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Competency Mapping Final Phase

S. No. 1 2 3 4 Name Of Student Sunny Sukrita Shirshendu Sasi Bhushan Roll No. 191179 191178 191113 191154 E-Mail

SUBMITTED TO: Dr. Prachi Bhatt


B-18 ,Qutab Institutional Area, New Delhi

Competencies for Sales Executives

1. Communication
I. Active Listening Definition Active listening denotes the willingness and ability to listen actively to what the interactional partner is saying, to check whether a message has been understood correctly, to check whether one understands the others messages correctly, and to clarify meaning where required. Relevance This competency helps sales executive to talk to subscribers and understand their needs so that they can improve the content of magazines by giving feedback to editorial department. Also this competency helps to gain more advertisers for the magazines and understand what and how they want to place their advertisements in magazines. Levels Level 1 Repeating the message using exactly the same words used by the advertiser or subscriber Remembers what is told to him/her At this level person perceive then pay attention to what advertiser or subscriber is saying. Level 2 Rendering the message using similar words and similar phrase arrangements to the ones used by the speaker. At this level Correspondent not only perceive, pay attention and remember but also think about what they have said. Reasoning the advertiser or subscriber on his/her needs and expectations. Level 3 Not only listening to advertiser or subscriber but also giving your inputs so that that conversation has some fruitful results for both parties.


Presentation Skills Definition Expressing oneself clearly in conversations and interactions with others. Relevance The sales executive have to prepare and deliver sales presentations to new and existing customers to sell new advertising programs, and to protect and increase existing advertising. That is why it is very important for the sales executive. Levels Level 1 Speaks clearly and can be easily understood Use appropriate grammar and choice of words in oral speech Level2: Expresses ideas concisely Tailors the content of speech to the level and experience of the customer.

Level3: Summarizes or paraphrases his/her understanding of what others have said to verify understanding and prevent miscommunication


Persuasion Skills

Definition The ability to plan and deliver oral and written communications that are impactful and persuasive with their intended audiences.


The sales executive has to attend various meetings and also have interact with different customers for taking advertising for the magazine. He has to be good in negotiation and also be able to persuade customers for big advertising projects.

Levels Level 1 Identifies and presents information or data that will have a strong effect on others Level 2 Selects stories, analogies, or examples to illustrate a point Level 3 Presents several different arguments in support of a position Creates graphics, overheads, or slides that display information clearly and with high impact. Asking more questions and getting more information within allotted time of interview.

2. Planning and Organizing

I. Follows Up

Definition: To carry to completion; follow through on or to increase the effectiveness or enhance the success of by further action. Relevance:
As follow-up is vital in sales, great follow-up will give effective salespeople a huge advantage over less rigorous competitors. Follow-up Marketing will provide you the best ROI overall.

Level 1:
Break through all the clutter and get noticed Stop the feast or famine cycle Educate people

Level 2:

Make the necessary number of contacts

Keep your clients happy Stay top of mind

Level 3: Build relationships Build credibility and expert status Capability to up-sell and cross-sell


Failure Handling

Definition: When failure occurs, without losing confidence analyse the reasons for the failure and learn a lesson through that analysis and move forward towards success. Relevance : It is very important to handle failure for a sales executive. When he/she is unable to meet the targets or expectations, he need to go through what went wrong and why. With greater confidence and correcting his mistakes he need to achieve the success. Level 1: Dont lose confidence in case of a failure .

Level 2: Learning new things from the failure .

Level 3: Apply the learnings in future objectives.

3. Approach and Attitude

I. Result Orientation

Definition: Focusing on the desired end result of ones own or ones units work; setting challenging goals, focusing effort on the goals, and meeting or exceeding them. Relevance: Working hard with no output is of no use in todays fast competitive world. So sales executive has to show timely results. Levels Level1: Develops challenging but achievable goals Develops clear goals for meetings and project deadlines Level2: Maintains commitment to goals, in the face of obstacles and frustrations Finds or creates ways to measure performance against goals Level3: Exerts unusual effort over time, to achieve a goal Has a strong sense of urgency about solving problems and getting work done


Service and Customer Orientation Definition: Customer Orientation is the willingness and ability to give priority to customers, delivering high quality services which meet their needs.

