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NOW P10 | Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, New Delhi, Pune | Volume 13 No. 17 | April 24-30, 2023 | 24 pages | `8



to use

bonus Here are some smart
ways to use the
surplus cash coming
your way soon. P2
cover story
02 The Economic Times Wealth April 24-30, 2023

Best ways
to use your
Here are some smart
ways to use the
surplus cash coming
your way soon.

By Babar Zaidi #1 DO YOU HAVE AN

he average salary incre-
Keep at least 6-12 months of
How many EMIs you can reduce
ment will be 10% this year, expenses in a contingency fund Impact of `2 lakh prepayment on `50 lakh home loan at 9%.
according to a survey by If you get a good raise and a generous
global consultancy firm bonus this year, consider yourself REMAINING TENURE EMI (`)
WTW. Sadly, the inflation lucky. Elsewhere, people have lost
ogre will gobble up a big slice of this jobs or got no increment. This is why 10 years 63,337 9 years 5 months 7 EMIs
raise. But the cherry on the cake–the experts recommend that everyone
annual performance bonus–will be should maintain an emergency fund
yours to spend. Many of us may have that can be easily accessed at short
15 years 50,713 13 years 11 months 13 EMIs
already firmed up plans on how to notice. “If you don’t already have an
use the bonus. Before you blow it all emergency fund, setting up one with
20 years 44,986 18 years 24 EMIs
away, consider using the money to your bonus money should be the first
improve your finances. “You should thing to do,” says Kukreja.
identify the gaps in your financial The thumb rule is to have enough
plan and then use the bonus money to stashed away to cover 3-6 months of
fill those gaps,” says Naveen Kukreja, expenses, including loan EMIs and
CEO and Co-founder of Paisabazaar. insurance premiums. However, in
com. Start by asking yourself a few the current situation where a lot of
Longer the remaining tenure, the more EMIs are saved by prepayment
basic questions. The answers will start-ups are folding up and finding
help you decide how you should spend another job is not easy, one may need More EMIs will be saved if home loan rates are hiked further.
that money. a bigger buffer. “People employed in
cover story
The Economic Times Wealth April 24-30, 2023 03

established companies and holding stable

jobs can keep a corpus to sustain up to 6 Buy life insurance for yourself
months’ expenses, but those employed in Cost of `1 crore life cover till the age of 65.
start-ups or newer companies should have
a bigger buffer of 9-12 months’ expenses,” AGE TERM SINGLE PREMIUM (`) REGULAR PREMIUM (`)
says Kukreja.
An emergency fund should be available 30 35 2.42 lakh 12,545
at short notice so don’t keep the money in
volatile or illiquid instruments. Go for 35 30 2.83 lakh 16,149
liquid funds, short duration debt funds or
a sweep-in savings account which puts the 40 25 3.33 lakh 20,264
money above a specified threshold in fixed
deposits to earn slightly better returns.
45 20 3.85 lakh 28,166
You may not earn too much from this in- Premiums for Max Life online term insurance.
vestment, but that doesn’t matter.
It is also very important that this money
is not used unless there is a real emer-
gency. Dipping into it time and again for
discretionary spending will defeat the
purpose of the emergency fund. Also, if
you have used it to fund an emergency,
Piyush Sinha
replenish as soon as you get enough liquid-
27 years, Delhi
ity. That’s what Maya V.M. (see picture)
intends to do with her bonus this year. The Bonus expected
Thiruvananthapuram-based risk analyst
dipped into her emergency fund for some
unexpected expenses earlier this year and
`1.5 lakh
wants to replenish the corpus. This finance professional
uses his bonus for one-off
expenses such as insurance
payments, big-ticket
A medical cover for the family and purchases or even vacation
life cover for the breadwinner are travel. His plan this year
absolutely necessary is to either prepay a
The pandemic made us aware of the im- personal loan or use it for
portance of health insurance. Yet, many downpayment to buy a
people keep putting off this critical step for vehicle.
some reason or the other. The most com-
mon excuse is: “I know health insurance is
important but I don’t have the money right
now”. The question is, if you don’t have
`25,000-30,000 to buy a health plan, where
“One-off expenses can derail monthly budgets,
will you find the `2-3 lakh to pay for medi- so the bonus money comes handy.”
cal expenses in case of hospitalisation?
Don’t rely on the group cover from your
employer because it may not provide suf-
ficient coverage. Also, that cover will not
be available forever. Buy a family floater
health plan to cover all family members. A
`10 lakh floater plan that covers a husband,
wife and two kids will cost about `22,000-
30,000 a year depending on the age of the
oldest member. Keep in mind that health Maya V.M.
insurance premiums are eligible for tax de- 33 years,
duction, so the effective cost in the 30% tax Thiruvananthapuram
bracket will be roughly `15,000-22,000.
Similarly, everybody also needs ad-
equate life insurance cover that can effec-
Bonus expected
tively replace his or her income after set-
tling all outstanding debts. The thumb rule
`1 lakh
is to be covered for at least 8-10 times your
She dipped into her
annual income plus any outstanding debts.
emergency fund for an
Buy from an insurance company with a unexpected expense earlier
healthy claim settlement record and a good this year. Some part of the
reputation for customer orientation. bonus money will be used
The tenure of the policy is almost as to replenish the emergency
important as the cover it offers. Ideally, the fund and the balance will
cover should be till the age of 60-65 years. be used for holiday travel.
Don’t buy a short-term plan that will end
when you are in your 50s. Your insurance
needs are highest at that stage of life and
buying a new policy in your 50s will be very
costly. You might even be denied the cover
if you have developed a health condition.
“Maintaining an emergency fund is absolutely
For those who don’t want to pay the essential, especially in times like these.”
premium every year, companies have de-
signed limited premium payment plans.
You pay for 10-15 years though the cover
cover story
04 The Economic Times Wealth April 24-30, 2023

continues for 30-35 years. Such limited

premium payment plans will be espe-
cially useful for those who plan to start
their own business after working for 10-15
Sukanya scheme offers highest returns
years. PPF scores over bank deposits due to tax advantage.
One may also consider buying a single
premium plan that pays the entire pre- POST TAX RETURNS
mium at one go. You may have to part with RATE (%)
your entire bonus for such a plan. On the
flipside, this one payment will take care of Sukanya 8.00 8.00 8.00 8.00
your insurance needs for the rest of your
working life. PPF 7.10 7.10 7.10 7.10
RBI floating rate bonds 7.88 7.88 6.24 5.42
HIGH-COST LOAN? NSCs 7.70 7.70 6.10 5.30
Prepaying such loans can save you
more than what you earn from fixed Bank deposits 7.50 7.50 5.94 5.16
income options
While salary hikes and bonuses are
Kisan Vikas Patra 7.50 7.50 5.94 5.16
something to celebrate, people with large POMIS 7.40 7.40 5.86 5.09
outstanding debts should use the surplus
cash to reduce their debt burden. High-
cost and long-term loans should be retired
as early as possible. “The longer the ten-
ure, the higher is the interest outgo. Just
like long-term investments build wealth
for you, long-term debt burdens you with
high interest,” says Raj Khosla, Managing Sujata and
That’s something home loan custom-
Karan Rao
ers should keep in mind. Home loan rates 33 and 35 years,
have risen from 6.5% to more than 9% in Pune
two years. When rates go up, extending
the tenure of a floating rate loan is the de-
fault response of lenders. A 20-year home
Bonus expected
loan taken in 2019 at 6.5% has now ex-
tended to 31 years. Here is where the bonus
`3 lakh
can come handy. A prepayment amount-
They want to invest the
ing to four EMIs can reduce the tenure
money in equity funds for
of a 20-year loan by almost two years (see their daughter’s education.
graphic). Instead of putting it into
It can be argued that prepaying the an equity fund at one go,
home loan takes away liquidity. This they will invest in a debt
dilemma can be addressed through home fund and start a systematic
loan saving accounts that most lenders transfer plan of `20,000 into
offer. Money put in the home loan saving the equity scheme.
account reduces the outstanding loan and
accordingly brings down the EMI. But it
can be withdrawn anytime the borrower “We have a long term investment horizon, but
is in need of cash.
For borrowers, a rupee saved is a rupee
don’t want to invest a large sum at one go.”
earned. “A borrower saves 8.5-9% interest
by prepaying a home loan. It is very diffi-
cult to earn that kind of post-tax returns in
fixed income instruments,” says Kukreja.
The math is not lost on Delhi-based investment horizon of more than 5-6 years equity fund over 12-15 months even as you go for fixed income options. The current
finance professional Piyush Sinha (see should go for equity mutual funds,” advises benefit from the volatility in the equity situation offers a good opportunity to lock
picture). He wants to use his bonus for the Kukreja. He says a combination of index markets. That’s exactly what Pune-based in at the prevailing high interest rates.
downpayment of a new bike, but is also funds and flexicap schemes can yield de- IT professionals Sujata and Karan Rao (see Banks have hiked their deposit rates and
considering paying off a personal loan cent returns in the long term. picture) are planning to do with their bonus small savings rates have also been hiked
he took a few years back. It’s a toss up be- For moderate investors, Kukreja sug- this year. recently. Even debt funds, which have lost
tween how much he will pay for the vehicle gests a mix of index, flexicap and balanced A tip from mutual fund adviser Deepti some sheen after the new tax rules, are of-
loan and the 10% he is paying on the per- advantage funds. Balanced advantage Goel of Alpha Capital: If you already had in- fering indicative yields of 7.5%.
sonal loan. funds change their asset mix depending on vested in debt funds before the new tax rule Investors should look at the post-tax
the market levels, thus delivering stable came into effect from 1 April, avoid using returns when comparing fixed income
and better risk adjusted returns. those schemes for the systematic transfer. instruments (see graphic). For instance,
However, it may not be a good idea to “Since mutual fund investments are on a while the interest rates of most small sav-
Use the surplus cash to save for your invest a large sum in equity funds at one go. first-in-first-out basis, you will not lose out ings schemes were hiked last month, the
child’s higher education or your Instead, put the money in a short duration on the indexation benefit that past invest- PPF rate has remained unchanged at 7.1%.
retirement debt fund and start a systematic transfer ments are eligible for,” she says. But considering that the interest from
How about using your bonus to beef up plan into the equity scheme. For instance, PPF is tax free, the scheme scores higher
your savings for long-term goals? That’s if you have `3 lakh to invest, identify the
than other options in the higher income
what two-marshmallow investors gener- flexicap fund you wish to invest in, put that brackets.
ally do when they get a lump sum amount. amount in a debt scheme of the same fund Lock into the prevailing high
Where you put that money will depend on house and then start a systematic transfer rates and harness the power of
your risk appetite as also the investment of `20,000-25,000 into the equity scheme. compounding over the long term
horizon you have in mind. “Investors Your money grows at 7-7.5% in the debt If you are not comfortable with the volatil- Please send your feedback to
with a high risk appetite and long-term fund and slowly gets transferred into the ity that comes with equity investments,
mutual funds
The Economic Times Wealth April 24-30, 2023 05

Avoid shifting to hybrid

funds just to gain a tax edge
Varying degree of equity exposure in such funds alters risk element dramatically for investors.

By Sanket Dhanorkar Over one year time frames, equity savings high element of risk. Balanced advantage However, some insist that a shift to hy-

funds have fetched higher returns than funds typically alter equity allocation brid funds need not necessarily alter the in-
or many, tax benefits often form short duration debt funds, but they have between 30% and 80%. Even if some part of vestor’s risk profile. Azeez feels investors
the fulcrum for investment experienced sharp drawdowns and volatil- this exposure is hedged using derivatives, can maintain similar risk profile within
choices. So it is not surprising ity aswell. Low interest rates for the past it still leaves investors open to high risk their preferred asset allocation. “Most
that the recent unfavourable few years weighed on debt fund returns in certain market conditions. This makes investors have debt and equity in their
change in taxation of debt funds even as hybrid funds’ return got propped balanced advantage funds a very poor portfolio but in separate funds. The smart
has sparked a recalibration of portfolios, up by high performance of equities. This choice as a defensive arm of your portfolio. thing to do now is combine them in a single
pushing investors towards finding alter- scenario can change dramatically going “Based on hedging strategy, they can be hybrid fund.” Instead of paying 30% tax on
nate, tax-friendly solutions. To avoid the forward. Acharya remarks, “When equity similar to aggressive hybrid funds with your debt funds gains and 10% on the eq-
higher tax liability, some are actively seek- goes down, you cannot expect equity sav- very high equity exposure. That again uity side, a combined fund will be taxed at
ing out hybrid funds. But does a shift from ings funds to provide the support that debt makes them poor debt substitutes. While the lower rate of 10%. Amol Joshi, Founder,
pure debt to hybrid funds work? would. They can form part of shorter dura- you can increase allocation to these funds PlanRupee Investment Services, insists
For years, debt funds were pitched to tion portfolios for their tax efficiency but for tax benefits, do not expect them to take such a switch will not alter asset allocation
investors with a clear emphasis on the tax there is a return penalty in the long term.” over the role of debt in your portfolio,” says much. “Investors who were investing via
edge these provided over fixed deposits. Also on investors’ radar are balanced Acharya. Joseph avers, “There are various separate funds can shift to certain hybrid
Now that this tax advantage has been taken advantage funds. These are often pitched sub-categories within balanced advantage categories if the risk appetite permits
away, many investors feel bereft. Despite as the ideal avenue to weather volatile funds offering varying levels of equity by adjusting portfolio allocation once.”
their many benefits over FDs, investors market conditions. But if equity savings exposure, with the nature of exposure also However, Joshi warns anyone doing so to
appear keen to move away from debt funds funds lie several notches above debt funds differing a lot. It is difficult to fathom how first maximise their fixed income alloca-
towards more tax-friendly alternatives. on the risk spectrum, these also have a much risk you are taking on.” tion in traditional avenues.
According to financial advisers and
market observers, equity savings funds,
arbitrage funds and even balanced ad- Hybrid 1-YEAR ROLLING PERFORMANCE
vantage funds are being considered for
superior tax-efficiency. These get taxed as funds may AVERAGE
equity investments, resulting in a lower
tax liability of 10% on any capital gains ex-
not be good Hybrid - Aggressive hybrid 17.4 -32 16 19.2
ceeding `1 lakh in a financial year. Feroze substitutes Hybrid - Balanced advantage/
11.7 -25.3 7.8 9.4
Azeez, Deputy CEO, Anand Rathi Wealth,
observes that hybrid funds will now be the
for debt Dynamic asset allocation

flavour of the season. He remarks, “Inflows

will continue, especially on the retail side,
funds Hybrid - Equity savings 10.4 -26.4 8.1 8.9

by mixing products which have both equity Most hybrid funds Debt - Short duration 6.2 -19.5 2 3.4
and debt and not just debt or gold or any exhibit higher Debt - Low duration 5.7 -15.5 1.6 2.6
other asset class standalone.” drawdowns and
Several advisers are asking investors to volatility than Returns are rolled daily for past three years. Minimum return reflects Source:
take this path. But others are cautioning debt funds. the figure for the fund exhibiting biggest loss over 1 year period.
against using hybrid funds as debt alterna-
tives. Bhavana Acharya, Head – Mutual
Funds and Equities,, says,
“There is a high chance that you would be
sold hybrid funds not fitting your risk pro-
file or time frame. Please stay clear of such
sales pitches.” Most hybrid funds would
be poor substitutes for debt funds. There
is varying degree of equity exposure in
these funds which puts them on a different
risk profile. Santosh Joseph, Managing
Partner, Germinate Investor Services,
likens the shift to substituting tax risk for
market risk. “The tax nudge is pushing in-
vestors to be more aggressive and risk tak-
ing in their investment choices,” he says.
Even supposedly safer categories like
equity savings funds are not strictly fit as
alternatives for debt funds. These funds
run around 20-40% exposure to equities
together with arbitrage bets taking total
equity allocation to 65%, with the rest
parked in fixed income. This modest net
equity exposure is enough to introduce
risk not many would be comfortable with. GETTY IMAGES
guest column
06 The Economic Times Wealth April 24-30, 2023

