaceutical industry, standing out the rosemary. Being rich in
compounds with high antioxidant activity, the rosemary extract can be used to
replace synthetic antioxidants used in vegetable oils.

as butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxy-

toluene, propyl gallate and tertiary butylhydroquinone
Oils and fats are unstable compounds and are not resistant (TBHQ) have been studied, and their use has been ques-
to the deterioration processes of oxidation, hydrolysis and tioned because of toxicology concerns (Wang et al. 2008).
polymerization that occur during heating. Lipid oxidation To overcome this problem, several studies have been
is a major cause of deterioration during shelf life and in carried out in order to find natural products that possess
the process of heating vegetable oils. Oxidation may cause antioxidant activity (AA) (Proestos et al. 2010). Plants,
sensory and chemical changes, as well as a reduction in including herbs and spices, are known to have many phy-
nutritional value. Moreover, it results in the appearance of tochemicals that could be potential sources of natural anti-
dimers, polymers and cyclic monomers that might be oxidants. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) has been
potentially toxic (Juárez et al. 2005; Leclercq et al. 2008). widely accepted as a spice with one of the best antioxidant
In order to retard, reduce or prevent oxidative deterio- activities (Peng et al. 2005; Zhang et al. 2010). The com-
ration, antioxidants are added to food. The side effects of pounds responsible for rosemary’s antioxidant properties
some synthetic antioxidants used in food processing, such are mainly phenolic diterpenes, such as carnosol, carnosic

Journal of Food Processing and Preservation •• (2012) ••–•• © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1

acid, rosmanol, epirosmanol and isorosmanol (Erkan

Thermoxidation Process
et al. 2008).
Several studies have recommended the use of rosemary The following treatments underwent thermoxidation:
extract as an alternative antioxidant compound (Merril (1) soybean oil without a synthetic antioxidant (SO);
et al. 2008; Gámez-Meza et al. 2009). Che-Man and Jaswir (2) soybean oil with 50 mg/kg of synthetic antioxidant
(2000) reported that rosemary extract has important anti- (TBHQ); (3) soybean oil with 3,000 mg/kg of rosemary
oxidant characteristics and a good thermal stability. In a extract (RE); and (4) soybean oil with a mixture of
previous study conducted by Ramalho and Jorge (2008), 3,000 mg/kg of rosemary extract and 50 mg/kg of TBHQ
rosemary extract was found to have a positive effect on the (RE + TBHQ). The concentration of TBHQ that was used
oxidative stability of soybean oil during heating. In addition is the most common concentration utilized by the soybean
to its antioxidant properties, rosemary also has shown to oil industry.
have a synergistic effect with some synthetic antioxidants, The thermoxidation tests on these four treatments were
such as citric acid or BHA (Madsen and Bertelsen 1995). conducted on a hot plate in four different 50 mL beakers
Considering the changes that occur to soybean oil during containing 30 mL of each sample with a 0.4/cm sur-
heating, and also considering the interest in reducing or face : volume ratio. The temperature was set at 180C, which
eliminating the use of synthetic antioxidants, this research is the most commonly used temperature for deep frying.
