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Coussot, P. and M. Meunier. Recognition, classification, and

mechanical description of debris flows. Earth Science Review

Article  in  Earth-Science Reviews · June 1996

DOI: 10.1016/0012-8252(95)00065-8


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Philippe Coussot
Université Gustave Eiffel


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ELSEVIER Earth-Science Reviews 40 (1996) 209-227

Recognition, classification and mechanical description of debris

P. Coussot *, M. Meunier
Cemagref, Division Protection contre les Erosions, B.P. 76 Domaine Uniuersitaire, 38402 St-Martin-d’H&es, France

Received 12 July 1995; accepted 8 December 1995


Various types of flow or mass movement involving water and sediments occur on steep slopes in mountainous areas.
Among them, debris flows are peculiar events during which a large volume of a highly concentrated viscous water-debris
mixture flows through a stream channel. Throughout the world these phenomena cause considerable damage but remain
poorly understood although a basic knowledge is already available concerning their recognition and propagation.
Firstly, a synthesis of the useful practical criteria of recognition is proposed. Debris flows must be seen as intermediate
phenomena between hyperconcentrated flows (intense bed load transport) and landslides separated from them by sharp
transitions of some characteristics (celerity, deposit nature and flow type). Two parameters, solid fraction and material type,
thought to be appropriate for a sound and practical classification, are brought out, and the corresponding complete
classification of flow and mass movements in mountain areas is presented. Two extreme debris flow types are thus
distinguished: muddy debris flows and granular debris flows. A critical review of recent advances in debris flow dynamics is
then proposed. It is pointed out that adequate work must be carried out in the field of non-Newtonian fluid mechanics. In
particular, one fundamental rheological property of debris flow materials is the yield stress, which explains thick deposits on
steep slopes and can be inferred from field measurements. Furthermore it can be used to estimate viscous dissipation within
the bulk during flow. Relevant models predicting muddy debris flow dynamics are already available whereas further
progress is needed concerning granular flows.

1. Introduction tively difficult to distinguish one phenomenon from

another whereas each of them is easily recognized by
Various types of flow or mass movement involv- a specialist of the corresponding field. Because of
ing water and sediments occurring on steep slopes in their peculiar characteristics and because of a lack of
mountainous areas are cited in literature: flood, solid consensus on a specific classification, mudflows and
transport, hyperconcentrated flows, mudflows, debris debris flows remain little-known to the layperson
flows, Mars, granular flows, landslides, debris whereas, throughout the world, they remain a perma-
avalanches, etc. In some cases, it may appear rela- nent hazard in mountainous regions. The French
expression ‘‘lave torrentielle” typically covers the
range of peculiar subaerial events often called debris
* Corresponding author. Tel: + 33-76-762805; Fax: + 33-76- flows or mudflows during which a large volume of a
513803, email: viscous and highly concentrated water-debris mix-

0012-8252/96/$15.00 0 1996 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

.SSDI 0012-8252(95)00065-8
ture forms, develops and flows along a stream-bed flows involve a large solid fraction and partly behave
(Demontzey, 1894; Thiby, 1914: Bernard, 1927: like a solid (they can remain static on a steep slope).
Mougin, 1931; Sauret and Colas, 1986). In the fol- they are often classed as landslides by laypersons,
lowing, we shall use the single term debris flow to and because they flow in streams and partly behave
strictly cover this range. like liquid they are often classified as ordinary stream
The typical impressive characteristics of debris tlows. Nevertheless, none of these approaches make
flows have been well conveyed by Johnson and it possible to account for the whole range of debris
Rodine (1984): “A wall of boulders, rocks of all flow characteristics.
sizes, and oozing mud suddenly appear around the The aim of this paper is to review present knowl-
bend in a canyon preceded by a thundrous roar. As edge of debris flow recognition, classification and
the boulder-choked wall passes, the channel remains propagation in order to provide basic useful tools for
filled with a debris-laden torrent of mud and boul- practitioners, from geologists to engineers. In order
ders clanking and grinding together. The debris flows to distinguish sound criteria for debris flow distinc-
across an alluvial fan, engulfing structures and cars tion and recognition we first compare the field char-
in its path, covering roads, fields and pastures with a acteristics of the main types of natural flows and
blanket of muck, and slowly coming to a stop as the mass movements on steep slopes. This leads us to
debris spreads in a lobate form with steep terminal propose a simple global classification of these move-
snout and margins.” This kind of phenomenon obvi- ments as a function of only two parameters: solid
ously occurs in mountainous regions, on different fraction and material type. In the second section we
scales throughout the world. In Scotland, no hillslope propose a critical review of present knowledge of
flow deposits exceeding 500 m3 have been found debris flow dynamics. Since we are dealing with
(Innes, 1983), whereas the total solid volume trans- laminar-free surface flows of non-Newtonian fluids,
ported within the Jiangjia gully by mudflows can it is necessary, before flow modelling, to examine
reach 3-5 lo6 m3 every year (Li et al., 1983). the rheological properties of the materials under
Typically these flows cause considerable damage consideration.
when they run out onto the alluvial fan and reach It is worth noticing that, since our aim is to
inhabited zones (Takahashi, 1978, 1981, 1991; Innes, present a simplified, logical, overall view of debris
1983; Johnson and Rodine, 1984). This justifies flow mechanisms in comparison with other phenom-
major research efforts concerning their initiation, ena, we do not review in detail all possible terms and
propagation and stoppage, in an interdisplinary ap- processes, and we do not describe all possible debris
proach involving various specialities: geography, ge- flow characteristics. The reader who wishes to go
ology, geomorphology, rheology, fluid mechanics, deeper into these problems can refer to the refer-
civil engineering, etc. ences quoted below. In the last place, note that we
Debris flows or mudflows have been recognized are dealing with current events directly observable in
and studied by a number of authors (Takahashi, the field. Then, with a view of the recognition and
1981; Li et al., 1983; Costa, 1984; Costa and mechanical description of these phenomena, both
Williams, 1984; Johnson and Rodine, 1984; Davies, their processes and products must be analysed and
1986; Pierson, 1986; Qian and Wan, 1986; O’Brien do not need to be clearly distinguished.
and Julien, 1988; van Steijn, 1988; Meunier. 1991;
Whipple and Dunne, 1992) from different points of
views: field observations, flow characteristics, mate- 2. Classification of mass movements on mountain
rial behavior, material components, etc. However, slopes and situation of debris flows
there is not yet general agreement on classification
and flow modelling in literature. For example differ- The distinction and classification of subaerial
ent terms are used by geologists to describe the same flows and mass movements occurring in stream
events (Innes, 19831, and very different approaches basins has long been necessary and a number of
to debris flow behaviour have been developed (Iver- classifications may be found in the literature (Bever-
son and Denlinger, 198’7). Moreover, because these age and Culbertson, 1964; Varnes, 1978; Hansen,
P. Coussot, M. Meunier/ Earth-Science Reviews 40 (1996) 209-227 211

