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Water Shortage in The Future

Water, which is indispensable and one of the most important sources of our lives,
constitutes more than half of both the human body and the world. It is the essential nutrient
for all living beings, and vital for everyone. Water has a very important role in maintaining
life in healthy way. However, scientists say there will not be enough water in 2050. So ı agree
with them. They are absolutely right. Of course, there are many reasons why the waters are
diminishing. For example, two of the biggest reasons why water resources will be
significantly reduced are agricultural areas and climate change.
At first, I want to start with the water used in agriculture, which is one of the biggest
factors in the reduction of water. It is of course important to irrigate for productive crops in
agriculture. However, considering the 27 million square kilometres of agricultural land used
for agriculture in the world, this situation is very bad for our water resources. This means that
more than 70% of the water used in the world goes to irrigation in agriculture unconsciously.
The old methods used for irrigation cause excessive consumption of water. In addition, the
lack of attention to the structure of the soil when watering is a big problem. Because the
amount of water and the way of watering varies according to the soil. In general, unconscious
use of water in agricultural areas causes the waters to decrease.
Another issue that triggers the reduction of water is climate change. Climate change
will bring with it a reduction in water resources. Because climate change will bring about the
warming of the world. Due to the extreme temperature, excessive and intense evaporation in
wetlands will lead to a decrease in underground and aboveground water sources. So, the
warming of our planet affects the amount of rain and snowfall and therefore the amount of
water on Earth. Water shortages will be an inevitable result when irregular precipitation
regimes are taken into account, which are very important for water resources. As a result of
climate change, freshwater is mixed into the oceans, causing water flows to change. Since
this situation is unavoidable by humans, the amount of water in the world naturally decreases.
As experts and scientists say that water will not be enough in the future, we must do our
part in water consumption and the environment. We can prevent this by changing our habits.
For example, the evaluation of wastewater for agricultural areas may meet the demand for
water in the agricultural sector. By trying this method, we may be able to prevent future water
shortages. In relation to the warming of the world, we should also use environmentally
friendly tools and turn to renewable energy sources. In this way, we can prevent climate
change in terms of water shortages. We have to think about our future and our world.

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