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SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS Vol. 27, No.1, 61-76, Mar.

Japanese Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering




In this study we examine a method based on Mindlin's solution in order to estimate
the load-settlement behavior of piles and pile groups for rational design of pile foundations.
First, the theoretical aspects of the previous method proposed by Poulos and other investiga-
tors are briefly presented. Some modifications are made to the method so as to consider
additional factors such as soil non-linearity and multi-layering. Next, in order to evaluate
the numerical accuracy, vertical displacements and axial forces of pile groups or single
piles embedded in non-homogeneous soil calculated by the previous method and by the
modified method are compared with values calculated by more sophisticated methods such
as the boundary element method and the finite element method. As a result, we conclude
that, from a practical point of view, the modified method based on elasticity is sufficiently
accurate in regard to axial force distribution as well as settlement. We also propose tentative
input soil constants for immediate settlement using solely the results of SPT. Finally,
the values of pile top settlement calculated by the modified method are compared with
the results of 26 field vertical load tests on cast-in-place concrete piles. The results show
that the calculated values coincide approximately with the measured values, meaning that
the proposed modified method of calculation and the proposed input soil constants seem
to be adequate for the preliminary estimation of immediate settlement of cast-in-place
concrete piles.

Key words :design, elasticity, pile, settlement, vertical load (IGC : E 2)

cal method with relatively high accuracy,

INTRODUCTION and the. method should be based upon a
When designing pile foundations for vari- model that can illustrate clearly the pile-
ous ground conditions, estimating their set- bearing-system characteristics such as load
tlement is important in many cases in ad- distribution between end resisJance and skin
dition to examining the bearing capacity. friction, and the efficiency of the pile group.
In such cases, it is necessary to use a practi- Among the many methods developed re-

* Research Engineer, Geot.echnics and Civil Engineering Group, Take.naka Technical Research Labora-
tory, Koto-ku, Tokyo.
** Research Manager, ditto.
*** Chief Research Engineer, ditto.
Manuscript was received for review on December 23, 1985.
Written discussions on this paper should be submitted before October 1, 1987, to the Japanese
Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Sugayama Bldg. 4 F, Kanda Awaji-cho 2-23,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101, Japan. Upon request the closing date may be extended one month.

This is an Open Access article under the CC-BY-NC-ND license.

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cently for calculating the settlement of piles, arity and multi-layered ground. The ac-
those which provide a means of evaluating curacy of this approach is examined by com-
the efficiency of pile groups can be classified paring it with more sophisticated methods
into the following three categories : such as the boundary element method and
1. methods based on Mindlin's solution the finite element method. Finally, pile top
of elasticity settlements calculated from the modified
2. the finite element method (Ellison et method are compared with the results of 26
al., 1971 ; Ottaviani, 1975) field vertical load tests on cast-in-place con-
3. the boundary element method (Baner- crete piles using input soil constants tenta-
jee, 1976 ; Banerjee and Davies, 1977) tively proposed in the present paper.
When we wish to consider accurately the
conditions of multilayer ground and the con-
ditions of compatibility of pile-soil interface,
we must use one of the methods in categories The Previous Method based on Mindlin's So-
2 or 3. However, if we use a _finite element tution
method to analyze group piles, we must We have based our study on the following
deal with three-dimensional models. If ·fundamental assumptions regarding the pa-
elasto-plastic conditions are included in the . pers mentioned above :
analysis, considerable effort is required in 1. Each pile shaft element behaves elasti-
order to obtain reasonable results. There- cally only in the direction of its axis.
fore, finite element methods are normally 2. Soil mass is assumed to be a semi-
utilized only for single piles, small scale infinite elastic mass and Mindlin's first solu-
group piles or special cases. The boundary tion is applied.
element methods have essentially the same 3. In the case of finite soil layers, the
problems. mirror-image principle is applied.
Methods .using Mindlin's solution have 4. Each pile shaft element and the soil
been employed by several investigators in contact with it are subject to equal dis-
(Poulos, 1968 ; Poulos and Davis, 1968 ; Mattes placement until the friction force between
and Poulos, 1969 ; Butterfield and Banerjee, them attains its ultimate value. Beyond the
1971 ; Yamagata and Yao, 1977) and this ap- ultimate value, slip occurs at the pile-soil
proach is superior from the points of view interface.
of the ease of preparing input data and the 5. The stratum in contact with a pile
smaller computation time required. This tip yields when the vertical stress attains its
method can also deal easily with the problem ultimate value.
of pile-soil slip. Further, computation meth- 6. The pile cap of a pile group is con-
ods for some cases of non-homogeneous sidered either completely rigid or without
soil where the elastic modulus of soil below rigidity.
the pile tip level is relatively high· (Poulos 7. The interaction between a pile cap and
and Mattes, 1969) and where the soil elastic the ground is ignored.
modulus increases linearly with depth Given a pile group of M number of piles,
(Poulos, 1979 a ; Poulos, 1979 b) have been each pile is divided into n shaft elements
proposed. However, the applicability of this as shown in Fig. 1. Replace the reaction
method in studies of multi-layered·· ground of the skin friction force acting on the j-th
has not yet been fully examined, nor has element of the L-th pile and the reaction
the applicability of the method to non-linear of resistance acting on the tip element of
soil behavior. the L-th pile be concentrated load on the
In this paper, some modifications ar.e made center of the elements. Let these interact-
to the _method based on M~ndliiJ..'s solution: : ing ..forces by FJL and FciHllL· The ground
of elasticity so as to consider Eloil mon-line- is divided . in principle in to n + 1 layers cor-