Relevance: A good customer focus will not only alleviate the fears of customer but also create an atmosphere of eased target building. In the long term this would become an important element of the brand which the organization is striving to create. Levels Level1: Responds timely to all customer grievances Understand that each customer is different and cater to their needs accordingly Be empathetic toward the concerns of the customers

Level2: Knows how to tactfully decline an inappropriate customer request Lets customers know he/she is willing to work with them to meet their needs Presents a cheerful, positive manner with customers Level3: Notices and accurately interprets what others are feeling, based on their choice of words, tone of voice, expressions, and other nonverbal behavior .


Stretching Goals

Stretch goal is an objective that cannot be achieved by incremental or small improvements but require extending oneself to the limit to be actualized. it is a challenge that is significantly beyond the organization's current performance level. Relevance: Sales people need to stretch themselves. They shoul not be satisfied with they achieved and what they can do. The higher they aim, the more they are likely to achieve. They need to back up their stretch goals with ambitious self-development to ensure complete success. Levels 1: Achieving 100% what the person can do.

Level 2: Setting the goals just above the level that person can achieve.

Level 3: Stretching the goals for the best performance in the field and achieving it.

4. Reasoning
I. Negotiation Skills


Negotiation is any activity that influences another person. Negotiation skills is the ability of getting the best terms and resolving conflicts amicably, once the other side starts to act on their interest. Relevance: Negotiation skills are required to negotiate effective deals across a variety of contexts; including different industries, products and services. Negotiation, in a business context, can be used for selling, purchasing, staff (e.g. contracts), borrowing (e.g. loans) and transactions, along with anything else that you feel are applicable for your business. Level 1: Able to accurately negotiating the situation, but finally both parties compromising on some terms.

Level 2: Able to influence the other party and persuading them so that the result is on your side , but weakens the relationship.

Level 3: Able to discuss the problem well and building up a mutual benefit agreement so that both the parties win and strengthen the relationship .


Analytical (Critical thinking)

Definition: Approaching a problem by using a logical, systematic and sequential approach. Relevance: When a sales executive attend the cold calls or even go for key account managers, he/she has to be prepared and take care of each minute things. This competency is very important and has to be given due importance. Levels Level1: Makes a systematic comparison of two or more alternatives Notices discrepancies and inconsistencies in available information

Level2: Approaches a complex task or problem by breaking it down into its component parts and considering each part in detail Identifies a set of features, parameters or considerations to take into account, in analysing a situation or making a decision Level3: Weighs the costs, benefits, risks, and chances for success, in making a decision Identifies many possible causes for a problem Carefully weighs the priority of things to be done

5. Interpersonal
I. Establishing and Maintaining Relationships Definition: The ability to develop, maintain, and strengthen partnerships with others inside or outside the organization who can provide information, assistance and support. Relevance: Advertising organization works on contacts and relationships are key to business. Relationship with peers within department and with customer important ingredients to success. So developing constructive and cooperative working relationships with others, and maintaining them over time is important in this business. Levels Level1: Expresses gratitude and appreciation to others who have provided information, assistance or support Shows an interest in what others have to say; acknowledge their perspectives and ideas

Level2: Ask questions to identify shared interest, experiences or other common ground Take time to get to know co-workers, to build rapport and establish a common bond Recognized the business concerns and perspective of others

Level3: Tries to build relationships with people whose assistance, cooperation and support may be needed Provides assistance, information and support to others, to build a basis for future reciprocity


Team Work

Definition: As a team member, the ability and desire to work cooperatively with others on a team; as a team leader, interest, skill, and success in getting groups to learn to work together cooperatively Relevance: Working co-operatively together and communicating fully on new initiatives and priorities. This competency encourages smooth. Levels Level1: Listens and responds constructively to other team members ideas Offers support for others ideas and proposals Is open with other team members about his/her concerns Level2: Expresses disagreement constructively (e.g., by emphasizing points of agreement, suggesting alternatives that may be acceptable to the group) Reinforces team members for their contributions Level3: Gives honest and constructive feedback to other team members Provides assistance to others when they need it

Competencies for Job Editors

1. Planning and Organizing
I. Administrative Skills

Definition : Wide range of essential organizational and technical skills required for success in administration, such as communicating, computing, organizing, planning, scheduling, organizing, staffing, scheduling, and computer software skills. Relevance: In business we need to utilize every opportunity we come across with using the assets we have. These skills help increase productivity, reduce expenses related to service calls and tech-support calls, and improve communication within our company. Level 1: The ability to witness contracts, Basic understanding of office machinery, Bookkeeping skills.

