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a) Draw the symbol and write the truth table of universal gates
b) Construct OR gate using NOR gate
c) Define the characteristic of logic families
1. Speed of operation 2. Power dissipation
d) Define noise margin and noise immunity
e) State the cumulative and associative law for Boolean algebra
f) Write the classification of logic families
g) Draw the symbol and write the truth table of EX-XOR
h) Define minterms and maxterms
i) Convert the equation into its canonical form: y = AB+AC

K) Draw the symbol and write the truthtable of Ex-OR gate.

l) State associative law and Disrtributive law.


a) Justify with the help of suitable diagram ‘NAND gate is a universal gate
b) Compare TTL, CMOS, &ECL on following points:
1. Popagation delay 2. Fan IN 3. Fan OUT
c) State and prove Demorgan’s theorem
d) State and prove Duality theorem
e) What is ‘Totem pole’ output?
f) Apply Boolean rules to simplify the following
1) Y=A𝐵̅ + 𝐴̅ B+ AB+ 𝐴̅ 𝐵̅
2) Y = A 𝐵̅ C+ 𝐴̅ BC + ABC

e) Prove NOR gate as universal gate with suitable diagrams

f ) Write all AND laws and OR laws.

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