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Week No. Lecture No.

Topic Chapters/ Sections of Textbook/ other reference1 Homewor k to be assigned to students3 Pedagogical tool Demonstratio n/case study/ images/ animations etc.planned4 Pedagogical tool Demonstratio n/ case study/ images/ animations etc.actually used Date Delivered2 (Mention Regular (R) /Make Up (M) class) Part 1 (one fourth of total number of lectures) 1 Introduction to electrical machines: Principle of electromagnetic induction Chapter 6: Sec 6.1-6.11 2 Transformer Working principle Sec35.135.4,35.15,3 5.16, 35.21 3 Transformer :losses and efficiency Chapter 35: Sec35.135.4,35.15,3 5.16, 35.21 Transformer Hardware Demo 4 Principle and

operation of AC rotating machines Sec:36.12,37.1-37.4 5 Principle and operation of AC rotating machines: Induction motor Sec:39.139.6 6 Principle and operation of AC rotating machines: synchronous motor Sec:39.139.6 7 Principle and operation of DC rotating machines Sec:41.1 DC generator video demo 8 Principle and operation of DC Sec 42.142.6 rotating machines: DC shunt and DC series motor 9 Principle and operation of DC rotating machines: DC shunt and DC series motor Sec 42.142.6 10 Preview of electrical communication systems: BOOK2:Se c11.1,11.2 Term paper allotment Induction motor video demo 11 Household and industry wiring, system of wiring BOOK2:Se c11.2 12 Household and industry wiring, system of wiring BOOK2:Se

c11.2 13 Control circuit for domestic installation Book2: Sec 11.4-11..5 14 Accessories of electrical installation BOOK2:11. 3-11.5 Induction motor drives video demo Part 2 (another one fourth of total number of lectures) 15 Acessories of electrical installation BOOK2:11. 3-11.5 16 Domestic wiring installation BOOK2:11. 3-11.5 17 Earthing: Necessity of neutral earthing Book2:11.9 18 Earthing types and installation Book2:11.8, 919 Introduction to digital electronics B1:Sec27.1, 27.2 20 Number Systems Chap.Sec26 .1-26.14 21 Number Systems: different conversions Chap.Sec26 .1-26.14 HW-2 22 Logic circuit design and realization Sec:27.327.12 Logic OR gates demo 23 Logic circuit design and realization Sec:27.327.12 24 K- Map for solving combinational logic Sec:27.13 25 Half , Full adder circuits Sec:27.15,2 7.16

26 Half and full subtractor circuits Sec:27.17,2 7.18 27 Combinational and sequential circuits(flip flops,JK,SR) BOOK3:32. 8-32.11 28 Combinational and sequential circuits(flip flops,D,T) BOOK3:32. 8-32.11 MID TERM EXAM Part 3 (another one fourth of total number of lectures) 29 Modulation and its type BOOK3 : 18.1-18.6 AM modulation video demo 30 Demodulation and its type BOOK3 : 18.1-18.6 31 Linear and digital IC Sec:24.2 32 Types of IC BOOK3: 24.133 OP-amp parameter and characteristics BOOK3 : 32.1-32.11 34 OP-amp parameter and characteristics BOOK1:Se c 24.3 FM Modulation Demo 35 Inverting operation of amplifier Sec:24.4 36 Inverting operation of amplifier Sec:24.4 HW-3 37 Non Inverting operation of amplifier Book1: Sec 24.6 38 Non Inverting operation of

amplifier Book1: Sec 24.6 39 Summing and differentor amplifier Book3:Sec: 32.11-32.18 40 Summing and differentor amplifier Book3:Sec: 32.11-32.18 Part 4 (another one fourth of total number of lectures) 41 Linear application including the use of op- amp in analog computer BOOK3: 25.7,25.8 Term paper review Electrical principle and technology demo 42 Linear application including the use of op- amp of active filter Sec: 25.9 43 Linear application including the use of op- amp of active filter Sec: 25.944 DC voltmeter B1: Sec:46.1,46. 2 45 AC voltmeter B1: Sec:46.1,46. 2 46 CRO block diagram B1: Sec:46.7,46. 8 HW-4 Logic gate video demo 47 Cathode ray tube different parts Sec:46.9 48 Regulated power supply B3:Sec:7.7 49 Regulated power supply B3:Sec:7.7