1984; Bradley and McCutcheon, 1985; Pierson and debris-laden slurry separated by periods of relatively
Costa, 1987; Sheko, 1988). The criteria used to low flow rate or zero flow (Johnson, 1970; Niyazov
distinguish phenomena may vary from one author to and Degovets, 1975; Li et al., 1983; Davies, 1986).
another: triggering mechanism, basin characteristics, A critical example is given by the Jiangjia Ravine
sediment composition, solid fraction, relative bed mudflows which, during 5 h in June 1966, occurred
roughness, velocity, duration, bed slope, material in the form of 126 successive waves, with a volume
behavior, physical processes during flow, etc. As ranging from 655 and 24,600 m3, a mean material
remarked by Bradley and McCutcheon (1985), these density of 2220 kg/m3 (Li et al., 1983) and a
classifications either contradict one another when velocity ranging from 3 to 13 m/s. Different expla-
they are only based on quantitative criteria such as nations for this peculiar phenomenon have been pro-
velocity, relative submersion, solid fraction, etc., or posed in the literature (Engelund and Wan, 1984;
are incapable of covering all phenomena. When based Davies, 1986; Trowbridge, 1987; Coussot, 1992;
on the analysis of the material microstructure or Wang et al., 1993): hydraulic instability (roll waves,
other parameters related to flow characteristics, a Dressler and Pohle, 1953) typical of sufficiently
classification is difficult to use in practice because rapid flows of any fluid on steep slopes, peculiar
field observations carried out after the event do not material behavior (minimum in flow curve, Coussot
generally provide the corresponding information. et al., 1993) which may give rise to unstable flows,
This is the case even for the very interesting classifi- and/or surges originated in pulsatile stream-bed ero-
cation of Pierson and Costa (19871, which requires sion and transport processes (bank ruptures, breaking
knowledge of the deformation rate (expressed through down of local dams, etc.). In comparison, few chan-
the mean velocity). More generally it is doubtful that nelled water flows degenerate into roll waves under
mechanical characteristics such as velocity, flow some specific conditions (large Froude number, small
depth or width, are relevant parameters for a classifi- roughness and uniform channel) or sheetfloods over
cation since they depend on boundary and initial the alluvial fan (Blair and McPherson, 1994). More-
conditions and thus may easily vary from one event over, the local flow intensity (discharge and flow
to another or during the same event. Finally different depth) of normal (ordinary) stream flows or hyper-
terms may be used to describe the same phenomena concentrated flows varies slowly in time and space,
depending on the scientific background of the au- with a characteristic time of the same order as
thors. This may complicate scientific exchanges and changes in hydrological conditions. From this point
slow down progress in this field. of view, there is a sharp difference between current
stream flows and debris flows. Fundamentally, de-
2.1. Distinction between debris jlows and other mass bris flows are sharp transient phenomena.

Here we review the specific properties of debris Number of phases from a jluid mechanics
flows by comparing them to other flows and mass point of view. Within debris flow bulk the relative
movements. We shall mainly use the terms of flows velocity of two close elements (water or solid) is
or mass movements as distinguished by Pierson and small [see field observations of Pierson (1986), and
Costa (1987) except for earthflow. In the following, video-tapes of Costa and Williams (1984) and Valla
earthflow will be referred to as landslide, which is et al. (1981>], so that the whole mass apparently
thought to give a clearer idea of the most probable undergoes very large and approximately continuous
physical processes involved. deformations. Additionally the mechanical properties
of this mass do not change significantly during shear.
2.1.1. Differences between debris jlows and normal Thus debris flows involve a water-debris mixture
or hyperconcentrated stream jlows which, as a first approximation, can be considered as
a (one-phase) flow of a viscous fluid. On the con- Transient nature. Debris flows take the form trary, within normal or hyperconcentrated stream
of strongly transient flows, often as almost periodic flows the mean velocity of the coarsest solid parti-
surges (with a period of a few minutes) of heavily cles which are pushed and rolled on the bed (bed
212 P. Coussot, M. Meunier / Eurth-Science Reuiews 40 (1996) 209-227

load) significantly differs from that of the water-solid smoother slopes or in local stagnation zones (Blair
suspension which flows around it (Smart and Jaeggi, and McPherson, 1994). Thus a sharp difference of
1983; Meunier, 1994; Coussot and Meunier, 1995). nature between debris flows and hyperconcentrated
The velocity profile of the coarsest particles in a flows appears not only during flow but also after
channel cross-section is, for example, quite different deposition: the former are essentially one-phase flows
from that of the surrounding water. This situation whereas the latter are two-phase flows.
may be observed for debris flows but the solid
fraction transported in this way remains negligible. 2. I. 1.4. Solidfraction range. It is also noticeable that
Indeed debris flow transport boulders whose diame- there is a jump in solid fraction between hypercon-
ter goes up to a few meters and which generally centrated flows (from 1 to 25%, in general) and
looks suspended in the mass [various explanations debris flows (from 50 to 90% in general). Note that
for this phenomenon have been proposed (yield this jump does not exist between the one-phase
stress, buoyancy, dispersive pressure, etc.) (see re- debris flow front and body and its two-phase hyper-
view of Davies, 198611. Nevertheless some excep- concentrated tail: for example, the channelized debris
tionally large boulders are probably pushed or rolled flow on June 1983 in lower Rudd Canyon in Farm-
by the flow. A critical example is given by a stone ington, Utah, turned out to be a hyperconcentrated
weighing about 3000 tons that was transported sev- flow (loss of competence to suspend gravel and
eral kilometers by a debris flow in Japan (Takahashi. turbulence onset) for a solid volume fraction be-
198 11. In addition note that we use the term “ hyper- tween 46 and 53% (Pierson, 1985a). In order to
concentrated flow” for two-phase stream flows with better understand the difference between these flows,
intense bed load transport whereas it seems to refer it appears interesting to seek a physical explanation
to one-phase flows for Chinese researchers (Qian for this difference. For given solid material and flow
and Wan, 1986). characteristics, there certainly exists a kind of con-
centration (percolation) threshold beyond which sed- Deposit structure. Debris flow deposits are imentation becomes negligible. This threshold, which
composed of the whole mass (including water just could also take the form of a transition range, should
after stoppage) and differ only slightly in form from correspond to the appearance of a continuous inter-
the stopped flow, even if they undergo slow settling acting network between solid particles (coarse and
and draining after flow stoppage. Since debris flow fine) (Cf. Coussot and Piau, 1995a), which give rise
materials have a high density, are very viscous and to material strength (or rigidity) (see Section 3.1.).
strongly sheared and mixed during flow, no specific When the solid concentration of the mixture has
significant grain sieving appears within debris flow reached this critical value, we are essentially dealing
deposits (Costa, 1984; Coussot, 1992). (However, in with a single-phase flow. The grain size distribution
many cases, the concentration of big boulders is and solid fraction of the flowing mixture will vary
higher close to the surge front.) Debris flow deposits slowly due to bottom and bank erosion and lateral
contain a wide grain size distribution from clay to deposits (except if boundary conditions significantly
large boulders (up to a few meters wide) (Johnson, change but they are assumed to remain constant). On
1970; Takahashi, 1981; Pierson, 1986; Phillips and the contrary, if the solid concentration is smaller than
Davies, 1991; Coussot, 1992) generally with negligi- the critical value, coarsest particles will fall or stay
ble grading or internal layer structures (Friedman et close to the bottom. The mean solid fraction will
al., 1992). On the contrary, solid deposits on the decrease, which will soon reduce the ability to trans-
same slopes (more than a few percent) that origi- port coarse solid particles in suspension (because of
nated in other stream (normal and hyperconcen- a decrease of the material strength). Then a new
trated) flows, have generally been washed or sieved, grain class will settle rapidly. This chain reaction
so that particular grain size ranges are found. The will go on until reaching a limit of solid concentra-
coarsest solid fraction of these flow types generally tion at which the flow is able to erode and push or
deposits first whereas the fine suspension flows away roll a critical amount of coarse particles of critical
as wash load before being deposited during flows on size over the stream-bed. This situation finally corre-
P. Coussot, M. Meunier/ Earth-Science Reviews 40 (1996) 209-227 213

