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archetype Cards

Set 3

Thomas Shepherd (Order #39260580)

code of Honor (mAjor): You're true to your word. Always.
If you can put a saddle on it I reckon I can wrangle it. IllIterAte (mInor): You never had much use for readin' or
loyAl (mInor): You never let your friends down.

BeAst Bond: You can spend Bennies for your mount.
Agility d8 pAce 6 Born In tHe sAddle: You get a free reroll when making
SmArtS d6 pArry 5 Riding rolls, and increase your horse's Pace by 2 and
Spirit d6 toughneSS 7 running die by one die type.
Strength d8 BrAwny: Size +1, treat Strength as one die type higher for
Vigor d8 purposes of Encumbrance and Minimum Strength.
Chaps (Armor +1, legs, and +1 Riding versus Fatigue),
AthleticS d6 Colt Army (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+1, AP 1, RoF
com. Knowledge d4 1, Shots 6), .44 pistol ammo (×50), Winchester '73 (Range
Fighting d6 24/48/96, Damage 2d8-1, AP 2, RoF 1, Shots 15), .44–40
intimidAtion d6 rifle ammo (×50), knife (Str+d4), lariat, bedroll, rope (20
notice d6 yards), canteen, mess kit, trusty horse, $46.
perSuASion d4
riding d8
Shooting d8
SteAlth d6
SurViVAl d4

c AdvAnces: Riding d8 and Shooting d8, Vigor d8, Born in

the Saddle, Beast Bond.

BUFFALO HUNTER Heavy Sleeper (minor): –4 penalty to Vigor rolls made to
wake up or stay awake. And you snore, too!
I may be little but my gun ain't! An' don't give me no illiterate (minor): You never had much use for readin'
guff 'bout huntin' out the buffalo. They was gone long or writin'.
'afore I got here. I hunt rattlers and other big 'uns.
There's good money in that. lyin' eyeS (minor): It's hard to remember a bunch of
complicated lies, so you just don't tell 'em.
ATTRIBUTES Small (minor): You're a little gal with a big attitude—and
Agility d8 pAce 6 an even bigger gun! (Size –1)
SmArtS d6 pArry 5 EDGES
Spirit d6 toughneSS 4
Scout: You can read the land like the back of your hand. You
Strength d6
get a Notice roll at –2 to detect traveling encounters before
Vigor d6
they occur, ignore up to 2 points of penalties when tracking
with Survival, and +2 to Common Knowledge rolls to recall
SKILLS information about towns, outposts, landmarks, tribes, or
watering holes along routes you’ve traveled before.
AthleticS d6
com. Knowledge d4 Soldier: Treat Strength as one die type higher for purposes
Fighting d6 of Encumbrance and Minimum Strength; Reroll Vigor rolls
notice d6 when resisting environmental hazards.
perSuASion d4 trademark Weapon: +1 to Shooting rolls made with your
riding d4 trusty Sharps Big 50 rifle. That offsets the rifle's Minimum
Shooting d10 Strength penalty for your Strength.
SteAlth d6 WoodSman: You’re at home in the wilderness. Add +2 to
tAunt d4 Survival rolls and Stealth rolls made in the wild.
SurViVAl d8
Sharps Big 50 (Range 30/60/120, Damage 2d10, RoF 1, AP
2), knife (Str+d4), .50 ammo (×50), bedroll, pony, $62.
c advanceS: Survival d8, Woodsman, Shooting d10, Scout.

Thomas Shepherd (Order #39260580)

GUN FOR HIRE OvercOnfident (majOr): There are few challenges you
aren't up to.
Sure. This gun's for hire. But I control the gun. I
StubbOrn (minOr): Once you've made up your mind it's
guess you could say both ends are the business end.
hard to set a new course.
vengeful (minOr): You don't like being showed up or
ATTRIBUTES double-crossed.
Agility d8 pAce 6 Quick draw: Draw two cards when spending a Benny
SmArtS d6 pArry 5 for a new Action Card, and add +2 to Athletics rolls made
Spirit d6 toughneSS 6 to interrupt other's actions (or resist being interrupted
Strength d6 yourself). See Hold in Savage Worlds.
Vigor d8
nO mercy: Add +2 to damage rolls when spending a
SKILLS Benny to reroll Damage.
Quick: You may discard and redraw Action Cards of 5 or
AthleticS d6 lower.
com. Knowledge d6
Fighting d6
gAmbling d4 Colt Frontier (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+1, RoF 1,
intimidAtion d6 AP 1, Shots 6), .44–40 pistol ammo (×50), Winchester ’76
notice d6 (Range 24/48/96, Damage 2d8, AP 2, RoF 1, Shots 15), .45
perSuASion d4 ammo (×50), horse, Bowie knife (Str+d4+1), $48.
riding d6
Shooting d8
SteAlth d6
SurViVAl d6

c advanceS: Quick Draw, Common Knowledge d6 and

Stealth d6, Gambling d4 and Shooting d8, No Mercy.

