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MODULE 1: THE INFORMATION SYSTEM: AN ● Non-financial transactions – do not

ACCOUNTANT’S PERSPECTIVE qualify as a financial transaction (e.g.,

showing customers the products)
● San Miguel Corporation, a PH corporation, Subsystems of AIS
manufacturer of beer ● General Ledger/Financial Reporting
● Information System: focused on corporation System (GL/FRS) – responsible for
and manufacturing companies generation of general financial reports
● Perspective of an Accountant ● Transaction Processing System (TPS) –
capturing all financial transactions
Information Objectives ● Expenditure Cycle – acquisition of factors of
1. Support the firm’s day to day operations production
2. Support management decision making
3. Support the stewardship function of ● Purchase System
management ● Cash Disbursement System
● Payroll Processing System
Types of Information Flow ● Fixed Asset System
○ Conversion Cycle – converting labor
1. Internal Flows - within the company into products
● Horizontal
○ happens at operation level (e.g., ● Cost Accounting System
accepting sales order and relaying it to ● Production Planning and Control
the inventory dep.) ○ Revenue Cycle – sales
○ Needed info is more detailed ● Sales Processing System
● Cash Receipts System
● Vertical
○ operation to top management Characteristics of Useful Information
○ Vertical upwards – Needed for more 1. Relevance – has to serve a purpose
aggregated info (trends, total pictures) 2. Timeliness – present or available when
○ Vertical downwards (e.g., relaying needed
budgets) 3. Accuracy – free from material errors or
2. External Flow 4. Completeness – none is missing
● Trading Partners – involved in day-to-day 5. Summarization – aggregated with user needs
○ Customers Organizational Structure
○ Suppliers ● Hierarchical arrangement of lines of authority,
communications, rights, and duties of an
● Other Stakeholders organization
○ Government ● Determines how the roles, power, and
○ Stockholders responsibilities are assigned, controlled, and
○ Creditors coordinated
● Determines how information flows between the
Performance Information different levels of management
● Need for more aggregated info; trends; total
picture Segmentation by Business Function
● A common method of organizing a business
Operating Personnel entity
● Need for more detailed info ● Functional areas are maintained for the
purpose of operating the business
Information System
● The set of formal procedures by which data The Accounting Function
are collected, stored, processed into 1. Captures and records financial transactions
information and distributed to users 2. Distributed transaction information to
● Data comes from: personnel
○ Financial transactions – events that
affect assets, liabilities, and owner’s Hence, it is important for such information to be
equities (e.g., payment of accounts) reliable and to be valuable. > ACCOUNTING
INDEPENDENCE: Accounting Activities must be > 1) Test of Controls - Review of Internal
separate and independent from the functional areas Controls;
that manage and maintain the physical resources. > 2) Substantive Test - verification of FS
accounts by examining the related data that
Information Technology are in the databases
● Data Processing - Centralized Data > Final Output: Audited FS;
Processing or Distributed Data Processing > MUST BE INDEPENDENT, CAN OFFER
● Systems Development & Maintenance ADVISORY SERVICES ONLY TO
● Database Administration NON-AUDIT CLIENTS
● Network Administration ● Internal Audit (Operational Audit)
> internal auditors work for the company
IT Outsourcing (Certified Internal Auditor/CIA or Certified
● Selling of hardware and software (IT Information System Auditor/CISA)
resources) to a third party > includes a wide range of functions: financial
● Leasing of IT resources audits, examination of obligations; evaluation
of operational efficiency; detecting fraud, etc.
Cloud Computing > AUDIT COMMITTEE is required for publicly
● Consumers and online retailers listed companies (Members of the Board who
● Scalability and Flexibility serves as an Independent check and balance)
● Easier to adjust during expansion ● Fraud Audit
● Secured data > investigates when there is an expected theft
● Accessibility of the assets or financial fraud (Certified Fraud
● Private - cloud services is delivered by a single Examiners/CFA)
● Public - third party providers deliver services Designer of AIS/Auditor of AIS Duality
over the internet ● Common Skill Set: Knowledge of Systems and
● Hybrid - mixed Audit Risks
● Software as a Service (SaaS) - most popular ● An auditor cannot audit properly if he does not
among shopping retailers (Shoppee) understand systems design
● Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) - providing ● A system designer cannot perform his task if
data center structure in demand (Amazon Web he does not understand audit risks, audit
Services used by Netflix) issues, and concerns
● Platform as a Service (PaaS) - used for
applications and developments which run THE INFORMATION SYSTEM: AN ACCOUNTANT’S
applications (Java) PERSPECTIVE


