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Page 1975 TITLE 12—BANKS AND BANKING § 5565

fails to take action within 60 days of the request § 5565. Relief available
of the Bureau.
(a) Administrative proceedings or court actions
(f) Forum (1) Jurisdiction
Any civil action brought under this title 1 may The court (or the Bureau, as the case may
be brought in a United States district court or be) in an action or adjudication proceeding
in any court of competent jurisdiction of a state brought under Federal consumer financial law,
in a district in which the defendant is located or shall have jurisdiction to grant any appro-
resides or is doing business, and such court shall priate legal or equitable relief with respect to
have jurisdiction to enjoin such person and to a violation of Federal consumer financial law,
require compliance with any Federal consumer including a violation of a rule or order pre-
financial law. scribed under a Federal consumer financial
(g) Time for bringing action law.
(2) Relief
(1) In general
Relief under this section may include, with-
Except as otherwise permitted by law or eq- out limitation—
uity, no action may be brought under this (A) rescission or reformation of contracts;
title 1 more than 3 years after the date of dis- (B) refund of moneys or return of real
covery of the violation to which an action re- property;
lates. (C) restitution;
(2) Limitations under other Federal laws (D) disgorgement or compensation for un-
just enrichment;
(A) In general (E) payment of damages or other monetary
An action arising under this title 1 does relief;
not include claims arising solely under enu- (F) public notification regarding the viola-
merated consumer laws. tion, including the costs of notification;
(G) limits on the activities or functions of
(B) Bureau authority the person; and
In any action arising solely under an enu- (H) civil money penalties, as set forth
merated consumer law, the Bureau may more fully in subsection (c).
commence, defend, or intervene in the ac- (3) No exemplary or punitive damages
tion in accordance with the requirements of
that provision of law, as applicable. Nothing in this subsection shall be con-
strued as authorizing the imposition of exem-
(C) Transferred authority plary or punitive damages.
In any action arising solely under laws for (b) Recovery of costs
which authorities were transferred under In any action brought by the Bureau, a State
subtitles F and H, the Bureau may com- attorney general, or any State regulator to en-
mence, defend, or intervene in the action in force any Federal consumer financial law, the
accordance with the requirements of that Bureau, the State attorney general, or the State
provision of law, as applicable. regulator may recover its costs in connection
(Pub. L. 111–203, title X, § 1054, July 21, 2010, 124 with prosecuting such action if the Bureau, the
Stat. 2028.) State attorney general, or the State regulator is
the prevailing party in the action.
Editorial Notes (c) Civil money penalty in court and administra-
tive actions
This title, referred to in subsecs. (b), (d)(2)(C), (f), and Any person that violates, through any act or
(g)(1), (2)(A), is title X of Pub. L. 111–203, July 21, 2010,
124 Stat. 1955, known as the Consumer Financial Pro-
omission, any provision of Federal consumer
tection Act of 2010, which enacted this subchapter and financial law shall forfeit and pay a civil pen-
enacted, amended, and repealed numerous other sec- alty pursuant to this subsection.
tions and notes in the Code. For complete classification (2) Penalty amounts
of title X to the Code, see Short Title note set out
under section 5301 of this title and Tables.
(A) First tier
Subtitle F, referred to in subsec. (g)(2)(C), is subtitle For any violation of a law, rule, or final
F (§§ 1061–1067) of title X of Pub. L. 111–203, July 21, 2010, order or condition imposed in writing by the
124 Stat. 2035, which is classified generally to part F Bureau, a civil penalty may not exceed $5,000
(§ 5581 et seq.) of this subchapter. For complete classi- for each day during which such violation or
fication of subtitle F to the Code, see Tables.
Subtitle H, referred to in subsec. (g)(2)(C), is subtitle
failure to pay continues.
H (§§ 1081–1100H) of title X of Pub. L. 111–203, July 21, (B) Second tier
2010, 124 Stat. 2080. For complete classification of sub-
Notwithstanding paragraph (A), for any
title H to the Code, see Tables.
person that recklessly engages in a violation
of a Federal consumer financial law, a civil
Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries penalty may not exceed $25,000 for each day
during which such violation continues.
(C) Third tier
Section effective on the designated transfer date, see
section 1058 of Pub. L. 111–203, set out as a note under Notwithstanding subparagraphs (A) and
section 5561 of this title. (B), for any person that knowingly violates a
§ 5566 TITLE 12—BANKS AND BANKING Page 1976

