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WWI in Photos
The Atlantic

One hundred years ago, in the summer of 1914, a series of

events set off an unprecedented global conflict that
ultimately claimed the lives of more than 16 million people,
dramatically redrew the maps of Europe, and set the stage
for the 20th Century.

A century ago, an assassin, a Serbian nationalist, killed the

heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary as he visited Sarajevo.
This act was the catalyst for a massive conflict that lasted
four years. More than 65 million soldiers were mobilized by
more than 30 nations, with battles taking place around the

Industrialization brought modern weapons, machinery, and tactics to

warfare, vastly increasing the killing power of armies. Battlefield
conditions were horrific, typified by the chaotic, cratered hellscape of
the Western Front, where soldiers in muddy trenches faced bullets,
bombs, gas, bayonet charges, and more. On this 100-year
anniversary, Atlantic Monthly author Alan Taylor, gathered
photographs of the Great War from dozens of collections, some
digitized for the first time, to try to tell the story of the conflict, those
caught up in it, and how much it affected the world.

An Introduction
 After scrolling through the pictures, list examples of
how countries began preparing for war:

 You have learned about trench warfare in the past. What observations did you make
about trench warfare based on the pictures you’ve seen in the introduction?
The Western Front, Part I
 Describe the warfare pictured in this collection.

 Which image stood out to you the most, why?

World War I Technology

 Name the different types of technology featured in the photographs:

 Which images were most surprising to you. Why?

 Do we use any of this technology in warfare today?

Animals at War
 What animals were used during WWI? For what purpose?

 Which pictures were most impressive to you? Why?

 Animals have been used in warfare since the beginning of time. Why are these
photographs surprising or new?

 Do you think it was tragic or intelligent to use animals during WWI?

Aerial Warfare
 What did you learn about Aerial Warfare during WWI?

 Which pictures were your favorite, why?

Soldiers and Civilians

 World War I is one of the first modern wars that we see the emotion and humanity of
both the soldiers and civilians thanks to photographs and surviving relics. Which
photograph stuck out the most for you in this collection. Why?

 Which photographs show women’s roles during WWI?

 How are civilians portrayed in these photographs?

War at Sea

 Wars have been fought at sea before, what is something you learned from these

 Describe the naval technology for WWI:

Global Conflict

 How many different nations are pictured in these images?

 How does this give you a better picture of the first “world” war?

 What do you think it meant for some of these countries to join in the fight?

The Western Front, Part II and Armistice

 What are your observations of the Western Front in Part II?

 Armistice: an agreement made by opposing sides in a war to stop fighting. What do

these pictures tell you about the armistice?

 Based on the pictures in this section, at what point do you think nations were willing
to cease fire and sign the armistice?

 Which photograph stood out to you the most?

A Century Later

 Which photographs most surprised you about the aftermath of World War I? Why?

 Which WWI memorial did you like, why?


WWI: Paragraph Response

Due: Friday, March 29th

Though the events of World War I have now fallen out of living memory, the remnants remain --
scarred landscapes, thousands of memorials, artifacts preserved in museums, photographs, and the
stories passed down through the years -- stories of such tremendous loss. 

Your Task: Write a detailed paragraph explaining the greatest impact or legacy of “The Great War.”
Understandably, the First World War did not resolve all conflicts among European nations as
evidence by the start of the Second World War less than a generation later. However, World War I
changed warfare in a variety of ways (animals at war, aerial warfare, civilians, war at sea etc). Which
do you feel was the greatest impact or legacy? Why?


















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