While investing, don’t

be misled by numbers
Investing is supposed to be a numbers-driven activity. However, to do it
well, you must move beyond that, says Dhirendra Kumar.

ere’s a fascinating idea, verbatim
from a talk by Rory Sutherland,
CEO, VALUE RESE ARCH a well-known advertising execu-
tive. “People look at Maths, and

money as soon as there are things in

numerical form, you’ve won the argument. If

mysteries you’re one of those marketers who’s trying to

use words, and some other b_____ turns up
with a spreadsheet, you’ve basically lost. The
b______ with the spreadsheet always wins.”
Sutherland is the Vice Chairman of the O&M
advertising group and has pioneered the use
of behavioural science in advertising. The
Think of great above quote shows his preference for words
companies like HDFC and ideas over numbers.
Bank, Asian Paints, Do such ideas have a place in investing?
Infosys, TCS, and so As a first reaction, many people would say
no, they don’t. In investing, numbers play a
many others. Each of
central role. ‘Data-driven’ is the buzzword in
them is in a business everything, including investing. According
with a dozen or more to this ideology, the way to judge an invest-
other companies. ment—in fact, the only way to judge an invest-
There is nothing ment—is to look at the numbers. However, in
unique about their practice, what one might call the human fac-
businesses. What tor plays just as important a role. Qualitative
factors such as management competence,
sets them apart is
company culture, and industry trends can
management quality.

Numerical analysis is the

bedrock of investment
analysis and planning. It’s
important to be aware of

both sides of the story.

significantly impact a company’s growth
and success. These factors may not be easily Unlike qualitative factors, quantitative data are correct, it works. In contrast, sorting
quantifiable in a spreadsheet, but they are offers a clear and objective basis for making companies by management quality takes
key to investing. investment decisions. Financial ratios, his- years of experience and good judgement;
Think of great companies like HDFC Bank, torical performance, and other numerical even then, there’s a lot more room for er-
Asian Paints, Infosys, TCS, and so many oth- data help investors by providing concrete ror. Or rather, there’s a lot more room for
ers. Each of them is in a business with a dozen evidence of a company’s financial health self-delusion.
or more other companies. There is nothing and growth prospects. Moreover, numbers We’ve often heard the advice, “Just in-
unique about their businesses. What sets are standardised, so to speak. Comparing di- vest in a set of good stocks, monitor them
them apart is management quality. It’s not verse investment options, whether in stocks, closely and hold for years.” Good advice,
about the line of business but what the com- mutual funds, or even fixed income, is im- right? And so simple, isn’t it? Actually,
pany’s management will make of it, how they possible without numbers. In fact, there is no this advice is pretty useless, and I say that
will finetune it and how they will execute it. way to track and compare the performance even though I have given it myself a few
Almost all successful investment analysis is of investments without using quantitative times. In fact, it’s not really advice but
essentially a search for quality people. You data. mere rhetoric. This old Wall Street joke is
may think that you are looking at financial There’s yet another layer of complexity to a favourite of mine: The newcomer asks a
numbers, but those are just clues to what ac- this question. While judging the human fac- market veteran, “How do I make money on
tually matters. By incorporating qualitative tor in corporate management is important, the stock market?” The old master replies,
factors, investors and analysts may be able to the quality of this judgement itself matters. “Why, that’s very simple. Just buy low, sell
make more informed choices and potentially When you bring the human factor of corpo- high.” So the young man asks, “Yes, but
uncover opportunities that purely numerical rate management or an investment manager how do I do that?” The reply comes, “That’s
data might overlook. into the picture, the human factor of the ana- very difficult. It takes a lifetime to learn.”
I’m not arguing that the numbers do not lyst and the investor also comes in. I mean,
matter. Numerical analysis is the bedrock anyone who is minimally knowledgeable can
Please send your feedback to
of investment analysis and planning. It’s im- build a spreadsheet that sorts stocks by EPS
portant to be aware of both sides of the story. or valuation. If the data and the formulae
08 The Economic Times Wealth April 24-30, 2023

“Today, there is no pure

value. Nothing is so cheap”
Traditional growth sectors are under pressure. Though valuations have moderated, they are not
attractive as yet. The growth story will take time to rebound, Taher Badshah tells Sanket Dhanorkar.
spire in 2023. The signs of slowdown are value. I am concerned about how this
more intense now. India had started to theme will play out compared to the past.
slow at the end of 2022, after seeing strong You need to see employment and incomes
growth on the low base of 2021. But India’s to rise. We have also not had a great in-
growth was peculiar—it has been fir- vestment cycle for a very long time. That
ing on a single engine of urban-centric can pull the brakes on consumption for
consumption. The lower segments of the longer than we think. The government’s
income pyramid have not participated. focus rightly is on manufacturing and
They have remained under a lot of pres- industrialisation. Its policies and spend-
sure. Rural segments will take longer to ing are in that direction. We need that
recover after phase of high interest rates. investment cycle to come through in the
Even though consumption has moderat- next few years. It will lead to more jobs,
ed, investment and manufacturing relat- higher income which can then feed into
ed parts of the economy have done much consumption. The elements are in place
better. From a valuation standpoint, India to jumpstart this cycle. Banks have the
got rewarded as it stood out among others. capacity to lend, policy initiatives are
But we are now slowing down as well, and supportive and there is room for higher
the valuation premium has come off. capacity utilisation. This makes me posi-
tive on the investment cycle for the next
Are the tremors around global banking few years than the consumption space.
space likely to grow louder? The growth excitement remains on the
When we have such large disturbances other side of the table. What can surprise
in terms of interest rates in a short period global investors is what India can do on
of time, accidents are bound to happen. the manufacturing and exports side.
This has manifested in the developed Many of our portfolios are also tilted to
market banking space. We cannot rule out take advantage of this scenario.
further conflagrations. But central banks
around the world are very quick to douse Will growth companies remain out of
the fires. I don’t think the current situa- market’s radar for longer?
tion is anywhere close the 2008 GFC which The traditional growth sectors led by dis-
hit the cream of the financial institutions cretionary consumption are still seeing
at the outset. For now, the hit is more on pressure. Rising competitive intensity is
the fringes. It doesn’t appear that this will another challenge. I feel the growth angle
start engulfing larger banks. As of now, will take some time to come back. While
we are not expecting a recession scenario valuations in some of these pockets have
in the US, but a slower world in 2023. come off, these are not exactly attractive
yet. What was once value is now per-
Do you expect the RBI to continue with ceived as growth, and vice versa. Some of
a pause in interest rate hikes? the industrials and beaten down cyclicals
A pause in interest rates was unexpected. are now being equated to growth busi-
We were expecting rate hikes to slow nesses. Many of our growth strategies are
down during the first half of this year and significantly overweight on industrials.
then see a pause. But it has come a little Today, there is no pure value—nothing is
early. The RBI seems to have brought it so cheap that you can classify it as value.
forward owing to the unfolding scenario Many of the earlier value stories which

Taher Badshah Do you expect the markets to remain

shaky for some more time?
for global banking system. How long we
will remain in pause mode will depend
have crossed into growth territory are
now expensive. It is a tricky scenario.

CIO, Invesco Whenever the economy sees a sharp

surge in interest rates in a short span of
on inflation. Most other central banks
are likely to follow us into a pause.Going Are you preferring any particular mar-
Mutual Fund time, it cannot come without impacting
growth. Even if it gets delayed, it comes
forward, the focus will be on manag-
ing liquidity rather than interest rates.
ket cap segment now?
We are seeing bottom-up opportunities
through eventually. There was a lot of Inflation is likely to remain within com- across the spectrum. The canvas is quite
chatter about recession in 2022 but it fort levels, particularly if the slowdown wide open. There is no polarisation be-
did not happen. The reason is that the takes effect. That will allow central banks tween large and mid/small caps. There
stimuli extended post Covid left a lot of to continue the rate pause for a while. If may be opportunity in the small cap
surplus in US household savings. That things start to get difficult towards the space as they have trailed both large and
was a cushion for many households over end of the year, that is when we could see mid caps over the past year. Valuations
the last year when interest rates shot some chatter around interest rate cuts or are more attractive in this space and we
up. But now, that buffer is coming down. the rate cycle turning. are scouting for good opportunities.
This means consumption or growth in
the US will get pulled back somewhere Which themes are you favouring now?
Please send your feedback to
down the line. So what we did not see Consumption has always been a strong
happening in 2022 looks likely to tran- story for India. But you can’t take it at face
review preview
The Economic Times Wealth April 24-30, 2023 09

3-BHKs the most Type of homes preferred most in top 7 cities

NCR MMR Kolkata Hyderabad Chennai Bangalore Pune

preferred homes
Most property seekers in the top seven cities in India prefer 3-BHK homes over
other configurations, finds a CII-Anarock report on the housing market. > 3-BHK 13% 8% 2% 14% 6% 7% 4%

Most preferred homes in India

42% 40%
3-BHK 2-BHK 12%


Most Budget for Investment (`) (H2 2022)

have a
26% 4%
budget of 90 lakh-
>2.5 crore
`45 lakh - 1.5 crore

`90 lakh
29% 32% 9%
<45 lakh 45 lakh-90 lakh 1.5 crore-2.5 crore

Where do people prefer to invest

Real estate is
top choice for 8% 5%
Fixed Gold
investment deposit
Percentage of respond-
ents who have invested
in various avenues.
26% 61%
Stock Real estate

Millennials Who thinks real estate is best investment

are driving 7%
Baby boomers (59-77 years)
housing 30%
demand group Gen X (43-58 years)

Age of those who 52%

Millennials (27-42 years)
chose real estate
as best asset class. 11% Gen Z (21-26 years)

homes (`40
lakh to `80 lakh
dominate new
supply with 36%
share, followed
by premium
(`80 lakh to
`1.5 crore) and
affordable (<
`40 lakh) with
24% and 18%

Note: The survey

covered 4,662 re-
spondents across
7 cities.
10 The Economic Times Wealth April 24-30, 2023

Industry tailwinds to
support textile stocks
Fall in cotton prices, strong demand, policy support and shift in global supply chains will drive performance.
by Sameer Bhardwaj tional cotton prices are key positives,” says

the report.
he Indian textile sector has
been facing headwinds for the Fall in cotton prices
past few quarters due to high Both domestic and international cot-
cotton prices, weak demand, ton prices have declined in the past few
muted cotton yarn spreads and months. In the fourth quarter of 2022-23,
sizeable premium in domestic cotton pric- domestic cotton prices declined over 20%
es relative to international prices. In 2022, y-o-y. This reduced the premium over in-
domestic cotton prices soared to `1 lakh/ ternational prices to 16% from 24% in the
candy which significantly impacted profit- third quarter, according to data compiled
ability of spinning companies in 2022-23. from the Emkay report. The decline in pre-
Cotton constitutes a major cost head for mium is improving the competitiveness of
such companies. Indian companies in global markets.
Close to 72% of the 194 listed textile Prices are expected to remain on the
companies have reported negative returns lower side in the near term due to an
in the past year. The group’s median increase in cotton production aided by
return stood at -24.7%, according to data good rainfall and improved cotton sowing.
compiled from Refinitiv. The data is based The reduction in prices is expected to
on 18 April 2023 prices. However, the sec- boost the overall textile chain across the
tor’s performance is likely to improve yarn, fabric, garment and home textile
in the future due to multiple tailwinds. segments.
Brokerage reports from Elara Capital, A Crisil report expects profitability of
Emkay, Systematix, Avendus Spark and a cotton yarn spinners to improve by 100
note from CRISIL have shown confidence basis points in 2023-24 as cotton prices are
in the medium to long-term prospects of expected to average 15-20% lower. Also,
the sector. the spreads between raw cotton and yarn
The Elara Capital report sees 2023-24 prices are likely to stay healthy. “In ad-
to be a recovery period for Indian textile dition to the healthy spreads, expected
firms due to green shoots in export de- improvement in capacity utilisation sup-
mand and a decline in input cost inflation. ported by improving domestic and export
On the other hand, a Systematix report volumes in 2022-23 will bolster operating
sharing views of experts from its textile profitability of yarn spinners in 2023-24,”
conference expects demand to remain soft adds the report.
over the next two quarters due to inflation-
ary pressures but will improve from the Improvement in demand
second half of 2023-24. The demand for apparel remained strong
The Emkay report sees signs of im- in the domestic markets supported by im-
provement despite the sector facing tough proved footfalls, store expansion, the shift
times. “Correction in domestic cotton to organised firms and growth in consum-

prices, expanding yarn-cotton spread, er wallet share. However, muted demand

initiation of demand from some retailers, from the US and UK remains a concern.
better demand from China and lowering of According to an Avendus Spark report,
premium of domestic cotton over interna- the inventories of US retailers have fallen

