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Putu Stevani Wulandari

A 121 16 153


Submitted as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Sarjanaat

English Education Study Program
Language and Art Education Department
Teacher Training and Education Faculty
Tadulako University



‘”Eat Failure, and you will know the taste of success”


Putu Stevani WulandariA12116153.Teachers’ Perception on the Use of Game in

Teaching Speaking Skill, under the supervision ofAminah.

This research aimed to identify teachers’Perceptionof using game in teaching

speaking skill. The researcher used descriptive research design. The subjects of this
research were six English teachers at SMA N 3 Tolitoli and SMA N 2 Tolitoli. The
subjects of the research were chosen randomly. The instrument of the research
applied closed questionnaire. The result of the research showed that the use of game
in teaching speaking is applicable as supplementary media and effective to motivate
students to speak more. It can be inferred that the teacher of SMA N 3 Tolitoli and
SMA N 2 Tolitoli perceived that using game is one alternative way to improve
students ’speaking skill.

Key words: Perception; Game; Speaking Skill


Praise God Almighty, for the most gracious and the most merciful. First of

all, the researcher would like to express her deepest thanks to the Almighty God, for

all of the abundance of mercy, blessing and health given to her during the process of

writing this Skripsi. Blessings, appreciation and thanks the author gave to beloved

family, friends, and followers who were consistent with his truth mission until

doomsday. Furthemore, the process of writing and completing this Skripsi, the

researcher has got much help, support, advice, and support from many people.

Therefore, she would like to express her sincere thanks to all of them.

Firstly, the researcher would like to express her deepest thanks and

appreciation to the main reviewer, Budi, S.Pd., M.Pd., and the second reviewer

Mashuri, S.Pd., M.A., who have provided valuable comments, suggestions, supports,

meaningful ideas, and revision during the process of writing proposal and Skripsi.

Next, the researcher thanks to Dr. Aminah, S.Pd., M.Pd., M.Ed., as the supervisor

who are patient and wise in giving valuable ideas, guidance, suggestions,

motivations, comments and revisions during the consultation both of proposal and


Secondly the researcher would like to thank and appreciate to the Rector of

Tadulako University, Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Mahfudz, MP., the Dean of Teacher Training

and Education Faculty, Dr. Ir. Amiruddin Kade, S.Pd,. M.Si., the Head of Language

and Art Education, Dr. Hj. Sriati Usman, M.Hum., the Coordinator of English

Education Study Program Dr. Hj. Rofiqoh, M.Ed., and the staff administrative

assistance. Also, gratitude is dedicated to all lecturers of English Education Study

Program, who gave amazing experience with a great knowledge, advices,

suggestions, and motivations.

Thirdly, the researcher would like to express special gratitude to the

Headmaster of SMA Negeri 2 Tolitoli, Drs. Mohammad Ridwan M.Ahmad, and

headmaster of SMA Negeri 3 Tolitoli, Dra. Ratna A.R. Loi, who has given

permission for her to conduct the research in the school. Her special thank is also

addressed to the English teachers at SMA Negeri 2 Tolitoli and SMA Negeri 3

Tolitoli for giving the researcher information and permission to finish the research.

The researcher also would like to express her deepest thankfulness goes to the

researcher’s big family for their helps, guidance, support and suggestion during her

study. It is pleasure for the researcher expresses her gratitude whole heartedly to her

beloved parents, Putu Muliawan and Secilia S.Pt. Also she thanks to her Grandma,

Wayan Krama, Nyoman Sumiani, her Grandfa Wayan Sudana, her sisters Ina, Lishya,

vishya, her brother Evan, her Auntie Komang Susi Asmini, Kadek Muliawati,

Amd.Kep., Niluh Lhinawati, S.Pd., her Uncle I Nengah Sujana, Amd.Kep., Komang

Tirta Adnyana, Ketut Agus Mahendra, Komang Putra Atmaja, her Cousin, Cecil,

Keyla, Agus, Khelin, Mishel also her beloved Moh. Akbar, S.E., and all of her family

for their sincare love, support, great motivation, uncountable care, helps and endless

pray for the researcher to complete her study. May God rewards their honest and


Furthermore, the researcher endless gratitude goes to my best friend ever

after, DG’7, Riska Humairah, Sri Wahyuni J Angio, S.Pd., Musdalifah, S.Pd., Fitriani

Bahrun, S.Pd., Fitri Aulia Ningsih, Nur Saskia, S.Pd, Putri Indriana, S.Pd, Desi, S.Pd.

The researcher should also express her deepest thanks to all her classmate of class D

(Dangerous) 2016 and all of my friends in English Education Study Program

especially 2016 for their kindness, smile, laugh, and for accompanying and

supporting the researcher in finishing this skripsi.

The researcher would like to say ‘Thank you very much’ to everybody who is

important to the successfulness of his final project, as well as expressing her apolgy

that she could not mention personally one by one. May God blesses them and gives

the best thing in their life.

Last but not least i want to thank to myself, for believing in me, for doing all

this hard work and for having no days off.