aimed to evaluate the AA of lyophilized rosemary extract, The heating was carried out using a discontinuous approach
which was added to soybean oil that then underwent involving 10 h of heating per day. Samples were taken at
thermoxidation. This study also evaluates the synergistic time intervals of 0, 10 and 20 h and collected in flasks in the
effect that rosemary formed with the synthetic antioxidant presence of inert gas (N2) and stored at -18C until the time
TBHQ, which is used by food industries to delay oxidative of analysis.
Analytical Methods
Rosemary Extract Analyses. The ability to scavenge
free radicals 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH•) was
developed by Brand-Williams et al. (1985) and it is based on
the reduction of the absorbance of DPPH• at 515 nm using
Refined soybean oil without the addition of synthetic the action of reducing compounds of free radicals. In this
antioxidants (TBHQ and citric acid) was obtained from study, an ethanol solution was prepared with a concen-
Cargill Agrícola S/A (Uberlândia, Minas Gerais, Brazil). tration of 500 mg/mL of rosemary extract from which
The synthetic antioxidant, TBHQ, was supplied by Danisco solutions with concentrations of 5, 10, 25, 50, 125, 250 and
S.A. (Cotia, São Paulo, Brazil). 400 mg/mL were obtained. Aliquots (0.3 mL) of each of
Fresh rosemary was obtained from a local market. The these solutions were added to 2.7 mL of a methanol solu-
best branches were selected and the damaged leaves were tion of DPPH• (40 mg/mL). After 30 min of reaction time,
removed. It was washed in flowing water and its roots were the absorbance was read at 515 nm using a spectrophoto-
removed. The rosemary then underwent the lyophilization meter (Schimadzu UV mini, 1240, Kyoto, Japan) and this
process (Liotop L101, Liobras Ltda, São Carlos, São Paulo, value was converted into a percentage of antioxidant
Brazil). The lyophilized material was stored in plastic bottles activity (AA) using the following equation: AA (%) =
at room temperature and shielded from light until the time 100 – ([Abssample – Absblank ¥ 100]/Abscontrol), where Ablank is the
of extraction. absorbance of the control reaction (a reaction with all the
In order to obtain the ethanolic extract from the rose- reagents except the test extract), and Asample is the absorbance
mary samples, 5 g of lyophilized material were added to of the test extract. The AA of the extract was expressed as
100 mL of ethanol. The mixture was blended at room tem- IC50, and was defined as the concentration of the test mate-
perature (25 ⫾ 2C) for 16 min and then filtered through a rial required to cause a 50% decrease in initial DPPH•
vacuum pump to separate the supernatant from the pre- concentration.
cipitate. The ethanol was removed under reduced pressure The total phenol content of the extract was measured
at 40C. The ethanolic extraction yield was obtained by using a spectrophotometer (Schimadzu), and it was deter-
directly weighing of the dry extract. The dry extract was mined using Folin–Ciocalteu reagent according to the
resuspended in ethanol to obtain a stock solution contain- procedure reported by Singleton and Rossi (1965). The
ing 1 g of ethanolic rosemary extract per 10 g of ethanol absorbance was measured at 765 nm. For the quantification,
(1:10), and this solution was directly applied to the a standard curve was prepared using gallic acid in concen-
soybean oil. trations ranging from 0 to 500 mg/L. The determination

