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JMEPEG (2021) 30:8057–8064 ÓASM International 1059-9495/$19.00

Effect of Chromium Content in the Steel Substrate

on the Coating Formation and Tribological Properties
of Manganese Phosphate Coatings
Andreas Nevosad , Wolfgang Molnar, and Sabine Schwarz

Submitted: 3 December 2020 / Revised: 16 May 2021 / Accepted: 16 June 2021 / Published online: 6 July 2021

In the literature and industrial experience, the effect of insufficient and poor manganese phosphate coating
formation on steel with higher chromium content (> 1 wt%) is well known, but the reason for this
limitation or the appearance and tribological performance of such coatings is not described sufficiently.
This work describes the differences in structure and tribological properties of manganese phosphate
coatings on different steels with up to 3 wt% of chromium and reveals the formation of amorphous and
crystalline phosphate phases by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The tribological experiments
were performed on a high load test setup with API modified as lubricant. Besides TEM also scanning
electron microscopy, and focused ion beam cross sections were employed to investigate the microstructure
and appearance of the coatings. Furthermore, this work describes the formation of tribologically superior
coatings on martensitic steel with up to 3 wt% chromium.

of metal to be coated represent the key factors affecting the

Keywords chromium phosphate, conversion coating, manganese
phosphate coating, transmission electron microscopy phosphating process and also the composition of the phosphate
coating itself (Ref 1, 7, 16-19).
In this work, only chemically deposited manganese phos-
phate conversion coatings are considered. The deposition
process and coating growth can be described concisely as:
When steel is immersed into a the phosphatizing bath, metal
1. Introduction dissolution on the microanodes and generation of H2 at the
microcathodes by reaction of H3PO4 with the substrate occurs.
Phosphate conversion coatings are applied on iron and steel This causes a local depletion of free acid in the diffusion layer
surfaces for more than a century (Ref 1-3). Nowadays, at the surface of the substrate (increase in pH), which alters the
chemical and electrochemical phosphating represents a com- solubility of primary manganese phosphates in the bath and
monly used surface pretreatment and finishing process of leads to precipitation until a continuous coating, preferably of
ferrous and non-ferrous metals (Ref 4-6). Due to their hureaulite crystals ((Mn2+,Fe2+)5[PO3(OH)|PO4]2Æ4H2O), is
combination of economical, manufacturing (e.g., speed of formed. When the coating prevents all direct contact of the
operation) and physicochemical characteristics (e.g., friction bath to the metal substrate, the reaction seizes up. Technical
reduction, increase in wear and corrosion resistance in combi- phosphatizing baths typically contain, besides phosphoric acid
nation with lubrication or organic coatings), phosphate coatings and primary manganese phosphate, also nitrates for accelera-
have found their application in a variety of industries, e.g., tion of the coating growth as well as catalysts and numerous
automotive, petroleum production and home appliances (Ref 7- organic components to modify the growth kinetics, the grain
10). Most common are zinc-, iron- and manganese-phosphates, size, and to increase the process stability. The entire process is
of which manganese ones feature the most advantageous explained in more detail in various works which focus on
tribological properties. In detail: hardness, excellent wear and process parameters and bath composition (Ref 1, 4, 5, 16).
corrosion resistance in combination with oil, grease or lacquer Typically, these coatings are a dense and strongly adhering
(Ref 11-15). layer of hureaulite crystals with a size of several lm which
Phosphate coatings are usually applied by immersion, using form a jagged surface topology. These grains are softer than the
a series of baths, applying degreasing, rinsing and phosphating steel substrate and break into smaller particles and form a
stages, respectively. In particular, the bath composition, smooth layer under mechanical load (Ref 12, 14) thus
together with the processing temperature (typically of 30- providing wear resistance and reduction in coefficient of
99 °C), time (varying with the selected material and thickness friction. The application of manganese phosphate coating on
of the layer from seconds up to several tens of minutes) and sort steel with up to 1 % of chromium is established in industrial
applications and well described in literature (Ref 1, 5, 8, 15, 20,
21). It is kind of common knowledge and stated in bath
Andreas Nevosad and Wolfgang Molnar, AC2T research GmbH, suppliers datasheets, but not well described in scientific
Viktor-Kaplan-Straße 2C, A-2700 Wiener Neustadt, Austria; and
Sabine Schwarz, University Service Centre for Transmission Electron
literature, that a higher chromium content causes the formation
Microscopy (USTEM), Vienna University of Technology, Wiedner of inferior phosphate coatings or totally inhibits the formation
Hauptstraße 8-10/057-02, A-1040 Vienna, Austria. Contact e-mail: of a coating (Ref 1).