sponds to a stable hyperconcentrated flow. The above remains minor because grains dilate and the ratio of
reasonings provide an explanation for the jump in water to air is small. On the contrary, water lubri-
concentration between hyperconcentrated flows and cates some relative motion of the granular material
debris flows: under given material- and flow-condi- or is the vehicle of colloidal interactions between
tions no stable flow with an intermediate concentra- clay particles in debris flows. It would be difficult to
tion can exist. Thus the transition from one flow type find any other clear-out differences between these
to another should require strong or continuous two phenomena.
changes in material or flow conditions. Motion type. Landslides essentially originate
2.1.2. Distinction between debris flows and land- in internal fractures (faults or slips) along specific
slides or debris avalanches surfaces whereas locally some parts can be continu-
ously deformed. As a result, the bulk generally un- Velocity. In order to compare these phenom- dergoes relatively small deformations so that the
ena from a dynamic point of view let us consider the initial structure of the material may be partly ob-
mean velocity during the event when the movement served in the final deposit. The latter takes the form
can be observed. For debris flows we do not take of an agglomerate of more or less large pieces of
into account the rest period after stoppage. For land- undeformed soil. The relative motion of these pieces
slides we consider both the long active phase during has been mainly caused by macroscopic fractures. A
which slow earth motions (soil creep) can be recorded similar feature characterizes submarines slides: strata
and the possible sudden rapid motion due to large established back upslope may be observed within
fractures or slippages during which landslides may slump deposits (Dott, 1963). On the contrary, it
reach a velocity comparable to that of debris flows clearly appears from debris flow deposits that the
or debris avalanches. Debris avalanches are granular initial structure of the material has been completely
mass movements that originate in rocky or granular broken and changed during flow without significant
mass ruptures. From a general point of view, consid- macroscopic fault surfaces. Because they flow over
ering the large friction angle of granular masses, they long distances, debris flows undergo extremely large
can move rapidly only on steep slopes, for otherwise deformations. As already remarked, some landslides
they would abruptly stop. Once again, it is important may accelerate during the last motion phase and end
to recall that we intend to represent general trends up significantly destructured. This is also true for
and, for example, do not take into account large submarine slumps (Friedman et al., 1992). For exam-
debris avalanches which were observed to reach ple a huge slump off the northwest African continen-
surprising distances, [the body of rock that was tal margin is thought to have become a debris flow
shaken loose from Shattered Peak, Alaska, by an that covered an area of 30,000 km3 (Friedman et al.,
earthquake in 1964, extended over kilometers 1992). In this particular case, the difference between
(Sanders, 198111.On the basis of these assumptions, the material and deposits of debris flows and land-
there is generally a clear difference between the slides can be slight. Nevertheless these two phenom-
velocity of debris flows (between 0.5 and 10 m/s) ena may be clearly distinguished by considering that
(Sharp and Nobles, 1953; Johnson, 1970; Morton debris flows take the form of rapid surges flowing
and Campbell, 1974; Khang, 1980; Pierson, 1980; over long distances in stream channels whereas land-
Takahashi, 1981; Ishikawa, 1982; Hong et al., 1985; slides occur on any steep slope and generally move
Pierson, 1986; Khegai et al., 1992 also reports veloc- over relatively short distances. (However, in some
ities up to 20 m/s>, that of landslides (less than few cases, debris flows originate in a landslide: see Sec-
centimeters per day) and that of debris (or rock) tion 2.1.4.)
avalanches (greater than 10 m/s) (Kobayashi, 1992;
Evans, 1993). Deposit aspect. The morphologic features of
Within debris avalanches, according to most phys- debris flow deposits have been reviewed by Johnson
ical explanations of the flow process (Pierson and and Rodine (1984): lobes, snout, lateral levees, me-
Costa, 19871, the role of water, if there is any, dial deposits in the channel and deeply incised chan-
214 P. Coussot, M. Mrunirr / Earth-Scirnce Rwiews 40 (1996) 209-227