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_suffix s on the left side means soil) on

ta Ground the soil adjacent to the i-th element of
j#' JfoK JPot. ] subsidence
'f'/,<;f/1 1 £,,
,Po the K -th pile due to interaction force FiL
1 0 0

2 0 0 2 E,2 acting on the j-th element of the L-th pile,

• I'Q'Id J 0 • IS formulated as follows :
j 0 FJu j E,;
l 0
0 TtKjD F (1)
0 0
iol( .,. 0 i E,;
0 ~~X 0 Here, d is pile diameter and EstJ is equiva-
•. 0
< 0
lent elastic modulus of soil between the i-th
n 0 F<,+,:_lL n E,.
n+l a. n+l £, 1,+ 1
layer and the j-th layer. IiKJL is displace-
ment influence factor with respect to the
Pile K Pile L
i-th element of the K-th pile due to FJL
7///T///T/T/7////////////7 and is given by Mindlin's first solution as
Fig. 1. Concept of the method based on indicated in Appendix A using the notation
Mindlin's solution shown in Fig. 2. However, if i=j=n+l in
the same pile, by assuming the interaction
responding to the pile elements. On the force on the pile tip as circular equal loading,
pile top, if the pile cap is rigid, the vertical the displacement influence factor on the cen-
load P a acts on it ; if the rigidity is ignored, ter of pile tip I(n+l)K(n+l)K is obtained from
let the arbitrary load PoK (K=l, ...... , M) the integration of Mindlin's first solution
act on each pile top (the suffix 0 signifies as indicated in Appendix A. Eqs. (A-1) and
the pile top). The sign is positive if down- (A-2) take into account the influences of
ward. finite soil layers in accordance with funda-
According to fundamental assumption num- mental assumption number 3. If the influ·
ber 2, the vertical displacement sPiKiL (the ences of other elements which are part of
the same pile are taken into account, the
vertical displacement of the soil adjacent to
f.j a pile shaft element is calculated at the
periphery positions of the element center
as shown in Fig. 3, and . if the influences
from elements belonging to other piles ar~
considered, the displacement is calculated at'
the midpoint of the element.

0 1

Fig. 2. ·Mindlin's solution with· Fig. 3. Calculation points of vertical
a mirror image displacements of soil

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In Eq. (1), if the soil elastic modulus varies

in the direction of the ground depth, we ~Q,....L..,..---
1 0
obtain an approximate value of EsiJ by using
the equation proposed by Poulos (1979 a) as
follows :


Eq. (2) normally deals with cases where the

soil elastic modulus increases linearly in the k: bas.e element from
which the relative
direction of depth. displacements are
By applying Eq. (1) to all the elements measured

of M piles, and by superposing displace-

ments, the vertical displacement of soil adja- Fig. 4. Axial displacement of pile
cent to the i-th element · of the K -th pile shaft by load at pile top ·
sPiK is given by the following equation :

sPtK= d1 { ~ ~1( IEtKjL FjL)} ( 3)

L=l J=l Sij

The vertical displacement of the i-th ele-

ment of the K-th pile is considered as
the sum of the following three values
without referring to the value of ground
subsidence :
1. the value PPi!c:Kt (the prefix p signifies
pile), which is the axial deformation of the
pile between the i-th element and the k-th
eleme.nt from which the relative displace- Fig. 5. Axial displacement of pile
ments are measured and the value is. calculated shaft by interaction force
from the pile top load of the K -th pile.
2. the value PPtkK 2, which is the axial If i;;;;k,
deformation of the pile between the i-th
pfJikKl :::0 ( 6)
element and the. k-th element produced by
interaction force -FJK (l~j~k-,..1 or k~j~ In accordance with Fig. 5, PPikK 2 is given
n+1) on the K-th pile. by the following equation :
3. the value sPkK' which is the vertical If l~i<k,
displacement of soil adjacent to the k-th
element of the K-th pile by interaction
Therefore, the vertical displacement of If i;;;;k,
the i-th element of the K-th pile is given
· 1 ( i n+l )
by the following equation : pfJtkK2=- E A ~ lJkFJK+ ~ laFJK
'P 'P J=k J=i+l
PPiK=PPikK1 +PPikK2+sPkK ( 4) (8)
As shown in Fig. 4, and according to funda- If i=O (i.e. at the pile top),
mental assumption number 1, PPikKt is given 1 k-1
by the following equation : pfJOkK2=- E A ~ ljkFjK ( 9)
p p j=1

If O~i<k, If there is no slip and no yield between

the pile elements and the soil adjacent to
them, the following equation holds ;

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i=l, ... , k-l, k+1, ... , n+1)