Palu, July 2021

Putu Stevani Wulandari



a. Background 1
b. Problem Statement 2
c. Objective of the Research 3
d. Significance of the Research 4
e. Scope of the Research 4
f. Operational Definition of Key Terms 4


2.1 Related Studies 6
2.2 Related Literature
2.2.1 Definition of Perception 8
2.2.2 Definition of speaking skill 8
2.2.3.Kind of Game 11
2.2.4. The Advantages of Using game 11
2.2.5. The Disadvantages of Using game 12
2.2.4. Using Game in Teaching Speaking 13
2.3. Theoretical Framework 14


3.1 Research Design 16
3.2 Research Setting 16
3.2.1 Research Location 16
3.2.2 Subject of Research 17

3.3 Technique of Data Collection 17
3.4 Technique of Data Analysis 18


a. Results 19
b. Discussions 24


5.1 Conclusion 28
5.2 Suggestion 28






Game facilitated the teacher to create useful material. Games provided

language practice in the various skills especially speaking skill. Game as a media

been expected tohelp students to understand what others were saying or writing. By

using game, the studentshad more space and chance to speak or write in order to

express their own point of view or give information. Now day, speaking was the one

of the importance English skills that should be achieved by students besides reading,

writing and listening. Based on curriculum K-13 for senior high school, the students

were expected to develop communicative competence in spoken and written form of

communication to reach functional literacy.

In fact, many students got difficult to conduct speaking activity in English

because they do not have any ideas to talk. As a result they had no motivation to

study English during the teaching-learning process. Generally, students felt shy to say

anything when they do not understand the speaker or they realize that the

conversation partner does not understand them. It could be seen when they want to

tell something. When, the teacher asked them to give opinions and make conclusion

about their friend performance in doing conversation in front of them, they are not

able to comma. This was because they did not catch the point that speaker has said.

Besides they did not also understand what teacher means. The research got those

problems from the students at at SMA N 3 Tolitoli and SMA N 2 Tolitoli. The

teacher used strategy, method, or media to fix those problems. There were a lot of

media that the teacher needed to achieve the learning goals and fix the students

problems. Guessing Gamewas one of a media that the teacher used to teach in the

class room. Everyone knew that most people liked playing games because it was an

interesting activity for people, both children and adult.

Especially to achieve speaking skill competences, students should have good

abilities in pronunciation, grammar, and expressing the ideas fluently with

appropriate word choices. Moreover, guessing gamecould be a solutions to choose. It

be easily adjusted for age, level, and interests, they utilize all four skills and games

require minimum preparation after the initial development stage. Therefore, the

researcher wanted to find out the teachers’ perception of the using game in teaching

speaking skill.

1.2.Problem Statement

Almost all teachers had theirs own problems in teaching process, Speaking

skill believed as important aspect to be success in English speaking. The success of

learning English ccould be seen and measured from their performance in speaking

and how well they present their English in communication. Students had problem to

express their idea and opinions orally as they were afraid of making mistakes and

unconfident to speak English. These problems are actually related to several factors

that influence the teaching and learning process, namely the English teacher, the

students, the teaching technique, the teaching media, and the learning material. In this

research, guessinggame is the media that can be using in language learning. Therefor

the researcher want to find out the teachers’perception inthe use of game in teaching


Therefore, the researcher formulated the research problem into the research

question as follows:

“What are the teachers’perception of the using game in teaching speaking skill?”

1.3.Objective of the Research

The objective of this research was to find out teachers’perception of using

game in teaching speaking skill of the students.

1.4 Significance of the Research

This research is expected to give many benefits to the teachers, students and

researchers. They create game to take students attention in other to make students

easy to understand in learning English especially in speaking. For the students would

be easy to express their ideas, feelings, opinions, in oral communication. And for

thefurther researchers, they could use theresult of this research to be reference.

1.4.Scope of the research

In this research, the researcher focused to take the reviewers from some

teacher at SMA N 3 Tolitoli and SMA N 2 Tolitoli that had done their teaching

practices of using game in teaching speaking lesson, especially tenth grade and

eleventh grade. Moreover, there some games that the teacher used in the class room.

In this research, the researcher focused on guessing game.

1.5.Operational definition of key term

In the attempt to avoid misunderstanding, hence, definitions of related terms

employed in this study are illustrated as follows: Firsly, teacherwas a person who

helps students to acquire knowledge, competence or virtue. Secondly, perception

wasopinion formed before enough information is available to form it correctly

.thirdly, speakingwas the ability in pronouncing sound or word to express and

explain the ideas, opinions, feelings and emotions. Fourtly, gamewas one of media

that will be use to attract students motivation to follow teaching and learning process.


2.1. Related Study

There are several studies of speaking skill. The first was Hidayati (2016) The

title of the research is students’ motivation in learning english by using games. It is a

descriptive Study at the third grade of intensive English class of Pondok Pesantren

Darul Falah Be-Songo Semarang. The researcher describes the English language

teaching-learning process and the implementation of games to motivate students at

Pondok Pesantren Darul Falah Be-Songo. Moreover this research is to know the

students’ motivation in learning English by using games.