● The reporting requirements of external users
Accountants as System Designers such as lending institutions, BIR, Internal
● 2 Components of System Design: 1) Revenue and stockholders are subject to
Conceptual System - requires knowledge stringent reporting standards. Thus firms have
regarding financial systems, internal controls, historically placed a very high emphasis on the
specific accounting goals and procedures; accuracy of the AIS and the reports they
domain of accountants, 2) Physical System - produce for external agencies since failure to
domain of IT professionals provide accurate and timely information carries
● Collaborative work between Accountants and heavy penalties.
IT professionals
● Can one person be both an accountant and IT Internal Users
professional? Yes! ● Internal users, such as managers, also need
vital information to make good decisions.
Accountants as System Auditors Firms are beginning to realize that the needs
All require a thorough understanding of AIS Functions of these internal users are also very important
and Internal Controls to efficiently and effectively operate and plan
● External or Financial Audit (Attestation) for the future.
> performed only by CPA; an independent
examination of a company’s FS to express an Comment On The Level Of Detail Necessary For
opinion on the fairness of the FS presentation Operations Management, Middle Management And
(BOA accredited CPAs in public practice) Stockholders
● The level of detail necessary for the
stockholders is highly aggregated and typically An Information System must meet Three
follows the format prescribed by the SEC and Fundamental Objectives. Discuss Why These
GAAP. Objectives Cannot Effectively Be Met by a
● Much more detailed information is necessary Common Set of Information
for middle management to plan and control ● Three functions of information systems are (1)
operations. to support the stewardship function of
● Highly detailed information is necessary at the management, (2) to support management
operations management level in order to run decision making, and (3) to support the firm’s
the day-to-day business processes and day-to-day operations. Managers of all areas
operations. typically need data from both AIS and MIS. If
the data needed by the managers for decision
making processes are located in two or more
datasets, the preparation of reports is both
inefficient and expensive. Further, a lack of
coordination between the two datasets can
result in data that is not consistent and is
● Nasa quiz
● Top Management - goal (e.g 1.5B income)
● Middle Management - general, aggregated Do You Think Transaction Processing Systems
information/goal Differ Significantly Between Service And
● Operations Management - there are already Manufacturing Industries? Are They Equally
plans (more detailed) Important To Both Sectors
● Operations Personnel - highly detailed ● The transaction processing systems only
● Becomes Highly detailed (going down) differ in the types of data elements collected.
Both service and manufacturing industries
Distinguish Between Financial And Non Financial need to collect data regarding business
Transactions processes.
● While a manufacturing firm may collect data
Give Three Examples Of Each regarding the amount of scrap generated at a
● Financial transactions - affect the accounts particular workstation, a service firm, such as
in the financial statements in some manner. a public accounting firm, needs to collect data
Three examples are (1) use of equipment – regarding the number of hours spent by staff to
depreciation, (2) payment of payables and (3) verify cash balances. Transaction processing
receipt of cash from a customer for a sale systems are equally important to both types of
previously made on account industries.
● Non-financial transactions - include
business events that do not impact the Discuss the difference between the financial
financial statements. Three examples are (1) reporting system and the general ledger system
a book checked out by a student in a school ● The General Ledger System (GLS)
library, (2) the recording of a customer summarizes all of the transaction cycle activity
complaint via a hotline and (3) status reports and general journal entries. The GLS provides
of research and development projects most of the input in the Financial Reporting
● The information system is the set of formal System (FRS).
procedures by which data is collected, ● The FRS communicates information from the
processed into information, and distributed to GLS to the external users. The FRS often
users. collects additional pieces of information other
● A transaction is an event that affects or is of than that which is found in the GLS. An
interest to the organization and is processed example of this is when a pending lawsuit is
by its information system as a unit of work. likely to be settled in the next year. The GLS
● A financial transaction is an economic event would not have this information.
that affects the assets and equities of the
organization, is reflected in its accounts and is Examine Figure 1-4 and discuss where and how
measured in monetary terms. problems can arise that can cause the resulting
● A nonfinancial transaction is an event that information to be bad or ineffective.
doesn’t meet the definition of a financial
important for cash receipts operations. The
person in charge of deposits of currency and
check receipts should not be allowed to
reconcile the sales records to the cash
deposits and/or the bank account. If these
duties are not separated, then the cash
receipts clerk can steal money and cover it up
during the reconciliation process.
○ You have to be independent
Discuss how the element of efficiency, everywhere.
effectiveness, and flexibility are crucial to the
design of an information system Discuss why it is crucial that internal auditors
● Efficiency is crucial to an AIS. The cost of report solely to the audit committee of the BOD
collecting and producing information should and answer to no other group.
not outweigh its benefits. Further, the ● The internal auditors are responsible for
applications should be run in a manner that detecting and pursuing fraud within the firm. If
places the least strain on the overall system. management-level employees are involved,
For example, the printing of checks to vendors the internal auditors may fear losing their jobs
should not be done during the day if it slows if they blow the whistle on such activities.
down the online sales order processing Thus, the internal auditors should report to the
system in a multi-tasking environment. board of directors so that they do not fear any
● In order for a system to be effective, the repercussions of their actions from top
appropriate data should be processed, and the management.
resulting information disseminated to the ○ Internal auditors report to the BOD
appropriate users. For example, an accounts (Board of Directors) only and not to
receivable delinquent report should be sent to the President.
the collection department in a timely fashion,
so that measures can be taken to collect the Contrast centralized data processing with
funds. The ability to react to a change distributed data processing. How do the roles of
(flexibility) is very important, especially in an end users differ between the two approaches?
FRS where reporting requirements and ● In a centralized data-processing environment,
standards change frequently. the computer services personnel are all
housed in one department where all of the
Discuss: The Accounting System is a conceptual systems development and maintenance takes
flow of information that represents physical place. End users must formally request any
personnel, machinery, and flows of raw materials additions or enhancements to the current
and cash through the organization. system. In a distributed data processing (DDP)
● This statement means that the accounting system, the systems professionals may still be
system is a representation of the operations of housed together or they may be located
a firm. As machines operate, workers perform throughout the various segments of the
their duties, raw materials are transferred into organization. End users gain more control over
finished goods and cash flows are exchanged their data and applications. DDP is becoming
between suppliers and customers, the more and more popular as networking
accounting system must be continuously computers is becoming easier and more
updated to accurately reflect these actions. commonplace.
This conceptual flow is crucial because it
allows management to view in summary and in
detail the financial effects of these operations
on the firm.

