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Faculty of Engineering
Computer Engineering English IV
Student: Sebastian Caballero Date: 25 May, 2021 T.P: 10

Topic: Security Challenges for Medical Devices (Article- Communications of the ACM)

Activity- Read and analyze the article and work on the following tasks.

a) Vocabulary List

Provide a definition to each of the following vocabulary words

1. Domain: the limit of power (Dominio).

2. Recall: memory, manufacture´s notice of unsafe goods(Retirar/ Recordar).
3. Breach: breaking the law( violación de leyes).
4. Comprise: To be composed of, made up (comprender)
5. Implausible: unlikely( inverosímil, improbable).
6. Blackmail: extortion of money (chantaje).
7. Halt: to stop (detener).
8. Tamper: Manipulate or alter without authorization (manipular, alterar sin autorización,
9. Stealthy: furtive, sneaking( sigiloso).
10. Plethora: a large amount of (una gran cantidad)
11. Vis á vis: with respect to/ in relation to (con respecto a)
12. Stakeholder: a person or group that has an investment, share, or interest in something, as a
business or industry.(interesado/involucrado/accionista)
13. Infeasible: not possible, not practical ( inviable)
14. Realm: área, área of expertise (ámbito).
15. At stake: at risk (esta en juego/ en riesgo).

b) Questionnaire 5p

1. Cite the security incidents that affect general public and that are reported in the
Stolen Passwords, stolen credit card information, website availability problems.
2. Has the hacking of medical devices been demonstrated? If so, provide examples
Successful hacking of medical devices has been demonstrated on several occasions.
For example, commands have been sent wirelessly to an insulin pump.
3. Is there any difference between security and safety? What´s the difference?
Safety is about the protection of a device’s environment from the device itself.
Security is about the protection of the device from its environment.
4. Mention the vulnerabilities in hardware and software.
Vulnerabilities in software are bugs or flaws that can be used by attackers to gai
access to a system. In hardware, hidden malicious circuits provide them with
stealthy attack vectors.
5. Do device users have Access to a device´s software?

Translation 5p

Translate the following paragraphs into Spanish. Consider Spanish grammar and punctuation
when translating.

Successful hacking of medical devices has been demonstrated on several occasions. For
example, commands have been sent wirelessly to an insulin pump (raise or lower the levels
of insulin, disable it). This could be done within a distance of up to 150 feet.

The Food and Drug Administration’s safety communication has issued a warning to device
makers and health care providers to put safeguards in place to prevent cyber-attacks.
Deaths or injuries are not yet known, but the hypothetical ramifications are obvious.

Health care professionals increasingly improve and facilitate patient care with mobile
medical applications. An increasing number of patients manage their health and wellness
with such applications.

El hackeo exitoso de dispositivos médicos ha sido demostrado muchas veces. Por ejemplo,
comandos han sido enviados de forma remota a una bomba de insulina (aumentar o
disminuir los niveles de insulina, deshabilitarla). Esto puede ser hecho desde una distancia
de hasta 150 pies.
La comunicación segura de la Administración de Comida y Drogas ha emitido una
advertencia a los fabricantes y proveedores de atención medica para que pongan
protecciones en el lugar para prevenir cyber ataques. Muertes o lesiones aun se
desconocen, pero las ramificaciones hipotéticas son obvias.
Los profesionales de la salud mejoraron y facilitaron cada vez más la atención a pacientes
con aplicaciones médicas móviles. Un número creciente de parientes manejan su salud y su
bienestar con tales aplicaciones.

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