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ANCIENT CHINA CIVILIZATION: ee DYNASTIES & HISTORY = — ‘Alongtne:ibanks otalergertivey, the civiization of Ancient China flourished and developed, Ths targeever isin the Huang River Valley. "Muang" means yellowiitiGhinege. the banks of the Huang River hasta yeleWeclortromine:soilohtne:GobiDeser!. The Chinese civiization sll ovis today after thousands of years, unlike the Ancien! Egypt and Ancient Mesopotamia Civiizations *TimeriaaanclentsGhina passedinaseties Of dynastios*Dynaslies orenereettes cofnuers thatibelongMONnesAMeHENly. Otten these periods ottimeWOUlA/GVErlGPLaPUlers wove }ere was not Giways a smooth transition of one dynasty to the. otterrovertvow each other next. xine liskestablshseaynastinancientichiag tistory was the Xia Dynasty. It began ini22008@ {oncilastechuntie 700.86. uittierinformation:wastecordedior.clscovered. ror this tine tanec cing this periockaswelliSimiiar to Ancient Egypt and we Mesopotamic, rayaiitombs were dscovered!Archaeclogists ao discovered @FEIEISISONGS, Precesoofturiesheltorboneiusedibyrules to: communicate with the gods and with spits | Affer the Bronze Age in Shang Dynasty, Ancient China experienced their Golden AgeThis was during the Zhou Dynasty, a Period "of where philosophersand: grect thinkersiived:ond:shared their wiselord the Zhou Dynasty wos the longestilastiag yngsiyain China's history, spanning from 1OKGIBEHON25SIBG! This was a period of over 800 yearst#Great thinkers such as Laozi, Confucius, and Mencius Ie@mauringzthis ‘dynasty. ! When the Zhou Dynasty ended, Ancient China entered o paiiticaleeriockotsnistony. During the Gin Dynasty *#@nmesempoitios changecimcramaticaly% Legalsm — was ‘adopted as the ‘olficlalideolody. Legaiism was a philosophy of administration in Ancient China. In Legals, humans were Deteved to be eyilsbyRaHUEE!Those who ‘opposed Jegalism werespunishecwoneven exCUI64. Citizens were expected to follow siNeteleWs GRE” harsh punishments The Great Wall of China was also Bull’ during the Qin Dynasty. It was a fontiflediswelltsuit in northem China. firstisoittasterprotection againstnormad invedersr | oN Me ) WHILE YOU'RE READING... MARK WITH SYMBOLS [When youtind something interesting, 2 when you are unsure or Confused by something. % when you find something important. HIGHLIGHT WITH COLORS yellow power words or key terms eee green key phroses and definitions ANCIENT CHINA CIVILIZATION: DYNASTIES & HISTORY Question I: How is time measured in Ancient China? Dynasties are a series of rulers that belong to the same Family. OP ten these periods of time would overlap, as rulers would often overthrow each other There was not alwaus a smooth transition of one dunastyto thenext Question 2: Why was the Shang Dynasty known as “The Bronze Age”? Jewelry, sculptures, and weapons (designed bi bronze-caSting) were created during this time eriod. Question 3: How did Ancient China's politics change during the Qin Dynasty? 2 lis was adi pted as the official ide durin StudentSavvy © 2012

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