Project Title: Department of - Engineering

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Shree Ambabai Talim Sanstha’s


Institute Code: 1552

Department Of ----------------- Engineering

Micro Project Report

Project Title
Prepared By

Roll no. Enrolment No. Name

3309 2015520025 Irfan Mahibub Nadaf
3310 2015520016 Sanam Samir Nadaf
3311 2015520017 Noorjahan Alamgir Qazi
3312 2115520114 Prachi Pramod Potadar
3322 1915520022 Abhishek Subhash chougule

Under the Guidance of

Name Of Faculty

Submitted To

Maharashtra State Board of Technical Education, Mumbai

(Autonomous) (ISO-9001-2008) (ISO/IEC 27001:2013)
Academic Year 2020-2021

(Only for individual micro project report)

This is to certify that Mr. / Ms. ………………………………………………………

Roll No. ……………….…., of ………... Semester of Diploma in…………………..
Engineering , of Institute ATS Sanjay Bhokare Group Of Institutes, Faculty Of
Polytechnic, Miraj. (Code: 1552) has completed the Micro-Project work
satisfactorily in course ………………………………. ( ) for the academic
year 20…….. to 20…….. as prescribed in the curriculum.

Place: …………… Enrollment No:.……………

Date: …………… Exam. Seat No: ……………

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

(Only for Micro Project Group report )

This is to certify that following students,

Roll no. Enrolment No. Exam Seat No. Name

3309 2015520025 Irfan Mahibub nadaf

3310 201520016 Sanam Samir nadaf

3311 2015520017 Noorjahan Alamgir qazi

3312 2115520114 Prachi Pramod potadar

of …….. Semester of Diploma in………………….. Engineering , of Institute

ATS Sanjay Bhokare Group Of Institutes, Faculty Of Polytechnic, Miraj.
(Code: 1552) are completed the Micro Project work satisfactorily in
course ………………………………. ( ) for the academic year 20…….. to
20…… as prescribed in the curriculum.

Place: ……………
Date: ……………

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

Annexure – I
Format for Micro-Project Proposal in about 2 to 3 pages to be submitted at end of first two weeks of
the semester

PART A – Micro-Project Proposal

Notes application
1.0 Brief Introduction
Notes app is used for making short text notes, updating when you need them, and trash when you are done. It
can be used for various functions as you can add your to-do list in this app, some important notes for future
reference, etc. The app is very useful in some cases like when you want quick access to the notes. Likewise,
here let’s create an Android App to learn how to create a simple Notes App. So in this article let’s build a
Notes App in which the user can add any data, remove any data as well as edit any data. A sample GIF is
given below to get an idea about what we are going to do in this article. Note that we are going to implement
this project using the Java language.
2.0 Aim of the Micro-Project
This Micro-Project aims at:
The aim of this project is to build a Notes app using android studio.
3.0 Intended Course Outcome
 Display messages on screen using mobile application development tools .
 Demonstrate use of Classes and Objects.
4.0 Literature Review
The leading note-taking apps make taking notes on the fly simple, whether it's for promotions,
ideas, business details, or reminders. Notes-taking apps are becoming more common, not the least
with widespread availability of mobile devices, not least smartphones. This means mobile applications
for taking notes now allows you to write wherever you are, and there is a huge range of apps available.
It does not matter if you are a telephone engineer, a secretary, or simply inspired by an idea while
commuting - the ability to take notes on mobile phones can be a real benefit. Notepad application is an
application, designed to store important information and notes in a device. It can be used to type on
their devices just as they would on paper and you can add your to-do list in this app, some important
notes for future reference, etc.
As summarized in [1], the purpose of the note-taking request is to ensure that you are able to capture
the essence of information collection so you do not have to memorize everything word by word. Now
as we live in a world where life without technology is unthinkable, our taking notes the practice has
become digital. That’s why we now have apps for taking notes. The best note-taking apps can help
you make sure you do not forget the light of creative inspiration. Writing things down is everything
well and good, but we find it very easy to lose our notes that way. But to keep your thoughts, ideas
and electronic ideas keep them safe, secure and, best of all, searchable for you as soon as you need it.
As note-taking technology becomes more sophisticated with the addition of pens and styli, we can
expect to see an increase in note-taking devices in classrooms in different ways. With the support of
Android Studio, we can easily build Android Studio on various Android models and screen sizes

4.0 Proposed Methodology

Actual Methodology Followed

In this micro-project we will prepare a GUI for a Notes app. We will use various classes and object
methods for the app. We will use the various layouts for designing the GUI.
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.Editable;
import android.text.TextWatcher;
import android.widget.EditText;
import java.util.HashSet;

public class NoteEditorActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

int noteId;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

EditText editText = findViewById(;