nels. In streams, lateral levees are due to a fluid flow Rows and slides is similar to that between subaerial
depth decrease from the front to the tail of the surge: debris flows and landslides, that is, the initial struc-
in a given cross-section the lateral parts of the flow tures of the second one are partly kept during flow
are generally shallower (Johnson, 1970) than the (see Section 2.1.2.). In addition, turbidity currents
central part. Because of the fluid yield stress (see are turbulent suspensions of sediment in water while
definition in Section 3) the lateral parts will tend to submarine debris flows are assumed to be laminar
remain static when the flow force acting on them (Friedman et al., 1992). Turbidity currents are quite
decreases, i.e. when the local fluid discharge de- different from subaerial hyperconcentrated flows in
creases, thus leaving lateral levees with a depth of that, for the latter, turbulence can also play a signifi-
approximately less than 1 m. This observation has cant role for particle support, but solid particles are
been used by Johnson and Rodine (1984) to demon- essentially dragged by water.
strate that a quasi-static approach to debris flow
(with a Coulomb model) is irrelevant and must be 2.1.4. Specificities of the debris jZow initiation pro-
replaced by a fluid mechanics approach. This phe- cess
nomenon is far less frequent with landslides but, if In the following, we shall discuss the conditions
observed, the levees have a much larger depth. With- and process of debris flow triggering but we shall
out going further into the details of the possible not consider the conditions favourable to debris flow
behavior of the material composing landslides this at activity. The reader is referred to Innes (1983) or
least shows that their strengths are much greater than Sheko (1988) for some elements concerning the lat-
those of debris flows (yield stress, see Section 3). ter problem. From the literature it appears that two
Other debris flow morphological characteristics (van main types of debris flow initiation processes may be
Steijn et al., 1988) are also due to specific flow distinguished. The first one (Sheko, 1988) consists in
conditions associated with a high fluid yield stress the progressive transition of a landslide into a debris
but they may be similar, though in general at a flow due to an energy increase following a slope
different scale, to some landslide deposit characteris- increase or due to a water supply. [A number of
tics. submarine debris flows are thought to have started as
slumps (Friedman et al., 1992)]. This class can be
2.1.3. Brief compurison with submarine debris jlows subdivided into two categories depending on the
The structure of subaqueous deposits is generally origin of the sliding mass: deposits of granular mate-
interpreted for distinguishing rapidly, gravity-dis- rial accumulated in a zone after upstream erosion
placed deposits from those formed by the normal (Azimi and Desvarreux, 1974) or waterlogged upper
bedded sequences of shale. A critical example is layers of a slope or a bank. Criteria for motion
given by oceanic grounds in eastern North America, initiation of such masses are derived from soil me-
where “brecciolas” composed of rubble of carbon- chanics (Sheko, 1988; Takahashi, 1991). A theoreti-
ate rocks (angular fragments up to 0.6 m thick and cal analysis of the initiation of debris flows under
2.4 m long) interstratified with dark-colored marine roughly similar circumstances (debris accumulation
shales formed during the Early Paleozoic times becoming unstable) was provided by Takahashi
(Rickard and Fisher, 1973). These brecciolas or other (1981).
peculiar deposits (Friedman et al., 1992; Hiscott and The second type of initiation process, which, from
Aksu, 1994) are interpreted as products of turbidity our experience, is the most frequent in the French
currents, slides (or slumps) and debris flows. Con- Alps, essentially relies on a generalized erosion of
cerning these submarine phenomena an extensive the surface of the stream basin. Moreover, according
literature exists. Suggested classifications for exam- to our initial definition (see Introduction), it should
ple rely on motion characteristics (inferred from be considered as the basic origin of debris flows,
deposit aspect), sediment type and bed’s internal since it is intimately linked to the stream hydrologi-
structure (Dott, 1963; Prior and Coleman, 1984; cal conditions. Generally, in the stream basin, no
Ghibaudo, 1992). It is worth noticing that one of the specific sufficiently deep or large area of erosion can
main distinctive point between submarine debris be found which may have provided a significant
P. Coussot, M. Meunier/ Earth-Science Reviews 40 (1996) 209-227 215

fraction of the solid material of the debris flow. The tion, Washington, covered surprisingly long dis-
basin and the stream-bed are eroded in an almost tances (80 km) (Major and Pierson, 1992) and de-
uniform way (Bossan, 1992). It is likely that debris posited more than 14. lo6 m3 of material and were
flows are due to the conjunction of small-scale bank the object of extensive measurements of flow charac-
slides or collapses, bed erosion and solid transport teristics (Pierson, 1985b).
(Davies, 1986). In some cases, all these phenomena
can contribute to a chain reaction in the form of an 2.1 S. Commentaries
irreversible increase in solid concentration, due to a Debris flows appear to be an intermediate phe-
progressive transition in transport and erosion capac- nomenon between hyperconcentrated stream flows
ity of the flowing fluid (see Section 2.1.1.) (Sheko, and landslides either from the point of view of their
1988). When debris flows are formed, the nature of initiation process or from the point of view of their
stream erosion differs significantly from that of other dynamic characteristics. Various differences have
flows: debris flows rapidly scrape the bed. Since this been pointed out between debris flows and other
initiation process is closely associated to the way the flows or mass movements. It is worth noticing that
stream works, we anticipate that this is the most those phenomena are generally separated by sharp
common phenomena in many countries. This process transitions in some characteristics: velocity (between
generally requires a long channel stream to erode landslides and debris flows), motion of the solid
and mix a large solid volume with water. This is an fraction, deposit aspects and flow nature. These re-
intermediate process between solid transport and marks should help the field recognition of the differ-
landslides but it is a critical development of solid ent phenomena.
transport in the stream-bed. It is thus extremely hard
to predict its occurrence. Debris flow form under 2.2. Simple classification of mass movements as a
rare, unknown, specific conditions: stream-bed and function of solid fraction and material type
bank erosion capacity, water discharge, slopes, etc.
These statements are in complete agreement with our To go further we wish to propose a simple classi-
postulate of a threshold of solid fraction and flow fication of the main mass movements and flows
energy beyond which debris flow can form. More occurring on natural steep slopes. A French version
generally, debris flows are probably non-linear phe- of this classification has already been presented in
nomena which, in some cases, can develop or not the literature by Meunier (1991). As noted above, it
under very slight changes in initial conditions. is rather difficult to find appropriate criteria. The
Some other exceptional initiation processes have present scheme does not provide a complete, precise
been observed which took their origin in gully dam solution to this problem but aims at giving a simple,
breaks (Takahashi, 1981), moraine lake ruptures synthetic, conceptual view of flow and mass move-
(Lliboutry et al., 19771, ice avalanches (Plafker et ments in a single picture with approximately relevant
al., 197 1) or earthquakes (Solonenko, 1963). Further- and practical criteria. The different phenomena are
more, in some cases, a previously deposited debris separated on the basis of the composition of the
flow in the stream channel can be remobilized by flowing material.
additional upstream material and then reach the allu- The first criterion is the solid fraction type. Refer-
vial fan (Meunier, 1987). Finally, lahars, which can ring to the markedly different behavior types of
be defined as “volcanic mudflows or debris flows” cohesive clay particles, on one hand, and non-cohe-
and whose apparent flow properties are very similar sive pebbles in water on the other hand, we shall
to those of debris flows in streams, form in various consider two main lines of investigation: fine, cohe-
specific ways (see Pierson, 1986): water coming sive materials and coarse, cohesionless, granular ma-
either from the melting of snow or ice accumulated terials. Because exact interaction processes within
on the volcanic cone, or from storms following the bulk are complex and partly unknown, they
eruptions, or from heavy rainfalls, etc., mixes with cannot be separated exactly into clear different types.
volcanic ashes and other debris. The typical lahars Thus a strictly physical definition of the materials
that were triggered by 1980 Mount St. Helens erup- corresponding to these two lines of investigation
216 P. Cou.wot. M. Meunirr/ Eurth-Science Rec~iews 40 (1996) 209-227