Level 2: Level 3: Advanced communication skills Organizational skills Time management skills Multi-tasking skills. The ability to use all of the software used by the company Basic understanding of computer operation Maintenance and troubleshooting Basic understanding of business laws


Stick to Deadlines (Time Management) Definition A correspondent is able to manage his/her time well and is able to deliver his designated work on time thus stick to deadlines. Relevance When correspondent has this competency then he/she is able to submit their article/ work on time and therefore company is able to come out with their magazine on time. This builds good reputation of company among subscribers and readers which further enables company to get more advertisements for their magazine and more subscribers. Thus increase in revenues. Levels Level 1 Conducting interview in given time. Writing article before deadline. Finalising your topic before editor ask you to do that Level 2 Carefully weighs the priority of things to be done Arranging interview dates from the concerned people and not waiting till last minute Interviewing CEOs and other key people for magazine in time even when you have asked extra questions on the spot as the flow of interview was good Doing research on article to be written Level 3 Getting article reviewed by editor before the deadline and thus submitting corrected article on time. Asking more questions and getting more information within allotted time of interview.

2. Communication
I. Active Listening Definition Active listening denotes the willingness and ability to listen actively to what the interactional partner is saying, to check whether a message has been understood correctly,

to check whether one understands the others messages correctly, and to clarify meaning where required. Relevance This competency is required in correspondent job so that he/she is able to understand what interviewee is saying and write the message in the magazine with actual facts and right message. It is very important for this organisation as this organisation take many interviews of CEOs of different cloth manufacturing companies like Reliance, Raymond etc. Levels Level 1 Repeating the message using exactly the same words used by the speaker. At this level person perceive then pay attention to what speaker is saying. Remember what speaker/ interviewee has said. Level 2 Rendering the message using similar words and similar phrase arrangements to the ones used by the speaker. At this level Correspondent not only perceive, pay attention and remember but also think and reason the interviewee on this statement. Level 3 Reflecting i.e. at this level correspondent render the message using his/her own words and sentence structure.


Writing Skills Definition It is the ability to express ideas, thoughts and concepts clearly in writing using correct and appropriate grammar, organization and structure. Relevance This competency is very critical for this organisation as if correspondent is not able to write his/her article appropriately then it will have negative impact on both readers and advertisers. Readers will get any encouragement to buy the magazine and advertisers will feel discouraged to advertise in this magazine. Thus this organisation will incur huge losses and not only in financial terms but also it is possible other free lance correspondents will not write for this magazine and also talented correspondents leave this organisation.

Levels Level 1 Expressing ideas clearly and concisely in writing Organizes written ideas clearly and signals the organization to the reader (e.g., through an introductory paragraph or through use of headings Spells correctly Writes grammatically Uses punctuation correctly Level 2 Writes communications/ articles/ interviews to effectively reach an audience Uses an appropriate business writing style Tailors written communications to effectively reach an audience Level 3 Writes using concrete, specific language Uses graphics and other aids to clarify complex or technical information


Presentation Skills Definition Expressing yourself clearly in conversations and interactions with each other. It also means presenting an article in a magazine in structured and organized manner, with relevant facts and figures, so that readers are able to comprehend it easily. Relevance This competency encourages subscriber to read the article and thus benefit from it as article is very structured, organised and clear. This competency also correspondent asks relevant questions to the interviewee and as his/her interactions are very clear therefore interviewee is encouraged to talk and thus provide relevant information for the article.

Levels Level 1 Speaks and writes clearly that can be easily understood Uses appropriate grammar Expresses ideas concisely Maintains eye contact when speaking with others

Level 2 Using graphics and other visual and audio aids to present his/her point Uses appropriate choice of words while talking or writing Organizes ideas clearly while presenting Level 3 Understands how learners interact with the various presentation method Tailors the content of questions/speech/ article to the level and experience of the target audience

3. Approach and Attitude

I. Focused Definition The ability to ask questions to interviewee related to topic and also writing article related to subject therefore not digressing from the related topic. Relevance This competency builds a right approach to interview CEOs and other key players in the industry and an attitude to write article pertaining to given topic and relevant for readers and subscribers. Levels Level 1 Writes down the questions to be asked from interviewee before conducting interview and ask only those questions. Keep revising and re-reading his article to make sure he has not digressed from topic Level 2 Ask relevant questions during interview with questions which he/she has written down before hand while preparing to take interview. Making sure interviewee answers questions and does not indulge in circumlocution.

Level 3 Understand what interviewee is saying and whether it is relevant to his/her topic. If not then, politely and without offending interviewee, making him to come back to given subject. Using information, facts and figures, and references, to analyse what he/she has written in their article, related to given topic only.