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Volume 30(11) November 2021—8057

Aim of this work is to get a deeper insight in the formation also the time until the maximum of force was reached. The
and tribological properties of phosphate coatings on steels with maximum contact pressure was calculated to be 2000 MPa
up to 3 wt% chromium. Based on this knowledge, the which is above the elastic limit of the steels and the specimen
phosphatizing process was modified, which allowed to produce were plastically deformed during the experiments. To determine
a favorable Mn-phosphate coating on a steel with a chromium the durability of the coatings, cyclic experiments were per-
content of 3 wt%. formed where every cycle consisted of two steps. In the first
step, after lubrication and bringing the specimen into contact, a
constantly increasing load was applied until the maximum set
force was reached, while one of the specimens made one full
2. Experimental rotation. In the second step, the rotation direction was reversed
and force was reduced until the specimen was again separated.
2.1 Materials and Coating Parameters These cycles were repeated until galling was observed or the
For the main coating and tribological investigations, two abortion criteria of ten cycles were reached. Galling was clearly
heat-treatable steels in quenched and annealed condition with visible as severe surface damage by optical inspection as well
similar microstructure and mechanical properties, but a differ- as in the measured torque signal. Otherwise, the torque signal
ent content in chromium, were chosen as substrates for the showed no significant difference between the individual
phosphatizing process. The two heat-treatable steels are (in samples and only the reached number of cycles was considered.
wt%): with approximately 1% Cr HT1 (0.3 C, 0.5 Mn, 0.9 Cr, For each combination of steel and coating 10 sets of samples
0.5 Mo, balance Fe) and with 3% Cr HT3 (0.2 C, 0.9 Mn, 3 Cr, were tested.
0.2 Mo, balance Fe). Only specimen made from the two heat treatable steels HT1
To ensure a clean surface after cutting and grinding, the and HT3 with the original bath composition (A) and the altered
samples were rinsed with petroleum ether, followed by another bath (B) were used for the tribological experiments. The
rinse with deionized water and pickled in 0.1 M NaOH for one experimental setup was made up of two parts of the same
minute prior to phosphatizing. The commercially available material with one part uncoated and the other coated. As
phosphatizing solution Bonderite MN 4902 from Henkel lubricant served the thread compound Bestolife Ò API
served as basis for the phosphatizing agent. No activation step Modified which contains, according to application sheet, 18
was performed. The concentrated Bonderite was diluted ± 1.0 wt% powdered graphite, 30.5 ± 0.6 wt% lead powder,
according to specifications by 18:82 (18%) with deionized 12.2 ± 0.6 wt% zinc dust and 3.3 ± 0.3 wt% copper flakes.
water and possible additives were supplemented to the solution. The interaction of this lubricant with manganese phosphate
The bath was heated up to the desired temperature of 90 °C. coatings is well described in literature (Ref 8, 23).
The samples were subsequently immersed in the phosphat-
ing bath for 14 minutes. By optical appearance, all samples 2.3 Scanning Electron Microscopy
changed to gray color. Depending on the phosphating param- Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images and focused
eters, the color varied from light to dark gray with some ion beam (FIB) cross sections were obtained from the
samples turning almost black. Afterward, the samples were phosphated samples employing a Zeiss SUPRATM 40VP field
again rinsed with deionized water and dried in air. emission scanning electron microscope with GEMINI column.
The phosphatizing of the main samples was done on HT1 in
18% Bonderite bath (Sample ID: HT1A), HT3 in 18% 2.4 Transmission Electron Microscopy
Bonderite bath (Sample ID: HT3A), and HT3 in a modified
bath (Sample ID: HT3B). To investigate the influence of Thin cross sections for transmission electron microscopy
dissolved chromium, a mild steel type 1.0038 (denoted as MS; (TEM) were prepared via focused ion beam cutting on a FEI
in wt%: <0.2 C, <1.4 Mn) was phosphatized in standard Quanta 200 3D DBFIB.
Bonderite process and an especially modified bath with added Transmission electron microscope (TEM) investigations
chromium ions as 0.1 mol/l Cr(NO3)3Æ9 H2O. were performed on a FEI Tecnai F20, equipped with an EDAX
Due to size and number, the specimen for the tribological Apollo EDX detector and a GATAN Orius 600 bottom mount
experiments was coated in an industrial phosphatizing line CCD for image acquisition.
including an activation step, based on the specifications of
Henkel and with the same parameters and modifications as
described above. 3. Results and Discussion
2.2 Tribological Experiments
In this section, first the results of the tribological experi-
The tribological experiments were performed on a machine ments are shown to demonstrate the differences in performance
which incorporates a compression-tension testing machine with of the coatings. Then, the results of the detailed investigations
a maximum axial force of 200 kN and a rotary unit driven by an of the coatings are presented.
electric motor with a maximum torque of 1000 Nm. The device
is explained in detail by Cihak-Bayr et al. (Ref 22). The
3.1 Tribological Experiments
experiments are similar to the ring on ring experiments
described by Ernens in (Ref 8). In contrast to these experi- The tribological experiments were performed until galling
ments, we used a conical contact geometry with coated outer was detected after a performed cycle or 10 cycles without
and uncoated inner sample. For our experiments, a combination galling were reached. Galling was clearly observable as severe
of rotational movement with linearly increasing load was used. plastic deformation of the surface in the wear track as seen in
Rotational speed was one full rotation in one minute which was Fig. 1(a) as well as a sudden deviation in the torque over force

