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Annotated Bibliography III

Joy Obert

Jeni Tetamore

English 102-2201

Annotated Bibliography II

Deer vs. Crossbow. Texas Fish & Game, [s. l.], v. 36, n. 6, p. 8–11, 2019.


The source comes from a hunting and fishing magazine, but has no specified author.

Since the magazine has Texas in the name, some information may not be applicable to

other parts of the U.S. or the world. However, the article gives overall good information

on crossbows and hunting. Since I want to compare different kinds of bows, I tried to find

sources that gave details about each kind. This source, although not the most credible,

provides a good overview of hunting with a crossbow and the key vocabulary. It’s written

in a way for beginners to understand and is organized to help the reader know what

they’re looking at. This source is a good option for giving tips on crossbow hunting.

Rmef. (2020). Six steps to improve bow accuracy. Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.

This article was published by the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation, which specializes in

hunting. The information is clearly organized and easy to understand. It’s detailed but the

overall points can still be retained. However, this article has no stated author. The source

is credible in terms of topic relevancy, but it’s hard to tell if the information is from a

credible author. Overall, this source is useful in terms of the information and details, but

isn’t the most credible source. It covers the main points of improving bowhunting

accuracy and talks more about each point.


Robinson, A. (2015). Dialed in. Outdoor Life, 222(7), 37–41.


This source comes from the Red Rocks Library page and was published by Outdoor Life.

It has stated authors and was written by a source that covers many outdoorsy topics. The

information in the article itself covers drills a person could do if they were preparing to

bowhunt. Although it’s a very specific set of information, it’s helpful for what I want to

do with my end piece. The only problem with the article is it has vocabulary that people

new to bowhunting wouldn’t understand. I think it would be useful for the source to have

a glossary or somewhere beginners can start understanding terminology. Overall, it’s a

very good source for what I want to use it for.

Ruch, S., & Henke, K. (2020). Learning during sleep: A dream comes true? Trends in Cognitive

Sciences, 24(3), 170–172.


The topics of this article mainly focus on learning during sleep, rather than how dreams

can play into that. It covers how the brain can process and store information, as well as

develop skills, during REM and NREM sleep. It had a glossary for not commonly known

vocabulary in the article, which was useful in understanding the ideas throughout the

whole piece. Though it was a shorter article, it incorporated many experimental studies

and scientific evidence. Additionally, the source is peer reviewed and recently published,

which gives it stronger credibility. This article would be used for evidence for very

specific details on how the brain processes memories, but not for supporting the overall

ideas of my research.

Säljö, R. (1979). Learning about learning. Higher Education, 8(4), 443–451.

This article is written by Roger Säljö for the Higher Education journal, which focuses on

educational developments. It’s published by Springer, a leading scientific publishing

company, so the source itself is credible. However, it was published in 1979, making it

not as relevant to the time. The article as a whole describes how different approaches to

learning impact how well one can retain information. It provides an explanation of

various scientific studies and how they relate to the overall claim of the piece. This

source seems appropriate for the general topic of learning and goes into depth on how

different approaches vary learning ability. The article could be used in supporting my

claims and for giving specific research on topics related to them.

Sarah Maguire. (2020). Is it possible to learn anything? The Lighthouse.



Addressing the question I’m researching, this source is very relevant to my topic and

overall project. It’s an article published by Macquarie University, which is a credible

source. Additionally, the article was written in 2020, which makes it more recent and

reliable for the time. The piece itself covers the topic of the possibilities of being able to

learn anything. The main claim was people are able to learn and practice anything, within

reason, but certain genetic factors give people with them advantages. My main claim is

similar to this, which is important to back up with sources like this. However, a downside

is this article doesn’t include any specific scientific studies. Overall, I would use this

source for general knowledge about my claim, but not for backing it up with research.

Zadra, A., & Stickgold, R. (2021). Theater of the mind. Psychology Today, 54(1), 34–62.

This article is relevant to the topic of dreams in general, but doesn’t go into specifics of

any part of it. It briefly explains the function of dreams, how they’re related to memory,

and common themes found in them. Written by Psychology Today in 2021, it’s not the

most academic source, however, does closely follow one topic throughout. It presents the

content in fairly simple terms, which helps to not clutter the overall ideas of the piece.

This article can be used as a helpful starting point for further research, but might not be

the best resource for finding specific information.


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