The second research was conducted by Khusnah (2012). The title of her

research is the effectiveness of a Board Game for Teaching Speaking to the seventh

Grades of MTS Nu Terate Gresik. The objective of her research was to prove whether

or not speaking skill of students by using board game. She used true-experimental

research design. She employed random sampling and gave pre-test and post-test to

experimental class. Pre-test was used to measure students’ skill before treatment was

given and post-test was used to measure students’ skill after getting treatment. The

hypothesis of her research was accepted. It was proved by result on chart, 13% of

students is less understanding towards a board game, 10% of students is understand

enough, 30% of students is understand, and 47% of students is very understand, it


means most students respond that a board game is very good game of speaking. In

conclusion, board game was effective to improve students’ speaking skill.

In line with previous paragraph, a similar research also done by napitupulu

(2010). The research was about Teaching Vocabulary to the fifth Grade Pupils of SD

Katolik Fransiskus Xaverious through Board Game. The purpose of her research was

to improve vocabulary of students by using board game. The result of her research

showed that students vocabulary at fifth grade pupils can be develop by using board

game. Testing hypothesis was proved through testing of hypothesis, and it showed

that t-test value (9.36) is greater than t-table value (1685). It means board game could

improve students’ vocabulary and score showed could improve significantly.

Looking at those researches above, there are similarities and differences

between their researches. The similarities were the game that is used to improve

students’ skill and purpose of researchers to improve skill of students. The

differences were on applying step steps of game, focus one of researcher to use board

game, and design of research. Hidayati (2016) focused at the implementation of

games to motivate students. Khusnah (2012) applied board game to improve speaking

skill of the seventh grade students and she used true experimental and random

sampling, while Napitulu (2010) used board game to improve vocabulary of fifth

grade pupils, using true experimental and random sampling to choose sample.

Although, one of research was develop vocabulary, but as we know vocabulary is one

of speaking elements, if vocabulary can be improve through board game, so there are

opportunities students’ speaking skill also can be improve.


In this research, the researcher was wanted to find out the teacher preceptions

in using game. Moreover, there were a lot of game that the teacher used in teaching

English. Furthermore, the researcher focused on the use of guessing game. The

researcher took the research in two senior high schools at Tolitoli regency. As

qualitative research, the researcher used questionnaire as the formula to find out the

teacher perceptions after using guessing game.

2.2. Literature Review

In this chapter, the researcher reviews the related theories and literature to

understand the question theorically.

2.2.1. Definition of Perception

Hamachek (1995) defines perception as how individuals experience stimuli by

the sensory receptors, from the world around them. What is experienced consciously

is not always the same as what is experienced auditory, visually or tactically.

Perception allows people to take the sensory information in and make it into

something meaningful.

Perception is the process taken by individuals to govern and to interpret

perception of sensory to give significance in their environment. The sensory organs

which have the sensory receptor cells use to detect the sensory message which often

called as stimulus based on its function. A stimulus refers to any aspects that can

detect by the sensory organs. For example, light can be detected by eyes, smell can be

detected by nose, sound can be detected by ears, taste can be detected by tongue and

heat can be detected by skin (Lahey, 2009)

2.2.2. Definition of Speaking Skill

Speaking is one of the important skills to be mastered. Mastery of speaking is

need for communication efficiency. Speaking is a productive language skill (siahaan,

2008:98). It means that speaking is a person’s skills to produce sounds that at the

meaning and be understood by other people. Furthermore, speaking is to use language

to communicate with other (fulcher, 2003:23). Its means that speaking is oral

communication and two ways processes between speaker and listener and involves

productive speaking skill and receptive skill of listening with understanding.

Speaking skill is activity to express thought and feeling orally and capability in

pronouncing sound or word to express or convey thought, idea, feeling, opinion and

wish. In speaking also have some tricks and steps to deliver the informations.

"Speaking" is the delivery of language through mouth. To speak, we create sounds

using many parts of our body, including the lungs, vocal tract, vocal chords,tongue,

teeth and lips. The process of that’s things have the effect to produce the sound of the


Speaking skill or spoken language is oral communication that has same

important with listening, reading and writing skill. We also can define speaking is

oral communication that show how people can arrange some words to express their

idea, feelings, and problem.SomeEnglish learners practice speaking standing alone in

front of a mirror. Speaking can be formal or informal. a. Informal speaking is

typically used with family and friends or people we know well. b. Formal speaking

occurs in business or academic situations, or when meeting people for the first time.

Young generation aspires professional careers in English dominant

communities where most required qualities of candidates are presentation skills and

fluency in speaking. Also after completing Higher Secondary education, at the

tertiary level, especially at universities, students are encouraged to communicate in

English and most of the lectures are delivered in English. Now days speaking skill

have a lot of benefit in daily activity especially for working.

Robert S. Brown and Nation claim that students should be offered form-

focused instructions and meaning-focused instructions. Form-focused Speaking goes

deeply into details of pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary. This stage is suitable

for beginners. An effective way how to start teaching foreign languages is to base

speaking on some simple, useful phrases and sentences e.g. greetings, simple

questions and answers or personal descriptions which are easy to remember. These

can be practiced by repetition drills. By repetition drills the teachers can change

speed, the learner who is to repeat, the content of the sentence and the way of

choosing the substitution. I agree with their opinion that: “Drills play a useful part in

a language course in helping learners to be formally accurate in their speech and in

helping them to quickly learn a useful collection of phrases and sentences that allow

them to start using the language as soon as possible.” (“Teaching Speaking:

Suggestion for the Classroom”)

Meaning-focused Speakingis that stage of speaking where attention lays on

the message being communicated. The activity develops learners‟ ability to speak.

