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“Sometimes I think: and sometimes I am” - Variation of a theme by Descartes, said by Paul


This quote is not so much an inspirational one, but more of a vague statement that just speaks

to me. I am someone who struggles with embracing the impermanence of life, whether it be

changes in myself or the things around me. The word sometimes is a concept that brings me

comfort because it reminds me that I can be whatever I want whenever I want and I am still Lila.

It gives me a refreshing outlook on life and reinforces that I am a changing person and that this

is exactly how I’m “supposed to be”.

Hello Garza, my name is Lila and I’m graduating today. I’ve been looking forward to this for a

long time, and it’s genuinely funny to look back on when I started high school and pictured

graduating with a class of 700 other students. My personality is hard to describe, you kind of

have to just know me. I’m quiet and very often tired. I’m artistic: I like to paint, sew, and draw.

More than anything else I love my plants, I have 48 in my room. The first thing I noticed at

Garza were the potted plants in the main hallway, they kind of verified to me that this school

operated differently than the other ones that I’d been to.

The path that brought me here was definitely bumpy considering that I switched schools three

times, but in retrospect I wish I had dedicated less energy to trying to go somewhere else and

just embraced my time at those schools a little more, it definitely would have made those

experiences better.

As far as the future goes I’m attending Texas State in the fall where I'll be studying horticulture. I

am nervous to say the least, but trying to anticipate it with excitement. In 5 years I hope to have

a better understanding of myself.

Time here has made me realize that there's a better way to teach kids, methods that

made me actually want to come to school and learn. Not to mention that I met some of the most

inspiring and dedicated teachers of my life here, Ms. Mcginty and Ms. Mason require a special

shout out. Although things are gonna be very different in a few months and I’m sure that I’ll be
very different too, I’m glad I was able to spend my senior year here and slow down a little bit.

Sometimes I think: and sometimes I am. Thank you.

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