cannot be given yet. However we may note that a 1986; Pierson and Costa, 1987). It has been recog-
separation on the basis of such a criterion already nized that the sediment concentration globally in-
exists for other flows and mass movements: creases when the flow varies from pure water flow to
_ In river hydraulics two types of solid transport stream flow with solid transport, then to hypercon-
are usually distinguished depending on the way the centrated flow, debris flow and landslides or debris
material is transported: suspension, when the solid avalanches. A general strict distinction of these phe-
fraction is dispersed and flows with the water; bed nomena according to this single criterion is neverthe-
load, when the solid fraction essentially moves close less not possible. However, for a given solid material
to the bed. The finest materials (clay and silt) are and for given overall flow and bed characteristics,
generally considered to flow in suspension whereas considering the reasonings of Section 2.1.1.) it should
coarser particles move as bed load. be possible to determine a solid fraction transition
- Landslides generally contain a clay fraction range limiting hyperconcentrated flows from debris
which ensures the cohesion of the bulk and prevails flows and within which none of these flow types
in motion initiation. Debris avalanches, rapid granu- would be stable.
lar flows or rockfalls contain a clay fraction which is Our classification is presented in Fig. 1 in the
either negligible or plays a minor role in flow, the form of an ellipse. The limits between the different
main role being played by coarse particle interac- mass movements are only conceptual and qualitative.
tions. However, there is currently no real evidence of In fact, they can vary slightly depending on the
these intuitive statements. specific boundary and initial conditions and specific
Our second criterion is the solid (volume or physical material properties. Coussot (1992) has pro-
weight) fraction. Classifications of flows and/or posed criteria for some of these limits: the transition
mass movements on steep slopes based at least on from debris flows to landslides could correspond to
this criterion have been proposed by different au- the critical solid fraction and material type in which
thors (Beverage and Culbertson, 1964; O’Brien, a fracture occurs after a sufficiently large deforma-

increasing water content

Increasing solid fraction

Fig. I. Classification of mass movements on steep slopes as a function of solid fraction and material type.
P. Coussot, M. Meunier / Earth-Science Reviews 40 (1996) 209-227 217

tion; the transition from hyperconcentrated flows to initial and boundary conditions (cf. for example
debris flows could correspond to a critical solid Batchelor, 1967; Middleton and Wilcock, 1994).
fraction and material type for which settling is negli-
gible within the material during a given time. It is 3.1. Rheology
worth noticing that these criteria, though approxima-
tive, subjective and empirical, reflect common ideas 3.1.1. General approach
concerning the main physical differences among hy- For most materials, the general expression of the
perconcentrated flows, landslides and debris flows constitutive equation in the form of a relationship
(see Section 2.1.). among stress tensor, strain rate tensor and time
(Truesdell, 1974) remains unknown. Generally, only
a few particular (possibly time-dependent) relation-
3. Debris flow propagation ships between some components of these tensors are
determined under particular conditions. As a first
We do not wish to be exhaustive but only to approximation, one can have a good idea of the
propose a critical review of main advances in debris characteristics of free surface flows by assuming
flow propagation modelling with a view to practical that, within these flow types, the fluid essentially
applications in the field ranging from geology to undergoes simple shear. In other words, to all intents
engineering. Beyond the different possible ways pro- and purposes, fluid layers, in the form of parallel
posed in the literature we wish, at least, to show that, planes, glide over one another (see for example
fundamentally, debris flows constitute a peculiar Coleman et al. (1966) for a more general definition
phenomenon whose propagation must be modelled of simple shear). Under these conditions the extra-
with specific tools found in non-Newtonian fluid stress (deviatoric stress) tensor (obtained after sub-
mechanics. traction of the isotropic pressure term> can be written
As a first step, a debris flow is a mass of a single as a function of three variables: tangential stress (7)
viscous material undergoing large homogeneous de- and first and second normal stress differences, all of
formations without significant changes to its me- which can depend on time and shear rate (7). The
chanical properties. From direct field observations relationship among these variables is the constitutive
and estimations of the corresponding Reynolds num- equation in simple shear flow. From a practical point
bers, it is apparent that we are generally dealing with of view, it is nevertheless difficult to determine
laminar flows. Thus soil mechanics tools commonly normal stress differences. When time effects are
used to describe the mechanical behaviour of land- negligible, for the description of free surface flows,
slides before and just after rupture or hydraulics one will generally use only the relationship linking r
tools commonly used to describe water flow or and y in a steady state (flow curve), keeping in mind
two-phase flows such as water + bed load are inade- that finite, reasonable normal stress differences could
quate for the description of debris flow dynamics. slightly perturbate the flow (Coleman et al., 1966).
The appropriate tools must be found in fluid mechan- For a flow over an inclined plane, y is equal to
ics. Then an additional difficulty appears: a single du/d y where u is the fluid velocity and y the
parameter (viscosity) is insufficient to describe the current height above plane. In the following, we
constitutive equation of these complex suspensions shall discuss only the form of the flow curve for
in various flow conditions. Thus, in practice, for the debris flows. (A detailed review and analysis of
description of the flows of such fluids, the adequate possible behaviour types of mass movements and
methodology consists in first determining the rheo- more specifically of landslides was proposed by
logical behaviour (see for example Coleman et al. Iverson, 1985.)
(1966) or Barnes et al. (1989)) of the flowing mix-
ture. Afterwards the flow characteristics will be de- 3.1.2. Rheological properties of debris flows
termined analytically or numerically by solving flow The direct determination of the behaviour of de-
equations in which the constitutive equation has been bris flow material with the help of rheometers is
introduced, and by taking into account the particular faced with the irretrievable problem that they gener-
218 P. Coussot, M. Meunivr /Earth-Science Rec,iews 40 (1996) 209-227