( K=1, ... ,M ...... , M) converge into values smaller than
or equal to FJmax (for }=1, ...... , n+1).
When ground subsidence is considered as
Soil Non-linearity
shown in Fig. 1, the corresponding terms
In the former section we presented mathe-
will be added to both sides of Eq. (10) to
matical formulations that express the pile-
obtain another Eq. (11) (Yamagata and Yao,
soil slip, as well as the yield of the stratum
in contact with the pile tip. However, it
sPiK+cPi =PPiK+cPk (11) is difficult to express the load-settlement be-
i=l, ... , k-1, k+l, ... , n+l) havior of non-displacement piles with the
( K=1, ... ,M above-mentioned method which treats soil
where cPi and cPk are values of ground sub- as a linear elastic body, since this. type of
sidence at the center depth of the i-th and pile usually shows marked non-linear behav-
the k-th layers. IOr.
According to fundamental assumption num- In general, the gradual reduction of soil
ber 6 and by the conditions of equilibrium rigidity corresponding to an increase in pile
and compatibility we obtain the following top load is confined to a relatively narrow
Eqs. (12), (13), (14) : zone of soil adjacent to the pile shaft for
1) If the pile cap is completely rigid, a single pile and for a pile group which
PPoK = PPokK1 + PPokK2 + sPkK + cPk = PPo (12) has large pile spacing, whereas for a pile
(K=l, ... , M) group with narrow spacing the reduction
arises in the bulk of soil surrounding the
where PPo is the settlement of the rigid
piles. In this model, one can change either
pile cap.
EsiJ or 1iKJL, depending on the load level,
M n+1
LJ LJ FJK=Pa (13) to approximate soil non-linearity. If EsiJ
K=1 J=l is reduced in relation to the load level, it
2) If the pile cap rigidity is ignored, is inconsistent with the actual condition
n+t because the reduction of soil rigidity arises
LJ FJK=PoK (K=l, ... , M) (14) in the whole stratum between the i-th
and the j-th layer from the definition of
Next follow the solutions for Eqs. (10)
through (14). The number of unknown fac-
In this paper, we have introduced an equa-
tors is (n+1) xM+1 for a rigid pile cap
tion representing the hyperbolic relationship
because we need (n+1) xM FJK's and PPo·
between the displacement influence factor
The number of equations is nxM from Eq.
1' iKJL which takes soil non-linearity into
(10) or Eq. (11), M from Eq. (12), and one
consideration and the displacement influence
from Eq. (13), which is (n+1) xM+1, coin-
factor 1iKJL which is given by Eq. (A-1)
ciding with the number of unknown factors.
in Appendix A : this relationship is given
For pile caps for which the rigidity is ig-
by Eq. (15).
nored, the number of unknown factors is (n
+1) xM FJK's. The number of equations is 1' iKjL (15)
n xM from Eq. (10) or Eq. (11), and M from
Eq. (14), which coincides with the number
of unknown factors as well. This convenient method corresponds to the
While solving simultaneous equations, ac- concept of the non-elasticity modulus pro-
cording to fundamental assumptions 4 and posed by Yamagata and Yao (1977). We
5, when FJK exceeds its ultimate value fixed the value of a which is hyperbolic
FJmax• we calculate by defining FJK=FJmax curve fitting constant at 0. 75 after prelimi-
until all FJK's (for 1, ...... , n+1, K=1, nary calculation results.

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Equivalent Elastic Modulus of Soil the settlement of pile groups with rigid pile
Although Eq. (2) proposed by Poulos (1979) caps in Gibson soil where the soil elastic
is very simple and practical, we have identi- modulus increases linearly in the direction
fied a problem with its application because of depth. They utilized the boundary ele-
it ignores the soil elastic modulus of strata ment method under linear elastic conditions.
other than the i-th and the j-th strata if We refer to the results of their study for com-
the distribution of soil modulus is markedly parison with our results from the previous
irregular. method based on elasticity, in which we
In order to deal with this problem, we used Eq. (2) for evaluating the equivalent
consider Esi and E 8 J in Eq. (2) as weighted elastic modulus of soil.
averages including the soil elastic modulus The conditions of the soil and pile founda-
of strata other than the i-th and the j-th tion are shown in Fig. 7. In this figure,
strata, named Esiav, EsJav, respectively. The PPo is the pile top settlement and lp 0 is the
equivalent elastic modulus of soil layers EsiJ settlement influence factor at the pile top.
is given by Eqs. (16)-(18) using the nota- For our calculations we fixed the number
tion shown in Fig. 6. of pile shaft element divisions n at 10,
the pile diameter d at 1. 0 m and E 81 , which
E _ E $i av+E sjav (16)
2 is the soil elastic modulus at the depth of
the pile tip, to 9. 8 x 105 kN/m 2• We utilized
where : the mirror image principle to take account
of the finite soil layer influence. The val-
ues of lp 0 , calculated by the two methods
are shown in Table 1 for comparison. The
results of the previous method based on
Mindlin's solution correspond to 0. 93-1.25
times those obtained by the boundary element
[3_ <J-1>En +···+B-reEs o-re>+ .. · method, which means that the results of
+f3-1Es<J-1> +EsJ+ f31Es<J+t> + ...
E sjav + [ikEs(J+k) + ··· + Bn+m-JEs(n+m)
B-<J-1> + ···+ B-k+ ·•· + B-1 + 1+ B1 I / I
+ .. ·+ f31?-+ .. ·+f3n+m-j E,l E,t
Although the weighted coefficient Pk in Eqs.
(17) and (18) is a parameter depending on E,(i-kl !Fi Es(j I)
Esi• EsJ, pile spacing, depth of the midpoint /_) E,i
of the i-th element and the j-th element E,~~~ E,(i+tl
~s( i-1)
from.the ground surface, etc., for convenience i . .--- _../
it is assumed in this paper as follows :
E,u+ t l E,<i+*l
B-k= Bk (19)
f3k=ak (where a is a constant and O~a<l)
(20) Es(n+l)
If we set a=O in Eq. (20), Eq. (16) and
Eq. (2) are identical.