2 Journal of Food Processing and Preservation •• (2012) ••–•• © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

coefficient was R2 = 0.999 and the results were expressed hydrogen with a linear velocity of 3.0 mL/min. Fatty acids
as milligrams of gallic acid equivalents per gram of extract were identified according to retention times and were
(mg GAEs/g of extract). quantified using normalization of area (%). A standard
mixture was used and it was composed of 37 fatty acid
Soybean Oil Analyses. Antioxidant activities were methyl esters, C4:0 to C24:1, with purity between 99.1 and
assessed using total polar compounds, oxidative stability, 99.9% (Supelco, Bellefonte, PA).
tocopherols and a fatty acid profile in the samples collected
after 0, 10, and 20 h of heating.
Statistical Analysis. The experiment was performed in
The total polar compounds, expressed as a percentage,
a completely randomized design to determine the influ-
were determined using a chromatographic method pro-
ence that the factors had on the changes to the oils heated
posed by Dobarganes et al. (2000). This method relies on
at high temperatures. The experiment was carried out in a
the separation of the oil sample into two fractions of differ-
4 ¥ 3 factorial scheme, with four treatments (SO, TBHQ,
ent polarity using adsorption chromatography so that the
RE and RE + TBHQ) and three heating times (0, 10 and
two fractions can be determined gravimetrically.
20 h). The results obtained in duplicate from total polar
Oxidative stability was measured following the American
compounds, oxidative stability, tocopherols and fatty acid
Oil Chemists’ Society (AOCS) Cd 12b-92 method (AOCS
profile were evaluated using the analysis of variance and
1996) using Rancimat equipment, model 743 (Metrohm,
the Tukey’s test for the 5% significance level, both of
Herisau, Switzerland), which is based on the determination
which were performed with the ESTAT program, version
of the electric conductivity of volatile product degradation.
2.0 (UNESP, Jaboticabal, São Paulo, Brazil).
The determination was made at 100C with a 20 L/h air flow
using 3 g of the sample and 60 mL of distilled water in
flasks with electrodes. Electrical conductivity versus time
was automatically registered and the period of induction
was expressed in hours. The total yield of ethanolic rosemary extract was 22.9%.
Tocopherol concentrations were determined according The ethanolic extract produced a significant yield and
to the AOCS Ce 8-89 method (AOCS 1998). This analysis provided the efficiency of the solvent.
was carried out using high-performance liquid chromato- The IC50 value is calculated as a reduction of 50% of the
graphy (Varian Associates, Inc., Walnut Creek, CA) with a initial concentration of DPPH•. This reaction is used as a
fluorescence detector (TSP brand and FL 2000 model, parameter to measure antioxidant ability to scavenge any
Varian Associates, Inc.). The following conditions were free radicals. It is important to note that the lower the value
applied: silica column with 250 ¥ 4.6-mm dimensions with of IC50, the higher is the AA of the compound analyzed.
5-mm pores, a 1.2 mL/min flow and an excitation wave- The value of IC50, which is obtained using linear regression
length of 290 nm with emission at 330 nm. The mobile for rosemary extract, was found to have a high coefficient
phase consisted of a mixture of 99.5% n-hexane and 0.5% of determination (R2 = 0.999). The values of IC50 and
isopropanol. The calculations were performed using the maximum AA achieved with rosemary extract were
four tocopherol isomers as external standards. Concentra- 43.52 mg/mL and 76.40%, respectively. Rosmarinic and
tions were calculated based on excitation peak area, and carnosic are the two compounds with a strong AA that are
are expressed in mg/kg. most commonly identified in rosemary. The activity of
Fatty acid composition was determined using capillary rosemary extracts is probably related to the concentration of
gas chromatographic (GC) analysis, and samples were the latter compound (Mata et al. 2007).
transesterified with potassium hydroxide, methanol and The total content of phenolic compounds in the rose-
n-hexane, according to the AOCS Ce 2-66 method (AOCS mary extract was determined using a colorimetric assay,
1997). The analyses were conducted with a Variant GC which included Folin–Ciocalteu as a reagent. The concen-
3900 (Varian Associates, Inc., Walnut Creek, CA) equipped tration of phenolic compounds found was 82.03 mg
with a flame ionization detector, an autosampler and a GAE/g of extract. Mata et al. (2007) obtained different
split injection system. The compounds were separated in a values of total phenolic compounds in water (58.4 mg
CP-Sil 88 column (60 m in length, 0.20 mm in intern diam- GAE/g of extract) and ethanol rosemary extracts (73.5 mg/
eter, 0.20 micron film thickness). The column temperature GAE g of extract). Also, Celiktas et al. (2007) found other
programming was initiated at 90C for 4 min, heated to concentrations (4.1 to 119 mg GAE/g of extract) of phe-
195C at 10C/min and kept isothermal for 16 min. Tempera- nolic compounds of rosemary extract that had been
tures used in the injector and detector were 230 and 250C, obtained using supercritical extraction of plants harvested
respectively. The samples were injected into a volume from different locations and during different times of the
of 1 mL, adopting the ratio of 1:30. The carrier gas was year in Turkey.

Journal of Food Processing and Preservation •• (2012) ••–•• © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 3