For this R.S Brown and Nation suggest several ways:

a. The teacher presents new vocabulary or grammar (it is based on form-

focused instruction) and then the students are given some practice.

b. Frequently, before the students start to speak they work in groups or pairs

to prepare the activity. The activity gives learners the opportunity to learn

from each other.

c. The students are given topics to talk about. They may prepare it for

homework, use dictionaries or a reference text and then they present what

they have prepared.

d. Often, the activities are supported by pictures or written texts. They appear

in a raking activity or a problem solving activity where the text contains

important data about the situation and so on.

e. Many speaking activities force students to ask each other. The pattern of

these activities is that, each learner receives different information for

completing the activity. In these kinds of activities students discover

different names, two-way tasks or information gap. (“Teaching Speaking:

Suggestions for the Classroom”)


2.2.2. Kinds of Games

Classifying games into categories can be very difficult because the different

linguistics uses different ways to classify language games. Being aware of the

essential character of a type of game and the way in which it engages the learner can

be helpful in the adaptation of games on the creation of new games. Hadfield

(1987:5) also classifies language games into many more categories as follow:

a. Guessing Games Guessing games are familiar variant on these principles.

The player with the information deliberately withholds it, while others

guess what it might be.

b. Search Games Search games are another variant. In these games everyone

in the class has one piece of information. Players must obtain all or a large

amount of the information available to fill in a questionnaire. Each student

is thus simultaneously a giver and collector of information.

c. Matching Games Matching games are based on a different principle. These

games involve matching identical pairs of cards or pictures, and may be

played as a whole class activity, where everyone must circulate until they

find a partner with the same card or picture.

d. Exchanging and collecting games. Exchanging and collecting games are

based on the barter principle. Players have certain articles or cards which

they are willing to exchange for others in order to complete a set. This may

be played as a whole class activity, where players circulate freely,

exchanging cards or articles at random: or as an intergroup activity, where


players agree to collect a certain set of articles as a group and then exchange

articles between groups; or as a card game on the ‘rummy’ principle.

e. Combining activities Combining activities are those in which the players

must act on certain information in order to arrange themselves in groups

such as families or people living in the same flat. Criteria of Good Games

There were some criteria of game to be a good media. The Lubis (1988) states

that games can add fun and variety to a conversation session. They are valuable both

in manipulative and communicative phases of language learning. Of course, for

maximum benefit from a game in either phase, the teacher should select only the best

from the hundreds of games available. He also states that a good game must fulfil the

following requirements:

1) games should have the aim of game, clear instruction and how to set up the

activity, materials to be photocopied for learners, the time allocation, and

the main language focus for the learners;

2) games should involve pair work and group work because they have the

advantages that learners are working simultaneously and to be more active;

3) games should be tried out first before they are implemented in the class;

4) games should involve group monitoring because students will be constantly

correcting each other;

5) games should be played fairly;

6) games consider the language levels and interest of the learners; and

7) games should be presented by giving a demonstration first before they


Therefore, it is clear that not all games can be applied in any class. The

teachers need to understand what the student problems to solve. the researcher must

choose the game based on the experience on the school first.

2.2.3. Using Game In Teaching Speaking

To increase the speaking skill we need method to be used. One of them is

game. Games provide teachers new options to educate their students. Just as

educational games help children improve their strategic thinking, planning,

communication, and decision-making skills The definition of game is an activity that

you do to have some fun (Hornby, 1995, p. 486). Therefore, game can be defined as

something or an instrument that is used to attract students’ motivation to follow the

teaching and learning process because game can make the students more focus in

learning, because they do not feel that they are forced to learn. They also enable

learners to acquire new experiences within a foreign language which are not always

possible during a typical lesson.

Games in teaching and learning process also help the students to acquire

language in natural way. Some of the games usually used are example of

communicative games. Harmer (2001: 272) defines communication games as “games,

which are designed to provoke communication between students frequently depend

on information gap.”Therefore, games can help the students in building a good


relationship with their friends as well as in increasing their achievement in learning

English. Webster (2001:2) pointed out a game in which participate competes

individually or team to identification of something indicates obscurely. The students

get more opportunity to share and discuss each other.

2.2.4 Guessing Game

Guessing has been a media since in many years ago. There are a lot of

researches that it already proves the use of the guessing game. According to Klippel

(1994:13) ―The basic rule of guessing games is eminently simple;

1). One person knows something that another one wants to find out

2. The person provides any clues that it help to know the words

In addition, according to Merriem Webster ( 1986:1008), Guessing games is

game in which the participates compete individually or team in the identification of

something indicate obscurely (as in riddles or charades). Based on the definition

above, it can be concluded that the criterias of guessing game are;

1) person or participant knows something and competes individually or in a team

to identify or to find out it.

2) This game can be varied by the teacher themselves.

3) The player holds the information and other should guess who, what, where it

might be.