Readership Orientation

Definition: . It is characteristic of social marketing concerned with making decisions with the audience's point of view rather than the planner's point of view. Relevance: It is very important to understand the needs of the audience and catering to those needs. Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Focus on ways to acquire new audience . Finding out what your audience expect from you and deliver it. Finding out the target audience .

4. Editorial Skills
I. Information Gathering (Accuracy in Information) Definition Identifying the information needed to clarify the situation, seeking the information from appropriate resources and using the skilful questioning to draw out the information when others are reluctant to disclose it. Relevance This competency is important for correspondent job as he/she should be able to get the relevant information required for their magazine. They should be able to extract

information from the most appropriate resources and even from those who are reluctant to share it. As this is B2B magazine so it wants its readers to get all relevant information before taking any decision about their business. Levels Level 1 Identify the relevant and useful resource from where he/she can extract information Able to extract information from resources Make interviewees comfortable so that they can share their information. Level 2 Check whether information is correct and there is no discrepancy Identifying multiple resources so that they can validate their previously gathered information Level 3 Able to identify other resources which can provide some more facts and figures so that article is more interesting and captivating Developing a rapport with interviewee with in short span of time. So that interviewee can share some confidential information which is relevant for the correspondent.


Investigative (Cross Checking)

Definition: To search out and examine the particulars of in an attempt to learn the facts about something hidden, unique, or complex, especially in an attempt to find a mistake, cause, or error. Level 1: Cross checking and finding all the grammar and content mistakes

Level 2: Perfect Proof reading Final draft checking

Level 3: Making the corrections in the final draft

Correcting the printing mistakes with 100% efficiency.


Working on details

Definition: It is a characteristic of considering all the facts and parameters before taking any action. Relevance: It is very important competency for an editor because, any decision taken based on inadequate information may lead to problems . So an editor need to work on all the details and cross check before Level 1: Level 2: Level 3: Capable of working on all the details in depth and verifying through cross checking . Ability to work on in-depth details. Ability to work on major details


Fashion Knowledge Definition This means that correspondent should have knowledge about the latest trends in the market and latest development in textile and fashion industry so that they are able to convey it to their readers. Relevance

This organization come out with magazines which talk about its latest fashion trends, happenings in textile industry, latest developments in technology pertaining to cloth industry and new discoveries of fibres and various new ways to develop fibre and yarn. The readers of these magazines are various huge buying houses like Arvind Mill, Wall Mart, Tommy Hilfiger etc. And advertisers are various textile manufactures like Reliance, Raymond etc. Therefore it is very important for correspondent to have relevant knowledge of fashion industry and he should have latest knowledge also. Levels Level 1 Possessing basic knowledge of latest trends of fashion Keep updating oneself about the latest happening in fashion industry Understands textile industry Level 2 Knows history of fashion industry Possess basic of value chain of fashion industry Possess basic knowledge of IT application in textile industry Level 3 Knows key people in fashion industry Understands completely the value chain of fashion industry Understands IT and can write about IT and fashion industry

5. Reasoning
I. Clarity in Thinking

Definition: A commitment to avoiding confusion and ambiguity in the expression of claims and argument, and the discussion and examination of ideas. Relevance: An editor should have clarity in his thinking so that he can successfully deliver whatever he intended to. His output should not be ambiguous and confuse the audience . Level 1: Able to avoid all the fears and constraints that may blur the thought process

Level 2: Able to resolve ambiguity and achieve clarity in his thoughts.

Level 3: II. Able to express the thoughts more clearly so that the audience receive the intended information without any confusion.

Analytical (Problem Solving)

Definition It is ability to understand a situation by breaking it into parts, studying a problem in a systematic way, identifying causal relationships, anticipating obstacles, considering several explanations / plans, making logical conclusions. Relevance This competency helps correspondent to solve problem in the most appropriate manner. He/she analyse the given information and check for various discrepancies and inconsistencies in the data before submitting their article for final printing or evaluation by their boss. Levels Level 1 Makes a systematic comparison of two or more alternatives Notices discrepancies and inconsistencies in available information

Level 2 Approaches a complex task or problem by breaking it down into its component parts and considering each part in detail Identifies a set of features, parameters or considerations to take into account, in analyzing a situation or making a decision Identifies many possible causes for a problem

Level 3 Weighs the costs, benefits, risks, and chances for success, in making a decision

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