Discuss the Importance of Accounting

Independence in Accounting Information Systems.
Give an example of Where this concept is
● Accounting independence is important - Central Corporate Data - most important
because the separation between the
record-keeping functions and the physical
resources is crucial. This concept is extremely
IT auditors, have special skills, which allow
them to focus on the computer “processing.”
Thus, distinguishing these auditors from
auditors who do not have such skills may still
be appropriate.

Describe cloud computing and explain how it is

similar to obtaining a commodity product.
● Cloud computing is location-independent
Discuss how conceptual and physical systems computing whereby shared data centers
differ and which functions are responsible for deliver hosted IT services over the Internet.
these systems The concept can be equated to the way in
● The conceptual system represents the logic which electricity is delivered to a private home.
and decision rules to be applied, while the The homeowner enters into a contract with the
physical system represents the means of local public utility company to deliver electricity
accomplishing the tasks. Many different as needed. The public utility company may
possibilities (physical systems) may be generate some of this electricity, but during
available to accomplish the conceptual high demand periods it will go to the national
system. The accountant is important in the electric grid to tap into the production of other
design of the conceptual system; however, electricity generators across the country.
system designers may dominate in the tasks ● Similarly, an organization pursuing cloud
of physical design because of the technical computing signs a contract with an IT service
nature of the solution. The accountant should provider to provide computing resources.
still be involved in the process, although When demand exceeds the provider’s IT
he/she may only participate in an advisory capacity, it acquires additional capacity from
role. data centers in the “cloud” that are connected
via the Internet. A potential risk to the client
Why is an active BOD audit committee important to firm is that it does not necessarily know where
an organization? its data are actually being processed, just as
● To be effective, the audit committee must be the homeowner does not know where his or
willing to challenge the internal auditors (or the her electricity is being generated. The
entity performing that function) as well as advantage to the client organization is access.
management when necessary. Part of the role
of committee members is to look for ways to Why is it important to organizationally separate the
identify risk. For instance, they might serve as accounting function from other functions of the
a sounding board for employees who observe organization?
suspicious behavior or spot fraudulent ● The accounting function provides
activities. In general, they become an record-keeping services for all of the
independent guardian of the entity’s assets by operations and day-to-day activities of other
whatever means is appropriate. Corporate departments, which affect the financial position
frauds often have some relationship to audit of the organization. Record-keeping tasks
committee failures. These include lack of must be kept separate from any area that has
independence of audit committee members, custody over assets. Thus, the accounting
lack of experienced members on the audit function must remain independent so that the
committee, inactive audit committees, and the protection of the firm’s assets is carried out in
total absence of an audit an environment with minimum possibilities for
The term IT auditor should be considered obsolete
because it implies distinction between regular What is an external financial audit and what are the
auditors and auditors who examined computerized sources of evidence?
AIS, do you agree? ● An external audit is an independent attestation
● Yes and No. Virtually all publicly traded firms performed by an expert—the auditor—who
have computerized AISs as well as most expresses an opinion regarding the
small- and medium-sized firms. Audits of presentation of financial statements. This task,
non-computerized systems are becoming rare. known as the attest function, is performed by
Thus, one may say that virtually all auditors CPAs who work for public accounting firms
must deal with electronic processing of data. that are independent of the client organization
However, certain auditing personnel, known as being audited. The audit objective is always
associated with assuring the fair presentation F. Finance
of financial statements. These audits are, 1. Portfolio management
therefore, often referred to as financial audits. 2. Treasury
The evidence auditors gather comes from two 3. Credit
types of tests that they perform: (1) tests of 4. Cash disbursement
controls and (2) substantive tests. 5. Cash receipt
G. Accounting
Why do firms outsource their IT functions? 1. Inventory control
explain the options of traditional IT outsourcing 2. Cost accounting
and cloud computing and how do they differ? 3. Payroll
● Corporate management has long complained 4. Accounts payable
about the administrative burden and high cost 5. Accounts receivable
associated with managing and maintaining IT 6. Billing
functions. In an effort to bring costs under 7. Fixed-asset accounting
control and to escape their IT headaches, 8. General ledger
many corporate executives look to IT H. Computer Service
outsourcing. Under this practice the 1. Data processing
organization sells its IT resources (hardware, 2. Systems development and maintenance
software, and facilities) to a third-party 3. Database administration
outsourcing vendor such as HP Enterprise
Services (formally EDS).

