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*People are the lifeblood of any enterprise and yet, not
enough attention is given to human01resource management
(HRM)by most organizations.HR managers are oftentimes
occupying low position in the enterprice totem pole.
*How ever, HRM can actually be the most exciting function
In management if con gured correctly
✓The human resources function can be set as two levels
•The rst level is strategic HR.At this level, the human resource
function manages the big changes in the direction of the
enterprice .
•The second level handles operational HR. At this level, the
human resources function installs the adminostrative system
that would allow for the e cientmanagement of the
organization and the creation of the conductive work
environment thay would nurture a culture of excellence and
empower its people.
HR can also be divided into its system component (formal
processes and procedures to manage people) and it
people dimention (how to elevate peoples performance
and pruductivity).If we put the strategic-operational
dimention along a vertical line anf the system people
dimention along the horizontal line, the four quadrants of
the humanresources function are illustrated in gure 9.1.
✓quadrant A represent the strategic system
Combination and highlights the HR function
of aligning the human strategy, structure, and
System with the institutional strategy
✓qudrant A highlignt two critical HR process (1)
Reviewing diagnosting organizational
performance and designing the right structure,
System, and sta ng; and, (2) rewarding the
Achievements and accomplisments of the
Organization and its people.
✓qudrant D of HRM follows footsteps of quadrant A
because any signi cant change in the institutional
and HR strategies must be accompanied by the
di cult transformation of quadrant D.
✓the strategic-system HR function of the organani-
zational diagnosis and design inevitably leads to
organozational redesign, redeployment, and
✓the quantitative dimention include: (a) the redisign
of the structures,and (b) the right sizing of the
✓qudrant C is the operational-poeple dimention of HR.
✓qudrant C seeks to attain goal congruence among the
di erent units of the organization.
✓quadrant C is also about keeping the people happy
and assuring their well-being so that they may nd
delight in their work and remain loyal to the organization.
The gure depicts the eight Rs of HR and situates
them within the four quadrants
many HR advisors and consultants that organization
should "hire for attitude, develop for competence".
They are simply reversing the mindset of HR practioners
who screen applicants according to their resumes or
past employmet records, recruitment competency
exam, and skills already possessed. This appears to be
the logical thing to do except that peoples actual
performance seems to be more a factor of their values
and attitudes rather than their skills and knowledge.

01 02 03 04
Analysis of Teaching The teaching Teaching
teaching strategy process re ection
Analysis of
01 teaching
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projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm
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The user can demonstrate on a projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm The user can demonstrate on a projector or
computer, or print the presentation and make it lm
Title text addition
The title content B The title content
The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm A C projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm

The title content D The title content

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projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm E presentation and make it lm

The title content The title content

The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm
F projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm
Title text addition

The title content The title content

The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm presentation and make it lm
Title text addition
The user can demonstrate on a projector or computer,
63% or print the presentation and make it lm

The user can demonstrate on a projector or computer,

30% or print the presentation and make it lm

The user can demonstrate on a projector or computer,

96% or print the presentation and make it lm

The user can demonstrate on a projector or computer,

45% or print the presentation and make it lm
02 strategy
The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm
Title text addition
The title content
The user can demonstrate on a 3
projector or computer, or print
the presentation and make it lm
2 The title content
The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print
the presentation and make it lm
The title content 1
The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print
the presentation and make it lm
Title text addition
The title content The title content
The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm presentation and make it lm

The title content The title content

The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm presentation and make it lm
The teaching
03 process
The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm
Title text addition

The title content The title content

01 03
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The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm
S W The title content
The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm

The title content

The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm
O T The title content
The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm
Title text addition

The title content The title content The title content

The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm presentation and make it lm presentation and make it lm
04 re ection
The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm
Title text addition

The title content The title content

The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm presentation and make it lm

The title content

The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm
The title content
The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm

The title content

This template is exclusively The title content
designed by Fei er creative, The user can demonstrate on a
and copyrights belong to Bao projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm
tu internet. This template is
exclusively designed by Fei er

creative, and copyrights
belong to Bao tu internet.
The title content
The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm
Title text addition
The title content The title content
The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm presentation and make it lm

The title content The title content

The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm presentation and make it lm
Title text addition
The title content The title content
The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm presentation and make it lm

The title content The title content

The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm presentation and make it lm

The title content The title content

The user can demonstrate on a The user can demonstrate on a
projector or computer, or print the projector or computer, or print the
presentation and make it lm presentation and make it lm
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