this treatment had values of total polar compounds that

Total Polar Compounds and
were statistically equivalent to those of the RE treatment
Oxidative Stability
and which were lower than those of the TBHQ treatment.
The nonpolar fraction of the deteriorated oil and fats is No synergism between rosemary extract and TBHQ was
made up of all unaltered triacylglicerols. Total polar com- found. The RE and RE + TBHQ samples showed no signi-
pounds are considered to be nonvolatile compounds that ficant difference after 20 h of heating (Table 1).
have a higher polarity than triacylglycerols as a result of Réblová et al. (1999) found a positive correlation between
thermal, hydrolytic and oxidative alteration. Consequently, the formation of total polar compounds and the frying time
the higher the amount of polar compounds on oil, the of canola oil used to prepare French fries. These researchers
worse its quality is (Gharachorloo et al. 2010). used rosemary extract to prevent oxidation, and they found
According to Lumley (1988), the initial contents of total that this antioxidant inhibited the increased formation of
polar compounds in oil should range between 0.4 and 6.4%. total polar compounds. Also, the increased formation of
The results of initial samples of soybean oil are within the polar compounds after 25 h of heating was found when
limits set for refined oils (Table 1). cotton and sunflower oils used to fry cassava were studied
In the beginning, there was no significant difference (Corsini et al. 2009). The concentration of products that
between any of the total polar compounds levels that formed as a result of oxidative alteration of the oil increased
received the treatments used in this study, but there was a as a function of temperature, limiting the usefulness of the
significant difference between the total polar compound oil. In many countries, an upper limit of 25% total polar
values after 10 and 20 h for each treatment. The values compounds has been established (Angelo and Jorge 2008).
increased as heating times increased when each of the four In the present study, only the treatments without the rose-
treatments were used (Table 1). All antioxidants delayed the mary extract (SO and TBHQ) had values above this limit
formation of polar compounds throughout heating, but after 20 h of heating. These results reinforce the strong
with different levels of effectiveness. After 20 h of heating, activity of rosemary extract.
SO treatment were compared with RE, RE + TBHQ and Oxidative stability is closely dependent on the degree of
TBHQ treatment, and these comparisons revealed a reduc- unsaturation of the oil and also on the presence of antioxi-
tion in total polar compound formation by 35.4, 31.51 and dants, which are likewise affected by the temperature. This
15.83%, respectively. These reduction levels indicate the analysis measures the total volatile carbonyl compounds,
higher efficiency of rosemary extract when applied sepa- which are secondary products of lipid oxidation, and it also
rately rather than together. evaluates the oil’s resistance to oxidation (Gámez-Meza
The samples containing TBHQ revealed values that were et al. 2009).
similar to those of the SO treatment. Their values did not There was a significant reduction in the induction period
differ until after 20 h of heating. When the RE + TBHQ during the heating time of soybean oil, with or without the
treatment was used, the rosemary extract was the main one addition of antioxidants (Table 1). This fact indicates that
responsible for the antioxidant effect. After 20 h of heating, the antioxidants tested were unable to remain stable after


Heating time (h)
Treatment 0 10 20 (H) OF OILS HEATED FOR UP TO 20 H
Total polar compounds
SO 1.38 ⫾ 0.29cA 18.73 ⫾ 0.72bA 33.16 ⫾ 0.52aA
TBHQ 1.57 ⫾ 0.02cA 19.66 ⫾ 0.59bA 27.91 ⫾ 0.34aB
RE 2.07 ⫾ 0.05cA 10.90 ⫾ 0.58bC 21.42 ⫾ 0.50aC
RE + TBHQ 1.97 ⫾ 0.11cA 14.51 ⫾ 0.35bB 22.71 ⫾ 0.08aC
Oxidative stability
SO 14.83 ⫾ 0.01aD 8.44 ⫾ 0.08bB 3.49 ⫾ 0.12cC
TBHQ 24.84 ⫾ 0.345aC 6.29 ⫾ 0.125bC 4.46 ⫾ 0.11cB
RE 35.52 ⫾ 0.30aB 14.79 ⫾ 0.16bA 9.79 ⫾ 0.415cA
RE + TBHQ 40.11 ⫾ 0.005aA 13.86 ⫾ 0.26bA 9.88 ⫾ 0.325cA

SO: soybean oil; TBHQ: soybean oil + TBHQ (50 mg/kg); RE: soybean oil + rosemary extract
(3,000 mg/kg); RE + TBHQ: soybean oil + rosemary extract (3,000 mg/kg) + TBHQ (50 mg/kg).
Means followed by the same lower case letters are not significantly (P > 0.05) different over time
(rows). Means followed by the same upper case letter are not significantly (P > 0.05) different
among treatments (columns).
TBHQ, tertiary butylhydroquinone.