Functional Segmentation

IDENTIFICATION: I – Internal User; T – External

User (Trading partner); and S – External user
A. Bureau of internal Revenue - E
B. Inventory control manager - I
C. Board of directors - I
D. Customers - E
List five functional areas and their sub-functions. E. Lending institutions - E
A. Materials Management F. SEC - E
1. Purchasing G. Stockholders - E
2. Receiving H. CEO - I
3. Stores I. Supplier - E
B. Production J. Bondholder - E
1. Production planning
2. Quality control IDENTIFICATION: TPS – Transaction processing
3. Maintenance system; FRS – Financial reporting system; and
C. Marketing MRS – Management reporting system
1. Advertising A. preparation of balance sheet
2. Market research B. capture customer sales order
3. Sales order processing C. preparation of variance reports
D. Distribution D. preparation of budgets
1. Warehouse E. purchase order preparation
2. Shipping F. summary of inventory purchases by vendor
E. Personnel G. preparation of comparative sales report by division
1. Recruiting H. preparation of cash disbursements to vendors
2. Training I. annual report preparation
3. Benefits J. customer billing process
4. Counseling K. cost volume profit analysis
PPT 01: ○
The transaction processing system
(TPS) which supports daily business
The Information Environment: operations.
● Information is a business resource. ○ The general ledger/financial
● Operations management directly responsible reporting system (GL/FRS) which
for controlling day-to-day operations. produces reports.
● Middle management accountable for ○ The management reporting system
short-term planning and coordinating activities (MRS) which provides information for
to accomplish organizational objectives. decision making.
● Top management responsible for longer-term ● Management information system (MIS)
planning and setting organizational objectives. processes nonfinancial transactions not
● Two groups of external users: trading partners processed by the AIS.
and stakeholders.
Table 1-1
Information Objectives: Examples of MIS Applications in Functional Areas
● The goal of an information system is to Function Examples of MIS Applications
support: Finance Portfolio management systems
● The firm’s day to day operations. Capital budgeting systems
● Management decision making. Marketing Market analysis
● The stewardship function of management. New product development
Product analysis
An Information Systems Framework Distribution Warehouse organization and
Delivery scheduling
Vehicle loading and allocation models
Personnel Human resource management
● Job skill tracking system
● Employee benefits system

AIS Subsystems:
● The transaction processing system (TPS):
○ Converts economic events into
financial transactions.
○ Records financial transactions in the
accounting records.
○ Distributes essential financial
information to support operations.
● The general ledger/financial reporting
system (GL/FRS) takes information from the
TPS and other input and:
○ Updates general ledger control
○ Handles nondiscretionary reporting
● The management reporting system (MRS)
provides the internal information needed to
manage a business and handles
discretionary reporting.