Fig. 6. Schematic illustration of
Pile Groups Embedded in Gibson Soil equivalent elastic modulus of
Banerjee and Davies (1977) have analyzed soil layers

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Table 1. Summary of settlement influence factor at pile top calcu-

lated by the previous method based on Mindlin's solution
and the boundary element method

Settlement influence factor at pile top lp 0
Previous method BEM by (Previous/BEM)
Banerjee et al. (1977)
2x2 0.072 0. 061 1.18
20 3x3 0. 047 0.039 1. 21
5x5 0.027 0.029 0. 93
2x2 0.058 0.048 1. 21
40 3x3 0.040 0.032 1. 25
5x5 0.025 0.025 1. 00

Table 2. Dimensions, load, elastic modulus

of pile and soil Poisson's ratio for
Rigid pile cap I ~ 1.'!-' I 4 examples
(1 tf=9.8kN, 1 tf/m 2 =9. 8kNfm 2)
Pile Pile Soil
Example length modulus Poisson's
(m) ( x 106tf/m 2) ratio
s/d= 3
1 46; 6 1.5 500 2. 75 0.4
2 16.0 1.2 100 2. 60 0.3
3 20.8 1.0 200 2. 60 0.3
2l 4 34.3 1.0 207 2. 60 0.4

the two methods coincide comparatively well.

v=0.5 Single Piles in 4 Examples with Different Soil

/pa-_P Profiles
Ppo= E,[CL c We also compared our results based on
elasticity with those obtained by the finite
element method for pile settlement and axial
Fig. 7. Soil and pile conditions for
force . distribution of single piles in four
settlement analysis of pile groups
examples with different soil profiles. In
this comparison, we defined the equivalent
soil elastic modulus for two cases in order
to find simultaneous influences of different
I definitions of the modulus. For the first
1! I
case we used the previous method, as rep-

I I resented by Eq. (2). For the second case
I I we used Eqs. (16)-(20), which represent
"'g! I
what we call the modified method, by ignor-
I ing the terms where k"?;,5 and setting a=O. 5

E :, [1! (a value derived from preliminary calculations)
... ,.
. I, in Eq. (20), as is 'indicated in Appendix B .
I' I
An example of the finite element model is
shown in Fig. 8. The calculation was made
under axi-symmetry and linear elasticity con-
ditions with fixed base and roller-supported
sides as the boundary conditions. Poisson's
'" ratio of pile material is fixed as 0. 17. In
Fig. 8. Finite element model the elasticity method we fixed n at 10. The

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E,(X10 4 tf/m~) .Axialforce (tf) Axial force ( tf)

o1o2 o o 100 200 300 400 soo 50.
'I L
i /:?I
I FEM kt;::;'
p~ ·case 1
~/ Case 2

46.6 /

60 Lrj/TTT7ff i
30 I
""" ""
Rigid base Rigid base

(a) Example 1 (b) Example 2

E,( X 104 tf/m2) Axial force ( tf) Axial force ( tf)

00 1;.9.1~ 0 0 50 100 150 200 50 100 150 200
I ~·

- - . -:------~ J.J ./:
·case 1
l4 :-~-_;;~FEM_
- Case 1
/ '. I .-! j
'.:v ~Case2 ll ·Case 2/ .......
i/ )/
J.A.FEM lf?
34. 3

40 L/,.j/77771'
Rigid base

(c) Example 3 (d) Example 4

Fig. 9. Comparison of axial force of single pile calculated by the finite
element method with the previous and the modified method based on
Mindlin's solution (1 tf=9. 8 kN, 1 tf/m 2 =9. 8 kN/m 2 )

Table 3. Summary of settlements of single mirror image principle was applied to the
piles calculated by the previous lower boundary. All the values used for
and the modified method based on the four comparison examples are presented
Mindlin's solution and the finite Table 2 and Fig. 9.
element method Table 3 shows the computation results of

Settlement settlement at pile top and pile tip. The
Settlement (mm) ratio
(Present ratios between the two values obtained from
the tested method and the finite element
Case 1 /Case 2 FEM Case 1 Case 2
method are 0. 98-1. 08 for the first case and
Pile top 3.60 3. 51 3.32 1.08 1. 06 1. 03-1. 06 for the second, both at the pile
Pile tip 0.84 0.84 0. 75 1. 12 1. 12
top. At the pile tip, the ratios vary from
Pile top 2.05 2.15 2.09 0.98 1. 03
0. 97 to 1. 12 for the first case, and from
Pile tip 1.71 1. 82 1. 76 o.97 1. 03
1. 03 to 1. 15 for the second. In both cases,
Pile top 2.27 2. 31 2.24 1.01 1. 03
3 the differences in results from the method
Pile tip 0.82 0.89 0. 81 1. 01 1.10
based on elasticity and from the finite ele-
Pile top 3. 35 3.46 3.28 1. 02 1. 05
Pile tip 1. 26 1. 38 1. 20 1. 05 1.15 ment method are within 15%, while the
difference in settlement between the two

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Table 4. Proposed input soil constants for cast-in-place concrete pile

for immediate settlement (ltf/m 2 =9. 8kN/m 2)
Input constants Soil type Proposed values Maximum values

7:/ Cohesionless Soil N/5+3 20

(tf/m2) Cohesive Soil Max. (1+0.16z,N/2) 15

E. Cohesionless Soil 600(N/5+3) -

(tf/m2) Cohesive Soil Max. (3000(1+0.16z),1500N) -
qp Cohesionless Soil 15N 750
(tf/m2) Cohesive Soil 9(1+0.16z) -

EaP Cohesionless Soil 400N 30000

(tf/m2) Cohesive Soil 3000(1 +0. 16z)
Cohesionless Soil 0. 3

Cohesive Soil 0.4 -

Extrapolative N -values if N>50.

cases based on elasticity is even smaller, for verification.