4 Journal of Food Processing and Preservation •• (2012) ••–•• © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

20 h of heating. The added antioxidants greatly influenced noted an increase in the oxidative stability of soybean oil
the oxidative stability of the heated soybean oil. Never- mixed with 1,000 mg/kg of rosemary extract in comparison
theless, TBHQ efficiency was markedly weaker than the with soybean oil without the addition of this antioxidant.
rosemary extract when the thermoxidation process was In their study, the Rancimat equipment (Metrohm) was also
employed. Rosemary extract was more efficient than TBHQ, used at 100C.
the synthetic antioxidant, in preventing the decrease of oxi-
dative stability, and it produced a protective effect. Its stabil-
Tocopherol Concentration
ity values were significantly higher than those that resulted
from the TBHQ treatment in all the analyzed periods Tocopherols are naturally present in most vegetable oils, and
(Table 1). Moreover, it was found that there was no syner- they may influence the oxidative stability of these oils, even
gistic effect between TBHQ and rosemary extract, because as minor components. Depending on processing conditions,
the samples, RE and RE + TBHQ, showed no significant dif- the loss of tocopherols can be up to 56% compared with the
ference after 10 or 20 h of heating. value found in raw oil (Medina-Juárez et al. 2000). There-
Merril et al. (2008) evaluated the oxidative stability of fore, it is important to study the loss of tocopherols and
different oils with antioxidants (ascorbyl palmitate, TBHQ, their relationship with the deterioration of oil during
rosemary extract and tocopherols) at 110C, and reported heating at high temperatures.
that there was a synergistic effect between TBHQ and ascor- According to the Codex Alimentarius (2009), soybean oil
byl palmitate. However, the rosemary extract had a negative must contain 9.352 mg/kg of a-tocopherol, 0.36 mg/kg
interaction with TBHQ in the prevention of oil oxidation. of b-tocopherol, 89–2,307 mg/kg of g-tocopherol, 154–
The findings of this study are similar to those from the 932 mg/kg of d-tocopherol and 600–3,337 mg/kg of total
research conducted by Ramalho and Jorge (2008). They also tocopherols. The values of tocopherols found in initial


Heating time (h)
Treatment 0 10 20
SO 70.35 ⫾ 0.35aAB 32.85 ⫾ 1.77bC 2.80 ⫾ 0.28cC
TBHQ 75.60 ⫾ 2.83aA 22.10 ⫾ 1.70bD 10.55 ⫾ 3.61cB
RE 62.90 ⫾ 1.70aC 58.10 ⫾ 2.83aB 47.95 ⫾ 3.32bA
RE + TBHQ 67.00 ⫾ 2.83aBC 69.90 ⫾ 1.56aA 46.15 ⫾ 1.48bA
SO 6.40 ⫾ 1.13aB 4.05 ⫾ 0.07bA 1.30 ⫾ 0.00cB
TBHQ 8.65 ⫾ 0.92aA 4.45 ⫾ 0.49bA 1.35 ⫾ 0.07cB
RE 6.90 ⫾ 0.14aB 5.25 ⫾ 0.21bA 3.35 ⫾ 0.21cA
RE + TBHQ 6.25 ⫾ 0.07aB 5.25 ⫾ 0.21aA 3.90 ⫾ 0.28bA
SO 338.15 ⫾ 10.82aAB 150.25 ⫾ 4.31bC 14.15 ⫾ 1.20cB
TBHQ 360.65 ⫾ 6.29aA 73.90 ⫾ 2.83bD 24.85 ⫾ 1.63cB
RE 312.30 ⫾ 2.40aC 236.40 ⫾ 20.79bB 126.10 ⫾ 1.41cA
RE + TBHQ 335.55 ⫾ 4.17aB 265.20 ⫾ 5.66bA 110.60 ⫾ 7.50cA
SO 91.70 ⫾ 1.41aAB 66.40 ⫾ 1.56bB 41.10 ⫾ 5.23cB
TBHQ 97.00 ⫾ 1.27aA 59.05 ⫾ 6.58bB 43.05 ⫾ 1.91cB
RE 80.80 ⫾ 0.57aC 78.25 ⫾ 4.60aA 67.30 ⫾ 1.41bA
RE + TBHQ 85.55 ⫾ 1.34aBC 85.65 ⫾ 1.63aA 63.65 ⫾ 2.90bA
Total tocopherol
SO 506.60 ⫾ 8.63aB 253.55 ⫾ 7.71bC 59.35 ⫾ 6.72cB
TBHQ 541.90 ⫾ 8.77aA 159.50 ⫾ 7.21bD 79.80 ⫾ 7.21cB
RE 462.90 ⫾ 4.53aC 378.00 ⫾ 28.43bB 244.7 ⫾ 0.71cA
RE + TBHQ 494.35 ⫾ 2.76aB 426.00 ⫾ 9.05bA 224.3 ⫾ 8.63cA