12-month 1-year target UPSIDE BUY HOLD SELL
Current price (`) POTENTIAL
forward PE price (`)

14.6 365 539 47.6% 100 6 1 0

THE APPAREL MANUFACTURER and exporter The capex plans will ensure incremental 98.40
reported a strong performance in the third quar- revenues of `450 crore by 2024-25. Easing of
ter of 2022-23 despite a challenging environ- raw material prices, new capacity additions,
ment. Its EBITDA and PAT grew by 7% and 35% industry tailwinds in form of higher labour cost
y-o-y. However, revenue declined 0.3% y-o-y inflation in Vietnam and China plus one, a strong
due to weak demand in the US market. The man- customer base and superior design capabilities Gokaldas Exports
agement expects sequential growth in revenue are the key growth drivers. The company also
in the fourth quarter of 2022-23 due to the has a strong balance sheet and decent work-
expected decline in clients’ inventories. Also, the ing capital management. It is generating strong
demand in the US market is expected to improve free cash flows that are sufficient to support its
from the second half of 2023-24. capacity expansion plans. 15 April 2022 18 April 2023
The Economic Times Wealth April 24-30, 2023 11

and the retailers are cautiously optimistic and Co-Founder at Green Portfolio, encouraging capacity expansion and for
about near-term prospects while remain- “India’s textile exports are expected to creating integrated textile value chains. How are stocks placed?
ing committed to long-term brand invest- grow by 81% to $65 billion by 2026 from Moreover, FTAs (free trade The current valuations of textile stocks
ments. However, the report believes that the pre-Covid level of around $36 billion agreements) are expected to help are slightly high as the sector has wit-
EU growth prospects will be more chal- in 2019.” Indian textile companies to compete nessed some re-rating driven by industry
lenging due to the inventory pile up. better in global trade. India recently tailwinds. “While near-term headwinds
Despite such weakness in global Government support signed an FTA with Australia and may persist, the sector offers a lucrative
demand, India’s textile exports are The government aims to increase the UAE, which are primary markets for opportunity for investors with a longer-
expected to benefit from the US ban on size of the textile industry to $300 billion readymade garments exports. Further, term investment horizon,” says Kimberly
material coming from the Xinjiang region by 2030 from $100 billion in 2022. Some of the government is in talks with UK and Paes, AVP - Research at Research &
of China, the economic crisis in Pakistan the measures taken by the government EU for FTAs. “If these FTAs materialise, Ranking.
(amongst the largest cotton producers in to support the sector include 100% FDI Indian exporters will be able to compete ET Wealth examines the prospects of
the world) and the shift of global supply through automatic route, the PLI scheme with Pakistan and Bangladesh that hold five listed textile companies that have de-
chains amid China plus one strategy. to encourage investments in man-made preferential status in these regions,” adds cent analyst coverage and are currently of-
According to Anuj Jain, Research Head fibres (MMF) and PM Mitra Parks for the Systematix report. fering double-digit share price potential.


12-month Current 1-year target UPSIDE 12-month Current 1-year target UPSIDE ANALYSTS’ RECOMMENDATIONS
forward PE price (`) price (`) forward PE price (`) price (`)
39.2% 13.9%
6.2 97 135 23.6 612 697 6 0 0
BUY HOLD SELL growth in revenue in the third quarter. However, EBIT mar- NIFTY 500
7 0 0 gins fell due to high cost of inventory. The management
expects margin improvement from 2023-24 as the com-
THE VERTICALLY INTE- book, acquisition of new pany has orders with its export partners at passthrough
GRATED textile company key accounts and recovery prices. Reduction in cotton prices will improve perfor-
reported a 13% y-o-y de- in deferred garment orders. mance going forward. Despite volatility in US and Europe
cline in revenue growth The company is commit- markets, the company is not facing major headwinds. Its
in the third quarter due ted to investing in high- new garment capacity is fully ramped up and it plans to
to the weak performance margin businesses— AMD manufacture 35-36 million pieces every quarter, indicat- KPR MILL
of the denim and garment and garments— and is plan- ing annual capacity utilisation of 90-92%. Such capacity 92.88
segments. The concerns ning a capex of `250 crore utilisation is likely to support turnover and profitability.
over global recession have in 2023-24. Better product Integrated manufacturing facilities, capital allocation to
impacted denim buying mix and softening of input higher profitability businesses and a strong balance sheet
by retailers which led to a prices are expected to are the key strongholds. 14 April 2022 18 April 2023
significant drop in denim support profitability in the
volumes in both domestic future. The company has
and export markets. How- reduced its debt (long-term
ever, the woven and AMD and working capital) in the 12-month Current 1-year target UPSIDE ANALYSTS’ RECOMMENDATIONS
segments continue to do third quarter and aims at POTENTIAL
forward PE price (`) price (`)
well. The garment segment further deleveraging, which
is expected to report decent will help strengthen the 8.3 317 368 5 1 0
performance in 2023-24 balance sheet and improve
supported by a strong order RoCE in the future. THE VERTICALLY INTEGRATED textile manufacturer
100 NIFTY 500
reported weak numbers in the third quarter due to muted
demand and lower volumes in yarn, grey and processed 98.40
NIFTY 500 fabric. However, yarn demand is expected to revive in the
98.40 coming months as China reopens. Also, reduction in inven-
tory held by global retailers is expected to support demand. Vardhman Textiles
Arvind The management expects margins to normalise in the com- 70.70
ing quarters. Further, capacity utilisation of the company
73.88 is likely to jump going forward. In the third quarter, the
company outperformed the industry by operating at more
than 90% utilisation compared to industry average of 70%.
An ICICI Direct report remains bullish on the stock due to
its low debt-equity ratio, healthy cash flows and industry
tailwinds in the form of China plus one, FTAs and stress
14 April 2022 18 April 2023 14 April 2022 18 April 2023
witnessed by competing countries like Pakistan.


12-month Current 1-year target UPSIDE ANALYSTS’ RECOMMENDATIONS 98.40
forward PE price (`) price (`) POTENTIAL

Indo Count Industries
8.4 135 165 2 1 0
THE HOME TEXTILE manufacturer witnessed a sharp be visible in 2023-24. The company is also focusing
decline in volumes in the third quarter due to cautious on increasing share of its fashion and utility business
consumer spending in international markets. However, over next few years, which will help improve margins.
the order book is expected to improve in the next few Strong product profile, focus on value-added
quarters as global retailers liquidate their inventory. products, e-commerce and digital channels, robust
The company is expected to perform better in customer relationships, modernisation of spinning
the fourth quarter due to easing of freight costs and capacity, synergy gains from the acquisition of GHCL, 14 April 2022 18 April 2023
improvement in supply chains. However, analysts be- capacity expansion of the home textiles division and
Current price as on 18 April 2023. Textile industry median 12M forward PE: 14.85, MSCI
lieve that most of the performance improvement will benefits from FTAs are the key future growth drivers. India Index 12M forward PE: 19.2 times. Source: Refinitiv.
learn & keep
12 The Economic Times Wealth April 24-30, 2023


If you are looking for a unique domestic holiday this year, opt for any of the popular river routes, but be prepared to shell out a large sum if you opt for a longer, luxury cruise, says Riju Mehta.


Ganga Vilas 2 Ganges
river cruise
Short cruises:
Modi flagged off MV Ganga Vilas on the
world’s longest river cruise on 13 Janu-
ary this year, it underscored the growing
7 Mumbai-Goa / Kochi /
fascination with river cruises in India. THIS IS THE ONLY cruise of its kind, THE GANGES CRUISES are often segregated into Upper
being the longest in the world and run and Lower Ganges, differing in the areas covered and
“It’s a unique way of travel to experience
by a single cruise operator. The 3,200 durations. The Upper Ganges follows the Ganges river
life in the slow lane, surrounded by na- WHILE THESE ARE not river cruises since they venture
km luxury cruise from Varanasi in Uttar from Kolkata to Varanasi usually in 14 days, with some
ture and exploring riverside towns and Pradesh to Dibrugarh in Assam, via shorter 7-8 day cruises covering West Bengal and Bihar out to the Arabian sea, these 2-5 day cruises still make
cities,” says Daniel D’Souza, President & Bangladesh, covers 27 river systems from Farakka to Patna as well. The Lower Ganges cruises, for a good weekend break. Mumbai-Goa cruises are
Country Head, Holidays, SOTC Travel. and five states. It is operated by Antara as 4-8 day trips, are along the Ganges tributary, Hooghly, typically for 2 nights, 3 days, and these are longer if
No wonder then that in less than a Luxury River Cruises on MV Ganga Vilas, from Kolkata to Farakka or as Kolkata roundtrip. All the they add Kochi or Lakshadweep to the itinerary. There
the ship having three decks with 18 foreign operators add pre- and post-cruise destinations are several good operators for these cruises and the
decade, boating trips have given way
suites that can accommodate 36 people. that cover land trips, including the Golden triangle prices typically start from around `6,000.
to river cruises, whose duration ranges
from very short trips of a few hours or of Delhi, Jaipur and Agra, even Mumbai and Kochi, z E
MBARK-DISEMBARK: Mumbai-Goa; Mumbai-Mumbai
z E
1-2 days, such as Mandovi cruise in Goa increasing the duration of the trip to 18-21 days.
Dibrugarh z S
TOPOVERS: Goa, Kochi, Lakshadweep
or Chilika lake in Odissa; medium dura- z E
MBARK-DISEMBARK: Varanasi–Kolkata; Kolkata-
z S
TOPOVERS: Varanasi, Sarnath in UP, z DURATION: 2-5 days
tion trips of 3-10 days on Brahmputra Kolkata; Kolkata-Farakka; Farakka-Patna; Patna-
Majuli in Assam, Sundarbans in Bay RATES
river, and longer cruises of over 12 days, Varanasi. z O
PERATORS: Cordelia Cruises, Angriya,
of Bengal, Kaziranga National Park,
mostly along the Ganges. Some of the among others. z S
TOPOVERS: Kolkata, Kalna, Matiari, Murshidabad,
SOTC, among others. `6,000-
longer duration cruises are also split into
z D
URATION: 51 days. Shorter trips of
Mayapur, Bandel, Chandannagar, Varanasi. BEST TIME: October-February 40,000
shorter cruises of 3-5 days. but can go up to
21 days and 31 days also available. z D
URATION: 4-8 days (Lower Ganges); 11-14 days over `1 lakh per
The Indian operators running these (Upper Ganges)

z O
PERATOR: Antara Luxury River person.
cruises include the Assam Bengal
Cruises z O
PERATORS: Antara Luxury River Cruises, Assam
Navigation (with ships ABN Rajmahal,
Charaidew I/II, Sukpha), Exotic Heritage FREQUENCY: Twice a year
Bengal Navigation, Pandaw, Uniworld, Avalon
Waterways, TravelMarvel.
Mandovi river cruises
Group (Antara’s Ganges Voyager, Ganges RATES
Voyager II, Ganga Vilas, Nauka Vilas), and BEST TIME: October-April
Adventure Resorts and Cruises (MV Ma-
`25,000- RATES THERE ARE DIFFERENT You can also try houseboat z D
URATION: 1-3 hours;

habaahu, MV Vaikundam), among others. 50,000 `20,000- types of short duration

cruises available in Goa,
cruises in Chapora river. day/customised trips;
overnight, longer
While some foreign tour operators, such
per person,
per day
1 lakh such as sunset, dinner,
houseboat trips.
as Avalon Waterways, use the motor ves- (3-4 days) Panjim-Panjim, Goa
`1-5 lakh (5-8 casino, crocodile & bird
z O

sels (MV) run by Indian players, others days); `6-10 watching, dolphin safari, z S
IGHTS: Adil Shah’s palace,
several players, are
like UK’s Pandaw have their own ships. lakh (13-21 houseboat, and luxury floating Mandovi bridge,
The river cruises, organised mostly be- Brahmaputra days) cruises on Mandovi river.
While there are few players
Fort Aguada, Penha De
Franca church, floating
Paradise Cruises, Mandovi
Cruises, Santa Monica,
tween October and April, run along three Deltin, Coral Queen, etc.
for luxury trips, plenty of casinos, Miramar Beach,
main routes: Ganges river, Brahmaputra
local operators are available dolphin, crocodile and bird z B
river, both of which span Uttar Pradesh, October-February RATES
CRUISES ON THE Brahmaputra are offered for 1-3 hour or day trips. watching, among others.
Bihar, Jharkhand, West Bengal and As-
sam, and Kerala backwaters. There are both by Assam Tourism, and domestic and `400-3,000
foreign private players. The durations range (1-3 hours); Above
smaller cruises like those covering the