A General Model for AIS

● End users fall into two groups :
○ External users include creditors,
● Accounting information system (AIS) stockholders, government agencies,
processes financial and some nonfinancial suppliers and customers.
transactions. Three subsections: ○ Internal users include management
and operations personnel.
○ Distributes essential financial ○ Accuracy: Free from material errors.
information to support operations. ○ Completeness: All essential
● Data are facts which may or may not be information is present.
processed and have no direct effect on a ○ Summarization: Aggregated for the
user’s actions. user’s needs.
● Information causes a user to take an action ● Feedback is a form of output sent back to the
that would otherwise not have been taken. system as a source of data.
● Data sources are financial transactions that
enter the information system for internal or The Accounting Function
external sources. ● Accounting manages the financial resource of
● Data collection is the first operational stage the firm:
in the information system: ○ Captures and records transactions.
○ Objective is to ensure data are valid, ○ Distributes transaction information to
complete and free from material operations personnel.
errors. ● Value of information is determined by its
○ Only relevant data should be captured. reliability.
○ Efficient collection procedures ○ Relevance, accuracy, completeness,
designed to collect data only once. summarization and timeliness.
● Data processing tasks range from simple to ○ Unreliable information has no value.
complex. ● Information reliability requires accounting
● The organization’s database is its physical independence.
repository for financial and nonfinancial data. ○ Accounting activities must be separate
○ Term could apply to a filing cabinet or and independent of the functional
computer disk. areas maintaining custody of
The Levels in the Data Hierarchy: ○ Accounting supports these functions
● The levels in the data hierarchy: with information but does not
● The data attribute is the most elemental piece participate in the physical activities.
of potentially useful data in the database.
● A record is a complete set of attributes for a Information Technology
single occurrence within an entity class. ● Many organization employ a combination of
● A file (or table) is a complete set of records of centralized and distributed processing.
an identical class. ● Centralized Data Processing:
● Database management involves three ○ All data processing performed by large
fundamental tasks: storage, retrieval and computer(s) in a common data center
deletion. that serves users throughout the
○ Lends itself to intra-organization
communication and data sharing.
● Distributed Data Processing (DDP):
○ Users process transactions locally with
each user segment possessing IT
needs to support their operations.
○ Users function independently and tend
not to share data and information.

● Information generation is the process of

compiling, arranging, formatting, and
presenting information to users.
● Regardless of physical form, useful
information has:
○ Relevance: Content must serve a
○ Timeliness: No older than time frame
of supported action.
The Role of Accountants in AIS
● Accounts play a prominent role on system
development teams as domain experts,
responsible for many aspects of the
conceptual system including specifying rules,
reporting requirements and internal control
○ IT professionals determine the most
economical and effective technologies
for the physical system, including
data storage.
● Accountants perform audits which typically
involve the AIS.
○ External audit is an independent
attestation and opinion (audit report)
● Systems development is the process regarding financial statement
organizations use to acquire information presentation.
systems. ■ Requires auditors
○ Can be purchased or built from (independent CPAs) to test
scratch. internal controls and perform
○ Commercial software available for substantive tests of data.
general accounting and industry ■ Critical element is auditor
specific applications. Sometimes independence, which means
called turnkey systems because can the auditor is free from factors
be implemented with little modification. that might influence the audit
○ Custom software is developed report.
through a formal process called the
system development life cycle. ● Prior to Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX),
Requires an in-house team of qualified accounting firms were permitted to provide
individuals. both advisory and attest services to clients.
● Systems maintenance may be trivial or ● SOX legislation restricts non-audit services
significant. that auditors may provide and prohibits
○ Between 80% - 90% of system’s total auditors from providing these services:
cost may be incurred because of ○ Other accounting services including
maintenance activities. bookkeeping, financial information
systems design and implementation,
● Centrally organized companies with shared appraisal or valuation, actuarial, and
data use database administration to ensure internal audit outsourcing.
security and integrity. ○ Management or human resources,
● A network is a collection of computers and broker or dealer, investment adviser,
communication devices that allow users to or investment banking services.
communicate, access data and applications, ○ Legal services and expert services
and share information and resources. unrelated to the audit.
○ Network administration responsible ○ Any other service that the Board
for effective functioning of hardware determines, by regulation, is
and software. impermissible.
● Due to the highly technical, dynamically
changing and expense of IT, many executives ● Internal auditing is an independent appraisal
look to IT outsourcing. function within an organization to examine and
○ Organization sells IT resources and evaluate activities.
leases back IT services. ○ External auditors represent outsiders
○ With cloud computing data centers and internal auditors represent the
deliver hosted IT services over the interests of the organization.
Internet: Software as a service ● Fraud audits have increased in popularity as a
(SaaS), infrastructure as a service corporate governance tool.
(IaaS) and platform as a service ○ May be initiated by managers to
(PaaS). investigate employees or the board to
investigate management.
● Audit committees serves an independent
“check and balance” for internal audit functions ● Source Documents – are used to capture
and a liaison with external auditors. and formalize transaction data needed for
○ Usually three people, one of which transaction processing.
must be a “financial expert”. ● Product Documents – are the result of
transaction processing.
● Turnaround Documents – product
documents of one system that become source
PROCESSING ● Journals – are chronological records of
An Overview of Transaction Data Processing ○ Special Journals are used to record
● A financial transaction is an economic event specific classes of transactions that
that affects the assets and equities of the firm, occur in high frequency.
is reflected in its accounts, and is measured in ○ Register denotes certain types of
monetary terms special journals.
● 3 transaction cycles: the expenditure cycle, the ○ General Journal is used to record
conversion cycle and the revenue cycle. nonrecurring, infrequent, and
Every business: dissimilar transactions.
○ Incurs expenditures in exchange for
resources (1.expenditure cycle). Accounting Records: Manual System
○ Provides value added through its
products or services (2. conversion
○ Receives revenue from outside
sources (3. revenue cycle).