SO: soybean oil; TBHQ: soybean oil + TBHQ (50 mg/kg); RE: soybean oil + rosemary extract
(3,000 mg/kg); RE + TBHQ: soybean oil + rosemary extract (3,000 mg/kg) + TBHQ (50 mg/kg).
Means followed by the same lower case letters are not significantly (P > 0.05) different over time
(rows). Means followed by the same upper case letter are not significantly (P > 0.05) different
among treatments (columns).
TBHQ, tertiary butylhydroquinone.

Journal of Food Processing and Preservation •• (2012) ••–•• © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 5

soybean oils are in agreement with the values set by from 4 to 40%, and from 45 to 83% after 20 h of heating
the Codex Alimentarius, with the exception of values for and when compared with the SO treatment. There was no
d-tocopherol and total tocopherols (Table 2). This differ- synergistic effect between TBHQ and rosemary extract to
ence in total tocopherols may be related to the processing of prevent the loss of tocopherols in soybean oil that under-
the oils, especially when it comes to deodorization. went thermoxidation, because for all fractions of toco-
Changes in tocopherol concentrations during the heating pherols, except b-tocopherol, retention after 20 h of heating
process were also considered, and a significant decrease was higher in the RE sample, which was the soybean oil that
was observed in all treatments as heating time increased. contained only rosemary extract.
Barrera-Arellano et al. (2002) reported that after 10 h of Regarding the stability of tocopherol, for pure soybean
heating, significant reductions of tocopherols were found in oil at high temperature, the literature suggests the follow-
polyunsaturated oils, with a 40% loss in soybean oil, and ing stability sequence: d > g > b > a (Kamal-Eldin and
with a-tocopherol being the least stable. Appelqvist 1996). However, we found that, soybean oil
The addition of antioxidants strongly influenced the free from antioxidants, stability decreased in the order
retention of tocopherols present in soybean oil subjected d > b > a = g. Steel et al. (2005) also found a greater degra-
to heating (Fig. 1). There was a higher degradation of toco- dation of a and g-tocopherol in soybean oil that had
pherols in oils free from rosemary extract at the end of the been heated for 10 h. A rapid degradation of a-tocopherol
heating, which may have favored a lower oxidative stability was reported by Verleyen (2001). Furthermore, Warner and
of these oils (Fig. 1). The a-tocopherol was strongly pro- Gehring (2009) observed a higher degradation of a- and
tected by the use of rosemary, which is in agreement with d-tocopherol in soybean oil subjected to 65 h of frying.
the results obtained by Rizner-Hras et al. (2000). In the Rosemary extract increased the stability of the tocopherol
current study, the presence of rosemary increased the reten- fractions to a considerable extent. The difference in stability
tion of a-, g- and d-tocopherol, respectively, from 4 to 76%, between the tocopherols was evident in the oil samples that


(A) Alpha-tocopherol. (B) Beta-tocopherol. (C) Gamma-tocopherol. (D) Delta-tocopherol. SO: soybean oil; TBHQ: soybean oil + TBHQ (50 MG/KG);
RE: soybean oil + rosemary extract (3,000 mg/kg); RE + TBHQ: soybean oil + rosemary extract (3,000 mg/kg) + TBHQ (50 mg/kg).

