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Trishia Joy B.



Module 4 Seatwork (50 points)

1. What is the aim of human life, according to Aristotle? What does he

think is required to achieve this aim?
● According to Aristotle, obtaining eudaimonia (also known as
"happiness") is the reason and ultimate goal of existence.
Eudaimonia, in his opinion, was not merely virtue or pleasure but
rather the practice. He argued that having "full virtue," or, in other
words, having good moral character, is the most crucial component
in pursuing happiness. One of the values Aristotle considered to be
most crucial to reaching eudaimonia was friendship.
2. What is good life, according to Plato? What does he understands about
the world and the reality?
● According to Plato, leading a good life entails exhibiting perfect
virtue, which brings one closer to the higher plane of existence.
Since virtue results from the absence of desires, being truly happy
entails being content. The physical world is only a shadow of the
world of ideas, according to Plato, who also claimed that the world
of ideas is the only reality. On the other hand, he claimed that
physical objects are only real to the extent that they participate in
the world of ideas.
3. According to Aristotle, what is a virtue? Include in the discussion: A. In
his opinion, how do qualities connect to pleasure? B. Do you agree with
his assertion that living a good life entails practicing virtues.
● Virtues are character qualities or psychological dispositions
according to Aristotle.
● Because he is naturally operating in accordance with his
character, doing good things is enjoyable for him. He does what he
wants to do with ease, focusing on the activity itself rather than
any external rewards. Instead of being an effect of his activity, his
pleasure comes from it.
● Yes, Aristotle does not mean that the good life is just one of
happiness or amusement when he refers to it as the joyful life.
Instead, a person's happy existence consists of actively living out
their inherent and particular human traits.
4. What are your thoughts on humans collaborating more closely with
technology and putting AI to use?
● A perspective known as AI/human enhancement sees the history
of humans and robots as one of collaboration. It puts the person in
control and emphasizes how AI may be used to support and
improve human abilities, such as hearing, seeing, and making
decisions. A key component of AI human enhancement is
communication. This has given rise to justifiable worries that AI
will eventually displace workers in every sector of the economy.

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