4) The thing that should be guess can be in form or single word, phrase sentence

or sentences.

2.2.4. The Advantages of Using game

There were several advantages in teaching speaking skill by using game.

Game as a media provides many impact to both students and teacher. There are

several advantages teaching English by using game as follow;

a) Game can be make students to be more creative and communicative.

b) Provide more opportunities for students to express their opinions and feeling

c) Game gives positive effect on the students’ interest and motivation in studying

English as well as to increase their speaking ability.

d) Increase cooperation among students.

e) Increase tolerance among students.

f) Successful communication – where students have expressed themselves

clearly (and been understood by others)

g) Accurate use of grammar points recently learned

h) Use of new vocabulary, appropriate expressions

i) Good pronunciation

j) Good use of fluency strategies in conversation

2.2.5. The Disadvantages of Using game

In teaching and learning activities, there are many activities to develop

speaking skill. One of them is games. Games have a purpose beyond the production

of correct speech, serves as a good communicative activity.Beside the advantages,


game also has disadvantages there are several disadvantages of using game in

teaching speaking skillas follows:

b. The first disadvantage of applying games in teaching learning process is by

attracting student’s interest to games.

c. The studentsare active andmake noisy. Sometimes, they too much moveand

speak. That condition made the teacher difficult to control them.

d. The nextdisadvantage of applying games in teaching learning process is by

doing games the teacher only had a little time to explain the material and gave

some new vocabularies.

e. There was no longer time for teacher to explain more and help them to

memorize and understandthe material

2.3. Theoretical Framework

Language is important thing to all people in their lives. Without language,

someone cannot express his or her thought, idea, need, and feeling. In other words,

language is very significant for human being in the world as a tool for


In relating to literature review, there are three components of speaking skill

they are fluency, accuracy, and comprehensibility. But, for senior high school

accuracy is difficult. There are two devices of speaking includes monologue and

dialogue. Both of them have opportunity to improve speaking skill. Teacher is asked

to be more creative with flexible lesson planning in teaching English such as


selecting appropriate technique, materials, teaching instructions, teaching aids, and

time allocations, which can help students in their process to speak English well.

Students get very confused to express their opinions. Therefore teacher

actually need to make an interesting class environment to make them feel comfortable

and enjoy learning English particularly in speaking. There are some methode,

strategy, and media thats can be using in teaching speaking including games. Game is

an activity that can make the environment and atmosphere fun. Moreover David

Gibson (2007:5) assumes that games are claimed to have cognitive development

effects on visual skills including “spatial representation”, “income skills”, and “visual

attention’. It means that games can effect the students’ learning to develop theirs skill.

Game also is one of the way to help the students to overcome their difficulties in

speaking English as well as there are already a lot of researchers that use game to

teach speaking. Game also can motivate the students to improve their speaking skill.

Through of the explenations above the researcher tried to find out the

teachers’perception of game in learning-teaching speaking skill.The data are analyzed

to answer the research question. The researcher must determine whether the result

answer the research questions (Perry,2008: 147).

The researcher assumed that game built up the students motivation and

reinforce and language skills. The students can play game in classroom for language

learning and help them to improve their speaking skill. Therefore In this research, the

researcher tried to know the teachers’ perception in game when they teach speaking.

The researcher focused to the teacher that they had use guessing game in teaching

speaking skill. The researcher provided the questionnaire to the teacher. The

researcher used whatsapp to take the data from the teacher due to the pandemic of

covid-19. This research take some reviewers from the teacherat SMA N 3 Tolitoli and

SMA N 2 Tolitoli.


3.1. Research Design

Research design was used to analyze and identify the subject of this study.

Inorder to make the research going in the right way, a research design was needed.

The researcher usedqualitative research design. this research was conducted to find

out the teacher perception ofusing game in teaching speaking skill. The researcher

took guessing game as the focus of this research.In conducting this research,

theprocedure of data analysis was collected by using questionnaire. The researcher

tried to find the perception of the English teacher of using game in teaching English

speaking skill.

3.2. Research Setting

3.2.1. Research Location

The location means the determination of something's position.The location

was selected by the researcher experience. The location of this research was located

at SMA N 3 Tolitoli and SMA N 2 Tolitoli. The researcher analyzed the populations

of those school and took some English teacher as the sample. The researcher found

that the students got some problems in speaking. Moreover, game as media was used

by teacher in order to fix the students problem. By looking those reasons, the

researcher tried to take this tittle as a qualitative research. Furthemore, the researcher

took this school as the locations of this research.


In conducting this research, the researcher chose the English teachers that

have handled students at senior high school level.


erswerefromSMAN3TolitoliandSMAN2Tolitoli. These teachers were chosen

randomly by the researcher. The researcher contacted over phone, visited, and

requested them to participate in the survey by completing the questionnaire.

3.2.3 Research Instrument

Principally researching was measuring, then there had to a good measuring

tool. Research instrument was an instrument used to measure the natural and social

phenomena are observed. The instrument of this research is questionnaire. A

questionnaire is a research instrument that consists of a set of questions or other types

of prompts that aims to collect information from a respondent. The type of the

question was closed questionnaire. A closed questionnaire was a set of questionnaire

and options that already settled by the researcher.