ally contain particles of various sizes including big ity could scarcely be greater since the interactions at
boulders. Usual laboratory rotational rheometers can a mesoscopic scale are various and complex. Clay
test about 1 cm3 of material. In the recent years. particles immersed in water give rise to colloidal
some large-scale rheometers were designed specifi- interactions, larger grains interact with one another
cally for testing debris flow samples and they can via solid frictions or collisions, clay particles and
contain a volume of material in the order of 1 m’ grains interact via unknown processes and the solid
(Phillips and Davies, 1991; Major and Pierson, 1992; fraction is very high (Iverson and Denlinger, 19871.
Coussot and Piau, 1995b). However if, for example, Furthermore the relative importance of these interac-
the coarsest particle diameter is 1 m, an appropriate tions is a priori unknown.
coaxial cylinder rheometer would have (cf. Coussot In the literature, work has taken two main courses.
and Piau, 1995b) a diameter of at least 120 m, a gap The first one was initiated by Takahashi (19781 who
of 30 m and a depth of 300 m, and would contain at considered a debris flow material as a suspension of
least 4106 m3 of material. Obviously such an experi- force-free particles in a viscous fluid, undergoing
ment will not occur in the near future. In the mean- rapid flow. From this analysis Takahashi inferred the
time it is necessary to derive, extrapolate or estimate possibility of applying the theory of Bagnold (1954)
the rheological behaviour of the whole mass by concerning concentrated suspensions of uniform
indirect methods, involving theory and experiments force-free spheres in rapid flow. Bagnold’s model
with fine materials or the fine fraction of debris assumes the existence of two regimes (macro-viscous
flows. In addition, from a general point of view, and inertial) which are obtained respectively when
rheometry with concentrated suspensions is a partic- energy dissipations are mainly due to interstitial fluid
ularly difficult task. In order to obtain relevant re- shear or to momentum transfer via particle collisions.
sults concerning the rheological properties of the Bagnold’s theory also showed that sheared layers of
fluid, many precautions must be taken against dis- cohesionless particles can undergo a dispersive pres-
turbing effects (wall slip, fracture, edge effects. set- sure resulting from collisional momentum transfer
tling, etc.) and appropriate experimental procedures perpendicularly to flow direction, and thus can move
must be used (Mewis and Spaull, 1976: Mewis. away from the slope. The inertial regime has been
1979; Magnin and Piau, 1987; Magnin and Piau. further developed within a three-dimensional
1990; Coussot et al., 1993; Mas and Magnin, 1994). “kinetic” theory for dry rapid granular flows (Lun
Debris flow material belongs to the class of sus- et al., 1984; Savage, 1984; see review of Campbell,
pensions. At present, in fundamental rheology, de- 1990). Weaknesses of the final mathematical model
spite the works of Einstein (19561, Batchelor (19701, of Takahashi (1981) have been reviewed by Iverson
Batchelor and Green (1972) concerning dilute sus- and Denlinger (1987). Moreover, though scientifi-
pensions of non-interacting particles in a Newtonian cally satisfactory and widely used by geophysicists,
fluid, relatively little is known about the relationship in fundamental rheology, Bagnold’s work has never
between the suspension macroscopic behaviour and been seriously confirmed and some criticism can be
their microstructure. For more concentrated or more given to his data interpretations (Campbell, 1990;
complex suspensions (see reviews of Mewis and Coussot and Piau, 1995a). Bagnold’s model may be
Spaull, 1976; Blanc, 1983; Kamal and Mutel, 1985; relevant to describe the behavior of extremely rapid
Metzner, 1985; Utracki, 19881, semi-empirical mod- flows of dry masses of cohesionless particles, for
els or speculative theoretical models prevail either which it is clear that collisional effects prevail, but
for concentrated suspensions of non-interacting parti- should be considered as mainly speculative if used
cles (Frankel and Acrivos, 1967; Goddard, 1977; for water-debris mixtures such as debris flow mate-
Adler et al., 1985; Marrucci and Denn, 1985) or for rials. Finally, because it does not consider the possi-
colloidal suspensions (Moore, 1959; Firth and ble appearance of a continuous network of interact-
Hunter, 1976; Quemada, 1977; Hunter, 1982; Wilde- ing particles beyond a critical solid fraction at least
muth and Williams, 1984; Dabak and Yucel, 1986; at low shear rates, the initial Bagnold theory is
Tsenoglou, 1990; Doraiswamy et al., 199 1; Coussot unable to predict or give information about debris
et al., 1993). With debris flow material, the complex- flow yield stress whereas this appears to be one of
P. Coussot, M. Meunier/ Earth-Science Reviews 40 (1996) 209-227 219

the basic properties of natural events. Indeed, this where r is the shear stress magnitude, p the shear
yield stress, which corresponds to a minimum shear rate magnitude, and rc, K and IZ are positive param-
stress that needs to be overcome for flow to take eters. The Bingham model corresponds to Eq. (1)
place, is at the origin of deep debris flow deposits with n = 1. For each model the only meaningful
which are always observed sometimes even on steep physical parameter is rc, i.e. the yield stress (Coussot
slopes. and Piau, 1994a), which increases exponentially with
On the basis of various field observations (John- solid fraction within a very wide range. Additionally
son, 1970; Coussot, 1992; Whipple and Dunne, 1992) there is a general rheological and structural similarity
leading to the conclusion that one of the main char- between the different suspensions obtained with a
acteristics of debris flows is their yield stress, a given solid material for different solid fractions
second class of work considered them as basically (Coussot, 1995).
viscoplastic fluids. Their yield stress, which may be Two very distinct approaches to debris flow be-
estimated from field measurements, is then associ- haviour have been proposed in the literature, which
ated to the clay particle interaction network which may correspond to our separation of mass move-
forms through the material (M’Ewen and Pratt, 1957; ments owing to the material components (granular or
Michaels and Bolger, 1962; Firth and Hunter, 1976; cohesive). Roughly similar separations were sug-
van Olphen, 1977; Coussot et al., 1993; Coussot and gested by Fairchild (1985) and Scott (1988) from
Piau, 1994a) and must be broken for flow to take field observations of lahars. In the case of sub-
place. Various flow curve models have been pro- aqueous flows, Middleton and Hampton (1976) also
posed that were derived from experimental data ob- distinguished debris flow, for which the main sup-
tained with laboratory rheometers (Fei, 1982; Wan, porting force of sediments is the interstitial fluid
1982; Locat and Demers, 1988; O’Brien and Julien, yield stress, from grain flow, for which grain-to-grain
1988; Coussot and Piau, 1994a, 1995~; Wang et al., interaction plays this role. This separation type also
1994) on the fine fraction of debris flows or with holds good in the work of Coussot and Piau (1995a)
specific large-scale rheometers (Phillips and Davies, who plotted the various water-debris mixtures in a
199 1; Major and Pierson, 1992; Coussot and Piau, diagram as a function of the solid fraction and the
1994b), from theoretical considerations (Chen, 1988; ratio of silt-and-clay to total solid fraction and, with
Julien and Lan, 1991) or from field observations allowance for settling and fracture limits (see Section
(Fink et al., 1981; Johnson and Rodine, 1984; Pier- 2.2.) proposed a rheological classification of
son, 1986; Whipple and Dunne, 1992). The simplest water-debris mixtures as a function of these two
and most often used model is the Bingham model parameters (see Fig. 2). These two criteria for a
(Bingham and Green, 1919), initially proposed for classification are finally analogous to those of our
debris flows by Johnson (1970) and Daido (1971). A general classification (Fig. 1) and a very close corre-
large number of works approximated rheometrical spondence can be established between the different
data in simple shear using this model. Recent works areas of the two classifications. Two main debris
(Nguyen and Boger, 1983; Coussot and Piau, 1994a, flow types were then clearly distinguished: on the
1995b, c; Atapattu et al., 1995; Coussot, 1995) have one hand, the “muddy debris flows” for which the
proposed to use a more sophisticated one, the Her- fine fraction (containing clay) is large enough (say
schel-Bulkley model (Herschel and Bulkley, 1926) above 10%) for the fine particle-water mixture to
in order to take into account the shear-thinning be- form an interstitial fluid which lubricates grain mo-
haviour of water-clay-grain mixtures or muds tions and imposes its behavior type on the whole
(Michaels and Bolger, 1962; Locat and Demers, material; on the other hand, the “granular debris
1988; Major and Pierson, 1992; Wang et al., 1994) flows” for which the fine particle fraction is low
also typical of most other concentrated suspension enough for direct grain contacts to play a major role
types when studied in a wide shear rate range. This on the mass behaviour. It is worth noticing that this
model writes: classification is a first approximation to reality and,
in particular, does not take into account the various
j=Oo7<7,;j#Oo7=7,+K~” (1) possible boundary conditions of the flows. Corre-
220 P. Coussot. M. Meunier/ Earth-Scirnw Reviews 40 (1996) 209-227

