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Assignment’ #ol Monvfactosing Process Muhammad Urals khan Uw-14- ME- B5¢-06F TName: Reg No: Question. No 1 /Answee %- 1- Theamol spraying Th is Process whith improves the surface of a Solid moter! Be Pecess con be used 42 apply catings 2 & wide Yonge of — motexialS and cmPonertS to Provide tation, covsosion , obYosion etc a monufottoting Sesistonce. to erosion, cov! Applicotions 2 TRis Process used in a wide Yonge of ‘tating S moving Pacts of mochineS tke, Rood % ~eil Vehicled > > ships > ar coofts > Pumps > volves = Printing Presses > electsic motore Po oe Metal plating “The metol plating Process involves evecking on ovteX cooking of nicteed, Copper, Chromive 0% athet metal to inhibit Cottotion oy to enhonte the appearance of erent meted - Applicotions- carface Protection Decorate coakingS Engineeting — caking S Mast meta Ploting 3- Moulding 2” Th is a Monufactiting Procers Sheping a tauid of mellable rs material by 599 GQ fixed Fame known aS eithed o mold of a malve- The mold is genesally a hollow Cavity Becep tocle. Commonly made of metal, whose liquid: ploske. mal CetamniC of glass material is Poured - Applications o- Pelomalie, Port! Electeonic comPonentS Medical device Consumet ploslics Fotnituse part Ss Scot Cushions = > > . thot involved chains Dashboords - Powdered > Ay These oo di Worm We Rudex Metatlurgy 3~ Tt is OS Porsdex metathgy » The clean , bright anc of the Prodsct con be Controlled effectively . Replicotiens2- 2 Te produce ail Pomp GeooxS for Automobiles Bobbit besring 2x > usd (x drowng diek and deep drasing died. S- Forging 2- lving the. Shaping of Gmetad — through hammesing » Pressing , 0% wolling - the tempexotuee of) whith & Procers of PHePoralion ancl Process the Non= {er10U metals ove colled PoxtS can be Prodwed weady Ge vse. The composition iON ancl automobiles Production of cutling foolS, wise sa manvfactusng Process inv? compressive forces axe deliveved cuith oO hammer Forging is often calegoviged acetdiny b> re. it iS PecBrmed 5 cold, ov hot fExgGing : ApplicotionS?- 2 2 4 => => TS move lies hommetS Sledges Wrenches Gosden tools _ Rotting- Th is a melal forming Pyocess in which Storie of — material 1S pasced bebween one oX morte pars of YollerS in ovder 19 Geduce and to maintain the uniter — thickness. Applicationss- > used fF mass monrfactexing of Sheel 5 ° Sup l > whneg > bats "Fe Extrusion®- Eetision is o process hae motecol undes goes ploste deformalion by the applica of Eee causing that molevial. to ffow . theagh o> ‘3 orikee oy Ai Applicationss- -» used fx produckon EF collapsible tubes = fre extinguisher coses > Shock absorbes CatindesS > Geos blank& g- sing S- Pressing aves placing flat sheet metols in eithes coil o8 blank own into ga RtamPing Press In the sess. a fool and din suiface im the metol into the desised shape. A polications 3~ > Used 4 moking eyeqlasl (ames > wristwatch caseg > Coeking — Pal $ 2? = Spoons - Knives \- Welding &- Welding iS a fobricotion Process whesby 468 oy owe. Pals oxe fised together by means of heat, Pressuse ox both forming & Jem os the Ports coal: Welding s i usually, used on metolS and themoplosbicS but can also be used on Wood: The completed Welded joint moy be sefewecd fo aS weldment- Applications a~ > Fobvicotion of sheet metal Automobile & Axcsaft indusbve dS =) ond non ferrous metal S - > Zeining Lertou $ > Jpiniag thin metol S wine Go eng oo mochining Process fF using %toy CUES fo Kemove matexiol orn CA workpiece by odvencng os feeding in a dixectom ot on onge with arf of the fool. Milling Ce in which the. cutfing fool ~sstoter to Laing cutfiny edge. to beox against the woetkpiece » Applications t- > used fC moking vatous types of Guo. > Used 42 prodoce lots 2 Matsing Croove3 > Usd fo moke flat sasfaccd. Ie Brtoaching- Broaching iS 0 reachining Pecess that Uses a toothed — tool TRE age oS called a broach , 1o ¥ernove material, “este main types of breaching ; linea® and OSA’ In linens breaching which 15 moe Commer Peocess, the broach iS) KURA Vineosly, against ao Sufce of woskpiece to pyodutce the cut. Applications- > Medical implants > Teeth and sevsctions => T= Shopect SlotS. => Cutting teeth’ > Heres ond Gyuores. 12- ee 30 Pen “a ID Prinking is “ar additive: Process whereby wyeS of — motexioll ate built up to Create Q& 3p Pots Ths is the oppose of subteactive 7 Mans actising Peocesser, Whese w acl devigr is Gul From a largas block of — matexiaS - Applications - 3 Biomedicad implonts nae Pharmaceuticals > Emergency, “seapunse. Srweheos = Educodional. motevialS = Tailored Clothing \3- Trject Painting 3 Tn this tape of monwfachxing Process thot FectealeS 6 digital image by propetting deplets of inte onto papes ond ploske cub shroted- Tye PrrntessS were the most Commonly veel tape, of Printer - Applications & > Usd Gr Prodvdion of Jere x4 > rredical devices > High Precision products. (he Costing 3° Casting Proved molten motexiol , Usuoll eto: This molten molest is then Paxed io ld cortay thot faved the for of — the Gnished Post: The molten motedo! ther GoolS, with heat generally being exttacked Vio the mould, unkl if SolisfeS into te desixed shape sevolveS the Use & Applications > Medico esaipment ere esepreis /ihas > Mochine fools PF — Railors Po

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