Table 3.1 The Closed Questionnaire Option

Option Category

a. Yes

b. Not Sure

C. No

3.3. Technique ofData Collection

In this research, collecting the data mostly was done in participant

documentation. Questionnaire was the most usually used research instrument. The

researcher used questionnaire to collect the data from the English teacher. The data

was the information that the researcher need to answer the research questions. Before

embarking upon this research study, the researcher asked permission from the

concerned authorities of the schools, and more specifically from the teachers which

the researcher selected as the participants. In addition, the English teachers agreed to

provide and allow the informationgathered to develop this study. The researcher gave

the offline questioner to the English teacher. The researcher provided ten questions on

the questioner. The researcher gave the paper of the questionnaire at school. The

researcher gave 30 minutes to the English teacher to answer all the questions. After

the time was over, the researcher collected the questionnaire from the English

teacher. Moreover, the English teacher answer sheet was checked by the researcher to

find out the result. The researcher was helped by two of her friend from English

department to make this research objectively.

3.4Technique of Data Analysis

The researcher focused to find out the teacher’ perception of using game in

teaching speaking.In this researchthe researcher used questionnaire. The reseacher

used questionnaire to collect the data. Furthemore, the researcher shared the form to

the English teacher as the sample in this research. The researcher used percentage to

analyze the data. The percentage obtained from proportions by simply multiplying

them by 100. In other words, percentage was the rate per hundred. To analyze the

data the researcher, the researcher used the formula below. The researcher adapted

the formula from hatch and faraday (1982) as follow:

Data = Respondents X100



4.1 Findings

In this chapter was broken dawn into two sections, they were research

findings and discussion. There researcher tried to find out the result of the instrument

in order to answer the research question. As mentioned in chapter III, this research

catergorized as an descriptive research.After the teacher filled the questionnaire, the

researcher concluded the result to know the effect of the game based on their

perception. There weresixEnglish teacher as thesample in this research. Moreover the

researcher counted the percentage of thequestionnaire’ resultto know theEnglish

teachers’ perceptions of game in teaching speaking skill.The researcher provided and

gave the questionnaire to the English teacher. The questionnaire was the document in

this researcher. The result of the questionnaire was used to answer the research


Table 4.1.Are you able tomanage teaching speaking by using

guessing game?
Option Frequency Percentage
Yes 5 83.3%
Not sure 1 16.7%
No 0 0
Total 10 100%

The first question was “Canyoumanage teaching speaking by using

guessing game?.it can be seen from the table above 83% of the teacher perceived

that they can manage the teaching process by using guessing game. The teacher

thought that when they applied the game it took more of the student attention. More

over the teacher just needed facility and media to make it more fun. 16.7% of the

teacher were Not Sure, the teacher were not sure because of insufficient media, and

none chose No. From the data most of the teacher chose strongly agree. Based

onHuyen and Nga (2003), the students liked the relaxed atmosphere, the

competitiveness, and the motivation that games brought to the classroom. The game

made the learning motivates students and helps them pay attention and stay focused

on the subject. One reason to promote educational games is to encourage students to

learn. Based from it, the teachers were easier to deliver the materials.

Table 4.2. Is the guessing game good for students?

Option Frequency Percentage

Yes 6 100%
Not sure 0 0%
No 0 0
Total 10 100%

The second questions was “Is the guessing game good for students?”.from the

table above, It confirmed that 100% of the teacher agreed that guessing game was

good for the students, Games are ideal for encouraging students to speak and for

giving them parctice with functional chunks of language (Shuhan.C.W and Carol,

2008) . As a result, a game made students desire to speak in the classroom, one

English teacher chose Not Sure 0%, and none chose No. All the teachers agreed to

choose that using guessing game provide a good learning situation.

Table 4.3Is the guessing game easy to apply in teaching speaking?

Option Frequency Percentage

Yes 3 50%
Not sure 3 50%
No 0 0
Total 10 100%

The third questions was “Is the guessing game easy to apply in teaching

speaking?”.it can be seen from the table above 50% of the teacher perceived that

game was easy to apply. The teacher felt guessing game already had clear

instructions, moreover the teacher just needed to follow the rules of the game.50% of

the teacher were Not Sure because some of them not really understood the

instructions, and none chose No. Half of the teacher choose strongly agree and the

others chose agree.The teacher thought that the game provided opportunity to deliver

the materials easier. The reason for using game was to give more opportunities to the

student to make turn in speaking during the times allocated. The researcher thought

that games are combination between language practice and fun.


Table 4.4.Is the guessing game useful to deliver the speaking


Option Frequency Percentage

Yes 4 66.7%
Not sure 2 33.3%
No 0 0
Total 10 100%

The fourth questions was “Is the guessing game useful to deliver the speaking

materials?”.it can be seen from the table above 66.7% of the teacher perceived that

the game helped them to deliver materials. It was because game was flexible to be

modified. Moreover, the teacher could mix the game with the materials that they

needed to teach.And33.3% of the teacher were not sure because did not have enough

chance to use guessing game as the media, and none chose No. Guessing games can

be used as a support tool to complement traditional teaching methods to improve the

learning experience of the learners while also using game needed to use such as

following rules. Some the teacher did not strongly agree because there were some

rules that they need to follow before apply the game.

