All Humans Should Speak One Language Only

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All humans should speak one language only

I believe that humans should speak one language only

The main reason why I believe this is that in several situations language is a barrier, it’s difficult
to communicate effectively with someone without a common language with them

Better communication makes everything better, being able to communicate with people from
all around the world would open up a huge amount of opportunities for work, studies and
relationships for everyone, opportunities that otherwise would be extremely difficult.

Another reason is that a common language might reduce racism, because racism is linked to
skin color, nationality and language

What language should it be? I believe it has to be a new language that we all have to learn
from scratch, Esperanto is a good option. Esperanto is an easy and flexible language created in
1887 to be the universal second language, you can learn it in Duolingo.

Studies has shown that humanity navigates organically towards a world where everyone will
speak the same language, in the past there was up to 12 thousand distinct languages in the
world, today there are around 6 thousand, and this is due to globalization that push societies
to improve communication with others.

Even if I think that humanity should speak one language, I believe that this universal language
should coexist with the other existing languages, we all should be bilingual (or plurilingual)
because humanity is a complex puzzle, language is just a piece of that, understand a language
goes with understanding the history of a population, appreciate the food, the music, the
traditions and the way of living of a particular place, every language is a rich source of culture
and it should not disappear.

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