An Overview of Transaction Processing

Expenditure Cycle: Time lag between components

due to credit relationship with suppliers.
● Physical Component (acquisition of goods)
● Financial Component (cash disbursements to
the supplier)

Conversion Cycle:
● the production system (planning, scheduling,
and control of the physical product through the
manufacturing process)
● the cost accounting system (monitors the
flow of cost information related to production)

Revenue Cycle: Time lag between components due to

credit relationship with customers.
● physical component (sales order processing)
● financial component (cash receipts)
Ledger: is a book of accounts that reflects the
financial effects of a firm’s transactions as they are
posted from the various journals.
a. General ledgers contain account information
in highly summarized control accounts.
b. Subsidiary ledgers contain details for each of
the individual accounts that constitute a
particular control account.

● Together the accounting records provide an

audit trail for tracing account balances
contained in the financial statements back to
the source documents and events that created
Digital Accounting Records
● Important in the conduct of a financial
● Master file contains account data.
● Transaction file is a temporary file of
transaction records used to update data in a
Accounting Records: Manual System
master file.
● Reference file stores data that are used as
standards for processing transactions.
● Archive file contains records of past
transactions retained for future reference
○ Form an important part of the audit
● Digital record audit trails are less observable
than those between hard-copy documents, but
they still exist.
The Database Model
File Structures
● The flat-file model describes an environment
where individual data files are not related to
other files. Leads to three significant data
redundancy problems:
● Data Storage:
○ Organizations must incur the costs of
multiple collection and storage
● Data Updating:
○ Changes or additions must be
performed multiple times which adds
significantly to the task and cost of Documentation Techniques
data management. ● Data flow diagram (DFD) uses symbols to
● Currency of Information: represent entities, processes, data flows and
○ If update information is not properly data stores.
disseminated, changes will not be ○ Used extensively by systems analysts
reflected in some users’ data, resulting to represent the logical elements of
in decisions based on outdated the system but does not depict the
information. physical system.
● Entity relationship diagram (ER) is a
Other problems with the flat-file approach: technique used to represent the relationship
● Task-Data Dependency: between business entities.
○ User’s information set is constrained ○ The degree of the relationship
by the data the user possesses and (cardinality) is the numeric mapping
controls. This leads to the inability to between entities: one-to-one (1:1),
obtain additional information as needs one-to-many (1:M) or many-to-many
change. (M:M).
● Data Integration: ○ A data model is a blueprint for the
○ Separate files are difficult to integrate physical database.
across multiple users. ● DFDs and ER diagrams document different
system aspects but are related.
○ DFDs model systems processes and
ER diagrams system data.
● Program flowchart provides operational
details for every program represented in a
system flowchart.
○ Sometimes used by accountants to
verify the correctness of program
● Record layout diagrams reveal the internal
structure of digital records in a database table.

● System flowchart is the graphical

representation of the physical relationships
among key elements of a system.
○ Elements include departments,
manual activities, computer programs,
hard-copy and digital accounting
○ Also describe the physical computer
media being employed.
○ Shows the processing of a single
transaction only.
Transaction Processing Models: Batch vs.
● Information time frame:
○ Batch systems assemble
transactions in groups, resulting in a
time lag. Real-time systems process
transactions individually as they occur
with no time lag.
● Resources:
○ Generally fewer required with a batch
● Operational efficiency:
○ Batch processing of noncritical
accounts eliminates unnecessary
activities at critical points in the
● Designer must consider the trade-off between
efficiency and effectiveness.
● Updating master files from transactions:
○ Involves changing the value of one or
more variable fields to reflect the
effects of a transaction (batch and
● Master file backup is a standard procedure to
maintain file integrity in the event that:
○ An update program error corrupts the
master file being updated.
○ Undetected transaction errors result in
corrupted balances.
○ A disaster physically destroys current
master files.
● Batch processing using real-time data
○ Popular approach that captures and
processes some aspects of a
transaction when in occurs and other
aspects in batch mode.
● Real-time systems process entire transactions
as they occur.