50 Switching mode power supply B3:Sec26.7 Binary adder video demo 51 Function generator :principle and operation B3: Sec 26.9 52 Function generator :principle and operation B3: Sec 26.9 Additional material for spill over (for at least 2XL lectures) Notes: 1. Use S. No. Of the readings above 2. To be filled in on the date of delivery of lecture by the instructor 3. Put homework number from Homework Table (below) against the lecture in which planned to be assigned (by co-coordinator). The first homework should be planned for the 2nd week of classes and the last should be assigned at least two weeks before the last day of classes. 4. Do not write Lecture, OHP, LCD projector etc. 5. DoA: Date of Allotment; DoS: Date of Submission Details of Homework and Case Studies Planned: Homework No. Topics of the homework Nature of Homework (Group/individual/fieldwork) Actual DoA Actual DoS Actual date of task evaluation 1. E.M.I and Transformer Individual 2. AC and DC Machines Individual 3. Binary number system and modulation Individual 4. Operational amplifier ,Electronics measuring inst. Individual Term paper to be allotted by lecture no. : 20 Due date of term paper: 4th Dec Scheme for CA: (out of 100) Component Frequency Marks out of 100 Homework based tests/quizzes (3 best out of 4) HW : 5 & Test: 10 4 45 Term paper 1 25 Lab Assessment 6 30 TOTAL 100List of suggested topics for term paper [at least 15] (Student to spend about 15 hrs on any one specified homework) S.No. Topic 1 Different Phenomenon involved in EMI 2 Applications DC series motor 3 Application of DC shunt motors 4 Comparison between AM,PM and FM

5 Magnetohydrogenerator (MHD) 6 Power and distribution transformer 7 Cooling method of the transformer 8 Different type of wiring installation 9 Comparison between Linear and digital IC 10 Advantages and application of number system 11 Difference between Induction and synchronous motor 12 Function of CRO, Function generator 13 Inverting mode of op-amplifiers 14 Non- inverting mode of op-amplifiers 15 AC and DC characteristic of op-amplifier Instruction plan for Lab component List of experiments (Should plan for 11 weeks of laboratory, 6 before MTE, 5 after) Expt No. Title Equipment used Reference of Lab Manual 1 Two way control of stair case light Switches 2,connecting wire and power supply REF.1 2 Verification of truth table of basic logic gates IC-7408,7432,7404,Digital trainer kit, connecting wires REF.2 3 Inverting and non inverting amplifier using IC 741 IC741,Resistor,CRO,bread board,power supply, connecting wires REF.3 4 Counter design using flip flops Digital trainer kit, bread board ,power supply REF.4MID TERM EXAM 5 Use of CRO, Function generator and power supply CRO, Power supply, Function generator REF.5 6 To verify the truth table of MUX and DEMUX. IC74153,IC74139,Digital trainer kit REF.6 7 Active low pass filter design using OP-AMPS Operational amplifier LM348,Resistor, capacitor ,breadboard ,Power supply REF.7 Plan of Experiments: Fill exp number to be performed by each group on each lab turn La b. Dat e Grou p1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8 Group 9 Group 10

1 EXP 1 EXP2 EXP5 EXP6 EXP 1 EXP2 EXP5 EXP6 EXP 1 EXP2 2 EXP2 EXP5 EXP6 EXP 1 EXP 2 EXP5 EXP6 EXP 1 EXP 2 EXP5 3 EXP5 EXP6 EXP 1 EXP2 EXP 5 EXP6 EXP 1 EXP2 EXP 5 EXP 6 4 EXP6 EXP 1 EXP2 EXP 5 EXP 6 EXP 1 EXP2 EXP 5 EXP 6 EXP 1 5 EXP1 EXP2 EXP5 EXP6 EXP1 EXP2 EXP5 EXP6 EXP1 EXP2 6 EXP2 EXP5 EXP6 EXP1 EXP2 EXP5 EXP6 EXP1 EXP2 EXP5 7 EXP3 EXP7 EXP4 EXP3 EXP7 EXP4 EXP3 EXP7 EXP4 EXP3 8 EXP4 EXP3 EXP7 EXP4 EXP3 EXP7 EXP4 EXP3 EXP7 EXP4 9 EXP7 EXP4 EXP3 EXP7 EXP4 EXP3 EXP7 EXP4 EXP3 EXP7 10 EXP3 EXP7 EXP4 EXP3 EXP7 EXP4 EXP3 EXP7 EXP4 EXP3 11 EXP4 EXP3 EXP7 EXP4 EXP3 EXP7 EXP4 EXP3 EXP7 EXP4Plan for Tutorials : (Plan for 7 x T before MTE , 6 x T after MTE) S.No Topic (s) Type of pedagogical tool(s) planned (case analysis, problem solving, test, role play, business game etc) Pedagogical tool actually used mention the title. (case analysis, problem solving, test, role play, business game) Date held for group A. Date held for group B 1 Electromagnetic induction 2 Transformer :emf based numerical problems 3 Transformer : losses and efficiency numericals 4 DC motor and generator numerical problems 5 Synchronous motor numerical problem 6 Induction motor numerical problem 7 Number system (binary) MTE EXAMS8 Problems related to combinational and sequential circuits 9 Modulation and demodulation problem 10 OP-AMP. Parameter and char. Problem 11 OP-AMP. Parameter and char. Problem 12 Discussion regarding CRO,FG and Power supply 13 Revision ____ Prepared by (Instruction Planner: Name, signature & date)

Comments of Coordinator of Specialisation (COS) wherever this designation exists/ CoD-F (if any) Signature and Date Comments of HoD-F / HOF (if there is no HOD-F) Signature and DateHW-1

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