8058—Volume 30(11) November 2021 Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

plots as seen in Fig. 1(b). These plots show first an increase in found (HT1A 8) and one set reached the abortion criteria of 10
torque signal with increasing force. At the maximum force, the cycles without galling. Set 3 for HT1A showed galling in the
direction of the rotation is reversed and a negative torque signal 10th cycle. In average, the samples from HT1A reached
is measured which decreases with decreasing force until the approximately 6 cycles. The results for the 3% Cr steel from the
specimen are again separated. All these curves show verry little standard bath (HT3A) showed significantly less duration as
deviation until galling occurs which was observed at different most samples failed by galling already in the second or third
stages of the cycle for the individual tests. More information cycle and only one set reached 5 cycles. Best results were found
can not be obtained from the torque signal or the development for the 3% Cr steel samples coated in the modified bath (HT3B)
of the curves since no significant difference for the coatings and where 8 out of 10 showed no galling until the 10th cycle and
individual samples was found. A calculation of the coefficient the other sets reached 8, respectively, 9 cycles. Number 1 in
of friction from these curves is misleading due to plastic HT3B was tested in an 11th cycle where galling was observed.
deformation of the samples. This is in agreement with the ring- These results clearly demonstrate the inferior tribological
on-ring experiments by Ernens (Ref 8), but in contrast to these performance of phosphate coatings from a standard bath on a
we also saw the onset of galling in our curves. Also the steel with increased chromium content. Also the significant
observed wear pattern is in good accordance to these exper- improve of tribological performance due to the bath modifica-
iments, where also glaze layers and severe galling events with tion is shown. The differences within the series can be
plastic deformation of the surface were found. explained by inevitable deviations in the manufacturing process
A very clear statement about the tribological performance of and random events like contacts of asperities which start
the coatings can be made from the number of cycles till galling, galling. But the general performance of the series is undoubt-
which is depicted in Fig. 2 for each set of specimens. For the edly caused by the differences in the coating.
samples with 1% Cr steel from the standard bath (HT1A) a
minimum resistance to galling with failure in the 4th cycle was

Fig. 1 Exemplary wear track with galling (a); Exemplary force-torque curve with galling event (b)

Fig. 2 Number of cycles till galling for samples and coatings HT1A, HT3A and HT3B

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Volume 30(11) November 2021—8059