Table 4.5. Is the guessing game able to take the attention of


Option Frequency Percentage

Yes 4 66.7%
Not sure 2 33.3%
No 0 0
Total 10 100%

Fifth questions was “Is the guessing game able to take the attention of

students??”.it can be seen from the table above 66.7% of the teacher perceived that

game attracted the students’ attention because game had a lot kind of activities who

made the students focus to the teacher, 33.3% of the teacher were not sure because

did not really master all the rules and the instruction of the game , and none chose No.

Table 4.6. Is the guessing game able to facilitate students in

learning speaking?
Option Frequency Percentage
Yes 6 50%
Not sure 0 0%
No 0 0
Total 10 100%

The sixth question was “Is the guessing game able to facilitate students in

learning speaking?”.The table above showed that 100% of the teacher agreed that

game facilitate the students to learn speaking. Game as the media provided feedback

for the teacher as well as for the students. The teachers can see what the students are

doing well and what is needed to be improved, none English teacher was Not Sure,

and none was No. Games are ideal for encouraging students to speak and for giving

them parctice with functional chunks of language (Shuhan.C.W and Carol, 2008).

Having students to present what they know, that means, to use all the language they

have learnt.

Graph 4.7. Is the guessing game able to receive the students’

Option Frequency Percentage
Yes 5 83. 3%
Not sure 1 16.7%
No 0 0
Total 10 100%

The seventh question was “Is the guessing game able to receive the students’

lessons?” It can be seen from the table above 83,3% of the teacher perceived that the

students was helped by guessing game as a media to receive the lesson. The teacher

experienced that the students got easier to understand the materials. The students had

more practices. Moreover, they applied it with their friends in and out of the class

room. 16.7% of the teacher was not sure because there were students who got

difficult to accept the materials, and none chose No. based on (Toth,1995),the use of

game in this research was suitable for the students. However, the students needed to

learnmore to increase their speaking ability but by game , it helpedto measure their


Table 4.8. Is the guessing game able to improve students’ speaking

Option Frequency Percentage
Yes 5 83.3%
Not sure 1 16.7%
No 0 0
Total 10 100%

The eight questions was “Is the guessing game able toimprove students’

speaking skill?”. Itcan be seen from the table above 83.3% of the teacher accepted

that the students speaking skill were improved by using guessing game. By having

fun activities the students had a lot of motivation to learn. The students got better

score because had a lot of practices with their friends. They learned more new

vocabularies and pronounciations. 16.7% of the teacher were not sure because did not

finished the learning process yet, and none chose No. By using the game, they had e

brave when performance in front of the class. These were some of the benefit or

positive impact by learning game, not only was able to increase their speaking ability

but also their confidence in their life.

Table 4.9. Is the guessing game able to take students’ interested

in learning speaking?

Option Frequency Percentage

Yes 5 83.3%
Not sure 1 16.7%
No 0 0
Total 10 100%

The ninth questions was “Is the guessing game able to takestudents’ interested

in learning speaking?”. It can be seen from the table above83.3% of the teacher

perceived that guessing ame made students interested to learn speaking. The students

were more active in the class room. It was different when the teacher tough without

using guessing game as the media. The teacher though that the student were easy to

be interested when the teacher were bringing game in the class room, 16.7% of the

teacher was Not Sure because sometimes there a lot of factors that made the students

were not interested such as weather, atmosphere, and the time, and none chose No.

Most of the teacher though that the student were interesting in the learning process.

Teaching speaking by using game encourage the students learn actively. The students

look enjoyed in game, they give more attention and participation on game.

Table 4.10.Is the guessing game able solve students' problems in

learning speaking?

Option Frequency Percentage

Yes 6 100%
Not sure 0 0%
No 0 0
Total 10 100%

The last question was “Is the guessing gameable solve students' problems in

learning speaking?”.It can be seen from the table above 100% of the teacher totally

perceived that the game solved the students’ problems. They have opportunity to

discuss and share the materials and the topics. The use of is helping the teacher to

investigate the students problem.0% of the teacher was Not Sure, and 0% was No.

based on (Huyen and Nga, 2003) they said that game bring real world context into the

classroom, and enhance student used of English in flexible and communicative way.

4.2 Discussion

The questionnaire was taken by the some teacher who had been thought

English using game. The teachers was chose by the researcher from some English

teacher at Tolitoli regency. The researcher tried to find the teachers’ perception of

using game in teaching speaking skill. The researcher already arranged some question

related to the research. There were ten questions that help to provide some

information from the English teacher. The researcher presented the responses for the

questions in the following table below.

The improvement in students’ speaking skills was also considered as the

effect of the process of theirs basic and the technique that they learned at school. The

technique became effective in raising students’ awareness of important organizational

and syntactical elements that they might not notice on their own. It was also because

the students got more productive feedback during the learning process. The process

which was helped them more independent when theyworked together. Guessing game

become one of the solution as a technique for the teacher to solve the students

problem. Moreover, the students’ speaking skills was needed some action plans to

overcome the problems found during the teaching and learning process of writing.

