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package javaapplication14;
import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;
* @author gerar
public class JavaApplication14 {

* @param args the command line arguments
public static void main(String[] args) {
int n, valor1, valor2;
double a;
//pide numero.
System.out.println("Dame un balorcito.");
Scanner sca=new Scanner(;
valor1 = sca.nextInt();//espera te aviso necesitas impoortar el escanner

System.out.println("Dame otro balorcito.");

valor2 = sca.nextInt();
// randokm
int c, tr;
float vi;
Random aleatorio = new Random();
for(n = 1; n <11; n = n +1){
a = ((int)(aleatorio.nextDouble()*1000))/(double)1000;

vi = (float)(valor1+(valor2+valor1)/a);
//4.333 4 .33 20
//(vi-(vi%1)*60)----- (vi-(vi%1))

// ta= (double)();
System.out.println(" Usuario"+n +"\t Valor Ri :"+a + "\t Valor
Ti :"+vi +"\t Valor Tr :"

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