within 10%. Fig. 9 presents the axial Table 4 presents the proposed values of
force distribution along the pile. In the input constants for soil. These values, how-
first case, which is based on the previous ever, are limited to cast-in-place concrete
method, Example 1 shows good correspond- piles. The maximum skin friction -r 1 and
ence with the finite element method ultimate bearing capacity of strata in contact
where the soil elastic modulus increases with the pile tip qp were determined after
almost linearly in the direction of depth. consulting the AU Standard for Structural
However, in the case of Examples 2 to 4, Design of Building Foundations (1974), Spec-
the values calculated by the previous method ifications for Highway Bridges (1980) and
differ a little from those obtained by the portions of the results of field pile load tests.
finite element method at the depth where The soil elastic modulus above the pile tip
the soil modulus changes sharply. In the Es was assumed as follows :
second case, which is based on the modified (21)
method, the four examples indicate fair
For cohesionless soil, the value of constant
correspondence to the finite element analy-
g is set at 600. The calculated value of E 8
sis ; this represents better correspondence
is the approximate average among the Es
than with the first case.
values E 8 =755 (N +26) (kN/m 2) for normally
loaded sand or sand and gravel, E 8 1 000
DETERMINATION OF INPUT SOIL CON- (N +41) (kN/m 2) for preloaded sand by
STANTS D'Appolonia et al. (1979) and £ 8 =1570 N
(kNjm 2 ) by Kishida and Nakai (1977). Poulos
In order to apply this method to design prac- (1974) presents the values of elastic modulus
tice, it is important to find appropriate input for driving piles in sand strata as shown in
soil constants fully backed up by measured Table 5. The proposed values in this paper
data. However, it is currently still difficult correspond closely with these lower limits. For
to determine these constants. In this paper,
for practical purpose, we propose input soil Table 5. Average values of elastic
constants derived mainly through the use modulus of sand (Poulos, 1974)
of SPT results. In this case, due to the Sand density Range of E 8 (kN/m2)
difficulties involved in accurately determining Loose 27500~ 55000
these soil constants, we have had to make Medium 55000- 69000
Dense 69000'""" 110000
use of numerous vertical load test results

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Table 6. Summary of vertical load tests of cast-in-place concrete piles

(1 tf=9.8kN)
Construction Pile Pile Maximum Maximum Bearing Number of
No. method diameter length load settlement Ru mechanism references
(mm) (m) (tf) (mm) (tf)
Benoto 1000 19.5 1000 15.5 906 End-bearing 25)
2 Benoto 1000 18.9 1000 19.2 871 End-bearing 25)
3 Benoto 1000 20.8 1200 32.6 909 End-bearing 25)
4 Reverse 1500 46.6 1200 22.2 1204 Friction 8)
5 Benoto 1200 13.0 1350 115.0 959 End-bearing 24)
6 Benoto 1200 16.0 480 31.4 385 Friction 15)
7 Reverse 800 44.4 480 38.0 553 Friction 11)
8 Benoto 1000 34.3 800 34.0 1035 7)
9 Benoto 1000 13.0 520 100.0 482 13)
10 Benoto 1000 31.0 680 60.0 801 13)
11 Reverse 1500 26.0 3000 132.0 1728 End-bearing 10)
12 Reverse 1500 32.0 2250 494.0 1943 End-bearing 10)
13 Reverse 1500 30.0 1500 28.1 1421 End-bearing 10)
14 Earth 1200 29. 1 840 30.6 741 End-bearing 10)
15 Earth 1200 29.5 850 16. 1 903 10)
16 Earth 1300 29.0 900 19.0 1186 End-bearing 10)
17 Benoto 1000 36.4 780 40.9 1031 10)
18 Benoto 1500 28.5 1320 12.4 1863 End-bearing 10)
19 Earth 1200 28.0 800 13.7 1018 10)
20 Benoto 1300 24.3 800 16.3 1081 End-bearing 10)
21 Earth 1200 23.3 840 48.8 629 10)
22 Earth 1500 27.2 1200 60.3 863 10)
23 Earth 1300 22.5 840 18.9 943 10)
24 Earth 1200 22.3 900 39.3 879 10)
25 Benoto 800 10.9 350 87.5 286 Friction 10)
26 Benoto 1000 33.8 800 25.6 679 End-bearing 10)

cohesive soil, the value of g is determined dense stratum, we assumed the elastic modu-
as 3 000 by following the ratios 860, 2 140 lus at the pile tip stratum m cohesionless
and 4 650 between the elastic modulus and soil from the following Eq. (22)
the shear strength of soil back-figured from E 8 p=3 920 N (kN/m 2) (22)
load test results on three bored piles in
In cohesive soil E 8 p 1s determined m the
stiff clay (Poulos, 1979 a).
same manner as E 8 • Poisson's ratio of
On the other hand, values of E 8 p calculated
soil is assumed to be constant m all strata
from Eq. (21) when g=600, seem to be un~
for it IS relatively little affected by settle~
derestimated m the case of dense sand or
ment, and the values in Table 4 are used
dense sand and gravel, because if one back-
in accordance with the specific properties of
figures the elastic modulus from measured
the soil.
settlements on mat foundations and from
the results of plate loading tests, it varies
between 3. 0 x 10 5 (kN/m 2) and 4. 0 x 10 5 (kN/
m 2 ) m dense sand and gravel strata with
N-value equal or somewhat greater than 50 Data for Comparison
(AU, 1974). Considering the fact that the The field data used for comparison came
pile tip is usually embedded m a relatively from 26 examples of vertical load tests on