sponding muddy debris flows, which are thought to tures. However, from a practical point of view, it is
follow a Herschel-Bulkley model, mainly include worth noticing that the rheological models which
materials modelled until now with the help of the involve a yield stress, which can be roughly esti-
Bingham model. For (concentrated) granular debris mated from field measurements or rheometrical tests,
flow material, so far mainly described with the help are fundamentally the best way of modelling debris
of the model of Bagnold (1954), it appears that no flow behaviour. Indeed, during flow, since these
clear flow curve type could be proposed. It was fluids are suspensions with high yield stresses, vis-
simply suggested, on the basis of experimental re- cous dissipations are generally close to the viscous
sults on different concentrated granular material types dissipations computed by assuming that the shear
(Phillips and Davies, 1991; Coussot, 1992; Kytomaa stress within the fluid is equal to the yield stress.
and Prasad, 1993; Coussot, 19941, that they could Furthermore any model which does not take into
exhibit a minimum in the flow curve. In fact, be- account this yield stress, such as Newtonian or
cause of the peculiar characteristics of granular ma- power-law models, is incapable of predicting flow
terials in various flow conditions (arching, dilatancy, stoppage whereas this is often the crucial point either
segregation, thixotropy, bistability, jamming, etc.) from a civil engineering or a geological point of
(cf. the review of Savage, 19841, it is unlikely that view. Roughly similar results have been obtained for
confined rheometrical tests can give a realistic idea volcanic lava flows. Whereas initial works consid-
of the material behaviour during free surface flows. ered lavas as Newtonian fluids (Walker, 1967), re-
This has, for example, motivated direct flow tests in cent works proved that these materials exhibit a yield
a large-scale channel (Iverson et al., 1992). More stress which mainly decreases with temperature and
works will be required to establish which process increases with silica content (Shaw et al., 1968;
should be taken into account to describe and explain Pinkerton and Sparks, 1978; McBimey and Murase,
granular flow behaviour among collisions, Coulomb 1984). These results opened the way to relevant,
friction, dilatancy, interstitial fluid flow, pore pres- though quite approximative, numerical or analytical
sure fluctuations, etc., at the different stages of the models (see for example Danes, 1972; Dragoni.
flow. 1989). However, the effects of additional phenomena
Future work will probably give a more exact view such as degassing, crystals growth, crust formation,
of the various behaviour types of water-debris mix- thermal exchanges, etc., during lava flows, are still


then rupture)

* Shear-
yield stress

Bed load transport

(two-phase flows)

0% 100%
Fine fraction (~0.04 mm) / Total solid
Fig. 2. Conceptual rheological classification of mass movements as a function of fine content and solid fraction. The exact limits between
the different parts of the diagram should be determined for each material and may slightly vary with flow characteristics. (from Coussot,
P. Coussot, M. Meunier/Ear?h-Science Reviews 40 (1996) 209-227 221

to be explained, and the above approaches are insuf- where h is the local fluid thickness, g the gravity, p
ficient. the fluid density and i the plane slope. In this case
the flow rate and velocity distribution through a
3.2. Flow modelling cross-section can be found by integrating the set of
Eqs. (1) and (2) ( see for example Liu and Mei,
Any model which aims at predicting flow charac- 1989). Also note that the asymptotic flow depth
teristics for particular initial and boundary conditions corresponding to static situation is reached when
solves flow equations (in an integrated or local form) r = r,, which, from Eq. (21, makes it possible to
along with an equation which refers more or less roughly determine fluid yield stress from deposit
directly to material viscosity and which expresses the thickness (Johnson, 1970; Hiscott and James, 1985)
resistance of fluid against deformations: wall resis- or form (Coussot et al., 1995).
tance law, simple shear flow curve, three-dimen- Takahashi’s work has been extensively developed
sional constitutive equation or internal viscous dissi- towards engineering applications (Takahashi, 199 1)
pation rate. Then, one or fewer parameters, which via complex mathematical formulations. Though
necessarily derive from fluid viscosity, are finally these developments are remarkable because they
introduced in the general fluid mechanics equations. cover almost the whole range of problems encoun-
To get an idea of the importance of these ‘‘viscosity tered in the debris flow field and because they
parameters” for flow prediction, one simply needs to probably provide some explanations for some pecu-
imagine the great differences in velocity and flow liar effects observed with granular flows (Iverson
depth of steady water and honey flows through a and Denlinger, 1987), they are based on rheological
given channel cross-section for the same discharge. hypotheses which cannot be considered as reliable
Additionally, it is important to have a very clear (cf. Section 3.1.) and require the determination of a
picture of the fluid behaviour type within the shear coefficient by preliminary fitting. Progress is needed
rate range involved in the flow under study. If one concerning constitutive equations and flow proper-
wants to predict fluid stoppage along with rapid fluid ties of granular materials, either with or without a
flows, one has to determine the fluid behaviour liquid interstitial phase.
within the widest possible shear rate range in order In the case of fine muddy debris flows (usually
to obtain accurate predictions. These remarks should called mudflows) we enter the complex field of
preclude attempts to predict flow characteristics viscoplastic fluid flows (Bird et al., 1982). Research
without relevant presumptions concerning the fluid has aimed essentially at providing theoretical rela-
behaviour type and without a good idea of the values tionships between free surface flow characteristics
of the corresponding viscosity parameters (Bradley, and rheological properties and/or rough experimen-
1988). In the case of debris flows, some works tal confirmation (Paslay and Slibar, 1958; Howard,
overcome this difficulty by fitting parameters to 1963; Ward and O’Brien, 1980; Naik, 1983; Trow-
previous well-known events. However, this method bridge, 1987; Wang et al., 1993) or at describing the
is relevant only if a realistic behaviour model is used transition from a laminar to a turbulent regime @hang
(Bradley and McCutcheon, 1985), which means that and Ren, 1982; Naik, 1983; Hanks, 1986). Particular
separate rheometrical tests should be carried out at attention should be paid to the careful work of Liu
least in order to determine the form of the behaviour. and Mei (1989) which provides an extensive (mainly
The theoretical analysis of free surface flows for a theoretical) study of the spreading of a thin layer of a
fluid of known constitutive equation (at least in Bingham fluid on an inclined plane, and to that of
simple shear) relies on the set of equations that Rickenmann ( 1990) who carried out an original study
include flow curve, mass conservation and momen- of the transport capacity of slurry flows. This type of
tum balance. For instance, for a steady uniform flow study might be useful for possible future work to
over an infinitely wide inclined plane, this last equa- determine the mechanisms of transition from a two-
tion writes: phase to a one-phase flow in streams. Nevertheless,
only recently systematic comparisons of rheological
r=pg(h-y)sini (2) predictions with various free surface flow properties
222 P. Coussot, M. Meunier/Earth-Science Reviews 40 (19961209-227

