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Preparing a Curriculum Vitae

The one cardinal rule to remember is: There is no right way to prepare a CV. Your CV is a marketing tool. It must be informative, convey the maximum amount of relevant information through a minimum of words, and make a positive impression. It is your uniqueness that will land you a job, but this has to be effectively communicated. As your CV is only a potential foot-in-the-door, what you say needs to be supported in face, & well presented in person. Remember the phrase CRISP Clear, Relevant, Informative, Seductive, Precise. Important points to note: A well presented CV with a professional appearance will persuade an employer to read further after the initial scan. Arrange the information under appropriate headings. Use bullets points, bolding, italics and white space to make it eye catching and easily read. Ensure your layout is neat, tidy and consistent throughout your CV. Always type/word process your CV unless the employer requires it to be handwritten. Always include a Cover Letter with your CV. Use clear, correct language without spelling mistakes. Avoid jargon and abbreviations unless you are talking about Computer programmes for example. Avoid using first person pronouns I and We. Avoid words which suggest doubt I believe I have.. I hope Keep your CV concise. It should be 2 - 4 pages in length and include all relevant material without going into too much detail. Target your CV to requirements of the prospective position. Make your most important information easy to find - near the beginning of the CV or on the first line of paragraphs. Be positive. Present yourself in the best possible way and make the most of your strengths. Be honest and accurate about your experience and abilities. A bound CV is not necessary. Most employers prefer a CV to be stapled in the top left-hand corner. White or off white paper of good quality is recommended. Dont include a photograph unless asked to. Dont leave it until the last minute, a good CV takes time to get right. Have the Career & Graduate Recruitment Service check your CV before submitting it. Don't forget keep a copy of all letters and CVs sent to employers. Proofread, proofread, proofread!!

Massey University Career & Graduate Recruitment Service Level 2, Registry

Preparing a Curriculum Vitae

What needs to be in my CV?


CONTACT DETAILS Small font, discreet, avoid unnecessary details such as date of birth (unless asked for) QUALIFICATIONS/EDUCATION List most recent first Attach an Academic Transcript Include your highest school qualification but no need to include school subject and grades (unless asked for them) SKILLS SECTION Looks really good on the first page Pick out the most relevant aspects of the job and give examples of the skills you posses which meet the employer criteria Use action verbs Highlight your dissertation or thesis Include your community or voluntary work as well as study and paid work for evidence WORK EXPERIENCE/EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Indicate where, full or part-time, temporary or permanent positions Show employers name, location, dates you were employed, your position title Include details of relevant duties and responsibilities INTERESTS/ACTIVITIES Provide some details so the reader can find out a bit more about you as a person. Limit interests/activities to recent/current ones. REFEREES One academic and one from a work capacity is ideal.

CAREER OBJECTIVE Useful if your degree does not naturally indicate the job or field you are applying for. A short statement about where you see your future career-wise, your goals and objectives This shows you have put some thought into what you want do, where you want to be and that you have some direction Should be at the beginning to focus the CV and capture the attention WRTING YOUR ACADEMIC RECORD Start with the most recent year Name papers in full leave off codes and semesters List by grads or alphabetically PROFILE/GIHTLIGHTS/PERSONAL STATEMENT Provides a snapshot of you before you follow with the skills sections to give evidence PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES Use quotes sparingly from written references to provide evidence of personal qualities. ACHEIVEMENTS/AWARDS Can convey more about you as a person so useful to include after work experience. However, for companies with prize academic excellence, include your prizes, scholarships and awards. Put on first page if they are impressive. TRAINING/PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Include short courses and skills development. Put after work experience section PUBLICATIONS/CONFERENCES Essential for academic positions

Massey University Career & Graduate Recruitment Service Level 2, Registry

Preparing a Curriculum Vitae

Adapted from CV Information University of Otago Careers Advisory Service.

IMPORTANT! Adapt this draft to suit your background and the type of work you are applying for. Visit your Careers Office for CV assistance and proofing BEFORE you submit it.

NAME Address Phone Numbers Email

CAREER OBJECTIVE (1 or 2 sentences describing the type of work you are seeking) EDUCATION Years Institute Qualification (Major)
Only include Tertiary & Secondary Education. In reverse chronological order. Do not include any grades in this section. Attach an academic record to the back of your CV.

For example Massey University Palmerston North Bachelor of Business Studies (Marketing) 2000 Palmerston North Girls High School B Bursary


SKILLS AND ATTRIBUTES (Use this section to show that you have the skills the employer is looking for. Highlight what they are asking for in the job ad/description) For Example Strong communication skills - Demonstrated communication skills through being a member of the Massey University Toastmasters club. - Presented seminars on marketing and business management as part of degree. Computer literacy - Proficient in Microsoft Office 2000. A quick learner of new software applications. Some data entry experience. Completed a course at university in database management.

Massey University Career & Graduate Recruitment Service Level 2, Registry

Preparing a Curriculum Vitae

Marketing - Developed a sales training program for a telemarketing company that was used as part of their induction programme to new employees. - Completed courses in applied market research, marketing policy and consumer behaviour as part of Bachelor of Business Studies. Worked as a market researcher on a part-time basis for Now Research. Able to work independently or as part of a team - While employed at Now Research, I worked unsupervised most of the day and was able to manage my own time and meet set targets. - Through my involvement with volleyball I have learnt to work as part of a team. My club team made it to the finals two years running. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY From To Place of Employment Describe your position (Describe your role and responsibility)

In reverse chronological order. Use sub-headings to show industry experience or volunteer work for example.


Achievements(Describe your skills developed)

Other headings you could use to give a clear picture of yourself: SCHOLARSHIPS AND AWARDS Year ReceivedTitle of Scholarship/Award PROJECT EXPERIENCE Year Title of Project Brief Description INTERESTS (Provide a brief description of any NOTABLE hobbies or interests. Show any positions of responsibility and achievements) For example 2005 Massey University Womens Soccer Team (Captain and first in our grade)

REFEREES List name and ALL contact information

Try to include at least one employment and one academic referee not character Employers do not like written references as a rule but if asked you must

Massey University Career & Graduate Recruitment Service Level 2, Registry

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