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cast-in-place concrete piles ; all tests were tests seem to have been undertaken solely
carried out in Japan. Table 6 indicates the for verifying the long-term allowable bearing
dimensions of piles, maximum load, maxi- capacity 1/3 · Ru or where the tests seem
mum settlement, etc. These data were to have been terminated because of excessive
selected because the maximum loads are all settlement before the pile top load reached
greater than two-thirds of the ultimate bear- the short-term allowable bearing capacity
ing capacity, Rw obtained from the formula 2/3·Ru.
to calculate bearing capacity of cast-in-place When calculating Ru in Table 6, we evalu-
concrete piles described in AU (1974). We ated the skin friction of friction piles (No.
have eliminated all other data where the 4 and No.7) in soft clay with small N-value,

1 1
r/tf/m'J E,(tf/m 2 )
1.4 4200
Vertical load at pile top ( tf)
2.1 6300
~~500 Ru 1000
3.6 5490 ---------6. ____ Meas~red
e ' -------~......
~ 20 0..
\ ... ,,,
e £
"E .£
i5.. ·a 10
" 1'E
C) 30

40 20

qp( tf/m 2 ) E,p( tf/m 2 )

I 79.3 26400

v=0.4, Ef,'-=2.75X J06tf/m2

(a) Input soil constants (b) Load-settlement curve

Fig. 10. Comparison of calculated values versus field measurements of pile
top settlement (No. 4) (1 tf=9.8 kN, 1 tf/m 2 =9.8 kN/m 2)

N-value E,(tf/m~)
0 0 1020»1050

~ 1.1 3300
~ Vertical load at pile top ( tf)

200 ~Ru

7.8 4680 0..
e 6.5 3900
:s." 10
t1o 1
5.8 3480 1'E
8 I c
.I 6:2 3720 "'



y=0.3, Ef,='2.6X 10"tf/m2

(a) Input soil constants (b) Load-settlement curve

Fig. 11. Comparison of calculated values versus field measurements of pile
top settlement (No. 6) (1 tf=9.8 kN, 1 tf/m 2 =9.8 kN/m 2 )

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rjtf/m 1 ) E,(tf/m 2 )

1.8 5400
Vertical load at pile top ( tf)
2.1 6300
2.8 8400
3.5 10500 s
'§, 10
' \

M.easured ~~
14700 ~ \

1:.., \
16800 e I
30 ...!:
:::: \
18900 en"' \
20 \

q/tf/m 2 ) E,p(tf/m 2 )
74.7 24900
v=OA, Ep'=2.6X J06tf/m2

(a) Input soil constants (b) Load-settlement curve

Fig. 12. Comparison of calculated values versus field measurements of pile
top settlement (No. 7) (1 tf=9.8 kNt 1 tf/m 2 =9.8 kN/m 2)

0 /() r).tf/m2 ) E,(tf/m2 )
I 0

2.4 7200
Vertical load at pile top ( tf)

~ § 20 Calculated
E 40
11.6 6960

qp(tf/m 2) E,p(tf/m 2 )
480 12800

v=0.3, Ep::::: 3.0 X 106tf/m 2

(a) Input soil constants (b) Load-settlement curve

.Fig. 13. Comparison of calculated values versus field measurements of pile
top settlement (No.8) (1tf=9.8kNt ltf/m 2 =9.8kN/m 2)

by using an equation, Z"t=9. 8+1. 96z (kN/m 2) Comparison Procedure

(Sakaguchi, 1968) where z indicates the depth The number of pile shaft element divisions
from ground surface. was fixed at 10 and the input soil constants
The types of bearing mechanisms selected were defined as shown in Table 4. The
include 12 examples of end-bearing piles, elastic modulus at the pile tip stratum was
4 types of friction piles, and the rest (10 determined as the average value from the
examples) are examples of diversified systems pile tip to a depth equal to three times
such as those supported by intermediate bear- the diameter of the pile. The elastic modu-
ing strata. lus of the pile material was determined by

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30r--------r------~r-r=====~ values. However, there are three examples

£:... R=!Ru in which the measured values of settlement
o R=~Ru are greater than 1. 5 times the computed
values. Generally, for practical purposes,
both values seem to agree well, considering
s 20 the fact that the input soil constants were
5 determined solely from SPT results and also
the fact that the load-settlement character-
istics of cast-in-place concrete piles are de-
pendent upon construction quality.


