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1. Are you sure you want to become a teacher?

Repeating the same thing every day for years can ___________
you down.
A. put B. get C. take D. bring
2. Things have ___________ since the riots last week and people can finally go back to work again.
A. simmered down B. stomped off C. steamed out D. leveled down
3. Soon will come the time when your child starts to ___________ your authority and hardly can you control
him like before.
A. churn out B. kick against C. grouse against D. shunt out
4. Why don’t you just feel satisfied with what you have already had instead of trying to keep up with the
A. Smiths B. Joneses C. neighbours D. Johansson
5. The report ___________ the mistaken belief that applying vinegar on your face can help people get rid of
A. dispels B. disparages C. dissipates D. dispatches
6. I know it is a risky move to invest all my savings in this real estate project during this unstable period of
the economy so I am ___________ for anything.
A. game B. brave C. fain D. boarded
7. Had I not thought it would just be a child’s ___________ and hadn’t seriously revised for it, I would have
passed the exam.
A. quiz B. play C. game D. thing
8. The school should ___________ regulations to implement gender equity education, and promulgate them.
A. erect B. demolish C. heed D. sermonize
9. I never thought Jenny and I could become best friends because she appeared cold on first ___________,
but later I realised she was just shy.
A. sight B. acquaintance C. encounter D. day
10. The dealer wanted $400, I wanted to pay $300, and $350 was the final price after we decided to split the
A. share B. total C. difference D. gap
11. You shouldn’t have criticised him in front of his friends. It was extremely ___________ of you.
A. insensitive B. insensible C. unsentimental D. discordant
12. You should be cautious when getting involved and test the ___________ before committing yourself.
A. temperature B. heat C. water D. air
13. Although the king has abdicated the throne in his son’s favour, he still rules the country ___________.
A. de facto B. de jure C. de pronto D. jamais vu
14. Despite Mary’s talents, Mary’s mother still forced her to become an ordinary ___________ worker,
confining her to the office.
A. clerical B. white-collar C. clergy D. back-room
15. Mary attempted to ___________ herself with her new boss by volunteering to take on extra work and even
leaving the office later than everybody else.
A. satiate B. flatter C. ingratiate D. commend
16. On the threshold of adulthood, it is normal for a teenager to go through a period of ___________ with
uncertainty and many worries dominating their minds.
A. crank B. angst C. borstal D. perturbation
17. The police forces from both countries were involved in the ___________of the escaped prisoners because
they had run into the forest that is the natural border between the two nations.
A. apprehension B. attenuation C. capitulation D. seizure
18. Galileo's ideas were well in ___________ of the age in which he lived.
A. front B. headway C. advance D. forth
19. The jazz ___________ has played in 7 countries in Asia and Vietnam is going to be their next destination.
A. assemble B. ensemble C. congregation D. association
20. A ___________ of disapproval of Brexit was reported throughout Britain due to concerns about long-term
economic impacts of this decision.
A. choir B. chorus C. carol D. corps
21. I ___________ that learning Chemistry is hard, if you try harder, I believe you will manage to at least
pass the exam!
A. assent B. grant C. cede D. bid
22. He criticized the Director and, by ___________, the whole judge panel of this swimwear pageant
A. implication B. implementation C. connotation D. inference
23. The cliff was nearly ___________ and impossible to climb.
A. perpendicular B. perpetual C. upstanding D. erectile
24. There is no need to have a ___________. I will clear this mess when I am done and return you your tidy
living room.
A. fuse B. fit C. flip D. steam
25. I got first-aid treatment down to a(n) ___________ after working in the Emergency Room for a year.
A. artwork B. instinct C. science D. routine
26. When I heard that he wanted to organize a party in his 250-square-feet apartment, I knew his plan was
going to be dead in the ___________.
A. water B. well C. sea D. moment
27. What really exists and happens in Area 51 is still ___________ in mystery and attracts debate.
A. clouded B. shrouded C. blanketed D. parceled
28. Just make up your mind and tell me whether you want to continue this project or not, stop ___________
hot and cold!
A. breathing B. blowing C. acting D. gusting
29. Thinking that this crime drama is just blood and ___________ is a big mistake because the plot is
extremely intelligent.