RANCH HAND Doubting thomas (minor): Tinhorns get spooked easy.
You don't believe in all that supernatural mumbo-jumbo.
Ain't nothin' wrong with hard work. Plus, open sky, heroic (major): You try to take care of those who can't
good grub, and plenty o' varmints to tend to. What's take care of themselves.
to complain about?
Quirk (minor): You're happy all the time. That drives
everyone else nuts.
Agility d8 pAce 6 born in the saDDle: You get a free reroll when making
SmArtS d6 pArry 5 Riding rolls, and increase your horse's Pace by 2 and
Spirit d8 toughneSS 5 running die by one die type.
Strength d6
commanD: You keep your head when things get tough.
Vigor d6
Allies within 5" add +1 to recover from being Shaken or
SKILLS Stunned.
natural leaDer: Your Command applies to both Extras
AthleticS d6 and Wild Cards.
com. Knowledge d4 strong WilleD: +2 to resist Smarts or Spirit-based Tests.
Fighting d6
intimidAtion d6
notice d6 Colt Frontier (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+1, RoF 1, AP
perSuASion d4 1), .44-40 ammo (×100), knife (Str+d4), horse, $77.
riding d8
Shooting d6
SteAlth d6
SurViVAl d6

c aDvances: Intimidation d6 and Riding d8, Command,

Strong Willed, Natural Leader.

Thomas Shepherd (Order #39260580)

cAn't swim (minor): You and water don't mix. Subtract 2
You ask a lot of questions. when making Athletics (swimming) rolls.
Sure you wanna know the answers? Greedy (minor): You like shiny things.
wAnted (minor): You're wanted by the law for something
on the naughty side. There's an even chance a post office
ATTRIBUTES or marshal's office might have a poster with your name and
likeness on it. The current bounty on your head is $100.
Agility d8 pAce 6
SmArtS d6 pArry 4 EDGES
Spirit d6 toughneSS 5 dAnGer sense: You get a Notice roll at +2 to detect traps
Strength d6 and ambushes.
Vigor d6 thief: +1 Thievery, and Stealth or Athletics (climbing) rolls
in urban areas.
Quick: You may discard and redraw Action Cards of 5 or
AthleticS d6 lower.
com. Knowledge d6
Fighting d4
intimidAtion d8
notice d6 Winchester ’73 (Range 24/48/96, Damage 2d8–1, RoF 1,
perSuASion d4 AP 2), 2× Colt Frontiers (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+1,
riding d6 RoF 1, AP 1), .44-40 ammo (×100), bandolier, wanted poster
Shooting d8 with your name and likeness on it (kept hidden), $174.
SteAlth d6
SurViVAl d4
thieVery d8

c AdvAnces: Thief, Danger Sense, Intimidation d8, Thievery

d8 and Shooting d8.

ArrogAnt (mAjor): You're the best pistolero there is. Why
I have two pistolas, señor. But I only need one bullet hide it?
for the likes of you. enemy (minor): You don't have one enemy, you have many.
Other gunslingers who hear of your prowess frequently hunt
you down and challenge you to a duel.
ATTRIBUTES ruthless (minor): You're willing to push things a little
further than most to get what you want.
Agility d10 pAce 6
SmArtS d6 pArry 5 EDGES
Spirit d6 toughneSS 5 Ambidextrous: Ignore the usual –2 penalty when making
Strength d4 Trait rolls with the off-hand.
Vigor d6 duelist: You start a duel with two extra Hole Cards.
SKILLS menAcing: +2 to Intimidation rolls.
Quick drAw: You draw two cards when spending a
AthleticS d6 Benny for an additional Action Card at the beginning of a
com. Knowledge d4 round, and +2 to Athletics rolls to interrupt other's actions
Fighting d6 (including resisting being interrupted).
intimidAtion d6 two-gun kid: Make one extra Shooting roll with a second
notice d6 ranged weapon in the off-hand at no Multi-Action penalty.
perSuASion d4
riding d6 GEAR
Shooting d8 2× Colt Navy (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6, AP 1, RoF 1,
SteAlth d6 Shots 6), .36 ammo (×50), knife (Str+d4), horse, $76.
SurViVAl d4
tAunt d4

c AdvAnces: Riding d6 and Shooting d8, Duelist, Quick

Draw, Menacing.

