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The Era of Robots

By: Faris Kasem

Supervised By: Ms.Manal Al-Waqfi
& Ms.Raneem AbuNasser
First, What
technology? Technology is the application of scientific
knowledge to the practical aims of human life or, as it is
sometimes phrased, to the change and manipulation of the
human environment.

Millions of years ago humans in the first society entered the

Stone Age. They were able to chip rocks to make shapes, as they
were able to create the earliest axes, hammers, knives, and

Afterthat, the Middle Ages which were known in the 15th

century till the half of the 17th century, which consisted the five
centuries of the Dark Ages.

Then, The Industrial Revolution that started from 1750 till 1900.
And lately the 20th & 21st centuries.

As the technology is developing we as humans are developing

also. Which allowed the human brain to start helping with the
process of developing technology which means developing the
Where the human brain handled many inventions that helped
with improving the society such as: electricity that was invented
by William Greener, Schuyler Wheeler, and Henry M.Leland,
the discovery of gravity by Isaac Newton, etc…
There are many types of technology but the best combination
of them created Robots.
What is a Robot? Robot is any automatically operated machine
that replaces human effort, though it may not resemble human
beings in appearance or perform functions in a humanlike
The main types of technology that involved in creating Robots
are: machine vision, force sensing (touch), speech recognition
and advanced mechanics.
Technically, the Robot is a type of automated machine that can
execute specific tasks with little or no human intervention and
with speed and precision.
But, the high quality of the robots would make it either
beneficial or dangerous.
It would be beneficial if the uses are industrial which allow the
owner to have the ability to produce more goods by using
On the other hand, it would be dangerous if it was used in a
wrong industrial way or against humanity.
How can the robots be used against humanity?
As the robots are so smart and the artificial intelligence was
involved in the process of creating a robot, then the robot is so
smart and can face a human brain.
That was used and tried in many domains. It was tried as a
chess player against a world champion and the robot did beat
the chess world champion, that was on May 11,1997, when an
IBM computer called IBM''Deep Blue'' beat the world chess
champion after a six-game match: two wins for IBM, one for
the champion and three draws.
But the main danger if these robots were able to assemble
together and start a war against the humanity which will cause
the humanity extinction and end the era of humans. As the
Robots can send, receive, process, and analyze more
information per second than human soldiers. Even a second
can mean the difference between winning and losing in wars. In
scenarios involving robots and human soldiers fighting
together, the presence of robots can reduce human ethical
An expert professor once said ''If you think about it, the way
we build Artificial Intelligence is a bit like the way we think
of a genie in a lamp. You rub the lamp and the genie comes
out and you say I want this to happen. If the AI system is
sufficiently powerful it will do exactly what you ask and you
will get exactly what you asked for," he said.

"Now the problem with genies in lamps is the third wish is

always to undo the first two wishes. This is because we are
unable to specify the objectives correctly. So a machine
pursuing an objective that isn't the right one becomes an
enemy of the human race, an enemy that is much more
powerful than us," he warned.

The professor stressed that "if you are going to build things
that are much more powerful than on earth you make sure that
they never have power over you and that is the question that
we are trying to answer."

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