6 Journal of Food Processing and Preservation •• (2012) ••–•• © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

contained rosemary extract, and the sequence of stability other hand, samples heated for 20 h had values below those
was changed to d > a > b > g. When reducing losses of recommended by the Codex Alimentarium (Table 3).
a-tocopherol, the stabilizing effect of the rosemary extract Robert et al. (2001) demonstrated that the oxidative sta-
is particularly marked, and it is clear that the rosemary bility of potato chips is influenced by the type of oil used in
extract was slightly more active than the TBHQ at the con- the frying process. The potatoes fried in partially hydro-
centrations used. Gordon and Kourimská (1995) reported genated sunflower oil had a higher level of stability when
that rosemary extract has the ability to slow the loss of toco- compared with those prepared with sunflower oil. Their
pherols that are naturally present in vegetable oils. No syn- results highlight the importance of the fatty acid composi-
ergistic effect was observed between rosemary extract and tion of raw oils in the oxidative process.
TBHQ, because the treatment with only the natural anti- In this study, the levels of linoleic acid and a-linolenic
oxidant resulted in higher amounts of tocopherols. acid decreased as heating time increased. Comparing the
initial oil samples to oil collected after 20 h of heating, the
reduction of linoleic acid occurred in higher percentages
Fatty Acid Profile
after the SO treatment (8.44%), followed by RE + TBHQ
The evaluation of the fatty acid profile of fats and oils, such (7.91%), TBHQ (6.64%) and RE (4.16%). However, in the
as soybean oil, that are subjected to heat can provide impor- case of a-linolenic acid, the reduction was higher after
tant data concerning the changes to each fatty acid during SO treatment (25.43%), followed by TBHQ (25.08%),
this process. Some studies have shown that the alteration of RE + TBHQ (22.5%) and RE (16.83%). The data showed
vegetable oils is influenced by the amount of unsaturated that there was no synergistic effect between rosemary
fatty acids present, and that the loss of a-linolenic acid extract and TBHQ.
(C18:3) can vary from 20 to 25% (Juárez et al. 2005). Velasco et al. (2004) found a reduction of 42.86 and
Initially, samples revealed linoleic acid (C18:2) to be the 21.71% in the levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids in olive
main fatty acid, corresponding to more than 50% of the and sunflower oils, respectively, after 15 h of frying. The
total fatty acids identified (Table 3). Kim et al. (2010) also decrease in linolenic and a-linolenic acids may represent a
found that linoleic acid is the major fatty acid in soybean loss of nutritional value, because they are essential fatty
oil, representing 50.5%. According to the Codex Alimenta- acids and are not synthesized by the human body.
rium, soybean oil should contain between 4.5 and 11% The results regarding stearic, arachidic, behenic and
a-linolenic acid. In this study, the oils were made up of eicosenoic fatty acids showed that they remained virtually
between 3.81 and 5.64% of this fatty acid at 0 h. On the unchanged in most samples. Palmitic and oleic acids


Fatty acid composition
TO 20 H Sample C16:0 C18:0 C18:1 C18:2 C18:3 C20:0 C20:1 C22:0 Others
0h 10.7 3.49 25.12 53.79 5.78 0.35 0.43 0.35 ND
10 h 11.7 3.58 26.46 52.12 4.95 0.32 0.49 0.39 ND
20 h 12.32 4.17 27.18 49.25 4.31 0.42 0.32 0.48 1.59
0h 10.79 3.30 24.96 53.73 6.14 0.36 0.36 0.39 ND
10 h 11.63 3.77 26.03 51.53 5.06 0.39 0.35 0.48 0.78
20 h 12.14 3.95 26.88 50.16 4.60 0.40 0.43 0.50 0.98
0h 10.82 3.27 25.06 53.88 5.82 0.33 0.41 0.44 ND
10 h 11.23 3.65 25.66 53.00 5.31 0.32 0.47 0.38 ND
20 h 11.94 3.82 26.54 51.64 4.84 0.33 0.41 0.35 0.15
0h 10.93 3.34 25.12 54.10 5.60 0.27 0.38 0.29 ND
10 h 11.24 3.45 25.78 52.66 5.28 0.38 0.30 0.48 0.46
20 h 12.27 4.11 27.18 49.82 4.34 0.42 0.25 0.52 1.12