3.2 Detailed Investigations of the Coatings indicates very poor adhesion between phosphate layer and
substrate. The diffraction pattern in Fig. 6b, taken from the
In order to explain the differences in the tribological
region marked by a circle, indicates an amorphous nature of the
performance of the coatings detailed investigations of the
layer. The randomly oriented dots originate from small particles
coatings were performed.
which can also be observed in the TEM image itself.
3.2.1 Sample HT1A—Steel with 1% Cr, Unmodified
3.2.3 Sample MS—Mild Steel wit Chromium Added
Bath. The SEM image of the phosphated HT1A sample
in the Bath. In order to see the effect of chromium in the steel
(Fig. 3a) shows a continuous and dense phosphate layer with
and as dissolved ion in the bath, samples of an unalloyed mild
many facets and crystalline appearance as expected for such a
steel were coated in a standard bath, like HT1A and HT3A, and
manganese phosphate coating. The elemental analysis, via
a modified bath with addition of 0.1 mol/l Cr(NO3)3Æ9 H2O (see
EDX area scan, reveals phosphates, which match closely with
Fig. 7). The coating on mild steel with the original bonderite
the hureaulite formula of (Mn2+, Fe2+)5[PO3(OH)|PO4]2Æ4H2O.
composition as displayed in Fig. 7(a) resembles the coating on
The phosphates measured contain 88% manganese and
sample HT1A, which proves that a low chromium content in
12% iron as cations. The FIB cross section in (Fig. 3b)
the steel has no major influence on coating growth. The coating
shows the dense coating also in the recess between the grains.
shown in Fig. 7(b) was prepared on mild steel with addition of
Figure 4(a) shows a TEM cross section of the hureaulite
chromium nitride. This coating shows the same flat and cracked
coating and the interface between substrate and the coating on
structure as the coating on HT3B. Therefore, we can state that
sample HT1A. The coating is about 7 lm thick and two layers
dissolved chromium is responsible for the formation of this
with different microstructures can be distinguished. The upper
kind of amorphous layer and not the formation of a chromium
layer 2 is a homogenous material without pronounced defects.
oxide on the surface or other effects in the steel.
The lower area of the coating, in layer 1, exhibits a more
3.2.4 Sample HT3B—Steel with 3% Chromium, Mod-
inhomogeneous microstructure with pores (bright areas) and
ified Bath. Experiments with bath composition and various
inclusions which appear darker and consist of Fe, as proven by
additives led to the modified bath which allowed to produce
EDX analysis. These inclusions must originate from the
tribologically functional coatings also on steel with up to 3 wt%
dissolving of the substrate during the phosphatizing process
Cr (samples HT3B). This modified bath showed no change in
and therefore we conclude that the border in the coating
coating formation on samples from HT1 steel. SEM investiga-
corresponds to the former surface of the substrate.
tions of sample HT3B (Fig. 8) revealed a completely different
The diffraction pattern in Fig. 4(b) was taken from layer 2
surface compared to HT3A due to the modified bath. Here,
(indicated by the red circle in Fig. 4a) and confirmed that it
none of the amorphous, cracked, flat phase is found and instead
consists of hureaulite in good concordance with the expected
fine grained, elongated hureaulite crystals form. The larger
diffraction dots indicated in red (Fig. 4b).
hexagonal prismatic crystals in Fig. 8(a) with a length up to
3.2.2 Sample HT3A—Steel with 3% Chromium,
30 lm are precipitates from the phosphatizing bath and are
Unmodified Bath. The SEM image of the sample HT3A,
only weakly adhered to the surface. Figure 8(b) shows the
with 3% of chromium, (Fig. 5a) shows a tremendously different
finely grained structures in more detail. These crystals are also
appearance compared to the crystalline surface exhibited on
needle like prismatic with hexagonal cross section. In EDX
sample HT1A. In this case the surface consists of many flat,
measurements, no chromium was found on the surface. The
scale-like plates (5-15 lm) with gaps in between them,
FIB cross section in Fig. 8(c) shows an adhering and dense
reminding on the appearance of dry soil. The FIB cross section
coating, consisting of two layers which are further described in
in (Fig. 5b) shows that these plates are only loosely adhered to
the TEM cross sections.
the substrate and the layer is not closed. The large, crystalline
The TEM cross section in Fig. 9(a) shows a strongly
particles of hureaulite on the surface are precipitates from the
adhering coating with thickness of 6-7 lm. The holes in the
phosphatizing bath and only weakly adhered to the surface. The
specimen are caused by the thinning during preparation for
EDX measurements of the scale-like plates in Fig. 5(a) revealed
TEM. Like in sample HT1A two layers in the phosphate
a high chromium and iron content compared to the scan
coating are distinguishable by inclusions in layer 1 and a
conducted on HT1A. This means the plates consist of an iron,
homogenous structure in layer 2. The red arrow indicates the
chromium manganese phosphate.
EDX linescan which is plotted in Fig. 9(b). In the substrate
TEM investigations on sample HT3A (Fig. 6a) show a layer
mainly iron with some chromium is found. At the interface of
of 2.5-3.5 lm thickness. Also, a clear gap in the jagged
substrate and phosphate coating the concentration of Fe sharply
interface between coating and substrate can be seen. This

Fig. 3 SEM image of the sample HT1A; composition from EDX in wt%:48 O, 16 P, 32 Mn, 4 Fe (a); FIB cross section of sample HT1A (b)

8060—Volume 30(11) November 2021 Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

Fig. 4 Cross-section TEM image of the phosphate layer on sample HT1A (a); indicated diffraction pattern of hureaulite (b)

