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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title:
Shapes and Colors
Students will be able to tell what a shape is by hearing the name.
Students will be able to identify if what of the same shape is a certain color.
Students will be able to sort the shapes by shape and by color.
State Standards:

Identify and describe a given shape and shapes of objects in everyday situations to
include two-dimensional shapes (i.e., triangle, square, rectangle, hexagon, and circle) and
three-dimensional shapes (i.e., cone, cube, cylinder, and sphere).

Classify shapes as two-dimensional/flat or three-dimensional/solid and explain the

reasoning used.

Analyze and compare two- and three-dimensional shapes of different sizes and
orientations using informal language.

Context: I am teaching this lesson to help students identify shapes inside and outside of the
classroom. I am also helping my students trying to think of two things at once when I add the
different colors to the shapes.
Data: The Friday before I give this lesson, I will test the kids independently on shapes and
colors and correlating them. Through this I will match students with similar scores that way the
students who need the most help is together and the students who need the least amount of help
are together.
Materials: They are going to use their classroom iPad in one group along with scissors and a
glue stick in the second group and the third group they are going to need crayons

Detailed paragraphs from here on down.

Introduction (10 minutes): During my introduction I am going to have them watch a
video about shapes ( This video is going to help the students
get engaged in learning the shapes. It is also going to help them to connect how to make certain
shapes compared to others. It helps them understand the difference between similar shapes. After
we watch this video, I will explain what we are going to do in terms of groups and activities.

Teacher Directed (5): During this time, I am going to see how much information my
students retained from the video. Each of my students having their white boards and markers. I
will call out a shape and they must draw it on their whiteboard without letting others see. When I
see everyone is done drawing, I will tell them to hold it up. This will let me get a mental note of
who is where. It will also let me know who can hear the word and draw the shape.

Collaborative (20 minutes): During this time, I will split my students into two groups. I
will have one group doing the cutting and pasting the shape to the name. I will have the other
group doing aa a directional paper where you must color shapes certain colors. We will be in
each group for 10 minutes before switching groups. Once we finish this, I will instruct my
students to put what they just did in their mailboxes and to sit in their chair with their iPad.

Independent Digital (20minutes): Once all my students are sitting in their seats, I will
introduce them to this learning game website where there is a variety of shape games. I will let
my students explore this website on there iPad individually. After I will explain to them that they
can access this game from home through google classroom. I will also tell them that I am going
to send there parents an email about it so they also know it’s there.

Closure (10minutes): After we are done all our work, I will put a slideshow I have made
on the board, and we are going to play fly swatter. I always loved this game growing up in
school. One student from both teams will have a fly swatter and they will stand behind the line.
They cannot move until I read the question out load. The goal is to be the first one to swat the
correct answer.

Rationale: You must have at least two paragraphs (one for each mandatory piece of
( I chose this website because there are a variety of
different learning games in different areas of learning. There is also a bunch of different
ages that this website can be useful to. I plan to go off this website in other units of
learning and find games on here for them. This is good to do especially for
kindergarteners because they are young and learning a bunch of different websites can
be confusing. If they are on the same website, we can connect the ideas of different
subjects and this website. I chose this piece of media because I plan to try to

add a Jack Hartman video in for each of my learning units that are available. Jack
Hartman videos area great way to get kids engaged. It is very interactive will drawing
things in the sky and singing. He also does a good job of relating the material to other
things in real life. For example the circle he connected it to a soccer ball.

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