from a couple of hours, conducted by smaller `6,000 (day/
Konkan coast in Maharashtra and Goa operators like Alfresco Grand for lunch, customised)
and at Chilika lake in Odissa. The Madhya
Pradesh Tourism is also planning to start
sunset or dinner trips, to longer trips of
4-5 days or 10-12 days. They pass through
a three-day Narmada river cruise, from picturesque plantations, stop at Sivasagar, the
Barwani to Ekta Nagar in Gujarat. former capital of Ahom dynasty, include rhino
The cruise costs typically include stay, sightings at Kaziranga, and the beautiful river Kerala backwaters THE CRUISE TO the beautiful
mangrove forests in the delta of
all meals, transfers and excursions, and island of Majuli, among others. z S
TOPOVERS: Namkhana,
Ganges, Meghna and Brahmaputra
activities or entertainment on the ship. Bhagabatpur crocodile project,
z E
MBARK-DISEMBARK: Guwahati-Guwahati; rivers can be opted for in two ways.
“The average cost is `50,000-1 lakh per THE KERALA BACKWATERS, an z E
MBARK-DISEMBARK: Alleppey-Kochi Lord Buddha statue of Karumadi, Gadhkhali, Sudhanyakhali, islands
Guwahati-Jorhat (or vice versa); Guwahati- The cheaper option includes a day
interconnected network of brackish (vice versa); Kochi-Changankari (vice Hindu temple at Nedumudy, and St of Sajnekhali, Nethidopani and
person depending on the days of sailing, Kaziranga; Kaziranga-Jorhat (or vice versa) tour on a boat and stay in land resorts,
canals, lagoons, rivers and lakes parallel versa); Alleppey-Thottappalli (vice Mary’s Church. Dobanki, Barren island, Sundarbans
value and luxury offerings, amenities z S
TOPOVERS: Kaziranga National Park, while the more expensive ones
to the Arabian Sea, stretch from Kollam versa), and many smaller cruises from village.
and activities on board,” says Rajeev z D
URATION: 6-7 hours; 2-4 days; include the stay and tour on a bigger
Sivasagar, Majuli, Silghat, silk villages and RATES in the south to Kochi in the north with Alleppey to Alumkavadi, Kidangara, RATES
Kale, President & Country Head, Holi- 5-10 days cruise liner. Home to the Royal Bengal z DURATION: 3-4 days
days, MICE, Visa, Thomas Cook (India).
`500- most cruises beginning in Alleppey. and Mankotta, among others.
z O
PERATORS: Oberoi Vrinda,
`3,000- Tiger and flush with varied flora and z O
PERATORS: Bigger names include
Other popular backwater tourist areas
If you too are looking forward to a
z DURATION: 1-3 hours; 4-10 days
1,500 include Kumarakom, Ashtamudi in
z S
IGHTSEEING: Kumarakom bird
Adventure River Cruises, Responsible 50,000 fauna, the cruise makes for a unique Pandaw and Antara Luxury River
z O
PERATORS: Assam Bengal Navigation, sanctuary, Vembanad lake, paddy (6-7 hours); short vacation. The lack of bigger
unique holiday, try out the following (1-3 hours); Kollam, and Bekal in Kasargod. Kerala Travel, Exotica Cruises Houseboat, Cruises, while smaller local
Adventure River Cruises (Mahabaahu), fields, coir villages, kathakali cruise operators is made up by the RATES
routes. While we list some of the bigger cruises differ from others in that they Thomas Cook, Alleppey Backwater players include BanBanjara,
routes here, there are several shorter
Pandaw, Alfresco Grand, among others.
Above `1 lakh
use houseboats instead of cruise liners
performances, Punnamada lake,
traditional houses, church and snake
Cruise, Aqua Houseboat Cruise,
`15,000-1 lakh
plethora of small, local players, which Vivada Cruises, Avijatrik, Kolkata `5,000-
offer a cruise for reasonable rates.
roundtrip cruises as well from Kolkata, z BEST TIME: November-April (3-4 days);
and you can pick from the standard,
boat race yard at Champakkulam,
among many other local players.
(2-4 days);
Weekends, among others. 6,000
deluxe or premium, and luxury options. z BEST TIME: November-February `1-3 lakh z EMBARK-DISEMBARK: Kolkata- z BEST TIME: October-March (3 days); `8,500-1
Varanasi, Mumbai, Barkul, Kochi, etc. Above `2 lakh
(7-10 days) (5-10 days) lakh (3-5 days)
Source: Company websites. All costs are per person. Prices are indicative and may vary.
financial planning
14 The Economic Times Wealth April 24-30, 2023

Surviving a financial trauma

Do not impose your views on someone going through a tough financial situation, says Uma Shashikant.
Sixth, the trauma of failure sets the
offender and the family behind not just fi-
nancially but psychologically and emotion-
ally. Even if they have repaid the debts, or
effectively stopped the harmful habit or be-
haviour, there is the fear of slipping again.
Sometimes family members do not trust
enough to acknowledge the recovery; some-
times supporting members do not feel se-
cure enough to speak about recovery. Much
like PTSD they relive the horror of the past.
There is no scope for outsiders to come in.
Seventh, outsiders are seen as being
judgemental, fear mongering, willing to
gossip, or as offering lip service. A niece
who lost her husband tragically and was
shunned by her in-laws and the maternal
family, began to rebuild her life all over
again. She feared that everyone who knew
her was not truly helpful but merely curious
to peek into her travails and mock her. She
refused to believe that it might not be true.

Enough of that depressive account, we
think. Don’t we? It is tough to lose money
and absolutely scary to face steep losses. It

is equally tough for someone else to even
n entire year of chaos at the house- to win it all back. Denial is the dominant emo- comprehend what it is like to be in that situ-
hold of a close friend just ended. She tion over the textbook version of coming out ation. We might profess to understand, but
opened her cake shop last week. She with the truth. A distant relative dragged we simply don’t. Are there lessons to draw
hopes to send both children to the himself to the club to speculate in a game of from these accounts?
school she aspired for two years ago. cards every evening, while insisting he was First, everyone needs a confidante in per-
She discovered a mountain of unpaid credit not addicted but just too smart and making sonal financial matters. We have mentioned
card dues of the husband last April. Large easy money on the side. Even if the main player this before, and this is the time to emphasise
enough to demolish their few assets, including caves in, the family moves in to deny on his be- that someone else must intimately know
their house. After many days of negotiating half. I have heard too many accounts of how the how you manage your money and what your
with the debt recovery unit of the bank, she offender is innocent but was waylaid by others. real position is like. Spouse, parent, sibling,
UMA SHASHIK ANT managed to liquidate the assets one by one to Third, receiving an overdose of advice feels friend, adviser—someone. Find and keep
IS CHAIRPER SON, repay the debt. overwhelming. A cousin’s business had fallen a financial counselor who is the sounding
CENTRE FOR INVES TMENT The husband also lost his job unexpectedly, into deep debt. After struggling to keep it alive, board for your thoughts and actions about
EDUC ATION AND LE ARNING and she began to bake cakes from her kitchen. he decided to shut down. Through the ordeal he money.
The business grew slowly providing just found it tough to deal with all manner of advice Second, if you are not that confidante as
enough for the family to scrape by. The tougher coming his way, much of it very conflicting. above, you can’t do much in a situation of
challenge was social ostracism and shame. Others generalise and overtly simplify the is- crisis to help. You can offer a shoulder, ear
They drew into their shell. A few friends stood sues, he told me. But anyone who knew about or hand. But you should not expect to be
by them, only to be shunned soon. the problem had advice to offer, which was not roped in and involved. Or maybe you are not
Failure moves through This story is not about debt traps and recov- exactly helpful. ready to be so involved. Look for any of the
phases. After denial ery. It is about how those in trouble may want Fourth, failure moves through various phas- signs we discussed. Ask a few appropriate
and desperation comes to be left alone. Even as other onlookers believe es. After denial and desperation comes fear and questions. Allow them to come back to you.
fear and desolation. that they can do with some help. desolation. Many do not know how to interact Do not impose yourself into a personal situ-
Many do not know Receiving financial help is not easy. Many with others while living through this toughest ation of distress.
how to interact with like my friend who involved others when the in- phase. They feel lonely even amongst others Third, consider the possibility of intimate
others while living itial shock of what was happening to her was too and think that no one truly understands their support groups. Of friends, colleagues, close
through this phase. much to bear, chose to shut everyone out soon situation. Depression and death are common relatives, cousins, siblings — a small close
They feel lonely even after. Based on her account and some conversa- in this lowest phase. An understanding family knit group that meets, talks, eats, sings and
amongst others and tions with a few others who found themselves in keeps close vigil and keeps everyone else out revels together periodically. You may not
and out of serious financial trouble, I am listing to protect the affected person. My friend stood talk about finances and personal life, but
think that no one truly
some of their thoughts and points of view. by her husband, and chose to keep others that you will know when something is amiss.
First, the response to a failure quickly moves could shame him to depression, out. You will exchange notes with others who
from shock to shame. A friend literally day Fifth, recovery eventually happens and is also see what you do, and you can offer help
traded and lost his entire retirement corpus. very very slow. At that time, the family likes to and support as needed.
After voluntary retirement from a national- keep control of every aspect of recovery. There Being financially broken is a nightmare.
ised bank, he took to stock trading and was is enough that has been learned and suffered Be empathetic and sensitive, and provide
drawn into derivatives and margin trading. through the tough phase. Amidst the fear of los- them support along with the space they
When he was left with nothing, he told no one. ing again, the family builds back. Not everyone seek.
Shame held him back. He swore the family to rebounds quickly; most take years to regain
secrecy when he called me to break the hor- stability. That journey is kept away from on-
rible news to them. Shame is not an emotion to lookers because those that work hard to re-
Please send your feedback to
share. cover like to own it fully. Gratitude is a burden
Second, even as one loses control, one craves in this context.
The Economic Times Wealth
April 24-30, 2023

In This Section



Every week we put about 3,000 stocks through four key filters and rate them on a mix of factors. The end result
of this is the listing of the top 50 stocks based on the composite rating to help ease your fortune hunt.


Current Previous Stock Net Div Downside Bear No. of Consensus
Rank Rank Price Revenue Profit PE PB Yield PEG Risk Beta Analysts Rating

1 Fast growing stocks

Shriram Finance 1 1 1,339.35 18.78 115.66 13.17 1.40 3.29 0.19 1.40 1.43 35 4.31
UPL 2 2 732.05 27.44 54.42 15.51 2.28 1.36 0.25 1.29 1.25 28 4.71
PCBL 3 4 118.15 36.32 6.43 20.02 1.71 4.61 0.18 1.41 0.54 10 5.00 Top 5 stocks with the highest
revenue growth (%) over the
IndusInd Bank 4 5 1,126.20 35.42 28.63 12.77 1.64 0.76 0.35 1.48 1.83 51 4.65
previous year
Larsen & Toubro 5 6 2,232.75 33.62 58.24 35.97 3.78 0.99 0.60 0.96 1.00 43 4.74
Adani Ports & 49
NTPC 6 3 169.70 34.51 16.90 9.82 1.21 4.34 0.54 0.99 0.72 24 4.79 SEZ
Mindspace Business Park. 7 8 315.70 36.24 86.73 44.18 1.20 5.99 0.49 0.75 0.16 11 3.91 JB Chemicals & 47
KEC International 8 7 475.45 38.97 100.48 37.29 3.42 0.83 0.37 1.42 0.47 24 4.08
PSP Projects
NHPC 9 11 41.90 36.33 23.93 12.10 1.22 4.42 0.54 1.39 0.37 10 4.80
AIA Engineering 46
Apollo Tyres 10 9 334.70 27.09 123.32 33.05 1.80 0.98 0.27 1.40 1.30 33 3.97
Manappuram Finance 11 10 128.85 26.50 35.66 8.25 1.31 2.31 0.26 1.55 1.97 19 4.68 Cummins India 42

Oil India 12 12 253.45 25.20 30.51 4.95 0.91 8.39 0.19 2.10 0.20 19 4.16
Adani Ports & SEZ 13 13 666.10 48.97 61.09 29.41 3.65 0.76 0.49 2.28 2.04 20 4.95
2 Least expensive stocks
City Union Bank 14 15 133.20 27.21 43.92 12.88 1.49 0.78 0.31 1.66 1.20 26 4.27
Top 5 stocks with the lowest
ACC 15 14 1,738.10 19.39 123.73 50.59 2.37 3.32 0.45 1.60 1.18 44 4.05 price-earnings ratio
CESC 16 16 68.20 25.44 13.74 6.68 0.87 6.57 0.52 0.99 0.27 15 4.87 Oil India 4.95
Bajaj Auto 17 18 4,314.35 22.60 32.81 20.00 4.13 3.28 0.56 0.99 0.25 51 4.02
CESC 6.68
Karur Vysya Bank 18 22 94.10 16.91 30.88 7.74 0.92 1.68 0.23 1.69 0.83 12 4.83
Dr Reddy's Laboratories 19 17 4,858.20 23.18 87.74 34.20 4.22 0.61 0.41 0.91 0.61 41 4.27 DCB Bank 7.35
Karur Vysya
Somany Ceramics 20 21 523.00 31.77 38.28 24.82 3.03 0.58 0.64 1.26 0.27 19 4.74 7.74
Tata Power Co. 21 20 196.40 32.80 89.60 27.98 2.75 0.90 0.14 1.33 1.53 22 3.23 Bank of 7.84
Bank of Baroda 22 23 177.60 0.78 23.22 7.84 0.89 1.61 0.34 1.61 1.72 38 4.68 Baroda