were done (de Kee et al., 1990; Coussot, 1994; regions which remain free of fluid (Coussot and
Chilton and Gregory-Smith, 1995). The latter works Meunier, 1994).
made it possible to be confident in the use of exist- For muddy debris flows small-scale models in-
ing rheometrical measurements for free surface de- volving steady flows can at least be used to compare
bris flow prediction. Until now this verification has the effect of different structures (checkdams, weirs,
concerned only fine suspensions. However it is rea- etc.) built in streams (Coussot and Laigle, 1994;
sonable to extrapolate this conclusion to all homoge- SOGREAH, 1994). As soon as the material be-
neous materials whose behaviour type is dictated by haviour has been estimated, numerical models can
the fine interstitial clay-water mixture. reasonably be developed (O’Brien et al., 1993; Laigle
Whether these materials (muddy debris f-lows) are and Coussot, 1994, 1995). Here the transient nature
considered to follow a Herschel-Bulkley model or a of the flows is taken into account via the use of
Bingham model, similarity laws to be used for a St-Venant derived equations. When the viscosity pa-
small-scale model are readily found from the com- rameters are adequate these models must be seen as
plete set of flow equations. The usual Froude similar- relatively good tools as long as one uses them for
ity still holds but the Reynolds number must be studying natural flows within small spatial and tem-
replaced by two numbers (for the above models) poral scales. In particular the model of Laigle and
involving fluid rheological parameters and flow Coussot (1995) was proved to be capable of predict-
characteristics (Enos, 1977; Coussot, 1994). For ex- ing laboratory transient flows from independent
ample, for flow through a wide open channel, three rheometrical tests without any additional fitting, un-
relevant non-dimensional numbers governing this like the work of Takahashi (1991). Typically, we
flow are for example: recommend these models for prediction of the extent
of runout on the alluvial fan. Indeed the bouldery
front, which develops at the front of a channelled
debris flow, has a limited volume and thus should
play a minor role when the front width has signifi-
cantly increased. Moreover, erosion should be negli-
where V is the mean fluid velocity through a cross- gible over a relatively short distance.
section and h the fluid depth. For n = I, H, corre- For a complete and more exact prediction of
sponds to the Bingham number. In order to ensure channelled natural flows over long distances, either
similarity between two fluids flows at two different using a small-scale, analytical or numerical model,
scales, it appears rather easy to follow a “global” important unsolved problems remain: the behaviour
similarity, for example by using a model fluid with and role of the bouldery front, the initial conditions
reduced rheological parameters (Coussot and Laigle, (hydrogram) and the role of erosion, lateral deposits
1994). and large boulders dispersed in the bulk. This state-
Additionally it was proved (Coussot, 1994) that ment has for example motivated experimental studies
gradually varying mudflows exhibit the same charac- involving model granular materials flowing on a
teristics (hydraulic jump, subcritical and supercritical conveyor belt (Davies, 1990) which were able to
regimes, instability, etc.) as water flows. Transient reproduce these phenomena but the question of the
mudflow characteristics may also be predicted con- similarity of these laboratory flows with natural
sidering, as in usual hydraulics (Chow, 1959), that events remains open.
the local wall friction is equal to that of the uniform
flow with the same local flow depth and discharge
(Laigle and Coussot, 1994, 1995). Like any yield
stress fluid, through a channel section reduction, the 4. Conclusions
characteristics of mudflows are quite different from
water flows: instead of eddy zones on both sides of Debris flows are complex phenomena which are
the entrance they form dead regions within which the not yet well known. Their initiation is still not
fluid remains static; at the exit, they leave lateral predictable. The material involved exhibit complex
P. Coussot, M. Meunier / Earth-Science Reviews 40 (1996) 209-227 223

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P. Coussot, M. Meunier/ Earth-Science Reviews 40 (1996) 209-227 227

Philippe Coussot is a researcher in

of sediment suspensions and their implications. J. Hydraul.
Cemagref (Grenoble) (a laboratory for
Res., 32: 560-580.
engineering in environment and agricul-
Wang, Z., Lin, B., Zhang, X., 1993. Instability of non-Newtonian
ture). He received high degrees in
open channel flow. In: W. Kron (Editor), Contributions to
physics and mathematics from Ecole
Non-stationary Sediment Transport. I.H.W., Univ. Karlsruhe,
Polytechnique (Paris) in 1987. Then he
Germany, pp. l-23.
worked on debris flows towards his
Ward, T.J. and O’Brien, J.S., 1980. Flume Mechanics of Mud
Ph.D. both in Cemagref and in the Lab-
Flows. Completion Rep. Natl. Sci. Found. Res. Initiation. Fort
oratory of Rheology. He received his
Collins, Colorado.
Ph.D. in Mechanics from the Institut
Whipple, K. and Dunne, T., 1992. The influence of debris-flow
National Polytechnique de Grenoble in
rheology on fan morphology, Owens Valley, California. Geol.
1992. His works mainly concern both
Sot. Am. Bull., 104: 887-900.
the theoretical aspects of the rheology and flow characteristics of
Wildemuth, C.R. and Williams, M.C., 1984. Viscosity of suspen-
debris flow or concentrated suspensions and the protection against
sions modeled with a shear-dependent maximum packing frac-
debris flow damages from a civil engineering point of view.
tion. Rheol. Acta, 23: 627-635.
Zhang, H. and Ren, Z., 1982. Discussion on law of resistance of
hyperconcentration flow in open channel. Sci. Sin., A XXV:

Maurice Meunier is the head of a re-

search unity working on stream erosion
and hydraulics at Cemagref in Grenoble
(France). He received high degrees in
physics, mathematics from the Ecole
Polytechnique (Paris) in 1965 and in
agricultural and environmental science
from the Ecole Nationale du Genie Ru-
ral des Eaux et For&s in 1967. He has
been working in various fields of hy-
draulics in France and Africa. For ten
years he has focused on solid transport,
erosion and debris flows in mountain streams and has formed a
team and developed various unique experimental equipments for
studying these problems.

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