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Hi I’m kayesha Claire yuson and in this video is my advocacy about the stand of the church and school in

the issue of abortion in the Philippines.

What is abortion? It is an case of direct killing of an innocent human being. It is to end a early pregnancy
an intentional termination of a pregnancy after conception. To uncarry a baby because of a unwanted
pregnancy. Abortion is something that we shouldn’t normalize and legalized because even if it is still a
fetus it’s not right to abort a baby in mother’s womb before it is viable. Abortion for no reason is a

Abortion is done by a obstetrician or a midwife. In Reproductive health law and policy, The Penal Code
renders abortion a criminal offense, punishable by up to six years in prison for doctors and midwives
who perform the procedure and by 2–6 years in prison for women who undergo the procedure.
Abortion in the Philippines remains illegal under all circumstances and is highly stigmatized. And it is
right to still illegalized abortion in this country because many teenage girls are still wanting to abort their
babies in todays society.

I as a Christian, do not support this idea. Catholic Churches are opposed in abortion because it is a grave
moral and social wrong. Abortion is not common for us women to do but some will still say that unborn
human beings are not fully a person this people couldn’t see or don’t know that life begins at
conception. The catholic church has a pro life position and the bible says that thou shall not kill innocent
human beings The taking of human life is contrary to the law of God. The state should also listen to what
the church is saying this two could not always be the same but balanced like The 1987 Constitution in
Article II Section 12 states, as a matter of national principle and State policy, that the State "shall equally
protect the life of the mother and the life of the unborn from conception."

Now in school, we are taught that us youth teenagers should not have sexual intercourse if we aren’t yet
ready for the consequences we can possibly face for tomorrow. We are taught about responsible
parenthood, early pregnancy, safe sex, and more. School is teaching the students this kind of lessons for
them to realize and know that family planning is very important specially if you’re still too young to be a

In today’s society many are really wanting to abort their unplanned or unwanted pregnancy. Other girls
wanting this idea because of some reason they wouldn’t want to talk about like for example they were
raped and it caused them trauma, teenage pregnancy and not able to raise a child and in this situations
they think abortion can be considered but it is not the solution. Aborting the child just because others
do it doesn’t mean it’s right. If you are still not ready for the consequences then better yet to practice
safe sex with your partner.

For me, I am between pro life and pro choice. Pro life because I am a Christian and I truly genuinely
believed that everyone’s life is a gift of God and it is very sacred. But also being a pro choice does not
mean that I agree with abortion I am just respecting a women’s right and decision I can’t just put my
religious values to anyone else and tell her you’re wrong for that. After all they can only be the one
knows what’s the best for them.
So I want to encourage ladies who are pregnant right now and still being confused, please keep your
baby they can be the greatest gift you could ever had. Always remember that you don’t stand for others
you stand for yourself make your decisions rightful and kind. Thank you.

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