Actually the students needed to get more practice in applying thir knowledge in

speaking. In others word, it could be said that the students also needed game as the

technique to improve their skill.


From the 1st, 3rd and 4th question, the researcher concluded that guessing game

was helped the teacher in teaching speaking skill. The teacher thought that game was

easy to apply in the class room. Guessing game also assisted teacher to deliver the

materials in learning speaking skill. All the English teacher chose strongly agree on

the 2nd questions, it meant that the game provided most comfortable situation to the

students and also the English teacher. The situation was better because the students

had a good communication each other, that is related with the harmer’s statements in

chapter 2. Harmer (2001) states that game are designed to provoke communication

between students frequently depend on information gap.This was accorded with the

experience of the English teacher.

This research was in lineHidayati (2016) invented that in teaching English, the

teacher must create the situation that can encourage real communication. The

research was students’ motivation in learning English by using games. It was a

descriptive Study at the third grade of intensive English class of

PondokPesantrenDarulFalah Be-Songo Semarang. The researcher describes the

English language teaching-learning process and the implementation of games to

motivate students at PondokPesantrenDarulFalah Be-Songo. The implementation of

the research in teaching learning speaking had positive improvement on the students’

participation in learning speaking and the teachers’ performance in teaching speaking

skill. Reflecting on the results of the previous researcher, that was to make the the

speaking ability of the students improved we need a technique or a method that could

be used in the teaching and learning process to make the students felt enjoy and

involved actively.

The other researcher was Khusnah (2012). The title of her research is the

effectiveness of a Board Game for Teaching Speaking to the seventh Grades of MTS

Nu Terate Gresik. The objective of her research was to prove whether or not speaking

skill of students by using board game. The hypothesis of her research was accepted. It

was proved by result on chart, 13% of students is less understanding towards a board

game, 10% of students is understand enough, 30% of students is understand, and 47%

of students is very understand, it means most students respond that a board game is

very good game of speaking. In conclusion, board game was effective to improve

students’ speaking skill. The research found that the game solve the students


The conclution from the 5th until 10th questions showed that the students were

adored learning speaking skill by using guessing game. The game solved the

students’ problem in speaking skill. The student also felt more confidence and focus

in the learning process. The students also provided any kind of solutions to achieve

the goals. It was corresponded to Hornby (1995), he states that games help children

improve their strategic thinking, planning, communication, and decision-making

skills. The game totally helped the English teacher and also the students in the

learning speaking skill process.

The discussions in this section was to answer the research question stated in

Chapter I. The English teacher provided very good response on the questionnaire.

The findings showed that the percentage of the students’ percentage as the result. The

Yes options came up 46 times with the total answer is 60. And then the second

highest option was Not Sure, it came up 14 times, and lowest was Not. In teaching

speaking by using guessing game technique teacher and students have important role

because teacher can select and decide suitable theme with thestudents level. It

confirmed the premise of some scientist and researchers. Furthermore, theresearcher

concluded that the teachers’ perception at SMA N 3 Tolitoli and SMA N 2 Tolitoli in

using game was useful.




5.1 Conclusions

This chapter explained the result of the finding as the conclusion. The

researcher applied the qualitative research to analyze the teachers’ perception in

teaching speaking skill by using guessing game. Based on the finding and discussion

it concluded that the use of game in teaching speaking is applicable as suplementary

media and effective to motivate students to speak more. It can be infered that the

teachers of SMA N 3 Tolitoli and SMA N 2 Tolitoli perceived that guessing game is

one alternative way to improve students’ speaking skill.Almost of the English teacher

agreed that the game was helpful to use in teaching speaking. After got the data from

those questionnaires, the researcher found that guessing game was satisfactory. The

gameprovided a lot interaction among students and gave students opportunities to

express their opinions and ideas and share it to their friends. It meant that the game

improved students’ interest due to the fact that students interacted not only with their

teacher but also with their friends. The English teacher felt easy to deliver and make

the students more enthusiastic to learn English. Furthermore, theresearcher concluded

that the teachers’ perception at SMA N 3 Tolitoli and SMA N 2 Tolitoli in using

guessing game was useful.


4.1 Suggestions

Since the researcher finished the research, there were some notes to

completely this research. The researcher gave some suggestion based on the

researcher’s experiences. First of all, the teacherhad to produce practicesto shape the

English skill of the students specially speaking. The teacher expected more creative to

provide some new game for the students. The activity was focus to achieve the

learning’s goal. The students needed to realize the benefit of English and they

needed to get more practices whenever and wherever. For further researcher, this

research was expected to help for the next research. The further researchers needed

to take more attentions in the field due to the pandemic of the covid-19.


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Yes No Not Sure
2. Is the game good in teachingspeaking?
3. Is the gamegood for students?
4. Is the game easy to apply in teaching
5. Is the game useful to deliver the speaking

6. Is the game able to take the attention of


7. Is the game able to facilitate students in

learning speaking?

8. Is the game able to receive the students’

9. Is the game able toimprove students’
speaking skill?
10. Is the game able to take students’
interested in learning speaking?
11. Is the gameable solve students' problems
in learning speaking?

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