Note Making 2

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Note making is not just about writing down everything you hear or read.

It is a process of reviewing,
connecting and synthesising ideas from your lectures or reading. Making notes helps you to: stay active
and engaged during your lectures, reading and revision. understand what you are learning and clarify
your thinking.

Types of note making:

1. Linear notes: they are type of notes written following a line, they are in the form of a list and include
short, concise and precise sentences.

# characteristics of linear notes:

- heading for main ideas and concepts.

- sub-headings for points within those ideas.

- one point per line.

- the use of numbering system to keep your self organized.

- leave plenty of space for adding details and for easy recording.

2. Spider diagram: it is a visual tool or a drawing that shows a summary of facts or ideas with the main
subject in a central cycle and the most important facts or ideas lines drawn out from it.

Spider diagrams are on one page and are good for showing structure and organising your ideas. They are
good for making correction clear and visual.

# Characteristics of spider diagrams:

- use a whole side of a paper.

- put the subject in the center.

- use one branch per main point.

- add smaller branches for details and examples.

- summarize to remind you of the point.

- label with the source ( if it is given)

3. Mind mapping: it is a visual tool or a graphical representation of ideas or topics in a radical and non-
linear manner. It is used to visualize, organise and classify ideas in order to make them as an
organisation problems solving and decision making.

In other words, a mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas,tasks and other items linked to
and arranged radially around a central idea or key word.
# The main features of mind mapping:

- clear and defined central idea.

- the main ideas radiate from the central idea as branches.

- the branches comprise key words and key images.

- make sure to use very short phrases or even single words.

- use images, drawings, colours, Symbols to get the message across better.

- visibility of links between ideas.

- openness to add new information.

The differences and similarities between spider diagram and mind mapping:

* Similarities:

- they start with a central idea.

- they have main branches and sub-branches.

* Differences:

A. Spider diagram:

- it uses short phrases.

- no use of colours, drawings or symbols.

- no openness for additions.

B. Mind mapping:

- it uses single key words.

- the use of colours.

- the use of images, drawings and symbols.

- openness for additions.

The difference between note taking and note making:

A. Note taking:

- it is when you write what you hear or read.

- it is the first stage of the process of note making.

- it is when you're hearing or reading something for the first time and you're typing to put down the key
information needed for future use.

- it is a passive process which is done at lectures or while reading.

B. Note making:

- it is about organising notes in a way that makes finding the main points easier or leads you to make
connections between ideas.

- it is when you return to those notes and make notes on them, this means to ameliorate them, put
things into your own words or summarize them and highlight key words.

- it is an active process where you assimilate all important information.

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