// Fetch data that is passed from MainActivity

Intent intent = getIntent();

// Accessing the data using key and value

noteId = intent.getIntExtra("noteId", -1);
if (noteId != -1) {
} else {
noteId = MainActivity.notes.size() - 1;

editText.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {
public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence charSequence, int i, int i1, int i2) {
// add your code here
public void onTextChanged(CharSequence charSequence, int i, int i1, int i2) {
MainActivity.notes.set(noteId, String.valueOf(charSequence));
// Creating Object of SharedPreferences to store data in the phone

SharedPreferences sharedPreferences =
getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences("com.example.notes", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
HashSet<String> set = new HashSet(MainActivity.notes);
sharedPreferences.edit().putStringSet("notes", set).apply();
public void afterTextChanged(Editable editable) {
// add your code here

5.0 Resources Required (major resources like raw material, tools, software etc.)
S. No. Name of Resource/material Specifications Qty Remarks
1 laptop Microsoft word 1
2 application Android studio 1

6.0 Action Plan (Sequence and time required for major activities for 8 Weeks)
S. No. Details of activity Planned Planned Name of Responsible
Start date Finish date Team Members
1 Discussion and finalization of topic All members
2 Preparation of submission of proposal All members
3 Planning layout of micro project All members
4 Content preparation All members
5 Discussion about required resources All members
6 Create the report All members
7 Final submission of project All members


Annexure – II
PART B – Micro-Project Report

Notes application
1.0 Rationale
Notes app is used for making short text notes, updating when you need them, and trash when you are
done. It can be used for various functions as you can add your to-do list in this app, some important notes for
future reference, etc. The app is very useful in some cases like when you want quick access to the notes.
Likewise, here let’s create an Android App to learn how to create a simple Notes App. So in this article let’s
build a Notes App in which the user can add any data, remove any data as well as edit any data. A sample GIF
is given below to get an idea about what we are going to do in this article. Note that we are going to implement
this project using the Java language
2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed
 Display messages on screen using mobile application development tools .
 Demonstrate use of Classes and Objects.
3.0 Literature Review
The leading note-taking apps make taking notes on the fly simple, whether it's for promotions, ideas,
business details, or reminders. Notes-taking apps are becoming more common, not the least with
widespread availability of mobile devices, not least smartphones. This means mobile applications for
taking notes now allows you to write wherever you are, and there is a huge range of apps available. It
does not matter if you are a telephone engineer, a secretary, or simply inspired by an idea while
commuting - the ability to take notes on mobile phones can be a real benefit. Notepad application is an
application, designed to store important information and notes in a device. It can be used to type on
their devices just as they would on paper and you can add your to-do list in this app, some important
notes for future reference, etc.
As summarized in [1], the purpose of the note-taking request is to ensure that you are able to capture
the essence of information collection so you do not have to memorize everything word by word. Now
as we live in a world where life without technology is unthinkable, our taking notes the practice has
become digital. That’s why we now have apps for taking notes. The best note-taking apps can help
you make sure you do not forget the light of creative inspiration. Writing things down is everything
well and good, but we find it very easy to lose our notes that way. But to keep your thoughts, ideas
and electronic ideas keep them safe, secure and, best of all, searchable for you as soon as you need it.
As note-taking technology becomes more sophisticated with the addition of pens and styli, we can
expect to see an increase in note-taking devices in classrooms in different ways. With the support of
Android Studio, we can easily build Android Studio on various Android models and screen sizes

4.0 Actual Methodology Followed

In this micro-project we will prepare a GUI for a Notes app. We will use various classes and object
methods for the app. We will use the various layouts for designing the GUI.
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.text.Editable;
import android.text.TextWatcher;

import android.widget.EditText;
import java.util.HashSet;
public class NoteEditorActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
int noteId;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
EditText editText = findViewById(;

Intent intent = getIntent();

// Accessing the data using key and value

noteId = intent.getIntExtra("noteId", -1);
if (noteId != -1) {
} else {

noteId = MainActivity.notes.size() - 1;
editText.addTextChangedListener(new TextWatcher() {
public void beforeTextChanged(CharSequence charSequence, int i, int i1, int i2) {
// add your code here
public void onTextChanged(CharSequence charSequence, int i, int i1, int i2) {
MainActivity.notes.set(noteId, String.valueOf(charSequence));
// Creating Object of SharedPreferences to store data in the phone
SharedPreferences sharedPreferences =
getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences("com.example.notes", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
HashSet<String> set = new HashSet(MainActivity.notes);
sharedPreferences.edit().putStringSet("notes", set).apply();
public void afterTextChanged(Editable editable) {
// add your code here

