Endocrines 29.03.10

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UHS Questions as appeared from April. 2021 dating back to Oct 2004
Essays :
1. Describe the mechanism of action and list the functions of insulin. Write four features of diabetes mellitus.
Explain the physiological basis of any one feature. (3+6+4+2). Jan2022
2. Write from where insulin is secreted. Describe structure of insulin. Describe biosynthesis of insulin. What are the actions
of insulin? How insulin secretion is regulated. Briefly mention about diabetes mellitus. April 2021
3. What are the different hormones produced from thyroid gland? How the thyroid hormones are synthesized? What are the
actions of thyroid hormone? How the thyroid hormone secretion is regulated? Make a note on anti-thyroid drugs. January
4. Describe the biosynthesis and actions of thyroxine. Oct 2019
5. Describe the actions and regulation of secretion of glucocorticoids. Nov.2018
6. Describe in detail the synthesis, storage and release of thyroxine. Jul.2018
7. Enumerate the hormones affecting plasma calcium levels. Discuss the actions of any two of them. Nov.2017
8. Describe the hormonal, ovarian and uterine changes during menstrual cycle. Aug.2017
9. Define terms “Growth and Development”. List the factors affecting them. Describe briefly physiological aspects of both.
10. Describe the functions of growth hormone. Add a note on effects of its hypersecretion. Aug.2016
11. Describe the actions, and regulation of insulin. Explain the basis of polyphagia in diabetes mellitus. Aug.2015
12. Describe the hormonal regulation of calcium metabolism. Nov.2014
13. Describe the actions and regulation of cortisol. Aug. 2014
14. Name the hormones produced by supra renal glands. Describe the secretion, regulation and action of any one of them.
15. Name the anterior pituitary hormones. What are the functions and mechanism of action of growth hormone? Nov.2012
16. Mention normal blood calcium level. Explain how it is regulated. Jan.2011
17. What is puberty? Mention the changes that occur during puberty in females. Jul.2011
18. What are the actions of thyroid hormones on metabolism? Give an account of hyposecretion. Jul.2010
19. Describe the functions of placental hormones. Discuss the diagnostic importance of human chorionic gonadotropins. Jan.
20. Describe the synthesis, transport and regulation of secretion of Thyroid hormones. Discuss about cretinism. Jul 2009
21. Describe the hormonal control of menstrual cycle. Add a note on rhythm method of family planning. Feb. 2009
22. What is tetany ? Describe the hormone which is the causative factor, in detail.
23. Give an account of posterior pituitary hormones. Explain their function. Oct 2007
24. Give an account of the physiological actions of growth hormones and mechanism of there actions. May 2007
25. Describe the synthesis, transport and regulation of secretion of thyroid hormone. What are the features of hyposecretion
of thyroid hormones in the child. March 2005
26. Name the hormones secreted by thyroid gland. How is thyroxine synthesised? Describe the physiological actions of
thyroxine. Oct 2004
Endocrines - Short Notes:
1. A 50 year old female complaints of intolerance to heat and increased appetite. She was found to have
exophthalmos and sinus tachycardia. Jan.2022
a) What is your provisional diagnosis?
b) Give the physiological basis of sinus tachycardia and intolerance to heat
c) Name a drug used to treat this condition
2. Indicators of ovulation. Jan 2022
3. Steps of spermatogenesis and factors affecting it. Jan2022
4. Uterin chnges during menstruation. Jan.2021
5. Oogenesis & Ovulation. Oct 2019
6. Metabolic functions of cortisol. Jul.2018
7. Gigantism and Acromegaly. Aug.2017
8. Hormones Regulating Calcium Metabolism. Aug 2017
9. Fertilization and implantation of ovum. Dec.2016
10. Hypocalcemic tetany. Dec.2015
11. Addison’s disease. Dec.2015
12. Menopause. Dec.2015
13. Prolactin. Dec.2015
14. Features of cretinism and its physiological basis. Aug.2015
15. Actions of progesterone. Aug.2015
16. Acromegaly. Nov.2014, Oct.2019, January 2021
17. Puberty. Nov.2014
18. Actions of estrogen. Aug.2014
19. Hyperglycemic hormones. Jul.2013
20. Spermatogenesis. Jul.2013, Jul.2012, Aug.2016, Jul2018, Jan 2021
21. Contraceptive methods in females. Jul.2013, Jul.2010
22. Features of Cushing’s syndrome. Jul.2012
23. What is spermatogenesis? Mention factors which regulate spermatogenesis. Jan.2011
24. Milk ejection reflex. Jan.2011
25. List the important effects of Adrenaline on different tissues. Jul.2011
26. Addison’s disease. Jul.2011
27. Ovulation. Jul.2010, Aug.2016. Nov.2017
28. Diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus. Jul.2010
29. hCG. July 2009
30. Anti inflammatory effect of gluco-corticoids. Feb 2009, 2005
31. Thyroid function tests. Feb 2009, Nov.2012
32. Seminal fluid. Jul 2008
33. Oestrogen. Jul 2008, Sep 2006
34. Factors influencing spermatogenesis. Apr 2008
35. Diabetes Insipidus. Oct 2007
36. Feed back mechanism. Oct 2007
37. Thyroid function tests. Sep 2006
38. Signs of ovulation. Oct 2005, Nov.2012
39. When does ovulation occur and how can it be determined ? What is its significance. Mar 2005
Endocrines - Very Short Notes:
1. Functions of Testosterone. Jan 2021
2. Composition of semen. Jan.2021
3. Capacitation of sperms. Oct.2019
4. Motor rhythm method of contraception
5. Any two tests for pregnancy. Jul.2018
6. Control of onset of puberty. Nov.2017
7. Colostrum. Dec.2016
8. Mechanism of action of Insulin. Aug.2016
9. Cryptorchidism. Dec.2015
10. Antithyroid drugs. Dec.2015
11. Factors influencing spermatogenesis. Aug.2015, Aug.2017, April 2021
12. Indicators of ovulation. Aug.2015
13. Principle of immunological test of pregnancy. Nov.2014
14. Functions of placenta. Nov.2014, Nov 2017
15. Sex determination. Aug.2014
16. Role of Sertoli cells. Aug.2014
17. Corpus luteum. Jul.2013, Jan.2011
18. Aldosterone. Jan.2011
19. Name the contraceptive methods in females. Nov.2012, April 2021
20. Milk ejection reflex. July 2009, Nov.2012
21. Actions of gonadotropic hormone in males and females. Jul.2012
22. Functions of blood testis barrier. Jul.2012
23. Physiological basis of anovulatory menstrual cycle. Jul.2012
24. Menarche, Menopause. Jul.2010
25. Progesterone. Jul 2008, April 2021
26. Function of glucagons. Apr 2008
27. Adrenal medullary hormones. Apr 2008
28. Oral contraceptive pills. Sep 2007, Jan2021
29. Cretinism. May 2007, Jul.2013, Jul 2018
30. Oxytocin. May 2007
31. What are the effects of tying the vas deference? May 2007
32. ACTH. May 2007
33. Seminal fluid. Sep 2006
34. Neuro endocrine reflex. Apr 2006
35. Gigantism. Apr 2006, Jul.2010
36. Dwarfism. Sep 2005, Nov 2017
37. Effects of estrogen on mammary gland. Mar 2005
38. A 60 year old female presented with history of taking some drug for long duration. On examination, she is obese and is having moon
like facies, Purple Striae and Buffalo hump like appearance. (1+1+1) Jan 2021
a) What is your Diagnosis?
b) What are the causes for this condition?
c) What change you can expect in blood glucose level?

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