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Dashboard » My courses ® 2101-APLI00A > 1 February-7 February » Quiz 3 Started on State Completed on Time taken Grade Monday, 7 February 2022, 6:14 PM Finished Monday, 7 February 2022, 6:43 PM 29 mins 25 secs 11.20 out of 15.00 (75%) Question 1 Correct Mark 3.00 out of 3.00 Acylindrical body of mass M, radius R and length L is hinged at point O, on a rod of negligible mass. The point O,, is along the axis Z' of the cylinder at a distance e, from the center of mass C,. The radius to length and distance e to length ratios are R/L = 0.5 and e/L = 0.3. Atthe instant shown, when the cylinder axis makes an angle @ = 45° with the vertical Z- axis, provide the following components of the inertia matrix for the cylindrical body at point O,,, correct to two decimal places. z Pia ‘Question 2 Partially correct Mark 2.50 out of 3.00 ‘Athin rigid disc of mass M and radius R is mounted on a rigid bent arm which rotates at constant angular velocity «w relative to the ground about the fixed vertical axis Z, The disc rotates at an angular velocity w, and angular acceleration wy relative to the arm about an axis passing through its centre of mass at point C. Neglect gravitational force. The ratios are # = 2, = 2,2 = 0.5 (a) The force acting on the disc at point C is (correct to two decimal places) wig ev fa k (b) The net moment acting on the disc about point C is (correct to two decimal places) k ‘Question 3 Partially correct Mark 2.70 out of 6.00 A thin square shaped panel of mass M and size L freely rotates about the vertical axis passing through point O with angular velocity w in inertial frame F. A point mass m impacts the disc at point D at a distance aL from point O and sticks to it. Suppose the components of angular velocity after impact along (a, y, 2) axes are (Wwe, «4, wh) = (0,5, 7), where the ratio r = & is to be determined as part of the solution. Let @ = 0.5 and M/m = 2. Neglect gravity. (i) Suppose D' is a fixed point in inertial frame F which coincides with material point D at impact. (ii) Suppose C is the centre of mass of disc plus mass system at impact. Zz Specify answers correct to two decimal places. (@) Principal moments for disc plus mass system at C are Ie Far =| 0.0833 Es 0.2083 x ua (0) The ratio of component of angular velocity along Z axis after impact to wis (d) The angular momentum of the disc plus mass system about D’ before impact is Bow _ 3 3 me] tee ie(eanse x k (e) The angular momentum of the disc plus mass system about C before impact is Question 4 Corteet Mark 3.00 out of 3.00 < Tutorial 8 k (f) The velocity of centre of mass C of the disc plus mass system after impact is, ee Wie Vilas thin disc of mass M and radius R is connected to fixed supports on both sides through two linear springs of stiffness k. The disc undergoes rolling without slipping in the same plane. The length of springs is in undeformed configuration. At the initial instant, suppose for the disc #(t = 0) = v and x(t = 0) = 0. Suppose 4 = 1.5 and £ = 0.5. Please specify answers correct to two decimal places. When the displacement 2/L=0.5, (a) The speed of the centre of mass of disc in fixed frame is ~~ =| 0.71 v clk (0) The megniude of acceleration of conte of mass of ec in xed rae is 8 = Jump to, v Solutions (Quiz 3)

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