Bharat Electronics 23 19 102.85 36.57 39.43 30.88 6.03 1.68 0.80 1.28 1.21 30 4.67
ITC 24 24 400.30 27.18 34.96 32.24 7.87 3.07 0.90 0.84 0.33 38 4.66 3 Best PEGs
Top 5 stocks with the least
Torrent Pharmaceuticals 25 27 1,590.00 28.94 108.86 69.38 9.06 1.60 0.63 0.79 0.66 33 4.21
price earnings to growth ratio
Coromandel International 26 25 930.60 33.24 37.27 18.14 4.36 1.27 0.51 1.22 0.96 12 4.58
PCBL Oil India
Reliance Industries 27 26 2,346.05 37.66 31.60 25.44 2.03 0.34 0.81 1.07 1.10 37 4.49
DCB Bank 28 32 101.85 23.30 24.69 7.35 0.73 0.98 0.32 1.66 1.12 24 4.29
0.14 0.18 0.19 0.19 0.23
EPL 29 30 160.70 22.75 37.58 23.84 2.80 2.63 0.64 1.39 0.73 12 4.67
Endurance Technologies 30 35 1,258.55 37.21 54.84 38.05 4.47 0.50 0.69 1.16 0.52 23 4.30
Dhanuka Agritech 31 34 646.15 29.11 21.53 14.39 3.13 0.93 0.60 0.99 0.54 11 5.00 Tata Power Shriram Karur Vysya
Co. Finance Bank
ICICI Lombard Gen. Ins. 32 29 1,076.25 29.34 61.37 41.54 5.80 0.88 0.71 1.11 0.71 28 4.32
Coal India 33 31 229.55 18.90 28.49 8.18 3.29 13.18 0.27 1.25 1.12 23 3.83
4 Income generators
Cipla India 34 36 904.00 18.32 44.47 29.23 3.53 0.55 0.64 0.95 0.57 41 4.10
Top 5 stocks with the highest
Cummins India 35 33 1,559.90 42.16 63.45 44.57 8.09 1.50 0.72 1.12 1.09 30 3.67 dividend yield (%)
AIA Engineering 36 41 2,746.20 45.60 58.89 41.79 5.45 0.33 0.71 1.18 0.57 15 4.53 Coal India 13.18
Transport Corp of India 37 37 604.80 31.25 22.54 16.20 3.28 1.15 0.57 1.56 0.54 10 4.60 Oil India 8.39
Kalpataru Power 38 42 523.30 27.16 34.81 14.21 1.79 1.26 0.71 1.40 1.15 14 4.57
CESC 6.57
Ahluwalia Contracts 39 40 523.00 29.67 62.08 22.69 3.40 0.06 0.36 1.57 0.92 11 4.36 Mindspace
Business Parks
HG Infra Engineering 40 39 879.05 38.42 24.49 15.41 4.08 0.11 0.40 1.68 1.68 15 5.00
PCBL 4.61
DLF 41 46 414.45 29.13 64.68 68.56 2.83 0.71 1.02 1.38 1.61 21 4.62
Jyothy Labs 42 43 195.00 25.82 87.35 43.91 4.93 1.29 0.50 1.16 1.06 15 4.07
5 Least risky
Ambuja Cements 43 49 380.70 5.41 55.11 38.94 2.43 1.66 0.76 2.19 1.25 46 3.89 Top 5 stocks with the lowest
Cera Sanitaryware 44 -- 6,283.95 39.96 56.80 54.05 8.04 0.55 0.94 1.27 0.41 19 4.21 downside risk
Zydus Wellness 45 -- 1,508.05 26.30 37.45 31.50 2.01 0.33 0.84 0.97 0.60 10 4.80 Torrent Dr Reddy's
Pharmaceuticals Laboratories
Bharat Forge 46 47 787.65 38.92 48.28 33.60 5.53 0.38 0.68 1.29 1.26 31 3.81
PSP Projects 47 -- 668.00 46.04 24.73 14.53 3.52 0.75 0.59 1.63 1.90 11 4.36
0.75 0.79 0.84 0.91 0.95
JB Chemicals & Pharma 48 48 2,114.85 47.04 43.31 42.70 7.71 0.78 0.98 1.11 0.71 13 4.46
Container Corp Of India 49 44 611.60 25.62 38.30 34.61 3.40 2.67 0.85 1.28 1.12 28 3.64
Mindspace ITC Cipla India
Glenmark Pharma 50 50 512.15 14.32 46.37 15.34 1.59 0.49 0.31 1.37 1.63 18 3.72 Business Parks
smart stats
16 The Economic Times Wealth April 24-30, 2023


Taking a long-term view of fund returns, here is a list of 10
funds in each category—five leaders (worth investing) and
five laggards (that may be a drag on your portfolio).


ET Wealth collaborates with Value Research to identify the top-performing Equity: Large-cap 5-year returns
funds across categories. Equity funds and equity-oriented hybrid funds are 4.68 12.81
ranked on 3-year returns while debt-oriented hybrid and income funds are IDBI Nifty Next 50 Index LIC MF S&P BSE Sensex ETF

ranked on 1-year returns. 4.76 12.80

ICICI Prudential Nifty Next 50 HDFC S&P BSE Sensex ETF
5.60 12.80
RETURNS (%) Nippon India ETF Nifty Next 50 SBI S&P BSE Sensex ETF
Value Research Net Assets Expense
Fund Rating (` Cr) 3-Month 6-Month 1-Year 3-Year 5-Year Ratio (%)
5.61 12.77
EQUITY: LARGE CAP SBI Nifty Next 50 ETF Nippon India ETF S&P BSE Sensex
Quant Focused Fund  237.78 -5.07 -2.23 -1.49 26.68 10.98 2.32
26.68% 5.77 12.77
ICICI Prudential Bluechip Fund  34,679.35 -2.78 1.62 5.74 24.99 11.02 1.63
UTI Nifty Next 50 Exchange ICICI Prudential S&P BSE Sensex ETF
UTI Nifty 50 Index Fund  9,965.39 -2.69 0.66 4.78 24.83 11.71 0.30 THE 3-YEAR
HDFC Index Fund Nifty 50  7,825.32 -2.71 0.62 4.65 24.61 11.49 0.40
ICICI Prudential Nifty 50 Index Fund
HDFC Index Fund - S&P BSE Sensex
Equity: Flexi-cap 5-year returns
Tata Nifty 50 Index Fund  385.64 -2.74 0.54 4.61 24.17 11.32 0.52 THE HIGHEST
ICICI Prudential S&P BSE Sensex Index Fund  896.02 -2.14 0.86 6.39 24.16 12.28 0.27
IN ITS 3.39 17.02
CATEGORY. Motilal Oswal Flexi Cap Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund
Nippon India Index Fund - S&P BSE Sensex  400.51 -2.19 0.67 5.98 23.98 11.94 0.75
Kotak Bluechip Fund  5,375.91 -2.23 0.56 4.44 23.92 10.99 1.83 5.21 16.96
Tata S&P BSE Sensex Index Fund  214.57 -2.16 0.78 6.13 23.24 11.89 0.58 Nippon India Retirement Quant Flexi Cap Fund
Canara Robeco Bluechip Equity Fund 8,860.36 -2.05 -0.32 3.66 21.00 12.26 1.74
5.35 15.53
EQUITY: LARGE & MIDCAP Bandhan Focused Equity IIFL Focused Equity Fund
SBI Large & Midcap Fund  9,827.47 -0.11 0.15 6.81 29.80 12.57 1.79 29.80% 5.45 13.11
Mirae Asset Emerging Bluechip Fund  23,447.27 -2.52 -0.48 -0.28 26.36 13.50 1.60 THE 3-YEAR Taurus Flexi Cap Fund HDFC Retirement Savings Fund Equity
Kotak Equity Opportunities Fund  11,892.93 -0.63 1.19 4.86 25.95 12.23 1.71 RETURN OF
6.78 12.86
EQUITY: FLEXI CAP AND MID- Axis Focused 25 Fund PGIM India Flexi Cap Fund
HDFC Retirement Savings Fund Equity  2,775.68 0.79 5.79 10.79 32.56 13.11 1.89 CAP IS THE
Parag Parikh Flexi Cap Fund  31,290.25 5.15 5.27 5.41 29.33 17.02 1.58 HIGHEST
PGIM India Flexi Cap Fund
ICICI Prudential Retirement Fund

CATEGORY. Equity: Mid-cap 3-year returns
IIFL Focused Equity Fund  3,483.76 0.05 2.08 6.27 26.53 15.53 1.92 20.47 38.14
ICICI Prudential Focused Equity Fund  4,032.96 -2.27 1.53 7.25 26.52 12.28 1.89 DSP Midcap Fund Quant Mid Cap Fund
JM Flexicap Fund  269.40 -1.45 2.73 9.38 25.40 12.35 2.35
Mirae Asset Focused Fund  8,459.34 -3.61 -2.71 -4.57 24.84 — 1.76
23.40 37.57
Axis Midcap Fund PGIM India Midcap Opportunities
Union Flexi Cap Fund  1,339.95 -2.38 -1.65 2.05 24.74 11.64 2.22
Sundaram Focused Fund  771.81 -1.67 -1.48 0.02 22.83 11.90 2.39 24.03 37.07
Canara Robeco Flexi Cap Fund  8,712.83 -2.18 -0.70 1.81 22.10 12.09 1.75 HSBC Midcap Fund SBI Magnum Midcap Fund

EQUITY: MID CAP 24.24 35.75

IDBI Midcap Fund Motilal Oswal Midcap Fund
Quant Mid Cap Fund  1,665.50 -5.65 -0.86 2.48 38.14 17.78 2.38
PGIM India Midcap Opportunities Fund  7,811.60 -2.58 -5.52 1.20 37.57 15.68 1.92
25.14 33.90
SBI Magnum Midcap Fund  8,733.51 2.74 -0.97 6.18 37.07 12.19 1.79 3-YEAR Taurus Discovery Motilal Oswal Nifty Midcap
Edelweiss Mid Cap Fund  2,613.70 0.30 -1.84 4.65 32.96 11.46 1.96 RETURN
Kotak Emerging Equity Fund  24,406.71 -0.37 -0.29 3.83 32.81 12.99 1.59
Nippon India Growth Fund
Axis Midcap Fund
Equity: Small-cap 3-year returns
Quant Small Cap Fund  3,578.84 -2.49 6.20 3.17 61.32 22.92 2.37 ITI Small Cap Fund Quant Small Cap Fund
Nippon India Small Cap Fund  24,490.83 1.08 2.49 8.39 45.53 15.35 1.62 30.64 45.53
Canara Robeco Small Cap Fund  5,106.04 -1.71 -2.11 -0.74 43.22 — 1.84
Bandhan Emerging Businesses Nippon India Small Cap Fund
Kotak Small Cap Fund  8,672.23 -0.86 -2.45 -2.31 41.23 14.72 1.75
Edelweiss Small Cap Fund  1,499.54 -0.44 -0.98 4.26 39.54 — 2.38 30.79 43.22
Bank of India Small Cap Fund  428.03 -1.54 -3.74 1.23 39.44 — 2.49 Aditya Birla Sun Life Canara Robeco Small Cap Fund
SBI Small Cap Fund  15,590.43 -1.01 -3.67 6.25 35.95 13.66 1.68 32.93 42.61
Axis Small Cap Fund  11,601.44 -0.61 -0.96 3.61 33.15 17.39 1.70 Invesco India Smallcap HSBC Small Cap Fund
SBI Contra Fund  8,979.10 0.48 4.88 13.07 40.80 14.43 1.78 40.80% Axis Small Cap Fund HDFC Small Cap Fund
ICICI Prudential Value Discovery Fund  27,677.26 -1.32 5.79 7.06 32.70 14.02 1.70
Kotak India EQ Contra Fund  1,467.20 -2.51 2.77 5.96 26.61 11.78 2.13
UTI Value Opportunities Fund  6,652.02 -3.56 -1.17 3.37 24.46 11.05 1.84
SBI CONTRA Hybrid: Aggressive 5-year returns
Quant Tax Plan  3,198.18 -7.33 -6.30 -1.72 42.44 20.01 2.32 EST IN ITS 4.96 17.55
Bandhan Tax Advantage (ELSS) Fund  4,169.25 -2.04 0.43 2.34 33.68 10.84 1.85 CATEGORY. Nippon India Equity Hybrid Quant Absolute Fund
PGIM India ELSS Tax Saver Fund  471.15 -2.28 1.29 3.00 27.29 11.42 2.51 4.98 13.45
Bank of India Tax Advantage Fund  695.47 -1.11 0.04 4.34 27.03 11.68 2.37 IDBI Hybrid Equity Fund ICICI Prudential Equity & Debt Fund
Mirae Asset Tax Saver Fund  14,448.50 -2.17 0.26 1.25 26.52 13.35 1.64
6.06 11.66
DSP Tax Saver Fund  10,178.52 -3.52 0.37 1.91 26.08 11.84 1.71
Kotak Tax Saver  3,400.35 -2.11 0.94 4.47 25.73 12.68 1.87
Bandhan Asset Allocation HDFC Children's Gift Fund
Union Tax Saver (ELSS) Fund  581.14 -2.36 -1.85 3.16 25.71 11.75 2.57 6.38 11.28
Canara Robeco Equity Tax Saver Fund  4,923.68 -1.92 -1.80 3.67 24.43 13.49 1.81 Aditya Birla Sun Life Equity Baroda BNP Paribas Aggressive Hybrid
Mirae Asset Equity Savings Fund  560.91 -0.46 1.52 4.18 14.28 — 1.43 HSBC Aggressive Hybrid Fund Kotak Equity Hybrid Fund


smart stats
The Economic Times Wealth April 24-30, 2023 17

ETW FUNDS 100 Value Research

Fund Rating
Net Assets
(` Cr) 3-Month 6-Month
1-Year 3-Year 5-Year
Ratio 1 Top 5 SIPs
Top 5 equity schemes based
HDFC Equity Savings Fund  2,514.76 -0.18 2.18 4.82 13.99 7.68 2.05
UTI Equity Savings Fund  258.86 0.68 3.70 6.72 13.24 — 1.53 on 10-year SIP returns
SBI Equity Savings Fund  2,232.88 0.71 0.54 2.68 13.03 7.19 1.19
Nippon India Small Cap Fund
Kotak Equity Savings Fund  2,099.94 0.61 3.21 6.11 12.16 8.01 2.05
Edelweiss Equity Savings Fund  253.42 0.28 1.85 3.98 10.08 7.51 2.07 22.28
SBI Small Cap Fund
Quant Absolute Fund  1,073.76 -5.73 -3.82 2.05 34.37 17.55 2.31 34.37% 21.30
Bank of India Mid & Small Cap Equity & Debt  377.51 -0.61 1.64 -1.16 27.59 9.46 2.59 THE 3-YEAR Quant Tax Plan
ICICI Prudential Equity & Debt Fund  21,435.78 -0.51 3.15 5.52 27.38 13.45 1.73 RETURN 21.07
HDFC Children's Gift Fund  6,281.86 2.09 4.98 11.61 25.03 11.66 1.81 OF QUANT
ABSOLUTE Quant Small Cap Fund
Kotak Equity Hybrid Fund  3,326.97 -1.16 1.56 4.32 23.71 11.12 1.91
HDFC Retirement Savings Fund - Hybrid Equity  948.04 0.86 4.81 8.93 22.45 10.61 2.20 HIGHEST IN ITS 19.59
Edelweiss Aggressive Hybrid Fund  496.26 -0.42 2.36 6.37 21.15 11.02 2.63 CATEGORY. Quant Flexi Cap Fund
Mirae Asset Hybrid Equity Fund  6,949.27 -1.77 0.47 2.88 18.70 10.42 1.76
Canara Robeco Equity Hybrid Fund  8,247.13 -1.38 0.18 3.14 17.64 10.61 1.76
Baroda BNP Paribas Aggressive Hybrid Fund  780.81 -1.85 0.72 3.20 17.53 11.28 2.26 SIP: SYSTEMATIC % ANNUALISED RETURNS
HDFC Hybrid Debt Fund  2,728.96 1.07 4.26 6.67 12.20 8.01 1.82

