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INDEX Chapters Page no

1. The Launch 2

2. The wonders of our galaxy 4

3. Beyond the milky way 9

4. Exploring a new planet 13

5. New treasures 16



John and Tim are on a new mission to explore the

universe. First, they started building a light speed

rocket with the help of the treasure they found

from their first adventure. They sold the treasure

and hired some people to build a rocket. They built

a launch pad so that they could launch the rocket.

They took the rocket to the launch pad and started

the launch in:

T-10, T-9, T-8, T-7, T-6, T-5, T-4, T-3, T-2, T-1, seconds.

John and Tim along with the pilot blasted off.




John and Tim made their way out of the Milky Way.

They have to go past the super-massive black hole

which is the center of all the galaxies.

First, they have to journey over the Asteroid Belt

and the Kuiper Belt. It is roughly four billion miles

away from Earth. As they passed the Kuiper Belt,

they saw gas and dust all around. They have to go

past the Oort Cloud which is very long and filled

with light rays which would pass through the

rocket, so the rocket would have to slow down.


After the long journey of passing two thousand to

twenty thousand astronomical unit of the Oort

Cloud, they went past the gas clouds and reached

near the blackhole. If they went close to the

blackhole, it will instantly suck them into the black

void of the black hole and the rocket along with

them will get spaghettified. So, they went around

the black hole carefully without going close to it.




John and Tim saw the Norma arm, then the Scutam

Centaurus arm and finally went past the Milky Way.

They travelled past many galaxies. In one galaxy,

when they were going past, a star exploded and

caused a supernova, but fortunately they were not

close to it and escaped it.

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The star turned into a blackhole. As they went

further into the universe, they saw lesser number of

stars. They didn’t know what was happening. The

pilot forgot to tell them about the time traveling

back. If they were in 2020, they would go back to

the 1990’s time. When they reached the end of the

universe, they saw a new planet.

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They wanted to explore it, so they sent a machine

down to the planet and collected sample of air and

soil. They tested the samples and found it to be

suitable for life, so they landed. As there was a star

nearby the temperature of the planet was


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Finally, John and Tim docked the rocket on the

surface of the new planet. They got down to explore

the planet.

They collected iron ores and other materials and

started building another big rocket so that they can

go back to Earth and bring people to the new planet.

There was water, different kinds of new trees which

were unique. The temperature was moderate. They

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felt neither too cold or too hot. This planet does not

rotate in its axis but it revolves around the star. So,

one side of the planet would be dark and cold, on

the other hand, the other side would be hot and

bright. It took four years to complete one

revolution around the star. They sent the pilot with

the newly built rocket to bring people from Earth.

After the people arrived, John and Tim asked the

people to build a futuristic city with all new security

features like a laser force field around the city.

John and Tim built more cities and named them

Alpha-A, Alpha-B, Alpha- C and so on.

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John and TIm had completed everything they

needed. They remembered about the scroll they

got from their last adventure which was about a

planet from the universe. They thought if it was this

planet. They checked the scroll for all the details

and found it to match with this planet. They were

elated. They stumbled upon some devices which

reminded them of Earth. When they wore the

device on their hand and pressed the button, they

got teleported back to Earth in a blink of an eye.

Again, they teleported back to the new planet with

the same device.

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They were overwhelmed by the discovery of this

They kept it hidden so no one would misuse it. They

named the new planet as “Alpha Z”. John and Tim

happily returned to Earth and spoke to the

Presidents of all the countries about the new planet

and the newly found device. One of the President

was evil and was eager to get hold of the device.

Who, What, When, Why and how

the president got the device?

Find out about it in the next adventure.

Coming Soon………… Part 3

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