Federal consumer financial law, a civil pen- § 5567. Employee protection

alty may not exceed $1,000,000 for each day
(a) In general
during which such violation continues.
No covered person or service provider shall
(3) Mitigating factors
terminate or in any other way discriminate
In determining the amount of any penalty against, or cause to be terminated or discrimi-
assessed under paragraph (2), the Bureau or nated against, any covered employee or any au-
the court shall take into account the appro- thorized representative of covered employees by
priateness of the penalty with respect to— reason of the fact that such employee or rep-
(A) the size of financial resources and good resentative, whether at the initiative of the em-
faith of the person charged; ployee or in the ordinary course of the duties of
(B) the gravity of the violation or failure the employee (or any person acting pursuant to
to pay; a request of the employee), has—
(C) the severity of the risks to or losses of (1) provided, caused to be provided, or is
the consumer, which may take into account about to provide or cause to be provided, infor-
the number of products or services sold or mation to the employer, the Bureau, or any
provided; other State, local, or Federal, government au-
(D) the history of previous violations; and thority or law enforcement agency relating to
(E) such other matters as justice may re- any violation of, or any act or omission that
quire. the employee reasonably believes to be a vio-
(4) Authority to modify or remit penalty lation of, any provision of this title 1 or any
other provision of law that is subject to the ju-
The Bureau may compromise, modify, or
risdiction of the Bureau, or any rule, order,
remit any penalty which may be assessed or
standard, or prohibition prescribed by the Bu-
had already been assessed under paragraph (2).
The amount of such penalty, when finally de-
(2) testified or will testify in any proceeding
termined, shall be exclusive of any sums owed
resulting from the administration or enforce-
by the person to the United States in connec-
ment of any provision of this title 1 or any
tion with the costs of the proceeding, and may
other provision of law that is subject to the ju-
be deducted from any sums owing by the
risdiction of the Bureau, or any rule, order,
United States to the person charged.
standard, or prohibition prescribed by the Bu-
(5) Notice and hearing reau;
No civil penalty may be assessed under this (3) filed, instituted, or caused to be filed or
subsection with respect to a violation of any instituted any proceeding under any Federal
Federal consumer financial law, unless— consumer financial law; or
(A) the Bureau gives notice and an oppor- (4) objected to, or refused to participate in,
tunity for a hearing to the person accused of any activity, policy, practice, or assigned task
the violation; or that the employee (or other such person) rea-
(B) the appropriate court has ordered such sonably believed to be in violation of any law,
assessment and entered judgment in favor of rule, order, standard, or prohibition, subject to
the Bureau. the jurisdiction of, or enforceable by, the Bu-
(Pub. L. 111–203, title X, § 1055, July 21, 2010, 124
Stat. 2029.) (b) Definition of covered employee
For the purposes of this section, the term
Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries ‘‘covered employee’’ means any individual per-
forming tasks related to the offering or provi-
sion of a consumer financial product or service.
Section effective on the designated transfer date, see
section 1058 of Pub. L. 111–203, set out as a note under
(c) Procedures and timetables
section 5561 of this title. (1) Complaint
(A) In general
§ 5566. Referrals for criminal proceedings
A person who believes that he or she has
If the Bureau obtains evidence that any per- been discharged or otherwise discriminated
son, domestic or foreign, has engaged in conduct against by any person in violation of sub-
that may constitute a violation of Federal section (a) may, not later than 180 days after
criminal law, the Bureau shall transmit such the date on which such alleged violation oc-
evidence to the Attorney General of the United curs, file (or have any person file on his or
States, who may institute criminal proceedings her behalf) a complaint with the Secretary
under appropriate law. Nothing in this section of Labor alleging such discharge or discrimi-
affects any other authority of the Bureau to dis- nation and identifying the person respon-
close information. sible for such act.
(Pub. L. 111–203, title X, § 1056, July 21, 2010, 124 (B) Actions of Secretary of Labor
Stat. 2031.)
Upon receipt of such a complaint, the Sec-
retary of Labor shall notify, in writing, the
Statutory Notes and Related Subsidiaries
person named in the complaint who is al-
EFFECTIVE DATE leged to have committed the violation, of—
Section effective on the designated transfer date, see (i) the filing of the complaint;
section 1058 of Pub. L. 111–203, set out as a note under
section 5561 of this title. 1 See References in Text note below.

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