2 Top 5 MIPs
SBI Conservative Hybrid Fund  7,356.93 1.19 2.83 6.32 12.92 8.13 1.11
Kotak Debt Hybrid Fund  1,765.96 0.74 2.74 5.76 12.08 8.70 1.78
ICICI Prudential Regular Savings Fund  3,213.64 0.44 2.23 5.26 9.87 7.99 1.73
Top 5 MIP schemes based on
SBI Magnum Children's Benefit Fund  90.68 1.83 2.87 4.81 14.15 7.75 1.21
Canara Robeco Conservative Hybrid Fund  1,086.04 0.47 2.20 3.91 9.52 8.12 1.81
3-year SWP returns

DEBT: MEDIUM TO LONG TERM Bank of India Conservative Hybrid Fund

SBI Magnum Income Fund 1,537.97 1.78 4.23 5.93 5.91 7.17 1.46 15.48
Aditya Birla Sun Life Income Fund  1,496.22 1.86 4.16 4.80 6.14 7.24 0.89
THE 1-YEAR SBI Magnum Children's Benefit Fund
Aditya Birla Sun Life Medium Term  1,764.41 2.09 4.08 22.40 14.12 7.93 1.50 SBI MAGNUM
INCOME IS Aditya Birla Sun Life Regular Savings
ICICI Prudential Medium Term Bond Fund  6,415.15 1.82 3.79 6.08 6.70 6.93 1.41
THE HIGH- 15.06
Axis Strategic Bond Fund  1,717.35 1.96 4.00 5.79 6.36 6.73 1.08 EST IN ITS
SBI Magnum Medium Duration Fund  7,110.35 2.00 4.26 5.71 6.30 7.45 1.22 CATEGORY. HDFC Hybrid Debt Fund
HDFC Medium Term Debt Fund  3,811.13 1.71 3.79 5.01 5.93 6.63 1.29
DEBT: SHORT TERM SBI Conservative Hybrid Fund
ICICI Prudential Short Term Fund  14,797.18 1.83 3.65 6.39 6.41 7.01 1.07 6.39% 14.12
Aditya Birla Sun Life Short Term Fund  4,829.25 1.89 3.59 5.57 6.61 6.92 1.08 THE 1-YEAR
HDFC Short Term Debt Fund  11,490.97 1.86 3.77 5.35 6.06 7.00 0.74 RETURN OF SWP: SYSTEMATIC % ANNUALISED RETURNS
Axis Short Term Fund  6,729.70 1.86 3.75 5.27 5.68 6.75 0.97
UTI Short Term Income Fund  2,301.96 1.76 3.53 5.21 7.38 4.91 0.96
IDBI Short Term Bond Fund  26.27 1.64 3.61 4.85 8.54 6.23 0.75 THE HIGH-
ICICI Prudential All Seasons Bond Fund  8,998.16 1.88 3.77 6.71 6.65 7.46 1.31
CATEGORY. 3 Mid Cap: Cash Holdings
SBI Dynamic Bond Fund  2,659.27 1.73 4.14 6.66 5.13 7.20 1.64
Quantum Dynamic Bond Fund  87.38 1.72 4.40 6.42 5.15 6.87 0.73
HDFC Dynamic Debt Fund  593.71 1.78 3.51 4.89 6.19 5.40 1.72
IIFL Dynamic Bond Fund  621.16 1.61 3.30 4.63 5.65 6.10 0.52
8.03 7.56 7.17
ICICI Prudential Corporate Bond Fund  19,376.58 1.88 3.54 6.26 6.34 7.08 0.53
Nippon India Corporate Bond Fund  1,967.75 1.83 3.94 5.80 6.03 6.64 0.68 Expense as on 31 Mar 2023
Aditya Birla Sun Life Corporate Bond Fund  15,698.05 1.90 3.79 5.53 6.48 7.36 0.46 Returns as on 19 April 2023
Kotak Corporate Bond Fund  9,911.22 1.76 3.48 4.97 5.61 6.79 0.67 Assets as on 31 March 2023
Sundaram Corporate Bond Fund  908.23 1.72 3.40 4.80 5.76 7.04 0.51 Rating as on 31 March 2023 Axis WhiteOak Kotak Baroda Bandhan
Midcap Capital Emerging BNP Midcap
All equity funds ranked on 3-year returns. Debt funds ranked on 1-year returns. Fund Mid Cap Equity Paribas Fund
Did not find your fund here? Fund Fund Midcap
Log on to for an exhaustive list. % OF ASSETS AS ON 31 MARCH 2023

The Top 100 includes only those funds that have a 5- or
EQUITIES (figures over the past one year)
Large-cap: Mostly invested in large-cap companies.
4 Debt: Ultra short duration
4-star rating from Value Research. The rating is determined
by subtracting a fund’s risk score from its return score. Multi-cap: Mostly invested in large- and mid-cap
The result is assigned stars according to the following 0.48 0.48
0.43 0.44
distribution: Mid-cap: Mostly invested in mid-cap companies.
Small-cap: Mostly invested in small-cap companies. 0.34
 Top 10%

 Next 22.5% Tax planning: Offer tax rebate under Section 80C.
(Not covered
 Middle 35% in ETW Funds International: More than 65% of assets invested abroad.
 Next 22.5% 100 listing) Income: Average maturity varies according to objective.
  Bottom 10% Gilt: Medium- and long-term; invest in gilt securities. of the total mutual
Fixed-income funds less than 18 months old and equity funds Equity-oriented: Average equity exposure more fund industry AUM Baroda Bandhan IDBI Mirae HSBC
less than three years old have been excluded. This ensures than 60%.
that all the funds have existed long enough to be tracked for
was concentrated BNP Ultra Ultra Asset Ultra
Debt-oriented aggressive: Average equity exposure
in the largest five Paribas Short Short Ultra
consistency of performance. Given the focus on long-term between 25-60%. Ultra Term Term
investing, liquid funds, short-term funds and FMPs are not AMCs in March
part of the list. For the same reason, we have considered only Debt-oriented conservative: Average equity exposure
less than 25%. 2023. % AS ON 31 MARCH 2023
the growth option of funds that reinvest returns instead of
offering dividends that increase the NAV of funds. Arbitrage: Seek arbitrage opportunities between equity % EXPENSE RATIO IS CHARGED ANNUALLY.
Despite these rigorous filters, the list includes 2/3 funds of and derivatives.
each category to maximise choice from the best funds. Asset allocation: Invest fully in equity or debt as per WWW.WEALTH.ECONOMICTIMES.COM
The fund categories are: market conditions.
loans and deposits
18 The Economic Times Wealth April 24-30, 2023


ET WEALTH collaborates with ETIG to provide a comprehensive ready reckoner of loans and fixed-income
instruments. Don’t miss the information on investments for senior citizens and a simplified EMI calculator.

Top five bank FDs

Interest rate (%) What `10,000
TENURE: 1 YEAR compounded qtrly will grow to With effect from October 2019, all banks have made the transition to
Indusind Bank 7.50 10,771 external benchmarks for pricing new home loans. Most banks have
Bandhan Bank 7.25 10,745 picked the RBI repo rate as the external benchmark.
DCB Bank 7.25 10,745
Yes Bank 7.25 10,745 REPO RATE: 6.50%
TENURE: 2 YEARS RLLR (%) FROM (%) TO (%) FROM (%) TO (%) WEF
DCB Bank 8.00 11,717 Indusind Bank -- 8.40 9.75 8.40 9.75 Not Given
IDFC First Bank 7.75 11,659 Indian Bank 9.20 8.45 9.10 8.45 9.10 9 Feb 2023
Indusind Bank 7.75 11,659 HDFC Bank -- 8.45 9.85 8.45 9.85 Not Given
AU Small Finance Bank 7.50 11,602
UCO Bank 9.30 8.45 10.30 8.45 10.30 15 Mar 2023
Yes Bank 7.50 11,602
Bank of Baroda 9.15 8.50 10.50 8.55 10.60 14 Feb 2023
Bank of Maharashtra 9.30 8.60 10.30 8.80 10.80 8 Feb 2023
AU Small Finance Bank 8.00 12,682
Union Bank of India 9.30 8.75 10.50 8.75 10.50 11 Feb 2023
IDFC First Bank 7.75 12,589
Indusind Bank 7.75 12,589 IDBI Bank 9.10 8.75 10.75 8.75 12.25 12 Feb 2023
DCB Bank 7.60 12,534 Punjab National Bank 9.25 8.80 9.45 8.80 9.45 9 Feb 2023
Union Bank of India 7.30 12,424 Kotak Mahindra Bank -- 8.85 9.35 8.90 9.40 Not Given
TENURE: 5 YEARS Indian Overseas Bank 9.35 8.85 9.55 8.85 9.55 8 Feb 2023
DCB Bank 7.60 14,571 Bank of India 9.35 8.85 10.70 8.85 10.85 1 Mar 2023
Indusind Bank 7.25 14,323 Canara Bank 9.25 8.85 11.25 8.85 11.25 12 Mar 2023
AU Small Finance Bank 7.20 14,287 Punjab & Sind Bank 8.54 8.95 9.95 8.95 9.95 9 Feb 2023
RBL Bank 7.00 14,148
ICICI Bank -- 9.00 9.90 9.00 10.05 Not Given
Yes Bank 7.00 14,148
Karnataka Bank -- 9.08 10.35 9.08 10.35 1 Mar 2023
J & K Bank 9.10 9.10 9.50 9.10 9.50 10 Feb 2023
Top five senior citizen bank FDs SBI Term Loan 8.75+CRP 9.15 9.65 9.15 9.65 15 Feb 2023
Interest rate (%) What `10,000 Bandhan Bank -- 9.15 13.32 9.15 13.32 Not Given
TENURE: 1 YEAR compounded qtrly will grow to
Indusind Bank 8.00 10,824 Karur Vysya Bank 9.60 9.23 12.13 9.23 12.13 10 Feb 2023
Bandhan Bank 7.75 10,798 Dhanlaxmi Bank 8.50 9.35 10.00 9.85 10.50 25 Feb 2023
DCB Bank 7.75 10,798 SBI Max Gain 8.75+CRP 9.55 10.05 9.55 10.05 15 Feb 2023
J & K Bank 7.60 10,782 DCB Bank 10.94 9.75 9.95 9.75 9.95 13 Feb 2023
Kotak Mahindra Bank 7.50 10,771

DCB Bank 8.50 11,832
Your EMI for a loan of `1 lakh
IDFC First Bank 8.25 11,774 TENURE 5 YEARS 10 YEARS 15 YEARS 20 YEARS 25 YEARS
Indusind Bank 8.25 11,774
@ 7% 1,980 1,161 899 775 707
Axis Bank 8.01 11,719
AU Small Finance Bank 8.00 11,717 @ 8% 2,028 1,213 956 836 772
AU Small Finance Bank 8.50 12,870
@ 9% 2,076 1,267 1,014 900 839
IDFC First Bank 8.25 12,776
@ 10% 2,125 1,322 1,075 965 909
Indusind Bank 8.25 12,776
DCB Bank 8.10 12,720
Axis Bank 7.75 12,589

Post office deposits Interest (%)
investment (`)
investment (`)
DCB Bank 8.10 14,932
Axis Bank 7.75 14,678 Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana 8.00 250 `1.5 lakh p.a. One account per girl child 80C
Indusind Bank 7.75 14,678
AU Small Finance Bank 7.70 14,642 Senior Citizens' Savings Scheme 8.20 1,000 `30 lakh 5-year tenure, minimum age 60 yrs 80C
State Bank of India 7.50 14,499
Public Provident Fund 7.10 500 `1.5 lakh p.a. 15-year tenure, tax-free returns 80C

Kisan Vikas Patra 7.50 1,000 No limit Can be encashed after 2.5 years Nil
Top five tax-saving bank FDs 5-year NSC VIII Issue 7.70 1,000 No limit No TDS 80C
Interest What `10,000
TENURE: 5 YEARS AND ABOVE rate (%) will grow to
Time deposit 6.8-7.50 1,000 No limit Available in 1, 2, 3, 5 year tenures 80C#
DCB Bank 7.60 14,571
Indusind Bank 7.25 14,323 Single `9 lakh 5-year tenure, monthly returns Nil
Post Office Monthly Income
AU Small Finance Bank 7.20 14,287 7.40 1,000
Joint `15 lakh 5-year tenure, monthly returns Nil
ICICI Bank 7.00 14,148
IDFC First Bank 7.00 14,148 Recurring deposits 6.20 100 No limit 5-year tenure Nil

Savings account 4.00 500 No limit `10,000 interest tax-free Nil

(ETIGDB@TIMESGROUP.COM) Data as on 19 April 2023 #Benefit available only for 5-year deposit
market watch
The Economic Times Wealth April 24-30, 2023 19

The scope and attractiveness of alternative investments is increasing. Here’s a weekly tracker of returns from such investments. But don’t
compare these with returns from traditional investments since the proportion and purpose of alternative investments is vastly different.