Fig. 5 SEM image of sample HT3A; composition of flat area from EDX in wt%: 42 O, 14 P, 9 Mn,24 Fe, 10 C (a); FIB cross section of
sample HT3A (b)

Fig. 6 Cross-section TEM image of the phosphate layer on the HT3A sample (a); Diffraction pattern (b)

declines, but a slight increase in Cr concentration can be seen. five different measurement spots which are indicated by red
In the first two lm of the coating, a significant content of circles and Greek letters in Fig. 10(a). Spot a (Fig. 10b) shows
chromium content and iron are measured. This corresponds the diffraction pattern from the substrate. It reveals a polycrys-
well with the observed layer 1. In layer 2, no chromium is talline material, as expected from the employed martensitic
found and the content of iron and phosphorus stay at a constant steel. Spot b in Fig. 10(c) features a diffraction pattern with
level. A steady increase in manganese and decrease in oxygen very few and irregular reflexes and diffuse concentric rings,
toward the surface of the measured crystal are observed. which indicates amorphous material. A similar appearance is
For a detailed analysis of the crystallographic structure of found at spot c (Fig. 10d), where diffuse rings appear, but also
sample HT3B, a diffraction pattern analysis was performed at diffraction peaks are present which originate from steel

Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance Volume 30(11) November 2021—8061

Fig. 7 Mild steel with standard coating (a); mild steel with chromium nitride added to the bath (b)

Fig. 8 SEM image of the HT3B sample; composition from EDX in wt%:30 O, 16 P, 42 Mn, 6 Fe (a); Detail of the fine-grained structure (b);
FIB cross section (c)

Fig. 9 EDX line scan over the phosphate (a); relative elemental composition of the layer depending on the position (b). The red arrow marks
the scan direction.

particles in the coating. Spots d and e in Fig. 10(e) and (f) show HT1A and mild steel), the standard phosphatizing process
no diffuse ring, but only crystalline material. Diffraction forms a dense coating of hureaulite crystals. The low Cr content
patterns taken from point e, which represents the highest seems to have no detrimental effect on layer growth. At a
measured point in the phosphate layer, show crystallinity und chromium content of 3 wt% in the steel substrate with a
also a good coincidence with the expected hureaulite lattice standard phosphatizing bath (sample HT3A) no hureaulite
(indicated by red dots). This proves that despite the altered forms and a highly amorphous, chromium-rich phosphate is
appearance of the crystals hureaulite forms in the modified deposited onto the surface. This layer shows cracks and poor
bath. adhesion with a visible gap at the interface between phosphate
layer and substrate. The same coating formation resulted also
on unalloyed steel by the addition of chromium ions to the bath.
This effect of chromium and the formation of such coatings is,
4. Summary and Conclusions to the authors actual knowledge, not described in literature. By
modifying the phosphating bath, it was possible to produce a
Tribological experiments demonstrated an inferior perfor- dense and strongly adhering, partly crystalline coating on 3
mance of standard manganese phosphate coatings on steels wt% Cr steel (sample HT3B). Crystalline hureaulite and
with 3 wt% Cr. Therefore, the coatings were investigated in amorphous phases in this coating were proven by TEM
detail. On steel substrates up to 1 wt% of chromium (sample diffraction pattern.

8062—Volume 30(11) November 2021 Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance

Fig. 10 Cross-section TEM-image with measurement points (a); Diffraction pattern of the substrate (b); of the lower layer 1 (c-e); of the more
crystalline upper layer 2 (f)

The authors developed the following explanation for the Acknowledgements

observed coating formation:
The authors want to thank voestalpine Tubulars Kindberg for
During the phosphatizing process, chromium gets dissolved
the support and provision of knowledge in the field of industrial
from the steel and is enriched in the diffusion layer where the
application of the manganese phosphating.
substrate dissolution and the coating growth occurs. A critical
amount of Cr-ions in the solution interferes with the various
simultaneous processes and instead of crystalline hureaulite an
amorphous phase forms and no passivation of the surface Funding
happens. The bath modification on sample HT3B altered the Presented results were realized in research projects with
processes ongoing during deposition in a way that hureaulite financial support from the participating project partners and the
crystals can grow and the surface reaches the state of Austrian COMET program (Project InTribology, No. 872176). The
passivation. In this way a strongly adhering and crystalline COMET program is funded by the Austrian Federal Government
hureaulite coating is formed. Nevertheless, still some amor- and concerning InTribology by the provinces of Lower Austria and
phous phase is formed especially close to the substrate. Vorarlberg.
Additional effect is the formation of elongated hureaulite
crystals which was observed only on 3% Cr substrate.
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