A. fluid B. gore C. gut D. kill
30. I never tell my sister anything because I know she will definitely ___________ it out.
A. split B. blurt C. slip D. gush
31. She ___________ agreed to go with him to the football match although she had no interest in the game at
A. apologetically B. grudgingly C. shamefacedly D. discreetly
32. Police have not so far been able to ___________ a confession from the people accused of the bombing.
A. excoriate B. exculpate C. extort D. expropriate
33. The campaign was launched by David with a long ___________ against the lack of action of the people
in authority.
A. diatribe B. oath C. affidavit D. avowal
34. Reducing plastic waste in school is a(n) ___________ aim, but enforcing them at gunpoint will likely turn
the plan into a failure.
A. exemplary B. glistening C. blazing D. laudable
35. Although Mike is quite good at singing, he is barely a(n) ___________ by comparison with professional
A. dilettante B. greenhorn C. apprentice D. probationer
36. Although he appeared to enjoy a jet-setting life, he ___________ publicity and avoided nightclubs.
A. rejigged B. derided C. eschewed D. abated
37. Paradoxically, it is usually even harder for people to give up gambling after losing because they want to
___________ their losses in the next game.
A. recoup B. rehab C. rectify D. repent
38. Living to 100 will not be a pleasure anymore if you have to ___________ around getting increasingly
A. lumber B. dodder C. waddle D. dawdle
39. The meditation course has really helped his ___________ to abate, making him calmer and more
A. irascibility B. fanaticism C. fervor D. mendacity
40. The princess's nanny's autobiography really gives the ___________ on life among the royals.
A. show-down B. know-how C. low-down D. look-out
41. He did everything to ___________ favour with his superiors in the hope of getting promoted.
A. hoard B. curry C. drag D. butter
42. Children are more likely to be spoiled when their parents ___________ them.
A. dote on B. cosset at C. pamper round D. cosy up to
43. China was ___________ among the powers of the Eight-Nation Alliance by the end of the 19th century.
A. thrashed out B. parceled out C. dished out D. slipped out
44. Mary finally decided to ___________ and broke up with Jack after having been together for 4 years.
A. get off her base B. take the plunge C. play possum D. jump the gun
45. Their company is so debt-ridden that I think it’s safe to say they’re ___________ at this stage.
A. down for the count B. down in the dumps C. down at the heel D. down to the last penny
46. I expected the film to be out-of-the-box, but the plot turned out to be just a(n) ___________ boy-meets-
girl scenario.
A. frivolous B. hackneyed C. archetypal D. emblematic
47. The part of her childhood memory, in which she was kidnapped, became something she found impossible
to ___________ however hard she tried.
A. expunge B. expurgate C. expatiate D. expound
48. That friend of yours is a(n) ___________ person who cannot be trusted because she will be willing to
betray you at any time for his own benefits.
A. eccentric B. licentious C. lunatic D. perfidious
49. Never let your thirst for knowledge be ___________ or you will, one day, be left behind by this ever-
evolving world.
A. queered B. quelled C. quenched D. quilt
50. With patience and diplomacy, he eventually ___________ the son of the billion-dollar company into
marrying him.
A. deluded B. inveigled C. cruised D. swindled
51. As an inevitable effect of globalization, small countries have no choice but to ___________ to the
influence of the superpowers.
A. recast B. capitulate C. concede D. perish
52. This argument may seem ___________ to those not closely involved in the world of finance.
A. arcane B. peculiar C. foolhardy D. aberrant
53. It really knocked me over with a ___________ when I found out that Annie passed her Chemistry test
with flying colours.
A. punch B. mug C. feather D. stroke
54. Although doctors always try their best to save people’s lives, they are often ___________ by the patients’
relatives whenever they fail.
A. heckled B. pestered C. derided D. berated
55. Given the competitiveness of the National Contest, I have to knock it out of the ___________ or I won’t
be able to win any prizes.
A. park B. nail C. roof D. ring
56. The agreement we reached before was just provisional so I hope you can have another meeting with our
company to ___________ the whole plan before the event.
A. pack up B. drum up C. firm up D. work up
57. Billy, if you like History, you ___________, do not let peer pressure affect your life.
A. buy it B. do you C. be it D. be you
58. Despite being threatened, the brave and loyal soldier would rather sacrifice than ___________ to the
enemy’s demand.
A. give on B. cave in C. burrow in D. kneel down
59. ___________ piety has degraded in the modern society as more children are disobedient and disrespectful
to their parents.
A. Filial B. Childhood C. Familial D. Fraternal
60. I don’t have anything to note here but I will try to ___________ your phone number firmly in my mind
and put it down later when I return home.
A. dwell B. key C. lodge D. set

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