Geography Revision Week 8: Physical Factors

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Geography revision week 8

By Jenny Chalmers

Practice tasks - You need to understand the basics of energy in the UK

Using this bar graph…

1. Describe the change in energy usage from 1970 to 2014 (Quote date from the graph.
T.E.A (Trend, explain, anomaly?)
The amount of energy usage for coal and oil in 1970 – 2014 has decreased but the
amount of gas, nuclear, wind and bio energy has increased.

2. Discuss why these changes could have occurred (Positive and negative)
These changes have occurred because in 1970 coal and oil were the only 2 energy sources that
they knew about but in 2014 more energy sources were found so they had increased.

3. Summarise the Economic and Environmental issues with exploiting energy sources.
There are many issues attached to exploiting our remaining reserves of fossil fuels. Some of
these affect our natural and built environment, whilst others issues involve the economic
impacts of using these resources. Some of the main issues with fossil fuel use is the damage to
the natural environment during extraction and the production of pollutants during burning such
as CO2 which lead to global warming, dust which is hazardous to human health and Sulphur
Dioxide which contributes to acid rain.

4. Create a brainstorm of factors affecting food supply using 2 colours.1 – Human factors,1 –
Physical factors
technology Bioengineering

affecting food
economics nutrition

stress climate

conflict Pests and

poverty disease

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