With the aim of estimating pile load-set-
tlement characteristics, we examined a meth-
10 20 30
Measured value'(mm) od based on elasticity theory. After we
Fig. 14. Comparison of calculated and presented the modified method, taking into
measured values of settlement at consideration factors such as soil non-lineari-
pile top ty and multi-layering, the following conclu-
sions were reached through this study : Con-
using measured values, where such data were cerning pile groups embedded in Gibson soil
available ; in the absence of measured values where the soil elastic modulus increases
the elastic modulus was fixed to the empirical linearly with depth, comparisons between
value 2. 55 x 10 7 kN/m 2• Eqs. (16), (B-1)- the values of the settlement influence factor
(B-4) were used for computing the equiva- at the pile top calculated by the previous
lent soil elastic modulus. Soil non-linearity method based on Mindlin's solution and those
was taken into account using Eq. (15) when calculated by the boundary element method
loading Ru/6 as the load increment on the (Banerjee and Davies, 1977) showed that
pile top in each of the 5 steps. We compared the previous m,ethod produced values within
the calculated values of pile top settlement a 25% difference from those calculated by
obtained at the load levels of 1/3 · Ru and the boundary element method.
2/3 · Ru with the measured values cor- The difference between the values obtained
responding to these load levels. Some exam- from the previous and the modified methods
ples of the comparisons are shown in Figs. based on elasticity and the values obtained
10-13. from the finite element method was within
15% for the pile top and pile tip settlement of
Results of Comparison single piles in four examples with different
The results of comparison between the soil profiles. In this comparison, the differ-
calculated values and the measured values ence between the equivalent elastic modulus
of pile top settlement are shown in Fig. 14 of soil determined in accordance with Poulos's
for the 26 load test examples. The numbers proposal (1977) and the elastic modulus pro-
in the figure correspond to the numbers posed in this paper affected the calculation
identified in Table 6. results within 10%. As for the load transfer
In 22 examples the computed values are along the pile, around the strata where the
greater than the measured values at 1/3 · Ru soil modulus varies sharply, Poulos's proposal
level, and in 18 examples the computed values matches less well with the finite element
exceed the measured ones at the 2/3 · Ru level. analysis. On the other hand, better agree-
This means that the computed values have a ment was observed in the modified case on
tendency to be greater than the measured this point.

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VVe also proposed tentative input soil con- lp 0 =settlement influence factor atlthe pile
stants to compare calculated values with meas- top
ured ones for 26 examples of field vertical l =length of pile
load tests of cast-in-place concrete piles. l 1k=longitudinal distance between the mid-
point of the i-th element and that
The results of the comparisons of pile top
of the k-th element
settlement present generally good correspond- M=number of piles
ence between the calculated values and the n =number of pile shaft element divisions
measured ones, which means that the modi- P 0 =vertical load acting on rigid pile cap
fied calculation method and the proposed in- PoK=pile top load of the K-th pile
put soil constants seem to be adequate for qp=ultimate bearing capacity of stratum
the preliminary estimation of immediate set- in contact with pile tip
tlement of cast-in -place concrete piles. Ru=ultimate bearing capacity obtained
from the formula to calculate bearing
capacity of cast-in-place concrete pile
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS described in AU (1974)
z=depth from the ground surface
The authors are very grateful to the
a= hyperbolic curve fitting constant
authors of cited references for the use of /.?k=weighted coefficient for calculating
their data for this study. Many thanks are Esiav and Eslv
due also to Haruo Miyagawa, Itsuo Yoshida p/Jo=settlement of rigid pile cap
and Mitsuhiro Sato from Takenaka Komuten cPi, cPk=values of ground subsidence at the
Co., Ltd. for their invaluable assistance. center depth of the i-th layer and..,the
k-th layer
p/JiK=vertical displacement of the i-th ele-
ment of the K -th pile
a=constant and O~a<l sPiK=vertical displacement of soil adjacent
Ap=area of pile section to the i-th element of the K-th pile
d =diameter of pile shaft sPiKJL =vertical displacement of soil adjacent
db=diameter of pile tip to the i-th element of the K-th pile,
Ep=elastic modulus of pile material due to interaction force FJL
E 8 =soil elastic modulus above the pile tip ~=proportional constant between E 8 and 7:'
Esp=soil elastic modulus of stratum in 7:'1 =maximum skin friction
contact with the pile tip -r:=Poisson's ratio of soil
Esi• E 8J=soil elastic modulus of the i-th layer
and the j-th layer
Esiav, E 8lv=weighted averages including soil elastic
modulus of strata other than the i-th 1) Architectural Institute of Japan (1974) : Stand-
and j-th strata ard for Structural Design of Building Foun-
Esij=equivalent elastic modulus of soil dations (in Japanese).
between the i-th layer and the j-th 2) Banerjee, P. K. (1976) : "Analysis of vertical pile
layer groups embedded in non-homogeneous soil,"
FJL=interaction force acting on the j-th Proc. the 6 th ECSMFE, Vol. 1. 2, pp. 345-350.
element of the L-th pile 3) Banerjee, P. K. and Davies, T. G. (1977) :
FJmax=ultimate value of FJL "Analysis of pile groups embedded in Gibson
h =depth of rigid stratum from the Soil," Proc. the 9th lCSMFE, Vol. 1, pp. 381
ground surface -386.
JiKJL=displacement influence factor with 4) Butterfield, R. and Banerjee, P. K. (1971) : "The
respect to the i-th element of the K- elastic analysis of compressible piles and pile
th pile due to FJL groups," Geotechnique, Vol. 21, No.1, pp. 43-
I' iKJL=displacement influence factor with 60.
respect to the i-th element of the K- 5) D' Appolonia, D. ].,D' Appolonia, E. and Brissette,
th pile due to FJL which takes soil R. F. (1970) : Closure on Settlement of Spread
non-linearity into consideration Footings on Sand, Proc. ASCE, Vol. 96,

