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The Labyrinth of Mighty Doom 01

Level 1

General Walls Natural Stone

Floor Smooth Stone (light rubble)
Temperature Warm
Illumination Average (shadowy in corridors, lamps or torches in most
Wandering Monsters 1 2 x Shrieker, bloodied and fleeing a more powerful
2 11 x Orc, scouting from another part of the dungeon
3 3 x Troglodyte, returning to their lair with plunder
4 6 x Hobgoblin, wielding bizarre eldritch powers

5 13 x Giant Rat, wandering senselessly

6 4 x Bugbear, gathered around an evil shrine

Room #1 Room Features A mural of ghoulish carnage covers the ceiling, and several pieces of rotten bread are scattered throughout the
Monster 14 x Giant Rat

Treasure: 1000 cp, Coral (100 gp), Violet Garnet (500 gp)

Room #2 Room Features Skeletons hang from chains and manacles against the west wall, and unintelligible whispering can be faintly
heard near the south wall

Room #3 Room Features A narrow ledge runs along the walls, and someone has scrawled "The Marauders of Mawold killed four ghouls
here" on the south wall

Room #4 Room Features The south and west walls have been engraved with geometric patterns, and a pair of boots lies in the west side
of the room
Monster 4 x NPC and 5 x Henchmen

Here: Male Human, 1st-level Fighter, LG. Here is short and heavyset, with brown hair and dark grey eyes. He
wears scale mail and wields a bardiche. Here is loyal and thoughtful.
Anor: Female Human, 1st-level Cleric, CG. Anor is exceptionally beautiful, with white hair and sharp amber
eyes. She wears scale mail and wields a club. Anor is easily distracted by small animals.
Brione: Female Human, 1st-level Fighter, CG. Brione has a narrow face, with braided copper hair and bright
hazel eyes. She wears scale mail and wields a footman's mace and shield. Brione is brave and mischievous.
Altes Allard: Male Human, 1st-level Magic-User, NG. Altes is tall, with silver hair and soft hazel eyes. He wears
tailored clothing and wields a dagger and darts. Altes is anxious and lewd.

Room #5 Room Features A tile mosaic of legendary monsters covers the floor, and a metallic odor fills the
Hidden Treasure Hidden Locked Iron Chest (good lock)

1000 sp

Room #6 Room Features Several square holes are cut into the ceiling and floor, and a stone dais and throne sits in the south side of the

Room #7 Room Features A group of demonic faces have been carved into the west wall, and someone has scrawled "crimson, iron,
silver" on the east wall

Room #8 Room Features A simple fireplace sits against the south wall, and someone has scrawled "This is not a secret door" on the east

Room #9 Room Features A faded and torn tapestry hangs from the south wall, and someone has scrawled "Save yourself, kill the others"
in blood on the north wall

Room #10 Room Features The floor is covered with stone rubble, and a sundered helm lies in the north side of the

Room #11 Room Features A ladder ascends to a wooden platform in the south side of the room, and an iron chandelier hangs from the
ceiling in the east side of the room

Room #12 Room Features An enchanted pool in the south side of the room ages whomever drinks from it (but only once), and a mural of
legendary monsters covers the ceiling

Room #13 Room Features Several square holes are cut into the south wall, and someone has scrawled an incomplete drawing of a dragon
on the east wall

Monster 3 x Fire Beetle

Treasure: 1000 sp, 750 ep

Room #14 Room Features A narrow shaft descends from the room into the next dungeon level down, and a rattling noise can be faintly
heard near the west wall
Trap Falling Block Trap (4d6 damage)

Room #15 Room Features The room has a high domed ceiling, and sporadic knocking can be heard in the south side of the

Room #16 Room Features Someone has scrawled "This paladin is dead" on the west wall, and the south and west walls are covered with
goblin graffiti
Room #17 Room Features Part of the north wall has collapsed into the room, and a sundered axe lies in the west side of the room
Monster 3 x NPC and 6 x Henchmen

Orcow: Female Human, 1st-level Cleric, LN. Orcow has a narrow face, with short white hair and narrow brown
eyes. She wears chain mail and wields a mace. Orcow compulsively plays with a gold coin.
Andrew Wyson: Male Human, 1st-level Cleric, CN. Andrew is rugged in appearance, with black hair and blue
eyes. He wears chain mail and wields a quarterstaff. Andrew is conceited and daring.
Hilda: Female Human, 1st-level Magic-User, N. Hilda has a round face, with tangled blonde hair and grey eyes.
She wears expensive clothing and wields a dagger and darts. Hilda is colorblind.

Room #18 Room Features Someone has scrawled "Has anyone seen my invisible cloak?" on the north wall, and numerous humanoid
skulls are scattered throughout the room

Room #19 Room Features A tapestry of geometric patterns hangs from the south wall, and a stone dais and throne sits in the center of the

Monster 7 x Kobold

Treasure: 1000 sp, 100 pp

Room #20 Room Features A magical mirror on the north wall answers questions with lies and falsehoods, and the scent of ozone fills the
east side of the room

Monster 4 x Badger

Treasure: 1000 cp, 750 ep

Room #21 Room Features A set of demonic war masks hangs on the north wall, and a rusted breastplate lies in the east side of the

Room #22 Room Features A stair ascends to a balcony hanging from the south wall, and someone has scrawled "Explosive runes" in
draconic script on the west wall

Room #23 Room Features A sloped pit lined with iron spikes lies in the north-west corner of the room, and a toppled statue lies in the
north-east corner of the room

Room #24 Room Features A ruined siege weapon sits in the north-west corner of the room, and someone has scrawled "six, six, ten, one,
nine" on the south wall

Trap Pit Trap (30', 3d6 damage)

Room #25 Room Features Screaming can be heard in the north-east corner of the room, and a shattered sword lies in the south-east
corner of the room
Monster 4 x NPC and 5 x Henchmen

Pharry Bery: Male Human, 1st-level Magic-User, NG. Pharry has black hair and hazel eyes, and small ears. He
wears sturdy clothing and wields a quarterstaff and darts. Pharry is witty and jealous.
Rarder: Male Human, 1st-level Cleric, NG. Rarder has thin copper hair and brown eyes, and a beaked nose. He
wears scale mail and wields a club. Rarder is inventive and covetous.
Sabeatr Cotte: Female Human, 1st-level Magic-User, LG. Sabeatr is willowy, with long blonde hair and hazel
eyes. She wears expensive clothing and wields a dagger and darts. Sabeatr is obsessive but charming.
Wealhburh: Female Human, 1st-level Fighter, NG. Wealhburh is short, with thin brown hair and blue eyes. She
wears chain mail and wields a long sword. Wealhburh lost her shadow to a nymph.

Room #26 Room Features A stream of blood flows along a channel in the floor, and someone has scrawled an incomplete drawing of a
dragon on the south wall

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