Thomas Shepherd (Order #39260580)

Heroic (mAjor): You always help those in need.
I do indeed walk into the valley of the obese (minor): Size +1, Pace –1, running die d4. Treat
shadow of death, son. But I'm armed Strength as one die type lower for Minimum Strength.
and persnickety as Hell. vow (minor): Defend the defenseless and fight evil
wherever it rears its ugly head.
Agility d6 pAce 5 ArcAne bAckground (blessed): The Good Lord gave you
SmArtS d6 pArry 5 powers, which you cast using your Faith skill.
Spirit d8 toughneSS 7 cHArismAtic: People like you. You get a free reroll when
Strength d6 using Persuasion.
Vigor d8
guts: You rarely shrink back from the forces of darkness.
SKILLS You get a free reroll on Spirit rolls made to resist Fear.
AthleticS d4 Starr Revolver (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+1, AP 1, RoF
com. Knowledge d6 1, Shots 6), .44 ammo (×50), bedroll, bible, canteen, guitar,
FAith d8 horse, $75.
Fighting d6
heAling d6 POWERS
intimidAtion d6 Powers: Heal, holy symbol, numb*.
notice d6 Power Points: 15
perSuASion d8 bAcklAsH: Fatigue, all active powers terminate.
riding d4 sinnin’: If you commit a sin, you find your powers forsake you.
Shooting d6 The greater the sin, the worse the consequence (see Deadlands).
SteAlth d4
SurViVAl d4 *Numb is now part of the blessed's available powers. Check our website for errata.

c AdvAnces: Faith d8 and Persuasion d8, Com. Knowledge d6

and Healing d6, Charismatic, Guts.


Mean (Minor): You like to keep to yourself. Subtract 1
Put down that hogleg and we’ll settle this peaceful- from your Persuasion rolls.
like. Otherwise I’m gonna show you exactly how I Secret (Major): Some strange and terrible (or wondrous)
got this job. event occurred in your past. If folks find out about it,
it's likely to cause you no end of trouble. So you keep to
ATTRIBUTES yourself, hide your face, and stay out of the papers.
thin-Skinned (Minor): You don't like being the butt of
Agility d8 pAce 6 other's jokes. Subtract 2 when resisting Taunt attacks.
SmArtS d6 pArry 6
Spirit d6 toughneSS 6
Strength d6 EDGES
Vigor d8 alertneSS: You're always on the alert, especially after "the
incident." Add +2 to Notice rolls.
Fan the haMMer: You can fire all six shots from your
AthleticS d6 Peacemaker at once at a penalty of –4.
com. Knowledge d4 iron jaw: You're a hard soul to put down. Add +2 to Soak
Fighting d8 and Vigor rolls to avoid Knockout.
intimidAtion d8
notice d6
perSuASion d4 2× Colt Peacemaker (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6, AP 1,
riding d6 RoF 1, Shots 6), .45 ammo (×50), knife (Str+d4), bedroll,
Shooting d8 horse, $61.
SteAlth d6
SurViVAl d4

c advanceS: Intimidation d8, Fighting d8 and Shooting d8 ,

Iron Jaw, Fan the Hammer.

Thomas Shepherd (Order #39260580)

cursed (mAjor): At some point in the past you crossed paths
Say that again. with something bad, and the taint's still on you somehow.
The Marshal gets an extra Benny at the start of the session.
ImpulsIve (mAjor): Thinking is for eggheads.

BrAve: Not much scares you these days. Add +2 to Fear
Agility d8 pAce 6 tests.
SmArtS d6 pArry 6 duelIst: You start a duel with two extra Hole Cards.
Spirit d8 toughneSS 7 (2) rABBle-rouser: Once per turn, affect all foes in a Medium
Strength d6 Blast Template with Intimidate or Taunt Test.
Vigor d6
SKILLS Colt Frontier (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+1, RoF 1, AP
1, Shots 6), .44–40 ammo (×50), el cheapo light armored
AthleticS d6 duster (+2, –1 Persuasion) bedroll, canteen, el cheapo horse,
com. Knowledge d4 knife (Str+d4), $154.
Fighting d8
intimidAtion d8
notice d6
perSuASion d4
riding d6
Shooting d8
SteAlth d6
SurViVAl d6

c AdvAnces: Fighting d8 and Shooting d8, Duelist,

Intimidation d8 and Survival d6, Rabble-Rouser.