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No. SM 2, pp. 754-762. 20) Poulos, H. G. (1979 b) : "Group factors for pile-
6) Ellison, R. D., D' Appolonia, E. and Thiers, G. deflection estimation," Proc. ASCE, Vol. 105,
R. (1971) : "Load-deformation mechanism for No. GT 12, pp. 1489-1509.
bored piles," Proc. ASCE, Vol. 97, No. SM 4, 21) Poulos, H. G. and Davis, E. H. (1968) : "The
pp. 661-678. settlement behavior of single axially loaded
7) Endo, M., Kawasaki, T., Ikuta, Y., Tomono, M. incompressible piles and piers," Geotechnique,
and Asada, M. (1966) : "On an evaluation meth· Vol. 18, No. 3, pp. 351-371.
od of concrete pier stress at load tests," Proc. 22) Poulos, H. G. and Mattes, N. S. (1969) : "The
Annual Meeting of JSSMFE (1st), pp. 227-231 behavior of axially loaded end-bearing piles,"
(in Japanese). Geotechnique, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 285-300.
8) Ishii, T. and Mori, H. (1982) : "Vertical bearing 23) Sakaguchi, 0. (1968) : "On an estimation meth-
capacity of friction piles," Tsuchi-to-Kiso, od of strength of clayey soil," Proc. Annual
JSSMFE, Vol. 30, No.2, pp. 11-18 (in Japa- Meeting of AIJ, pp. 599-600 (in Japanese).
nese). 24) Shii, Y., Someya, T. and Takeuchi, M. (1977) :
9) Japan Road Associations (1980) : Specification "Tests and considerations on vertical bearing
for Highway Bridges (No.5, Sub-structure) mechanism of bored piles, "Tsuchi-to-Kiso,
(in Japanese). JSSMFE, Vol. 25, No. 11, pp. 51-58 (in Japanese).
10) JSSMFE : Documents from the Research Com- 25) Unpublished papers from Takenaka Technical
mittee on Construction Practice and Bearing Research Laboratory (in Japanese).
Capacity by Low Vibration and Low Noise 26) Yamagata, K. and Yao, S. (1977) : "Studies on
Piling Methods (in Japanese). settlement characteristics of piles and pile
11) Kato, H. and Ito, N. (1982) : "Longer friction groups (Part 1 : Fundamental equations),"
pile in elevated bridge of JNR Keiyo-Line," Transaction of AIJ, No. 261, pp. 41-47 (in
Tsuchi-to-Kiso, JSSMFE, Vol. 30, No.2, pp. Japanese).
31-38 (in Japanese).
12) Kishida, H. and Nakai, S. (1977) : "Nonlinearity
of relationship between subgrade reaction and APPENDIX A
displacement," Tsuchi-to-Kiso, JSSMFE, Vol.
Displacement influence factor is obtained
25, No.8, pp. 21-28 (in Japanese).
13) Kunugi, S. (1979) : "Brief description on high-
from Mindlin's first solutions as follows :
way bridges with imperfect end-bearing piles," (1+v)d [3-4v + 5-12v+8v 2
Doboku Gijutsu, Vol. 34, No.7, pp. 29-39 (in Sn-(1-v) r1 r2
Japanese). + Clt-lj) _+ (3-4_!.') Clt+lj) 2 -2ltlJ_

14) Mattes, N. S. and Poulos, H. G. (1969) : "Settle- rla r2s

ment of single compressible pile," Proc. ASCE, + 6ltlj(lt+lj) 2
Vol. 95, No. SM 1, pp. 189-207. r25 sl
15) Okano, G. and Hasegawa, H. (1980) : "On bear- 5-12v+8v 2 (2h-lt-lJ)~.
ing characteristics of cast-in-place concrete piles s2 sls
in loose sand," Proc. Annual Meeting of 2
(3-4v) (2h-lt +lJ) -2lJ(2h -lt)_
JSSMFE (15th), pp. 941-944 (in Japanese).
16) Ottaviani, M. (1975) : "Three-dimensional finite
element analysis of vertically loaded pile (A-1)
groups," Geotechnique, Vol. 25, No.2, pp.
159-174. The displacement influence factor on the
17) Poulos, H. G. (1968) : "Analysis of the settle- center of the pile tip where i = j n+ 1 in
ment of pile groups," Geotechnique, Vol. 18, the same pile, is given by the integration of
No.4, pp. 449-471. Mindlin's first solution. We use the Eq. (A-
18) Poulos, H. G. (1974) : "Some recent develop- 2) as the displacement influence factor in
ments in the theoretical analysis of pile be-
order to obtain the average displacement of
havior," Soil Mechanics New Horizons, I. K.
the stratum in contact with the pile tip.
Lee, ed., Newnes-Butterworths, pp. 237-279.
19) Poulos, H. G. (1979 a) : "Settlement of single I(n+l)K(tHl)K=

piles in nonhomogeneous soil, " Proc. ASCE, n- (1+v)ld [ (3-4v)db + (5 _ 12 +S 2 )

Vol.105, No. GT 5, pp. 627-641. X rr(l-v)db 2 2l v v

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terms where k and setting a 0. 5 in Eq.
(20) are given as follows :

+(5-8~t ifi,j~5

0. 0625 Es (i-4) + 0. 125 Es (i-D) + 0. 25 Es (i-2)

+0.5Es +Est+0.5Es(i+l)
+ 0. + 0. 125 Es (i+3)

0. 0625Es(j-4) +0.125Es(j-8) +0. 25Es(J-2)
+0. 6Esu-1> +EsJ+O. 5Es<J+1>
+0. 25Esu+ 2 ) +0.125Es<J+S)
E SJ.av +0. 0625E 8 <J+ 4 )
and if i, J
0. 5t- 1 Es 1+···+Est +0. 5Es <i+1>
+0. 25Es(i+2) +0.125Es(i+3)
+0. 0625Es(i+4)
(A-2) E si av
0. 5t-l + · · · + 1 +0. 9375
0. 5J- ESl + ... + EsJ+O. 5Es <J+1>

APPENDIX B +0. 25Es<J+2) +0.125Es(J+3)

E sj av +0. 0625Es(j+4)
The weighted averages of soil elastic mod-
ulus of the modified method, by ignoring the (B-4)

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