Transaction Processing Models

Table 2-1
Characteristic Differences Between Batch and
Real-Time Processing
Data Processing Models
Distinguishing Batch Real-Time
Information time Lag exists No time lag
frame between time exists.
when the Processing takes
economic event place when the Discuss The Flow Of Cash Through The
occurs and when economic event Transaction Cycles. Include The Relevant
it is recorded occurs. Subsystems And Any Time Lags That May Occur
Resources Generally, fewer More resources ● Cash flows into the firm from sales made to
resources (e.g., are required than customers. The sales order processing
hardware, for batch
subsystem of the revenue cycle captures the
programming, processing.
training) are intent of customers to exchange cash for
required services or goods manufactured. Typically
Operational Certain records Operational sales are made on credit. The cash receipts
efficiency are processed delays are not an subsystem of the revenue cycle captures the
after the event to issue. All records actual receipt of cash. Depending on the credit
avoid operational pertaining to the terms and promptness of payment by the
delays event are customer, the lag between the sales order
processed processing subsystem and the cash receipts
subsystem may be days, weeks, or months.
● The lag between receiving goods and
disbursement of cash may be days or weeks.
Cash is also disbursed to employees, typically
after services are rendered by the employees.
The lag is usually no more than one-half a
month for salaried employees and as short as
one-half a week for hourly wage earners. The
payroll subsystem of the expenditure system
captures these disbursements to employees.

Explain Whether the Cost Accounting System

Primarily Supports Internal or External Reporting
● Initially, the cost accounting system was used
for the valuation of inventory and cost of goods
sold reported to external users; however, the
valuable use of cost accounting data for ledger. Thus, the accounts payable subsidiary
budgeting, cost control, performance reporting, ledger is a detailed breakdown of the summary
and management decision making have control in the general ledger.
proved to be crucial internal support.
What Role Does The Audit Trail Play In The Task Of
Discuss The Role Of The Conversion Cycle For Confirmation
Service And Retailing Entities ● Confirmation is most typically used for
● The conversion cycle activities for service and confirming the accounts receivable account as
retailing entities include planning the items to reported on the balance sheet. The audit trail
purchase or the services to produce, planning is used to trace from the general ledger
the workforce to accomplish the necessary accounts receivable control account to the
tasks (extremely crucial in service entities), subsidiary account, and then to specific
and directing the workforce in performing the customer accounts. A sample of the customer
service or selling the goods. accounts is then selected for confirmation.

Can A Turnaround Document Contain Information Explain the Magnetic Audit Trail Functions
That Is Subsequently Used As A Source Document ● In theory, the digital audit trail functions the
● Yes. For example, the remittance advice of a same as a manual audit trail. In practice, the
bill that is returned with the payment serves as steps are slightly different. The archive file that
a source document for the cash receipts consists solely of valid transactions is the file
transaction processing system. Thus, the to which the accounts receivable subsidiary
product document becomes a source account balances and transactions are traced.
document. The customers still need to be contacted for
Would The Writing Down Of Obsolete Inventory Be
Recorded In A Special Journal Or The General Are Large Batch Sizes Preferable To Small Batch
Journal Sizes
● This type of transaction is recorded in the ● Small batches have the advantage of fewer
general journal since it is nonrecurring, transactions to sort through for error detection,
infrequent, and not similar to other types of but they are not processed as efficiently.
transactions. Further, computing facilities and constraints
might dictate whether multiple small batches
Are Both Registers And Special Journals may be processed throughout the day or
Necessary whether a single large batch is processed at
● Sometimes the terms are used night when the computing facilities have
interchangeably, such as the sales journal is excess capacity. (Multiple small batches may
sometimes called the sales register. The term still be processed in the evening.)
journal is appropriate when the information
needs to be ultimately posted to the general Discuss Why An Understanding Of The Legacy
ledger. Registers may be used to keep logs of System Technologies Is Of Some Importance To
information that may support, but do not Auditors
specifically get posted to the general ledger, ● Not all modern organizations use entirely
such as a raw materials receipts register or a modern information systems. Some firms
shipping log. employ legacy systems for certain aspects of
their data processing. When legacy systems
Discuss The Relationship Between Balance In AP are used to process financially significant
GL Control Account And What Is Found In The AP transactions, auditors need to know how to
SL Account evaluate and test them.
● The balance in the general ledger is
considered a control account. This amount is If An Organization Processes Large Numbers Of
an aggregated number representing the total Transaction That Use Common Data Records,
amount owed to creditors listed in the What Type Of System Would Work Best All Else
accounts payable journal. The accounts Being Equal
payable subsidiary ledger details the exact ● Large-scale systems that process high
amount owed to each creditor. The sum of the volumes of transactions often use real-time
amounts owed to each creditor listed in the data collection and batch updating. Master file
accounts payable journal should equal the records that are unique to a transaction, such
corresponding control total in the general as customer accounts and individual inventory
records, can be updated in real time without ○ Supports the audit function by
causing operational delays. Common accounts providing an effective audit trail. a
should be updated in batch mode. Real-time class.
processing is better suited to systems that
process lower transaction volumes and those
that do not share common records.
● Real-time processing is better suited to
systems that process lower transaction
volumes and those that do not share common

