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Name: Date:

Strand: Age:

Direction: The researchers are currently conducting research entitled,

"Time Management of Grade 12 working students in Colegio de San
Pedro, Inc., S.Y. 2022-2023: A study about their routine as workers and
students". Please answer the questions honestly, your answer will be
kept strictly confidential.

1. How do you manage your time in school and on your work?

2. Is it hard for you to focus on your study when you came from your

3. How much time did you spend working?

4. How long did you attend school?

5. Is your salary enough to support your financial needs in school?

6. Is your income sufficient or not to support not only your academic

needs but also your personal need?

7. What is your shift at work? (ex. dayshift, nightshift, etc.)

8. Have you ever thought about quitting school to focus in working?

9. Have you ever thought about quitting school because you are
earning some money for daily living?

10. What makes you to become a working-student? (explain)

Thank you!

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