School Dress Code

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Garner 1

Garner, Elijah

English 10B

Period 6

Ms Neal

19 January 2023

School Dress code

I feel that schools should have limited control over what students wear to school, but still

have a dress code. When it comes to the topic of school dress code, most of us will readily agree

the argument usually ends, however it is on the question of showing too much skin or what

everyone can agree is entirely appropriate or not.While some students are convinced that they

can wear whatever they want and can show as much skin as they would like to, while others are

convinced that you should not show that much skin because it can be considered offensive.

I feel that students should be able to wear whatever but have their limits and they should

know not to wear things that have graphic depiction of nudity and to censor slurs and racist

bigoted phrases. The reason I feel like people should be able to wear what they want is because it

can give them confidence and it can tell you a lot about the person. Schools should not be able to

take away students' confidence because it causes the way they look at themselves and make them

think that they are not good enoughFurthermore, it can change the perspective the way people

look at eachother. This can cause a lot of different things to happen such as fat shaming or people

getting bullied. In my opinion I like to pick out what I wear because I can match different things

and I wouldn’t like the school to pick out what I wear or force me to wear a uniform to school.
Garner 2

I also feel that students should follow the dress code because if they dont they will wear

whatever they want and if we don't enforce the dress code enough people can get away with

wearing whatever they want and think it is ok to wear that type of clothing more often,that can

create more risk for violence and unsafe things to be possible to occur.Having to take time out of

the learning day to address dress code matters,doesn’t appear to be a good solution or beneficial .

The dress code is important because it can provide a safe environment for students and it

eliminates all the negative clothes with swear words and nudity and it lets you know that the

school has a dress code. Furthermore , a dress code helps to promote a safe learning environment

when it's implemented and followed. In addition some schools adopted policies to further

enforce dress codes by having to wear uniforms, this policy has its pros and cons. Another point

to add is there is very mixed studies from sociologists and researchers, regarding the effects of

uniforms and dress codes, concluding that it has not impacted someone’s academic performance.

School should have limited control over what students wear and that it should have no

profanity or it does not show that much skin. I think schools should not be able to tells students

what to wear and what not to wear.(John Studt) I feel that students should have somewhat of

their limit with clothes that don't cover the bra top it could be anything if it covers up a good

amount of cleavage. Schools should also not allow students to wear booty shorts and

lingerie.(Ruby Lopez) Most of these students agree that schools should have there limits and that

everyone still needs to follow the dress code.

All in all it appears that having and implementing a school dress code serves as a good

purpose and promotes a safe learning environment.In the end the schools having a dress code

should be necessary as it provides us with a healthy attitude and doesn’t promote potential
Garner 3

violence or offensive negative things surrounding us as students learning and getting our


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