Gold (995) (`) Silver (`) Platinum ($/troy ounce) WTI Crude ($/barrel)
52,541 60,373 68,590 75,419 990.14 1,092.69 102.75 79.16
20 APR 2022 20 APR 2023 20 APR 2022 20 APR 2023 20 APR 2022 20 APR 2023 20 APR 2022 19 APR 2023


X 1 WEEK -0.43% 1 WEEK -0.59% 1 WEEK 3.84% 1 WEEK -3.65%
X 1 YEAR 14.91% 1 YEAR 9.96% 1 YEAR 10.36% 1 YEAR -22.96%


Penny stocks as a recommended non-traditional investment? Not exactly. ET WEALTH
neither has the expertise nor does it recommend investing in such stocks. But since the
relatively ‘low’ cost of investment attracts some investors to penny stocks, we provide
a weekly snapshot of this most volatile and uncertain type of stock investing.

Top price gainers Top volume gainers


Bisil Plast 2.00 20.48 124.72 0.24 -78.59 10.80 East West Holdings 5.09 0.20 13.11 8.63 1,927.68 55.76
Avance Technologies 0.50 19.05 92.31 7.21 133.56 19.82 Burnpur Cement 5.01 -4.02 21.90 4.27 1,248.9 43.15
DCM Financial Services 7.27 51.14 88.34 0.18 351.24 16.09 Navkar Urbanstructure 7.00 -21.17 -4.11 6.89 942.45 157.08
Panafic Industrials 1.33 19.82 62.20 5.54 120.73 10.92 Comfort Intech 3.29 -17.54 24.15 3.94 779.51 105.25
Sun Retail 0.70 0.00 59.09 6.85 49.35 10.86 Galactico Corporate Ser. 7.64 -18.38 -18.20 12.22 579.79 113.84
Prag Bosimi Synthetics 3.01 20.88 54.36 0.22 51.88 22.39 Ruchi Infrastructure 8.29 -2.24 1.59 0.90 478.56 178.65
Vivanta Industries 4.60 20.10 51.82 9.90 283.14 46.00 Radhe Developers 5.04 -28.71 -32.80 12.69 454.14 253.81
SVC Industries 3.25 9.43 51.16 0.60 85.09 53.01 Econo Trade (India) 8.30 -6.53 3.75 0.09 429.33 15.50
Sumeet Industries 3.21 8.45 47.25 0.43 -29.22 33.27 Nouveau Global Ventures 0.59 0.00 -7.81 3.28 374.60 10.94
Dhanada Corporation 3.50 14.38 47.06 0.03 121.59 19.57 Greencrest Financial 0.81 5.19 0.00 2.85 368.31 29.61

Top price losers Top volume losers

Patron Exim 8.43 12.7 -44.17 5.08 5.48 19.54 Adcon Capital Services 1.84 -7.54 -1.08 2.03 -78.36 60.98
Shree Securities 0.75 -1.32 -33.63 16.65 151.87 59.85 Deep Diamond India 9.74 -3.66 -32.83 2.37 -73.88 31.17
Deep Diamond India 9.74 -3.66 -32.83 2.37 -73.88 31.17 Arshiya 6.02 0.17 -3.22 2.03 -71.89 158.63
Advik Capital 3.07 -5.83 -32.82 25.67 20.22 67.60 Maharashtra Corp. 1.31 -0.76 -10.27 5.52 -71.68 82.74
Radhe Developers 5.04 -28.71 -32.80 12.69 454.14 253.81 Seacoast Shipping Serv. 3.42 -1.44 28.09 18.56 -55.49 115.15
SVP Global Textiles 9.89 9.77 -31.65 2.20 2.87 125.11 Zee Media Corporation 8.86 0.45 -2.96 2.99 -53.26 554.10
Cerebra Integrated Tech. 7.27 -5.58 -21.24 2.38 -3.38 81.42 Gala Global Products 7.38 -3.78 8.53 1.65 -47.49 40.28
Leading Leasing Finance 4.08 4.35 -21.24 2.26 117.99 21.79 KCL Infra Projects 1.87 -2.60 25.50 2.47 -45.43 14.49
Quadrant Televentures 1.05 0.00 -19.85 4.39 -41.38 64.29 Rollatainers 1.09 -0.91 9.00 1.34 -45.39 27.26
Galactico Corporate Ser. 7.64 -18.38 -18.20 12.22 579.79 113.84 Softrak Biotech 6.97 21.22 26.73 1.18 -43.65 31.42

mutual funds
20 The Economic Times Wealth April 24-30, 2023


Worthy pick in its category

ET Wealth collaborates with Value Research to analyse top mutual funds. We examine the key fundamentals
of the fund, its portfolio and performance to help you make an informed investment decision.

HOW THE FUND HAS PERFORMED Top 5 sectors in portfolio (%)

Point-to-point returns (%)

BASIC Financial 30.04


Automobile 7.28
24.58 24.17 31 MARCH 1993 Energy 7.24
Consumer Staples 6.79
13.68 EQUITY
9.88 TYPE
ELSS The fund retains a tilt towards financials.
2.68 1.12 1.83
3-YEAR 5-YEAR `4,924 Crore
The fund has beaten the index over AS ON 18 APRIL 2023 Top 5 stocks in portfolio (%)
past year but lags over past 3 years. S&P BSE 500 TOTAL

ICICI Bank 7.17

Rolling returns (%)

WHAT IT Infosys 5.76

16.72 Reliance
Industries 5.50
NAV** State Bank of
15.95 India 3.82
The fund’s portfolio is well diversified yet
14.38 IDCW retains large positions in top few bets.
3-YEAR `35.71
Recent portfolio changes
5-YEAR `500 New Entrants
12.72 EXPENSE RATIO*** (%) Dabur India, Interglobe Aviation, ITC, Tata Steel.
The fund’s long term track record indicates AS ON 18 APRIL 2023
healthy outperformance across time frames. Complete Exits
Note: Returns are rolled daily for past 10 years over relevant time frames. Asian Paints, Max Financial Services.
*AS ON 31 MARCH 2023
**AS ON 18 APRIL 2023
***AS ON 28 FEBRUARY 2023 Increasing allocation


Ashok Leyland, Bharti Airtel, Blue Dart Express,
Dabur India, Hindustan Unilever, Housing
Development Finance Corporation, ICICI Bank,
Infosys, Interglobe Aviation, ITC, Reliance
Portfolio asset Fund Industries, Tata Steel.
allocation style box
Growth Blend Value
How risky is it?

Equity 94.86%
Fund Category Index

Large cap 79.20%

Standard Deviation 15.38 15.88 16.86

Mid cap 18.26%

Small cap 2.54%
FUND Sharpe Ratio 1.42 1.35 1.39


Debt & Cash 5.14% Mean Return 25.73 25.34 27.34

BHANDWALDAR The fund’s risk-return profile is
The fund takes a distinct large cap tilt 3 YEARS, 5 MONTHS better than category average.
with modest presence in mid caps.
Source: Value Research

Should This fund has no specific market cap bias business and management pedigree. The 21, consistently ranking among the top

but retains a large cap tilt, with sizeable portfolio is fairly diversified yet retains funds in its category. While it experienced
mid cap presence. Its preference is for large sized positions in its top few bets. a blip in 2022, its superior downside

Buy growth companies with emphasis on

strong competitive position, quality of
After a lean patch between 2012-17, the
fund put up a stellar show between 2018-
protection makes it a worthy pick among
tax-savings funds.
pick of the week
The Economic Times Wealth April 24-30, 2023 21

Aarti Industries: On growth path

Capacity expansion, robust R&D, industry tailwinds and investments in technology to drive performance.

T Fundamentals
he manufacturer of specialty chemicals reported a Aarti Industries has also entered into a partnership with
mixed third-quarter performance with revenue de- Deepak Fertilisers for the supply of nitric acid, a critical raw
material, for the next 20 years. The deal will eliminate the CONSENSUS
clining 1% while EBITDA and PAT grew 8.1% and ACTUAL
9.7% on a sequential basis. For the fourth quarter, the need to invest in backward integration for nitric acid.
2021 2022 2023 2024
revenue is expected to increase by 1.4%, while the net profit Third, the company has planned a capex of `2,500 crore over
Revenue (` cr) 4,506.10 6,999.96 6,783.30 7,676.35
is expected to decline by 2.6% on a q-o-q basis, according to 2021-22 and 2024-25 to expand capacities in new areas and in ex-
EBITDA(` cr) 981.19 1,928.81 1,124.02 1,346.57
average estimates of analysts compiled by Reuters-Refinitiv. isting product lines. The management is confident of deliver-
Aarti Industries manufactures over 100 products, exports ing an EBITDA growth CAGR of 25% over 2022-23 and 2024-25. Net Income (` cr) 523.23 1,306.77 531.27 648.48

to about 60 countries and has over Softening of input costs, im- Basic EPS (`) 15.02 36.05 14.57 17.91
1,100 domestic and global clients. proving product mix, world-class
The company is facing demand is-
Analysts’ views manufacturing facilities, emerg- Valuations PBV PE
sues in discretionary sectors (dyes, ing opportunities in industries Aarti Industries 3.33 33.42 0.64
pigments, textiles and automo- like battery chemicals, electronic
4 16 chemicals and high-end polymers Pidilite Industries 19.11 98.35 0.42
tive), which remains a key concern. SRF 8.56 33.23 0.68
Hold Buy
However, most experts are bullish will help the company to sustain
Deepak Nitrite 7.51 28.30 0.38
about its prospects due to multiple growth in the future.
Navin Fluorine International 12.61 74.09 0.23
reasons. Fourth, the company is focus-
First, the Indian specialty chemi-
cals market is expected to grow at 6
ing on information security and
digital transformation through its Brokerage calls TARGET
a CAGR of 12% over the next few Sell UNNATI program, which aims at RECO DATE RESEARCH HOUSE ADVICE PRICE (`)

years, according to the company’s enhancing productivity and com- 19 Apr 2023 YES Research Buy 795
2022 annual report. The growth petence. It is employing hyper- 18 Apr 2023 HDFC Research Buy 879
will be driven by increased demand Aarti industries will benefit from the growth in automation initiatives through 13 Apr 2023 Prabhudas Lilladher Accumulate 660
from end-user industries, such as the Indian specialty chemicals market, process emerging technologies, such as 10 Apr 2023 Phillip Securities Buy 750
food processing, personal care, ag- innovation, value-added products and a rich RPA, low-code no-code, Chatbot 8 Apr 2023 Nirmal Bang Accumulate 550
riculture, auto and healthcare, and pipeline of more than 50 products. and video analytics, to improve its
export opportunities.
Other factors that will support growth are shifting of supply
operational efficiency.
Selection methodology: We pick the stock that has shown
Relative performance SENSEX
100 MARKET PRICE: `544.05
10 105.6
chains from China, import substitution opportunities, the the maximum increase in ‘consensus analyst rating’ during
government’s PLI schemes for various downstream indus- the past month. The consensus rating is arrived at by averag-
tries, 100% FDI in the chemical sector, and the PCPIR policy. ing all analyst recommendations after attributing weights to
Second, the company’s robust R&D and process innovation each of them (5 for strong buy, 4 for buy, 3 for hold, 2 for sell and 66.7
will help expand its customer base and sustain competitive- 1 for strong sell). An improvement in consensus analyst rating
ness. It is adding new chemistries and value-added products indicates that the analysts are getting bullish on the stock.
and has a rich pipeline of more than 50 products. The manage- Only stocks with at least 10 analysts covering them are consid-
ment estimates 25-30% margin potential from such products ered. You can see similar consensus analyst rating changes 19 APR 2022 ET CHEMICALS AARTI INDUSTRIES 20 APR 2023
and the growth will be visible from 2024-25 onwards. during the past week in ETW 50 table. —Sameer Bhardwaj Aarti Industries is compared with ET Chemicals. Stock price and index values
normalised to a base of 100. Source: ETIG and Bloomberg.





Maintain ‘Buy’ due to its strong FCF generating capabilities, new product launch pipeline and likely
Clean Science and
JM Financial Buy 1,402 2,255 60.8 stabilisation in gross/EBITDA margins. The recent correction provides a buying opportunity to cap-
Technology ture the expected EPS CAGR of 25% over the next five years.
Strong growth prospects of 3PL business and synergies from express business consolidation. Current
Mahindra Logistics Sharekhan Buy 379 502 32.5 valuations aptly factor transitioning-related uncertainties and provide a buying opportunity.
Reiterate ‘Buy’ due to its robust operating performance, strong deposit growth, healthy asset quality
AU Small Finance Bank Motilal Oswal Buy 580 740 27.6 and expectations of controlled credit costs and healthy return ratios. Also, the reappointment of MD
& CEO removes a key overhang.
Promising prospects amid manufacturing wave in India. Innovative solutions, pricing power, access to
Kennametal India Haitong Outperform 2,229 2,779 24.7 global R&D and likely improvement in EBITDA margins through operating leverage are key drivers.
Reiterate ‘Buy’ due to satisfactory performance in the fourth quarter. Investments in distribution
ICICI Lombard Emkay Buy 1,131 1,400 23.8 channels, prudent underwriting practices, cost rationalisation and new product innovation are key
growth drivers. Any clarity on the stake sale by ICICI Bank will provide a positive trigger.
Fourth quarter earnings may improve due to upward revisions in CY2023 US contract prices, decline in
Tata Chemicals Kotak Securities Buy 991 1,210 22.1 energy costs and realisations on US exports. However, cut in soda ash prices in India raises concerns.



Medium term challenges on demand, uncertain supply side constraints, ramp down in projects in
Infosys Axis Securities Sell 1,389 1,350 -2.8 fourth quarter and likely delay in investment decisions in North America amid global uncertainties.
financial planning
22 The Economic Times Wealth April 24-30, 2023

:: Claiming unclaimed/
unpaid dividend
Dividends are declared out of
profits made by a company and
distributed to shareholders. But if
they are unclaimed for more than
seven years, they are transferred
by the company to Investor Educa-
tion and Protection Fund Authority
(IEPF). Here’s how to claim them.