TenderfooT (mAjor): Increase any Wound penalty by one,
I'll have you know I'm very well-read on the subject. to a maximum of 3 as usual.
Trouble mAgneT (mAjor): You're usually the first to get
hit with "random" effects, and your Critical Failures go
particularly bad.
Agility d6 pAce 6 ArisTocrAT: +2 to Common Knowledge, and Networking
SmArtS d8 pArry 4 rolls among the upper class.
Spirit d8 toughneSS 4 HumiliATe: You get a free Reroll when making Taunt rolls.
Strength d4
Vigor d4 reliAble: You get a free Reroll when making Support rolls.
ricH: You start with $750 in traveling gear and still receive
SKILLS a salary or allowance of $450 per month (if you can arrange
to have it wired to you on the frontier).
AcAdemicS d6 reTorT: A raise when resisting Taunt or Intimidation makes
AthleticS d4 your foe Distracted.
com. Knowledge d4
Fighting d4 GEAR
heAling d6 Cane (Str+d4–1), Colt Thunderer (Range 12/24/48, Damage
notice d6 2d6, AP 1, Rof 1, Shots 6), .41 ammo (×200), quick draw
occult d4 holster, fancy suit, knife (Str+d4), bedroll, lantern and five
perSuASion d6 gallons of oil, matches, mess kit, rope (20 yards), tool kit,
repAir d4 gold watch, horse, $60.
Shooting d6 infernAl devices: Periscope hat (may peer over obstacles
SteAlth d4 at –2 to Notice), ×3 tactile desensitizer pills (ignore up to 2
tAunt d8 points of Wound penalties for 10 minutes)
trAde (BuSineSS) d4
c AdvAnces: Common Knowledge d6 and Shooting d6,
Repair d4 and Taunt d8, Humiliate, Reliable.

Thomas Shepherd (Order #39260580)

cursed (mAjor): You crossed paths with something bad in
I wasn't always a cook. the past and the taint is still on you. The Marshal gets one
extra Benny at the start of the session.
LoyAL (minor): You feed the crew. No matter what it takes.
Quirk (minor): You're always looking for new ingredients.
Agility d6 pAce 6 chAmpion: +2 damage against supernaturally evil creatures.
SmArtS d6 pArry 5 dAnger sense: You get a Notice roll at +2 to sense
Spirit d8 toughneSS 6 ambushes or other hidden dangers.
Strength d8
Vigor d8
guts: You get a free reroll when making Fear tests.
SKILLS Colt Army (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+1, AP 1, RoF
1, Shots 6), .44 ammo (×50), cleaver (Str+d4+1), cook set,
AthleticS d4 horse, $210.
com. Knowledge d4
Fighting d6
heAling d4
notice d6
occult d6
perSuASion d4
riding d4
Shooting d6
SteAlth d4
tAunt d4
thieVery d6
trAde (cooKing) d6
c AdvAnces: Fighting d6 and Shooting d6, Guts, Spirit d8,

Heroic (mAjor): You do what's right, no matter what.
Let's be honest. This wasn't an easy path. I had to vow (mAjor): You always get your man. Or woman. Or
overcome a lot to get here. Do you think I'm really varmint. Or whatever.
scared of a bunch of thugs like you?
ATTRIBUTES iron jAw: You can take a hit. Add +2 to Soak and Vigor
rolls to avoid Knockout.
Agility d8 pAce 6 rAnger Promotion (sergeAnt): You're now a Sergeant
SmArtS d6 pArry 6 in the Rangers. You get a Gatling shotgun, a raise in pay,
Spirit d6 toughneSS 8 (2) another Favor, and the ability to call on higher-level Favors
Strength d6 (see Deadlands).
Vigor d8 territoriAl rAnger: You're a ranger in one of the United
States Territories. You have the ability to call in Favors
SKILLS (see Deadlands). When you show your badge, you add +1
to Persuasion with law-abiding folks and +1 Intimidation
AthleticS d6 to outlaws. You also get the book Fugitives from Justice in
com. Knowledge d4 the US Territories (detailing the habits and haunts of known
Fighting d8 criminals throughout the West).
intimidAtion d6
notice d6 GEAR
perSuASion d4 Armored duster (+2), Gatling shotgun* (Range 12/24/48,
riding d8 Damage 1-3d6, RoF 2), shotgun ammo (×20), Colt Army
Shooting d8 (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+1, RoF 1, AP 1), Bowie
SteAlth d6 knife (Str+d4+1, AP 1), .41 ammo (×50), bedroll, canteen,
SurViVAl d6 horse, Ranger badge, Fugitives from Justice in the US
Territories, $85.
*–1 due to Min Str requirement, but +2 for shotgun.

c AdvAnces: Fighting d8 and Shooting d8, Riding d8 and

Survival d6, Iron Jaw, Ranger Promotion (Sergeant).

Thomas Shepherd (Order #39260580)

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