SO: soybean oil; TBHQ: soybean oil + TBHQ (50 mg/kg); RE: soybean oil + rosemary extract
(3,000 mg/kg); RE + TBHQ: soybean oil + rosemary extract (3,000 mg/kg) + TBHQ (50 mg/kg).
C16:0, palmitic acid; C18:0, stearic acid; C18:1, oleic acid; C18:2, linoleic acid; C18:3, alpha lino-
lenic acid; C20:0, arachidic acid; C20:1, eicosenoic acid; C22:0, behenic acid; ND, none detected;
TBHQ, tertiary butylhydroquinone.

Journal of Food Processing and Preservation •• (2012) ••–•• © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 7


Heating time (h)
SO 14.89 ⫾ 0.04cA 15.99 ⫾ 0.09bB 17.55 ⫾ 0.04aA UP TO 20 H
TBHQ 14.83 ⫾ 0.04cA 16.43 ⫾ 0.01bA 17.14 ⫾ 0.01aB
RE 14.85 ⫾ 0.11cA 15.57 ⫾ 0.01bC 16.58 ⫾ 0.01aC
RE + TBHQ 14.82 ⫾ 0.07cA 15.71 ⫾ 0.01bC 17.50 ⫾ 0.03aA
SO 25.55 ⫾ 0.03cA 26.95 ⫾ 0.02bA 27.50 ⫾ 0.04aA
TBHQ 25.31 ⫾ 0.01cB 26.38 ⫾ 0.02bB 27.30 ⫾ 0.05aB
RE 25.47 ⫾ 0.08cAB 26.12 ⫾ 0.01bC 26.95 ⫾ 0.04aC
RE + TBHQ 25.50 ⫾ 0.01cA 26.07 ⫾ 0.03bC 27.43 ⫾ 0.07aAB
SO 59.57 ⫾ 0.06aB 57.06 ⫾ 0.10bC 53.66 ⫾ 0.05cD
TBHQ 59.87 ⫾ 0.06aA 56.58 ⫾ 0.11bD 54.85 ⫾ 0.04cB
RE 59.71 ⫾ 0.02aAB 58.31 ⫾ 0.03bA 56.48 ⫾ 0.03cA
RE + TBHQ 59.69 ⫾ 0.06aAB 57.94 ⫾ 0.05bB 54.29 ⫾ 0.06cC

SO: soybean oil; TBHQ: soybean oil + TBHQ (50 mg/kg); RE: soybean oil + rosemary extract
(3,000 mg/kg); RE + TBHQ: soybean oil + rosemary extract (3,000 mg/kg) + TBHQ (50 mg/kg).
Means followed by the same lower case letters are not significantly (P > 0.05) different over time
(rows). Means followed by the same upper case letter are not significantly (P > 0.05) different
among treatments (columns).
TBHQ, tertiary butylhydroquinone.

showed a slight increase in most samples (Table 3). The

fatty acid composition values of the initial oils are close to
those presented by Gunstone (1996), who established The results of the present study showed that after 20 h of
soybean oil values of 15, 22 and 61% of saturated, monoun- heating at 180C, the rosemary extract improved the oxida-
saturated, and polyunsaturated fatty acids, respectively. tive stability of soybean oil, increased the retention of
There was a significant increase in saturated and monoun- a-tocopherol and resulted in a higher amount of poly-
saturated fatty acids and a reduction in polyunsaturated unsaturated fatty acids. There was no synergistic effect
fatty acids, regardless of the addition or absence of antioxi- between rosemary extract and TBHQ. Rosemary extract
dants (Table 4). However, significant changes in the fatty can be recommended as an alternative antioxidant in oil
acid composition were mainly found in treatments without preservation.
added antioxidants.
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