Form IEPF–5
The rightful claimant

or legal representa-
tive of a deceased per-
son needs to fill the IEPF-5 form
on the IEPF website (https://www.

How to get retirement Documents

The following

portfolio on track
documents need to be
z Aadhaar card of holder (passport/
OCI/PIO card in case of NRIs).
z Client master list of demat ac-
count of the claimant.
Ensure the portfolio is well diversified by investing in equity and debt. z Proof of entitlement—share

certificate, dividend warrant,
Abhijit is due to retire in seven bhijit’s portfolio may be suffer- investments as well as any fresh lump sum transaction statement, etc.
ing from being too conservative amounts so that over time the asset alloca-
years. He has been trying dili- and not adequately diversified tion is more in tune to what is suitable.
z In case of death of original share-
holder, notarised copy of death
gently to maximise contribu- as most of his retirement sav- Another aspect that Abhijit needs to certificate along with succession
tions to his retirement portfolio ings seem to be in debt-oriented invest- watch out for is under-performing assets, certificate/probate or Will and
ments. He needs to review his portfolio’s if any. This will pull down the returns of NOC from other holders.
and has earmarked a portion asset allocation to correct this. As his his overall portfolio. To avoid this, he must
z Indemnity bond for transmission.
of his regular savings to PPF, retirement is a few years away, he should review the performance of each of his in-
ensure that a substantial portion of his vestments periodically and exit those that
fixed deposits and a few long-
portfolio is in investments that give higher are consistently under-performing their
term bonds. He wants to make returns, such as equity. He has time on his benchmark and peer group investments.
After the application
sure that his retirement corpus side, which is important when investing in He must limit his portfolio review to once
is submitted, a service
assets whose return are volatile since the a year for his core investments because
is on target. However, he finds risk reduces as the holding period increas- over-managing the portfolio is as harmful
request number is generated. Origi-
nal copy of indemnity bond, copy
that his corpus has not grown es. Abhijit’s employment retiral benefits, as under-managing it.
of acknowledgement form, IEPF-5
as much as he expected it to in PPF and other investments are all debt-ori- Abhijit must also review his portfolio
form and other documents need to
ented with low returns. This has also limit- from the perspective of tax efficiency and
the 10 years that he has been be submitted physically to the nodal
ed diversification benefits as his portfolio investment costs as both will have a signif- official appointed by the company.
saving and worries that it may is not positioned to participate in rallies in icant impact on the returns of a long-term
equity, gold or real estate. He should recast retiral portfolio. A product with higher
not be sufficient. He would like
his asset allocation so that his retirement cost must justify its inclusion with better Verification and
advice on what could be causing portfolio is growth-oriented. The best way returns. He must keep his investments processing of
this under-performance. to do this would be to increase allocation simple and automated so that he is not re-
to non-debt investments through periodic quired to make frequent decisions.
After the application is
Content on this page is courtesy Centre for Investment Education and Learning (CIEL). approved by the company, the IEPF
Contributions by Girija Gadre, Arti Bhargava and Labdhi Mehta. will released the refund and credit
it to the applicant’s bank account.
smart things to know Mediclaim versus health insurance

:: Points to note

z Shares transferred to the IEPF are
Health insurance is The hospitalisation debited from the demat account.

3 5
comprehensive and cover in Mediclaim Both If they were held in physical form,
covers several medi- There are no add-on is limited and Mediclaim they are deemed to be cancelled.
cal expenses, includ- covers with Mediclaim typically does not and health z Any further dividends on such
ing hospitalisation, but many add-on exceed `5 lakh, Since Medi- insurance of- shares are credited to the IEPF
whereas Mediclaim covers, such as critical whereas in health claim has a fer financial until they are claimed by the
typically only cov- illness, maternity insurance, one can lower coverage, protection rightful owner.
ers hospitalisation- benefit and infertility select higher cover the cost is low- against
related costs for cover, are available which can go up er compared to medical
specified illness. with health insurance. to crores. health plans. emergencies.
mutual funds
The Economic Times Wealth April 24-30, 2023 23

Don’t avoid equities for PORTFOLIO


retirement savings Not many

Sujeet Sinha is saving for his children’s goals and retirement. Here’s what the doctor has advised: know
1 2 3 4 5
EDUCATION: 12 years EDUCATION: 15 years MARRIAGE: 20 years MARRIAGE: 23 years 23 years invested in

the right
FUTURE COST: FUTURE COST: FUTURE COST: FUTURE COST: `1.2 crore (`50,000 a month)
`62.76 lakh `96.74 lakh `1.2 crore FUTURE COST: `5.68 crore
funds and if their
`83.54 lakh
fund portfolio is on
SIP (`)
track. The Portfolio
CHECK-UP Doctor assesses the
Increase SIPs to `5,000 in this outstanding flexicap
Investing in a mix of Parag Parikh Flexicap 1,83,115 3,000 fund. Hike by 5% every year. 5,000 health of the fund
flexi cap, large cap and
thematic funds for the Franklin India Equity Advantage 1,87,039
Fund has underperformed. Shift corpus and SIPs to
4,000 ICICI Pru Bluechip. 0
portfolio, examines the
past 4-5 years. 1 schemes and their
Start SIPs of `5,000 in this large cap fund. Increase
Early start has helped ICICI Pru Bluechip amount by 5% every year.
5,000 suitability with regard to
but needs to hike SIPs
by 5% every year.
Fund is a chronic underperformer. Switch to Parag the goals and, if
DSP Midcap 2,04,576 3,000 Parikh Flexicap. 0

Some laggard funds required, recommends

Continue contributing to this tax advantaged
need to be replaced Sukanya Samridhi Yojana 2,86,000 12,500 scheme. Use maturity corpus for goal. 12,500 corrective measures. The
with better schemes. 2
Continue investing in this outstanding ELSS fund. advice given is based on
Start SIPs in equity Canara Robeco Equity Taxsaver 14,567 3,000 Hike SIPs by 5% every year. 3,000

fund for retirement..

the performance of the
Continue SIPs in this stable value fund. Hike amount
ICICI Pru Value Discovery 14,830 3,000 by 5% every year. 3,000 funds, the risk profile of
Note from 3
Fund has underperformed. Switch to Mirae Asset the investor as well as
the doctor DSP Top 100 Equity 21,991 4,000 Largecap for better returns. Hike SIP by 5% every year. 4,000
his financial goals.
Avoid sector and the- Switch to diversified SBI Large & Midcap Fund. Hike
matic schemes unless SBI Infrastructure 21,428 3,000 by 5% every year. 3,000

sure of prospects. 4
UTI Transportation & Logistics 18,789
Switch to diversified UTI Value Opportunities. In-
3,000 crease SIP by 5% every year. 3,000 Assumptions used
Use NPS to save for re- in the calculations
tirement and cut tax. Start SIPs of `3,000 in this flexicap fund. Increase
HDFC Retirement Savings Equity 0 0 amount by 10% every year. 3,000
Review investments INFLATION
and rebalance at least Reduce contribution and invest in NPS instead. Don't Education For all
5 EPF & VPF 20,50,000 32,000 withdraw before retirement.
expenses other goals
once in a year.
Reduce risk when goal Open NPS account and start SIP of `4,000. Hike by
is near so that you
NPS 0 0 5% every year. Don't withdraw before retirement. 4,000
10% 7%
don’t miss the target. TOTAL `30,02,335 `70,500 The goals can be reached using the mutual
funds marked in the same colour.
Equity funds Debt options

12% 8%
Early retirement not possible PORTFOLIOS
Dinesh Sharma is saving for his children’s education and retirement. Here’s what the doctor says: ANALYSED BY

1 2 3
PORTFOLIO Managing Director

4 years 7 years CURRENT NEED: `1 crore
Investing in equity
PRESENT COST: `10 lakh PRESENT COST: `12 lakh (`40,000 a month)
funds for past 3-4
FUTURE COST: `14.64 lakh FUTURE COST: `23.38 lakh FUTURE COST: `3.86 crore years. WRITE
Late start means TO US
INVESTED (`) SIP (`) won’t be able to
reach goals with ex-
Increase SIP amount to `13,000 in this outperforming large and If you want your portfolio examined,
1 Canara Robeco Emerging Equities 3,69,000 5,000 mid cap fund. Hike SIP by 5% every year. isting investments.
write to
Increase SIP amount to `12,000 in this outperforming flexicap Must increase invest- with “Portfolio Doctor” as the subject.
2 Parag Parikh Flexi Cap 2,72,000 10,000 fund. Hike SIP by 5% every year. ments and SIPs every Mention the following information:

Start SIPs of `10,000 in this outstanding flexicap fund and hike year. Retirement at z Names of the funds you hold.
HDFC Retirement Savings Equity 3,45,000 0 amount by 5% every year. 50 not possible. z Current value of the investment.
z If you have SIPs running in any

PGIM India Midcap 0 0

Start SIPs of `10,000 in mid cap fund PGIM India Midcap and Review mutual fund of them.
3 hike SIPs by 5% every year. z The financial goals for which you
portfolio at least
PPF 0 0
Don't have fixed income investments. Open PPF account and once a year. Change z How much you need for each
start contributing `12,500 every month. if any fund’s perfor- financial goal.
TOTAL `9,86,000 `15,000 mance slips z How far away is each goal.
your feedback & more...
24 The Economic Times Wealth April 24-30, 2023

Readers’ response, online and in print, to ET Wealth stories has been enlightening.
We pick some that add information and perspective to our articles from previous issues.
As a former banker, the cover story,‘Is Can we consider the same ratios for co-
your bank safe?’ was especially
interesting to me. Even after being forced Safeguarding operative banks or is that a Pandora’s Box
best left untouched?
to invest millions of rupees in some
corporate entities, which are allegedly
involved in dubious transactions, and
India’s banks Mangala Krishnamurthy

The special feature, ‘What are the roles

writing off crores of rupees as NPAs of This is regarding the cover story. and rights of a nominee ?’ analyses
willful defaulters like Mehul Choksi, The Indian banking sector is funda- nuances of nomination in bank accounts,
Vijay Mallya, Nirav Modi and many mentally strong. Mobilising deposits shares, securities and movable assets.
more due to the patronage they seem to from the public and utilising them It has been made unambiguously clear
enjoy, if our public sector banks are still judiciously happens with ease. So, that nominee and legal heirs are not
on safe ground, it is only due to the strong depositors can be rest assured that the same. The chart of requirements of
fundamentals of the banks and the their money is safe, be it in private nomination in case of bank accounts,
honesty of the bankers in general. The banks or public sector ones. Even securities and social media is quite
RBI’s enviable monitory policies, control if a bank fails, the government will comprehensive and laudable guidance
mechanism and effective monitoring safeguard the interest of depositors. for investors and account holders.
play a vital role in the good functioning Moreover, the RBI does its bit well as However, rules of nominations should be
of these banks. Our banks would shine as far as regulating the money market uniform for all assets. The clients should
the best banks in the world, if only they is concerned. be made aware of prompt modification of
are allowed to function independently S. Ramakrishnasayee nominees in bank accounts, securities
without any external interference from etc, when there are changes in families
unscrupulous quarters. and circumstances, so that legal dispute
Tharcius S. Fernando between nominees and legal heirs can
be avoided. The article aptly advises
The idea of evaluating a bank before that similar precaution in preparation
investing in one or reviewing their The study is interesting as it shows that Therefore, I feel that a weighted average of Wills in case of immovable properties
performance periodically has never the same bank is best in one category and should be worked out to arrive at a single should also be taken to avoid protracted
occurred to most of us. Your story gives the worst in another. For instance, IDBI performance measure. I think there should legal tussle between family members.
readers good parameters to look out for. Bank is worst in gross NPA and best in PCR. be a CIBIL score for banks and bankers too. Vinod Johri

REALTY Affluent housing hub in Mumbai

HOT SPOT Bandra West-Juhu has some of the most expensive properties in the city.

Supply by BHK
Bandra West-Juhu is an affluent area boasting robust social infrastructure and excellent connectivity to rest of MMR. 2 BHK 32%
It enjoys connectivity via Western Express Highway, SV Road, Linking Road, Bandra Worli Sea Link and
Western line of suburban railways. 3 BHK 41%
Hospitals: Lilavati, PD Hinduja | Education: Kalina campus of Mumbai University, Podar, Mithibai College | >3 BHK 17%
Retail: Linking Road | Hotels: Hyatt, JW Marriott.
Consumer preference
PRICE RANGE: `30,500-45,500 psf DISTANCES: CSMI Airport: 5.5 km Bandra Junction: 4.5 km WEH: 2.5 km by budget (`)

LOCALITY VALUES 15% 14% Below 2 crore
Linking Road

2-4 crore
400 (sqft)
Juhu Bandra West
`Crore Hubtown
Solaris Price (`/sqft): 40,000-45,500 19% 25% 4-6 crore
6-8 crore
(avg) *Rent (`/month): 1,50,000-2,50,000 Above 8 crore
Santacruz (W) Shanti Nagar Santacruz West 27%
Industrial Estate
2 BHK Price (`/sqft): 30,500-40,500
700 (sqft) Juhu
Khar (W) *Rent (`/month): 90,000-1,20,000 Consumer preference

Bandra (W) Mumbai Khar West by carpet area (sqft)

(avg) BKC
Bandra (W) Price (`/sqft): 35,000-42,500
17% 12%
k *Rent (`/month): 95,000-1,50,000
3 BHK S ea Below 500
rli Juhu
1,100 (sqft) Wo 500-1,000
n dra 29%
Price (`/sqft): 35,500-43,500
`crore Ba 1,000-1,500
*Rent (`/month): 1,00,000-2,00,000 42% Above 1,500
Note: Map not to scale *3 BHK Rent (INR/month)

Schools 20+ Hospitals 20+ Restaurants 20+ Banks 20+ Grocery Stores 20+ Petrol Pumps 15+ In dia’s No. 1 P ropert y Sit e

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