5.0 Actual Resources Used (Mention the actual resources used).

S. No. Name of Resource/material Specifications Qty Remarks
1 laptop Microsoft word 1
2 operating system Windows 10 1

6.0 Outputs of the Micro-Project

7.0 Skill Developed / learning out of this Micro-Project

From this micro-project I developed the following skills :
 Creating Notes app using android studio .
 Handling Intent in android.
 To get the input from user and store them in device.
 The input/notes can also updated and deleted when user want.
8.0 Applications of this Micro-Project
 This application has easy user interface.
 This application can be used as lightweight notes apps that avoid paperwork.
9.0 Area of Future Improvement
What is the future scope of notes app?
Note Taking App Market size is growing at a moderate pace with substantial growth rates over the last few
years and is estimated that the market will grow significantly in the forecasted period i.e. 2022 to 2030.
Use the Notes app to quickly capture your thoughts. You can add images and sketches, make checklists, or
even scan documents. And with iCloud, your notes stay up to date on all your devices wherever you go.


Annexure – III

Teacher Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: ………………………………………………………… Enrollment

No. ……………………………………
Name of Programme…………………………………………………
Semester: ………………………………………… Course
Title ………………………………………………………………..

Title of the Micro-

Project: …………………………………………………………………………………………………….

(For Office Use Only)

Course Outcomes Achieved
Evaluation as per Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro Project
 (Please tick in appropriate cell for each characteristic)
S. Characteristic to Poor Average Good Excellent
No be assessed ( Marks 1-3 ) ( Marks 4 - 5 ) ( Marks 6 - 8 ) ( Marks 9- 10 )
1 Relevance to the Relate to very Related to some Take care of at- Take care of more
course few LOs Los least one CO than one CO
 ..
2 Literature Not more than At-least 5 relevant At –least 7 relevant About 10 relevant
Survey two sources sources, at least 2 sources, most latest sources, most latest
/information (primary and latest
collection secondary), very
old reference

3 Completion of Completed less Completed 50 to Completed 60 to Completed more

the Target as than 50% 60% 80% than 80 %
per project
4 Analysis of Data Sample Size Sufficient and Sufficient and Enough data
and small, data appropriate sample, appropriate sample, collected by
representation neither organized enough data enough data sufficient and
nor presented generated but not generated which is appropriate sample
well organized and not organized and size. Proper
presented well. No presented well but inferences drawn
or poor inferences poor inferences by organising and
drawn drawn presenting data
through tables,

S. Characteristic to Poor Average Good Excellent
No be assessed ( Marks 1-3 ) ( Marks 4 - 5 ) ( Marks 6 - 8 ) ( Marks 9- 10 )
charts and graphs.

5 Quality of Incomplete Just Well Well

Prototype/Model fabrication/assem assembled/fabricat assembled/fabricat assembled/fabricat
bly. ed and parts are not ed with proper ed with proper
functioning well. functioning parts. functioning parts.
Not in proper In proper shape, In proper shape,
shape, dimensions within tolerance within tolerance
beyond tolerance dimensions and dimensions and
limit. good good
Appearance/finish finish/appearance. finish/appearance.
is shabby. But no creativity in Creativity in design
design and use of and use of material

6 Report Very short, poor Nearly sufficient Detailed, correct Very detailed,
Preparation quality sketches, and correct details and clear correct, clear
Details about about methods, description of description of
methods, material, methods, materials, methods, materials,
material, precautions and precautions and precautions and
precaution and conclusion, but Conclusions. conclusions.
conclusions clarity is not there Sufficient Graphic Enough tables,
omitted, some in presentation. But Description. charts and sketches
details are wrong not enough graphic

7 Presentation Major Includes major Includes major Well organized,

information is information but not information and includes major
not included, well organized and well organized but information ,well
information is not presented well not presented well presented
not well
organized .
8 Any other
(depending upon
nature of project:
please write
indicators by pen)

Defense Could not reply Replied to Replied properly to Replied most of the
9 to considerable considerable considerable questions properly
number of number of number of
question. questions but not question.
very properly

MIcro-Project Evaluation Sheet

Process Assessment Product Assessment Total

Part A - Project Project Methodology Part B - Project individual Marks
Proposal (2 marks) Report/Working Model Presentation/Viva 10
(2 marks) (2 marks) (4 marks)

Every course teacher is expected to assign marks for group evolution for each group of students in first 3
columns as per rubrics & individual evaluation in 4TH column for each group of students as per rubrics based
on viva.

Comments/Suggestions about team work/leadership/inter-personal communication (if any)


Any Other Comment:


Name and designation of the Faculty Member…………………………………….




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