What Is The Most Striking Difference Between The

Database Model And Flat File Model
● The most striking difference between the
database model and the flat-file model is the
pooling of data into a common database that
● Numeric group codes are used to represent
all organizational users share.
complex items or events involving two or more
pieces of related data.
Discuss Some Of The Problems Associated With
○ Zones or fields have specific
General Ledger Systems That Do Not Have Data
Coding Schemes
For example, a coding scheme for tracking sales might
● Uncoded data takes a great deal of recording
be 04-09-476214-99, meaning:
space, is time-consuming to record and is
prone to many types of errors. Consider a firm
that manufactures bicycles and carries in its Store Dept. Item Salesperson
Number Number Number
inventory reflector lights. The lights come in six
sizes, 2 colors, and 4 different grades of 04 09 476214 99
material. Thus, 48 different varieties of
reflector light are held (6x2x4). Every time ● Facilitates representation of large amounts of
lights are purchased, the description would diverse data.
need to be included rather than a code. For ● Allows complex data to be logically
example if 100 units of one type of reflector represented.
light were purchased, and 200 units of another ● Permits detailed analysis and reporting.
were purchased from Collins Manufacturer in ● Disadvantages are overuse which can
Roanoke, Virginia, the journal entry would be: increase costs and linking of unrelated data.
● Alphabetic codes are used for many of the
same purposes as numeric codes.
Inventory-2”, yellow metal 75
reflector light ○ May use sequential, block or group
coding techniques.
Inventory-3”, orange, plastic 120
reflector light ○ Dramatically increases the capacity to
represent large numbers of items.
A/P-Collins Mnf-Roanoke, VA 195
○ Disadvantages are it is difficult to
rationalize the meaning of the codes
Data Coding Schemes
and they tend to be difficult for users
● Involves creating simple codes to facilitate
to sort.
efficient data processing.
● Mnemonic codes are alphabetic character
● Business organizations process large volumes
acronyms and other combinations that convey
of transactions with similar basic attributes.
○ Uncoded entries require extensive
○ Common application is the two code
recording space, are time consuming
state abbreviations or college course
to record and are error prone.
coding (in combination with numeric
● Advantages of data coding in AIS:
○ Concisely represents large amounts of
○ Codes convey a high degree of
complex information that would
otherwise be unmanageable.
○ Disadvantage is limited ability to
○ Provides accountability over
represent items within a class.
transaction completeness.
○ Identifies unique transactions and
accounts within a file
Discuss Some Of The Problems Associated With could represent warehouse 2, floor 1, row 12,
General Ledger Systems That Do Not Have Data and bin #25.
Coding Schemes f. sales order number — numeric, sequential.
● Some problems this approach may produce This method allows the sales orders to be
are examined to determine if any are missing.
○ 1. The sales staff will have a more g. vendor code — alpha-numeric. The
tedious job in writing up orders, and alphabetic portion allows more meaningful
more errors may occur (i.e. what if codes to be used and found. The numeric
they forget to write the color or portion allows different firms with similar
material type?), names to be distinguished. i.e. ALPH01,
○ 2. The warehouse personnel will have ALPH02 where ALPH01 is the vendor code for
a more difficult time locating and Alpha Hydraulics and ALPH02 is the vendor
picking the goods for shipment, and code for Alpha Trucking Services. Once the
again more errors may occur, and name of the company is known, finding the
○ 3. The accounting personnel will also vendor code is much easier than if only
have a more tedious job posting to the numbers are used.
subsidiary ledgers and errors may h. invoice number — numeric, sequential. This
occur. method allows the invoices to be examined
sequentially. Gaps in the sequence may signify
Should An Auditor Wishing To Assess The missing invoices.
Adequacy Of Separation Functions Examine Data i. customer number — same as for vendor
Flow Diagram Or System Flowchart code. alpha-numeric
● The auditor should examine the system ___________________________________________
flowchart since it clearly depicts the separation
of functions and illustrates who is responsible
for performing specific processing steps. The
data flow diagram illustrates the logical system
and is too general since many different
physical designs may be applicable.

Indicate Whether A Sequential, Block, Alphabetic

Or Mne-Menic Code Would Be Most Appropriate
a. state codes — alphabetic code, i.e. PA, this
method is appropriate because it corresponds
with the postal services abbreviation and is
meaningful to humans.
b. check number — numeric, sequential. This
method allows the checks to be examined to
determine if any are missing.
c. chart of accounts — block coding since this
method allows a whole class of items to be
restricted to a specific range. i.e. assets
100-199, liabilities 200-299, equity accounts,
d. inventory item number — alpha-numeric.
The numeric portion allows the items to be
easily sorted and found. The alphabetic
portion allows more combinations to be made
with fewer digits or characters. i.e. 2000A,
2000B, 2000C could represent virtually the
same inventory item but in three different
e. bin number (inv. warehouse location) —
group codes since certain digits may be used
to represent which warehouse, certain digits
may be used to represent floor, certain digits
may be used to represent rows, certain digits
may be used to represent bins. i.e. 211225

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