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I am student of structural engineering but also interested in studying finance and

business. So, here i am writing to apply for financial aid for the Financial
accounting program that i am interested in pursuing on Coursera. As a structural
engineer, I have always had a passion for finance and business and believe that
studying in this area will help me become a more well rounded professional.

I have several reasons for wanting to pursue this course. By pursuing the program,
I beleive to develop the different skill set that will give me a broader
understanding of how different industries and functions interact with each other.
This could help me become a more well rounded professional and contribute to
projects outside of my area of expertise. Also, It will help me to advance my
career by opening the new career opportunities in future as the project management,
business developemnt or consulting requires a combination of technical and business
skills. I believe that by persuing the program expands the network with
professionals in other industries and opening up new career possibilities.

Unfortunately, the cost of this course is beyond my current financial means. I

would greatly appreciate any assistance that you can provide in making this
opportunity a reality for me.

As I'm a student, I have no job of my own to carry the expenses to pay for the
certificate of this course. It is very much difficult for me to gather such a huge
amount of money for the certificate. Financial Aid will help me take this course
without any adverse impact on my monthly essential needs. So I’m badly in need of
this financial aid. I want to take this course as I want to learn. This course will
also increase my job prospects after graduation from my institute. A verified
certificate will attach credibility to the certificate I receive from this course.
I plan to complete all assignments on or before time.

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